bra SSO and other putative inhibitors of FA transport across membranes by CD36 disrupt intracellular metabolism, but do not affect FA translocation [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-05-01T00:05:28-07:00 Membrane-bound proteins have been proposed to mediate the transport of long-chain FA (LCFA) transport through the plasma membrane (PM). These proposals are based largely on reports that PM transport of LCFAs can be blocked by a number of enzymes and purported inhibitors of LCFA transport. Here, using the ratiometric pH indicator (2',7'-bis-(2-carboxyethyl)-5-(and-6-)-carboxyfluorescein and acrylodated intestinal FA-binding protein-based dual fluorescence assays, we investigated the effects of nine inhibitors of the putative FA transporter protein CD36 on the binding and transmembrane movement of LCFAs. We particularly focused on sulfosuccinimidyl oleate (SSO), reported to be a competitive inhibitor of CD36-mediated LCFA transport. Using these assays in adipocytes and inhibitor-treated protein-free lipid vesicles, we demonstrate that rapid LCFA transport across model and biological membranes remains unchanged in the presence of these purported inhibitors. We have previously shown in live cells that CD36 does not accelerate the transport of unesterified LCFAs across the PM. Our present experiments indicated disruption of LCFA metabolism inside the cell within minutes upon treatment with many of the "inhibitors" previously assumed to inhibit LCFA transport across the PM. Furthermore, using confocal microscopy and a specific anti-SSO antibody, we found that numerous intracellular and PM-bound proteins are SSO-modified in addition to CD36. Our results support the hypothesis that LCFAs diffuse rapidly across biological membranes and do not require an active protein transporter for their transmembrane movement. Full Article
bra Nanodomains can persist at physiologic temperature in plasma membrane vesicles and be modulated by altering cell lipids [Research Articles] By Published On :: 2020-05-01T00:05:27-07:00 The formation and properties of liquid-ordered (Lo) lipid domains (rafts) in the plasma membrane are still poorly understood. This limits our ability to manipulate ordered lipid domain-dependent biological functions. Giant plasma membrane vesicles (GPMVs) undergo large-scale phase separations into coexisting Lo and liquid-disordered lipid domains. However, large-scale phase separation in GPMVs detected by light microscopy is observed only at low temperatures. Comparing Förster resonance energy transfer-detected versus light microscopy-detected domain formation, we found that nanodomains, domains of nanometer size, persist at temperatures up to 20°C higher than large-scale phases, up to physiologic temperature. The persistence of nanodomains at higher temperatures is consistent with previously reported theoretical calculations. To investigate the sensitivity of nanodomains to lipid composition, GPMVs were prepared from mammalian cells in which sterol, phospholipid, or sphingolipid composition in the plasma membrane outer leaflet had been altered by cyclodextrin-catalyzed lipid exchange. Lipid substitutions that stabilize or destabilize ordered domain formation in artificial lipid vesicles had a similar effect on the thermal stability of nanodomains and large-scale phase separation in GPMVs, with nanodomains persisting at higher temperatures than large-scale phases for a wide range of lipid compositions. This indicates that it is likely that plasma membrane nanodomains can form under physiologic conditions more readily than large-scale phase separation. We also conclude that membrane lipid substitutions carried out in intact cells are able to modulate the propensity of plasma membranes to form ordered domains. This implies lipid substitutions can be used to alter biological processes dependent upon ordered domains. Full Article
bra The ins and outs of lipid rafts: functions in intracellular cholesterol homeostasis, microparticles, and cell membranes [Thematic Reviews] By Published On :: 2020-05-01T00:05:27-07:00 Cellular membranes are not homogenous mixtures of proteins; rather, they are segregated into microdomains on the basis of preferential association between specific lipids and proteins. These microdomains, called lipid rafts, are well known for their role in receptor signaling on the plasma membrane (PM) and are essential to such cellular functions as signal transduction and spatial organization of the PM. A number of disease states, including atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular disorders, may be caused by dysfunctional maintenance of lipid rafts. Lipid rafts do not occur only in the PM but also have been found in intracellular membranes and extracellular vesicles (EVs). Here, we focus on discussing newly discovered functions of lipid rafts and microdomains in intracellular membranes, including lipid and protein trafficking from the ER, Golgi bodies, and endosomes to the PM, and we examine lipid raft involvement in the production and composition of EVs. Because lipid rafts are small and transient, visualization remains challenging. Future work with advanced techniques will continue to expand our knowledge about the roles of lipid rafts in cellular functioning. Full Article
bra Commentary on SSO and other putative inhibitors of FA transport across membranes by CD36 disrupt intracellular metabolism, but do not affect fatty acid translocation [Commentaries] By Published On :: 2020-05-01T00:05:27-07:00 Full Article
bra Membrane domains beyond the reach of microscopy [Commentaries] By Published On :: 2020-05-01T00:05:27-07:00 Full Article
bra Noncatalytic Bruton's tyrosine kinase activates PLC{gamma}2 variants mediating ibrutinib resistance in human chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells [Membrane Biology] By Published On :: 2020-04-24T06:08:45-07:00 Treatment of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) with inhibitors of Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK), such as ibrutinib, is limited by primary or secondary resistance to this drug. Examinations of CLL patients with late relapses while on ibrutinib, which inhibits BTK's catalytic activity, revealed several mutations in BTK, most frequently resulting in the C481S substitution, and disclosed many mutations in PLCG2, encoding phospholipase C-γ2 (PLCγ2). The PLCγ2 variants typically do not exhibit constitutive activity in cell-free systems, leading to the suggestion that in intact cells they are hypersensitive to Rac family small GTPases or to the upstream kinases spleen-associated tyrosine kinase (SYK) and Lck/Yes-related novel tyrosine kinase (LYN). The sensitivity of the PLCγ2 variants to BTK itself has remained unknown. Here, using genetically-modified DT40 B lymphocytes, along with various biochemical assays, including analysis of PLCγ2-mediated inositol phosphate formation, inositol phospholipid assessments, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) static laser microscopy, and determination of intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i), we show that various CLL-specific PLCγ2 variants such as PLCγ2S707Y are hyper-responsive to activated BTK, even in the absence of BTK's catalytic activity and independently of enhanced PLCγ2 phospholipid substrate supply. At high levels of B-cell receptor (BCR) activation, which may occur in individual CLL patients, catalytically-inactive BTK restored the ability of the BCR to mediate increases in [Ca2+]i. Because catalytically-inactive BTK is insensitive to active-site BTK inhibitors, the mechanism involving the noncatalytic BTK uncovered here may contribute to preexisting reduced sensitivity or even primary resistance of CLL to these drugs. Full Article
bra Delineating an extracellular redox-sensitive module in T-type Ca2+ channels [Membrane Biology] By Published On :: 2020-05-01T00:06:09-07:00 T-type (Cav3) Ca2+ channels are important regulators of excitability and rhythmic activity of excitable cells. Among other voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, Cav3 channels are uniquely sensitive to oxidation and zinc. Using recombinant protein expression in HEK293 cells, patch clamp electrophysiology, site-directed mutagenesis, and homology modeling, we report here that modulation of Cav3.2 by redox agents and zinc is mediated by a unique extracellular module containing a high-affinity metal-binding site formed by the extracellular IS1–IS2 and IS3–IS4 loops of domain I and a cluster of extracellular cysteines in the IS1–IS2 loop. Patch clamp recording of recombinant Cav3.2 currents revealed that two cysteine-modifying agents, sodium (2-sulfonatoethyl) methanethiosulfonate (MTSES) and N-ethylmaleimide, as well as a reactive oxygen species–producing neuropeptide, substance P (SP), inhibit Cav3.2 current to similar degrees and that this inhibition is reversed by a reducing agent and a zinc chelator. Pre-application of MTSES prevented further SP-mediated current inhibition. Substitution of the zinc-binding residue His191 in Cav3.2 reduced the channel's sensitivity to MTSES, and introduction of the corresponding histidine into Cav3.1 sensitized it to MTSES. Removal of extracellular cysteines from the IS1–IS2 loop of Cav3.2 reduced its sensitivity to MTSES and SP. We hypothesize that oxidative modification of IS1–IS2 loop cysteines induces allosteric changes in the zinc-binding site of Cav3.2 so that it becomes sensitive to ambient zinc. Full Article
bra MtrP, a putative methyltransferase in Corynebacteria, is required for optimal membrane transport of trehalose mycolates [Lipids] By Published On :: 2020-05-01T00:06:09-07:00 Pathogenic bacteria of the genera Mycobacterium and Corynebacterium cause severe human diseases such as tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) and diphtheria (Corynebacterium diphtheriae). The cells of these species are surrounded by protective cell walls rich in long-chain mycolic acids. These fatty acids are conjugated to the disaccharide trehalose on the cytoplasmic side of the bacterial cell membrane. They are then transported across the membrane to the periplasm where they act as donors for other reactions. We have previously shown that transient acetylation of the glycolipid trehalose monohydroxycorynomycolate (hTMCM) enables its efficient transport to the periplasm in Corynebacterium glutamicum and that acetylation is mediated by the membrane protein TmaT. Here, we show that a putative methyltransferase, encoded at the same genetic locus as TmaT, is also required for optimal hTMCM transport. Deletion of the C. glutamicum gene NCgl2764 (Rv0224c in M. tuberculosis) abolished acetyltrehalose monocorynomycolate (AcTMCM) synthesis, leading to accumulation of hTMCM in the inner membrane and delaying its conversion to trehalose dihydroxycorynomycolate (h2TDCM). Complementation with NCgl2764 normalized turnover of hTMCM to h2TDCM. In contrast, complementation with NCgl2764 derivatives mutated at residues essential for methyltransferase activity failed to rectify the defect, suggesting that NCgl2764/Rv0224c encodes a methyltransferase, designated here as MtrP. Comprehensive analyses of the individual mtrP and tmaT mutants and of a double mutant revealed strikingly similar changes across several lipid classes compared with WT bacteria. These findings indicate that both MtrP and TmaT have nonredundant roles in regulating AcTMCM synthesis, revealing additional complexity in the regulation of trehalose mycolate transport in the Corynebacterineae. Full Article
bra ADAM10 and ADAM17 proteases mediate proinflammatory cytokine-induced and constitutive cleavage of endomucin from the endothelial surface [Membrane Biology] By Published On :: 2020-05-08T03:41:14-07:00 Contact between inflammatory cells and endothelial cells (ECs) is a crucial step in vascular inflammation. Recently, we demonstrated that the cell-surface level of endomucin (EMCN), a heavily O-glycosylated single-transmembrane sialomucin, interferes with the interactions between inflammatory cells and ECs. We have also shown that, in response to an inflammatory stimulus, EMCN is cleared from the cell surface by an unknown mechanism. In this study, using adenovirus-mediated overexpression of a tagged EMCN in human umbilical vein ECs, we found that treatment with tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) or the strong oxidant pervanadate leads to loss of cell-surface EMCN and increases the levels of the C-terminal fragment of EMCN 3- to 4-fold. Furthermore, treatment with the broad-spectrum matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor batimastat (BB94) or inhibition of ADAM metallopeptidase domain 10 (ADAM10) and ADAM17 with two small-molecule inhibitors, GW280264X and GI254023X, or with siRNA significantly reduced basal and TNFα-induced cell-surface EMCN cleavage. Release of the C-terminal fragment of EMCN by TNF-α treatment was blocked by chemical inhibition of ADAM10 alone or in combination with ADAM17. These results indicate that cell-surface EMCN undergoes constitutive cleavage and that TNF-α treatment dramatically increases this cleavage, which is mediated predominantly by ADAM10 and ADAM17. As endothelial cell-surface EMCN attenuates leukocyte–EC interactions during inflammation, we propose that EMCN is a potential therapeutic target to manage vascular inflammation. Full Article
bra Branched-Chain Amino Acids Exacerbate Obesity-Related Hepatic Glucose and Lipid Metabolic Disorders via Attenuating Akt2 Signaling By Published On :: 2020-04-24T14:07:36-07:00 Branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) are associated with the progression of obesity-related metabolic disorders, including T2DM and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. However, whether BCAAs disrupt the homeostasis of hepatic glucose and lipid metabolism remains unknown. In this study, we observed that BCAAs supplementation significantly reduced high-fat (HF) diet-induced hepatic lipid accumulation while increasing the plasma lipid levels and promoting muscular and renal lipid accumulation. Further studies demonstrated that BCAAs supplementation significantly increased hepatic gluconeogenesis and suppressed hepatic lipogenesis in HF diet-induced obese (DIO) mice. These phenotypes resulted from severe attenuation of Akt2 signaling via mTORC1- and mTORC2-dependent pathways. BCAAs/branched-chain α-keto acids (BCKAs) chronically suppressed Akt2 activation through mTORC1 and mTORC2 signaling and promoted Akt2 ubiquitin-proteasome-dependent degradation through the mTORC2 pathway. Moreover, the E3 ligase Mul1 played an essential role in BCAAs/BCKAs-mTORC2-induced Akt2 ubiquitin-dependent degradation. We also demonstrated that BCAAs inhibited hepatic lipogenesis by blocking Akt2/SREBP1/INSIG2a signaling and increased hepatic glycogenesis by regulating Akt2/Foxo1 signaling. Collectively, these data demonstrate that in DIO mice, BCAAs supplementation resulted in serious hepatic metabolic disorder and severe liver insulin resistance: insulin failed to not only suppress gluconeogenesis but also activate lipogenesis. Intervening BCAA metabolism is a potential therapeutic target for severe insulin-resistant disease. Full Article
bra Acute Hyperglycemia Increases Brain Pregenual Anterior Cingulate Cortex Glutamate Concentrations in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus By Published On :: 2020-04-24T14:58:49-07:00 The brain mechanisms underlying the association of hyperglycemia with depressive symptoms are unknown. We hypothesized that disrupted glutamate metabolism in pregenual anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) in type 1 diabetes (T1D) without depression affects emotional processing. Using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), we measured glutamate concentrations in ACC and occipital cortex (OCC) in 13 T1D without major depression (HbA1c=7.1±0.7% [54±7mmol/mol]) and 11 healthy non-diabetic controls (HbA1c=5.5±0.2% [37±3mmol/mol]) during fasting euglycemia (EU) followed by a 60-minute +5.5mmol/l hyperglycemic clamp (HG). Intrinsic neuronal activity was assessed using resting-state blood oxygen level dependent functional MRI to measure the fractional amplitude of low frequency fluctuations in slow-band 4 (fALFF4). Emotional processing and depressive symptoms were assessed using emotional tasks (Emotional-Stroop, Self-Referent-Encoding-Task SRET) and clinical ratings (HAM-D, SCL-90-R), respectively. During HG, ACC glutamate increased (1.2mmol/kg, +10%, p=0.014) while ACC fALFF4 was unchanged (-0.007, -2%, p=0.449) in T1D; in contrast, glutamate was unchanged (-0.2mmol/kg, -2%, p=0.578) while fALFF4 decreased (-0.05, -13%, p=0.002) in controls. OCC glutamate and fALFF4 were unchanged in both groups. T1D had longer SRET negative-word response-times (p=0.017) and higher depression-rating scores (HAM-D p=0.020; SCL-90-R-depression p=0.008). Higher glutamate change tended to associate with longer Emotional-Stroop response-times in T1D only. Brain glutamate must be tightly controlled during hyperglycemia due to the risk for neurotoxicity with excessive levels. Results suggest that ACC glutamate control mechanisms are disrupted in T1D, which affects glutamatergic neurotransmission related to emotional or cognitive processing. Increased prefrontal glutamate during acute hyperglycemic episodes could explain our previous findings of associations between chronic hyperglycemia, cortical thinning and depressive symptoms in T1D. Full Article
bra Prominins control ciliary length throughout the animal kingdom: New lessons from human prominin-1 and zebrafish prominin-3 [Cell Biology] By Published On :: 2020-05-01T00:06:09-07:00 Prominins (proms) are transmembrane glycoproteins conserved throughout the animal kingdom. They are associated with plasma membrane protrusions, such as primary cilia, as well as extracellular vesicles derived thereof. Primary cilia host numerous signaling pathways affected in diseases known as ciliopathies. Human PROM1 (CD133) is detected in both somatic and cancer stem cells and is also expressed in terminally differentiated epithelial and photoreceptor cells. Genetic mutations in the PROM1 gene result in retinal degeneration by impairing the proper formation of the outer segment of photoreceptors, a modified cilium. Here, we investigated the impact of proms on two distinct examples of ciliogenesis. First, we demonstrate that the overexpression of a dominant-negative mutant variant of human PROM1 (i.e. mutation Y819F/Y828F) significantly decreases ciliary length in Madin–Darby canine kidney cells. These results contrast strongly to the previously observed enhancing effect of WT PROM1 on ciliary length. Mechanistically, the mutation impeded the interaction of PROM1 with ADP-ribosylation factor–like protein 13B, a key regulator of ciliary length. Second, we observed that in vivo knockdown of prom3 in zebrafish alters the number and length of monocilia in the Kupffer's vesicle, resulting in molecular and anatomical defects in the left-right asymmetry. These distinct loss-of-function approaches in two biological systems reveal that prom proteins are critical for the integrity and function of cilia. Our data provide new insights into ciliogenesis and might be of particular interest for investigations of the etiologies of ciliopathies. Full Article
bra Insulin Regulates Brain Function, but How Does It Get There? By Published On :: 2014-12-01 Sarah M. GrayDec 1, 2014; 63:3992-3997Perspectives in Diabetes Full Article
bra PPARA Polymorphism Influences the Cardiovascular Benefit of Fenofibrate in Type 2 Diabetes: Findings From ACCORD-Lipid By Published On :: 2020-04-01 Mario Luca MorieriApr 1, 2020; 69:771-783Genetics/Genomes/Proteomics/Metabolomics Full Article
bra Correction: A dual druggable genome-wide siRNA and compound library screening approach identifies modulators of parkin recruitment to mitochondria. [Additions and Corrections] By Published On :: 2020-04-24T06:08:45-07:00 VOLUME 295 (2020) PAGES 3285–3300An incorrect graph was used in Fig. 5C. This error has now been corrected. Additionally, some of the statistics reported in the legend and text referring to Fig. 5C were incorrect. The F statistics for Fig. 5C should state Fken(3,16) = 7.454, p < 0.01; FCCCP(1,16) = 102.9, p < 0.0001; Finteraction(3,16) = 7.480, p < 0.01. This correction does not affect the results or conclusions of this work.jbc;295/17/5835/F5F1F5Figure 5C. Full Article
bra Babies with microcephaly in Brazil are struggling to access care By Published On :: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 - 13:46 Full Article
bra Implications of AMLO and Bolsonaro for Mexican and Brazilian Foreign Policy By Published On :: Fri, 14 Feb 2020 10:30:01 +0000 Invitation Only Research Event 26 February 2020 - 12:15pm to 1:15pm Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE Event participants Ambassador Andrés Rozental, Senior Adviser, Chatham House; Founding President, Mexican Council on Foreign RelationsDr Elena Lazarou, Associate Fellow, US and the Americas Programme, Chatham HouseChair: Dr Christopher Sabatini, Senior Research Fellow for Latin America, US and the Americas Programme, Chatham House The end of 2018 was a monumental year for Latin America’s two biggest economies. In December 2018, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) was inaugurated as Mexico’s 58th president. The following month saw another political shift further south, as Jair Bolsonaro became Brazil’s 38th president. While sitting on opposite ends of the political spectrum, both AMLO and Bolsonaro were considered to be political outsiders and have upended the status quo through their election to office. To what extent does the election of AMLO in Mexico and Bolsonaro in Brazil represent a shift in those countries’ definitions of national interest and foreign policy priorities? How will this affect these states’ policies regarding international commitments and cooperation on issues such as human rights, environment and climate change, migration, and trade? To what extent do possible shifts reflect changing domestic opinions? Will any changes represent a long-term shift in state priorities and policies past these administrations? Department/project US and the Americas Programme, Latin America Initiative US and Americas Programme Email Full Article
bra Aaron's 85th birthday a celebration of a great life By Published On :: Tue, 5 Feb 2019 19:48:00 EDT Henry "Hank" Aaron was born in Alabama three years after Willie Mays, 85 years ago Tuesday. Now, all this time later, Aaron is as much the conscience and the soul of baseball as any man alive. But we don't just celebrate a great baseball life today. We celebrate a great American life. Full Article
bra Here's your guide to Braves Spring Training By Published On :: Wed, 6 Feb 2019 13:16:13 EDT Here are answers to some of the primary questions you may have as the defending National League East champs prepare to begin Spring Training next week. Full Article
bra Braves unwilling to meet Marlins' ask for J.T. By Published On :: Thu, 7 Feb 2019 22:59:32 EDT The Braves made it clear that, individually, each of their prospects was available in exchange for J.T. Realmuto. But they were not willing to provide the volume of prospects or the MLB-experienced asset sought by the Marlins, who ended an offseason-long saga by dealing the All-Star catcher to the Phillies on Thursday. Full Article
bra Quiet offseason shouldn't nix Braves' potential By Published On :: Thu, 7 Feb 2019 13:49:07 EDT As the Mets, Nationals and Phillies have made multiple upgrades, Braves GM Alex Anthopoulos has thus far limited his offseason activity to giving Josh Donaldson a record one-year deal and bringing to fruition the desires of Brian McCann and Nick Markakis to play for the Braves. Full Article
bra 10 players you forgot were Braves By Published On :: Fri, 8 Feb 2019 22:37:34 EDT Here's a look at 10 stars that you may have forgotten played for the Braves. Full Article
bra Inbox: How to judge Braves' offseason? By Published On :: Fri, 8 Feb 2019 15:32:36 EDT Reporter Mark Bowman addresses the Braves' offseason as a whole, as well as identifying a Minor League who has a chance at making the club out of Spring Training. Full Article
bra Healthy Donaldson could be force for Braves By Published On :: Sat, 9 Feb 2019 09:30:00 EDT When the Braves open Spring Training next week, their bid to defend their National League East crown will be significantly influenced by whether Josh Donaldson is capable of reestablishing himself as one of baseball's elite superstars. Full Article
bra Predicting the Braves' Opening Day roster By Published On :: Sun, 10 Feb 2019 15:16:51 EDT At some point over the next six weeks, injuries, improvement or regression will inevitably alter the plan nearly every Major League club brings into Spring Training. The Braves must decide exactly how to round out their rotation and bullpen, but for now it looks like they won't have any position-player battles. Here's the first prediction of how Atlanta's Opening Day roster might look. Full Article
bra Braves can still win the offseason By Published On :: Thu, 14 Feb 2019 23:00:00 EDT We're reluctant to finalize our list of offseason winners because, as you may have heard, there are some prominent unsigned free agents. Not just Bryce Harper and Manny Machado, either. Full Article
bra Brown is proud of Braves' rich history By Published On :: Thu, 14 Feb 2019 21:18:29 EDT It didn't come as a surprise to anyone when Dana Brown left the Blue Jays as a special assistant to general manager Ross Atkins to join the Braves as vice president of scouting. Full Article
bra 10 Braves to watch in Spring Training By Published On :: Thu, 14 Feb 2019 10:54:10 EDT Here is a look at 10 Braves players sure to draw attention during this year's Spring Training. Full Article
bra Braves notes: McCann, Soroka, Gohara By Published On :: Fri, 15 Feb 2019 15:20:00 EDT Brian McCann still laughs about what transpired as he learned the Braves were calling him up to the Majors during the 2005 season. He remembers being summoned to Brian Snitker's room, where he found the then Double-A manager eating pizza while wearing nothing more than his underwear. Full Article
bra Braves open camp with eyes on the prize By Published On :: Fri, 15 Feb 2019 11:00:00 EDT As the Braves open camp, they'll provide a glimpse of how much they have progressed since claiming an unexpected division crown last year. Freddie Freeman, Ronald Acuna Jr. and Ozzie Albies will once again be in a lineup that has been enriched by the addition of Josh Donaldson, the former American League MVP Award winner who thus far arguably ranks as baseball's top free-agent signee. Full Article
bra Freeman pleased with Braves' offseason deals By Published On :: Sat, 16 Feb 2019 14:17:17 EDT Freddie Freeman spent the offseason sharing excitement about the possibility that Josh Donaldson would not end up being the Braves' only significant offseason addition. Full Article
bra Braves' Top 30 prospects list By Published On :: Mon, 27 Feb 2017 14:40:23 EDT Who do the Braves have in the pipeline? Get scouting reports, video, stats, projected ETAs and more for Atlanta's Top 30 Prospects on's Prospect Watch. Full Article
bra Minter wants to be Braves' high-leverage option By Published On :: Sun, 17 Feb 2019 17:41:15 EDT As Braves manager Brian Snitker evaluates who might serve as his closer, A.J. Minter has made it clear he wants to be the guy who is consistently called upon to handle high-leverage threats that develop in late innings. Full Article
bra Donaldson ready to prove GM, Braves right By Published On :: Sun, 17 Feb 2019 15:09:18 EDT While playing close to his Alabama home and enjoying a chance to once again work with Atlanta general manager Alex Anthopoulos, the former American League MVP Award winner Josh Donaldson also understands the importance of rejuvenating his career with his deal. Full Article
bra The Braves' Spring Training battle to watch By Published On :: Mon, 18 Feb 2019 18:20:16 EDT The next five weeks will see lots of shuffling on Major League rosters. Here are the most intriguing positional battles on each of the 30 MLB clubs. Full Article
bra Davis embracing data, new approach to improve By Published On :: Fri, 15 Feb 2019 17:07:20 EDT Looking to preempt questions about his work ethic in a nightmare 2018 season, Chris Davis reported to Spring Training in Florida more than a week before Orioles position players were required to. That's when his efforts to rebound hit their first minor snag. Full Article
bra Brantley's bat has Astros buzzing ahead of '19 By Published On :: Sat, 9 Feb 2019 14:41:06 EDT The signing of veteran outfielder Michael Brantley by the Astros came a week after the Winter Meetings and only a few days before Christmas, meaning it didn't exactly garner much attention on national, or even local, news cycles. For the Astros, Brantley was exactly the player they needed at exactly the right price -- two years and $32 million -- and the kind of addition that should fire up the fanbase. Full Article
bra Brathwaite for Tallawahs By Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2020 00:17:43 -0500 The Jamaica Tallawahs have wasted little time in finding a replacement for the ‘Universe Boss’ Chris Gayle, as they have snapped up the captain of the St Kitts and Nevis Patriots, Carlos Brathwaite. The Gleaner has been reliably informed that... Full Article
bra The pattern of damage caused by Zika virus in the brains of 23 foetuses By Published On :: Thu, 14 Apr 2016 17:47:57 +0000 In February World Health Organization (WHO) declared the microcephaly epidemic in South America an international public health emergency. Today, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the CDC, has confirmed that it’s is Zika virus which is causing that microcephaly. The outbreak was originally spotted in Recife, in Brazil, and it’s... Full Article
bra PPARA Polymorphism Influences the Cardiovascular Benefit of Fenofibrate in Type 2 Diabetes: Findings From ACCORD-Lipid By Published On :: 2020-03-20T11:50:29-07:00 The cardiovascular benefits of fibrates have been shown to be heterogeneous and to depend on the presence of atherogenic dyslipidemia. We investigated whether genetic variability in the PPARA gene, coding for the pharmacological target of fibrates (PPAR-α), could be used to improve the selection of patients with type 2 diabetes who may derive cardiovascular benefit from addition of this treatment to statins. We identified a common variant at the PPARA locus (rs6008845, C/T) displaying a study-wide significant influence on the effect of fenofibrate on major cardiovascular events (MACE) among 3,065 self-reported white subjects treated with simvastatin and randomized to fenofibrate or placebo in the ACCORD-Lipid trial. T/T homozygotes (36% of participants) experienced a 51% MACE reduction in response to fenofibrate (hazard ratio 0.49; 95% CI 0.34–0.72), whereas no benefit was observed for other genotypes (Pinteraction = 3.7 x 10–4). The rs6008845-by-fenofibrate interaction on MACE was replicated in African Americans from ACCORD (N = 585, P = 0.02) and in external cohorts (ACCORD-BP, ORIGIN, and TRIUMPH, total N = 3059, P = 0.005). Remarkably, rs6008845 T/T homozygotes experienced a cardiovascular benefit from fibrate even in the absence of atherogenic dyslipidemia. Among these individuals, but not among carriers of other genotypes, fenofibrate treatment was associated with lower circulating levels of CCL11—a proinflammatory and atherogenic chemokine also known as eotaxin (P for rs6008845-by-fenofibrate interaction = 0.003). The GTEx data set revealed regulatory functions of rs6008845 on PPARA expression in many tissues. In summary, we have found a common PPARA regulatory variant that influences the cardiovascular effects of fenofibrate and that could be used to identify patients with type 2 diabetes who would derive benefit from fenofibrate treatment, in addition to those with atherogenic dyslipidemia. Full Article
bra Disco embraces fresh start after tough end to '18 By Published On :: Sat, 16 Feb 2019 17:19:10 EDT Reds starting pitcher Anthony DeSclafani hated how his 2018 season ended and didn't need any motivation to make improvements over the winter. Full Article
bra Illegal Logging and Related Trade: The Response in Brazil By Published On :: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 11:17:09 +0000 29 October 2014 Brazil's government has made slow progress in tackling illegal logging and associated trade, and illegality, corruption and fraud remain widespread in the country's forest sector, despite a relatively strong legal framework. Read online English Portugese Laura Wellesley Research Fellow, Energy, Environment and Resources Programme @laurawellesley 20141028LoggingBrazilWellesley.jpg View of a tree in a deforested area in the middle of the Amazon jungle during an overflight by Greenpeace activists over areas of illegal exploitation of timber in the state of Para, Brazil. Photo by Getty Images. This paper is part of a broader Chatham House study which assesses the global response to illegal logging and the related trade.The Brazilian government has made slow progress in tackling illegal logging and associated trade since the previous Chatham House assessment, in 2010. Illegality, corruption and fraud remain widespread in the forest sector, despite a relatively strong legal framework. Considerable efforts have been made to improve law enforcement in the sector but these have been hampered by poor coordination between the relevant government agencies, limited resources and inadequate penalties. At the same time, attempts to involve a range of stakeholders in policy discussions and decision-making have stalled.The private sector’s response to illegal logging is perceived to be weak, despite the reasonably high uptake of sustainability certification schemes. Initiatives are under way aimed at promoting a legal and sustainable market for timber within Brazil, with the engagement of the private sector. However, such undertakings are modest given that the majority of the country’s timber production is consumed domestically.Considerable investment in systems to monitor timber and revenue flows is required to tackle fraud, while the regulation of sawmills needs to be tightened to reduce the scope for the laundering of illegal timber. The imposition of appropriate sanctions and ensuring the collection of financial penalties could help to fill the gap in resources that is impeding effective enforcement.Clarification of the regulatory framework is needed – in particular, those regulations related to the fiscal regime for the forest sector – as is the simplification of the processes for approving forest management plans. The latter is a priority if smallholders are to be able to engage in legal and sustainable forest management. An extensive programme of outreach and training is a prerequisite for ensuring such engagement. Finally, efforts to promote legal timber on the domestic market should be intensified and expanded. Department/project Energy, Environment and Resources Programme, Improving Forest Governance and Tackling Illegal Logging and Deforestation Full Article
bra Inbox: Is D-backs' closer Holland or Bradley? By Published On :: Fri, 8 Feb 2019 17:55:36 EDT With Greg Holland now signed, will he be the closer or is that still going to be Archie Bradley? Beat reporter Steve Gilbert answers this question and more from fans as Spring Training approaches. Full Article
bra Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen PET/CT Combined with Sentinel Node Biopsy for Primary Lymph Node Staging in Prostate Cancer By Published On :: 2020-04-01T06:00:28-07:00 Our objective was to determine the diagnostic capabilities of combined prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) PET/CT and sentinel node (SN) biopsy in PSMA PET/CT–negative patients for primary lymph node (LN) staging in prostate cancer (PCa) patients. Methods: Between January 2017 and March 2019, retrospectively, all consecutive patients with diagnosed intermediate- or high-risk primary PCa who underwent preoperative PSMA PET/CT (68Ga or 18F-DCFPyL) followed by robot-assisted radical prostatectomy and extended pelvic LN dissection (ePLND) were included. All patients without suspected LN metastases on PSMA PET/CT were considered candidates for SN biopsy with indocyanine green–99mTc-nanocolloid or 99mTc-nanocolloid with free indocyanine green used as tracers. The ePLND was used as a reference standard. Results: Of 53 patients, 22 had positive PSMA PET/CT results and 31 underwent subsequent SN biopsy after negative PSMA PET/CT results. In total, 23 patients (43%) were pN1, of whom 6 (26%) had negative PSMA PET/CT results and underwent subsequent SN biopsy. The combined use of SN biopsy and PSMA PET/CT identified all pN1 patients (100% sensitivity; 95% confidence interval, 86%–100%) and performed correct nodal staging in 50 of 53 patients (94% diagnostic accuracy; 95% confidence interval, 84%–99%). SN biopsy identified significantly smaller LN metastases (median diameter, 2.0 mm; interquartile range, 1.0–3.8 mm) than PSMA PET/CT (median diameter, 5.5 mm; interquartile range, 2.6–9.3 mm; P = 0.007). Conclusion: Combining both modalities led to a 94% accuracy for nodal staging in diagnosed intermediate- and high-risk primary PCa. Adding SN biopsy in patients with negative PSMA PET/CT results increased the combined sensitivity to 100% for detecting nodal metastases at ePLND. This diagnostic accuracy may provide valuable information for directing further treatment in PCa patients, such as the use of PSMA PET/CT and SN biopsy rather than ePLND as the preferred approach for staging before radiotherapy. Full Article
bra Doctors as Taxi Drivers: The Costs of Brain Waste among Highly Skilled Immigrants in the United States By Published On :: Mon, 21 Nov 2016 12:31:37 -0500 A report release and presentation of first-ever U.S. estimates on the actual economic costs of skill underutilization for immigrants, their families, and the U.S. economy, in terms of forgone earnings and unrealized federal, state, and local taxes. Full Article
bra Embracing Emigration: The Migration-Development Nexus in Albania By Published On :: Wed, 09 Sep 2015 14:07:00 -0400 From ongoing emigration flows and a surge in asylum seekers, to more than 150,000 returnees, this country profile examines contemporary and historical migration trends in Albania. Driven by extreme poverty and unemployment, more than one-third of Albania's population has emigrated in the last 25 years. The government now seeks to capitalize on diaspora resources by linking migration and development policies. Full Article
bra Migration in Brazil: The Making of a Multicultural Society By Published On :: Thu, 29 Mar 2018 10:51:26 -0400 In Brazil, where the majority of colonial-era residents were African slaves and their children, millions of immigrants have joined a conversation about race and identity that continues today. Brazil is home to the largest Japanese population outside of Japan, as well as significant European, Latin American, and Middle Eastern populations. This country profile explores historical and contemporary migration patterns in Brazil. Full Article
bra Firing Up Regional Brain Networks: The Promise of Brain Circulation in the ASEAN Economic Community By Published On :: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 09:01:28 -0500 Given diverging demographics, rising educational attainment and wide variation in economic opportunities, countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations are poised to see an expansion of both the demand for and supply of skilled migrants willing and able to move. The convergence of these megatrends represents unique opportunities for human-capital development and brain circulation, as this report explores. Full Article
bra The Dysfunction of Functions in Abstract Algebra By Published On :: Thu, 21 Nov 2019 12:00:56 +0000 Kathleen Melhuish & Kristen Lew Texas State University “[Functions] are completely different, which is what makes this course so challenging.” – Abstract Algebra Student Functions are hard for students, even students in abstract algebra courses. Even if students have seen … Continue reading → Full Article testing
bra Peyton Manning trash talks Tom Brady before May 24 golf match By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 07:59:36 -0400 Former star quarterback Peyton Manning delivered some trash talk to Tampa Bay Buccaneers star Tom Brady while they promoted their May 24 charity golf match. Full Article