
Hannover Messe Mission

Austrade in partnership with Flinders University New Venture Institute with innovative manufacturing technologies an opportunity to partake in an intensive 5-day boot camp at the Australian Landing Pad in Berlin with some of the world’s best global manufacturers.


Analysis: COVID-19 Contact-Tracing Privacy Issues

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report analyzes the privacy issues raised by COVID-19 contact-tracing apps. Also featured: An update on efforts to fight fraud tied to economic stimulus payments; John Kindervag on the origins of "zero trust."


RBI: Know Your Customer Norms - Letter Issued by UIDAI

The Reserve Bank of India on Sept. 28, 2011, issued a statement recognizing a letter issued by Unique Identification Authority of India containing details of name, address and Aadhaar number, as an officially valid document as contained in Rule 2[1][d] of the PML Rules, 2005.


RBI: Security Issues and Risk Mitigation Measures Related to Card-Present Transactions

The Reserve Bank of India on Sept. 22, 2011 issued a notification on security issues and risk mitigation measures related to card-present transactions.


RBI: Know Your Customer Norms - Letter Issued by UIDAI

The Reserve Bank of India on Sept. 28, 2011, issued a statement recognizing a letter issued by Unique Identification Authority of India containing details of name, address and Aadhaar number, as an officially valid document as contained in Rule 2[1][d] of the PML Rules, 2005.


RBI: Security Issues and Risk Mitigation Measures Related to Card-Present Transactions

The Reserve Bank of India on Sept. 22, 2011 issued a notification on security issues and risk mitigation measures related to card-present transactions.


Analysis: COVID-19 Contact-Tracing Privacy Issues

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report analyzes the privacy issues raised by COVID-19 contact-tracing apps. Also featured: An update on efforts to fight fraud tied to economic stimulus payments; John Kindervag on the origins of "zero trust."


FDIC Issues Guidance to Areas in Illinois Impacted by Severe Storms

The FDIC has announced a series of steps intended to provide regulatory relief to financial institutions and facilitate recovery in areas of Illinois affected by severe storms, straight-line winds, and tornadoes.


RBI: Know Your Customer Norms - Letter Issued by UIDAI

The Reserve Bank of India on Sept. 28, 2011, issued a statement recognizing a letter issued by Unique Identification Authority of India containing details of name, address and Aadhaar number, as an officially valid document as contained in Rule 2[1][d] of the PML Rules, 2005.


RBI: Security Issues and Risk Mitigation Measures Related to Card-Present Transactions

The Reserve Bank of India on Sept. 22, 2011 issued a notification on security issues and risk mitigation measures related to card-present transactions.


OCC Issues Volcker Rule Proposal for Public Comment

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency requested public comment on a proposed regulation implementing the so-called "Volcker Rule" requirements of section 619 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.


Analysis: COVID-19 Contact-Tracing Privacy Issues

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report analyzes the privacy issues raised by COVID-19 contact-tracing apps. Also featured: An update on efforts to fight fraud tied to economic stimulus payments; John Kindervag on the origins of "zero trust."


HKMA: Statements Issued by Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority has issued an announcement regarding two updated statements by the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering.


Analysis: COVID-19 Contact-Tracing Privacy Issues

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report analyzes the privacy issues raised by COVID-19 contact-tracing apps. Also featured: An update on efforts to fight fraud tied to economic stimulus payments; John Kindervag on the origins of "zero trust."


RBI: Security Issues and Risk Mitigation Measures Related to Card-Present Transactions

The Reserve Bank of India on Sept. 22, 2011 issued a notification on security issues and risk mitigation measures related to card-present transactions.


Analysis: COVID-19 Contact-Tracing Privacy Issues

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report analyzes the privacy issues raised by COVID-19 contact-tracing apps. Also featured: An update on efforts to fight fraud tied to economic stimulus payments; John Kindervag on the origins of "zero trust."


Analysis: COVID-19 Contact-Tracing Privacy Issues

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report analyzes the privacy issues raised by COVID-19 contact-tracing apps. Also featured: An update on efforts to fight fraud tied to economic stimulus payments; John Kindervag on the origins of "zero trust."


RBI: Know Your Customer Norms - Letter Issued by UIDAI

The Reserve Bank of India on Sept. 28, 2011, issued a statement recognizing a letter issued by Unique Identification Authority of India containing details of name, address and Aadhaar number, as an officially valid document as contained in Rule 2[1][d] of the PML Rules, 2005.


RBI: Security Issues and Risk Mitigation Measures Related to Card-Present Transactions

The Reserve Bank of India on Sept. 22, 2011 issued a notification on security issues and risk mitigation measures related to card-present transactions.


[Ticker] Commission: Eurozone will contract by record 7.75%

The eurozone will contract by a record 7.75 percent in 2020 but grow by 6.25 percent in 2021, the EU Commission said in its economic forecast on Wednesday. The EU-wide economy is to contract by 7.5 percent this year and grow by around six percent in 2021. The sharpest drop is estimated in Greece with 9.7 percent, in Italy with 9.5 percent and in Spain by 9.4 percent.


EU Leaders Said to Delay Decision on 2030 Targets for Emissions

European Union leaders intend next month to agree on a timeline for developing energy and climate targets for 2030, delaying a final decision on the polices, according to two people with knowledge of the matter.


Will UK Carbon Emission Rules Lead to Energy Shortages?

The U.K. risks power shortages because utilities may react to Europe’s toughest carbon emissions rules by closing plants without replacing them.


Japan Calls US Emissions Plan a Bold Step Away From Coal

Japan said the U.S.’s proposed cuts in greenhouse-gas emissions from its power plants is a bold step to tackle climate change.


RGGI Chair Says States Won’t Leave Emissions Trading Market for California, Quebec

California and Quebec, which together created the largest carbon market in North America this year, may come away empty-handed as they woo northeastern U.S. states to join their system.


Carbon Emissions Stop Rising for First Time in 40 Years

Global emissions were unchanged last year, the first time that’s happened amid economic growth in four decades, according to the International Energy Agency.


Obama Orders US Agencies to Cut Carbon Emissions 40 Percent by 2025

President Barack Obama ordered the federal government to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent from 2008 levels over the next 10 years by shifting to renewable energy sources such as solar power.


Mexico Pledges to Cut Emissions 25 Percent in Climate Change Milestone

Mexico has become the first developing nation to formally promise to cut its global-warming pollution, a potential milestone in efforts to reach a worldwide agreement on tackling climate change.


Spotlight on East-West Center in Washington: The ASEAN Commission on Human Rights and Beyond

Spotlight on East-West Center in Washington: The ASEAN Commission on Human Rights and Beyond

EWC Visiting Fellow Dr. Hao Duy Phan discusses human rights mechanisms in Southeast Asia.


Videoconference with NY High School on APEC Issues Helps Launch Online Exchange Project

HONOLULU (Nov. 4, 2011) -- EWC President Charles E. Morrison participated today in a videoconference with about 80 students and teachers at Scarsdale High School in New York, focusing on issues related to the APEC Leaders Meetings in Honolulu next week. Also participating in the discussion was Robert Koepcke, Deputy Director of the U.S. State Department's Bureau for East Asia and Pacific Affairs.

Video of the discussion will be posted soon as part of the launch of a new online school exchange program called "Open Channels," which will connect more than 60 schools in the U.S., Australia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and elsewhere.


Students from India and Pakistan Meet Online in Cooperative Project on ‘Peri-Urban’ Development Issues

HONOLULU (Sept. 4, 2103) -- Graduate students from India and Pakistan participated in a two-way video conference last week as part of a cross-border East-West Center project, funded by the U.S. State Department, that brings together experts, scholars, young professionals and university students from both countries to explore development issues in critical ‘peri-urban’ areas that lie between cities and the countryside.


Commission proposal paving the way for UCITS IV

 16 July 2008  

Full Article


Financial Institutions E-briefing: Asset Management Update: Taxation of rebates of trail commission on investment products

On 25 March, HMRC published a briefing on the tax treatment of payments of trail commission which is rebated to investors in collective investment schemes and other investment products such as life insurance policies. The briefing relates to any reb...


Financial Institutions E-briefing: Asset Management Update: Taxation of rebates of trail commission on investment products - update

In our previous briefing we reported on HMRC’s recent briefing on the tax treatment of payments of trail commission rebated to...


Lawbite: Successful submission that payment wasn’t required

Ramoyle Developments Limited v Scottish Borders Council [2019] CSOH 1 A local authority entered a contract to sell an area of land for regeneration.  Either party to the contract was entitled to withdraw from the sale if the purchasers failed t...


At what point in time is permission needed for landlord’s access?

New Crane Wharf Freehold Ltd v Jonathan Mark Dovener [2019] UKUT 98 (LC) A lease covenant requiring the tenant defendant, Mr Dovener, to “permit” its landlord “…at al...


Memorandum on Covid-19 - Directive issued by the Minister of Employment and Labour on 29 April 2020

BACKGROUND New Regulations were issued in terms of the Disaster Management Act, No. 57 of 2002 (Disaster Management Act) on 29 April 2020 (New DMA Regulations). Regulation 2(3) of the New DMA Regulations provides that any Directions issued by a resp...


Court makes finding of Unfair Relationship as a consequence of Secret Commission Payments

It is reported today in the media that a Deputy District Judge in the South Shields County Court has made a finding against MBNA ("the Creditor") in respect of various aspects of the enforceability of a credit card agreement and a payment protection...


Eversheds advises Miller Homes on securing key planning permission in Leeds

Eversheds has advised Miller Homes on its successful planning appeal for residential development of land at Boston Spa Leeds, granted following a Public Inquiry by the Secretary of State, on 8 June 2016. It is the most important housing appeal decis...


EWC in Washington and ISEAS Release Special Journal Issue on America’s Re-engagement in Southeast Asia

EWC in Washington and ISEAS Release Special Journal Issue on America’s Re-engagement in Southeast Asia
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Jan.18, 2011) — A collaborative research project between the East-West Center (EWC) and the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) has resulted in a special issue of Contemporary Southeast Asia , ISEAS’ internationally refereed journal on the politics, international relations, and security-related issues of Southeast Asia and its wider geostrategic environment. The collection of articles by American and Southeast Asian specialists featured in the journal’s recently released December 2010 issue focus on the topic of America Re-engages Southeast Asia .


Solomon Islands Election Observers Issue Statement

Solomon Islands Election Observers Issue Statement

Voter turn-out was high on the Island of Makira.

Inside the polling station, dye was placed on voter's cuticles to indicate that they had voted.

The arduous task of manual ballot counting took several days to complete.


Metro Leaders Gather to Discuss Urban Issues in Asia and United States

Metro Leaders Gather to Discuss Urban Issues in Asia and United States
HONOLULU (March 25) – Metropolitan leaders and experts from a variety of Asian and U.S. cities are gathering at the East-West Center March 29-31 for a seminar on critical urbanization issues facing Asia’s cities. Attendance at the meeting is closed. Among the attendees are the governor of Jakarta; vice-mayor of Shenzhen; deputy mayor of Taipei; urban affairs advisor, Government of Karnataka (Bangalore); directors of city planning from Denver, Colorado; Miami, Florida; San Francisco, California; and Seattle, Washington; along with other officials and specialists from Pakistan, the Philippines, Vietnam, India, Los Angeles, New York and more.


NSF Awards East-West Center $1.4 Million to Study Development’s Role in Avian Flu Transmission

NSF Awards East-West Center $1.4 Million to Study Development’s Role in Avian Flu Transmission
HONOLULU (Sep. 1) – The East-West Center (EWC) was awarded a three-year grant for $1,398,380 from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to investigate the impact of development-based environmental change on avian flu transmission.  The project, “CNH: Coupled Natural-Human Systems and Emerging Infectious Diseases," will examine the interaction of urbanization, agricultural change, and habitat alteration with outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in poultry in Vietnam.


East-West Center Officials to Join in Higher Education Mission to Indonesia

East-West Center Officials to Join in Higher Education Mission to Indonesia
HONOLULU (July 22) -- East-West Center President Charles E. Morrison and Director of Education Terance W. Bigalke will be among the delegates of a U.S. higher education leaders’ mission to Indonesia July 26-31. Mission organizers have said that the delegation’s scheduled visit will not be altered by the recent hotel bombings in Jakarta.


Pacific Island Graduates Return to Hawai‘i for Seminar on Addressing Regional Issues

Pacific Island Graduates Return to Hawai‘i for Seminar on Addressing Regional Issues
HONOLULU (June 23) - More than 20 graduates of an East-West Center-administered scholarship program for accomplished young scholars from Pacific island nations are back in Hawai‘i this week to attend a special seminar on addressing issues and envisioning futures in the region.

The former students are all graduates of the United States-South Pacific Scholarship Program (USSP), which is funded by Department of State and administered by the East-West Center. Among the attendees are graduates who are now working in public health, communications, finance, planning, education, government, scientific research and more. Participants have travelled from as far away as the UK, Norway and across the Pacific to attend the seminar.


Federated States of Micronesia Election Observers Issue Statement

Federated States of Micronesia Election Observers Issue Statement

Election observer and EWC Phd student from Gujarat, India Shakeel Makarani (L) interviews poll workers on Tol Island, Chuuk State, Federated States of Micronesia.


Ballots being prepared to be tallied on Moen, Chuuk State, FSM.



New Book Examines Asia's Energy Issues and Their Global Impact

New Book Examines Asia's Energy Issues and Their Global Impact

Media Contact:

Derek Ferrar
Media Relations Specialist
East-West Center
Phone: (808) 944-7204


Experts in Asia Security Issues, Risk Perception Join East-West Center Research Program

Experts in Asia Security Issues, Risk Perception Join East-West Center Research Program

Dr. Denny Roy

Dr. Melissa Finucane


Media Contact:
Derek Ferrar
Media Relations Specialist
East-West Center
Phone: (808) 944-7204



HR e-briefing 417 - unfair dismissal awards to rise with redundancy pay

In e-briefings Full Article


HR e-briefing 421 - dismissal by letter

You have written a dismissal letter and can now relax in the knowledge that what was an unpleasant experience for all concerned is concluded. Or can you? When does the employment end? Is it the date you wrote the letter, the date it is posted, the d...


Coronavirus – Does the Mine Health and Safety Inspectorate and the Department of Employment and Labour have the power to issue Compliance Instructions, Force Majeure, and Covid-19 as an Occupational Disease?

On 17 March 2020, we sent out an e-Brief: Occupational Health and Safety: COVID-19 (click here to access this e-brief) where we discussed the responsibilities which are placed on employers in terms...