
Iceland embraces slow TV trend with leisurely 24-hour drive around the country

Soundtracked by Sigur Rós, the ultra-mellow trek was broadcast live on national television.

  • Arts & Culture


Rare 'merging tsunami' contributed to Japan destruction

The massive tsunami generated by the March 2011 earthquake off the coast of northeastern Japan was a "merging tsunami" — a type of tsunami long thought to exi

  • Wilderness & Resources


8 intriguing images of Pluto and beyond

Pluto and its mysterious neighbors hold perhaps some of the most exciting astronomical discoveries to come.


States offer free park entry on Black Friday

Skip the stores and head outdoors to a nearby state park.


Artist carves vintage books into astoundingly intricate 3-D sculptures

Guy Laramee's work speaks to the 'erosion of cultures' and our over-reliance on analytical knowledge, symbolized by the book.

  • Arts & Culture


Coal Country documentary debuts this week despite opposition from Big Coal

Documentary on coal mining’s effect on Appalachian communities premieres in West Virginia this Saturday.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Michael Pollan: Introduction

Michael Pollan thanks and congratulates several organizations.

  • Food & Drink


Michael Pollan: Decentralizing food

Michael Pollan explains how having such a centralized food system can be dangerous to the country.

  • Food & Drink


What is a community fridge? Think Little Free Pantry with electricity

Community fridges are like Little Free Pantries, but with electricity. They are one more solution to hunger and food waste.


How to get pet hair under control

Keep the pets but ditch the mess with this handy guide.


'The Dark Lord of Coal Country'

Rolling Stone's Jeff Goodell joins Morning Joe to discuss former Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship and examining his role in the worst mining disaster in 40 yea

  • Wilderness & Resources


Space shuttle Enterprise damaged on sea journey to Intrepid museum

Space shuttle Enterprise suffered minor wing damage on June 3 when it collided with the navigation guides for a New York railroad bridge during the first half o


Best countries to be a mom

U.S. scores lower than many smaller and poorer countries on world motherhood rankings.


How 7 other countries celebrate Mother's Day

The U.S. tradition began in 1911, but many other cultures offer their own twist on the Mother's Day theme. Mexico's celebration in particular looks like fun.

  • Arts & Culture


What are these countries best known for?

Due to history or legend, most countries are known for contributing something specific to the world. How many do you know?

  • Arts & Culture


Malaysia is sending trash back to the countries that created it

Malaysia and the Philippines are forcefully rejecting trash from wealthier countries.


Enphase gives energy control freaks a reason to rejoice

New hi-tech Environ thermostat allows you to remotely monitor and control your home energy use.

  • Gadgets & Electronics


Introducing healthy potato chips

The biggest problem with potato chips is the oil they are fried in, but this company uses quality coconut oil!


With termite genome decoded, researchers aim for less toxic pest control

The research reveals genetic clues about the insects' behavior, making it possible to target specific attributes.


Weekend reads: Restaurant food photos get controversial

Instagramming your restaurant could get you a slap on the wrist from the chef. Should it?


The Inuit have a simple way of teaching their children how to control anger

A simple parenting technique helps Inuit children learn to control anger at an early age.


Bill Gates confesses Control-Alt-Delete was a mistake

The Microsoft founder admits that the cumbersome combination should have been made easier.


Bill Gates predicts there will be few poor countries in 6 years

Bill and Melinda Gates outline global-aid myths: poor countries will always be poor, foreign aid is a waste, and saving lives will lead to overpopulation.


So you want to move to another country ...

If you're thinking about moving to another country, his handy tool lets you compare everything from free time to health care costs.


Ireland to become first country to divest from fossil fuels

Ireland's national investment fund will sell all investments in coal, oil, gas and peat as soon as possible.


Senators introduce bipartisan bill to reform chemical safety laws

Bipartisan 'Chemical Safety Improvement Act' would require more safety regulation for chemicals while making it easier for those that pass to get on the market.

  • Protection & Safety


Sneaky contractors turn EPA warehouse into a man cave

Apex Logistics employees converted a storage space into every college man's dream hangout, complete with pinups and gym equipment.


'Malibu Country' Sara Rue greens her baby's nursery

Sara Rue becomes a mom on and off the set of 'Malibu Country'.

  • Arts & Culture


Drinking tea could help control high blood sugar

This traditional beverage has many health benefits, including a possible blood sugar lowering effect.


In the Green Room: Country star Gretchen Wilson on the next generation of farmers

Chuck Leavell, keyboardist for The Rolling Stones and the cofounder of MNN, sits down with country music star Gretchen Wilson at Farm Aid 2009 to talk about fig

  • Arts & Culture


Government research lab brings jobs to Coal Country

More than 1,000 workers will study the environmental effects of energy production.


Norfolk Southern partners with GreenTrees LLC

Norfolk Southern is working with GreenTrees LLC on a five-year reforestation project.

  • Sustainable Business Practices


Introducing Rimac's Concept One electric supercar

These guys aren't shy about taking on Tesla, but first they need to ramp up the factory for this 1,088-horsepower, 200 mph electric from Croatia.


Summer 2015 reading list: 12 green design titles to intrigue and inspire

Forget Pat Conroy ... nothing says 'summer reading' like upcycling bibles and tiny house memoirs.

  • Remodeling & Design


Should rhinos be introduced to Australia?

It's a wild idea fraught with controversy, but Australia has the habitats and the protections in place to harbor these beasts.


Nesting materials: 13 useful pad-centric gifts for the class of '13

Give the real estate-fixated college graduate in your life a well-designed, practical gift that will be put to good use in their first post-grad abode.

  • Remodeling & Design


'The Cow in Patrick O'Shanahan’s Kitchen' is a gentle introduction to food origins

After you read the last page of this new book for kids, you can start a discussion about food, farmers and eating.


Nesting materials: 14 pad-centric gifts for the class of '14

With college grad gifting season upon us, here's a handful of useful, unique and starter apartment-friendly household items.


Is ethical foie gras a contradiction in terms?

This Spanish farmer's free-range geese fatten up naturally for migration season.


Whirlpool introduces the smart washer and dryer

These appliances are big energy hogs, so it makes sense to make them smart.


U.N. wants to help countries banish incandescent bulbs once and for all

Model guidelines from the U.N. for energy-efficient light bulbs aid developing nations in smoothly transitioning from incandescents to LEDs.

  • Research & Innovations


Clothing Arts entrepreneur creates pickpocket-proof pants

Good looking pants that protect your valuables.

  • Natural Beauty & Fashion


Don DiCostanzo: Electric bike entrepreneur

Meet Don DiCostanzo, the entrepreneur behind Pedego electric bikes. Find out what he thinks about President Obama, e-bikes in bike lanes, and the way to a green


Introducing Leslie Grant, mother hen of Chickin Feed

A mom, inspired by her own little 'chickins,' has hatched a fun, colorful line of nutrition learning tools that can inspire other families to build healthy habi


Amazon's controversial Kindle 2 ships this month

There is no doubt, digital books are here to stay. The original Kindle, which started shipping in November 2007, was a wake up call to the publishing world.

  • Gadgets & Electronics


Waze: Crowdsourced traffic control

A new iPhone app lets drivers report traffic conditions to each other in real time.

  • Gadgets & Electronics


2 in 3 kids are born in countries where dads don't get paid leave

92 countries lack a national policy that grants fathers paid paternity leave, including the United States.

  • Babies & Pregnancy


Maya Penn: Teen designer, entrepreneur, and activist

This 13-year-old fashion designer, cartoon animator, and activist is committed to making eco-savvy clothing that gives back.

  • Natural Beauty & Fashion


BP apologist wants control of Energy and Commerce Committee

Despite several obstacles in his path Joe Barton thinks he will be the next chairman of the committee and is already drawing up plans.


Cap and trade is facing obstacles across the country

Cap and trade may finally be finished in Washington, but it's been dying elsewhere for a while.