
Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon EVERY BUDDY! Original Soundtrack

-Album Details- Title: Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon EVERY BUDDY! Original Soundtrack Publisher: Square Enix Music Catalog Number: SQEX-10710 Release Date: April 24th, 2019 Ripped by: Razakin -Info- Khew!  Some classic FF tracks arranged again for a Chocobo-game, the 2019 remaster of Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo’s Dungeon. Enjoy. Purchase Link(s) CDJapan


Why Is Packaging an Important Purpose of Choice?

Drive more reaction when you fabricate your image story at the purpose of decision. A point of decision is where a possibility or purchaser will make a move activity to move to the subsequent stage in the purchasing procedure. Research,… Continue Reading


Featured - Communication Skills 101 (and some tips for managing others)

Thank God it's Thursday because I am already burnt out from the first three days of this week. It has been an inordinately stressful week for multiple reasons, one of which I will talk about today.It's not the lab. Lab work is like heaven for me. I love escaping to the bench, avoiding human contact, and focusing on how to get something puzzling to work.It's not the next looming product launch, ; (read more)

Source: Suzy - Discipline: BioTech


The Life-Changing Power of Daydreaming for Kids

“When I was 17, I was in a serious accident and had to be home for months. Looking out at our boring backyard, I daydreamed a plan for my life. It became a blueprint.” So writes Holly Korbey in a lovely piece at Let Grow. There are different kinds of daydreaming, of course, and some don’t […]


Global Warming: We Will Need Climate Engineering

By 2060 Phoenix Arizona will have 132 days a year over 100F. Dallas will 55 and Pecos Texas 101 days. My view about problems: We should solve them. If the Earth really does heat up substantially then we should pull the CO2 back out of the atmosphere while also releasing cooling gases. If its practical we should also raise the albedo (surface reflectivity) of the planet. Right now cities should change their zoning laws and roads policies to make buildings, roads, and other surfaces more reflective. No more dark buildings. Use light colors of concrete, white shingles, and other surfaces that reflect more light. That would be beneficial even if the Earth was not heating up. Hot cities are unpleasant...


Genetic Engineering To Lower Risks And Assure Child Outcomes

In a nutshell: editing offspring DNA at the embryo stage will eventually offer so many advantages that lots of people will cave in on some advantage. Don't want to make your kid smarter? Make him or her better looking? Don't want that? How about a throwing arm competitive in major league baseball? Opposed to that? How about avoiding passing along your terrible allergies, need for braces, terrible eyesight, tendency to get depressed or perhaps anxiety attacks or eating disorders? Lots of ways to be persuaded to step over the line once the tech becomes safe. If asked whether one would genetically engineer one's offspring today many people would answer "No" to the hypothetical question. But today choosing genes for your...


Hobbyists Could Genetically Engineer Dogs

Check out: The FDA Is Cracking Down On Rogue Genetic Engineers. Apparently the US Food and Drug Administration wants to classify genetically altered dogs as drugs. When this is done to humans will they become drugs too? I think Huey Lewis has foreseen this possibility. A substantial part of the population is going to continue to insist on owning highly inbred genetically messed up dog breeds with serious health issues (e.g. bulldogs and pugs). If you do not want to me like them then avoid the unhealthiest dog breeds. But given that these breeds will continue to exist it certainly makes sense to genetically fix the fixable ones (some are, by breed standard, probably not fixable). So genetic engineers who...


US Teacher Appreciation Week 2020 Begins!

Date: May 4, 2020

Happy US Teacher Appreciation Week!

Today (and everyday!), we honor teachers across the nation, who continue to work tirelessly to shape our future generations, even in the midst of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic.

Today’s Doodle was created by Doodler Kevin Laughlin who collaborated with the 54 2020 State Teachers of the Year during their visit to Google this past February. 

Below, Kevin shares more on his experience working with the teachers on today’s Doodle!

I know from firsthand experience how much of a positive impact a teacher can have on a young person's life. I can't express how happy I am to have had the opportunity to be a part of the Teacher Appreciation project this year.

When I met these teachers on campus in February, I was so inspired by their love of teaching and dedication to their students, which I felt each minute I spent with them. As they presented their own Doodle designs, they shared anecdotes about their classrooms, advocated for their students, and spoke passionately about educational equity. 

I am glad to see their work represented in the final Doodle on Google’s homepage today celebrating these often unsung heroes. To every teacher, thank you times infinity! 



Learn more about the many ways Google is celebrating and supporting teachers, in classrooms or at home.



See some of the teacher concepts that inspired today’s Doodle below:


...and all of the concepts from our 54 2020 State Teachers of the Year:



Photos from the Doodle brainstorming session at the 2020 National Teacher of the Year Program





Location: U.S. Virgin Islands, United States

Tags: teachers’ day, National Holiday, education, teaching


SARS-CoV-2: a storm is raging

The pandemic coronavirus infectious disease (COVID-19), caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is rapidly spreading across the globe. In this issue of the JCI, Chen and colleagues compared the clinical and immunological characteristics between moderate and severe COVID-19. The authors found that respiratory distress on admission is associated with unfavorable outcomes. Increased cytokine levels (IL-6, IL-10, and TNF-α), lymphopenia (in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells), and decreased IFN-γ expression in CD4+ T cells are associated with severe COVID-19. Overall, this study characterized the cytokine storm in severe COVID-19 and provides insights into immune therapeutics and vaccine design.


Changing the editorial process at JCI and JCI Insight in response to the COVID-19 pandemic

The editors of JCI and JCI Insight are revisiting our editorial processes in light of the strain that the COVID-19 pandemic places on the worldwide scientific community. Here, we discuss adjustments to our decision framework in light of restrictions placed on laboratory working conditions for many of our authors.


Apple Stores in Germany to Begin Reopening May 11 With Enhanced Health and Safety Measures

Apple today announced that it will begin reopening its retail stores in Germany on May 11, nearly two months after they were closed due to the global health crisis.

In a statement shared with German website Macerkopf, Apple said the stores will initially be focusing on Genius Bar service and support. Enhanced health and safety measures will be implemented, such as body temperature checks prior to entry, limits on how many customers can be in the store at once, social distancing, and reduced hours of operation.

Apple operates 15 retail stores in Germany and will be posting specific hours of operation for each location on its website.

Apple closed all of its retail stores outside of the Greater China region in mid-March. The company has since started to reopen some locations, including in South Korea, Austria, and Australia. All locations in the United States remain closed.

Related Roundup: Apple Stores

This article, "Apple Stores in Germany to Begin Reopening May 11 With Enhanced Health and Safety Measures" first appeared on

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Digging up Positivity - Furry charity and good news - February 2020 (Transcript)

Video from Thabo Meerkat, transcribed

Welcome to another edition of Digging Up Positivity! This episode is dedicated to the many volunteers that make all those amazing conventions and charities possible. But besides them, we are covering some animation news and other (maybe otter?) tidbits!

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Digging up Positivity - Furry charity and good news - April 2020

Video from Thabo Meerkat, transcribed

Hey there, and welcome to the April 2020 edition of Digging Up Positivity from a rapidly changing world. But even in these weird times, there are still a lot of positive things to be found!

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PREVIEW: The origin of Punchline is revealed in the JOKER 80TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL

The Joker 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1 will feature an all-star creative team including James Tynion IV, Dan Mora, Tom Taylor, and many more

The post PREVIEW: The origin of Punchline is revealed in the JOKER 80TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL appeared first on The Beat.


IBM and West Virginia University’s Center for Disability Inclusion Unveil Mobile Workplace Accommodation Case Management App

IBM and West Virginia University’s Center for Disability Inclusion (CDI) today announced they are developing a first generation mobile workplace accommodation case management app to help U.S. businesses create inclusive workplaces for employees with disabilities.


Tax Incentives and the Human Imagination

[Image: Der Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer by Caspar David Friedrich (c. 1818).] It would be interesting to look at locations of the American popular imagination, as seen in movies and TV, mapped against regional tax breaks for the film industry. There was a brief span of time, for example, when rural Pennsylvania stood in for … Continue reading "Tax Incentives and the Human Imagination"


IBM to Power New Generation Radio Telescope and Help Probe the Origins of the Universe

IBM (NYSE: IBM) announced today that the Victoria University of Wellington, on behalf of the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) Consortium, has selected IBM systems technology to help scientists probe the origins of the universe.


Supercharging Raijin, Australia’s fastest supercomputer

National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) has seamlessly integrated IBM’s latest Power Systems with Raijin’s existing x86 architecture, offering more choice to Australian researchers.

  • Healthcare and Life Sciences


IBM’s Corporate Services Corps Heading to Six Emerging Countries to Spark Socio-Economic Growth

One hundred IBM (NYSE: IBM) employees from 33 countries – including six from Australia and New Zealand – have been selected to participate in the company's new Corporate Service Corps program. The program is part of the Global Citizen's Portfolio initiative announced by CEO Sam Palmisano to develop leadership skills, while addressing socio-economic challenges in emerging markets.

  • Travel & Transportation


IBM appoints David La Rose as the new Managing Director, IBM Australia and New Zealand

IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced the appointment of David La Rose as Managing Director of IBM Australia and New Zealand (A/NZ). He replaces Kerry Purcell, who will return to a senior leadership role in IBM Japan.


IBM Appoints Katrina Troughton as Managing Director of IBM Australia and New Zealand

IBM Appoints Katrina Troughton as Managing Director of IBM Australia and New Zealand


Woodside Energy and IBM to leverage current and emerging technologies like AI and Quantum computing to realise vision of an “Intelligent Plant”

Woodside Energy and IBM will work together to re-imagine the way work is done using next-generation technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing to help Woodside realise its vision of an “intelligent plant”.


Twelve Hours by Gin110881 [PG-13]

Their first meeting literally knocked them off...and it took them twelve hours to finally kiss. **Harry never went to Hogwarts-AU**


Lucifer - Marginia

Какая офигительнейшая еботня
Lucifer ?- Marginia

японский прог-рок, звучащий как прог-обработки
к музыке из популярных аниме (в централпроге поминают
Олдфилда и Ренессанс, спорить не буду)


Swinging into the final third

I went to the cardiologist the other day, and my numbers all look good. LDL cholesterol is still a wee bit high, but trending in the right direction. I’m exercising, eating right, doing all the things I’m supposed to be doing. But I had an odd thought. I turn 60 this spring. Ferrett and I […]

  • Health and fitness
  • Life and relationships
  • Philosophy


Marco Antoniotti: Digging CLAST

Again, after ELS 2020, I went back to double check the actual status of some of my libraries (after an embarrassing nag by Marco Heisig :) who caught me sleeping).

I updated the documentation of CLAST, and checked that its current status is ok; the only change I had to make was to conform to the latest ASDF expectations for test systems. Of course, you may find many more bugs.

CLAST is a library that produces abstract syntax trees munging Common Lisp sources. To do so, it relies on CLtL2 environments, which, as we all know, are in a sorry state in many implementations. Yet, CLAST is usable, at least for people who are ... CLAZY enough to use it.



Where The Great Work Begins

We were all bone-tired before this exaltation of humility came upon us. We may have looked more madcap, more animated from a distance, but if you’d looked into  our eyes, you would have seen years of restless sleep and no true relaxation, regardless of what  yoga magazines told us we’d gained. Scoff as you want. Had […]


Can you imagine the clipshow?

Can you imagine the clipshow?

View Comic!


Applied Category Theory - The Emerging Science of Compositionality

An enjoyable 25-minute introductory talk: YOW! Lambda Jam 2019 - Ken Scambler - Applied Category Theory (slides)

What do programming, quantum physics, chemistry, neuroscience, systems biology, natural language parsing, causality, network theory, game theory, dynamical systems and database theory have in common?

As functional programmers, we know how useful category theory can be for our work - or perhaps how abstruse and distant it can seem. What is less well known is that applying category theory to the real world is an exciting field of study that has really taken off in just the last few years. It turns out that we share something big with other fields and industries - we want to make big things out of little things without everything going to hell! The key is compositionality, the central idea of category theory.

Previously: Seven Sketches in Compositionality: An Invitation to Applied Category Theory.

(via Brian McKenna)


The automatic diaper-changing machine is now in development

BabyWasher, the automatic dirty-diaper-changing invention, honored by the 2019 Ig Nobel Prize for engineering, now has a name, and is now undergoing intense development. You can follow the progress by visiting the inventor’s new web site,


Hobo Engineering of the Day

Introducing the world's least versatile camera. The slogan says it all: "we can't all be heroes."


Should You Stay Or Should You Go - Bugging In Vs Bugging Out

To bug in or to bug out that is the question. Nobody can argue that being prepared in case of an emergency or disaster is a bad thing. If your like myself and live in an area that’s prone to natural disasters (in my case earthquakes) you would be very stupid not to have some level of preparation. For many this means having a bug out bag packed with all the survival goodies one could ever want and ready to go at all times. Again I think it’s a very smart idea and I have one myself. But just because you have a bug out bag, doesn’t mean bugging out is your only option when the SHTF...............


Dodging the flu shot doesn't make you an anti-vaxxer, says union - The Age

  1. Dodging the flu shot doesn't make you an anti-vaxxer, says union  The Age
  2. Shop owners in virus-free towns plead to reopen  The Age
  3. UFC 249 preview - Ferguson v Gaethje, Cejudo v Cruz and…  BT Sport
  4. Why the best team won't win in a year that will be mental as anything  Sydney Morning Herald
  5. Wellbeing hit: modelling reveals huge cost of school closures  Sydney Morning Herald
  6. View Full coverage on Google News


Home not Housing. Engaging with wellbeing outcomes

Home not Housing was one of five Scottish Universities Insight Institute programmes on Wellbeing. A set of ideas workshops explored the concept of ‘home’ from the perspectives of various academic disciplines – housing, planning, social work, healthcare – in order to develop a common vocabulary that will better inform policies relating to house-building, home-working, home-care and general place liveability. This blog records the discussions and findings of the workshops.


Technology changing lives: how technology can support the goals of the Care Act

Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) Report 73 from SCIE roundtable discussion held on 26 March 2015. This report considers the potential of technology to transform how health and social care services are delivered.


Is Trump's Mysterious Speech Writer Meredith McIver a Figment of His Own Imagination?

Meredith McIver is the speech writer who took responsibility for Melania Trump's plagiarism (you may have heard about it?). But people aren't convinced that Meredith is even real, leading to the internet's new favorite conspiracy theory. Is Meredith McIver a fake persona created by Trump? Let's examine the evidence.

And if you'd like some appetizer Trump memes before you get started, now would be the time.


Have You Met Donald Trump's Imaginary Friend Jim?

It's been a fun week for political memes. While Donald Trump's friend "Jim" has been the subject of skepticism since as early as 2016, the marvelous mystery has once again been thrust into the spotlight by the Associated Press. Their July 13th piece, "Trump in Paris: The curious case of his friend Jim" was covered by outlets such as HuffPo and the AV Club, and inspired a healthy number of Twitter jokes. We've put together the most noteworthy Jim jokes from the past year, for your convenient viewing pleasure. 


#22: The Origins of HP


#23: Changing Harry Potter


#281: Nagini

SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT WHERE DO WE START?!?!! PotterCast breaks down the revelations, theories, and more in the final trailer for "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Crimes of Grindelwald." Or, Episode II.




You may begin now


Re-imagining Care Homes: Vision and Reality

When: Fri Nov 20, 2015

Who: Social Services Events, brought to you by IRISS
Where: Hilton Hotel, 1 William Street, Glasgow
Event Status: confirmed
Event Description: National Care Home Conference and Exhibition



RagingStallion: Logan Stevens and Donnie Argento

Anonymous studs at the bathhouse carry on with their fun. Bearded stud Logan Stevens stumbles on Donnie Argento, face-down-ass-up in his room wearing nothing but a jock. Enticed by Donnie’s hot hole, Logan steps up and dives straight in to eat his furry ass. After eating out Donnie’s hole, Logan spins his new anon friend... View Article

The post RagingStallion: Logan Stevens and Donnie Argento appeared first on QueerClick.


WilliamHiggins: Viktor Lubak

Viktor Lubak is a good looking guy who is due for a massage. He looks very good as he strips down to his underwear, showing off his hot body. Then he lays, face down, on the bed ready for the massage. The masseur arrives and takes some oil into his hands as he gets to... View Article

The post WilliamHiggins: Viktor Lubak appeared first on QueerClick.