mental health

Mental health screening at school: instrumentation, implementation, and critical issues / Meghan C. Stiffler, Bridget V. Dever

Online Resource

mental health

Association of Mental Health Disorders With Prescription Opioids and High-Risk Opioid Use in US Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan

Interview with Karen H. Seal, MD, MPH, author of Association of Mental Health Disorders With Prescription Opioids and High-Risk Opioid Use in US Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan

mental health

Primary mental health care for disaster victims in developing countries

mental health

Mental health service utilization by child victims of natural disasters

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Training primary care workers in disaster mental health

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Florida Mental Health Institute under construction

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School-based mental health services delivered by school psychologists

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Mental health policy and services in Tampa, Florida

mental health

The role of mental health problems in explaining violent behaviors in children and adolescents over the lifecourse

mental health

Stress, coping, and their prediction of mental health outcomes in international baccalaureate high school students

mental health

An investigation of a dual-factor model of mental health and related physical health outcomes among early adolescents

mental health

Factors associated with school-based mental health services delivered by school psychologists

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Perceptions of school based mental health services by directors and supervisors of student services

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School psychologists' provision of school-based mental health interventions

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Organizational culture in children's mental health systems of care

mental health

Mental health service delivery systems and perceived qualifications of mental health service providers in school settings

mental health

The influence of perceived social support from parents, classmates, and teachers on early adolescents' mental health

mental health

Predicting early adolescents' academic achievement and in-school behavior with a dual-factor model of mental health

mental health

Relationships between substance use, mental health problems, and involvement in school-based extracurricular activities among high school students

mental health

School-based mental health services :

mental health

Mental health and alcoholism

mental health

Introduction to occupational and environmental health [Power Point]

mental health

Information pathways : how organizational culture influences the utilization of outcome measures in the Texas Children's Mental Health Plan

mental health

Mental health service provision for elderly persons living in Florida : the role of advocacy

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Florida Mental Health Institute (FMHI) archives

mental health

Florida Commission on Mental Health and Substance Abuse (FCMHSA) papers

mental health

JCAHO Papers on the Accreditation of the Florida Mental Health Institute

mental health

LGBTQ mental health: international perspectives and experiences / edited by Nadine Nakamura and Carmen H. Logie

Online Resource

mental health

Women's mental health: a clinical and evidence-based guide / Joel Rennó Jr., Gislene Valadares, Amaury Cantilino, Jeronimo Mendes-Ribeiro, Renan Rocha, Antonio Geraldo da Silva, editors

Online Resource

mental health

Age of anxiety: Mental health is the next looming crisis in Covid-19 times

It needs swift, sensible attention, writes Nikita Puri

mental health

25% jump in mental health cases in Gujarat

(This story originally appeared in AhmedabadMirror on May 8, 2020)

mental health

The social determinants of mental health / edited by Michael T. Compton, M.D., M.P.H., Ruth S. Shim, M.D., M.P.H

mental health

Accessibility and quality of mental health services in rural and remote Australia / The Senate, Community Affairs References Committee

Australia. Parliament. Senate. Community Affairs References Committee

mental health

All-in-one nursing care planning resource : medical-surgical, pediatric, maternity, and psychiatric-mental health / Pamela L. Swearingen, RN, Special Project Editor, Grand Rapids, Minnesota, Jacqueline D. Wright, RNC-OB, MSN, C-EFM, IBCLC, Professor of Nu

mental health

Disaster mental health : theory and practice / James Halpern, Mary Tramontin

Halpern, James, Ph.D

mental health

Mental health across cultures : a practical guide for health professionals / Jill Benson and Jill Thistlethwaite ; foreword by Michael Kidd

Benson, Jill

mental health

Working together : Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health and wellbeing principles and practice / editors, Pat Dudgeon, Helen Milroy and Roz Walker ; foreword by Tom Calma

mental health

The people behind 000 : mental health of our first responders / The Senate, Education and Employment References Committee

Australia. Parliament. Senate. Education and Employment References Committee, author, issuing body

mental health

Finding a language to talk about mental health

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With Olympics on hold, Michael Phelps worries about mental health

mental health

Michael Phelps urges athletes to take care of mental health after Tokyo Games delay

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Can mental health disorders affect pregnant women and their babies?

mental health

Coronavirus and mental health: Things people suffering from anxiety should know

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Helplines to chatbots: How to take care of your mental health during quarantine

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Prince William, Kate Middleton launch campaign to improve mental health during lockdown

mental health

Emma Stone talks mental health in times of coronavirus: Write, write and write

mental health

Hollywood Rewind | The Virgin Suicides: Of high school and mental health

mental health

Cricketers who’ve battled mental health issues

mental health

I feel pressure, I feel scared too, admits MS Dhoni while speaking on mental health