
Malaysia’s economic success story and challenges

Malaysia has sustained over four decades of rapid, inclusive growth, reducing its dependence on agriculture and commodity exports to become a more diversified, modern and open economy.


Boosting productivity in Malaysia

Productivity growth is essential to providing sustainable increases in living standards. Malaysia has reached a development stage where growth needs to be driven more by productivity gains than the sheer accumulation of capital and labour inputs.


OECD Business and Finance Scoreboard

The OECD Business and Finance Scoreboard accompanies the OECD Business and Finance Outlook by providing a commented overview of selected indicators and data related to corporate performance, banking, capital markets, pensions and investments.


A Step Ahead: Competition Policy for Shared Prosperity and Inclusive Growth

This publication puts forward a research agenda that advocates the importance of market competition, effective market regulation, and competition policies for achieving inclusive growth and shared prosperity in emerging and developing economies. It is the result of a global partnership and shared commitment between the World Bank Group and the OECD.


Algorithms and collusion: Competition policy in the digital age

The combination of big data with technologically advanced tools is changing the competitive landscape in many markets and sectors. While this is producing benefits and efficiencies, it is also raising concerns of possible anti-competitive behaviour. This paper looks at whether algorithms can make tacit collusion easier and discusses some of the challenges they present for both competition law enforcement and market regulation.


Sport, corruption and responsible business conduct

Significant corruption, labour, human rights and environmental risks are associated with the organisation of large sporting events. The OECD has instruments and expertise in implementation of complex projects can help host governments, event organisers and their business partners ensure that the world of sport remains associated with the traditional values of excellence and fair play.


Rethinking Antitrust Tools for Multi-Sided Platforms 2018

This report investigates how competition agencies can respond to the challenges posed by the multi-sided nature of platform markets, which are particularly common in the digital economy.


Financial markets, insurance and pensions: Digitalisation and Finance

This publication compiles a series of articles that focus on the impact of digitalisation and technology in the areas of financial markets, insurance, and private pensions. It also discusses the tools and policies needed to ensure that the challenges posed by digitalisation result in better outcomes and better management of the risks involved.


Conference on gender equality in business

7 March 2019, Paris - The OECD is committed to promoting gender equality as a strong driver of economic development, inclusivity and socio-economic participation. On the occasion of International Women’s day, the OECD annual conference on gender equality for business will welcome senior decision-makers from the public and corporate worlds, experts, academics and stakeholders.


La Pesada Carga de la Obesidad - La Economía de la Prevención: Key findings for Mexico (in Spanish)

México tiene una de las tasas más altas de obesidad: casi uno de cada tres adultos son obesos. Como consecuencia, los mexicanos viven en promedio 4,2 años menos debido al sobrepeso, la mayor reducción en esperanza de vida de todos los países analizados. Las repercusiones sobre la economía son destacables: el sobrepeso representa el 8,9% del gasto en salud.


The Heavy Burden of Obesity: Key findings for Mexico

Mexico has one of the highest rates of obesity: nearly one in three adults are obese. As a result, Mexicans live on average 4.2 years less due to overweight, the largest reductions in life expectancy of all countries analysed. The impact on the economy is large: overweight accounts for 8.9% of health expenditure; and lowers labour market outputs by the equivalent of 2.4m full time workers per year.


Public comments received on the discussion draft on the meaning of “beneficial owner” in the OECD Model Tax Convention

Public comments received on the discussion draft on the meaning of “beneficial owner” in the OECD Model Tax Convention


OECD releases a discussion draft on the definition of “permanent establishment” in the OECD Model Tax Convention

The OECD invites public comments on proposed changes to the Commentary on Article 5 (Permanent Establishment) of the OCD Model Tax Convention.


OECD Model Tax Convention: Public comments received on the discussion draft on tax treaty issues related to the trading of emissions permits

On 31 May 2011, the OECD Committee on Fiscal Affairs released for public comment a discussion draft on the application of the provisions of the OECD Model Tax Convention to the cross-border trading of emissions permits. The OECD has now published the comments received on this consultation draft.


OECD meets with business commentators on the valuation of intangibles for transfer pricing purposes 7-9 November 2011

Meeting with Business Representatives on definitional and ownership issues related to transfer pricing of intangibles: 7-9 November 2011


Discussion on VAT policy design and application of VAT to international trade.

OECD experts meet to discuss VAT policy design and application of VAT to international trade.


New head of the OECD's Tax Treaty, Transfer Pricing and Financial Transactions Division is appointed

Ms. Marlies de Ruiter has been appointed Head of the Tax Treaty, Transfer Pricing and Financial Transactions Division of the OECD's Center for Tax Policy and Administration. She will take up her duties on 1 February 2012.


Rising tax revenues: a key to economic development in Latin American countries

Increased domestic resource mobilization is widely accepted as crucial for countries to successfully meet the challenges of development and achieve higher living standards for all their people.


Post-crisis debt overhang: Growth implications across countries

Public debt in the OECD area passed annual GDP in 2011 and is still rising. This paper was prepared for the Reserve Bank of India Second International Research Conference 2012: “Monetary Policy, Sovereign Debt and Financial Stability: The New Trilemma”, 1-2 February, 2012 in Mumbai, India


Greece: signs international tax agreement to tackle tax evasion

Greece has signed the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, a multilateral agreement that was developed jointly by the Council of Europe and the OECD and that is open for signature to all countries.


Tax: India ratifies Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters

India has ratified the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, a multilateral agreement developed jointly by the Council of Europe and the OECD that was opened for signature to all countries in June 2011.


Public comments received on the discussion draft on the definition of “permanent establishment” in the OECD Model Tax Convention

Public comments received on the proposed changes to the Commentary on Article 5 (Permanent Establishment) of the OECD Model Tax Convention.


Costa Rica becomes first Central American country to sign international tax agreement

Costa Rica has signed the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, a multilateral agreement developed jointly by the Council of Europe and the OECD that was opened for signature to all countries in June 2011.


Tax evasion: Pressure to end tax evasion grows as the Global Forum publishes new reviews

The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes has just completed peer reviews of 11 jurisdictions. This brings to 70 the number of peer review reports completed since March 2010.


Colombia and Mexico sign international tax, human rights and clean business standards

Colombia and Mexico are a step closer to beneffiting from cross border tax co-operation and information sharing. Colombia has signed, and Mexico has deposited its instrument of ratification for the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters.


OECD Working Party No. 6 releases a discussion draft on the revision of the Safe Harbours section of the Transfer Pricing Guidelines

OECD releases a discussion draft on the revision of the Safe Harbours section of the Transfer Pricing Guidelines.


OECD updates Multi-Country Analysis of Existing Transfer Pricing Simplification Measures

OECD updates Multi-Country Analysis of Existing Transfer Pricing Simplification Measures


OECD Working Party No. 6 releases a discussion draft on the Transfer Pricing Aspects of Intangibles

OECD Working Party No. 6 releases a discussion draft on the Transfer Pricing Aspects of Intangibles


Tax: Ghana Signs Tax Cooperation Agreement

Ghana has signed the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, a multilateral agreement developed jointly by the Council of Europe and the OECD. Ghana is the second African country, after South Africa, to sign the Convention since it was opened for signature to all countries in June 2011.


OECD Model Tax Convention: revised discussion draft on the meaning of “beneficial owner”

The OECD Committee on Fiscal Affairs invites public comments on a revised discussion draft on the meaning of “beneficial owner”, a term that is used in Articles 10, 11 and 12 of the OECD Model Tax Convention.


OECD Model Tax Convention: revised discussion draft on the definition of “permanent establishment”

The OECD Committee on Fiscal Affairs invites public comments on a revised discussion draft on the definition of “permanent establishment” that is included in Article 5 of the OECD Model Tax Convention.


OECD Model Tax Convention: revised discussion draft on tax treaty issues related to emissions permits and credits

The OECD Committee on Fiscal Affairs invites public comments on a revised discussion draft on tax treaty issues related to emissions permits/credits, which addresses the application of the provisions of the OECD Model Tax Convention to the cross-border granting and trading of emissions permits and credits.


Revised complete edition of public comments received on the discussion draft on the Transfer Pricing Aspects of Intangibles

On 6 June 2012, the OECD released an invitation to comment on a discussion draft on the Transfer Pricing Aspects of Intangibles. The comments received in response to this invitation have been published. This edition replaces the previous edition released on 28 September 2012.


Revised complete edition of public comments received on the discussion draft on Safe Harbours

On 6 June 2012, the OECD released an invitation to comment on a discussion draft on the revision of the Safe Harbours Section in Chapter IV of the Transfer Pricing Guidelines. The comments received in response to this invitation have been published. This edition replaces the previous edition released on 28 September 2012.


Revised complete edition of public comments received on the discussion draft on timing issues relating to transfer pricing

On 6 June 2012, the OECD released an invitation to comment on a discussion draft on timing issues relating to transfer pricing. The comments received in response to this invitation have been published. This edition replaces the previous edition released on 28 September 2012.


Conclusions of the First OECD Global Forum on VAT

The OECD is currently developing International VAT/GST Guidelines to address issues of double taxation and unintended double non-taxation, and this work provides a unique basis for the creation of the future international standard for applying VAT to cross-border trade. This was the conclusion of delegates who participated in the inaugural meeting of the OECD Global Forum on VAT, in Paris on 7-8 November.


Latin America: Tax revenues are rising, but still low and varied among countries

Tax revenues in Latin American countries are lower as a proportion of their national incomes than in most OECD countries, but are rising slowly. Revenue Statistics in Latin America shows that the average tax revenue to GDP ratio in the 15 Latin American countries covered by the report increased from 19% in 2009 to 19.4% in 2010, after falling from a high point of 19.7% in 2008.


OECD meets with business commentators on the discussion drafts on Intangibles, Safe Harbours and Timing Issues

On 12-14 November 2012, transfer pricing experts from governments met with private sector representatives to discuss the transfer pricing discussion drafts released on 6 June 2012. The agenda for the meeting, presentation material submitted by private sector participants, and a list of participants have now been published.


Invitation to OECD-BIAC public briefing session on TRACE and FATCA

Invitation to attend the OECD-BIAC public briefing session on TRACE and FATCA


Public comments received on the revised discussion draft on tax treaty issues related to emissions permits and credits

On 19 October 2012, the OECD Committee on Fiscal Affairs released for public comment a revised discussion draft on tax treaty issues related to emissions permits and credits. The OECD has now published the comments received on this revised discussion draft.


Public comments received on the revised discussion draft on the definition of “permanent establishment” (Article 5) of the OECD Model Tax Convention

On 19 October 2012, the OECD Committee on Fiscal Affairs released for public comment a revised discussion draft on the definition of “permanent establishment” (Article 5) of the OECD Model Tax Convention. The OECD has now published the comments received on this revised discussion draft.


OECD takes aim at software technologies used by businesses to evade taxes

The OECD has released a study to help all countries understand and address the risks of sales suppression software. It describes some of the most common electronic sales suppression techniques and shows how these methods can be detected by tax auditors. The report also considers the approaches already adopted by countries in combating this risk and highlights a number of best practices.


Albania signs the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters

Albania has become the 43rd country to sign the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters.


Fiscal and Taxation Reforms for a More Inclusive Growth in China

The fiscal and taxation reforms will be more than ever necessary in China to ensure that growth becomes more inclusive. So far, China has had a major success in reducing the poverty. But additional tax reforms will be needed to reduce further inequality in disposable income and across regions, as well as to help reduce the rural-urban divide.


Tax evasion: Substantial progress but countries must keep up their efforts

All of the world’s financial centres, under the impetus of the G20, and adopting the standards developed by the OECD, made a commitment in 2009 to putting an end to tax-motivated bank secrecy. Most of the countries have kept their word but major progress must still be made, said OECD Secretary-General.


Tax Commissioners unite to fight tax fraud

The Forum on Tax Administration - Tax Commissioners from 45 countries - has been meeting in Moscow for the past two days. And released this comuniqué.


OECD approves the revision of Section on safe harbours in the Transfer Pricing Guidelines

The OECD Council has approved the revision of Section E on safe harbours in Chapter IV of the Transfer Pricing Guidelines. New guidance provides opportunities for countries to relieve some compliance burdens and to provide greater certainty for cases involving smaller taxpayers or less complex transactions. It encourages the use of bilateral or multilateral safe harbours and provides sample MOUs to establish bilateral safe harbours.


Morocco signs the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters

Morocco has signed the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, a multilateral agreement developed jointly by the Council of Europe and the OECD. Morocco is the 45th country to sign the Multilateral Convention since it was updated to meet the international standard on transparency and exchange of information and opened for signature to all countries in June 2011.


Austria, Luxembourg and Singapore among countries signing-on to end tax secrecy

As a further sign of international efforts to crack down on tax offenders, 12 more countries have signed, or committed to sign, the OECD’s Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters. In addition, another 6 countries have ratified the Convention.


OECD commits to stepping up efforts to tackle base erosion and profit shifting

OECD governments have committed to stepping up their efforts to tackle base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) by endorsing the OECD's BEPS Declaration at the Organisation’s annual Ministerial Meeting in Paris.