iss BVI Issues Final Economic Substance Rules

On October 9, 2019, the British Virgin Islands International Tax Authority has finalized rules governing the application of the territory's new economic substance requirements, which became effective from January 1, 2019.

iss Turkey Issues Draft Guidance On Digital Services Tax

The Turkish tax authority has published a draft communique on the application of the digital sales tax, which is set to come into effect on March 1, 2020.

iss EU Finance Ministers Issue Joint Statement On Digital Taxation

The finance ministers of France, Germany, Italy, and Spain have put their names to a statement calling for countries to reach an agreement on solving the tax challenges of the digital economy by the end of 2020.

iss Hong Kong Issues Tax Compliance Guide For Property Owners

On June 14, 2018, Hong Kong's Inland Revenue Department released guidance on the tax obligations of landlords.

iss Hong Kong Issues New Guidance On Foreign Tax Credits

Hong Kong's Inland Revenue Department has released new guidance notes on the deduction of foreign taxes.

iss Swiss CbC Reporting Regime Wins OECD Approval

Switzerland's country-by-country reporting regime meets international standards and the country effectively exchanges the reports it receives with other countries, an OECD peer review has concluded.

iss Swiss Gov't Approves Changes To Iran DTA

On October 23, the Swiss Federal Council adopted a dispatch on a protocol to the double tax agreement with Iran, which implements the minimum standards for such agreements.

iss Swiss Tax Transparency Changes Enter Into Force

The Swiss Government has published guidance on the legislation that brings into force the recommendations made by the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes.

iss Switzerland, EU To Link Emissions Trading Systems

Switzerland and the EU are to link their emissions trading systems from next year, after the Swiss Federal Council approved revisions to the country's Ordinance on the Reduction of CO2 Emissions.

iss Swiss Tax Disputes Resolved Quickly In 2018: Report

Switzerland has released a report on its efforts to resolve tax disputes, noting that the average time to complete mutual agreement procedure cases was 13 months in 2018, significantly below that required under the BEPS minimum standards.

iss UAE Issues Guidance Ahead Of VAT Filing Deadline

Businesses registered for the United Arab Emirates's value-added tax need to complete a four-step online procedure to file their tax returns, the Federal Tax Authority has said.

iss UAE Issues Guidance On Reclaiming VAT On New House Builds

The United Arab Emirates' Federal Tax Authority has issued guidance on obtaining refunds of value-added tax on new homes.


World Encephalitis Day: A Global Issue That Needs a Human Solution

Highlights: World Encephalitis Day is celebrated annually on 22 nd February Its major objective is to raise awaren

iss New Zealand Issues COVID-19 Guidance For Businesses

New Zealand's Inland Revenue Department has set out the range of supports available to businesses in response to the impact of COVID-19.

iss IRS Issues Estate Tax Regulations

On November 22, 2019, the United States Internal Revenue Service issued final regulations confirming that individuals taking advantage of the increased gift and estate tax exclusion amounts in effect from 2018 to 2025 will not be adversely impacted after 2025 when the exclusion amount is scheduled to drop to pre-2018 levels.

iss EU Commission Warns Of Tax Scam Letters

The European Commission has warned taxpayers in Europe of letters being sent by fraudsters bearing its name and demanding the payment of tax not due.

iss Australia Issues Ruling On Hybrid Mismatch Rules

The Australian Taxation Office has opened a consultation on a draft Law Companion Ruling on the targeted integrity rule that will apply under the new hybrid mismatch regime.

iss Ireland Issues Guidance On New Anti-Hybrid Mismatch Rules

The Irish Government has released additional guidance on its proposals for new anti-hybrid rules, responding to feedback to a consultation launched in November 2018.

iss Ireland Issues E-Brief On Mergers And Divisions

The Irish Revenue has published guidance on the tax compliance obligations that arise from mergers and divisions.

iss Ireland Issues Guide On Dual-Resident Companies

The Irish Revenue has published guidance on dual-resident companies that explains new rules introduced under the BEPS multilateral convention on tax treaties.

iss Ireland Announces Help For SMEs With Cash-Flow Issues

The Irish Revenue has issued advice on the steps it is taking to help SMEs experiencing cashflow and trading difficulties arising from the impact of the coronavirus.

iss Swiss Council Consults On Automatic Exchange Of Tax Info

The Swiss Federal Council has launched a consultation on a proposed new Ordinance on the International Automatic Exchange of Information in Tax Matters.

iss Swiss Council Adopts Dispatch On 8 TIEAs

The Swiss Federal Council has adopted a dispatch on the introduction of the automatic exchange of financial account information with eight jurisdictions.

iss IRS Issues Final Foreign Tax Credit Regulations

On December 2, 2019, the United States Internal Revenue Service issued final regulations on the foreign tax credit following major changes to the US tax code.

iss Germany Issues Draft Guidance On DAC6

On March 2, 2020, the German Ministry of Finance released a draft discussion document on new rules implementing the sixth European Union Directive on Administrative Cooperation, under which intermediaries are obligated to report certain tax planning schemes.

iss OECD Releases Cross-Border Int'l Tax Guidance On COVID-19 Issues

The OECD has released guidance for national policymakers on the impact of COVID-19 on the treatment of cross-border workers and the interpretation of international tax treaty rules.

iss Malta Issues Payroll Tax Guidance On COVID-19 Wage Supplement

On April 4, 2020, Malta released payroll tax-related guidance for employers on the Government's responses to the COVID-19 epidemic.

iss Irish Revenue Issues Guidance On COVID-19 Corporate Tax Return Deferral

The Irish Revenue has updated its guidance on the impact on relief claims of the late filing of corporate tax returns, in the context of the coronavirus pandemic.

iss German EU Presidency Will Focus On Tax Issues: Merkel

On April 25, 2020, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Germany would attempt to seek agreement on a financial transaction tax and a minimum corporate tax when it assumes the presidency of the European Union in July 2020.

iss EU Finance Ministers Issue Joint Statement On Digital Taxation

The finance ministers of France, Germany, Italy, and Spain have put their names to a statement calling for countries to reach an agreement on solving the tax challenges of the digital economy by the end of 2020.


Genital Warts Left Untreated May Up HIV Transmission Risk

Genital warts may raise the risk of HIV transmission, but prevention and treatment could reduce the spread of the disease, reports a new study. The findings


Stem Cells Extracted from Baby Teeth Can Help Regrow Dental Tissues

Dental stem cells extracted from baby teeth can help in the regeneration of dental tissues, reports a new study. The findings of the study are published


Air Pollution Related to New Reasons of Hospital Admissions

Short-term exposure to fine particulate air pollution (PM2.5) for the first time can result in hospitalization for septicemia (severe bloodstream infection),


Global Carbon Emissions Growth Hits Record High Again

Coal use is down dramatically in the United States and the European Union, but rising natural gas and oil use in 2019 increased the world's carbon dioxide emission.


Ways To Deal With Pollution Issues of Pharma Waste Revealed

Global Data offers ways to deal with two main problems-waste and carbon-which the pharma industry faces today along with its possible solutions. Allie


Mental Health Issues on Rise Among US Adolescents

Among US adolescents, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, and other "internalizing" problems account for an increasing share of mental burden, stated


New E-tool Helps Kids With Mental Health Issues

The Mayo Clinic Anxiety Coach launched by Mayo Clinic can help children and teenagers to work through anxiety treatment resources at the comfort of their home.


X-rays Can Provide Information On Soft Tissues Too

X-ray elastography is a non-invasive method of medical imaging to know the stiffness and elasticity of soft tissue. This could allow healthcare professionals


Gene Scissors Detect Diseases

University of Freiburg scientists have used gene scissors to edit genetic material in order to better diagnose diseases such as cancer. The results are


Rubber Bullets and Pellet Guns can Cause Major Damage to Tissues

The recent violence in Jammu and Kashmir has brought pellet guns and rubber bullets into focus. Rubber bullets are blunt-nosed with a muzzle velocity


Link Between Hypertension and Tissue-remodeling Enzyme Discovered

A link between MMP7 (tissue-remodeling enzyme) and the risk of hypertension has been identified by Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT-M) researchers.


Wound Healing in Mucous Tissues Could Ward Off AIDS: Study

Wound-repair capabilities maintain tissue integrity during early infection and might prevent inflammation that underlies immune exhaustion, reveals a new study.


Bacterial Vesicles Reduce HIV Spread in Human Tissues

Vesicles which are nano-sized released by certain bacteria that inhabit the vagina were found to protect against HIV infection, suggested a study of human


Banning Hospital Ads may Increase Patient Readmission

Patients are positively influenced by hospital advertising and a blanket ban on hospital advertising can lead to hospital readmissions, reveals a new study.


Coronavirus Infection Rate is Low and No Community Transmission Yet: Ministry

Infection rate from COVID-19 is not huge according to the samples collected, and there is no community transmission in the country so far, according to Union Health Ministry.


Transmission Risk of Malaria is Highest in Early Evening

Mosquitoes are most likely to transmit malaria in the early evening, when people are exposed, then at midnight, when people are protected by bed nets, or in the morning, according to the new study.


AI Tool Predicts Which COVID-19 Patients Develop Respiratory Issue

New experimental artificial intelligence tool accurately predicted which COVID-19 patients would develop severe respiratory disease, according to a new study.


One Step Closer to Developing Mobile Contact Tracing App to Stop Coronavirus Transmission

Developing a mobile app to trace close proximity contacts can help control coronavirus transmission, reports a new study. A team of medical researchers


Health Care Workers Get Guidelines From National Health Mission Guidelines

The National Health Mission (NHM) has advised health workers, who are part of the primary health care (PHC) team, to ensure safety for themselves and