
Jeremiah: Part 4

Dr. Constantinou takes us through some of the many patristic statements about the prophet Jeremiah.


Jeremiah: Part 5

Dr. Constantinou discusses Jeremiah's proclamation of a New Covenant, as well as the slavery of the Old Law.


Jeremiah: Part 6

Dr. Constantinou explains how Jeremiah was a type of Christ.


Ezekiel: Part One

Dr. Constantinou continues her "Introduction to the Bible" with the first of a series of episodes on the Prophet Ezekiel.


Ezekiel: Part Two

Dr. Constantinou discusses the call narrative of the prophet Ezekiel.


Ezekiel: Part Three

Dr. Constantinou continues her discussion of the prophet Ezekiel.


Ezekiel: Part Four

Dr. Constantinou addresses (among other things) one of the most famous verses from Ezekiel that is particularly popular among Orthodox Christians.


Ezekiel: Part Five

Dr. Constantinou addresses predestination and more in her continuing discussion of Ezekiel.


Ezekiel: Part Six

Dr. Constantinou discusses Ezekiel's vision of the dry bones.


Ezekiel: Part Seven - On Corrupt Clergy

Dr. Constantinou searches the Scriptures and the words of the Fathers to find out what it means and what we should do when a priest's corruption is revealed.


Ezekiel: Part Eight - On Corrupt Clergy

Dr. Constantinou consults St. John Chrysostom on the responsibilities of both the priesthood and the episcopacy, as well as on what the priest and the bishop are supposed to be like.


Special Lesson On Corrupt Clergy: Part 3

Dr. Constantinou discusses how the clergy are both different and not different from the rest of us and what happens in a parish when a priest's corruption is revealed.


Special Lesson On Corrupt Clergy: Part 4

Dr. Constantinou looks at why and how clergy corruption happens.


Special Lesson On Corrupt Clergy: Part 5

Dr. Constantinou describes the reasons some corrupt clergy form inappropriate relationships with parishioners, and how they can take steps to prevent this kind of corruption of their life, ministry, and parish.


Special Lesson On Corrupt Clergy: Part 6

Dr. Constantinou reflects on the failure to guard oneself against temptation that leads to a corrupt clergy, from On the Priesthood, Book 6 by St. John Chrysostom.


Special Lesson On Corrupt Clergy: Part 7

Dr. Constantinou talks about what will happen to a clergyman who is corrupt, and what if he repents of his sins?


Daniel: Part One

Dr. Constantinou begins a new series on the Book of Daniel by addressing the questions around authorship and dating of the text.


Daniel: Part Two

Dr. Constantinou continues the series on the Book of Daniel by discussing the importance of the Septuagint to the Early Church.


Daniel: Part Three

Dr. Jeannie Constantinou shares insights from the writings of the early Church Fathers on the Book of Daniel.


Daniel: Part Four

Dr. Jeannie Constantinou explains the origin and validity of the Apocrypha, and discusses the Story of Susanna found in the Book of Daniel in the Septuagint.


Daniel: Part Five

Dr. Jeannie Constantinou discusses further the Story of Susanna, along with the patristics comments on this portion of the Book of Daniel.


Daniel: Part Six

Dr. Jeannie Constantinou begins the reading and study of the first chapter of the Book of Daniel, with commentary from the Church Fathers.


Daniel: Part Seven

Dr. Jeannie Constantinou turns to chapter two of the Book of Daniel in which we find the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar.


Daniel: Part Eight

Dr. Jeannie Constantinou introduces the eschatological prophecies of Daniel and continues with chapter two of the Book of Daniel.


Daniel: Part Nine

Dr. Jeannie Constantinou completes our study of chapter two of the Book of Daniel, and discusses the ability to predict the end of the world.


Daniel: Part Ten

Dr. Jeannie Constantinou begins our study of chapter three of the Book of Daniel, and the story of the Three Youths (Children).


Daniel: Part Eleven

Dr. Jeannie Constantinou explains the meaning of a 'cubit' as she continues our study of chapter three of the Book of Daniel.


Daniel: Part Twelve

Dr. Jeannie Constantinou continues our discussion of chapter three of the Book of Daniel.


Daniel: Part Thirteen

Dr. Jeannie Constantinou continues our study of chapter three of the Book of Daniel and the story of the Three Young Men.


Daniel: Part Fourteen

Dr. Jeannie Constantinou answers a question from a listener about the words used for "worship" in Greek, and then continues our study of chapter three of the Book of Daniel.


Trinity, Florida: Part 2

Fr. Joseph gives a bit of "testimony" regarding his first mission in comparison to the large group coming together in Trinity, Florida.


Trinity, Florida: Part 3

In part three of his visit to the fledgling community in Trinity, Florida, Fr Joseph speaks of the Person who can transform the one, the two, the few (or the many).


Yuma, Arizona: Part 1

Fr. John Finley visits the St. Paisius Mission in Yuma, Arizona, on the Sunday of the Canaanite Woman.


Yuma, Arizona: Part 2

In part two of Fr. John's visit to Yuma, he might step on a few "Christian" toes.


Interview with Adam Roberts: Part 1

In part one of this two-part series, Fr. Joseph speaks with Subdeacon Adam Roberts about Evangelism—what is it?


Interview with Adam Roberts: Part 2

In part two of Fr Joseph's interview with Subdeacon Adam Roberts, the topics include: future groups to evangelize; existing parishes planting missions; and how to speak the truth in love (and the problem of the internet).


Interview with Steve Robinson: Part 1

Author and podcaster Steve "The Builder" Robinson shares the joys of 18 years of mission work (in hopes that Fr. Joseph has punched the record button).


Interview with Steve Robinson: Part 2

In part two of this interview, Steve defines "evangelism" and speaks of the struggle to "trust God."


Daniel and the Three Youths - Part 2

Fr. Tom now looks at the story of the three youths in the flaming furnace and the beautiful correlation to our worship as Orthodox Christians.


Vesting for Liturgy - Part 1

In this episode, Fr. Thomas explains the basic vestments worn by the priests and bishops for the Divine Liturgy. This is part 1.


Vesting for Liturgy - Part 2

In part 2 of Fr. Tom's comments on the vesting for liturgy, he talks about the importance of dress not only for the clergy but for all of us as we come to church.


Vesting for Liturgy - Part 3

Fr. Tom continues his look at the vestments worn by the clergy for the Divine Liturgy. What vestments are appropriate in non-sacramental settings?


Vesting for Liturgy - Part 4

As Fr. Tom continues to look at the vestments worn by the clergy for the Divine Liturgy, he today talks about the "girding of strength" as signified by the belt and the cuffs.


Vesting for Liturgy - Part 5

Today Fr. Thomas focuses his attention on a part of the vestments that many wonder about. What is the significance of that square or diamond shaped attachment that sometimes hangs above the knee of the bishop or presbyter?


Vesting for Liturgy - Part 6

Fr. Tom continues his comments on the vestments worn in the Divine Liturgy. Today he talks about the sacramental significance of the omophorion and epitrachelion.


Vesting for Liturgy - Part 7

In the final section on vestments for the Divine Liturgy, Fr. Tom talks about crosses, hats, and crowns.


The Two Parts of the Divine Liturgy

Fr. Tom talks about the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Faithful which comprise the worship of the Church from the very beginning.


The Great Litany - Part 2

Fr. Thomas continues to talk about the Great Litany at the beginning of the Divine Liturgy. In particular the "union of all men" and "the fear of God."


The Great Litany - Part 3

As he continues his commentary on the Great Litany, Fr. Thomas reflects on the prayers for the bishops, presbyters, and deacons.


The Great Litany - Part 4

As he continues to look at the Great Litany which begins the Divine Liturgy, Fr.Tom examines the petitions for the president, the country, those in civil authority, and our armed forces.