
Fostering inclusive growth in Malaysia

Malaysia has followed a comparatively equitable development path, largely eliminating absolute poverty and greatly reduced ethnic inequality.


Archived webinar - What does PISA reveal about teacher policy and practice

For the first time in PISA a teacher questionnaire provides valuable information on teaching practices and learning activities in the classroom. This webinar will focus on insights from the PISA findings on teacher policy and practice.


How student attitudes towards the value of education can be shaped by careers education – evidence from the OECD’s PISA study (OECD Education Today Blog)

As governments around the world seek to tackle stubbornly high levels of youth unemployment, new attention has been focused on the relationship between education and employment.


Decoupling of wages from productivity: Macro-level facts

This paper provides a quantitative description of decoupling in OECD countries over the past two decades, with the results suggesting that it is explained by declines in both labour shares and the ratio of median to average wages (a partial measure of wage inequality).


Who are the winners and losers of the expansion of education over the past 50 years? (OECD Education Today Blog)

Modern education systems, which are open to the middle classes and the poor, not just the elites, were established during the first industrial revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries.


PISA in Focus No. 68 - Where did equity in education improve over the past decade?

The persistence of social inequities in education – the fact that children of wealthy and highly educated parents tend to do better in school than children from less privileged families – is often seen as a difficult-to-reverse feature of education systems.


Portugal: Successful reforms have underpinned economic recovery

The Portuguese economy is gradually recovering from a deep recession thanks to a broad structural reform agenda that has led to rising economic growth, falling unemployment and remarkable progress in export performance.


Archived webinar - "Where did equity improve", with Andreas Schleicher - Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills (February 6, 2017)

The persistence of social inequities in education – the fact that children of wealthy and highly educated parents tend to do better in school than children from less privileged families – is often seen as a difficult-to-reverse feature of education systems. PISA shows that, rather than assuming that inequality of opportunity is set in stone, school systems can become more equitable over a relatively short time.


Archived webinar - What do we know about the largest education system in the world A snapshot of education in China (February 21)

China has the largest education system in the world. With almost 260 million students and over 15 million teachers in about 514 000 schools (National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2014), excluding graduate education institutions, China’s education system is not only immense but diverse.


Doctors and nurses are from Venus, scientists and engineers are from Mars (for now) (OECD Education Today Blog)

There is little doubt that in OECD countries, the chances for boys and girls to succeed and contribute to society have become more equal over the past century.


PISA in Focus No. 69 - What kind of careers in science do 15-year-old boys and girls expect for themselves?

On average across OECD countries, almost one in four students – whether boy or girl – expects to work in an occupation that requires further science training beyond compulsory education. This brief highlights the kinds of science careers 15-year-olds anticipate for themselves in the future.


Archived webinar - "Pedagogical Knowledge and the Changing Nature of the Teaching Profession" (February 24th, 2017)

Highly qualified and competent teachers are fundamental for equitable and effective education systems. Teachers today are facing higher and more complex expectations to help students reach their full potential and become valuable members of 21st century society.


Archived webinar - Gender differences in education - through the lens of PISA (March 8, 2017)

In 2015, PISA asked students about the occupation they expect to be working in when they are 30 years old. Students’ responses were later grouped into science-related and non-science-related careers – with the former including science and engineering professionals; health professionals; science technicians and associate professionals; and information and communication technology (ICT) professionals.


Finding and cultivating talented teachers: Insights from high-performing countries (OECD Education Today Blog)

In a rapidly changing world, having a strong knowledge base in their subject area, good classroom management skills and a commitment to helping students learn may no longer be enough to meet the expanding role of teachers.


PISA in Focus No. 70: What do we know about teachers’ selection and professional development in high-performing countries?

In countries that performed above the OECD average in science, at least 80% of the students are in schools that invite specialists to conduct teacher training or organise in-service workshops for teachers or where teachers cooperate with each other. This is higher, on average, than what is observed among other countries.


How inequalities in acquiring skills evolve (OECD Education Today Blog)

PISA data reveal large disparities in achievement not only across countries, but also within countries across different subgroups of students.


Archived webinar - Empowering and Enabling Teachers to Improve Equity and Outcomes for All (with Andreas Schleicher, Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills, OECD)

Despite increased funding and many reforms, most education systems are still seeking ways to better prepare their students for a world in which technological change and the digital revolution are changing the way we work, live and relate to one another.


Empowering teachers to improve equity and inspire learning (OECD Education Today Blog)

The expectations for teachers are high and rising each day.


Education Policy Outlook Country Profile - Latvia

This policy profile on education in Latvia is part of the Education Policy Outlook series, which presents comparative analysis of education policies and reforms across OECD countries.


Have emerging Latin American countries chosen quantity over quality in education? (OECD Education Today Blog)

Developing human capital is an integral part of economic growth and social progress.


Education Indicators in Focus No. 50: Educational attainment and investment in education in Ibero-American countries

Despite the geographical distances between them, Ibero-American countries share some similarities in their educational attainment rates and private expenditure on educational institutions as a percentage of GDP.


Empowering teachers to improve equity and inspire learning (OECD Education Today Blog)

Every year in March, education ministers and union leaders of the highest-performing and most rapidly improving education systems (according to PISA) meet to seek ways to improve the status of the teaching profession. Many countries could use such guidance.


Register for the Q&A Webinar - Tax Incentives to Invest in Education and Skills (Thursday, 13 April, at 17:00 Paris time)

This public session will discuss the financial incentives to invest in education, with a particular focus on how tax systems impact skills development in OECD countries. The webinar will present some of the key findings from the OECD’s new report, Taxation and Skills and their implications for policy makers.


Does the world need people who understand problems, or who can solve them? (OECD Education Today Blog)

A recently published OECD publication, The Nature of Problem Solving: Using Research to Inspire 21st Century Learning, explores the concept of problem solving in great depth.


Developing an agenda for research and education in Wales (OECD Education Today Blog)

Wales is implementing a wave of reforms designed to improve delivery of teacher education. There is a new curriculum; new teacher and leadership standards for teachers; and new accreditation standards for providers of initial teacher education.


Archived webinar - Tax incentives to invest in education and skills

This public session discussed the financial incentives to invest in education, with a particular focus on how tax systems impact skills development in OECD countries. The webinar presented some of the key findings from the OECD’s new report, Taxation and Skills and their implications for policy makers.


Most teenagers happy with their lives but schoolwork anxiety and bullying an issue

Teenagers who feel part of a school community and enjoy good relations with their parents and teachers are more likely to perform better academically and be happier with their lives, according to the first OECD PISA assessment of students’ well-being.


Learning in school as a social activity (OECD Education Today Blog)

Happy schools are places where children feel challenged but competent, where they work hard but enjoy it, where social relationships are rewarding and respectful, and where academic achievement is the product but not the sole objective.


Archived webinar - PISA Q&A Webinar - New Data and Insights from PISA on Students' Well Being

with Andreas Schleicher, Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills


The Netherlands should step up its efforts to give people the skills needed to thrive in an increasingly interconnected and rapidly changing world, according to a new OECD report.

The Dutch education system and the skills of the Dutch population are very strong overall. But there are concerns that too many people in the Netherlands are not developing the “right” skills to succeed or taking sufficient responsibility for maintaining and further developing their skills in adulthood.


OECD to launch Skills Outlook 2017: Skills and global value chains, 09:00 GMT on Thursday 4 May

Amid a growing debate over the benefits of globalisation, a new OECD report examines how the level and mix of skills in a country’s workforce can affect its chances of winning or losing from the globalised production chains that see workers dotted across different countries contributing to the design, manufacture and sale of a single product


Improving adult skills can help countries benefit from globalisation

In an increasingly competitive international environment, providing workers with the right mix of skills can help ensure that globalisation translates into new jobs and productivity gains rather than negative economic and social outcomes, according to a new OECD report.


How to surf the new wave of globalisation (OECD Education Today Blog)

Globalisation is connecting people, cities, countries and continents, bringing together a majority of the world’s population in ways that vastly increase our individual and collective potential, and creating an integrated market in products and services.


We must invest in the transformational power of higher education

Despite people’s perceptions of us, we economists are neither futurologists, nor historians. But we do see trends that we try to interpret, by applying objectivity where subjectivity abounds, and using the (rather few) tools we have developed to address (very many) major social problems.


Knowing and actively debating why, the heart of every policy (OECD Education Today Blog)

What makes some of the largest companies in the world successful? According to consultant Simon Sinek in a very popular TedTalk it is because they start with the ‘why’.


Improving education and training will boost growth and productivity in Greece

Greece should prioritise investment in education and training and improve the quality of teaching and educational leadership in order to boost medium and long-term growth prospects, according to a new OECD report.


Why are immigrants less proficient in literacy than native-born adults? (OECD Education Today Blog)

Why is it that even highly educated migrants to OECD countries are less likely to be employed than native-born adults who are similarly educated, even if the migrants have lived in their host country for several years?


Archived webinar - PISA Q&A Webinar - Students' Financial Literacy" with Andreas Schleicher - Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills

PISA 2015 Results (Volume IV): Students’ Financial Literacy, explores students’ experience with and knowledge about money and provides an overall picture of 15-year-olds’ ability to apply their accumulated knowledge and skills to real-life situations involving financial issues and decisions.


Improve early education and care to help more children get ahead and boost social mobility

Countries should step up their efforts to provide affordable and high-quality early childhood education and care (ECEC) to improve social mobility and give all children the chance to fulfil their potential, according to a new OECD report.


Archived webinar - Transitions from Early Childhood Education and Care to Primary Education

The transition from early childhood education to primary school is a big step for all children, and a step which more and more children are having to take. Quality transitions should be well-prepared and child-centred, managed by trained staff collaborating with one another, and guided by an appropriate and aligned curriculum.


Rethinking the learning environment (OECD Education Today Blog)

What do innovative learning environments around the world look like? How might they be led and evaluated? What policy strategies stimulate and support them? For the past decade the OECD’s Centre for Education Research and Innovation (CERI) has addressed these and similar questions in an international study called Innovative Learning Environments.


Investigating the complexities of school funding (OECD Education Today Blog)

Back in 2013, when we launched the OECD's first international review of school resource policies, we may not have been fully prepared for the detective-type work we were getting into. The OECD Review of School Resources covers 18 school systems and aims to shed light on a part of education policy that has been surprisingly left in the dark.


Realising Slovenia’s bold vision for skills (OECD Education Today Blog)

Small in size but not in its ambitions, Slovenia has a bold vision for a society in which people learn for and through life, are innovative, trust one another, enjoy a high quality of life and embrace their unique identity and culture.


Are countries ready to invest in early childhood education? (OECD Education Today Blog)

There is now a widespread consensus that high-quality early childhood education is critically important for children. Research continues to find that early childhood education can compensate for a lack of learning opportunities at home, and can help children begin to develop the social and emotional skills needed for success later in life.


Education Indicators in Focus No. 53 - How have teachers’ salaries evolved and how do they compare to those of tertiary-educated workers?

The combined effects of policy reforms to attract and/or retain teachers, and financial constraints in the context of the economic downturn in 2008 may explain part of the recent trends in teachers’ salaries: decreases in statutory salaries and smaller salary gaps between levels of education.


People on the move: growing mobility, increasing diversity (OECD Education Today Blog)

In August 2015, a newspaper published a story about Sam Cookney’s commute to work. Pretty boring, one would think, as long commutes are nothing new for most of us. However, Sam’s story is not so common. He works in London and commutes, several times per month, from Barcelona!


Trends Shaping Education Spotlight No. 11 - People on the Move

International mobility is on the rise, and the growing number of people coming and going across borders leads to increasingly diverse communities. Education has an important role to play in developing the competencies required for our increasingly global world.


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The highlights from the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills


How education can spur progress towards inclusive growth (OECD Education Today Blog)

Costa Rica is recognised across Latin America as a leader in education. The country was among the first in the region to enrol all children in primary school and combat adult illiteracy.


Improving education outcomes for Indigenous students (OECD Education Today Blog)

Indigenous peoples are the first inhabitants of their lands, but are often poorly served by the education systems in their countries. Why? Is it necessary to wait until issues such as poverty or appropriate legal recognition for Indigenous peoples are resolved?