
International Art Project Seeks To Transform Flint's Image

Artists from Michigan and around the world are painting 50 murals in Flint to refocus the city's image on art rather than the lead-tainted water crisis.


BIS international banking statistics at end-September 2019

Global cross-border bank claims continued to expand rapidly, growing at 9% year on year. As in previous quarters, the expansion was mainly due to claims on the non-bank sector, which grew at 12% year on year. The growth in claims on non-bank financial institutions was particularly strong (+17%). European banks' cross-border lending, which went through a prolonged contraction after the Great Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2007-09, has been expanding again since the start of 2018.


BIS international banking statistics at end-December 2019

The annual growth rate of global cross-border bank claims fell to 6%, down from 9% at end-September 2019. The short-term share of foreign banks' claims, a key indicator of external vulnerability, is elevated for a number of borrowing emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs). Borrowers in EMDEs had untapped credit lines of $610 billion, or roughly 10% of the stock of global foreign claims on EMDEs at end-2019. Saudi Arabia joined the reporting population for the locational banking statistics (LBS) with data starting from Q4 2017, bringing the number of countries reporting these data to 48.


We Need National Service. Now.

The formative moment for a new generation.


Thomas Jordan: Introductory remarks, Swiss National Bank news conference

Introductory remarks by Mr Thomas Jordan, Chairman of the Governing Board of the Swiss National Bank, at the Media News Conference of the Swiss National Bank, Berne, 25 March 2020.


Mugur Isărescu: National Bank of Romania - 140th anniversary

Speech by Mr Mugur Isărescu, Governor of the National Bank of Romania, Bucharest, 29 April 2020.


International restrictions pose a challenge for resuming pro sports

As the NHL, NBA and MLB consider resuming play, the issue of international travel poses another hurdle for Canadian-based teams.


45 Chinese nationals in Nepal demand flights to go home, throw stones – Hindustan Times

45 Chinese nationals in Nepal demand flights to go home, throw stones  Hindustan TimesView Full coverage on Google News

  • IMC News Feed


How Do American Indians Celebrate Mother’s Day? | Smithsonian Voices | National Museum of the American Indian –

How Do American Indians Celebrate Mother's Day? | Smithsonian Voices | National Museum of the American Indian

  • IMC News Feed


National women's team win over Brazil at Rio 2016 'Canadian soccer's finest hour'

On this week's edition of Olympic Games Replay, CBC Sports showcases some of the big moments from Canada's journey through the women's soccer tournament at the Rio Olympics.


Competition for new N.S. RCMP dispatch centre 'falsely stacked' against First Nation's bid: chief

The chief of Millbrook First Nation says the Nova Scotia RCMP's competition for its new communication centre was "distorted and biased," arbitrarily inflating the price of his community's proposal to reach a "predetermined outcome."


Darin Isaac is the newly-elected chief of the Selkirk First Nation in Yukon

Darin Isaac has been elected chief of the Selkirk First Nation while Jeremy Harper, Morris Morrison, Carmen Lee Baker and Ashley Edzerza were voted in as councillors. Cody Sims has been elected youth councillor.

  • News/Canada/North


First Nations worried by suspension of oilsands environmental monitoring

The leader of a First Nation surrounded by oilsands development is frustrated by the Alberta Energy Regulator's decision to suspend a wide array of environmental reporting requirements for oilsands companies.

  • News/Canada/Edmonton


At least 18 First Nations in northeastern Ontario close borders to keep outsiders and COVID-19 away

More than a dozen First Nations in northeastern Ontario have closed their borders to outsiders during the pandemic. It's creating some friction, but in the long-run could help to better define what Indigenous self-government really means. 

  • News/Canada/Sudbury


COVID-19 numbers from provincial, First Nations data sharing agreement won't be made public without consent

Manitoba health officials have an agreement with First Nations leaders to track and share COVID-19 data, but the public may never know specifics of what the unique agreement yields.

  • News/Canada/Manitoba


Lessons learned during H1N1 guide Ottawa's response to COVID-19 in First Nations

The federal government is looking to hire paramedics who can fly up to remote First Nations in case there’s a surge of COVID-19 cases, and officials say it’s evidence of a different approach to Indigenous health care than during the H1N1 outbreak.

  • News/Canada/Manitoba


Manitoba First Nation proposal to repurpose youth centre as field hospital passed over for temporary shelters

Mathias Colomb Cree Nation is wondering why the federal government ignored their community's proposal for an emergency COVID-19 response space in favour of a Calgary company's. 


First Nations COVID-19 cases undercounted, says AFN national chief

Assembly of First Nations National Chief Perry Bellegarde says COVID-19 infection rates among First Nations people are undercounted as a result of failures in information sharing between federal, provincial and territorial governments.


How a package to 'a farm situated up a long drive with cows' got to its destination

A New Zealand mail carrier made it her mission to deliver a package that was vaguely addressed to "Phil and Kay," located "opposite Cust pub or thereabouts."

  • Radio/As It Happens


On the road throughout Europe - International

Throughout the year Bus4Life provides encouragement to local pastors and OM teams in Eastern Europe, partnering with them to share the Gospel.


Windsor students gearing up to attend national virtual prom

With proms cancelled across Canada, an online resource for kids called the Student Life Network has organized a national virtual prom.

  • News/Canada/Windsor


Madagascar ships unproven herbal remedy for COVID-19 to several African nations

Madagascar is putting its self-proclaimed, plant-based "cure" for COVID-19 on sale and several countries in Africa have already put in orders for purchase, despite warnings from the World Health Organization that its efficacy is unproven.


Alberta Pandas defeat UNB Reds to win U Sports women's curling national championship

The University of Alberta Pandas defeated the UNB Reds 10-2 in the U Sports women's curling final, while the Laurier Golden Hawks topped the Dalhousie Tigers 8-5 for the men's curling title in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba on Sunday.

  • Sports/Olympics/Winter Sports/Curling


CME Group Achieves Record International Average Daily Volume of 7.2 Million Contracts in Q1 2020, Up 57 Percent from Q1 2019


Dollar invoicing, global value chains, and the business cycle dynamics of international trade

Bank for International Settlements BIS Working Papers by David Cook and Nikhil Patel


Post-crisis international financial regulatory reforms: a primer

Bank for International Settlements BIS Working Papers by Claudio Borio, Marc Farag and Nikola Tarashev


From secular stagnation to robocalypse? Implications of demographic and technological changes

Bank of Spain Working Papers by Henrique S. Basso and Juan F. Jimeno


International and domestic interactions of macroprudential and monetary policies: the case of Chile

Central Bank of Chile Working Papers by Tomás Gómez, Alejandro Jara and David Moreno


White House hosts service for National Day of Prayer

Washington D.C., May 7, 2020 / 04:30 pm (CNA).- The White House service for the National Day of Prayer on Thursday focused on protection from the coronavirus pandemic. President Trump said Americans will continue to pray for divine assistance as the nation faces “unforeseen and seemingly unbearable hardships.”

Sister Eneyda Martinez of the Poor Sisters of St. Joseph community in Alexandria, Virginia was one of the religious leaders present to lead attendees in prayer.

“Merciful Savior, heal and comfort the sick so that with health restored, they may give you praise. Divine Physician, accompany our caregivers, so that serving you with patience they may heal wisely. And through wisdom, guide our leaders, so that through seeking remedies they may follow your light,” Sister Eneyda Martinez prayed at the service in the White House’s Rose Garden.

The National Day of Prayer was designated by Congress in 1952, and scheduled in 1988 to be observed annually on the first Thursday in the month of May.

In attendance at the White House service were President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump, as well as Vice President Mike Pence and Second Lady Karen Pence, and Paula White, and other religious leaders from Catholic, Christian, and Mormon churches, and Jewish and Hindu faiths.

The prayer service emphasized prayer for protection from the coronavirus pandemic, as well as prayer for the sick and their families, and health care workers.

“Christ, the Anointed, protect us in body and in spirit, so that free from harm we may be delivered from all affliction,” prayed Sister Eneyda Martinez.

Vice President Pence urged Americans to be “persistent in prayer,” especially for the families of the dead, those sick with the virus, and health care workers, many who have “literally taken the place of loved ones” in being the only close contacts of COVID-19 patients.

On Thursday morning, Trump issued a proclamation, noting the importance of prayer during the pandemic.

“During the past weeks and months, our heads have bowed at places outside of our typical houses of worship, whispering in silent solitude for God to renew our spirit and carry us through unforeseen and seemingly unbearable hardships,” Trump stated.

“Even though we have been unable to gather together in fellowship with our church families, we are still connected through prayer and the calming reassurance that God will lead us through life's many valleys.”

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control was reportedly drafting guidance for states to reopen public accommodations and religious services, but according to the Associated Press on Thursday, the document was buried by the administration.

That document reportedly advised against churches holding services if they were not in a “community no longer requiring significant mitigation.”

However, if that and other certain conditions were in place, churches should take precautions such as ensuring social distancing, wearing of masks by congregants, and intensifying cleaning of churches, the CDC document reportedly said.

State orders have varied in their restrictions on public gatherings during the pandemic; a Kansas stay-at-home order allowed religious gatherings of 10 or fewer people, while Illinois prohibited all religious gatherings.

After every U.S. diocese stopped public Masses during March, Catholic dioceses have started offering public Masses, beginning with the diocese of Las Cruces, New Mexico, with several other dioceses following suit in ensuing days.

Officials from the CDC and the White House spoke with four of the bishops on April 28 and 29 about the resumption of public religious services.


Der Weg zu widerstandsfähigem Wachstum führt über internationale Zusammenarbeit

German translation of the BIS Press Release on the presentation of the Annual Report (25 June 2017)


Zimbabwe: Time for International Action


All Bark and No Bite? The International Response to Zimbabwe's Crisis


Zimbabwe: The Politics of National Liberation and International Division


"Madagascar's Back on Track -- Destination Unknown"

Madagascar, one of the world’s poorest countries, has been mired in political crisis, since 2009, when 34-year-old former radio disc jockey Andry Rajoelina toppled President Marc Ravalomanana in a military coup d’état.


What America Needs Next: A Biden National Unity Cabinet

We need a political system that mirrors the best in us.


Imagination and prayer

Young Mexicans are challenged to do their part in missions during a conference in August, in which OM participated.


Praying God’s heart for the nations, Part 2

Workers from the Middle East North Africa Area share how they use strategic prayer to prepare the way for God to move across the region.


Logos Hope visits Myanmar as nation enters historic new chapter

The world’s largest floating book fair welcomes its five millionth visitor as the tour of Asia comes to a conclusion.


From web manager to national director

Stephen Brandon takes on the role of national director for OM New Zealand after serving as OM’s International Web Manager for six years.


Can a Parent Refuse the Brain Death Examination?

The American Academy of Neurology believes that doctors have the right to do tests to evaluate whether a patient is brain dead even if the family does not consent. They argue that physicians have "both the moral authority and professional responsibility" to do such evaluations, just as they have the authority and responsibility to declare someone dead by circulatory criteria. Not everyone agrees. Truog and Tasker argue that apnea testing to confirm brain death has risks and that, for some families, those risks may outweigh the benefits. So, what should doctors do when caring for a patient whom they believe to be brain dead but whose parents refuse to allow testing to confirm that the patient meets neurologic criteria for death? In this article, we analyze the issues that arise when parents refuse such testing.


OM sows seeds at National Ploughing Championships

OM Ireland's community outreach team participates in one of Ireland's biggest events: the 2011 National Ploughing Championships in Athy, Co. Kildare from 20 -22 September.


International with lots of charm

"The Lord gave me a verse out of Isaiah 50:5...I started to understand that I had a lot to give, and that God’s ways for me might lead me differently than I had thought," said OMer Evelyn.


Andy Murray sends heartfelt message and donation to NHS workers amid coronavirus crisis

SIR Andy Murray has sent a heartfelt message to NHS staff for their heroic work during the coronavirus crisis.


Fresh from Scottish farms, frozen to keep in all the goodness - why Farmfoods is still the nation's favourite

Farmfoods, a Scottish family business, has served the nation for over 60 years - and has never faltered in selling the finest farm  produce the country has to offer.


Equipping national leaders for ministry

Mercy Teams International (MTI) strives to see local workers in each ministry field trained and equipped as leaders. MTI Cambodia is one example.


Andy Bell: Six Nations, we'll drink to that

With the Six Nations rugby in full flow (come on, Scotland – I’m forever the optimist) now is a great time to look at amazing beverages from all the nations competing.


Remote Learning Problems During Coronavirus Prompt Resignation of Big District Tech Leader

The top technology official for Virginia's Fairfax County schools resigned after the district struggled to handle some major technical glitches in its e-learning platforms.


New Warnings on Screen Time, as Students Nationwide Move to E-Learning

As millions of students nationwide start to settle into virtual learning programs to slow the spread of the coronavirus, a massive new research analysis sounds another note of caution about the effects of exposing significantly more screen time.


Neil Mackay: Scotland’s handling of schools in lockdown is a national disgrace

THE teacher had four pupils yesterday. Just four pupils out of a class of 33 took part in virtual online lockdown lessons.


National Principals' Union Chases More Members

A national union for principals is campaigning to increase its membership, drafting in part off the momentum created by the surge in educator activism over the past two years.