
Einstein's unfinished revolution: the search for what lies beyond the quantum / Lee Smolin ; illustrations by Kaca Bradonjić

Hayden Library - QC174.13.S6545 2019


The hologram: principles and techniques / Martin J. Richardson, John D. Wiltshire

Online Resource


Solitons in two-dimensional shallow water / Yuji Kodama (The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio)

Online Resource


Matter: a very short introduction / Geoff Cottrell

Hayden Library - QC171.2.C68 2019


Collapse of the wave function: models, ontology, origin, and implications / edited by Shan Gao, Shanxi University

Hayden Library - QC174.26.W3 C65 2018


Ground States of Quantum Field Models: Perturbation of Embedded Eigenvalues / Fumio Hiroshima

Online Resource


Astronomical Polarisation from the Infrared to Gamma Rays Roberto Mignani, Andrew Shearer, Agnieszka Słowikowska, Silvia Zane, editors

Online Resource


The meaning of the wave function: in search of the ontology of quantum mechanics / Shan Gao, Shanxi University

Hayden Library - QC174.26.W3 G36 2017


Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: NANO-SciTech: conference date, 26 February-1 March 2018: location, Selangor, Malaysia / editors, Mohamad Rusop, Tetsuo Soga, Shiro Nagaoka and Salifairus Mohammad Jafar

Online Resource


Fundamentals of spin exchange: story of a paradigm shift / Kev M. Salikhov

Online Resource


Interfacial physical chemistry of high-temperature melts / [edited by] Kusuhiro Mukai, Taishi Matsushita

Online Resource


The hologram: principles and techniques / Martin J. Richardson, John D. Wiltshire

Online Resource


Geometric methods in physics XXXVII: Workshop and Summer School, Białowieża, Poland, 2018 / Piotr Kielanowski, Anatol Odzijewicz, Emma Previato, editors

Online Resource


No shadow of a doubt: the 1919 eclipse that confirmed Einstein's theory of relativity / Daniel Kennefick

Barker Library - QC173.55.K35 2019


Physics, Technologies and Innovation (PTI-2019): Proceedings of the VI International Young Researchers' Conference: 20-23 May 2019, Ekaterinburg, Russia / editors, Vladimir A. Volkovich, Sergey V. Zvonarev, Ilya V. Kashin, Andrey A. Smirnov and Evgeni

Online Resource


Particle adhesion: applications and advances / edited by David J. Quesnel, Ronald S. Rimai and Louis H. Sharpe

Online Resource


Quantum many-body physics in open systems Yuto Ashida

Online Resource


Quantum many-body physics: a perspective on strong correlations / Yoshio Kuramoto

Online Resource


Rheology of drag reducing fluids Aroon Shenoy

Online Resource


Tackling cyber threats: Debit card breach shows India's vulnerability to data theft

Privacy breaches like the one at present not only dent consumer confidence but also highlight the need to develop coping mechanisms.


NITI Aayog suspends internship programme for three months

"Due to ongoing Covid-19 pandemic NITI Internship Programme is being suspended for three months from May- July, 2020," it said on its website. "New dates of opening NITI Internship Programme will be intimated later after reviewing the situation," the Aayog added.


CAT 2019 final shortlist to be declared May 8 onwards

In 2019, the number of people who registered for the test and the number of people who appeared for the test was the highest in ten years. Out of the 244,190 candidates who registered, 209,926 appeared for the test.


Reduced GATE score, lateral entry option for PM Research Fellowship applicants: HRD Ministry

The National Institutes of Technology (NITs) among the top 25 institutions as per NIRF ranking will also be eligible to grant the fellowship. The scheme announced in the 2018-19 Budget is aimed at improving the quality of research in various higher educational institutions in the country.


Maharashtra lockdown: Only final semester varsity exams to be held

Maharashtra Minister Uday Samant said first and second-year students will be given grades and marks while they are promoted to the next class.


Part 2 – Ch38 – Unshakable Peace

These are the recordings of the complete collection of all the talks by Ajahn Chah that have been translated into English and are published in 'The Collected Teachings of Ajahn Chah', 2011. This was read by Ajahn Amaro during the winter of 2012

The post Part 2 – Ch38 – Unshakable Peace appeared first on Amaravati Buddhist Monastery.


etting tired of your friends [electronic resource] : the dynamics of venture capital relationships / Qianqian Du, Thomas F. Hellmann

Cambridge, Mass. : National Bureau of Economic Research, 2019


Urban composite development index for 17 Shandong cities: ranking and simulation analysis based on China's five development concepts / Tan Khee Giap [and four others]

Rotch Library - HT384.C62 S428 2018


Temporary cities: resisting transience in Arabia / Yasser Elsheshtawy

Rotch Library - HT147.P37 E47 2019


After the shock city: urban culture and the making of modern citizenship / Tom Hulme

Rotch Library - HT133.H85 2019


The case for open space: why the real estate industry should invest in parks and open spaces / Urban Land Institute

Rotch Library - HT167.U7125 2018


Time to act: realizing Indonesia's urban potential / Mark Roberts, Frederico Gil Sander, Sailesh Tiwari, editors

Online Resource


The great change in the regional economy of China under the new normal / Xiaowu Song, Shiguo Wu, Xin Xu

Online Resource


Shrinking cities in Romania: Orașe românești în declin / editor: Ilinca Păun Constantinescu

Rotch Library - HT384.R6 S57 2019


A future of polycentric cities: how urban life, land supply, smart technologies and sustainable transport are reshaping cities / Cole Hendrigan

Online Resource


City with a Hidden Past / Fumihiko Maki [and 4 others] ; translated by Hiroshi Watanabe

Rotch Library - HT169.J32 M35 2018


Bodies in the streets: the somaesthetics of city life / edited by Richard Shusterman

Rotch Library - HT151.B563 2019


Perception, design and ecology of the built environment: a focus on the global south / Mainak Ghosh, editor

Online Resource


Shaping cities in an urban age / [a joint project of the] London School of Economics and Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft ; edited by Ricky Burdett and Philipp Rode

Rotch Library - HT361.S4963 2018


Mega cities, mega challenge: informal dynamics of global change: insights from Dhaka, Bangladesh and Pearl River Delta, China / Frauke Kraas, Kirsten Hackenbroch, Harald Sterly, Jost Heintzenberg, Peter Herrle and Volker Kreibich (eds.)

Rotch Library - HT169.B342 D435 2019


Thatcher's progress: from social democracy to market liberalism through an English new town / Guy Ortolano, New York University

Rotch Library - HT169.57.G72 M556 2019


The politics of urban sustainability transitions: knowledge, power and governance / edited by Jens Stissing Jensen, Matthew Cashmore, and Philipp Späth

Rotch Library - HT166.P633 2019


Heaquarters economy: managers, mobility, and migration / J. Myles Shaver

Rotch Library - HT330.S53 2018


Re-interpreting urban fabric in cities with living heritage: the case of central Kolkata / author, Gaurab Das Mahapatra ; co-author, Dr. Kshama Puntambekar ; edited by Dr. Tapas Mitra

Rotch Library - HT169.I42 K65 2020


Urban and Regional Planning and Development: 20th Century Forms and 21st Century Transformations / Rajiv R. Thakur, Ashok K. Dutt, Sudhir K. Thakur, George M. Pomeroy, editors

Online Resource


Climax city: masterplanning and the complexity of urban growth / David Rudlin, Shruti Hemani

Rotch Library - HT371.R83 2019


Making green cities: concepts, challenges and practice / Jürgen Breuste, editor ; Martina Artmann, Cristian Ioja, Salman Qureshi, co-editors

Online Resource


Global Shanghai remade: the rise of Pudong new area / Richard Hu and Weijie Chen

Rotch Library - HT169.C62 S43827 2020


Sustainable cities reimagined: multidimensional assessment and smart solutions / edited by Stanislav E. Shmelev

Rotch Library - HT241.S866 2020


Governance for urban services: access, participation, accountability, and transparency / Shabbir Cheema, editor

Online Resource


Urban renewal in India: theory, initiatives and spatial planning strategies / S.K. Kulshrestha

Rotch Library - HT178.I4 K85 2018