
Consistency and variability of cocrystals containing positional isomers: the self-assembly evolution mechanism of supramolecular synthons of cresol–piperazine

The disposition of functional groups can induce variations in the nature and type of interactions and hence affect the molecular recognition and self-assembly mechanism in cocrystals. To better understand the formation of cocrystals on a molecular level, the effects of disposition of functional groups on the formation of cocrystals were systematically and comprehensively investigated using cresol isomers (o-, m-, p-cresol) as model compounds. Consistency and variability in these cocrystals containing positional isomers were found and analyzed. The structures, molecular recognition and self-assembly mechanism of supramolecular synthons in solution and in their corresponding cocrystals were verified by a combined experimental and theoretical calculation approach. It was found that the heterosynthons (heterotrimer or heterodimer) combined with O—H⋯N hydrogen bonding played a significant role. Hirshfeld surface analysis and computed interaction energy values were used to determine the hierarchical ordering of the weak interactions. The quantitative analyses of charge transfers and molecular electrostatic potential were also applied to reveal and verify the reasons for consistency and variability. Finally, the molecular recognition, self-assembly and evolution process of the supramolecular synthons in solution were investigated. The results confirm that the supramolecular synthon structures formed initially in solution would be carried over to the final cocrystals, and the supramolecular synthon structures are the precursors of cocrystals and the information memory of the cocrystallization process, which is evidence for classical nucleation theory.


Structure-based mechanism of cysteine-switch latency and of catalysis by pappalysin-family metallopeptidases

Tannerella forsythia is an oral dysbiotic periodontopathogen involved in severe human periodontal disease. As part of its virulence factor armamentarium, at the site of colonization it secretes mirolysin, a metallopeptidase of the unicellular pappalysin family, as a zymogen that is proteolytically auto-activated extracellularly at the Ser54–Arg55 bond. Crystal structures of the catalytically impaired promirolysin point mutant E225A at 1.4 and 1.6 Å revealed that latency is exerted by an N-terminal 34-residue pro-segment that shields the front surface of the 274-residue catalytic domain, thus preventing substrate access. The catalytic domain conforms to the metzincin clan of metallopeptidases and contains a double calcium site, which acts as a calcium switch for activity. The pro-segment traverses the active-site cleft in the opposite direction to the substrate, which precludes its cleavage. It is anchored to the mature enzyme through residue Arg21, which intrudes into the specificity pocket in cleft sub-site S1'. Moreover, residue Cys23 within a conserved cysteine–glycine motif blocks the catalytic zinc ion by a cysteine-switch mechanism, first described for mammalian matrix metallopeptidases. In addition, a 1.5 Å structure was obtained for a complex of mature mirolysin and a tetradecapeptide, which filled the cleft from sub-site S1' to S6'. A citrate molecule in S1 completed a product-complex mimic that unveiled the mechanism of substrate binding and cleavage by mirolysin, the catalytic domain of which was already preformed in the zymogen. These results, including a preference for cleavage before basic residues, are likely to be valid for other unicellular pappalysins derived from archaea, bacteria, cyanobacteria, algae and fungi, including archetypal ulilysin from Methanosarcina acetivorans. They may further apply, at least in part, to the multi-domain orthologues of higher organisms.


High-pressure polymorphism in pyridine

Single crystals of the high-pressure phases II and III of pyridine have been obtained by in situ crystallization at 1.09 and 1.69 GPa, revealing the crystal structure of phase III for the first time using X-ray diffraction. Phase II crystallizes in P212121 with Z' = 1 and phase III in P41212 with Z' = ½. Neutron powder diffraction experiments using pyridine-d5 establish approximate equations of state of both phases. The space group and unit-cell dimensions of phase III are similar to the structures of other simple compounds with C2v molecular symmetry, and the phase becomes stable at high pressure because it is topologically close-packed, resulting in a lower molar volume than the topologically body-centred cubic phase II. Phases II and III have been observed previously by Raman spectroscopy, but have been mis-identified or inconsistently named. Raman spectra collected on the same samples as used in the X-ray experiments establish the vibrational characteristics of both phases unambiguously. The pyridine molecules interact in both phases through CH⋯π and CH⋯N interactions. The nature of individual contacts is preserved through the phase transition between phases III and II, which occurs on decompression. A combination of rigid-body symmetry mode analysis and density functional theory calculations enables the soft vibrational lattice mode which governs the transformation to be identified.


Isomorphism: `molecular similarity to crystal structure similarity' in multicomponent forms of analgesic drugs tolfenamic and mefenamic acid

The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs mefenamic acid (MFA) and tolfenamic acid (TFA) have a close resemblance in their molecular scaffold, whereby a methyl group in MFA is substituted by a chloro group in TFA. The present study demonstrates the isomorphous nature of these compounds in a series of their multicomponent solids. Furthermore, the unique nature of MFA and TFA has been demonstrated while excavating their alternate solid forms in that, by varying the drug (MFA or TFA) to coformer [4-di­methyl­amino­pyridine (DMAP)] stoichiometric ratio, both drugs have produced three different types of multicomponent crystals, viz. salt (1:1; API to coformer ratio), salt hydrate (1:1:1) and cocrystal salt (2:1). Interestingly, as anticipated from the close similarity of TFA and MFA structures, these multicomponent solids have shown an isomorphous relation. A thorough characterization and structural investigation of the new multicomponent forms of MFA and TFA revealed their similarity in terms of space group and structural packing with isomorphic nature among the pairs. Herein, the experimental results are generalized in a broader perspective for predictably identifying any possible new forms of comparable compounds by mapping their crystal structure landscapes. The utility of such an approach is evident from the identification of polymorph VI of TFA from hetero-seeding with isomorphous MFA form I from acetone–methanol (1:1) solution. That aside, a pseudopolymorph of TFA with di­methyl­formamide (DMF) was obtained, which also has some structural similarity to that of the solvate MFA:DMF. These new isostructural pairs are discussed in the context of solid form screening using structural landscape similarity.


Evidence for binary Smc complexes lacking kite subunits in archaea

SMC complexes play a central role in chromosome organization in all domains of life. The bacterial Smc–ScpAB complex is a three-subunit complex composed of Smc, ScpA and ScpB. ScpA bridges the two ATPase domains of the Smc homodimer, while ScpB, which belongs to the kite family of proteins, interacts with ScpA. The three subunits are known to be equally important for the function of Smc–ScpAB in bacteria. From crystallographic and biochemical studies, evidence is provided that six archaeal ScpA proteins are unable to interact with the only putative ScpB found in these species. Structure-based sequence alignment reveals that these archaeal ScpAs lack the ScpB-binding segment that is commonly present in the middle of bacterial ScpA sequences, which is thus responsible for their inability to interact with ScpB. ScpA proteins lacking the ScpB-binding segment are found to prevail in archaea. Moreover, two archaeal ScpA proteins with a longer middle region also failed to bind their putative ScpB partner. Furthermore, all or most species belonging to five out of 14 euryarchaeotal orders contain Smc and ScpA but not a detectable ScpB homologue. These data support the notion that archaeal Smc-based complexes generally function as a two-subunit complex composed of only Smc and ScpA.


Small-angle neutron scattering studies suggest the mechanism of BinAB protein internalization

Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) is one of the most widely used neutron-based approaches to study the solution structure of biological macromolecular systems. The selective deuterium labelling of different protein components of a complex provides a means to probe conformational changes in multiprotein complexes. The Lysinibacillus sphaericus mosquito-larvicidal BinAB proteins exert toxicity through interaction with the receptor Cqm1 protein; however, the nature of the complex is not known. Rationally engineered deuterated BinB (dBinB) protein from the L. sphaericus ISPC-8 species was synthesized using an Escherichia coli-based protein-expression system in M9 medium in D2O for `contrast-matched' SANS experiments. SANS data were independently analysed by ab initio indirect Fourier transform-based modelling and using crystal structures. These studies confirm the dimeric status of Cqm1 in 100% D2O with a longest intramolecular vector (Dmax) of ∼94 Å and a radius of gyration (Rg) of ∼31 Å. Notably, BinB binds to Cqm1, forming a heterodimeric complex (Dmax of ∼129 Å and Rg of ∼40 Å) and alters its oligomeric status from a dimer to a monomer, as confirmed by matched-out Cqm1–dBinB (Dmax of ∼70 Å and Rg of ∼22 Å). The present study thus provides the first insight into the events involved in the internalization of larvicidal proteins, likely by raft-dependent endocytosis.


Comparing serial X-ray crystallography and microcrystal electron diffraction (MicroED) as methods for routine structure determination from small macromolecular crystals

Innovative new crystallographic methods are facilitating structural studies from ever smaller crystals of biological macromolecules. In particular, serial X-ray crystallography and microcrystal electron diffraction (MicroED) have emerged as useful methods for obtaining structural information from crystals on the nanometre to micrometre scale. Despite the utility of these methods, their implementation can often be difficult, as they present many challenges that are not encountered in traditional macromolecular crystallography experiments. Here, XFEL serial crystallography experiments and MicroED experiments using batch-grown microcrystals of the enzyme cyclophilin A are described. The results provide a roadmap for researchers hoping to design macromolecular microcrystallography experiments, and they highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the two methods. Specifically, we focus on how the different physical conditions imposed by the sample-preparation and delivery methods required for each type of experiment affect the crystal structure of the enzyme.


Structure and mechanism of copper–carbonic anhydrase II: a nitrite reductase

Nitric oxide (NO) promotes vasodilation through the activation of guanylate cyclase, resulting in the relaxation of the smooth muscle vasculature and a subsequent decrease in blood pressure. Therefore, its regulation is of interest for the treatment and prevention of heart disease. An example is pulmonary hypertension which is treated by targeting this NO/vasodilation pathway. In bacteria, plants and fungi, nitrite (NO2−) is utilized as a source of NO through enzymes known as nitrite reductases. These enzymes reduce NO2− to NO through a catalytic metal ion, often copper. Recently, several studies have shown nitrite reductase activity of mammalian carbonic anhydrase II (CAII), yet the molecular basis for this activity is unknown. Here we report the crystal structure of copper-bound human CAII (Cu–CAII) in complex with NO2− at 1.2 Å resolution. The structure exhibits Type 1 (T-1) and 2 (T-2) copper centers, analogous to bacterial nitrite reductases, both required for catalysis. The copper-substituted CAII active site is penta-coordinated with a `side-on' bound NO2−, resembling a T-2 center. At the N terminus, several residues that are normally disordered form a porphyrin ring-like configuration surrounding a second copper, acting as a T-1 center. A structural comparison with both apo- (without metal) and zinc-bound CAII (Zn–CAII) provides a mechanistic picture of how, in the presence of copper, CAII, with minimal conformational changes, can function as a nitrite reductase.


On the mechanism of solid-state phase transitions in molecular crystals – the role of cooperative motion in (quasi)racemic linear amino acids

During single-crystal-to-single-crystal (SCSC) phase transitions, a polymorph of a compound can transform to a more stable form while remaining in the solid state. By understanding the mechanism of these transitions, strategies can be developed to control this phenomenon. This is particularly important in the pharmaceutical industry, but also relevant for other industries such as the food and agrochemical industries. Although extensive literature exists on SCSC phase transitions in inorganic crystals, it is unclear whether their classications and mechanisms translate to molecular crystals, with weaker interactions and more steric hindrance. A comparitive study of SCSC phase transitions in aliphatic linear-chain amino acid crystals, both racemates and quasi-racemates, is presented. A total of 34 transitions are considered and most are classified according to their structural change during the transition. Transitions without torsional changes show very different characteristics, such as transition temperature, enthalpy and free energy, compared with transitions that involve torsional changes. These differences can be rationalized using classical nucleation theory and in terms of a difference in mechanism; torsional changes occur in a molecule-by-molecule fashion, whereas transitions without torsional changes involve cooperative motion with multiple molecules at the same time.


Plasmodium vivax and human hexokinases share similar active sites but display distinct quaternary architectures

Malaria is a devastating disease caused by a protozoan parasite. It affects over 300 million individuals and results in over 400 000 deaths annually, most of whom are young children under the age of five. Hexokinase, the first enzyme in glucose metabolism, plays an important role in the infection process and represents a promising target for therapeutic intervention. Here, cryo-EM structures of two conformational states of Plasmodium vivax hexokinase (PvHK) are reported at resolutions of ∼3 Å. It is shown that unlike other known hexokinase structures, PvHK displays a unique tetrameric organization (∼220 kDa) that can exist in either open or closed quaternary conformational states. Despite the resemblance of the active site of PvHK to its mammalian counterparts, this tetrameric organization is distinct from that of human hexokinases, providing a foundation for the structure-guided design of parasite-selective antimalarial drugs.


Hypothesis for a mechanism of beam-induced motion in cryo-electron microscopy

Estimates of heat-transfer rates during plunge-cooling and the patterns of ice observed in cryo-EM samples indicate that the grid bars cool much more slowly than do the support foil and sample near the middle of the grid openings. The resulting transient temperature differences generate transient tensile stresses in the support foil. Most of this foil stress develops while the sample is liquid and cooling toward its glass transition Tg, and so does not generate tensile sample stress. As the grid bars continue cooling towards the cryogen temperature and contracting, the tensile stress in the foil is released, placing the sample in compressive stress. Radiation-induced creep in the presence of this compressive stress should generate a doming of the sample in the foil openings, as is observed experimentally. Crude estimates of the magnitude of the doming that may be generated by this mechanism are consistent with observation. Several approaches to reducing beam-induced motion are discussed.


Molecular conformational evolution mechanism during nucleation of crystals in solution

Nucleation of crystals from solution is fundamental to many natural and industrial processes. In this work, the molecular mechanism of conformational polymorphism nucleation and the links between the molecular conformation in solutions and in crystals were investigated in detail by using 5-nitro­furazone as the model compound. Different polymorphs were prepared, and the conformations in solutions obtained by dissolving different polymorphs were analysed and compared. The solutions of 5-nitro­furazone were proven to contain multiple conformers through quantum chemical computation, Raman spectra analysis, 2D nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy spectra analysis and molecular dynamics simulation. The conformational evolution and desolvation path was illustrated according to the 1H NMR spectra of solutions with different concentrations. Finally, based on all the above analysis, the molecular conformational evolution path during nucleation of 5-nitro­furazone was illustrated. The results presented in this work shed a new light on the molecular mechanism of conformational polymorphism nucleation in solution.


Controlled dehydration, structural flexibility and gadolinium MRI contrast compound binding in the human plasma glycoprotein afamin

Afamin, which is a human blood plasma glycoprotein, a putative multifunctional transporter of hydrophobic molecules and a marker for metabolic syndrome, poses multiple challenges for crystallographic structure determination, both practically and in analysis of the models. Several hundred crystals were analysed, and an unusual variability in cell volume and difficulty in solving the structure despite an ∼34% sequence identity with nonglycosylated human serum albumin indicated that the molecule exhibits variable and context-sensitive packing, despite the simplified glycosylation in insect cell-expressed recombinant afamin. Controlled dehydration of the crystals was able to stabilize the orthorhombic crystal form, reducing the number of molecules in the asymmetric unit from the monoclinic form and changing the conformational state of the protein. An iterative strategy using fully automatic experiments available on MASSIF-1 was used to quickly determine the optimal protocol to achieve the phase transition, which should be readily applicable to many types of sample. The study also highlights the drawback of using a single crystallographic structure model for computational modelling purposes given that the conformational state of the binding sites and the electron density in the binding site, which is likely to result from PEGs, greatly varies between models. This also holds for the analysis of nonspecific low-affinity ligands, where often a variety of fragments with similar uncertainty can be modelled, inviting interpretative bias. As a promiscuous transporter, afamin also seems to bind gadoteridol, a magnetic resonance imaging contrast compound, in at least two sites. One pair of gadoteridol molecules is located near the human albumin Sudlow site, and a second gadoteridol molecule is located at an intermolecular site in proximity to domain IA. The data from the co-crystals support modern metrics of data quality in the context of the information that can be gleaned from data sets that would be abandoned on classical measures.


The evolving story of AtzT, a periplasmic binding protein

Atrazine is an s-triazine-based herbicide that is used in many countries around the world in many millions of tons per year. A small number of organisms, such as Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP, have evolved to use this modified s-triazine as a food source, and the various genes required to metabolize atrazine can be found on a single plasmid. The atomic structures of seven of the eight proteins involved in the breakdown of atrazine by Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP have been determined by X-ray crystallography, but the structures of the proteins required by the cell to import atrazine for use as an energy source are still lacking. The structure of AtzT, a periplasmic binding protein that may be involved in the transport of a derivative of atrazine, 2-hydroxyatrazine, into the cell for mineralization, has now been determined. The structure was determined by SAD phasing using an ethylmercury phosphate derivative that diffracted X-rays to beyond 1.9 Å resolution. `Native' (guanine-bound) and 2-hydroxyatrazine-bound structures were also determined to high resolution (1.67 and 1.65 Å, respectively), showing that 2-hydroxyatrazine binds in a similar way to the purportedly native ligand. Structural similarities led to the belief that it may be possible to evolve AtzT from a purine-binding protein to a protein that can bind and detect atrazine in the environment.


What is the structural chemistry of the living organism at its temperature and pressure?

The three probes of the structure of matter (X-rays, neutrons and electrons) in biology have complementary properties and strengths. The balance between these three probes within their strengths and weaknesses is perceived to change, even dramatically so at times. For the study of combined states of order and disorder, NMR crystallography is also applicable. Of course, to understand biological systems the required perspectives are surely physiologically relevant temperatures and relevant chemical conditions, as well as a minimal perturbation owing to the needs of the probe itself. These remain very tough challenges because, for example, cryoEM by its very nature will never be performed at room temperature, crystallization often requires nonphysiological chemical conditions, and X-rays and electrons cause beam damage. However, integrated structural biology techniques and functional assays provide a package towards physiological relevance of any given study. Reporting of protein crystal structures, and their associated database entries, could usefully indicate how close to the biological situation they are, as discussed in detail in this feature article.


The crystal structure of the heme d1 biosynthesis-associated small c-type cytochrome NirC reveals mixed oligomeric states in crystallo

Monoheme c-type cytochromes are important electron transporters in all domains of life. They possess a common fold hallmarked by three α-helices that surround a covalently attached heme. An intriguing feature of many monoheme c-type cytochromes is their capacity to form oligomers by exchanging at least one of their α-helices, which is often referred to as 3D domain swapping. Here, the crystal structure of NirC, a c-type cytochrome co-encoded with other proteins involved in nitrite reduction by the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, has been determined. The crystals diffracted anisotropically to a maximum resolution of 2.12 Å (spherical resolution of 2.83 Å) and initial phases were obtained by Fe-SAD phasing, revealing the presence of 11 NirC chains in the asymmetric unit. Surprisingly, these protomers arrange into one monomer and two different types of 3D domain-swapped dimers, one of which shows pronounced asymmetry. While the simultaneous observation of monomers and dimers probably reflects the interplay between the high protein concentration required for crystallization and the structural plasticity of monoheme c-type cytochromes, the identification of conserved structural motifs in the monomer together with a comparison with similar proteins may offer new leads to unravel the unknown function of NirC.


Pressure-induced transformation of CH3NH3PbI3: the role of the noble-gas pressure transmitting media

The photovoltaic perovskite, methyl­ammonium lead triiodide [CH3NH3PbI3 (MAPbI3)], is one of the most efficient materials for solar energy conversion. Various kinds of chemical and physical modifications have been applied to MAPbI3 towards better understanding of the relation between composition, structure, electronic properties and energy conversion efficiency of this material. Pressure is a particularly useful tool, as it can substantially reduce the interatomic spacing in this relatively soft material and cause significant modifications to the electronic structure. Application of high pressure induces changes in the crystal symmetry up to a threshold level above which it leads to amorphization. Here, a detailed structural study of MAPbI3 at high hydro­static pressures using Ne and Ar as pressure transmitting media is reported. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction experiments with synchrotron radiation at room temperature in the 0–20 GPa pressure range show that atoms of both gaseous media, Ne and Ar, are gradually incorporated into MAPbI3, thus leading to marked structural changes of the material. Specifically, Ne stabilizes the high-pressure phase of NexMAPbI3 and prevents amorphization up to 20 GPa. After releasing the pressure, the crystal has the composition of Ne0.97MAPbI3, which remains stable under ambient conditions. In contrast, above 2.4 GPa, Ar accelerates an irreversible amorphization. The distinct impacts of Ne and Ar are attributed to differences in their chemical reactivity under pressure inside the restricted space between the PbI6 octahedra.


ID30A-3 (MASSIF-3) – a beamline for macromolecular crystallography at the ESRF with a small intense beam

ID30A-3 (or MASSIF-3) is a mini-focus (beam size 18 µm × 14 µm) highly intense (2.0 × 1013 photons s−1), fixed-energy (12.81 keV) beamline for macromolecular crystallography (MX) experiments at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF). MASSIF-3 is one of two fixed-energy beamlines sited on the first branch of the canted undulator setup on the ESRF ID30 port and is equipped with a MD2 micro-diffractometer, a Flex HCD sample changer, and an Eiger X 4M fast hybrid photon-counting detector. MASSIF-3 is recommended for collecting diffraction data from single small crystals (≤15 µm in one dimension) or for experiments using serial methods. The end-station has been in full user operation since December 2014, and here its current characteristics and capabilities are described.


Validation study of small-angle X-ray scattering tensor tomography

Small-angle scattering tensor tomography (SASTT) is a recently developed technique able to tomographically reconstruct the 3D reciprocal space from voxels within a bulk volume. SASTT extends the concept of X-ray computed tomography, which typically reconstructs scalar values, by reconstructing a tensor per voxel, which represents the local nanostructure 3D organization. In this study, the nanostructure orientation in a human trabecular-bone sample obtained by SASTT was validated by sectioning the sample and using 3D scanning small-angle X-ray scattering (3D sSAXS) to measure and analyze the orientation from single voxels within each thin section. Besides the presence of cutting artefacts from the slicing process, the nanostructure orientations obtained with the two independent methods were in good agreement, as quantified with the absolute value of the dot product calculated between the nanostructure main orientations obtained in each voxel. The average dot product per voxel over the full sample containing over 10 000 voxels was 0.84, and in six slices, in which fewer cutting artefacts were observed, the dot product increased to 0.91. In addition, SAXS tensor tomography not only yields orientation information but can also reconstruct the full 3D reciprocal-space map. It is shown that the measured anisotropic scattering for individual voxels was reproduced from the SASTT reconstruction in each voxel of the 3D sample. The scattering curves along different 3D directions are validated with data from single voxels, demonstrating SASTT's potential for a separate analysis of nanostructure orientation and structural information from the angle-dependent intensity distribution.


Versatile compact heater design for in situ nano-tomography by transmission X-ray microscopy

A versatile, compact heater designed at National Synchrotron Light Source-II for in situ X-ray nano-imaging in a full-field transmission X-ray microscope is presented. Heater design for nano-imaging is challenging, combining tight spatial constraints with stringent design requirements for the temperature range and stability. Finite-element modeling and analytical calculations were used to determine the heater design parameters. Performance tests demonstrated reliable and stable performance, including maintaining the exterior casing close to room temperature while the heater is operating at above 1100°C, a homogenous heating zone and small temperature fluctuations. Two scientific experiments are presented to demonstrate the heater capabilities: (i) in situ 3D nano-tomography including a study of metal dealloying in a liquid molten salt extreme environment, and (ii) a study of pore formation in icosahedral quasicrystals. The progression of structural changes in both studies were clearly resolved in 3D, showing that the new heater enables powerful capabilities to directly visualize and quantify 3D morphological evolution of materials under real conditions by X-ray nano-imaging at elevated temperature during synthesis, fabrication and operation processes. This heater design concept can be applied to other applications where a precise, compact heater design is required.


Identification of Ca-rich dense granules in human platelets using scanning transmission X-ray microscopy

Whole-mount (WM) platelet preparation followed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observation is the standard method currently used to assess dense granule (DG) deficiency (DGD). However, due to the electron-density-based contrast mechanism in TEM, other granules such as α-granules might cause false DG detection. Here, scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) was used to identify DGs and minimize false DG detection of human platelets. STXM image stacks of human platelets were collected at the calcium (Ca) L2,3 absorption edge and then converted to optical density maps. Ca distribution maps, obtained by subtracting the optical density maps at the pre-edge region from those at the post-edge region, were used to identify DGs based on the Ca richness. DGs were successfully detected using this STXM method without false detection, based on Ca maps for four human platelets. Spectral analysis of granules in human platelets confirmed that DGs contain a richer Ca content than other granules. The Ca distribution maps facilitated more effective DG identification than TEM which might falsely detect DGs. Correct identification of DGs would be important to assess the status of platelets and DG-related diseases. Therefore, this STXM method is proposed as a promising approach for better DG identification and diagnosis, as a complementary tool to the current WM TEM approach.


High-dynamic-range transmission-mode detection of synchrotron radiation using X-ray excited optical luminescence in diamond

Enhancement of X-ray excited optical luminescence in a 100 µm-thick diamond plate by introduction of defect states via electron beam irradiation and subsequent high-temperature annealing is demonstrated. The resulting X-ray transmission-mode scintillator features a linear response to incident photon flux in the range 7.6 × 108 to 1.26 × 1012 photons s−1 mm−2 for hard X-rays (15.9 keV) using exposure times from 0.01 to 5 s. These characteristics enable a real-time transmission-mode imaging of X-ray photon flux density without disruption of X-ray instrument operation.


Classification of grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering patterns by convolutional neural network

Convolutional neural networks are useful for classifying grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering patterns. They are also useful for classifying real experimental data.


PDB2INS: bridging the gap between small-molecule and macromolecular refinement

The open-source Python program PDB2INS is designed to prepare a .ins file for refinement with SHELXL [Sheldrick (2015). Acta Cryst. C71, 3–8], taking atom coordinates and other information from a Protein Data Bank (PDB)-format file. If PDB2INS is provided with a four-character PDB code, both the PDB file and the accompanying mmCIF-format reflection data file (if available) are accessed via the internet from the PDB public archive [Read et al. (2011). Structure, 19, 1395–1412] or optionally from the PDB_REDO server [Joosten, Long, Murshudov & Perrakis (2014). IUCrJ, 1, 213–220]. The SHELX-format .ins (refinement instructions and atomic coordinates) and .hkl (reflection data) files can then be generated without further user intervention, appropriate restraints etc. being added automatically. PDB2INS was tested on the 23 974 X-ray structures deposited in the PDB between 2008 and 2018 that included reflection data to 1.7 Å or better resolution in a recognizable format. After creating the two input files for SHELXL without user intervention, ten cycles of conjugate-gradient least-squares refinement were performed. For 96% of these structures PDB2INS and SHELXL completed successfully without error messages.


A novel methodology to study nanoporous alumina by small-angle neutron scattering

Nanoporous anodic aluminium oxide (AAO) membranes are promising host systems for confinement of condensed matter. Characterizing their structure and composition is thus of primary importance for studying the behavior of confined objects. Here a novel methodology to extract quantitative information on the structure and composition of well defined AAO membranes by combining small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) measurements and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imaging is reported. In particular, (i) information about the pore hexagonal arrangement is extracted from SEM analysis, (ii) the best SANS experimental conditions to perform reliable measurements are determined and (iii) a detailed fitting method is proposed, in which the probed length in the fitting model is a critical parameter related to the longitudinal pore ordering. Finally, to validate this strategy, it is applied to characterize AAOs prepared under different conditions and it is shown that the experimental SANS data can be fully reproduced by a core/shell model, indicating the existence of a contaminated shell. This original approach, based on a detailed and complete description of the SANS data, can be applied to a variety of confining media and will allow the further investigation of condensed matter under confinement.


The nondestructive measurement of strain distributions in air plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings as a function of depth from entire Debye–Scherrer rings

The residual strain distribution has been measured as a function of depth in both top coat and bond coat in as-received and heat-treated air plasma sprayed thermal barrier coating samples. High-energy synchrotron X-ray beams were used in transmission to produce full Debye–Scherrer rings whose non-circular aspect ratio gave the in-plane and out-of-plane strains far more efficiently than the sin2ψ method. The residual strain in the bond coat is found to be tensile and the strain in the β phase of the as-received sample was measured. The residual strains observed in the top coat were generally compressive (increasing towards the interface), with two kinds of nonlinear trend. These was a `jump' feature near the interface, and in some cases there was another `jump' feature near the surface. It is shown how these trend differences can be correlated to cracks in the coating.


Improving grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering–computed tomography images by total variation minimization

Grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS) coupled with computed tomography (CT) has enabled the visualization of the spatial distribution of nanostructures in thin films. 2D GISAXS images are obtained by scanning along the direction perpendicular to the X-ray beam at each rotation angle. Because the intensities at the q positions contain nanostructural information, the reconstructed CT images individually represent the spatial distributions of this information (e.g. size, shape, surface, characteristic length). These images are reconstructed from the intensities acquired at angular intervals over 180°, but the total measurement time is prolonged. This increase in the radiation dosage can cause damage to the sample. One way to reduce the overall measurement time is to perform a scanning GISAXS measurement along the direction perpendicular to the X-ray beam with a limited interval angle. Using filtered back-projection (FBP), CT images are reconstructed from sinograms with limited interval angles from 3 to 48° (FBP-CT images). However, these images are blurred and have a low image quality. In this study, to optimize the CT image quality, total variation (TV) regularization is introduced to minimize sinogram image noise and artifacts. It is proposed that the TV method can be applied to downsampling of sinograms in order to improve the CT images in comparison with the FBP-CT images.


BornAgain: software for simulating and fitting grazing-incidence small-angle scattering

BornAgain is a free and open-source multi-platform software framework for simulating and fitting X-ray and neutron reflectometry, off-specular scattering, and grazing-incidence small-angle scattering (GISAS). This paper concentrates on GISAS. Support for reflectometry and off-specular scattering has been added more recently, is still under intense development and will be described in a later publication. BornAgain supports neutron polarization and magnetic scattering. Users can define sample and instrument models through Python scripting. A large subset of the functionality is also available through a graphical user interface. This paper describes the software in terms of the realized non-functional and functional requirements. The web site provides further documentation.


Li-ion half-cells studied operando during cycling by small-angle neutron scattering

Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) was recently applied to the in situ and operando study of the charge/discharge process in Li-ion battery full-cells based on a pouch cell design. Here, this work is continued in a half-cell with a graphite electrode cycled versus a metallic lithium counter electrode, in a study conducted on the SANS-1 instrument of the neutron source FRM II at the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum in Garching, Germany. It is confirmed that the SANS integrated intensity signal varies as a function of graphite lithiation, and this variation can be explained by changes in the squared difference in scattering length density between graphite and the electrolyte. The scattering contrast change upon graphite lithiation/delithiation calculated from a multi-phase neutron scattering model is in good agreement with the experimentally measured values. Due to the finite coherence length, the observed SANS contrast, which mostly stems from scattering between the (lithiated) graphite and the electrolyte phase, contains local information on the mesoscopic scale, which allows the development of lithiated phases in the graphite to be followed. The shape of the SANS signal curve can be explained by a core–shell model with step-wise (de)lithiation from the surface. Here, for the first time, X-ray diffraction, SANS and theory are combined to give a full picture of graphite lithiation in a half-cell. The goal of this contribution is to confirm the correlation between the integrated SANS data obtained during operando measurements of an Li-ion half-cell and the electrochemical processes of lithiation/delithiation in micro-scaled graphite particles. For a deeper understanding of this correlation, modelling and experimental data for SANS and results from X-ray diffraction were taken into account.


Quantifying nanoparticles in clays and soils with a small-angle X-ray scattering method

Clays and soils produce strong small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) because they contain large numbers of nanoparticles, namely allophane and ferrihydrite. These nanoparticles are amorphous and have approximately spherical shape with a size of around 3–10 nm. The weight ratios of these nanoparticles will affect the properties of the clays and soils. However, the nanoparticles in clays and soils are not generally quantified and are sometimes ignored because there is no standard method to quantify them. This paper describes a method to quantify nanoparticles in clays and soils with SAXS. This is achieved by deriving normalized SAXS intensities from unit weight of the sample, which are not affected by absorption. By integrating the normalized SAXS intensities over the reciprocal space, one obtains a value that is proportional to the weight ratio of the nanoparticles, proportional to the square of the difference of density between the nanoparticles and the liquid surrounding the nanoparticles, and inversely proportional to the density of the nanoparticles. If the density of the nanoparticles is known, the weight ratio of the nanoparticles can be calculated from the SAXS intensities. The density of nanoparticles was estimated from the chemical composition of the sample. Nanoparticles in colloidal silica, silica gels, mixtures of silica gel and α-aluminium oxide, and synthetic clays have been quantified with the integral SAXS method. The results show that the errors of the weight ratios of nanoparticles are around 25% of the weight ratio. It is also shown that some natural clays contain large fractions of nanoparticles; montmorillonite clay from the Mikawa deposit, pyrophillite clay from the Shokozan deposit and kaolinite clay from the Kanpaku deposit contain 25 (7), 10 (2) and 19 (5) wt% nanoparticles, respectively, where errors are shown in parentheses.


Simulation of small-angle X-ray scattering data of biological macromolecules in solution

This article presents IMSIM, an application to simulate two-dimensional small-angle X-ray scattering patterns and, further, one-dimensional profiles from biological macromolecules in solution. IMSIM implements a statistical approach yielding two-dimensional images in TIFF, CBF or EDF format, which may be readily processed by existing data-analysis pipelines. Intensities and error estimates of one-dimensional patterns obtained from the radial average of the two-dimensional images exhibit the same statistical properties as observed with actual experimental data. With initial input on an absolute scale, [cm−1]/c[mg ml−1], the simulated data frames may also be scaled to absolute scale such that the forward scattering after subtraction of the background is proportional to the molecular weight of the solute. The effects of changes of concentration, exposure time, flux, wavelength, sample–detector distance, detector dimensions, pixel size, and the mask as well as incident beam position can be considered for the simulation. The simulated data may be used in method development, for educational purposes, and also to determine the most suitable beamline setup for a project prior to the application and use of the actual beamtime. IMSIM is available as part of the ATSAS software package (3.0.0) and is freely available for academic use (


Manual measurement of angles in backscattered and transmission Kikuchi diffraction patterns

A historical tool for crystallographic analysis is provided by the Hilton net, which can be used for manually surveying the crystal lattice as it is manifested by the Kikuchi bands in a gnomonic projection. For a quantitative analysis using the Hilton net, the projection centre as the relative position of the signal source with respect to the detector plane needs to be known. Interplanar angles are accessible with a precision and accuracy which is estimated to be ≤0.3°. Angles between any directions, e.g. zone axes, are directly readable. Finally, for the rare case of an unknown projection-centre position, its determination is demonstrated by adapting an old approach developed for photogrammetric applications. It requires the indexing of four zone axes [uvw]i in a backscattered Kikuchi diffraction pattern of a known phase collected under comparable geometric conditions.


Bragg Edge Analysis for Transmission Imaging Experiments software tool: BEATRIX

BEATRIX, is a new tool for performing data analysis of energy-resolved neutron-imaging experiments involving intense fitting procedures of multi-channel spectra. The use of BEATRIX is illustrated for a test specimen, providing spatially resolved 2D maps for residual strains and Bragg edge heights.


Microstructure and water distribution in catalysts for polymer electrolyte fuel cells, elucidated by contrast variation small-angle neutron scattering

By using small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) reinforced by scanning electron microscopy, the fine structure of catalysts for polymer electrolyte fuel cells has been investigated. The experimental data resulting from contrast variation with mixed light and heavy water (H2O/D2O) are well described by a core–shell model with fluctuations in concentration between water and Nafion.


Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and spin-echo SANS measurements reveal the logarithmic fractal structure of the large-scale chromatin organization in HeLa nuclei

This paper reports on the two-scale fractal structure of chromatin organization in the nucleus of the HeLa cell.


New attempt to combine scanning electron microscopy and small-angle scattering in reciprocal space

An attempt has been made to combine small-angle scattering of X-rays or neutrons with scanning electron microscopy in reciprocal space, in order to establish a structural analysis method covering a wide range of sizes from micro- to macro-scales.


Sub-millisecond time-resolved small-angle neutron scattering measurements at NIST

Instrumentation for sub-millisecond time-resolved small-angle neutron scattering measurements at NIST is described and applied to the reorientation dynamics of elongated hematite nanoparticles.


sasPDF: pair distribution function analysis of nanoparticle assemblies from small-angle scattering data

The sasPDF method, an extension of the atomic pair distribution function (PDF) analysis to the small-angle scattering (SAS) regime, is presented. The method is applied to characterize the structure of nanoparticle assemblies with different levels of structural order.


A novel experimental approach for nanostructure analysis: simultaneous small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering

A portable small-angle X-ray scattering instrument with geometrical dimensions suitable for installation at the D22 instrument was designed and constructed for simultaneous small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering experiments at ILL.


The mechanism of solvent-mediated desolvation transformation of lenvatinib mesylate from dimethyl sulfoxide solvate to form D

In this work, the mechanism of solvent-mediated desolvation transformation of lenvatinib mesylate (LM) was investigated. Two new solid forms of LM, a dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) solvate and an unsolvated form defined as form D, were discovered and characterized using powder X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, polarized light microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. To investigate the thermodynamic mechanism of solvent-mediated desolvation transformation (SMDT) from LM DMSO solvate to form D, solubilities of LM DMSO solvate and form D in binary solvent mixtures of DMSO and water at different water volume fractions and temperatures (293.15–323.15 K) were measured and correlated by non-random two liquids model. The solubility data were used to evaluate the thermodynamic driving force of the SMDT process from DMSO solvate to form D and the effect of the activities of water and DMSO on the transformation process. Raman spectroscopy was used to monitor in situ the solid phase compositions during the SMDT process from LM DMSO solvate to form D while the solution concentration was measured by the gravimetric method. The overall desolvation transformation experiments demonstrated that the SMDT process was controlled by the nucleation and growth of form D. Moreover, effects of operating factors on the SMDT process were studied and the results illustrated that water activity in solution was the paramount parameter in the SMDT process. Finally, a new SMDT mechanism was suggested and discussed.


The mechanism of solvent-mediated desolvation transformation of lenvatinib mesylate from di­methyl sulfoxide solvate to form D

The solvent-mediated desolvation process of newly discovered lenvatinib DMSO solvate to form II at different water volume fractions and temperatures was investigated. It is confirmed that the activity of water is the most important factor affecting the desolvation process: the desolvation process only occurs when the activity of water is greater than the activity of DMSO, and one new mechanism of solvent-mediated desolvation process was proposed.


Synthesis, crystal structure, polymorphism and microscopic luminescence properties of anthracene derivative compounds

Crystal structure and microscopic optical properties of anthracene derivative compounds have been investigated by single-crystal synchrotron X-ray diffraction, laser confocal microscopy and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy.


Characterization of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa T6SS PldB immunity proteins PA5086, PA5087 and PA5088 explains a novel stockpiling mechanism

The structure of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa T6SS PldB immunity protein PA5086 is reported at 1.9 Å resolution. Comparison of PA5086 with its homologs PA5087 and PA5088 showed great similarities in sequence and structure, but vast divergences in electrostatic potential surfaces.


Structure of an RNA helix with pyrimidine mismatches and cross-strand stacking

The structure of a 22-base-pair RNA helix with mismatched pyrimidine base pairs is reported. The helix contains two symmetry-related CUG sequences: a triplet-repeat motif implicated in myotonic dystrophy type 1. The CUG repeat contains a U–U mismatch sandwiched between Watson–Crick pairs. Additionally, the center of the helix contains a dimerized UUCG motif with tandem pyrimidine (U–C/C–U) mismatches flanked by U–G wobble pairs. This region of the structure is significantly different from previously observed structures that share the same sequence and neighboring base pairs. The tandem pyrimidine mismatches are unusual and display sheared, cross-strand stacking geometries that locally constrict the helical width, a type of stacking previously associated with purines in internal loops. Thus, pyrimidine-rich regions of RNA have a high degree of structural diversity.


Structure of the Mycobacterium smegmatis α-maltose-1-phosphate synthase GlgM

Mycobacterium tuberculosis produces glycogen (also known as α-glucan) to help evade human immunity. This pathogen uses the GlgE pathway to generate glycogen rather than the more well known glycogen synthase GlgA pathway, which is absent in this bacterium. Thus, the building block for this glucose polymer is α-maltose-1-phosphate rather than an NDP-glucose donor. One of the routes to α-maltose-1-phosphate is now known to involve the GlgA homologue GlgM, which uses ADP-glucose as a donor and α-glucose-1-phosphate as an acceptor. To help compare GlgA (a GT5 family member) with GlgM enzymes (GT4 family members), the X-ray crystal structure of GlgM from Mycobacterium smegmatis was solved to 1.9 Å resolution. While the enzymes shared a GT-B fold and several residues responsible for binding the donor substrate, they differed in some secondary-structural details, particularly in the N-terminal domain, which would be expected to be largely responsible for their different acceptor-substrate specificities.


Research collection of pollen grains given to Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama was recently given a collection of more than 25,000 different pollen grains and spores, each mounted on a microscope slide and labeled according to the plant that produced it. “The collection is worldwide in coverage with an emphasis on plants of the Americas,” explains collection donor Alan Graham, professor emeritus at Kent State University and curator at the Missouri Botanical Garden.

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Baby Boom of Endangered Species at Smithsonian’s National Zoo’s Conservation and Research Center

It was an exciting and busy 24 hours at the National Zoo’s Conservation and Research Center in Front Royal, Va., last week as three births took place just hours apart. On the evening of July 9, a clouded leopard cub was born, followed by a Przewalski’s horse foal and a red panda cub.

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Smithsonian Scientist Discovers Two New Bat Species Hiding in Museum Collections for More Than 150 Years

While studying bats recently at the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, Smithsonian mammalogist Kristofer Helgen discovered a new species of flying fox bat from […]

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Cosmic “baby photos” of distant solar systems lend insight as to how planets form

New observations by the Smithsonian’s Submillimeter Array, a radio telescope atop Mauna Kea in Hawaii, are shedding light on planet formation. The array provides sharp views by combining eight antennas into the equivalent of a single, large telescope. It can resolve details as small as a dime seen from seven miles away.

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