
OECD’s Gurría reaffirms need for global cooperation amid progress at G20 Summit

International cooperation is now more critical than ever, OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría said following a G20 Leader’s Summit marked both by controversy but also advances on a range of policies to tackle global challenges.


Sharing the benefits of China’s growth by providing opportunities to all

Living standards in China have greatly improved over the past few decades. Both sustained economic growth and an expansion of the social security system have contributed to a sharp reduction in the number of people in poverty.


Financial inclusion and women entrepreneurship: evidence from Mexico

Financial inclusion and women entrepreneurship concern policymakers because of their impact on job creation, economic growth and women empowerment.


Do government transfers reduce poverty in China? Micro evidence from five regions

This paper estimates urban and rural poverty rates across five Chinese administrative regions (Shanghai, Liaoning, Guangdong, Henan and Gansu) in 2014 using representative household level data from the China Family Panel Studies survey.


Structural policy indicators database for economic research (SPIDER)

The database contains indicators capturing structural policies (including institutions, framework condition policies and policies specifically related to labour markets and drivers of productivity and investment such as trade, skills and innovation).


The middle income plateau: trap or springboard?

The mixed growth performance of emerging market economies has revived angst about a "middle-income trap".


The distribution of taxable income and fiscal benefits in Spain: new evidence from personal income tax returns (2002-2011)

The personal tax system has a large influence on incentives to work, save and invest and hence growth. At the same time it is a key policy lever for income redistribution.


Export and productivity in global value chains – comparative evidence from Latvia and Estonia

This paper investigates the effect of export entry on productivity, employment and wages of Latvian and Estonian firms in the context of global value chain (GVC).


Chile debería aprovechar el repunte económico para abordar la baja productividad y tomar medidas para reducir la alta desigualdad

Las perspectivas de crecimiento favorable ofrecen a Chile una oportunidad para abordar sus bajos niveles de productividad comparados con los de otras economías desarrolladas, mejorar el acceso al empleo de calidad, y tomar medidas para reducir su desigualdad persistentemente alta, según un nuevo informe de la OCDE.


United we stand divided we fall: the need for greater inclusiveness in Israel

Today’s excellent outlook offers Israel a unique opportunity to prepare for the challenges of the future which require stronger social cohesion. Israeli society is indeed marked by large inequalities.


Statistical Insights: New OECD-WTO data provides coherent and comprehensive view of Global Trade in Services

Services comprise a growing share of international trade. Yet detailed statistics on which countries trade which services with which partners remain patchy.


Will the inflation genie escape the bottle? New evidence on globalisation, competition and inflation

Markets and commentators are speculating that there may be a sustained pick-up in inflation in the United States, after years of subdued price pressures. Along with continued solid US jobs growth and low unemployment, there are tentative signs of higher wage growth and the fiscal stimulus will also boost short-term growth. Global growth is also getting stronger.


Thailand is advancing in participatory and evidence-based regulatory reform

Reforming the public sector, long a priority for Thailand, involves several challenges. Among these, insufficient public participation in policy-making is undermining the efficient allocation of resources toward public needs and development goals.


Amid strong outlook for U.S. economy, risks abound

The U.S. economy is experiencing one of the longest expansions on record, but the scars left by the Great Recession, as well as challenges posed by globalization and automation shocks, remain visible across the country, according to a new report from the OECD.


Mr. Angel Gurría, Secretary-General of the OECD, in Madrid 13-15 June 2018

Mr. Angel Gurría, Secretary-General of the OECD, was in Madrid 13-15 June 2018. The Secretary-General delivered remarks at the event organised by the Consejo Iberoamericano para la Competitividad y Productividad: "Innovación gubernamental para un Estado al servicio de la Sociedad".


Opioid addiction costs many lives and harms livelihoods

In the past decade, overdose deaths have surged, particularly as (illicit) synthetic opioids have become more available. Opioid-related deaths touch urban and rural communities alike and are spreading to affect all demographic groups.


Structural Policy Indicators Database for Economic Research (SPIDER)

Structural Policy Indicators Database for Economic Research (SPIDER)


Canada has high levels of well-being and solid growth but trade tensions and housing market pose risks while inclusiveness could be improved

Canada is one of the OECD economies delivering the best outcomes for its citizens, especially in regards to self-reported well-being, personal security and health status. Canada is also undertaking several programmes to foster inclusive growth – with respect to childcare benefits, gender equality and social housing.


Limits to government debt sustainability in middle-income countries

This paper investigates the effect of structural characteristics on debt limits of middle income countries.


Sovereign defaults: Evidence on the importance of government effectiveness

This paper provides robust empirical evidence that government effectiveness is a key determinant of sovereign defaults.


David Henderson 1927-2018

David Henderson, Chief Economist of the OECD from 1983 until his retirement in in 1992, died on 30 September 2018, aged 91.


Agua en América Latina y el Caribe: Mejor gobernabilidad puede mejorar el acceso, dice la OCDE

En países latinoamericanos, la población crece a un ritmo mayor que el promedio mundial, lo cual intensifica el uso de la tierra y aumenta la urbanización. La región también es propensa a los impactos negativos del cambio climático y de los desastres naturales.


Dividing the pie in Brazil: income distribution, social policies and the new middle class

Brazil has made remarkable progress in reducing poverty and inequality. This reduction is explained by strong growth but also by effective social policies. Besides growth, public services and cash transfers have played the biggest role, the latter notably through the successful "Bolsa Familia" programme.


OCDE lança Índice para uma Vida melhor no Brasil ao lado de Pelé e às vésperas do pontapé inicial da Copa do Mundo

Hoje, a OCDE lança no Brasil, e na presença da lenda do futebol Pelé, o Índice para uma Vida Melhor totalmente em português. Este é o sexto idioma em que o site está disponível e a tradução permite que a OCDE alcance mais de 240 milhões de falantes de português ao redor do mundo.


América Latina: enfrentando o duplo desafio da desigualdade e baixa produtividade para melhorar a qualidade de vida

A educação, a proteção social e o empreendedorismo estão entre as áreas em que são necessárias ações prioritárias para acelerar o crescimento e combater as desigualdades econômicas na América Latina, de acordo com a OCDE.


Um elevador social quebrado? Como promover a mobilidade social: Como o Brasil compara?

Um elevador social quebrado? Como promover a mobilidade social: Como o Brasil compara?


Guide to Improve the Regulatory Quality of State and Municipal Formalities and boost Mexico's competitiveness

This Guide provides concrete recommendations of high impact reforms to simplify the processes of business start ups, construction permits, property registration, procurement, and to upgrade regulatory transparency and efficiency in the management of formalities in Mexico.


Avoiding debt traps: financial backstops and structural reforms

In this paper we develop a simple analytical framework to analyze “good” and “bad equilibria” in public-debt and growth dynamics.


Choosing the pace of fiscal consolidation

In many OECD countries debt has soared to levels threatening fiscal sustainability, necessitating its reduction over the medium to longer term. This paper uses stylised simulations in a small, calibrated macroeconomic model which features endogenous interactions between fiscal policy, growth and financial markets.


The euro: A message of solidarity

by Charles Jenkins, Writer, Commentator and former Director of Western Europe Country Analysis, Economist Intelligence Unit, London. The EU’s crisis has as much to do with leadership and solidarity as resolving fiscal and debt problems. It is time to dispense with caricatures and write the next chapter in the EU’s ongoing history. And for that, clear and transparent data will be needed.


Urgent action needed on jobs and governance in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

In response to increasing pressure to deliver on growth, jobs and better governance, policy makers from MENA and OECD reiterated their support for measures to strengthen the business climate and governance in the region.


The equity implications of fiscal consolidation

In several OECD countries, ongoing fiscal consolidation might have a negative impact on the static income distribution. However, this conclusion should be treated only as an approximate first step in the analysis.


Improving the fiscal framework to enhance growth in an era of fiscal consolidation in Slovakia

The challenge for fiscal policy in Slovakia is to achieve fiscal consolidation in a way which supports the fragile recovery and protects spending on areas which are important for re-embarking on a trajectory of high trend growth and underpinning a catch-up in living standards.


Choosing fiscal consolidation instruments compatible with growth and equity

This study proposes a structured approach to selecting instruments of fiscal consolidation that are consistent with growth, equity and global-rebalancing objectives, which is then illustrated with a particular application.


Fiscal consolidation across government levels. Part 1: How much, what policies?

This paper provides an overview of fiscal consolidation efforts at the central and sub-central government level, both during the current and past consolidation episodes.


Fiscal consolidation across government levels. Part 2: Fiscal rules for sub-central governments, update of the institutional indicator

Fiscal rules that constrain sub-central government (SCG) budgeting are very common across the OECD, but there are substantial cross-country differences in their implementation and impact. This paper presents the 2011 update of the fiscal rules database established in 2005.


Fiscal consolidation across government levels. Part 3: Intergovernmental grants, pro- or counter-cyclical?

This paper provides empirical analysis that measures the cyclical properties of intergovernmental transfers (or grants). Modelling a fiscal policy reaction function this paper tests whether the transfers systems in OECD countries are pro- or counter-cyclical, i.e. whether they offset cyclical fluctuations of sub-central economies or, on the contrary, exacerbate them.


OECD Secretary-General to participate in public administration reform seminar in Madrid on Monday 15 July 2013

The Spanish government has launched a series of ambitious public administration reforms as part of wider efforts to promote economic competitiveness and strengthen trust in government and public institutions.


How to achieve growth- and equity-friendly fiscal consolidation?

Despite sustained efforts made in recent years to rein in budget deficits, a majority of OECD countries still face substantial fiscal consolidation needs. The choices made about which spending areas to curtail and which taxes to hike will have implications for near-term activity and long-term growth as well as for equity and the current account.


Regulatory Reform in the Middle East and North Africa: Implementing Regulatory Policy Principles to Foster Inclusive Growth

This report assesses progress in the implementation of regulatory policy within the MENA region and highlights good practices from Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority and Tunisia.


Insights Blog: Why should the Middle East and North Africa care about regulatory reform?

The report "Regulatory Reform in the Middle East and North Africa" assesses progress in the implementation of regulatory policy within the MENA region and highlights good practices from Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority and Tunisia.


Improved multi-level governance key to tackling widening regional inequalities and ensuring inclusive recovery

The economic crisis has hit certain regions and cities harder than others in the OECD area, calling for better regional policies across levels of governments to foster an inclusive and sustainable recovery, according to two new OECD reports.


Cross-country spillovers from fiscal consolidations

In many OECD countries, government debt reached levels over recent years that call for reduction over the medium to longer term to ensure public finance sustainability. This paper investigates the international transmission of fiscal consolidation shocks via trade flows.


Blog: Transparency and governance in the land sector - Two sides of the same coin?

This blog, written by ODI's Anna Locke, discusses land governance and transparency definitions, initiatives and key lessons. The post is part of Wikiprogress' spotlight on governance.


World Economic Forum: Global Agenda Council Launches Guide to Good Government and Trust-Building

World Economic Forum: Global Agenda Council Launches Guide to Good Government and Trust-Building


Latin America and Caribbean governments could do more on budget management, public sector pay equality - OECD-IDB

Latin American and Caribbean countries need to do more to improve budget management, tax collection and public sector pay equality if they are to catch up with advanced economies in terms of government performance, according to a joint report by the OECD and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).


Innovating the Public Sector: from Ideas to Impact

The OECD Conference on Innovating the Public Sector: From Ideas to Impact on 12-13 November 2014 will bring together public sector practitioners, researchers, civil society and businesses to discuss how innovation can help solve today's complex challenges.


Social Media Use by Governments: A Policy Primer to Discuss Trends, Identify Policy Opportunities and Guide Decision Makers

This working paper takes a comparative snapshot of social media use in and by OECD governments. The focus is on government institutions, as opposed to personalities, and how they manage to capture the opportunities of new social media platforms to deliver better public services and to create more open policy processes.


Fighting Bid Rigging in Public Procurement in Mexico - The CFE Report 2015

This report documents procurement regulations and practices in Mexico's main electricity company (Comisión Federal de Electricidad) and makes policy recommendations in key procurement areas.


Presentación del Estudio sobre Políticas de Integridad en México

El Gobierno de México solicitó a la OCDE un Estudio sobre Políticas de Integridad, concentrado en el combate a la corrupción, la prevención de conflictos de interés y la integridad en el servicio público.