
Lucknow monuments: conservation methodology, problems and solutions / Dr. Roshan Taqui

Rotch Library - N9052.L83 T37 2015


Roads to paradise: eschatology and concepts of the hereafter in Islam / edited by Sebastian Gunther, Todd Lawson, with the assistance of Christian Mauder

Rotch Library - BP166.8.R63 2017


In space we read time: on the history of civilization and geopolitics / Karl Schlögel ; translated by Gerrit Jackson

Rotch Library - CB450.S3513 2016


The man behind the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám: the life and letters of Edward FitzGerald / William H. Martin and Sandra Mason

Rotch Library - PR4703.A44 2016


A book of conquest: the Chachnama and Muslim origins in South Asia / Manan Ahmed Asif

Rotch Library - BP173.7.A4835 2016


Theology and society in the second and third centuries of the Hijra: a history of religious thought in Early Islam / by Josef van Ess ; translated from German by John O'Kane

Rotch Library - BP166.1.E8413 2017


Discourses of empire and commonwealth / edited by Sandra Robinson, Alastair Niven

Rotch Library - DA16.D56 2016


Territory: on the development of landscape and city / published by ETH Studio Basel ; Roger Diener, Liisa Gunnarsson, Mathias Gunz, Vesna Jovanović, Marcel Meili, Christian Müller Inderbitzin, Christian Schmid

Rotch Library - HT371.E85 2016


Statecraft in the Middle East: foreign policy, domestic politics and security / Imad Mansour

Rotch Library - DS63.1.M36 2016


Letters from an Englishwoman in Egypt 1842-44 / Sophia Poole ; edited by Azza Kararah

Rotch Library - DT53.P66 2016


Philosophy in the Islamic world / edited by Ulrich Rudolph, Rotraud Hansberger, and Peter Adamson ; English translation by Rotraud Hansberger

Rotch Library - B741.P4413 2017


India, modernity and the great divergence: Mysore and Gujarat (17th to 19th C.) / by Kaveh Yazdani

Rotch Library - DS485.M9 Y39 2017


Urban Oman: trends and perspectives of urbanisation in Muscat capital area / edited by Sonja Nebel and Aurel von Richthofen

Rotch Library - HT147.O5 U72 2016


Le décor architectural artuqide en Pierre de Mardin placé dans son contexte régional: contribution à l'histoire du décor géométrique et végétal du Proche-Orient des XIIe-XVe siècles / Deniz Beyazit

Rotch Library - NA3565.M37 B49 2016


Patrimoine culturel de l'eau: cities and settlements, temples and tanks in the medieval landscape of central India / editors, Michael Willis, Pankaj Rag, O.P. Misra ; associate editor, Doria Tichit

Rotch Library - DS485.C34 P38 2013


Rethinking place in South Asian and Islamic art, 1500-present / edited by Deborah S. Hutton and Rebecca M. Brown

Rotch Library - N8236.P46 R48 2017


Little Mogadishu: Eastleigh, Nairobi's global Somali hub / Neil Carrier

Rotch Library - HC865.Z7 E27 2016


Islam in a post-secular society: religion, secularity and the antagonism of recalcitrant faith / by Dustin J. Byrd

Rotch Library -


Everyday conversions: Islam, domestic work, and South Asian migrant women in Kuwait / Attiya Ahmad

Rotch Library - HD8039.D52 K89 2017


Décrire, imaginer, construire l'espace: toponymie égyptienne de l'Antiquité au Moyen-Âge / sous la direction de Sylvain Dhennin, Claire Somaglino

Rotch Library - DT49.9.D43x 2016


This is not a border: reportage & reflection from the Palestine Festival of Literature / edited by Ahdaf Soueif & Omar Robert Hamilton

Rotch Library - PN51.T55 2017


Family law in Syria: patriarchy, pluralism and personal status codes / Esther van Eijk

Rotch Library - KMU54.E55 2016


Industrial sexuality: gender, urbanization, and social transformation in Egypt / by Hanan Hammad

Rotch Library - HN786.A8 H34 2016


Jean Paul Sartre, Albert Camus and Frantz Fanon on the topic of decolonization and the French occupation of Algeria / Sophie Duhnkrack

Rotch Library - DT295.D85 2009


Education of Syrian refugee children: managing the crisis in Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan / Shelly Culbertson, Louay Constant

Rotch Library -


Six singular figures: understanding the conflict: Jews and Arabs under the British Mandate / Hadara Lazar ; translated by Sondra Silverston

Rotch Library - DS126.L3613 2016


Ideas in motion in Baghdad and beyond: philosophical and theological exchanges between Christians and Muslims in the third/ninth and fourth/tenth centuries / edited by Damien Janos

Rotch Library - BP172.I348 2016


Les Fatimides et la Méditerranée centrale: (Xe-XIIe siècle) / thème sous la direction de Patrice Cressier et Annliese Nef

Rotch Library - DT173.F38 2016


Dār al-islām, dār al-ḥarb: territories, people, identities / edited by Giovanna Calasso and Giuliano Lancioni

Rotch Library - BP171.D37 2017


The biggest prison on earth: a history of the Occupied Territories / Ilan Pappe

Rotch Library - DS119.7.P2888197 2017


Jihadi culture: the art and social practices of militant Islamists / edited by Thomas Hegghammer (Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI))

Rotch Library - BP182.J54155 2017


Sovereign women in a Muslim kingdom: the sultanahs of Aceh, 1641-1699 / Sher Banu A.L. Khan

Rotch Library - DS646.15.A8 K49 2017


Beyond boundaries: Islamic art across cultures / [curated by Oliver Watson ; assisted by Hubert Bari]

Rotch Library - N6264.Q2 M8 2008


Droit musulman et societe au Sahara premoderne: la justice islamique dans les oasis du Grand Touat (Algerie) aux XVIIe-XIXe siecles / par Ismail Warscheid

Rotch Library - KQG469.W37 2017


Understanding Arabs: a contemporary guide to Arab society / Margaret K. Nydell

Rotch Library - DS36.77.N93 2012


Female Islamic education movements: the re-democratisation of Islamic knowledge / Masooda Bano, University of Oxford

Rotch Library - BP166.14.M63 B365 2017


The mercantile effect: on art and exchange in the Islamicate world during the 17th and 18th centuries / edited by Sussan Babaie and Melanie Gibson

Rotch Library - N6260.M47 2017


Gypsies in contemporary Egypt: on the peripheries of society / Alexandra Parrs

Rotch Library - DX293.P37 2017


Essouk-Tademekka: an early Islamic trans-Saharan market town / Edited by Sam Nixon

Rotch Library - DT551.3.E87 2017


Decolonization and the French of Algeria: bringing the settler colony home / Sung-Eun Choi, assistant professor, Bentley University, USA

Rotch Library - DT295.C455 2016


Social capital and local water management in Egypt / Dalia M. Gouda

Rotch Library - HD1699.E3 G68 2016


The Aghlabids and their neighbours: art and material culture in ninth-century North Africa / edited By Glaire D. Anderson, Corisande Fenwick, Mariam Rosser-Owen ; with Sihem Lamine

Rotch Library - DT199.A74 2018


Higher education governance in the Arab world: exploring the challenges of the education sector and social realities / Georges Azzi, editor

Rotch Library - LA1493.H54 2018


Rembrandt and the inspiration of India / edited by Stephanie Schrader, with contributions by Catherine Glynn, Yael Rice, and William W. Robinson

Rotch Library - NC263.R4 A4 2018


Islamization in Bosnia: Sarajevo's conversion and socio-economic development, 1461-1604 / Allan Norman York

Rotch Library - BP65.B62 S279 2017


Un empire de mots: pouvoir, culture et soufisme à l'époque des derniers Timourides au miroir de la Khamsa de Mīr 'Alī Shīr Nawā'ī / Marc Toutant

Rotch Library - PL53.9.A44 Z892 2016


Anadolu'nun Orhun Abideleri: Ahlat mezar taşları =Orkhon monuments of Anatolia: Ahlat tombstones / Fotoğraflar Bünyamin Özdemir [and six others] ; metin hazırlama Selami Reisoğlu, Mustafa Oral, Abdullah Alp ; metin İngilizce tercümeleri

Rotch Library - NB1880.T9 A53 2010


El Hema: graphic design for social change / edited by Huda AbiFarès & Edo Smitshuijzen

Rotch Library - NC998.6.N4 H48 2016


Palestinian embroidery motifs: a treasury of stitches, 1850-1950 / Margarita Skinner ; in association with Widad Kamel Kawar

Rotch Library - NK9273.7.A1 S55 2014


The British mosque: an architectural and social history / Shahed Saleem

Rotch Library - NA4670.S36 2018