
Legal Migration Pathways to Europe for Low- and Middle-Skilled Migrants

This event hosted by MPI Europe and the Research Unit of the Expert Council of German Foundations on Integration and Migration featured a discussion on research into legal migration pathways for work and training for low- and middle-skilled migrants.


Turning the Tide: Addressing the Long-Term Challenges of EU Mobility for Sending Countries

Amid ongoing debates about the costs and benefits of free movement, this MPI webinar examines evidence from the EU-funded REMINDER project on different types of East-West mobility. Speakers examine big-picture trends of East-West migration; consider possible policy responses at regional, national, and EU levels to alleviate some of the challenges; and reflect on realistic actions that could be taken under a new European Commission.


Seasonal Worker Programs in Europe: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward

As the European Union prepares to review the implementation of its Seasonal Workers Directive, as well as countries such as the United Kingdom continue to explore new approaches to selecting seasonal workers, this webinar features findings from a policy brief on the topic. 


Therapeutic Inertia is a Problem for All of Us

Stephen Brunton
Apr 1, 2019; 37:105-106


Management of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

Andrew J.M. Boulton
Jan 1, 2005; 23:9-15
Feature Articles


Building Therapeutic Relationships: Choosing Words That Put People First

Jane K. Dickinson
Jan 1, 2017; 35:51-54


New JHBS: Mind-Body Medicine Before Freud, Psychology and Biography, Jung and Einstein

The Spring 2020 issue of the Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences is now online. Full details about contributions to this issue follow below. “Practicing mind-body medicine before Freud: John G. Gehring, the “Wizard of the Androscoggin”” by. Ben Harris and Courtney J. Stevens. Abstract: This article describes the psychotherapy practice of physician … Continue reading New JHBS: Mind-Body Medicine Before Freud, Psychology and Biography, Jung and Einstein


Why it's so hard to talk about the N-word | Elizabeth Stordeur Pryor

Historian Elizabeth Stordeur Pryor leads a thoughtful and history-backed examination of one of the most divisive words in the English language: the N-word. Drawing from personal experience, she explains how reflecting on our points of encounter with the word can help promote productive discussions and, ultimately, create a framework that reshapes education around the complicated history of racism in the US.


Annual Interdisciplinary Symposium on Decision Neuroscience (ISDN), Philadelphia, June 5-6, 2020

DEADLINE FOR ORAL PRESENTATIONS: FEB 15, 2020 On June 5-6 2020, Temple University will host the 10th Annual Interdisciplinary Symposium on Decision Neuroscience (ISDN) in Philadelphia, PA. This symposium is unique in that it brings together a range of constituencies involved in the use of neuroscience techniques to understand consumer decision making – world renowned […]

The post Annual Interdisciplinary Symposium on Decision Neuroscience (ISDN), Philadelphia, June 5-6, 2020 appeared first on Decision Science News.


pas de deux / Indrani Perera.


Fortunate Europa.


Is it okay to sell the Monet? : the age of deaccessioning in museums / edited by Julia Courtney.

Museums -- Deaccessioning.


The gendered brain : the new neuroscience that shatters the myth of the female brain / Gina Rippon.



The Family Tree Polish, Czech & Slovak genealogy guide : how to trace your family tree in Eastern Europe / Lisa A. Alzo.

Polish people -- Genealogy.


Treasure palaces : great writers visit great museums / foreword by Nicholas Serota ; edited by Maggie Fergusson.



In search of your German roots : a complete guide to tracing your ancestors in the Germanic areas of Europe / Angus Baxter.

German Canadians -- Genealogy.


Alive at work : the neuroscience of helping your people love what they do / Daniel M. Cable.

Employee motivation.


The nocturnal brain : nightmares, neuroscience and the secret world of sleep / Guy Leschziner.

Sleep deprivation -- Anecdotes.


Capturing nature : early scientific photography at the Australian Museum 1857-1893 / Vanessa Finney ; foreword by Kim McKay.

Krefft, Gerard, 1830-1881.


Homo deus : a brief history of tomorrow / Yuval Noah Harari.

Technological forecasting.


The sleepwalkers : how Europe went to war in 1914 / Christopher Clark.

World War, 1914-1918 -- Causes.


Sleepyhead : the neuroscience of a good night's rest / Henry Nicholls.

Sleep disorders.


European sources online

European Sources Online (ESO) is an online database and information service which provides access to information on the institutions and activities of the European Union, the countries, regions and other international organisations of Europe, and on issues of importance to European researchers, citizens and stakeholders.


Des lésions trophiques consécutives aux maladies du système nerveux : these ... / par X. Arnozan.

Paris : V. Adrien Delahaye, 1880.


Des lesions veineuses chez les arteriosclereux / par Henry Thiebaut.

Paris : G. Masson, 1890.


Des maladies de la France dans leurs rapports avec les saisons, ou, Histoire médicale et meteorologique de la France. [t. 1] / par le Docteur Fuster.

Paris : Dufart, 1840.


Des maladies de l'encéphale et de la moelle épinière / par Jean Abercrombie, ouvrage traduit de l'anglais et augmenté de notes très nombreuses, par A.N. Gendrin.

A Paris : Germer-Bailliere ; A Londres : J.-B. Bailliere, 1835.


Des maladies du coeur / par S. Botkin.

Paris : Germer Bailliere, 1870.


Des maladies foetales qui peuvent faire obstacle à l'accouchement : thèse ... / par Alphonse Herrgott.

Paris : O. Doin, 1878.


Des maladies mentales et nerveuses : pathologie, médecine légale, administration de asiles d’aliénés, etc. / par E. Billod.

Paris : G. Masson, 1882.


Des médications hypothermique et hyperthermique, et des moyens thérapeutiques qui les remplissent. De la pharmacothermogenèse, ou Théories de l'action des médicaments sur la température animale / par P.F. da Costa.

Lisbonne : Impr. de l'Académie royale des sciences, 1881.


Des méningites suppurées non tuberculeuses / par Albert Vaudremer.

Dijon : Darantiere, 1893.


Des microbes de l'oreille : bacteriologie, therapeutique / par A. Martha.

Paris : G. Steinheil, 1893.


Des paralysies pneumoniques / par Pierre Boulloche.

Paris : G. Steinheil, 1892.


Des pressions centripetes (Epreuve de Gelle) etude de semeiologie auriculaire / par Le Docteur Georges Gelle.

Paris : Société d’éditions scientifiques, 1895.


Des reflexes tendineux / par Constant Petitclerc.

Paris : A. Delahaye et E. Lecrosnier, 1880.


Des sueurs morbides / par L. Bouveret.

Paris : J.-B. Baillière, 1880.


Des suites eloignees des traumatismes du crane et de leur traitement par la trepanation / par Julien Tellier.

Paris : J.-B. Baillière, 1890.


Des tumeurs synoviales de la partie infërieure de l'avant-bras, de la face palmaire du poignet, et de la main ... / par L.-M. Michon.

Londres : Paris, 1851.


Des variations passagères de volume du coeur / par Georges Foubert.

Paris : G. Steinheil, 1887.


Des variétés de la paralysie générale dans leurs rapports avec la pathogénie / par Camille Lionet.

Paris : V.A. Delahaye, 1878.


Descriptive catalogue of the anatomical and pathological museum of the School of Medicine, Park Street, Dublin / by John Houston.

London : Dublin, 1843.


Descriptive catalogue of the anatomical museum of the Boston society for medical improvement / by J.B.S. Jackson.

Boston : W.D. Ticknor, 1847.


Descriptive catalogue of the Anatomical Museum of the University of Edinburgh.

Edinburgh : William Whyte, 1829.


Descriptive catalogue of the museum illustrative of Dr Evory Kennedy's lectures on midwifery, and the diseases of women and children.

[Edinburgh?] : [publisher not identified], 1840.


Descriptive catalogue of the preparations in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland / by John Houston.

Edinburgh : Hodges and Smith, 1834-1840.


A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum / by J. B. S. Jackson.

Boston : A. Williams, 1870.


A descriptive catalogue of wet preparations, casts, drawings, models, books, etc., contained in the Museum of the Birmingham and Midland Counties Lying-in Hospital and Dispensary for the Diseases of Women and Children / arranged and edited in compliance w

Birmingham : printed by M. Billing, 1847.


Deutsche Literaturgeschichte des 19.Jahrhunderts / von Carl Weitbrecht.

Leipzig : C.J. Goschen, 1908.


Deutschlands Gesundheitswesen : Organisation und Gesetzgebung des Deutschen Reichs und seiner Einzelstaaten, mit Anmerkungen und einem ausführlichen Sachregister / von Albert Guttstadt.

Leipzig : G. Thieme, 1890-1891.