
Laue microdiffraction on polycrystalline samples above 1500 K achieved with the QMAX-µLaue furnace

X-ray Laue microdiffraction aims to characterize microstructural and mechanical fields in polycrystalline specimens at the sub-micrometre scale with a strain resolution of ∼10−4. Here, a new and unique Laue microdiffraction setup and alignment procedure is presented, allowing measurements at temperatures as high as 1500 K, with the objective to extend the technique for the study of crystalline phase transitions and associated strain-field evolution that occur at high temperatures. A method is provided to measure the real temperature encountered by the specimen, which can be critical for precise phase-transition studies, as well as a strategy to calibrate the setup geometry to account for the sample and furnace dilation using a standard α-alumina single crystal. A first application to phase transitions in a polycrystalline specimen of pure zirconia is provided as an illustrative example.


A correction procedure for secondary scattering contributions from windows in small-angle X-ray scattering and ultra-small-angle X-ray scattering

This article describes a correction procedure for the removal of indirect background contributions to measured small-angle X-ray scattering patterns. The high scattering power of a sample in the ultra-small-angle region may serve as a secondary source for a window placed in front of the detector. The resulting secondary scattering appears as a sample-dependent background in the measured pattern that cannot be directly subtracted. This is an intricate problem in measurements at ultra-low angles, which can significantly reduce the useful dynamic range of detection. Two different procedures are presented to retrieve the real scattering profile of the sample.


Neural network analysis of neutron and X-ray reflectivity data incorporating prior knowledge

Due to the ambiguity related to the lack of phase information, determining the physical parameters of multilayer thin films from measured neutron and X-ray reflectivity curves is, on a fundamental level, an underdetermined inverse problem. This ambiguity poses limitations on standard neural networks, constraining the range and number of considered parameters in previous machine learning solutions. To overcome this challenge, a novel training procedure has been designed which incorporates dynamic prior boundaries for each physical parameter as additional inputs to the neural network. In this manner, the neural network can be trained simultaneously on all well-posed subintervals of a larger parameter space in which the inverse problem is underdetermined. During inference, users can flexibly input their own prior knowledge about the physical system to constrain the neural network prediction to distinct target subintervals in the parameter space. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated in various scenarios, including multilayer structures with a box model parameterization and a physics-inspired special parameterization of the scattering length density profile for a multilayer structure. In contrast to previous methods, this approach scales favourably when increasing the complexity of the inverse problem, working properly even for a five-layer multilayer model and a periodic multilayer model with up to 17 open parameters.


Design and fabrication of 3D-printed in situ crystallization plates for probing microcrystals in an external electric field

X-ray crystallography is an established tool to probe the structure of macromolecules with atomic resolution. Compared with alternative techniques such as single-particle cryo-electron microscopy and micro-electron diffraction, X-ray crystallography is uniquely suited to room-temperature studies and for obtaining a detailed picture of macromolecules subjected to an external electric field (EEF). The impact of an EEF on proteins has been extensively explored through single-crystal X-ray crystallography, which works well with larger high-quality protein crystals. This article introduces a novel design for a 3D-printed in situ crystallization plate that serves a dual purpose: fostering crystal growth and allowing the concurrent examination of the effects of an EEF on crystals of varying sizes. The plate's compatibility with established X-ray crystallography techniques is evaluated.


Ray-tracing analytical absorption correction for X-ray crystallography based on tomographic reconstructions

Processing of single-crystal X-ray diffraction data from area detectors can be separated into two steps. First, raw intensities are obtained by integration of the diffraction images, and then data correction and reduction are performed to determine structure-factor amplitudes and their uncertainties. The second step considers the diffraction geometry, sample illumination, decay, absorption and other effects. While absorption is only a minor effect in standard macromolecular crystallography (MX), it can become the largest source of uncertainty for experiments performed at long wavelengths. Current software packages for MX typically employ empirical models to correct for the effects of absorption, with the corrections determined through the procedure of minimizing the differences in intensities between symmetry-equivalent reflections; these models are well suited to capturing smoothly varying experimental effects. However, for very long wavelengths, empirical methods become an unreliable approach to model strong absorption effects with high fidelity. This problem is particularly acute when data multiplicity is low. This paper presents an analytical absorption correction strategy (implemented in new software AnACor) based on a volumetric model of the sample derived from X-ray tomography. Individual path lengths through the different sample materials for all reflections are determined by a ray-tracing method. Several approaches for absorption corrections (spherical harmonics correction, analytical absorption correction and a combination of the two) are compared for two samples, the membrane protein OmpK36 GD, measured at a wavelength of λ = 3.54 Å, and chlorite dismutase, measured at λ = 4.13 Å. Data set statistics, the peak heights in the anomalous difference Fourier maps and the success of experimental phasing are used to compare the results from the different absorption correction approaches. The strategies using the new analytical absorption correction are shown to be superior to the standard spherical harmonics corrections. While the improvements are modest in the 3.54 Å data, the analytical absorption correction outperforms spherical harmonics in the longer-wavelength data (λ = 4.13 Å), which is also reflected in the reduced amount of data being required for successful experimental phasing.


Applications of the Clifford torus to material textures

This paper introduces a new 2D representation of the orientation distribution function for an arbitrary material texture. The approach is based on the isometric square torus mapping of the Clifford torus, which allows for points on the unit quaternion hypersphere (each corresponding to a 3D orientation) to be represented in a periodic 2D square map. The combination of three such orthogonal mappings into a single RGB (red–green–blue) image provides a compact periodic representation of any set of orientations. Square torus representations of five different orientation sampling methods are compared and analyzed in terms of the Riesz s energies that quantify the uniformity of the samplings. The effect of crystallographic symmetry on the square torus map is analyzed in terms of the Rodrigues fundamental zones for the rotational symmetry groups. The paper concludes with example representations of important texture components in cubic and hexagonal materials. The new RGB representation provides a convenient and compact way of generating training data for the automated analysis of material textures by means of neural networks.


Reconstructing the reflectivity of liquid surfaces from grazing incidence X-ray off-specular scattering data

The capillary wave model of a liquid surface predicts both the X-ray specular reflection and the diffuse scattering around it. A quantitative method is presented to obtain the X-ray reflectivity (XRR) from a liquid surface through the diffuse scattering data around the specular reflection measured using a grazing incidence X-ray off-specular scattering (GIXOS) geometry at a fixed horizontal offset angle with respect to the plane of incidence. With this approach the entire Qz-dependent reflectivity profile can be obtained at a single, fixed incident angle. This permits a much faster acquisition of the profile than with conventional reflectometry, where the incident angle must be scanned point by point to obtain a Qz-dependent profile. The XRR derived from the GIXOS-measured diffuse scattering, referred to in this paper as pseudo-reflectivity, provides a larger Qz range compared with the reflectivity measured by conventional reflectometry. Transforming the GIXOS-measured diffuse scattering profile to pseudo-XRR opens up the GIXOS method to widely available specular XRR analysis software tools. Here the GIXOS-derived pseudo-XRR is compared with the XRR measured by specular reflectometry from two simple vapor–liquid interfaces at different surface tension, and from a hexadecyltri­methyl­ammonium bromide monolayer on a water surface. For the simple liquids, excellent agreement (beyond 11 orders of magnitude in signal) is found between the two methods, supporting the approach of using GIXOS-measured diffuse scattering to derive reflectivities. Pseudo-XRR obtained at different horizontal offset angles with respect to the plane of incidence yields indistinguishable results, and this supports the robustness of the GIXOS-XRR approach. The pseudo-XRR method can be extended to soft thin films on a liquid surface, and criteria are established for the applicability of the approach.


Tracking copper nanofiller evolution in polysiloxane during processing into SiOC ceramic

Polymer-derived ceramics (PDCs) remain at the forefront of research for a variety of applications including ultra-high-temperature ceramics, energy storage and functional coatings. Despite their wide use, questions remain about the complex structural transition from polymer to ceramic and how local structure influences the final microstructure and resulting properties. This is further complicated when nanofillers are introduced to tailor structural and functional properties, as nanoparticle surfaces can interact with the matrix and influence the resulting structure. The inclusion of crystalline nanofiller produces a mixed crystalline–amorphous composite, which poses characterization challenges. With this study, we aim to address these challenges with a local-scale structural study that probes changes in a polysiloxane matrix with incorporated copper nanofiller. Composites were processed at three unique temperatures to capture mixing, pyrolysis and initial crystallization stages for the pre-ceramic polymer. We observed the evolution of the nanofiller with electron microscopy and applied synchrotron X-ray diffraction with differential pair distribution function (d-PDF) analysis to monitor changes in the matrix's local structure and interactions with the nanofiller. The application of the d-PDF to PDC materials is novel and informs future studies to understand interfacial interactions between nanofiller and matrix throughout PDC processing.


Implications of size dispersion on X-ray scattering of crystalline nanoparticles: CeO2 as a case study

Controlling the shape and size dispersivity and crystallinity of nanoparticles (NPs) has been a challenge in identifying these parameters' role in the physical and chemical properties of NPs. The need for reliable quantitative tools for analyzing the dispersivity and crystallinity of NPs is a considerable problem in optimizing scalable synthesis routes capable of controlling NP properties. The most common tools are electron microscopy (EM) and X-ray scattering techniques. However, each technique has different susceptibility to these parameters, implying that more than one technique is necessary to characterize NP systems with maximum reliability. Wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) is mandatory to access information on crystallinity. In contrast, EM or small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is required to access information on whole NP sizes. EM provides average values on relatively small ensembles in contrast to the bulk values accessed by X-ray techniques. Besides the fact that the SAXS and WAXS techniques have different susceptibilities to size distributions, SAXS is easily affected by NP–NP interaction distances. Because of all the variables involved, there have yet to be proposed methodologies for cross-analyzing data from two techniques that can provide reliable quantitative results of dispersivity and crystallinity. In this work, a SAXS/WAXS-based methodology is proposed for simultaneously quantifying size distribution and degree of crystallinity of NPs. The most reliable easy-to-access size result for each technique is demonstrated by computer simulation. Strategies on how to compare these results and how to identify NP–NP interaction effects underneath the SAXS intensity curve are presented. Experimental results are shown for cubic-like CeO2 NPs. WAXS size results from two analytical procedures are compared, line-profile fitting of individual diffraction peaks in opposition to whole pattern fitting. The impact of shape dispersivity is also evaluated. Extension of the proposed methodology for cross-analyzing EM and WAXS data is possible.


TORO Indexer: a PyTorch-based indexing algorithm for kilohertz serial crystallography

Serial crystallography (SX) involves combining observations from a very large number of diffraction patterns coming from crystals in random orientations. To compile a complete data set, these patterns must be indexed (i.e. their orientation determined), integrated and merged. Introduced here is TORO (Torch-powered robust optimization) Indexer, a robust and adaptable indexing algorithm developed using the PyTorch framework. TORO is capable of operating on graphics processing units (GPUs), central processing units (CPUs) and other hardware accelerators supported by PyTorch, ensuring compatibility with a wide variety of computational setups. In tests, TORO outpaces existing solutions, indexing thousands of frames per second when running on GPUs, which positions it as an attractive candidate to produce real-time indexing and user feedback. The algorithm streamlines some of the ideas introduced by previous indexers like DIALS real-space grid search [Gildea, Waterman, Parkhurst, Axford, Sutton, Stuart, Sauter, Evans & Winter (2014). Acta Cryst. D70, 2652–2666] and XGandalf [Gevorkov, Yefanov, Barty, White, Mariani, Brehm, Tolstikova, Grigat & Chapman (2019). Acta Cryst. A75, 694–704] and refines them using faster and principled robust optimization techniques which result in a concise code base consisting of less than 500 lines. On the basis of evaluations across four proteins, TORO consistently matches, and in certain instances outperforms, established algorithms such as XGandalf and MOSFLM [Powell (1999). Acta Cryst. D55, 1690–1695], occasionally amplifying the quality of the consolidated data while achieving superior indexing speed. The inherent modularity of TORO and the versatility of PyTorch code bases facilitate its deployment into a wide array of architectures, software platforms and bespoke applications, highlighting its prospective significance in SX.


MatchMaps: non-isomorphous difference maps for X-ray crystallography

Conformational change mediates the biological functions of macromolecules. Crystallographic measurements can map these changes with extraordinary sensitivity as a function of mutations, ligands and time. A popular method for detecting structural differences between crystallographic data sets is the isomorphous difference map. These maps combine the phases of a chosen reference state with the observed changes in structure factor amplitudes to yield a map of changes in electron density. Such maps are much more sensitive to conformational change than structure refinement is, and are unbiased in the sense that observed differences do not depend on refinement of the perturbed state. However, even modest changes in unit-cell properties can render isomorphous difference maps useless. This is unnecessary. Described here is a generalized procedure for calculating observed difference maps that retains the high sensitivity to conformational change and avoids structure refinement of the perturbed state. This procedure is implemented in an open-source Python package, MatchMaps, that can be run in any software environment supporting PHENIX [Liebschner et al. (2019). Acta Cryst. D75, 861–877] and CCP4 [Agirre et al. (2023). Acta Cryst. D79, 449–461]. Worked examples show that MatchMaps `rescues' observed difference electron-density maps for poorly isomorphous crystals, corrects artifacts in nominally isomorphous difference maps, and extends to detecting differences across copies within the asymmetric unit or across altogether different crystal forms.


Application of laboratory micro X-ray fluorescence devices for X-ray topography

It is demonstrated that high-resolution energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence mapping devices based on a micro-focused beam are not restricted to high-speed analyses of element distributions or to the detection of different grains, twins and subgrains in crystalline materials but can also be used for the detection of dislocations in high-quality single crystals. Si single crystals with low dislocation densities were selected as model materials to visualize the position of dis­locations by the spatially resolved measurement of Bragg-peak intensity fluctuations. These originate from the most distorted planes caused by the stress fields of dislocations. The results obtained by this approach are compared with laboratory-based Lang X-ray topographs. The presented methodology yields comparable results and it is of particular interest in the field of crystal growth, where fast chemical and microstructural characterization feedback loops are indispensable for short and efficient development times. The beam divergence was reduced via an aperture management system to facilitate the visualization of dislocations for virtually as-grown, non-polished and non-planar samples with a very pronounced surface profile.


Neural networks for rapid phase quantification of cultural heritage X-ray powder diffraction data

Recent developments in synchrotron radiation facilities have increased the amount of data generated during acquisitions considerably, requiring fast and efficient data processing techniques. Here, the application of dense neural networks (DNNs) to data treatment of X-ray diffraction computed tomography (XRD-CT) experiments is presented. Processing involves mapping the phases in a tomographic slice by predicting the phase fraction in each individual pixel. DNNs were trained on sets of calculated XRD patterns generated using a Python algorithm developed in-house. An initial Rietveld refinement of the tomographic slice sum pattern provides additional information (peak widths and integrated intensities for each phase) to improve the generation of simulated patterns and make them closer to real data. A grid search was used to optimize the network architecture and demonstrated that a single fully connected dense layer was sufficient to accurately determine phase proportions. This DNN was used on the XRD-CT acquisition of a mock-up and a historical sample of highly heterogeneous multi-layered decoration of a late medieval statue, called `applied brocade'. The phase maps predicted by the DNN were in good agreement with other methods, such as non-negative matrix factorization and serial Rietveld refinements performed with TOPAS, and outperformed them in terms of speed and efficiency. The method was evaluated by regenerating experimental patterns from predictions and using the R-weighted profile as the agreement factor. This assessment allowed us to confirm the accuracy of the results.


A study of stress, composition and grain interaction gradients in energy-dispersive X-ray stress analysis on materials with cubic symmetry

The influence of various combinations of residual stress, composition and grain interaction gradients in polycrystalline materials with cubic symmetry on energy-dispersive X-ray stress analysis is theoretically investigated. For the evaluation of the simulated sin2ψ distributions, two different strategies are compared with regard to their suitability for separating the individual gradients. It is shown that the separation of depth gradients of the strain-free lattice parameter a0(z) from residual stress gradients σ(z) is only possible if the data analysis is carried out in section planes parallel to the surface. The impact of a surface layer z* that is characterized by a direction-dependent grain interaction model in contrast to the volume of the material is quantified by comparing a ferritic and an austenitic steel, which feature different elastic anisotropy. It is shown to be of minor influence on the resulting residual stress depth profiles if the data evaluation is restricted to reflections hkl with orientation factors Γhkl close to the model-independent orientation Γ*. Finally, a method is proposed that allows the thickness of the anisotropic surface layer z* to be estimated on the basis of an optimization procedure.


Automated pipeline processing X-ray diffraction data from dynamic compression experiments on the Extreme Conditions Beamline of PETRA III

Presented and discussed here is the implementation of a software solution that provides prompt X-ray diffraction data analysis during fast dynamic compression experiments conducted within the dynamic diamond anvil cell technique. It includes efficient data collection, streaming of data and metadata to a high-performance cluster (HPC), fast azimuthal data integration on the cluster, and tools for controlling the data processing steps and visualizing the data using the DIOPTAS software package. This data processing pipeline is invaluable for a great number of studies. The potential of the pipeline is illustrated with two examples of data collected on ammonia–water mixtures and multiphase mineral assemblies under high pressure. The pipeline is designed to be generic in nature and could be readily adapted to provide rapid feedback for many other X-ray diffraction techniques, e.g. large-volume press studies, in situ stress/strain studies, phase transformation studies, chemical reactions studied with high-resolution diffraction etc.


A simple protocol for determining the zone axis direction from selected-area electron diffraction spot patterns of cubic materials

Using the well known Rn ratio method, a protocol has been elaborated for determining the lattice direction for the 15 most common cubic zone axis spot patterns. The method makes use of the lengths of the three shortest reciprocal-lattice vectors in each pattern and the angles between them. No prior pattern calibration is required for the method to work, as the Rn ratio method is based entirely on geometric relationships. In the first step the pattern is assigned to one of three possible pattern types according to the angles that are measured between the three reciprocal-lattice vectors. The lattice direction [uvw] and possible Bravais type(s) and Laue indices of the corresponding reflections can then be determined by using lookup tables. In addition to determining the lattice direction, this simple geometric analysis allows one to distinguish between the P, I and F Bravais lattices for spot patterns aligned along [013], [112], [114] and [233]. Moreover, the F lattice can always be uniquely identified from the [011] and [123] patterns.


Evolution of elliptical SAXS patterns in aligned systems

Small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering (SAXS and SANS) patterns from certain semicrystalline polymers and liquid crystals contain discrete reflections from ordered assemblies and central diffuse scattering (CDS) from uncorrelated structures. Systems with imperfectly ordered lamellar structures aligned by stretching or by a magnetic field produce four distinct SAXS patterns: two-point `banana', four-point pattern, four-point `eyebrow' and four-point `butterfly'. The peak intensities of the reflections lie not on a layer line, or the arc of a circle, but on an elliptical trajectory. Modeling shows that randomly placed lamellar stacks modified by chain slip and stack rotation or interlamellar shear can create these forms. On deformation, the isotropic CDS becomes an equatorial streak with an oval, diamond or two-bladed propeller shape, which can be analyzed by separation into isotropic and oriented components. The streak has elliptical intensity contours, a natural consequence of the imperfect alignment of the elongated scattering objects. Both equatorial streaks and two- and four-point reflections can be fitted in elliptical coordinates with relatively few parameters. Equatorial streaks can be analyzed to obtain the size and orientation of voids, fibrils or surfaces. Analyses of the lamellar reflection yield lamellar spacing, stack orientation (interlamellar shear) angle α and chain slip angle ϕ, as well as the size distribution of the lamellar stacks. Currently available computational tools allow these microstructural parameters to be rapidly refined.


Mix and measure II: joint high-energy laboratory powder diffraction and microtomography for cement hydration studies

Portland cements (PCs) and cement blends are multiphase materials of different fineness, and quantitatively analysing their hydration pathways is very challenging. The dissolution (hydration) of the initial crystalline and amorphous phases must be determined, as well as the formation of labile (such as ettringite), reactive (such as portlandite) and amorphous (such as calcium silicate hydrate gel) components. The microstructural changes with hydration time must also be mapped out. To address this robustly and accurately, an innovative approach is being developed based on in situ measurements of pastes without any sample conditioning. Data are sequentially acquired by Mo Kα1 laboratory X-ray powder diffraction (LXRPD) and microtomography (µCT), where the same volume is scanned with time to reduce variability. Wide capillaries (2 mm in diameter) are key to avoid artefacts, e.g. self-desiccation, and to have excellent particle averaging. This methodology is tested in three cement paste samples: (i) a commercial PC 52.5 R, (ii) a blend of 80 wt% of this PC and 20 wt% quartz, to simulate an addition of supplementary cementitious materials, and (iii) a blend of 80 wt% PC and 20 wt% limestone, to simulate a limestone Portland cement. LXRPD data are acquired at 3 h and 1, 3, 7 and 28 days, and µCT data are collected at 12 h and 1, 3, 7 and 28 days. Later age data can also be easily acquired. In this methodology, the amounts of the crystalline phases are directly obtained from Rietveld analysis and the amorphous phase contents are obtained from mass-balance calculations. From the µCT study, and within the attained spatial resolution, three components (porosity, hydrated products and unhydrated cement particles) are determined. The analyses quantitatively demonstrate the filler effect of quartz and limestone in the hydration of alite and the calcium aluminate phases. Further hydration details are discussed.


X-ray tensor tomography for small-grained polycrystals with strong texture

Small-angle X-ray tensor tomography and the related wide-angle X-ray tensor tomography are X-ray imaging techniques that tomographically reconstruct the anisotropic scattering density of extended samples. In previous studies, these methods have been used to image samples where the scattering density depends slowly on the direction of scattering, typically modeling the directionality, i.e. the texture, with a spherical harmonics expansion up until order ℓ = 8 or lower. This study investigates the performance of several established algorithms from small-angle X-ray tensor tomography on samples with a faster variation as a function of scattering direction and compares their expected and achieved performance. The various algorithms are tested using wide-angle scattering data from an as-drawn steel wire with known texture to establish the viability of the tensor tomography approach for such samples and to compare the performance of existing algorithms.


Subgradient-projection-based stable phase-retrieval algorithm for X-ray ptychography

X-ray ptychography is a lensless imaging technique that visualizes the nano­structure of a thick specimen which cannot be observed with an electron microscope. It reconstructs a complex-valued refractive index of the specimen from observed diffraction patterns. This reconstruction problem is called phase retrieval (PR). For further improvement in the imaging capability, including expansion of the depth of field, various PR algorithms have been proposed. Since a high-quality PR method is built upon a base PR algorithm such as ePIE, developing a well performing base PR algorithm is important. This paper proposes an improved iterative algorithm named CRISP. It exploits subgradient projection which allows adaptive step size and can be expected to avoid yielding a poor image. The proposed algorithm was compared with ePIE, which is a simple and fast-convergence algorithm, and its modified algorithm, rPIE. The experiments confirmed that the proposed method improved the reconstruction performance for both simulation and real data.


Quality assessment of the wide-angle detection option planned at the high-intensity/extended Q-range SANS diffractometer KWS-2 combining experiments and McStas simulations

For a reliable characterization of materials and systems featuring multiple structural levels, a broad length scale from a few ångström to hundreds of nanometres must be analyzed and an extended Q range must be covered in X-ray and neutron scattering experiments. For certain samples or effects, it is advantageous to perform such characterization with a single instrument. Neutrons offer the unique advantage of contrast variation and matching by D-labeling, which is of great value in the characterization of natural or synthetic polymers. Some time-of-flight small-angle neutron scattering (TOF-SANS) instruments at neutron spallation sources can cover an extended Q range by using a broad wavelength band and a multitude of detectors. The detectors are arranged to cover a wide range of scattering angles with a resolution that allows both large-scale morphology and crystalline structure to be resolved simultaneously. However, for such analyses, the SANS instruments at steady-state sources operating in conventional monochromatic pinhole mode rely on additional wide-angle neutron scattering (WANS) detectors. The resolution must be tuned via a system of choppers and a TOF data acquisition option to reliably measure the atomic to mesoscale structures. The KWS-2 SANS diffractometer at Jülich Centre for Neutron Science allows the exploration of a wide Q range using conventional pinhole and lens focusing modes and an adjustable resolution Δλ/λ between 2 and 20%. This is achieved through the use of a versatile mechanical velocity selector combined with a variable slit opening and rotation frequency chopper. The installation of WANS detectors planned on the instrument required a detailed analysis of the quality of the data measured over a wide angular range with variable resolution. This article presents an assessment of the WANS performance by comparison with a McStas [Willendrup, Farhi & Lefmann (2004). Physica B, 350, E735–E737] simulation of ideal experimental conditions at the instrument.


On the feasibility of time-resolved X-ray powder diffraction of macromolecules using laser-driven ultrafast X-ray sources

With the emergence of ultrafast X-ray sources, interest in following fast processes in small molecules and macromolecules has increased. Most of the current research into ultrafast structural dynamics of macromolecules uses X-ray free-electron lasers. In parallel, small-scale laboratory-based laser-driven ultrafast X-ray sources are emerging. Continuous development of these sources is underway, and as a result many exciting applications are being reported. However, because of their low flux, such sources are not commonly used to study the structural dynamics of macromolecules. This article examines the feasibility of time-resolved powder diffraction of macromolecular microcrystals using a laboratory-scale laser-driven ultrafast X-ray source.


Rapid detection of rare events from in situ X-ray diffraction data using machine learning

High-energy X-ray diffraction methods can non-destructively map the 3D microstructure and associated attributes of metallic polycrystalline engineering materials in their bulk form. These methods are often combined with external stimuli such as thermo-mechanical loading to take snapshots of the evolving microstructure and attributes over time. However, the extreme data volumes and the high costs of traditional data acquisition and reduction approaches pose a barrier to quickly extracting actionable insights and improving the temporal resolution of these snapshots. This article presents a fully automated technique capable of rapidly detecting the onset of plasticity in high-energy X-ray microscopy data. The technique is computationally faster by at least 50 times than the traditional approaches and works for data sets that are up to nine times sparser than a full data set. This new technique leverages self-supervised image representation learning and clustering to transform massive data sets into compact, semantic-rich representations of visually salient characteristics (e.g. peak shapes). These characteristics can rapidly indicate anomalous events, such as changes in diffraction peak shapes. It is anticipated that this technique will provide just-in-time actionable information to drive smarter experiments that effectively deploy multi-modal X-ray diffraction methods spanning many decades of length scales.


DFT2FEFFIT: a density-functional-theory-based structural toolkit to analyze EXAFS spectra

This article presents a Python-based program, DFT2FEFFIT, to regress theoretical extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectra calculated from density functional theory structure models against experimental EXAFS spectra. To showcase its application, Ce-doped fluorapatite [Ca10(PO4)6F2] is revisited as a representative of a material difficult to analyze by conventional multi-shell least-squares fitting of EXAFS spectra. The software is open source and publicly available.


Coherent X-ray diffraction imaging of single particles: background impact on 3D reconstruction

Coherent diffractive imaging with X-ray free-electron lasers could enable structural studies of macromolecules at room temperature. This type of experiment could provide a means to study structural dynamics on the femtosecond timescale. However, the diffraction from a single protein is weak compared with the incoherent scattering from background sources, which negatively affects the reconstruction analysis. This work evaluates the effects of the presence of background on the analysis pipeline. Background measurements from the European X-ray Free-Electron Laser were combined with simulated diffraction patterns and treated by a standard reconstruction procedure, including orientation recovery with the expand, maximize and compress algorithm and 3D phase retrieval. Background scattering did have an adverse effect on the estimated resolution of the reconstructed density maps. Still, the reconstructions generally worked when the signal-to-background ratio was 0.6 or better, in the momentum transfer shell of the highest reconstructed resolution. The results also suggest that the signal-to-background requirement increases at higher resolution. This study gives an indication of what is possible at current setups at X-ray free-electron lasers with regards to expected background strength and establishes a target for experimental optimization of the background.


Flow-Xl: a new facility for the analysis of crystallization in flow systems

Characterization of crystallization processes in situ is of great importance to furthering knowledge of how nucleation and growth processes direct the assembly of organic and inorganic materials in solution and, critically, understanding the influence that these processes have on the final physico-chemical properties of the resulting solid form. With careful specification and design, as demonstrated here, it is now possible to bring combined X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy, coupled to a range of fully integrated segmented and continuous flow platforms, to the laboratory environment for in situ data acquisition for timescales of the order of seconds. The facility used here (Flow-Xl) houses a diffractometer with a micro-focus Cu Kα rotating anode X-ray source and a 2D hybrid photon-counting detector, together with a Raman spectrometer with 532 and 785 nm lasers. An overview of the diffractometer and spectrometer setup is given, and current sample environments for flow crystallization are described. Commissioning experiments highlight the sensitivity of the two instruments for time-resolved in situ data collection of samples in flow. Finally, an example case study to monitor the batch crystallization of sodium sulfate from aqueous solution, by tracking both the solute and solution phase species as a function of time, highlights the applicability of such measurements in determining the kinetics associated with crystallization processes. This work illustrates that the Flow-Xl facility provides high-resolution time-resolved in situ structural phase information through diffraction data together with molecular-scale solution data through spectroscopy, which allows crystallization mechanisms and their associated kinetics to be analysed in a laboratory setting.


Determining pair distribution functions of thin films using laboratory-based X-ray sources

This article demonstrates the feasibility of obtaining accurate pair distribution functions of thin amorphous films down to 80 nm, using modern laboratory-based X-ray sources. The pair distribution functions are obtained using a single diffraction scan without the requirement of additional scans of the substrate or of the air. By using a crystalline substrate combined with an oblique scattering geometry, most of the Bragg scattering of the substrate is avoided, rendering the substrate Compton scattering the primary contribution. By utilizing a discriminating energy filter, available in the latest generation of modern detectors, it is demonstrated that the Compton intensity can further be reduced to negligible levels at higher wavevector values. Scattering from the sample holder and the air is minimized by the systematic selection of pixels in the detector image based on the projected detection footprint of the sample and the use of a 3D-printed sample holder. Finally, X-ray optical effects in the absorption factors and the ratios between the Compton intensity of the substrate and film are taken into account by using a theoretical tool that simulates the electric field inside the film and the substrate, which aids in planning both the sample design and the measurement protocol.


Laboratory-based 3D X-ray standing-wave analysis of nanometre-scale gratings

The increasing structural complexity and downscaling of modern nanodevices require continuous development of structural characterization techniques that support R&D and manufacturing processes. This work explores the capability of laboratory characterization of periodic planar nanostructures using 3D X-ray standing waves as a promising method for reconstructing atomic profiles of planar nanostructures. The non-destructive nature of this metrology technique makes it highly versatile and particularly suitable for studying various types of samples. Moreover, it eliminates the need for additional sample preparation before use and can achieve sub-nanometre reconstruction resolution using widely available laboratory setups, as demonstrated on a diffractometer equipped with a microfocus X-ray tube with a copper anode.


Energy-dispersive Laue diffraction analysis of the influence of statherin and histatin on the crystallographic texture during human dental enamel demineralization

Energy-dispersive Laue diffraction (EDLD) is a powerful method to obtain position-resolved texture information in inhomogeneous biological samples without the need for sample rotation. This study employs EDLD texture scanning to investigate the impact of two salivary peptides, statherin (STN) and histatin-1 (HTN) 21 N-terminal peptides (STN21 and HTN21), on the crystallographic structure of dental enamel. These proteins are known to play crucial roles in dental caries progression. Three healthy incisors were randomly assigned to three groups: artificially demineralized, demineralized after HTN21 peptide pre-treatment and demineralized after STN21 peptide pre-treatment. To understand the micro-scale structure of the enamel, each specimen was scanned from the enamel surface to a depth of 250 µm using microbeam EDLD. Via the use of a white beam and a pixelated detector, where each pixel functions as a spectrometer, pole figures were obtained in a single exposure at each measurement point. The results revealed distinct orientations of hydroxyapatite crystallites and notable texture variation in the peptide-treated demineralized samples compared with the demineralized control. Specifically, the peptide-treated demineralized samples exhibited up to three orientation populations, in contrast to the demineralized control which displayed only a single orientation population. The texture index of the demineralized control (2.00 ± 0.21) was found to be lower than that of either the STN21 (2.32 ± 0.20) or the HTN21 (2.90 ± 0.46) treated samples. Hence, texture scanning with EDLD gives new insights into dental enamel crystallite orientation and links the present understanding of enamel demineralization to the underlying crystalline texture. For the first time, the feasibility of EDLD texture measurements for quantitative texture evaluation in demineralized dental enamel samples is demonstrated.


In situ counter-diffusion crystallization and long-term crystal preservation in microfluidic fixed targets for serial crystallography

Compared with batch and vapor diffusion methods, counter diffusion can generate larger and higher-quality protein crystals yielding improved diffraction data and higher-resolution structures. Typically, counter-diffusion experiments are conducted in elongated chambers, such as glass capillaries, and the crystals are either directly measured in the capillary or extracted and mounted at the X-ray beamline. Despite the advantages of counter-diffusion protein crystallization, there are few fixed-target devices that utilize counter diffusion for crystallization. In this article, different designs of user-friendly counter-diffusion chambers are presented which can be used to grow large protein crystals in a 2D polymer microfluidic fixed-target chip. Methods for rapid chip fabrication using commercially available thin-film materials such as Mylar, propyl­ene and Kapton are also detailed. Rules of thumb are provided to tune the nucleation and crystal growth to meet users' needs while minimizing sample consumption. These designs provide a reliable approach to forming large crystals and maintaining their hydration for weeks and even months. This allows ample time to grow, select and preserve the best crystal batches before X-ray beam time. Importantly, the fixed-target microfluidic chip has a low background scatter and can be directly used at beamlines without any crystal handling, enabling crystal quality to be preserved. The approach is demonstrated with serial diffraction of photoactive yellow protein, yielding 1.32 Å resolution at room temperature. Fabrication of this standard microfluidic chip with commercially available thin films greatly simplifies fabrication and provides enhanced stability under vacuum. These advances will further broaden microfluidic fixed-target utilization by crystallographers.


Use of a confocal optical device for centring a diamond anvil cell in single-crystal X-ray diffraction experiments

High-pressure crystallographic data can be measured using a diamond anvil cell (DAC), which allows the sample to be viewed only along a cell vector which runs perpendicular to the diamond anvils. Although centring a sample perpendicular to this direction is straightforward, methods for centring along this direction often rely on sample focusing, measurements of the direct beam or short data collections followed by refinement of the crystal offsets. These methods may be inaccurate, difficult to apply or slow. Described here is a method based on precise measurement of the offset in this direction using a confocal optical device, whereby the cell centre is located at the mid-point of two measurements of the distance between a light source and the external faces of the diamond anvils viewed along the forward and reverse directions of the cell vector. It is shown that the method enables a DAC to be centred to within a few micrometres reproducibly and quickly.


The AUREX cell: a versatile operando electrochemical cell for studying catalytic materials using X-ray diffraction, total scattering and X-ray absorption spectroscopy under working conditions

Understanding the structure–property relationship in electrocatalysts under working conditions is crucial for the rational design of novel and improved catalytic materials. This paper presents the Aarhus University reactor for electrochemical studies using X-rays (AUREX) operando electrocatalytic flow cell, designed as an easy-to-use versatile setup with a minimal background contribution and a uniform flow field to limit concentration polarization and handle gas formation. The cell has been employed to measure operando total scattering, diffraction and absorption spectroscopy as well as simultaneous combinations thereof on a commercial silver electrocatalyst for proof of concept. This combination of operando techniques allows for monitoring of the short-, medium- and long-range structure under working conditions, including an applied potential, liquid electrolyte and local reaction environment. The structural transformations of the Ag electrocatalyst are monitored with non-negative matrix factorization, linear combination analysis, the Pearson correlation coefficient matrix, and refinements in both real and reciprocal space. Upon application of an oxidative potential in an Ar-saturated aqueous 0.1 M KHCO3/K2CO3 electrolyte, the face-centered cubic (f.c.c.) Ag gradually transforms first to a trigonal Ag2CO3 phase, followed by the formation of a monoclinic Ag2CO3 phase. A reducing potential immediately reverts the structure to the Ag (f.c.c.) phase. Following the electrochemical-reaction-induced phase transitions is of fundamental interest and necessary for understanding and improving the stability of electrocatalysts, and the operando cell proves a versatile setup for probing this. In addition, it is demonstrated that, when studying electrochemical reactions, a high energy or short exposure time is needed to circumvent beam-induced effects.


X-ray-based technologies in emerging fuel cell research

The workshop titled `X-ray-based technologies in emerging fuel cell research', organized by Vivian Stojanoff from Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) and Narayanasami Sukumar from Cornell University/Advanced Photon Source-Northeastern Collaborative Access Team, was a notable segment of the National Synchrotron Light Source II and Center for Functional Nanomaterials Users' Meeting held 13–17 May 2024. This one-day event, on 13 May 2024, at BNL in New York, aimed to bring together researchers, beamline scientists, management and developers to propel fuel cell technology forward using model systems inspired by natural photosynthesis and redox enzymes. This summary encapsulates the key discussions, advancements and future implications of the workshop.


Twinning and homo-epitaxy cooperation in the already rich growth morphology of CaCO3 polymorphs. II. Calcite

The two most abundant CaCO3 polymorphs, calcite and aragonite, are universally recognized for the richness of their morphology to which different twins make relevant contributions. The epitaxial transformation calcite ↔ aragonite has long been debated. While the twinning has been thoroughly treated, the homo-epitaxy occurring within each of these minerals has, inexplicably, been overlooked to date, both experimentally and theoretically. Twinning can be deceptive to the point where it can be mistaken for homo-epitaxy, thus making the proposed growth mechanism in the crystal aggregate wrong. Within the present work, the first aim is a theoretical investigation of the homo-epitaxies among the three {10.4}-cleavage, {01.2}-steep and {01.8}-flat rhombohedra of calcite. Accordingly, the specific adhesion energies were calculated between facing crystal forms, unequivocally showing that the {01.2}/{01.8} homo-epitaxy competes with the generation of both {01.2} and {01.8} contact twins. Secondly, the calculation of the specific adhesion energy was extended to consider homo-epitaxy for the {10.4} rhombohedron. The two-dimensional geometric lattice coincidence has been tried for the {00.1} pinacoidal form as well.


Characterization of sub-micrometre-sized voids in fixed human brain tissue using scanning X-ray microdiffraction

Using a 5 µm-diameter X-ray beam, we collected scanning X-ray microdiffraction in both the small-angle (SAXS) and the wide-angle (WAXS) regimes from thin sections of fixed human brain tissue from Alzheimer's subjects. The intensity of scattering in the SAXS regime of these patterns exhibits essentially no correlation with the observed intensity in the WAXS regime, indicating that the structures responsible for these two portions of the diffraction patterns, which reflect different length scales, are distinct. SAXS scattering exhibits a power-law behavior in which the log of intensity decreases linearly with the log of the scattering angle. The slope of the log–log curve is roughly proportional to the intensity in the SAXS regime and, surprisingly, inversely proportional to the intensity in the WAXS regime. We interpret these observations as being due to the presence of sub-micrometre-sized voids formed during dehydration of the fixed tissue. The SAXS intensity is due largely to scattering from these voids, while the WAXS intensity derives from the secondary structures of macromolecular material surrounding the voids. The ability to detect and map the presence of voids within thin sections of fixed tissue has the potential to provide novel information on the degradation of human brain tissue in neurodegenerative diseases.


A miniature X-ray diffraction setup on ID20 at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility

We describe an ultra-compact setup for in situ X-ray diffraction on the inelastic X-ray scattering beamline ID20 at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility. The main motivation for the design and construction of this setup is the increasing demand for on-the-fly sample characterization, as well as ease of navigation through a sample's phase diagram, for example subjected to high-pressure and/or high-temperature conditions. We provide technical details and demonstrate the performance of the setup.


Five-analyzer Johann spectrometer for hard X-ray photon-in/photon-out spectroscopy at the Inner Shell Spectroscopy beamline at NSLS-II: design, alignment and data acquisition

Here, a recently commissioned five-analyzer Johann spectrometer at the Inner Shell Spectroscopy beamline (8-ID) at the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II) is presented. Designed for hard X-ray photon-in/photon-out spectroscopy, the spectrometer achieves a resolution in the 0.5–2 eV range, depending on the element and/or emission line, providing detailed insights into the local electronic and geometric structure of materials. It serves a diverse user community, including fields such as physical, chemical, biological, environmental and materials sciences. This article details the mechanical design, alignment procedures and data-acquisition scheme of the spectrometer, with a particular focus on the continuous asynchronous data-acquisition approach that significantly enhances experimental efficiency.


VMXm – A sub-micron focus macromolecular crystallography beamline at Diamond Light Source

VMXm joins the suite of operational macromolecular crystallography beamlines at Diamond Light Source. It has been designed to optimize rotation data collections from protein crystals less than 10 µm and down to below 1 µm in size. The beamline has a fully focused beam of 0.3 × 2.3 µm (vertical × horizontal) with a tuneable energy range (6–28 keV) and high flux (1.6 × 1012 photons s−1 at 12.5 keV). The crystals are housed within a vacuum chamber to minimize background scatter from air. Crystals are plunge-cooled on cryo-electron microscopy grids, allowing much of the liquid surrounding the crystals to be removed. These factors improve the signal-to-noise during data collection and the lifetime of the microcrystals can be prolonged by exploiting photoelectron escape. A novel in vacuo sample environment has been designed which also houses a scanning electron microscope to aid with sample visualization. This combination of features at VMXm allows measurements at the physical limits of X-ray crystallography on biomacromolecules to be explored and exploited.


Upgraded front ends for SLS 2.0 with next-generation high-power diaphragms and slits

The upgrade of the Swiss Light Source, called SLS 2.0, necessitates comprehensive updates to all 18 user front ends. This upgrade is driven by the increased power of the synchrotron beam, reduced floor space, changing source points, new safety regulations and enhanced beam properties, including a brightness increase by up to a factor of 40. While some existing front-end components are being thoroughly refurbished and upgraded for safety reasons, other components, especially those designed to tailor the new synchrotron beam, are being completely rebuilt. These new designs feature innovative and enhanced cooling systems to manage the high-power load and meet new requirements such as mechanical stability and compact footprints.


Correlative X-ray micro-nanotomography with scanning electron microscopy at the Advanced Light Source

Geological samples are inherently multi-scale. Understanding their bulk physical and chemical properties requires characterization down to the nano-scale. A powerful technique to study the three-dimensional microstructure is X-ray tomography, but it lacks information about the chemistry of samples. To develop a methodology for measuring the multi-scale 3D microstructure of geological samples, correlative X-ray micro- and nanotomography were performed on two rocks followed by scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) analysis. The study was performed in five steps: (i) micro X-ray tomography was performed on rock sample cores, (ii) samples for nanotomography were prepared using laser milling, (iii) nanotomography was performed on the milled sub-samples, (iv) samples were mounted and polished for SEM analysis and (v) SEM imaging and compositional mapping was performed on micro and nanotomography samples for complimentary information. Correlative study performed on samples of serpentine and basalt revealed multiscale 3D structures involving both solid mineral phases and pore networks. Significant differences in the volume fraction of pores and mineral phases were also observed dependent on the imaging spatial resolution employed. This highlights the necessity for the application of such a multiscale approach for the characterization of complex aggregates such as rocks. Information acquired from the chemical mapping of different phases was also helpful in segmentation of phases that did not exhibit significant contrast in X-ray imaging. Adoption of the protocol used in this study can be broadly applied to 3D imaging studies being performed at the Advanced Light Source and other user facilities.


Mitigation of DMM-induced stripe patterns in synchrotron X-ray radiography through dynamic tilting

In synchrotron X-ray radiography, achieving high image resolution and an optimal signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is crucial for the subsequent accurate image analysis. Traditional methods often struggle to balance these two parameters, especially in situ applications where rapid data acquisition is essential to capture specific dynamic processes. For quantitative image data analysis, using monochromatic X-rays is essential. A double multilayer monochromator (DMM) is successfully used for this aim at the BAMline, BESSY II (Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Germany). However, such DMMs are prone to producing an unstable horizontal stripe pattern. Such an unstable pattern renders proper signal normalization difficult and thereby causes a reduction of the SNR. We introduce a novel approach to enhance SNR while preserving resolution: dynamic tilting of the DMM. By adjusting the orientation of the DMM during the acquisition of radiographic projections, we optimize the X-ray imaging quality, thereby enhancing the SNR. The corresponding shift of the projection during this movement is corrected in post-processing. The latter correction allows a good resolution to be preserved. This dynamic tilting technique enables the homogenization of the beam profile and thereby effectively reduces noise while maintaining high resolution. We demonstrate that data captured using this proposed technique can be seamlessly integrated into the existing radiographic data workflow, as it does not need hardware modifications to classical X-ray imaging beamline setups. This facilitates further image analysis and processing using established methods.


Development of crystal optics for X-ray multi-projection imaging for synchrotron and XFEL sources

X-ray multi-projection imaging (XMPI) is an emerging experimental technique for the acquisition of rotation-free, time-resolved, volumetric information on stochastic processes. The technique is developed for high-brilliance light-source facilities, aiming to address known limitations of state-of-the-art imaging methods in the acquisition of 4D sample information, linked to their need for sample rotation. XMPI relies on a beam-splitting scheme, that illuminates a sample from multiple, angularly spaced viewpoints, and employs fast, indirect, X-ray imaging detectors for the collection of the data. This approach enables studies of previously inaccessible phenomena of industrial and societal relevance such as fractures in solids, propagation of shock waves, laser-based 3D printing, or even fast processes in the biological domain. In this work, we discuss in detail the beam-splitting scheme of XMPI. More specifically, we explore the relevant properties of X-ray splitter optics for their use in XMPI schemes, both at synchrotron insertion devices and XFEL facilities. Furthermore, we describe two distinct XMPI schemes, designed to faciliate large samples and complex sample environments. Finally, we present experimental proof of the feasibility of MHz-rate XMPI at the European XFEL. This detailed overview aims to state the challenges and the potential of XMPI and act as a stepping stone for future development of the technique.


X-ray ghost imaging with a specially developed beam splitter

X-ray ghost imaging with a crystal beam splitter has advantages in highly efficient imaging due to the simultaneous acquisition of signals from both the object beam and reference beam. However, beam splitting with a large field of view, uniform distribution and high correlation has been a great challenge up to now. Therefore, a dedicated beam splitter has been developed by optimizing the optical layout of a synchrotron radiation beamline and the fabrication process of a Laue crystal. A large field of view, consistent size, uniform intensity distribution and high correlation were obtained simultaneously for the two split beams. Modulated by a piece of copper foam upstream of the splitter, a correlation of 92% between the speckle fields of the object and reference beam and a Glauber function of 1.25 were achieved. Taking advantage of synthetic aperture X-ray ghost imaging (SAXGI), a circuit board of size 880 × 330 pixels was successfully imaged with high fidelity. In addition, even though 16 measurements corresponding to a sampling rate of 1% in SAXGI were used for image reconstruction, the skeleton structure of the circuit board can still be determined. In conclusion, the specially developed beam splitter is applicable for the efficient implementation of X-ray ghost imaging.


distect: automatic sample-position tracking for X-ray experiments using computer vision algorithms

Soft X-ray spectroscopy is an important technique for measuring the fundamental properties of materials. However, for measurements of samples in the sub-millimetre range, many experimental setups show limitations. Position drifts on the order of hundreds of micrometres during thermal stabilization of the system can last for hours of expensive beam time. To compensate for drifts, sample tracking and feedback systems must be used. However, in complex sample environments where sample access is very limited, many existing solutions cannot be applied. In this work, we apply a robust computer vision algorithm to automatically track and readjust the sample position in the dozens of micrometres range. Our approach is applied in a complex sample environment, where the sample is in an ultra-high vacuum chamber, surrounded by cooled thermal shields to reach sample temperatures down to 2.5 K and in the center of a superconducting split coil. Our implementation allows sample-position tracking and adjustment in the vertical direction since this is the dimension where drifts occur during sample temperature change in our setup. The approach can be easily extended to 2D. The algorithm enables a factor of ten improvement in the overlap of a series of X-ray absorption spectra in a sample with a vertical size down to 70 µm. This solution can be used in a variety of experimental stations, where optical access is available and sample access by other means is reduced.


Development of hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy in liquid cells using optimized microfabricated silicon nitride membranes

We present first hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES) results of aqueous salt solutions and dispersions of gold nanoparticles in liquid cells equipped with specially designed microfabricated thin silicon nitride membranes, with thickness in the 15–25 nm range, mounted in a high-vacuum-compatible environment. The experiments have been performed at the HAXPES endstation of the GALAXIES beamline at the SOLEIL synchrotron radiation facility. The low-stress membranes are fabricated from 100 mm silicon wafers using standard lithography techniques. Platinum alignment marks are added to the chips hosting the membranes to facilitate the positioning of the X-ray beam on the membrane by detecting the corresponding photoemission lines. Two types of liquid cells have been used, a static one built on an Omicron-type sample holder with the liquid confined in the cell container, and a circulating liquid cell, in which the liquid can flow in order to mitigate the effects due to beam damage. We demonstrate that the membranes are mechanically robust and able to withstand 1 bar pressure difference between the liquid inside the cell and vacuum, and the intense synchrotron radiation beam during data acquisition. This opens up new opportunities for spectroscopic studies of liquids.


Coprecipitation of Ce(III) oxide with UO2

The neutralization of acidic solutions containing U (IV) and Ce (III) at room temperature in glove box atmosphere and in the presence of dithionite results in coprecipitation of these elements as amorphous solid solutions CexU1–xO2±y. The solubilities of the precipitates with different mole fractions (x) of Ce(OH)3 (x = 0.01 or 0.1) were determined in 1 M NaClO4 solutions between pH 2.2 and 12.8 under reducing conditions. The solids were investigated by a variety of methods (chemical analysis, SEM-EDX, XRD, XPS, XAS) to determine the nature of the solid solutions formed, their composition and the valence state of Ce and U. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy confirmed the oxidation states of the solids both before and after the equilibration as Ce (III) and U (IV). The amorphous coprecipitates reached equilibrium relatively fast (∼1 week). The release of Ce from the coprecipitates was totally dominated by the release of uranium over the whole pH range. The Ce concentrations decrease slightly with the decrease of Ce content in the solid, suggesting that CexU1–xO2±y solids behave thermodynamically as solid solutions. The concentrations of U in equilibrium with the coprecipitate were in excellent agreement with the solubility of UO2(s) under reducing conditions reported in the literature. The conditional solubility product of Ce(OH)3 from the coprecipitate was several orders of magnitude (∼4 in the near neutral pH range and ∼18 in the acidic range) lower than that of pure Ce(OH)3(s). The activities and activity coefficients of Ce(OH)3(s) in the coprecipitate were also estimated. Activity coefficients are much less than 1, indicating that the mixing of Ce(OH)3 with UO2 is highly favorable.


High-transmission spectrometer for rapid resonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering (rRIXS) maps

The design and first results of a high-transmission soft X-ray spectrometer operated at the X-SPEC double-undulator beamline of the KIT Light Source are presented. As a unique feature, particular emphasis was placed on optimizing the spectrometer transmission by maximizing the solid angle and the efficiencies of spectrometer gratings and detector. A CMOS detector, optimized for soft X-rays, allows for quantum efficiencies of 90% or above over the full energy range of the spectrometer, while simultaneously offering short readout times. Combining an optimized control system at the X-SPEC beamline with continuous energy scans (as opposed to step scans), the high transmission of the spectrometer, and the fast readout of the CMOS camera, enable the collection of entire rapid resonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering maps in less than 1 min. Series of spectra at a fixed energy can be taken with a frequency of up to 5 Hz. Furthermore, the use of higher-order reflections allows a very wide energy range (45 to 2000 eV) to be covered with only two blazed gratings, while keeping the efficiency high and the resolving power E/ΔE above 1500 and 3000 with low- and high-energy gratings, respectively.


Mirror-centered representation of a focusing hyperbolic mirror for X-ray beamlines

Conic sections are commonly used in reflective X-ray optics. Hyperbolic mirrors can focus a converging light source and are frequently paired with elliptical or parabolic mirrors in Wolter type configurations. This paper derives the closed-form expression for a mirror-centered hyperbolic shape, with zero-slope at the origin. Combined with the slope and curvature, such an expression facilitates metrology, manufacturing and mirror-bending calculations. Previous works consider ellipses, parabolas, magnifying hyperbolas or employ lengthy approximations. Here, the exact shape function is given in terms of the mirror incidence angle and the source and image distances.


A study of structural effects on the focusing and imaging performance of hard X-rays with 20–30 nm zone plates

Hard X-ray microscopes with 20–30 nm spatial resolution ranges are an advanced tool for the inspection of materials at the nanoscale. However, the limited efficiency of the focusing optics, for example, a Fresnel zone plate (ZP) lens, can significantly reduce the power of a nanoprobe. Despite several reports on ZP lenses that focus hard X-rays with 20 nm resolution – mainly constructed by zone-doubling techniques – a systematic investigation into the limiting factors has not been reported. We report the structural effects on the focusing and imaging efficiency of 20–30 nm-resolution ZPs, employing a modified beam-propagation method. The zone width and the duty cycle (zone width/ring pitch) were optimized to achieve maximum efficiency, and a comparative analysis of the zone materials was conducted. The optimized zone structures were used in the fabrication of Pt-hydrogen silsesquioxane (HSQ) ZPs. The highest focusing efficiency of the Pt-HSQ-ZP with a resolution of 30 nm was 10% at 7 keV and >5% in the range 6–10 keV, whereas the highest efficiency of the Pt-HSQ-ZP with a resolution of 20 nm was realized at 7 keV with an efficiency of 7.6%. Optical characterization conducted at X-ray beamlines demonstrated significant enhancement of the focusing and imaging efficiency in a broader range of hard X-rays from 5 keV to 10 keV, demonstrating the potential application in hard X-ray focusing and imaging.


Green upgrading of SPring-8 to produce stable, ultrabrilliant hard X-ray beams

SPring-8-II is a major upgrade project of SPring-8 that was inaugurated in October 1997 as a third-generation synchrotron radiation light source. This upgrade project aims to achieve three goals simultaneously: achievement of excellent light source performance, refurbishment of aged systems, and significant reduction in power consumption for the entire facility. A small emittance of 50 pm rad will be achieved by (1) replacing the existing double-bend lattice structure with a five-bend achromat one, (2) lowering the stored beam energy from 8 to 6 GeV, (3) increasing the horizontal damping partition number from 1 to 1.3, and (4) enhancing horizontal radiation damping by installing damping wigglers in long straight sections. The use of short-period in-vacuum undulators allows ultrabrilliant X-rays to be provided while keeping a high-energy spectral range even at the reduced electron-beam energy of 6 GeV. To reduce power consumption, the dedicated, aged injector system has been shut down and the high-performance linear accelerator of SACLA, a compact X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) facility, is used as the injector of the ring in a time-shared manner. This allows the simultaneous operation of XFEL experiments at SACLA and full/top-up injection of the electron beam into the ring. This paper overviews the concept of the SPring-8-II project, the system design of the light source and the details of the accelerator component design.