
Socioeconomic status during early pregnancy may play a large role in future heart health

Research Highlights: The socioeconomic status of first-time moms in early pregnancy may affect their cardiovascular health up to seven years later. Socioeconomic status — education level, income level, health insurance status and health literacy — of ...


A Digital Nomad’s Guide to Australia on a Subclass 600 Visa

In an era where remote work continues to thrive, the concept of being a digital nomad has gained significant traction. As boundaries blur and opportunities become global, many adventurous souls seek to combine work with travel, exploring new destinations while maintaining their professional endeavours. Australia, with its stunning landscapes, vibrant cities, and thriving economy, often […]

The post A Digital Nomad’s Guide to Australia on a Subclass 600 Visa appeared first on Australian Visa Experts.


Autonomy, failure, and “pushing down”; what I’m learning about leadership

That title is a lot to digest, but as part of my (ongoing and never ending) journey to master effective leadership, it would be irresponsible not to cover the topic of autonomy. Human beings have an innate inner drive to be autonomous, self-determined, and connected to one another. And when that drive is liberated, people …

The post Autonomy, failure, and “pushing down”; what I’m learning about leadership appeared first on Nathan Rice.


In-depth guide to genotyping complex genomes

In-depth guide to genotyping complex genomes By their very nature complex genomes are complex to analyse. This new ebook looks at different ways of tacklin

  • Cell & Molecular Biology


The Promise and Power of Pharmacogenomics (eBook)

This comprehensive pharmacogenomics eBook was curated for you to gain valuable knowledge and insights into the rapidly advancing field of precision medicin

  • Genetics & Genomics


In-depth guide to genotyping complex genomes

In-depth guide to genotyping complex genomes By their very nature complex genomes are complex to analyse. This new ebook looks at different ways of tacklin

  • Genetics & Genomics


The Promise and Power of Pharmacogenomics (eBook)

This comprehensive pharmacogenomics eBook was curated for you to gain valuable knowledge and insights into the rapidly advancing field of precision medicin

  • Clinical & Molecular DX


Minimum Salaries and the Evolving Workforce: Why the DOL’s New Automatic Salary Updates Clash With Legal Precedent and Economic Facts

Alexander MacDonald says overtime exemptions are about to get more expensive as the salary necessary to qualify for the FLSA’s “white collar” exemptions will rise in July and again in January 2025.

The Federalist Society


France: Role of the Social and Economic Committee in the Context of a Restructuring or Downsizing

In addition to the information and consultation obligations linked to their general responsibilities,1 Social and Economic Committees (“Comité Social et Economique” or "CSE") in French workplaces, which replace and merge all the employee representative bodies, staff representatives, works council, and health, safety and working conditions committee, must be informed and consulted in the event of a “restructuring and downsizing.”2 What is their scope of intervention?

Cases Requiring Consultation


Littler Survey: Economic Uncertainty Creates New Workforce Challenges for Employers

Survey of more than 450 employers reveals critical insights on layoffs, hiring practices and more

(March 8, 2023) – Littler, the world’s largest employment and labor law practice representing management, has released the results of its latest Employer Pulse Survey Report: 2023 Economic Outlook, based on responses from more than 450 in-house lawyers, C-suite executives and human resources professionals across the United States.


Gig Economy Boost Will Persist Post-Pandemic, Report Says

Michael Chichester explains how the pandemic has changed what the workforce looks like today and in the future.


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NLRB Nominations Face Tight Timeline As Senate Returns

Michael Lotito says the future decisions and direction of the NLRB depend on whether Chair Lauren McFerran is confirmed to remain in her current position for another five years.

Law360 Employment Authority

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What to do about "Global COVID Nomads" and Other Wandering Workers Who Telecommute from Abroad for Personal Reasons

Technology facilitates remote work in ways that, years ago, just were not possible. Take telecommuting. These days, all kinds of jobs that had to be performed at an employer site are now performed remotely. Some call center workers, for example, now work from home using home telephones no brick-and-mortar call center needed. Some secretaries now telecommute using laptops and the internet. Some teachers now teach remotely using laptops and video links.


Littler Employer Pulse Survey Report: 2023 Economic Outlook

The economy has been awash with mixed messages in recent months – throwing a wrench into many employers’ workforce planning.

This complex picture raises a host of important questions for companies: Do they continue hiring as normal? Prepare for a downturn? Implement reductions in force (RIFs) or layoffs?


Senate Recesses Without Votes On Biden NLRB Nominees

The Senate recessed, leaving two nominees key to the partisan balance on the National Labor Relations Board in limbo, and Michael Lotito says it’s a sign that their confirmations are not guaranteed.


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Economic concerns, AI top list of European employer concerns, study finds

Stephan Swinkels and Deborah Margolis discuss key findings in Littler’s 2024 European Employer Survey Report and what they mean for employers.

The Global Legal Post

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Trump’s Populism Set to Clash With Senate GOP on Labor Nominees

Michael Lotito says to expect clashes between the populist and business-friendly wings of the GOP over Trump’s labor nominations.

Bloomberg Law

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ETSI releases a Technical Report on autonomic network management and control applying machine learning and other AI algorithms

ETSI releases a Technical Report on autonomic network management and control applying machine learning and other AI algorithms

Sophia Antipolis, 5 March 2020

The ETSI Technical Committee on Core Network and Interoperability Testing (TC INT) has just released a Technical Report, ETSI TR 103 626, providing a mapping of architectural components for autonomic networking, cognitive networking and self-management. This architecture will serve the self-managing Future Internet.

The ETSI TR 103 626 provides a mapping of architectural components developed in the European Commission (EC) WiSHFUL and ORCA Projects, using the ETSI Generic Autonomic Networking Architecture (GANA) model.

The objective is to illustrate how the ETSI GANA model specified in the ETSI specification TS 103 195-2 can be implemented when using the components developed in these two projects. The Report also shows how the WiSHFUL architecture augmented with virtualization and hardware acceleration techniques can implement the GANA model. This will guide implementers of autonomics components for autonomic networks in their optimization of their GANA implementations.

The TR addresses autonomic decision-making and associated control-loops in wireless network architectures and their associated management and control architectures. The mapping of the architecture also illustrates how to implement self-management functionality in the GANA model for wireless networks, taking into consideration another Report ETSI TR 103 495, where GANA cognitive algorithms for autonomics, such as machine learning and other AI algorithms, can be applied.


Call for Nominations for ETSI Fellowship Awards

Call for Nominations for ETSI Fellowship Awards

Sophia Antipolis, 3 December 2020

The ETSI Fellowship Programme was established to honour and reward those individuals who have made an outstanding personal contribution to ETSI, to building the work of ETSI, or raising its reputation in specific sectors of standardization.



ETSI participates to IEEE Workshop on Autonomic/Autonomous Networking

ETSI participates to IEEE Workshop on Autonomic/Autonomous Networking

Sophia Antipolis, 20 January 2021

The ETSI Working Group on the evolution of management toward Autonomic Future Internet (AFI) has been invited at the Systems Optimization Imperatives, Techniques, and Opportunities for Future Networks virtual workshop organized by IEEE on 21, 22 and 25 January.



Call for Nominations for ETSI Fellowship Awards

Call for Nominations for ETSI Fellowship Awards

Sophia Antipolis, 1 December 2021

The ETSI Fellowship Programme was established to honour and reward those individuals who have made an outstanding personal contribution to ETSI, to building the work of ETSI, or raising its reputation in specific sectors of standardization.

This year, despite the challenges we all had to face due to the unpredictable sanitary situation, we should not forget about recognizing the outstanding contribution of our members’ peers through our ETSI Fellowship Programme.



ETSI Announces Second Release on Self-Adapting Autonomous Networks

ETSI Announces Second Release on Self-Adapting Autonomous Networks

Sophia Antipolis, 13 January 2022

Following on from meetings conducted in late 2021, ETSI has now completed Release 2 of its Experiential Networked Intelligence (ENI) specifications with the system architecture ETSI GS ENI 005

ETSI GS ENI 005 and associated documents will provide better insight into network operations - allowing more effective closed-loop decision making plus better lifecycle management. Through its use, operators will be able to leverage acquired data and apply artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms to it. This will mean that they can respond much quicker to changing situations and gain far greater agility. The services being delivered across their networks may thereby be rapidly adapted and the resources they have available correctly assigned in accordance with subscribers’ requirements, or any other alterations in circumstances (either operationally or commercially driven).



New ETSI White Paper: Unlocking Digital Transformation with Autonomous Networks

Sophia Antipolis, 23 March 2023

Autonomous Networks (AN) are considered one of the most important evolutions to enable Digital Transformation, offering new service opportunities and significant cost saving in network operation. It is one of the most attractive environments where to leverage Artificial Intelligence in the Network and activities around Autonomous Networks have gained momentum in Standards and ICT Industry.



A Galaxy Within: Single-Cell Genomics Open a New Frontier to Understanding the Brain

Starts: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 20:00:00 -0500
11/14/2024 06:00:00PM
Location: montreal, Canada


Agronomy & Policy Solutions for Implementation of the African Fertilizer and Soil Health Action Plan


Study on countermeasures of Agriculture against Economic and Trade Frictions between China and USA [in Chinese]


Nutrition and economic development: Exploring Egypt's exceptionalism and the role of food subsidies [in Chinese]


Monitoring indicators of economic activity in Sudan amidst ongoing conflict using satellite data [in Arabic]

استمرت المواجهة في السودان بين القوات المسلحة السودانية وقوات الدعم السريع لعدة أشهر قبل أن تتصاعد إلى نزاع مسلح في 15 أبريل 2023. بالإضافة ة إلى جانب الكارثة الإنسانية، عطل النزاع العديد من الخدمات العامة مثل الكهرباء والمياه والخدمات الصحية والخدمات المصرفية، بينما تعطل أيضا الوصول إلى الأسواق، مما أدى إلى ندرة كبيرة في السلع والخدمات. وقد دمر الصراع البنية التحتية الرئيسية، وقيد التجارة المحلية والدولية وعطل أنشطة الإنتاج وسلاسل الموردين.


The architecture of the Sudanese agricultural sector and its contribution to the economy between 1990 and 2021 [in Arabic]

بنية القطاع الزراعي السوداني ومساهمته في الاقتصاد بين عامي 1990 و2021


The economy-wide impact of Sudan’s ongoing conflict: Implications on economic activity, agrifood system and poverty [in Arabic]

دخل النزاع المسلح بين القوات المسلحة السودانية وقوات الدعم السريع في السودان شهره السادس منذ اندلاعه في 15 أبريل 2023، دون أي مؤشرات على انتهائه قريبا. تسببت الحرب في كارثة إنسانية حادة، دمرت البنية التحتية الرئيسية، وقيدت أنشطة التجارة والإنتاج. علاوة على ذلك، أدى ذلك إلى تعطيل الوصول إلى المرافق العامة والخدمات المالية والأسواق، مما أدى إلى ندرة كبيرة في السلع والخدمات. في هذه الورقة، نستخدم إطار نمذجة مضاعف مصفوفة المحاسبة الاجتماعية لتقييم الآثار الاقتصادية على مستوى الاقتصاد لهذه الاضطرابات في النشاط الاقتصادي والموارد الإنتاجية وسبل العيش.


Political and economic drivers of Sudan's armed conflict: Implications for the agri-food system [in Arabic]


Diferentes configuraciones de derechos de exportación, la economía Argentina y el sector agropecuario: Simulaciones con el modelo mundial del IFPRI

Este documento es parte de una consultoría del IFPRI con el Banco Mundial para apoyar al gobierno de Argentina, y en particular al Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca (MAGyP), en el análisis de los derechos o impuestos de exportación (DEXs), llamados también retenciones en la Argentina. Este es un tema con importantes implicaciones políticas, económicas y sociales.


Analyse des flux physiques, performances économiques et relations au sein des filières de manioc, de riz, de lait et de poisson au Sud-Kivu et Tanganyika (RDC 2021)

Ce document présente une analyse des chaînes de valeur agroalimentaires de manioc, de riz, de lait et de poisson le long du corridor économique entre les capitales provinciales de Bukavu (Sud-Kivu) et Kalemie (Tanganyika) situées dans la partie orientale de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC). Les principales données utilisées pour cette étude proviennent d’enquêtes menées en 2021 auprès d’environ 3000 acteurs conomiques familiaux, y compris des agriculteurs, des transformateurs et des intermédiaires, actifs dans une ou plusieurs des quatre filières ciblées.


DCMB / CCMB Weekly Seminar featuring Karen Miga, PhD (UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute) (November 13, 2024 4:00pm)

Event Begins: Wednesday, November 13, 2024 4:00pm
Location: Palmer Commons
Organized By: DCMB Seminar Series

Abstract: The initial Human Genome Project was a landmark achievement, serving as an essential resource for basic and clinical science, as well as for understanding human history, for over two decades. However, it needs an upgrade due to missing data, inaccurately assembled regions, and its inability to fully represent and identify sequence variants equitably. A single reference map, regardless of its completeness, cannot encapsulate the variation across the human population, leading to biases and ultimately inequity in genomic studies. Recognizing this limitation, the new initiative known as the Human Pangenome Project aims to deliver hundreds of highly accurate and complete genomes. This effort intends to define all bases of each chromosome from telomere to telomere (T2T), ensuring a broader representation of common variants across the human species. Achieving these goals will require the rise of new tools and technology standards for complete genome assemblies and pangenomics, which will have broad and lasting impact on genomic research.

Short bio: Throughout her career, she has developed innovative computational and experimental approaches to advance understanding of centromeric and pericentromeric DNAs. She works at the forefront of genome technologies as part of the T2T and Pangenome initiative to construct genetic and epigenetic maps to expand our understanding of their structure and function. As a group leader, she prioritizes fostering a creative and scientifically rigorous environment that supports inclusivity and diversity within our scientific team. She also prioritizes training that operates at the intersection of science, justice, and equity.


Learning Seminar in Algebraic Combinatorics: Poincare duality algebras, the Kahler package, and volume polynomials (November 13, 2024 3:00pm)

Event Begins: Wednesday, November 13, 2024 3:00pm
Location: East Hall
Organized By: Learning Seminar in Algebraic Combinatorics - Department of Mathematics

By what has been shown in previous talks, we have seen that we can show coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of a realizable matroid can be realized via specific computations in the Chow ring of its wonderful compactification. In this talk, we will introduce the notion of Poincare duality algebras, which are graded algebras with a degree function giving an isomorphism from the top degree to the base field that induces a non-degenerate pairing between complementary degrees of the algebra. Furthermore, we will introduce a notion of hard Lefschetz and Hodge-Riemann relations for such algebras. When a Poincare duality algebra satisfies a certain version of these properties, we can show that the log-concavity of its "volume polynomial" is equivalent to the eigenvalues of a symmetric form on the algebra arising from the Hodge-Riemann relations. Because the Hodge-Riemann relations in appropriate degree imply the log-concavity of the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of the matroid, this framework gives us a program to establish the log-concavity result. Throughout this talk, I will attempt to provide intuition from the case of the Chow rings of smooth projective varieties.


Agronomy and Policy Solutions for Effective Implementation of the African Fertilizer and Soil Health Action Plan

Agronomy and Policy Solutions for Effective Implementation of the African Fertilizer and Soil Health Action Plan

CGIAR is pleased to support our regional and national partners in their implementation of the action plan emerging from the May 2024 African Fertilizer and Soil Health (AFSH) Summit. As the seventh policy seminar in the CGIAR series on Strengthening Food Systems Resilience, this event will examine the outcomes of the AFSH Summit and consider […]

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The 16th China Agricultural Economic Review (CAER) – IFPRI Annual Conference

The 16th China Agricultural Economic Review (CAER) – IFPRI Annual Conference

The China Agricultural Economic Review (CAER) and IFPRI are delighted to announce the Sixteenth CAER-IFPRI Annual Conference, co-organized with Hunan Agricultural University (HUNAU). The theme of 2024 conference is Bridging Sustainability: Integrating Green Finance for Agricultural and Rural Development. Internationally and nationally renowned scholars have been invited to present and discuss their insights at the […]

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The Socio-Economic Impact of Armed Conflict on Sudanese Urban Households

The Socio-Economic Impact of Armed Conflict on Sudanese Urban Households

The ongoing conflict in Sudan has been concentrated in cities, with major impacts on urban households. Large numbers of families are displaced, employment is down dramatically, and most children are unable to go to school. A comprehensive survey conducted earlier this year by IFPRI’ Sudan Strategy Support Program and the United Nations Development Programme provides […]

The post The Socio-Economic Impact of Armed Conflict on Sudanese Urban Households appeared first on IFPRI.


Empowering Researchers in South Asia to Unlock Economic Insights: International CGE Modeling Training Program in New Delhi

Empowering Researchers in South Asia to Unlock Economic Insights: International CGE Modeling Training Program in New Delhi

New Delhi, May 3, 2024: The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the CGIAR Initiative on Foresight, in partnership with the South Asian Network on Economic Modeling (SANEM), the Indian Council of Agricultural Research-Indian Agricultural Research Institute (ICAR-IARI), and ICAR-National Institute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Research (ICAR-NIAP), successfully concluded today the weeklong ‘International […]

The post Empowering Researchers in South Asia to Unlock Economic Insights: International CGE Modeling Training Program in New Delhi appeared first on IFPRI.


The economic indicator of the year

Will it be inflation? Striketober? The supply chain? Our hosts make their case, and the choice is up to you.

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The M&M anomaly (Classic)

Despite costing the same price, a pack of peanut butter M&M's weighs 0.06 ounces less than a pack of milk chocolate M&M's. A trade secret explains why. | Subscribe to our weekly newsletter here.

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Homer Simpson vs. the economy

When the beloved Simpsons family made its TV debut in 1989, it squarely represented middle-class America. Today ... not so much. That house, those two cars, those three kids all on one salary doesn't seem so believable anymore. Today we examine the changing reality of what middle-class means in America through the Simpsons. It's a wild, musical journey into the heart of the US economy. | Subscribe to our weekly newsletter here.

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Two Indicators shaking China's economy

Xi Jinping recently secured his third term as China's president – so we're looking at two shocks to the world's second-largest economy. First: How China's housing boom turned into a real estate crisis. Second: How the recent U.S. ban on selling advanced semiconductor chips to China could affect China's technology industry.

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One economist's take on popular advice for saving, borrowing, and spending

This episode was first released as a bonus episode for Planet Money+ listeners last month. We're sharing it today for all listeners. To hear more episodes like this one and support NPR in the process, sign up for Planet Money+ at

Planet Money+ supporters: we'll have a fresh bonus episode for you next week!

"Save aggressively for retirement when you're young." "The stock market is a sure-fire long-term bet." "Fixed-rate mortgages are better than adjustable-rate mortgages." Popular financial advice like this appears in all kinds of books by financial thinkfluencers. But how does that advice stack up against more traditional economic thinking?

That's the question Yale economist James Choi set out to answer in a paper called Popular Personal Financial Advice Versus The Professors. In this interview, he tells Greg Rosalsky what he found. Their talk marks another edition of Behind The Newsletter, in which Greg shares conversations with policy makers and economists who appear in the Planet Money newsletter.

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Messi economics

Soccer star Lionel Messi is currently hoping to lead Argentina to victory in the World Cup. His path to global fame was shaped by a crisis in Argentina's economy.

This episode was made in collaboration with NPR and Futuro Studios's The Last Cup podcast.

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