
Blessed Are The Peacemakers


Divine Worship: Blessed is the Kingdom

Fr. Apostolos addresses the Sacrament of Kingdom invoked at the opening of the Divine Liturgy followed by a treatment of "Peace" as the precondition for prayer.


Crew Members, Not Passengers

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily centered on the Epistle reading and St. Paul's admonition that we exercise the spiritual gifts given to us for the building up of the Body of Christ.


Should Emotions be Repressed, Indulged or Purified?


Changing Our Perspective About Our Possessions

As Christians, the Holy Spirit gives us a new perspective on life and that includes what we do with our time, talent, and treasure. In short, everything belongs to God. He gives it all to us as a gift and we're called to offer a portion back to Him in thanksgiving.


The Messenger, The Messiah, and The Manifestation.

Leading into the feast of Theophany, Fr. Tom calls to remembrance the Forerunner and how he points us to repentance in order to see clearly our Savior in the Holy Trinity.


Blessedness in Persecution

In this final sermon on the Beatitudes, Fr. Gregory says that persecution can be an occasion of great blessedness.


A Crossed Life

Today Fr. Gregory combines his children's sermon and his adult sermon to illustrate the importance of the cross.


Taking Up Our Crosses

There is a phrase one hears; “It is a cross I have to bear”; which usually means something that causes pain or grief or some sort of problem. Fr. Christopher says that is not quite what Christ meant in today's Gospel.


A Crossed Heart

Fr. Gregory is in Ireland for the commemoration of the Holy Cross.


The Blessedness in Mary

Fr. Emmanuel Kahn gives the sermon on the Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos.


Vessels of Treasure


Blessed Are The…..


Blessed Are You Among Women


How To Be Blessed


Blessed Are the Poor


Blessed Are the …..


Four Traits of a Blessed Life


Eye Witnesses


It Is More Blessed To Give!


This Treasure in Earthen Vessels


A Blessed Life


Blessed Are You Among Women!


Blessed Are You Among Women


The Testimony of Two Witnesses


Blessed are You Among Women


It is More Blessed to Give!


Not Myths, But Eyewitnesses


Psalm 117 - Blessed is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord

Palm Sunday and Holy Week present opportunities for us to see Christ exalted, holy, and victorious!


Meet Fr. Michael Nasser

Dr. Rossi interviews Fr. Michael Nasser, past Director of Antiochian Village Camp and Project Mexico. Fr. Michael is now priest of Holy Apostles Orthodox Mission in Bowling Green, KY.


The “Wonderful and Confessedly Striking” Christian Manner of Life

Examining a passage from the anonymous second-century Epistle to Diognetus, Archimandrite Irenei explores the witness borne by the early Christian community and asks: does it reflect our Christian testimony today?


Unraveling the Episcopal Assembly

In our continuing effort to keep you informed about the recent and on going work of our Hierarchs to bring about administrative unity, we present an extensive interview with Fr. Mark Arey. The discussion centers on the first Episcopal Assembly meeting in New York on May 26-28, 2010. You will hear first hand what took place behind the closed doors of the Assembly and how it impacts all of us for the future. Fr. Mark is the current General Secretary of SCOBA (the Standing Conference of Orthodox Bishops in America) and was the initial Secretary of the Assembly in New York. He was one of very few non-Bishops in the meetings.


Bishop Basil and the Episcopal Assembly

AFR correspondent Matthew Namee talks with His Grace Bishop Basil, the newly elected Secretary of the Episcopal Assemblies. We learn of his impressions of the historic May 26-28 gathering in New York as well as the assignment he has been given to coordinate the work of the committees that will be formed leading up eventually to a Great and Holy Council.


Assembly of Bishops Convene Sep 17-19

His Grace Bishop Basil joins us to talk about the next meeting of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops September 17-19 in Greater Chicago.


Icons: The Essential Collection

Bobby Maddex interviews Sr. Faith Riccio, the author of a new book from Paraclete Press titled Icons: The Essential Collection.


Anne Van Fossen, Chief Academic Officer of the CLRC

Bobby Maddex interview with Ann Van Fossen, the Chief Academic Officer for the Classical Learning Resourse Centre, also known as the CLRC, as well as, two of her teachers at the centre; John Bassett and Michelle Wib Band. To learn more about the CLRC please go to; email @ Also the CLRC is offering a discount code until August 3,2023 which is AFR10


The Essential Thesis of the Christian Faith

1 Corinthians 15 is arguable among the most important passages of the Bible. Fr. Pat examines this passage from today's reading.


First Assembly of God


The Resurrection-Essence of Gospel


This Messes Up All of Our Statistics

In the Holy Communion, there is a change of substance. The bread and the wine have been transformed. We receive into our flesh the risen power of Christ.


Cheesefare - for a blessed Lent!

Pray, Forgive, Fast, Give Alms, Don't Judge!


Surrounded by a great cloud of Witnesses


Bishop Basil and the Episcopal Assembly

Matthew Namee talks with His Grace Bishop Basil, the newly elected Secretary of the Episcopal Assemblies. We learn of his impressions of the historic May 26-28 gathering in New York as well as the assignment he has been given to coordinate the work of the committees that will be formed leading up eventually to a Great and Holy Council.


Million Dollar Weekend crossed 100,000 sales!!

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about the marketing strategies I use to promote the book. In a previous podcast, I broke down the launch of Million Dollar Weekend (Spotify – iTunes). Today, I want to break down the 3-part system I’m using to continue 24/7 marketing my book after launch. 1- Exposure – […]

The post Million Dollar Weekend crossed 100,000 sales!! appeared first on Noah Kagan.


The ‘Ship It’ Manifesto: How to get your content assets out of Marketing Purgatory

Where do unshipped marketing assets go when they die? We imagine a place called Marketing Purgatory. It’s a gloomy world where unused ads, landing pages and email campaigns mope around, waiting for the day they’ll finally launch. Sadly, it’s a day that will never come. Some of these assets were killed by zealous CEOs. Others […]

The post The ‘Ship It’ Manifesto: How to get your content assets out of Marketing Purgatory appeared first on Coaching and training to scale your copywriting business, plus programs for new copywriters, startups, and marketers.


7 Essentials to Reputation Management for Celebrities

As a celebrity or public figure, society holds a magnifying glass to everything you do. With the world hanging on to your words and actions, it’s no surprise they’ll spin things to suit their world views, take quotes out of context, or paint you in a negative light every chance […]

The post 7 Essentials to Reputation Management for Celebrities appeared first on .


Manassero hits nine-under-par third round to lead at PGA Championship

Watch the best shots from Matteo Manassero's nine-under-par third round as he takes a three-shot lead into the final round of the PGA Championship at Wentworth.


Farrell to assess 'energy levels' before making changes

Ireland head coach Andy Farrell says he will assess the "energy levels" of his squad before deciding whether to make wholesale changes against Argentina.


Watch: Kilcoo edge Crosserlough to reach Ulster semi-finals

Pre-match favourites Kilcoo are pushed all the way by Crosserlough but do just enough to clinch a 0-15 to 1-10 win in the Ulster Club SFC quarter-final.


Climate change legislation passed by MSPs

The Bill was passed in Holyrood with 105 votes to zero with seven Scottish Green MSPs abstaining.