
Peacekeeping and geopolitics in the 21st century

Following the fall of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, hopes abounded for a peaceful and more stable world with the end of the Cold War. Great-power competition, it seemed, was no longer a threat. Global security efforts were focused on stabilizing smaller conflicts, in part through multinational peacekeeping efforts. Today, the tide seems…



The U.N. at 70: The Past and Future of U.N. Peacekeeping

Jean-Marie Guéhenno, former undersecretary-general for peacekeeping operations at the United Nations, reflects on what peacekeeping means to the UN today, and what he expects for the future, as it turns 70 years old. Read more in his memoir published by Brookings Press, "The Fog of Peace: A Memoir of International Peacekeeping in the 21st Century." Editor's…



Leading UN peacekeeping and “The Fog of Peace”

“More and more we see that the separation between war and peace is not as clear-cut as it used to be,” says Jean-Marie Guéhenno in this podcast. Guéhenno, president and CEO of the International Crisis Group and a nonresident senior fellow at Brookings, was head of United Nations peacekeeping operations from 2000 to 2008, the longest-serving person…



Campaign 2008: The Final Weeks

Event Information

October 31, 2008
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EDT

Falk Auditorium
The Brookings Institution
1775 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC

Register for the Event

With the presidential debates completed, the campaigns of Senators John McCain and Barack Obama are focusing on persuading remaining undecided voters and mobilizing their supporters for Election Day. The Opportunity 08 project at Brookings and Princeton University examined key questions in the final stretch of the 2008 campaign, including money, ads and mobilization.

Have the candidates’ ads been effective at swaying voters thus far, and what form will they take in the campaign’s final week? With Obama taking the unprecedented step of opting out of public funding for the general election, has McCain been able to leverage party resources to keep pace? Will either candidate be able to match the Republican National Committee’s massive get-out-the-vote efforts of 2004? To examine these and related matters, the Brookings Institution’s Opportunity 08 project, in partnership with the Center for the Study of Democratic Politics at Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, hosted the final roundtable discussion on key questions about American electoral politics in connection with the 2008 campaign.

Featuring panelists Anthony Corrado, a nonresident senior fellow at Brookings and professor at Colby College; Diana Mutz, a nonresident senior fellow at Brookings and professor at the University of Pennsylvania; Lynn Vavreck of UCLA; Mike Allen of Politico; and moderated by Larry Bartels of Princeton and Thomas Mann of Brookings, the session explored how money, ads and mobilization are likely to affect the outcome of the presidential election.

After initial presentations, panelists took audience questions.

Event Materials

View Anthony Corrado's handout »
View Diana Mutz's handout »


Event Materials



Was Saudi King Salman too sick to attend this week’s Arab League summit?

King Salman failed to show at the Arab League summit this week in Mauritania, allegedly for health reasons. The king’s health has been a question since his accession to the throne last year.



Refugees: Why Seeking Asylum is Legal and Australia’s Policies are Not



Time for a shorter work week?

Throughout the past year, we have heard paid leave debated in state houses and on the campaign trail. I am all in favor of paid leave. As I have argued elsewhere, it would enable more people, especially those in lower-paid jobs, to take time off to deal with a serious illness or the care of another family member, including a newborn child. But we shouldn’t stop with paid leave. We should also consider shortening the standard work week. Such a step would be gender neutral and would not discriminate between the very different kinds of time pressures faced by adults. It might even help to create more jobs.

The standard work week is 40 hours -- 8 hours a day for five days a week. It’s been that way for a long time. Back in 1900, the typical factory worker spent 53 hours on the job, more than a third more hours than we spend today. The Fair Labor Standards Act was passed in 1938, and set maximum hours at 40 per week. Amazingly, more than three quarters of a century after passage of the FLSA, there has been no further decline in the standard work week. Not only has the legal standard remained unchanged, but 40 hours has become the social and cultural norm.

What’s going on here? Economists predicted that as we became more prosperous we would choose to work fewer hours. That hasn’t happened. Instead we have kept on working at about the same pace as we did earlier in our history, but have poured all of the gains from productivity growth into ever-higher levels of consumption – bigger houses, more electronic gadgets, fancier cars. With increased prosperity, people are buying more and more stuff, but they don’t have any more time to enjoy it. A reduction in the standard work week would improve the quality of life, especially for those in hourly jobs who have benefitted hardly at all from economic growth in recent decades.

Two-earner couples would also benefit. Among couples between the ages of 25 and 54, the number of hours worked increased by 20 percent between 1969 and 2000, from 56 hours to 67 hours (for both husband and wife combined). As Heather Boushey notes in her new book, Finding Time, we no longer live in a world where there is a “the silent partner” in every business enterprise, the iconic “American Wife,” who takes care of the children and the millions of details of daily living. With a shorter work week, both men and women would have more time for everything from cutting the grass to cooking dinner with no presumption about who does what. Although much of the debate this year has been about work-family balance, empty nesters or singles without young children might also welcome a shorter work week. For them it would provide the chance to follow their dream of becoming an artist, a boat builder, or the creator of their own small business.

Shorter hours could have another benefit and that is more jobs for workers who would otherwise be left behind by technological change. Many economists believe that as existing jobs are replaced by machines and artificial intelligence, new jobs will be created in technical, management, and service fields. But will this happen fast enough or at sufficient scale to reemploy all those who now find themselves without decent-paying work? I doubt it. A shorter work week might help to spread the available jobs around. Germany and other European countries, along with a few U.S. states used this strategy during the Great Recession. It kept more people on the job but at shorter hours and reduced unemployment. Using a similar strategy to deal with automation and long-term joblessness, although controversial, should not be dismissed out of hand.

Of course, shorter hours can mean lower total pay. But in one typical survey published in the Monthly Labor Review, 28 percent of the respondents said they would give up a day’s pay for one fewer day of work per week. Any new movement to reduce the work week would need to be phased in slowly, with flexibility for both employers and employees to negotiate adjustments around the standard. Yet if done correctly, the transition could be accomplished with little or no reduction in wages, just smaller raises as a bigger slice of any productivity improvement was invested in more free time. When Henry Ford reduced the work week from 6 to 5 days in 1926, he did not cut wages; he assumed that both productivity and consumption would rise, and his example encouraged other employers to follow suit.

I am not talking about reducing hours for those of us who want to spend long hours at work because we enjoy it. We would still be free to work 24/7, tied to our electronic devices, and no longer knowing exactly when work begins and ends. A new hours standard would primarily affect hourly (nonexempt) employees. These are the people in the less glamourous jobs at the bottom of the ladder, many of them single parents. Right now they finish work exhausted only to come home to a “second shift” that may be equally exhausting. A reduction in the standard workweek would almost certainly improve the quality of life for these hard-pressed and overworked Americans.

By all means, let’s enact a paid leave policy, but let’s also debate some even bigger ideas – ones that could lead to greater work-life balance now, and more job opportunities in the longer run.

Editor's note: This piece originally appeared on The Washington Post's In Theory Blog.

Publication: Washington Post
Image Source: © Christian Hartmann / Reuters


Previewing this Week’s Public Forum on Immigration Reform at Claremont McKenna College

Today at Claremont McKenna College, a new bipartisan public forum—the Dreier Roundtable—will convene leaders in politics, business, journalism and academia to hold constructive, substantive discussions about immigration reform. Just days after the midterm elections of 2014, the panel of experts will examine the strengths and weaknesses of current immigration policy and debate the economic and…



Hessnatur to Kick Off NY Fashion Week with "World in your Hand" Tee Launch Party at Whole Foods

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NY Fashion Week: Miguel Adrover Unveils hessnatur Eco-Tee at Whole Foods (Video)

Fashion icon and hessnatur Creative Director Miguel Adrover at Whole Foods Market. Credit Emma Grady Hessnatur kicked off New York Fashion Week Wednesday, September 9, 2009 at Whole Foods Market Tribeca with the launch of their "World in your hand"


Weird Japanese house of the week is totally transparent

Yuusuke Karasawa designs a house in Tokyo with 5 levels, a dozen stairs and almost no walls inside or out.


Eco Wine Review: Unti Vineyard's 2008 Dry Creek Valley Grenache

Unti Vineyard's 2008 Grenache is smoky and spicy with cranberry and anise on the nose. Marionberry and a minty finish play well with the wine's acidity and refined tannins. And it's vegan!


The Week in Pictures: A Cacti Chandelier, Bourbon and Maple Peach Cobbler, and More

A eccentric design hangs living cacti and lighting from the ceiling, a vegan cobbler is delicious, a luxury treehouse is a great escape in Bangkok, and more.


SRD Change09: Students Seek to Inspire, Provoke and Change Design

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TH Blog Love - Our Favourite Greens Of The Week

Ecorazzi: French Vogue Peta


Five Scary Fall New York Fashion Week Faux Pas

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Norway Becomes First Country to Ban Fur from Fashion Week

It is now 2011 which means Fashion Week in New York is just around the corner. Making news abroad, Norway has banned fur from the biannual Oslo Fashion Week, Ecouterre reports (via Huffington Post) making them the first country to


UK parliament debated ban on fur imports this week

Fur farming was banned on UK soil in 2000, but imports are still allowed, which activists say simply 'outsources' the cruelty.


Bear's Head Freed From Jar After Three-Week Search

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The Week in Pictures: Galapagos Islands No Longer Endangered? 'Static Kill' of BP's Oil Well, and More (Slideshow)

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The Week in Pictures: Cherry Tree Sculptures, Catapulting LED Stars, and More

This week's photo roundup includes a sculpture made from living cherry trees, an artist catapulting LEDs into the sky to make stars, and more.


The Week in Pictures: Cherry Tree Sculptures, Catapulting LED Stars, and More (Slideshow)

We've featured a lot of treehouses on TreeHugger, but the plans for this one are a little different: Ten cherry trees will be planted in a circle, and pruned and bent over time to form a unique, two story sculpture.


How to eat a mountain of greens in a week

With an unstoppable flow of leafy veggies coming from my CSA share every week, I have to get creative in the kitchen.


Veganuary, weekday vegetarians, Meatless Mondays and now reducetarians...

Gosh, there are a lot of ways to eat less meat. And a lot of ways to talk about it, too.


GMO soybeans are bad for Mexico's beekeepers

Beekeepers in the Yucatan face a threat to their livelihoods as Europe rejects their products for GMO contamination.


At Free Geek, Computer Repair Paves the Path to Jobs

Free Geek is a non-profit reuse organization. Its mission: provide access to computers, the internet, education, and job skills to the local community.


No need for sushi chefs to toil on the long weekend, robots will do it

Sushi is everywhere these days, and robots will soon be everywhere making it.


Show your love for renewable energy — it's #iheartrenewables week

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The Week in Animal News: Miracle Pando Poo Tea, Another Rhino Species Officially Extinct, and More

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False Advertising Word of the Week: Artisan

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The Week in Pictures: Toxic Industrial Sludge Covers Hungarian Villages, Solar Panels on the White House, and More (Slideshow)

A state of emergency has been declared in Hungary where four people are dead, 120 injured and six missing as torrents of red toxic sludge, the byproduct of bauxite refining for aluminum, burst from a containment pond and poured through six villages in


EPA surprise: Agency seeks to cancel approval of toxic pesticide

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Weekend Movies in Review: Superbad and The 11th Hour

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Planet Green This Weekend: Greensburg

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Leonardo DiCaprio's Green Oscar, Salma Hayek's Got Milk, and More

My favorite eco-star might of gotten snubbed by Oscar, but Leo's enivormental work gets a green prize. The actor/activist was honored with the International Green Film Award by Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev at the


Mr. Larkin Charms at Green Fashion Week in New York (Slideshow)

Timely but not fleeting, flouncy but not frilly, unique but not unwearable, clever but never over the top -- Mr. Larkin's Spring 2010 collection was everything green fashion should be. A relative newcomer on the eco-scene, the


New Movements' sleek sneakers feature old materials

If you're OK with leather, then the recycled rubber soles and plastic laces, combined with the company's commitment to cleaning ocean plastic, make these an eco-friendly choice.


3D printed house displayed at Milan Design Week

Massimiliano Locatelli is writing a new language of design that reflects the new technology.


Take action during Fashion Revolution Week, April 24-30

It's that time of year when conscious shoppers remember the Rana Plaza tragedy and unite in their efforts to demand greater safety, fairness and transparency in the fashion industry.


Helly Hansen's New Ekolab Line is Clean and Durable

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Reconstructed Body Suits, Upcycled Leggings, and More at Hong Kong Fashion Week

The fashion event's EcoChic Design Awards inspire Asia’s emerging fashion talent to create with minimal textile waste.


Turkish Beekeepers Abuzz Over Pesticide Concerns

If you ask me, the real "Turkish delight" is served at breakfast time: A square of rich, thick kaymak (clotted cream), topped with fresh-off-the-comb honey (bal).


DIY Beekeeping: Download and print a smart beehive kit

Combining elements of natural beekeeping, citizen science, open source hardware, and networked smart devices, these DIY beehives could be a powerful tool in the fight against Colony Collapse Disorder.


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Is keeping up with TreeHugger too much work? Let us help with our newsletters. We have a daily, edited by me, and a weekly, edited by Warren McLaren. Today I muse about how Amazon is Now Selling More Digital Kindle Books Than Print Books. Have a look


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Heroic cow escapes trip to slaughterhouse, hides in Dutch forest for weeks

And in the meantime, the bodacious bovine has become a social media star and will receive a full pardon … as soon as they can get her out of the woods.


Just ending pollution from car exhaust could add three weeks to your life

Switching from fossil fuel powered cars could save 45,000 lives per year and on its own almost solve climate change


Famous designers celebrate the classic Artek stool's 80th birthday

This classic design is 80 years young and some famous designers pay hommage.