
Design of trajectory optimization approach for space maneuver vehicle skip entry problems / Runqi Chai, Al Savvaris, Antonios Tsourdos, Senchun Chai

Online Resource


Wright brothers, wrong story: how Wilbur Wright solved the problem of manned flight / William Hazelgrove

Dewey Library - TL540.W7 H392 2018


Unmanned aerial vehicles: breakthroughs in research and practice / [edited by] Information Resources Management Association

Barker Library - TL685.35.U56 2019


UAVs and urban spatial analysis: an introduction / Tony H. Grubesic, Jake R. Nelson

Online Resource


Rocket propulsion / Stephen D. Heister, William E. Anderson, Timothée Pourpoint, R. Joseph Cassady

Barker Library - TL782.H45 2019


Accessory to war: the unspoken alliance between astrophysics and the military / Neil deGrasse Tyson and Avis Lang

Hayden Library - UG1523.T97 2018


Developing innovative strategies for aviation education and participation / Stephanie Ward, Courtney Beard, Sondra Retzlaff [and 5 others]

Barker Library - TL560.D484 2019


Guidebook for developing a comprehensive renewable resources strategy / Shawn Shaw, Courtney Ferraro, Tyler Orcutt, Geoff Morrison and Mia Stephens

Barker Library - TL725.3.M2 S53 2019


Guidelines for collecting, applying, and maintaining pavement condition data at airports / David Peshkin, Peter-Paul F. Dzwilewski, Kyle M. Potvin, Katherine Gauthier, Monty Wade, Eric Risner, Ryan Robinson, Chris Snyder, Marianne Cardwell, Kieran Feigha

Barker Library - TL725.3.P35 P474 2019


Innovative solutions to facilitate accessibility for airport travelers with disabilities / Laurel Van Horn [and 7 others]

Online Resource


Promoting aviation career education in high schools and community colleges / C. Daniel Prather, DPrather Aviation Solutions, LLC, Riverside, CA and California Baptist University, Riverside, CA

Online Resource


Unmanned Systems Technology XVIII: 20-21 April 2016, Baltimore, Maryland, United States / Robert E. Karlsen, Douglas W. Gage, Charles M. Shoemaker, Grant R. Gerhart, editors ; sponsored and published by SPIE

Online Resource


Degraded Visual Environments: Enhanced, Synthetic, and External Vision Solutions 2016: 19-20 April 2016, Baltimore, Maryland, United States / Jack Sanders-Reed, Jarvis J. Arthur III, editors ; sponsored and published by SPIE

Online Resource


Optimizing the use of electric preconditioned air (PCA) and ground power systems at airports / Katherine B. Preston, Julia Nagy, Harris Miller, Miller & Hanson, Inc.; Jim M. Crites, James M. Crites, LLC; Steve Barrett, Barrett Energy Resources Group,

Barker Library - TL725.3.E43 P76 2019


Guidebook on effective land use compatibility planning strategies for general aviation airports / Maranda V. Thompson, Kenneth A. Brody, Lisa Harmon, Stephanie A.D. Ward, Diana E. Fainberg, Mihir Shah

Barker Library - TL725.3.P5 T465 2019


All blood runs red: the legendary life of Eugene Bullard-- boxer, pilot, soldier, spy / Phil Keith with Tom Clavin

Dewey Library - TL540.B7492 K45 2019


Air demand in a dynamic competitive context with the automobile / RSG, Inc., with Matthew Coogan, Mark Hansen, Richard Marchi, Nancy McGuckin, Megan Ryerson, Mike Welch

Barker Library - TL725.3.P3 A37 2019


Into the extreme: U.S. environmental systems and politics beyond Earth / Valerie Olson

Barker Library - TL1489.O47 2018


Storming the heavens : the Soviet League of the Militant Godless / Daniel Peris.

Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 1998


The Touristic Use of Ayahuasca in Peru [electronic resource] : Expectations, Experiences, Meanings and Subjective Effects

Wiesbaden : Springer Vieweg. in Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, 2020


Historical dictionary of Hinduism [electronic resource] / Jeffery D. Long.

Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, 2020.


Oxford handbook of the archaeology of ritual and religion [electronic resource] / edited by Timothy Insoll.

Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011.


Perseus [electronic resource] / Daniel Ogden

London ; New York : Routledge, 2008


Plague and the Athenian imagination [electronic resource] : drama, history, and the cult of Asclepius / Robin Mitchell-Boyask

Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2008


The New Testament in its ritual world [electronic resource] / Richard E. DeMaris

Oxford ; New York : Routledge, 2008


Theology goes to the movies [electronic resource] : an introduction to critical Christian thinking / Clive Marsh

London ; New York : Routledge, 2007


Milton and the spiritual reader [electronic resource] : reading and religion in seventeenth-century England / David Ainsworth

New York : Routledge, 2008


Religion, language, and power [electronic resource] / edited by Nile Green and Mary Searle-Chatterjee

New York : Routledge, 2008


Historical references in architectural design: special emphasis on Anatolian vernacular architecture and Turkish tourism architecture / Emrah Aslan, Dogan Zafer Erturk, John Hudson.

Rotch Library - NA1364.A83 2012


A history of the modern Middle East: rulers, rebels, and rogues / Betty S. Anderson

Rotch Library - DS62.4.A63 2016


Land, people and power: an anthropological study of emerging mega city of New Town, Rajarhat / Kakali Chakrabarty, Krishna Mandal, Janak Kumari Srivastava, Sudhansu Gangopadhyay, Asok Kumar Mukhopadhyay, Sumitabha Chakrabarty, Rapti Pan, K. M. Sinha Roy

Rotch Library - GN635.I4 C43 2015


Gaza as metaphor / Helga Tawil-Souri and Dina Matar (editors)

Rotch Library - DS119.767.G38 2016


Women, dance and revolution: performance and protest in the southern Mediterranean / Rose Martin

Rotch Library - GV1704.M37 2016


Indian society and culture / Vinita Pandey

Rotch Library - HN683.5.P35 2016


Land of the turquoise mountains: journeys across Iran / Cyrus Massoudi

Rotch Library - DS318.9.M377 2016


Art, icon, and architecture in South Asia: essays in honour of Dr. Devangana Desai / edited by Anila Verghese, Anna L. Dallapiccola

Rotch Library - N8193.S68 A78 2015


Cosmology to cartography: a cultural journey of Indian maps: from the collections of Kalakriti Archives, Hyderabad and National Museum / Vivek Nanda, Alexander Johnson

Rotch Library - GA1131.C67 2015


Iconography of the door guardians of South India: dvārapālas / Myneni Krishnakumari

Rotch Library - BL1243.76.S68 K75 2015


Religion and society in peninsular India (6th-16th centuries ce) / edited by N. Chandramouli

Rotch Library - BL2015.S6 R44 2015


Rock-cut temples of South India: architectural dimensions / Preeti Sharma

Rotch Library - NA6007.S6 S43 2015


Social media in the Arab world: communication and public opinion in the Gulf states / edited by Barrie Gunter, Mokhtar Elareshi, Khalid Al-Jaber

Rotch Library - HM742.S628197 2016


Islam and competing nationalisms in the Middle East, 1876-1926 / Kamal Soleimani

Rotch Library - BP173.55.S65 2016


Omnibus of North Bengal: the history and culture of the hills and the plains / editor, Anita Bagchi ; associate editor, Dahlia Bhattacharya

Rotch Library - HN690.W48 O46 2015


Laughter in occupied Palestine: comedy and identity in art and film / Chrisoula Lionis

Rotch Library - DS112.L659 2016


Population dynamism and resource utilization / edited by Farasat Ali Siddiqui

Rotch Library - HB3639.P67 2015


Public culture and Islam in modern Egypt: media, intellectuals and society / Hatsuki Aishima

Rotch Library - DT70.A57 2016


Urban development in Howrah: socio-economic perspectives / edited by Mahalaya Chatterjee, Anis Mukhopadhyay

Rotch Library - HT169.I52 H69 2015


The Ottoman East in the nineteenth century: societies, identities and politics / edited by Yaşar Tolga Cora, Dzovinar Derderian, Ali Sipahi

Rotch Library - DR557.O88 2016


Selected papers from the 12th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists / edited by Marijke J. Klokke and Véronique Degroot

Rotch Library - DS523.E97 2008


Instantanés d'Égypte: trésors photographiques de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale / Delphine Driaux & Marie-Lys Arnette

Rotch Library - TR118.I68 2016