
Episode 94 - Dennis Kuhl Presentation - Part 1

Dennis Kuhl, Chairman of the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, discusses leadership and his career path that brought him to the Angels. (Part 1 of 2)


Episode 95 - Dennis Kuhl Presentation - Part 2

Dennis Kuhl, Chairman of the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, sits down for an interview with Dr. Linda Livingstone, Dean of the Graziadio School of Business and Management. Dennis also answers various questions from audience members. (Part 2 of 2)


Episode 96 - Bernard Kinsey Presentation - Part 1

Bernard Kinsey, former Xerox executive and historical art collector, discusses his life journey and the lessons he learned. (Part 1 of 2)


Episode 97 - Bernard Kinsey Presentation - Part 2

Bernard Kinsey, former Xerox executive and historical art collector, sits down for an interview with Dr. Linda Livingstone, Dean of the Graziadio School of Business and Management. Bernard also answers various questions from audience members. (Part 2 of 2)


Episode 99 - Jana Winograde Presentation - Part 1

Jana Winograde, Executive Vice President of Business Affairs and Administration at ABC Entertainment Group, discusses her career, mentorship, and balance. (Part 1 of 2)


Episode 100 - Jana Winograde Presentation - Part 2

Jana Winograde, Executive Vice President of Business Affairs and Administration at ABC Entertainment Group, sits down for an interview with Dr. Linda Livingstone, Dean of the Graziadio School of Business and Management. Jana also answers various questions from audience members. (Part 2 of 2)


Episode 102 - Ed Wedbush Presentation - Part 1

Ed Wedbush, Founder of Wedbush Securities, talks about the elements of executive leadership and policies implemented in the workplace to help foster a better working environment. (Part 1 of 2)


Episode 103 - Ed Wedbush Presentation - Part 2

Ed Wedbush, Founder of Wedbush Securities, sits down for an interview with Dr. Linda Livingstone, Dean of the Graziadio School of Business and Management. Ed also answers various questions from audience members. (Part 2 of 2)


Episode 105 - Gary Burnison Presentation - Part 1

Gary Burnison, CEO of Korn/Ferry International, talks about his experiences in leadership and the values learned throughout his career. (Part 1 of 2)


Episode 106 - Gary Burnison Presentation - Part 2

Gary Burnison, CEO of Korn/Ferry International, sits down for an interview with Dr. Linda Livingstone, Dean of the Graziadio School of Business and Management. Gary also answers various questions from audience members. (Part 2 of 2)


Episode 108 - Dan Sanders Presentation - Part 1

Dan Sanders, President of Albertsons (Southern California Division), talks about his leadership lessons and experiences learned from his career path. (Part 1 of 2)


Episode 109 - Dan Sanders Presentation - Part 2

Dan Sanders, President of Albertsons (Southern California Division), sits down for an interview with Dr. Linda Livingstone, Dean of the Graziadio School of Business and Management. Dan also answers various questions from audience members. (Part 2 of 2)


Episode 110 - Jed York Presentation - Part 1

Jed York, President and Chief Executive Officer of the San Francisco 49ers presents on his lessons learned throughout his career. (Part 1 of 2)


Episode 111 - Jed York Presentation - Part 2

Jed York, President and Chief Executive Officer of the San Francisco 49ers, sits down for an interview with Dr. Linda Livingstone, Dean of the Graziadio School of Business and Management. Jed also answers various questions from audience members. (Part 2 of 2)


[ E.129 (01/13) ] - Presentation of national numbering plans

Presentation of national numbering plans


[ E.802 (2007) Amendment 1 (03/17) ] - New Annex A on guidelines on selection of representative samples

New Annex A on guidelines on selection of representative samples


[ F.740.2 (06/21) ] - Requirements and reference framework for digital representation of cultural relics and artworks using augmented reality

Requirements and reference framework for digital representation of cultural relics and artworks using augmented reality


QuantumPay (QTP) represents an ambitious technological initiative that blends blockchain technology and artificial intelligence (AI) to create a secure, efficient, and transparent digital transaction -

QuantumPay (QTP) represents an ambitious technological initiative that blends blockchain technology and artificial intelligence (AI) to create a secure, efficient, and transparent digital transaction


Roof Hugger, McElroy Metal Partner with MCA for IRE Presentation

Roof Hugger and McElroy Metal experts will collaborate at the International Roofing Expo to present "Retrofit with Metal Systems" on Feb. 6 and 8 at the Las Vegas Convention Center.


S-5! Presents Industry Education and Training at METALCON

S-5!, the Colorado-based metal roof attachment solutions manufacturer, will host accredited educational sessions at METALCON in Atlanta, Oct. 30-Nov. 1, covering metal roofing basics, solar racking systems, and sales strategies.


Elon Musk presenta el Cybercab, el esperado robotaxi de Tesla: sin volante, sin conductor, un precio menor a 20.000 dólares y empezará a fabricarse en 2026

El multimillonario ha afirmado que este vehículo revolucionará el transporte de personas porque su coste por kilómetro será 20 centavos, una quinta parte del de un autobús público Leer


Escrivá da hasta el día 22 para que "profesionales" de dentro o fuera del Banco de España que quieran ser altos cargos presenten candidaturas

El gobernador aprovecha las salidas de la cúpula para ampliarla y cambiar la forma de selección de dirigentes Leer

  • Artículos Carlos Segovia


Barcelona, León, Madrid y Sevilla: 20.000 candidatos se presentan este fin de semana a las pruebas de Adif para contratar a 1.342 personas

Este sábado están convocados los aspirantes a los perfiles de cuadro técnico y el domingo se examinarán los candidatos para las categorías profesionales de personal operativo Leer


Urtasun presenta un primer plan de ayudas para reactivar el sector cultural tras la DANA sin cuantías económicas y con un parte de daños "muy preliminar"

Por el momento hay 32 salas de cine afectadas, 11 librerías y 12 bibliotecas Leer


Microsoft anuncia que su servicio de correo electrónico Outlook presenta fallos en Europa

Muchos clientes no pueden recibir correos electrónicos y también se ha observado un elevado uso de memoria mientras se utiliza el servicio de mensajería Leer


Trump pone al frente del Pentágono a un presentador de Fox News, su cadena favorita

Pete Hegseth, un ex militar condecorado sin ninguna experiencia ejecutiva, será responsable de la ayuda a Ucrania como Secretario de Defensa y de definir la nueva política de seguridad: "paz mediante la fuerza" Leer


El Rey inaugura la muestra sobre los Machado que derriba tópicos: ni los hermanos estaban enfrentados ni representan a las dos Españas

Alfonso Guerra dice que "España es una República coronada" en la inauguración de 'Los Machado. Retrato de familia' Leer


Customer Service Representatives

Dynamic and fun start up in Sharon area looking for Customer Service Representatives.

This is a daytime job (09.00-18.00), salary NIS 7000.


The job involves:

  • Responding to customer issues relating to the product.
  • Researching, analyzing and trouble-shooting customer issues.
  • Providing feedback from customer communications to Marketing, Sales and R&D.


CV in English ONLY


Eduardo Carranza : recuerdos presentidos

Location: Main Media Collection - Video record 42431 DVD


Assyrian Artist Represents the Netherlands in Poland

Assyrian Artist Represents the Netherlands in Poland

  • Assyrian Fine Arts Network


Assyrians in Australia represent their plight at the 2016 DF...

Assyrians in Australia represent their plight at the 2016 DFAT-NGO Forum on Human Rights

  • Assyrian Government Network


Gishru, Birthright Assyria (2012, presentation)

Gishru, Birthright Assyria (2012, presentation)

  • Assyrian Education Network


Iraq's Stolen Election: How Assyrian Representation Became A...

Iraq's Stolen Election: How Assyrian Representation Became Assyrian Repression


Presenting the 2024 Streaming Media 100

Here we reveal the 2024 Streaming Media 100, our list of the top 100 companies in the streaming universe outside of Europe. This list complements the Streaming Media Europe 51, which recognizes Europe's key streaming innovators, exemplars, and disruptors.


Maryland teachers union representative suspended for antisemitic posts targeting local wealthy Jews

A Maryland teacher has reportedly been suspended after being accused of spreading antisemitic social media posts.


Tips for Making Slide Decks for Scientific Presentations

Almost every scientific presentation uses a slide deck, but little time is spent learning how to make or improve them. 

  • The Scientist University


Inclusive Representation: Rainbow Rotary Club is sixth LGBT-focused chapter

Founded in 1905, Rotary International is known for its community work worldwide…

  • News & Opinion/Currents Feature


The U.S. House once had a representative for about every 30,000 people, but now lawmakers serve between 543,000 and 991,000 constituents — what happened?

Imagine this: You're voting on a matter of national significance, you get to the front of the line, and the poll worker asks, "What state are you from?"…

  • News/Local News


Mockingbird Cinema presents Back to the 80s

A weekend of themed blockbusters, cocktails and nostalgia.


Keneish Dance Company presents new contemporary production

New production exploring themes of regeneration to receive premiere.


The Past, Present And Future Of American Beer

One hundred years on from prohibition, Americans are getting their “ claws out ,” shouting “ dilly dilly ” at major golf tournaments and slurping mimosas at brunch. In short, banning alcohol obviously didnt stick. In the face of all of the goofiness of alcohol marketing and culture, it’s tempting to classify the analysis of drinking culture as a fun diversion rather than a serious route of study. However, Theresa McCulla, the brewing historian for the Smithsonian National Museum of American History, would say that you’re missing the bigger picture , especially when it comes to beer: We feel strongly that the history of beer and brewing throughout American history serves as a lens to look at other issues. If you look at beer, you can understand stories of immigration, transportation, changes to our technology, business, as well as consumer culture and how it intertwines with advertising. McCulla joins us to discuss the history of American drinking culture, American brewing and the


Never More Present Than When It Hurts

Pain brings you down. Pain brings you back to reality. Pain brings you back to God... pain means you're on the right path. The clarity you gain through trial is a gift and a blessing. The fact that you are called upon to endure trial shows that the Lord Jesus sees in you something precious which He desires to develop. If he saw nothing whereby He might glorify His name, He would not spend time in refining, (MH, 471). Despite difficulties, having faith in God and in His Word will see you through. He will preserve you through tribulation. He will provide for you through need. "The God who has been sufficient until now, should be trusted to the end," (C.H.S.). Tune in now to learn more. 1.- Are the current events that we are seeing the sign of Jonah, as spoken of in the Bible ? 2.- Does the second beast of Revelation 13 verses 16 and 17 have anything to do with the Christian Nationalist Movement ? 3.- When we die, does it matter where our physical body is buried ? 4.- Will you please explain Revelation 3 verse 10 ? 5.- Are the tares in the parable those who say Jesus is not divine, or who deny that Jesus is God ? 6.- Was the rain cloud that Elijah saw also the chariot coming to pick him up ? 7.- Should we be careful what we pray for ? 8.- Is the Lord going to provide for us in the last days as he did for Elijah ? 9.- Does the Bible say anything about bringing a pet into the Sanctuary ? 10.- Why do some Christians observe Easter on a Monday instead of Sunday ? 11.- Will you please explain Revelation 10 verse 11 ? 12.- What happens to the people that are not raised in the first resurrection ? 13.- Was Satan cast out of Heaven before or after the Earth was created ? 14.- In Genesis 6 verse 6, there seems to be a conflict that questions the omniscience of God. Will you please explain ? 15.- What will happen to babies, born and unborn, when Jesus returns ? 16.- Why is Jesus only in the New Testament ? 17.- Does the principle of tithe apply to gifts received ? 18.- Is it true that the Ten Commandments are written on sapphire stone ? 19.- The Bible says the wages of sin is death. Is it talking about the first or the second death ?

  • Bible Answers Live


Apertura de frontera con Venezuela, ¿representa una oportunidad de diálogo?

Panelistas consideran que son lejanas las oportunidades de un diálogo Maduro-Duque, pero celebraron apertura nivel comercial y humanitario.


Reflexiones de país: Las razones de la guerra y El presente como historia

Álvaro Tirado, Norma Jimeno, Felipe Ossa y Fernando Rojas reflexionan sobre dos recientes libros que analizan la historia política y de violencia en Colombia.


Foro Caracol: los jóvenes son el presente de la humanidad

Panelistas analizaron las condiciones de los jóvenes colombianos ante los desafíos en la calidad de la educación; la oferta en el campo laboral y la porción de jóvenes que ni estudian ni trabajan.


Aumento de desfavorabilidad, ¿qué representa para el gobierno Petro?

Panelistas consideran que hay incertidumbre ante las políticas y reformas que impulsa el gobierno. Creen que deficiencias en la comunicación, afectan la imagen.


Los riesgos que representa el decreto de liquidación del Presupuesto

Panelistas consideran que es un grave error que el gobierno deje proyectos de infraestructura sin destinación específica; creen que genera inseguridad jurídica.