
Beyond Subculture: Toward the Transformation of Roman Society

Fr. John explores how the Church began to address, confront, and challenge the pagan culture of the Roman Empire, particularly during the third century.


The Spiritual Transformation of Society I: Monasticism

Fr. John explores what exactly monasticim was in the days of St. Macarius.


The Spiritual Transformation of Society II: Marriage

Fr. John explores marriage within the life of early Christendom.


Papal Reformation and the Great Schism: I

Fr. John discusses the spiritual decline of the Church in the West and the attempt to reform this degradation.


Papal Reformation and the Great Schism: II

Fr. John continues his exploration of the pivotal reign of Pope Leo IX and the way in which its reforms led toward a confrontation with the Patriarchate of Constantinople in 1054.


Papal Reformation and the Great Schism: III

In this conclusion to his account of the Great Schism, Fr. John reviews the leading controversies that aggravated relations between Rome and Constantinople during Pope Leo IX's military confinement, and how they resulted in the latter's posthumous act of excommunicating Patriarch Michael Cerularius in 1054.


The Fall of Paradise I: Reformation Muenster as the New Jerusalem

In this anecdotal introduction to the final reflection of Part 2 of the podcast, Father John relates the extraordinary story of a Reformation-era town that declared itself the kingdom of Christ on earth, a "New Jerusalem." Expressing a profound absence of God in the world, however, the story of Reformation Muenster was in fact a sign of the fall of a Christendom centered upon the experience of paradise.


The Fall of Paradise VI: The Reformation of Worship

In this episode Fr. John discusses Reformed attitudes toward worship, and the ways in which western Christendom's liturgical and sacramental foundations were eroded when they were put into practice.


The Fall of Paradise II: The Reformation of Western Christendom

In this episode Father John describes some of the most noteworthy effects of the Protestant Reformation on Western Christendom, emphasizing the decline of a sacramental basis for civilization and the rise of a primarily moral one.


The Crisis of Western Christendom I: Martin Luther's Reformation Breakthrough

Returning after a long absence from the podcast, Fr. John in this episode introduces a new reflection on the crisis of western Christendom prior to the Reformation by discussing the penitential context of Martin Luther's famous Ninety-Five Theses.


Christian Calendars and the Spiritual Transformation of Time

Fr. John discusses the spiritual transformation of time by Christianity.


Christian Temples and the Spiritual Transformation of Space

Fr. John discusses the ways in which the Church tries to create a sanctified topography in Christendom.


Replacing Reformational Christianity

In this episode Fr. John Strickland discusses various ways in which Christendom's leadership rejected the reformational Christianity that had provoked the wars of Western religion and replaced it with science, philosophy, pietistic Christianity, and a new religion known as deism.


Fishers of Men and the Mormons

In today’s episode, Fr John Parker addresses “becoming fishers of men” using Mormon practice as a catalyst to missionary work.


Meet Fr. Jason Foster - Former Southern Baptist

In this episode, Fr. John interviews Fr. Jason Foster, pastor of Holy Nativity Orthodox Mission in Shreveport, LA. Fr. Jason is doing amazing and catalytic missionary work in Louisiana.


The Dormition and Translation of the Theotokos

This week Edith Humphrey considers the Dormition and Translation (Assumption) of the Holy Theotokos, using Old Testament passages as well as the book of Revelation in order to clarify why Holy Mary’s death as well as her assumption glorify the Lord Jesus, in an “echo” of the gospel.


The Disturbed Mind, the Grasping Mind, the Single Mind and the Transformed Mind: the Sixth Sunday of

This week we consider the reading from Acts 16 for the sixth Sunday of Easter, reading it in the light of Psalm 1. These readings discloses different mindsets, some to caution us, some to be our models, as we follow Christ on the Way.


Light From (and Upon) the Readable Books 8: Misinformation, Decrees, and the Life of Leaders

In this episode we read Esther 3:13a-g, 5:1-13 LXX, and 8:12a-I, considering the royal decrees of the king, the dramatic scene where Esther enters his presence without invitation, and the misinformation about the Jewish people which he finally rejects. We are helped in seeing the significance of these fascinating scenes by recourse to Psalm 85/6, Phil 2:5-11, and 1 Timothy 2:1-2


The Dormition of the Theotokos

"The Dormition of the Theotokos," from Feasts of Christ and the Theotokos and Miracles of the Lord by Spiritual Fragrance Publishing (2012)


The Calming of the Storm

"The Calming of the Storm," from Feasts of Christ and the Theotokos and Miracles of the Lord by Spiritual Fragrance Publishing (2012)


The Dormition of the Theotokos / Snuggles / To Plant a Cross 1

18. Book 1: The Dormition of the Theotokos from the series The Twelve Great Feasts for Children by Sister Elayne, now Mother Melania (Conciliar Press, 2004) Book 2: Snuggles: The Bunny who Helped Me Find God by Myra T. Johnson (Conciliar Press, 2007) Book 3: To Plant a Cross: The Story of Saint Kosmas Aitolos Who Fought a War with Words by Angeline Eliakopoulos, part one (Destro Publishers, 2004: 773 561 2332)


The Dormition of the Theotokos

110. The Dormition Of The Theotokos from The Twelve Great Feasts for Children by Sister Elaine (Conciliar Press, 2004)



Fr. Ted speaks on the feast of the Dormition, encouraging us to look at Mary's obedient spirit as an example of the Christian life.


Palm Sunday/ Conforming to God

Too often we seek to bend the Church to our own will instead of bending our will to meet that of God.


Transforming Desires and Seeing Iconographically

In episode 4, Andrew helps us understand the transformation that takes place when we begin to see iconographically instead of pornographically. The transcript can be accessed HERE.


Transforming Desires and Overcoming Addiction

In episode 5, Andrew continues to explore the transformation of our desires and how that relates to addiction. Click HERE for a transcript.


Dormition-what actually happened


Dormition - What Actually Happened?


The New Normal

Now that Pascha is over (or is it?), will we return to life as before, or will we allow the life of Christ to change our lives?


Testing our faith in the storms of life

Fr. Apostolos Hill challenges us with reflections on the Gospel reading of St. Peter's impetuous faith on the Sea of Galilee.


Allowing God to Transform Evil in Our Lives


The Stormy Sea of Life (Matthew 14:22-34)

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost


The Dormition: Glory to Jesus Christ!

Pulling from all of the scripture readings of the day, Fr. Tom shows that the doctrine of the Theotokos - and, ultimately, every doctrine of the Orthodox Church - is really about the Lord Jesus Christ.


Transformation and Growth

Fr. Tom discusses how the Christian life consists of personal transformation and a deep urgency to bring others into the fold.


An Invitation to Transformation (Dn John Skowron)

Join Deacon John Skowron in today's discussion. What are we withholding from God's will? Are we making time for Christ in our lives?


The Dormition of the Theotokos

Fr. Gregory's homily on the Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos.


The Transformation of Suffering

Fr. Gregory introduces a guest preacher today who talks about the pattern of redemption: the Lord heals the soul and then the body.


Called to the Banquet of Transformation




Changed Hearts, Transformed Lives, Godly Families


The Form of This World


God Transforms Unfairness to Advantage!


Storm Outside; Asleep Inside


Storm Outside; Asleep Inside


God Transforms Unfairness to Advantage!


Discouragement Is a Form of Pride

Dr. Albert Rossi explores the meaning of a quote by St. Therese of Lisieux.


Too Much Information

Dr. Rossi thinks about overthinking.


Two Chairs of Peter: Reform, Orthodoxy and the Papacy

Following yesterday's pontifical election, Fr. Andrew Damick comments on this most recent event as well as the recent election of Patriarch John X of the Holy Synod of Antioch.


Dormition of the Theotokos

Fr. Wilbur Ellsworth from Holy Transfiguration Antiochian Orthodox Church in Warrenville, IL, speaks about the Dormition of the Theotokos.


Transformation: Part 1 - Made in His Image and Likeness

Part one of a four-part documentary called "Transformation: Same-Sex Attraction Through the Lens of Orthodox Christianity." In this first episode, we meet four individuals who are faithful, obedient Orthodox Christians in terms of celibacy, but are attracted to members of the same sex. What are their stories, struggles, and disappointments? How have they been received in the Orthodox Church? And what do they want the Church to know about that struggle? Resource: Christian Faith and Same Sex Attraction by Fr. Thomas Hopko