
Why our yearbook photos are all smiles now

Serious expressions were the rage a century ago, but shifts in society changed things.

  • Arts & Culture


Cosmic 'lightsaber' slices through space

Formed by material falling onto a newborn star, the two beams of light shoot outward to create the dual-sided lightsaber appearance.


Black hole that 'burps' may answer cosmic riddle

A black hole's epic "burp" may help solve one of the deep mysteries of the galactic core.


Cosmic alignment of Mars, Earth and sun brings the red planet closer to us

This opposition, which occurs every 2 years, is considered relatively favorable and precedes another event when Mars will be at its closest to Earth all year.


FDA's new anti-smoking campaign aimed squarely at kids

The Food and Drug Administration is launching its first national campaign to prevent and reduce smoking among young people.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Are Starbucks drinks getting smaller?

Save money (and calories) with a smaller-sized mini Frappuccino.


2015 food trend predictions: Ugly, smokey and smelly

But don't be put off by the headline: I'm excited about what I'm hearing about what's coming next year.


That coffee Chick-fil-A is giving away all February? Small farmers in Central America were paid fairly for it

The chicken chain is working with THRIVE to purchase coffee from farmers who can by-pass the middleman and get paid up to 10x more for their beans.


What is a GSM wine blend?

When grenache is blended with two other grapes, it's abbreviated as GSM. Here's what else you need to know.


Why dark sky tourism is catching on

We chat with astrotourism specialist Valerie Stimac, and author of 'Dark Skies,' about the best places to gaze into the beauty of the heavens.


Scientists just found the oldest material on Earth — and it smells funny

Scientists discovered the oldest known material on the Earth's surface while studying a meteorite that landed in Australia 50 years ago.


This stellar fight caused a beautiful cosmic rainbow

A cosmic collision between two stars caused a stunning gas rainbow reaction.


A second, smaller moon has been hanging around our planet for years

Astronomers have found a mini-moon called 2020 CD3 in Earth's orbit, but it won't be around for very much longer.


Forget Black Friday: Support your kids and Small Business Saturday instead

Small businesses generate more jobs — and our kids are going to need them — so support Small Business Saturday.

  • Sustainable Business Practices


EcoSense for Living: Smarter grocery choices

Learn the keys to making smarter choices at the grocery store.


DOE awards $188 million to small businesses

The Department of Energy has awarded $188 million to small businesses in 34 states to spur clean energy innovation, job creation and more.


DOE awards $57 million to small businesses

The U.S. Department of Energy awards $57 million to 33 small business projects.


DOE: Fridges must have smaller carbon footprints

Although refrigerators continue to grow in size and become more tricked out, new standards will also require them to be drastically more energy efficient.


When this smelly corpse flower bloomed, did it make gardening history?

A hybrid that would be cold-hardy and suitable for outdoor planting may be available for home landscapes in a few years.

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


These California succulents are at the center of a massive smuggling ring

There's a poaching ring focused on some succulents in the genus Dudleya, which can fetch millions on the black market in East Asia.

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


Forget the smart home, it's all in the cloud now

What ever happened to that Internet of Things? We outsourced it.

  • Research & Innovations


Blondes might actually be smarter than those with other hair colors

A new study turns the tables on the old "dumb blonde" stereotype.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Reports of negative health reactions to cosmetics have doubled in the last 2 years

The number of negative health reactions to cosmetic products reported to the FDA has skyrocketed, with the majority of complaints coming for hair products.


Autism linked to fever or flu in pregnancy

Children are more likely to have autism if their mothers had the flu or a prolonged fever during the first or second trimester of pregnancy.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Higher humidity lowers flu transmission

One reason flu transmission is thought to be lower during the summer months is because of the high humidity.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Smart snowplows aim to make winter roads safer

In a push to save money and lives this winter, four U.S. states are dispatching smart snowplows.

  • Climate & Weather


Toxoplasma gondii: What you need to know

The cat-carried parasite Toxoplasma gondi has been associated with a variety of illnesses, but you can take simple precautions.


When the neighbors are grizzlies, live WildSmart

Program in Alberta helps humans peacefully coexist with often dangerous wildlife.


Ernie Els' drive for an autism cure

Famous golfer and his wife establish $30 million center to bring all treatment options under one roof.


Why later school start times are a smart idea

Research suggests letting kids get more sleep can lead to healthier teens, better test scores and a stronger economy.


Walk between the Smokies on North America's longest pedestrian suspension bridge

SkyBridge, North America's longest pedestrian suspension bridge, opened earlier this year in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. And now it's ready for Christmas.


How safe is cured, smoked or salted fish?

We've read about the harmful health effects of eating processed meats. But what about their fishy counterparts?


Scientists create mouse that can smell light

Researchers say the mutant mice study could increase our understanding of perception systems.

  • Research & Innovations


Renewable energy records smashed (and you better get used to hearing that)

Clean energy sources are producing record amounts of power in markets across the world.


Big utilities are ready to go small

High-voltage utilities are experimenting with generating energy from renewable feedstocks available locally.


Tasmanian tiger 'sightings' prompt new scientific hunt

Following fresh eyewitness evidence, researchers are placing dozens of camera traps in a remote region of Australia.


Do nonsmokers deserve extra vacation days?

The average smoker takes about six days of smoke breaks each year, so maybe nonsmokers deserve extra vacation days in return.


Community responds to vandalism in cow tunnel with beautiful mural

When vandals took over an abandoned cow tunnel in Portslade in Brighton, the community took it back.

  • Arts & Culture


What is ASMR (and why does it feel so good?)

Experiencing a pleasant tingle when someone crinkles paper isn't as weird as you think. It's called ASMR or 'brain orgasm.' Here's why it happens.

  • Arts & Culture


20 fantastic photos that offer a big peek into a small world

Nikon Small World Photomicrography shows how art and science intersect.

  • Arts & Culture


Nikon Small World video winners prove small is truly is beautiful

Winners announced for the 9th annual Nikon Small World In Motion competition showcasing the best microscopic videos of 2019.

  • Arts & Culture


What those beautiful glass prisms in the sidewalk are really for

Vault lights in the sidewalks were useful ways to light the rooms down below.

  • Arts & Culture


Capturing Florida's chameleons, one small invasive reptile at a time

Herpers are people who search for chameleons at night and remove the invasive species from the wild. What happens next, though, is controversial.


Yes, you can smell fear — and it's contagious

Studies show we emit chemicals that communicate emotion, and whether we realize it or not, our brain responds to fear alarms.

  • Arts & Culture


Small worlds loom large in Nikon's photomicrography contest

The winners of Nikon's 43rd annual Small World Photomicrography Competition will make you wish you paid more attention in science class.

  • Research & Innovations


8 face oils for smoother, healthier skin

Natural face oils are the new go-to moisturizer. Here are eight oils that deserve a spot in your beauty regimen.

  • Natural Beauty & Fashion


5 chemicals to avoid in cosmetics

What these all-too-common chemicals do to our bodies.

  • Natural Beauty & Fashion


Keeping Smart Appliances Safe

Have you considered a smart appliance? The global market has increased fivefold in the last four years.

  • Protection & Safety


"Clean" coal smells good too

The good folks at Coalergy reminds us all that coal isn't dirty. It smells good too.


How much should we expect from our smartphones?

Do we really expect our phones to have empathy, like Samantha in 'Her'?

  • Gadgets & Electronics