ani Anilkumar vs State Of Kerala on 30 April, 2020 By Published On :: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 00:00:00 +0530 By around 7:30 PM on 3-8- 2002, the Sub Inspector of Police, Chandera Police Station (PW1) received secret information that a person by name Anil Kumar (appellant) would be reaching the bus waiting shed situated at Matlayi by around 8:30 PM for the purpose of selling the opium in his possession. Immediately, PW1 recorded the information in the General Diary, intimated his Superior Officer, the Circle Inspector of Police, Nileshwaram and proceeded to the spot. The police party lay in wait near the bus waiting shed and by around 8:45 PM, the appellant reached the spot in an autorikshaw and entered the bus waiting shed. Immediately, the Police party rushed to the waiting shed and on the Crl.A.244/06 3 appellant attempting to flee, apprehended him. PW1 thereupon, asked the appellant whether he required the presence of a Gazetted Officer while his body was searched and on the appellant answering in the negative, his body was searched and a plastic packet recovered from the pocket of his pants. On examination, the packet was found to contain opium, for the possession of which the appellant had no licence. The opium was weighed and found to be 350 gms in weight. Two samples of 25 gms each, were collected from the contraband and were packed and sealed separately. The remaining opium was also packed and sealed in the same manner. Ext.P3 seizure mahazar was prepared and the accused was arrested. Exhibit P4 FIR was registered thereafter. Later, Exhibit P8 chemical analysis report was received finding the sample to be opium. Full Article
ani Chandrakant Himatlal Kampani & ... vs Ascon Agro Products Exporters And on 28 April, 2020 By Published On :: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 00:00:00 +0530 VERSUS ASCON AGRO PRODUCTS EXPORTERS AND BUILDERS PRIVATE LIMITED BEFORE The Hon'ble Justice SHAMPA SARKAR Date: 28th April, 2020 Apperance Mr. Saunak Ghosh, Adv. with Mr. Rajib Mullick, Adv. ..for the decree holder Mr. Dipanjan Roy, Adv (in person) ..for the judgment debtor The Court: GA No.803 of 2020 is an application filed by the decree holder for non-prosecution of the Execution Case no.302 of 2019 arising out of a judgment and decree dated July 26, 2017 passed in CS No.115 of 2013, in view of settlement arrived at by and between the parties. Full Article
ani Triloki Nath Singh vs Anirudh Singh (D) Thr. Lrs . on 6 May, 2020 By Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2020 00:00:00 +0530 1. The question arises in the appeal for our consideration is as to whether the decree passed on a compromise can be challenged by the stranger to the proceedings in a separate suit. 2. The seminal facts which are relevant for the present purpose and the circumstances in which it arises for our consideration are Signature Not Verified Digitally signed by DEEPAK SINGH that the appellantplaintiff filed suit before 4 th subjudge, Chapra Date: 2020.05.06 16:03:14 IST Reason: seeking a declaration that the compromise decree dated 15 th 1 September, 1994 passed in Second Appeal No. 495/86 by the High Court is illegal, inoperative and obtained by fraud and misrepresentation and also prayed for injunction against the respondentsdefendants restraining them from entering into peaceful possession of the suit property. Full Article
ani Junmani Barman And Anr vs The State Of Assam on 8 May, 2020 By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 00:00:00 +0530 JUDGE Comparing Assistant Full Article
ani Manish Yadav vs The State Of Bihar on 17 March, 2020 By Published On :: Tue, 17 Mar 2020 00:00:00 +0530 ... ... Petitioner/s Versus The State of Bihar ... ... Opposite Party/s ====================================================== Appearance : For the Petitioner/s : Mr. Ranjan Kumar Singh, Advocate For the State : Mr. Binay Krishna, SPL PP For the Informant : Mr. Indrajit Kumar, Advocate ====================================================== CORAM: HONOURABLE MR. JUSTICE AHSANUDDIN AMANULLAH ORAL JUDGMENT Date : 17-03-2020 Heard learned counsel for the petitioner; learned APP for the State and learned counsel for the informant, who has suo motu appeared. Full Article
ani M/S Anil Kumar Maggu vs State Of Haryana And Others on 8 May, 2020 By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 00:00:00 +0530 The petitioner has already made a representation. The competent authority is directed to decide the representation in accordance with law within a period of one week from today by passing a speaking/detailed order. Petition stands disposed of accordingly. ( RAJIV SHARMA ) JUDGE ( HARINDER SINGH SIDHU ) JUDGE May 08, 2020 ndj Whether speaking/reasoned Yes/No Whether reportable Yes/No 1 of 1 ::: Downloaded on - 08-05-2020 20:42:29 ::: Full Article
ani Reena Rani vs State Of Punjab on 8 May, 2020 By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 00:00:00 +0530 Prayer in the application is for grant of anticipatory bail in FIR bearing No.37 dated 05.03.2020, under Sections 376 and 120-B of Indian Penal Code, 1860 (Section 4 of The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 and Section 506 IPC were added later on) registered at Police Station Sadar, Jalandhar. FIR was recorded on the statement of ABC (name withheld). She stated that in the year 2018, she alongwith her female friends had gone to the house of Jassa son of Kashmiri Lal for Lohri, where Jassa clicked group and individual photographs of the complainant and her friends. In February 2018, Reena Rani wife of Rui Das, sister-in-law of Jassa, called the complainant to her house and took photographs of the complainant with Jassa. Reena made Jassa and the complainant sit in a room and bolted the door from outside. When Jassa and complainant were alone in the room, 1 of 3 ::: Downloaded on - 08-05-2020 21:11:25 ::: CRM-M-12084 of 2020 {2} Jassa sexually assaulted the complainant. Somehow the complainant managed to get door opened and went back home. Jassa started harassing, black-mailing and threatened her. Later on, the complainant narrated the entire incident to her mother and submitted a complaint before the police authorities. Full Article
ani Disney keeps remaking its animated movies into live-action films. Former animators tell us how hard it is to see their work re-envisioned 20 years later. By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 21:05:34 +0530 Disney keeps remaking its animated classics because they're a proven box-office success.Insider spoke with three former Disney animators who worked on "Beauty and the Beast," "Hercules," "The Lion King," and "Mulan" who shared their thoughts on the adaptations. They were surprised so many of the films they worked on are getting remade, especially the more recent ones from the '90s.None of them were fans of "The Lion King," criticizing the film's lack of emoting and how closely it adhered to the original."I think it's all about the money and growing the company and making the investors and stockholders happy," "Mulan" co-director Tony Bancroft told Insider. Insider also spoke with producers and VFX artists on "Aladdin" and "The Lion King" who pushed back on claims the remakes are simply cash-grabs.If Full Article
ani State Of West Bengal And Ors vs Smt. Manika Dhara (Pal) And Ors on 5 May, 2020 By Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 00:00:00 +0530 Vs. Smt. Manika Dhara (Pal) and Ors. Mr. Sakti Pada Jana ..for the Applicants Let the matter appear a fortnight hence whenever the court convenes. The State should show cause why the State should not be directed to pay the writ petitioner's salary till the disposal of the appeal, subject to the writ petitioner undertaking to refund the same in the event the appeal succeeds. Advocate for the writ petitioner should communicate this direction to Advocate appearing for the State and the relevant authorities well in advance of the next date of hearing. Full Article
ani Billie Eilish reveals Daniel Craig 'had to approve' her Bond song By Published On :: Tue, 18 Feb 2020 21:48:03 GMT Billie Eilish will perform her Bond theme for the first time at Tuesday night's BRIT Awards. Full Article
ani Mabel shows off quirky blue-rinsed locks as she steps out holding puppy Imani By Published On :: Thu, 20 Feb 2020 19:51:10 GMT Mabel was every inch the superstar as she displayed some edgy new locks while stepping out in London on Thursday. Full Article
ani Instagram is removing coronavirus-related content not shared by health organizations By Published On :: Thu, 26 Mar 2020 00:16:08 GMT Instagram is now removing coronavirus-related content and accounts from recommendations and 'Explore' option unless it is posted by or belonging to credible health organizations. Full Article
ani Adelaide bikie Bradley Daniele urged to get on with life by a judge By Published On :: Sun, 10 May 2020 06:45:04 GMT Bradley Daniele, 26, joined the Rebels OMCG in the wake of his father's death and in the years since has developed a reputation as one of its most feared enforcers. Full Article
ani Bride Danielle Young saved hundreds after dressing her bridesmaids in $25 dresses from KMART By Published On :: Sun, 10 May 2020 07:25:27 GMT Danielle Young, based in Brisbane, Australia, said she originally considered purchasing Shona Joy dresses for $240, but wanted to keep costs down as much as possible. Full Article
ani Instagram hit: Shih tzu Paningning sleeps in unusual positions By Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2019 14:38:47 GMT Paningning, a shih tzu, sleeps flat on her back like a human and often drifts off in unusual places. Owner Janess Cua from the Philippines shared photos of the puppy which have since gone viral. Full Article
ani Adani Power Maharashtra Limited vs Maharashtra Electricity ... on 11 March, 2020 By Published On :: Wed, 11 Mar 2020 00:00:00 +0530 1. The brief facts that led to filing of the present appeal are as under: 3 In terms of guidelines issued by Ministry of Power (MoP) for determination of tariff by bidding process for procurement of power by distribution licensees, on 18.05.2009, Respondent No.3- MSEDCL issued a request for proposal for procurement of 2000 MW (+30%-20%) for a period of 25 years on long term basis. In that process, the following bidders were qualified: i. Emco Energy Ltd. ( 200 MW @2.879 Rs/kWh) ii. Rattan India Power Ltd. (Amravati) ( 1200 MW @ 3.260 Rs/kWh) iii. Adani Power Maharashtra Ltd (1200 MW @ 3.280 Rs/kWh) iv. Rattan India Power Ltd. (Nashik) (950 MW @ 3.450 Rs/kWh v. Wardha Power Company Ltd. (675 MW @ 3.620 Rs/kWh) Full Article
ani Romania ofera un cadou la inaltime Europei By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 18:09:56 +0000 Prin filmul ”Rapsodiem” Romania surprinde publicul din fiecare colt al lumii, creionand peisaje pitoresti, locuri pline de emotii si insemnatate. The post Romania ofera un cadou la inaltime Europei appeared first on Full Article Artă & Cultură
ani Profesorii și elevii din ultimii ani vor fi obligați să poarte mască începând cu 15 mai (propunere) By Published On :: Sun, 10 May 2020 05:15:11 +0000 Profesorii și elevii din ultimii ani de gimnaziu și liceu care revin la școală pentru pregătirea examenelor naționale sunt obligați să poarte mască, potrivit regulilor elaborate de Institutul Național de Sănătate Publică pentru perioada de după 15 mai, informează Radio România Actualități. The post Profesorii și elevii din ultimii ani vor fi obligați să poarte mască începând cu 15 mai (propunere) appeared first on Full Article CORONAVIRUS Institutul Național de Sănătate Publică liceu profesor scoala
ani Granit Xhaka says he'd not felt such 'hatred' as he lost cool and told Arsenal fans to 'f*** off' By Published On :: Wed, 29 Apr 2020 12:37:05 +0100 The midfielder's career at the Emirates looked to be over after he was stripped of the captaincy following his altercation with fans in the 2-2 draw with Crystal Palace. Full Article
ani Vishwanath @ Vishu Phaniraj Gopi vs The State on 5 May, 2020 By Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 00:00:00 +0530 2. One Mr.Ganapati had filed a complaint, which was registered by Gokarna P.S. Crime No.27/2010, upon investigation the Investigating Officer of Kumata P.S. had presented a charge sheet on 25.07.2011. Thereafter, the :4: investigation was continued and an additional charge sheet was filed on 28.07.2012 for the aforesaid offences. 3. Accused Nos.1 to 12, who stood trial before JMFC Court had filed an application under Section 239 of Cr.P.C. seeking for discharge in the said proceedings. The application was opposed by the prosecution. The JMFC after hearing both parties by order dated 28.11.2014 dismissed the application filed by the accused. Full Article
ani Manish @ Ratanbhai Simadiyabhai ... vs State Of Gujarat on 8 May, 2020 By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 00:00:00 +0530 2. Learned advocate Mr. Karia for the applicant submits that the applicant is arrested on the basis of statement of co-accused. Learned Advocate further submits that considering the nature of the offence, the applicant may be enlarged on regular bail by imposing suitable conditions. 3. Learned Additional Public Prosecutor appearing on behalf of the respondent-State has opposed grant of regular bail looking to the nature and gravity of the offence. He further submits that the applicant has two past criminal antecedents. 4. Learned Advocates appearing on behalf of the respective parties do Page 1 of 3 Downloaded on : Fri May 08 22:29:40 IST 2020 R/CR.MA/6081/2020 ORDER not press for further reasoned order. Full Article
ani Chandanide Chandrikade Pavaiya ... vs State Of Gujarat on 8 May, 2020 By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 00:00:00 +0530 THROUGH JAIL for the PETITIONER(s) No. for the RESPONDENT(s) No. MR MITESH AMIN, PUBLIC PROSECUTOR with MR MANAN MEHTA, APP for the RESPONDENT(s) No. ========================================================== CORAM: HONOURABLE MR.JUSTICE R.M.CHHAYA and HONOURABLE MS. JUSTICE GITA GOPI Date : 08/05/2020 IA ORDER (PER : HONOURABLE MR.JUSTICE R.M.CHHAYA) 1. Heard Mr. Mitesh Amin, learned Public Prosecutor assisted by Mr. Manan Mehta, learned APP for the State. 2. The applicant - convict has prayed for temporary bail on the ground of taking appropriate treatment at the private hospital. Considering the reason, we had called for the report from the learned APP. Learned APP had submitted the medical certificate issued by the Medical Officer, Central Jail, which indicates that the applicant was referred to the Orthopaedic Department, Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad lastly on 29.2.2020 and was also thereafter referred to Physiotherapy Rehab medicine on 5.3.2020. The certificate further indicates that the applicant refused admission in the hospital for MRI. The certificate also indicates that sonography Page 1 of 2 Downloaded on : Fri May 08 21:59:11 IST 2020 R/CR.A/148/2019 IA ORDER was conducted on 18.2.2020 and it is indicated that the applicant is regularly being examined and treated by physician and medical surgeon at jail dispensary. Full Article
ani Zoa Morani donates blood plasma to help COVID-19 patients By Published On :: Sun, 10 May 2020 12:10:40 +0530 Mumbai, May 10 () Nearly a month after recovering from the coronavirus, actor Zoa Morani says she has donated her blood plasma to do her bit in helping the patients currently suffering from the novel virus.The actor, who was quarantined and kept under medication in April, also urged those who have recovered from COVID-19 to donate their plasma."Donated my blood today for the Plasma therapy trials at Nair hospital. It was fascinating! Always a silver lining I suppose. The team there was so enthusiastic and careful. There was a general physician on standby just incase of emergency and the equipment brand new and safe (sic)," Zoa wrote on Instagram on Saturday.She thanked the doctors for taking care of her and hoped patients benefit from the donation."All #Covid19 recovered people can be a part Full Article
ani Suhail Andleeb Wani vs Union Territory Of J&K And Others on 18 March, 2020 By Published On :: Wed, 18 Mar 2020 00:00:00 +0530 List again on 17.04.2020. (Sanjeev Kumar) Judge JAMMU 18.03.2020 Shivalee SHIVALEE KHAJURIA 2020.03.18 16:52 I attest to the accuracy and integrity of this document Full Article
ani Muzaffar Ahmad Wani And Others vs Union Territory Of J&K And Others on 18 March, 2020 By Published On :: Wed, 18 Mar 2020 00:00:00 +0530 List again on 11.05.2020. Meanwhile, subject to objections from the other side and till next date before the Bench, respondent No. 5 shall indicate to the petitioner the bid which has been received by respondent No. 5 in respect to the e- auction Notice No. DGM/DMO/Spn/310-18 dated 07.02.2020. It is further provided that in case the petitioner has been found to be eligible in all respects and has given the bid higher then respondent No. 4, in that event, respondents shall not proceed further in the matter. (Sanjeev Kumar) Judge JAMMU 18.03.2020 SHIVALEE KHAJURIA 2020.03.18 16:52 Shivalee I attest to the accuracy and integrity of this document Full Article
ani Aijaz Ahmad Wani vs Neeta Gupta And Ors on 18 March, 2020 By Published On :: Wed, 18 Mar 2020 00:00:00 +0530 List on 01.06.2020. (Ali Mohammad Magrey) Judge Srinagar 18.03.2020 Mohammad Yasin Dar MOHAMMAD YASIN DAR 2020.03.18 18:30 I attest to the accuracy and integrity of this document Full Article
ani Shameem Ahmad Ganie vs The Detenu on 19 March, 2020 By Published On :: Thu, 19 Mar 2020 00:00:00 +0530 2. The petitioner-detenu has challenged the order of detention on the following grounds: "a) that no compelling reason or circumstance was disclosed in the order or grounds of detention to take the detenu in preventive detention, moreso in view of the fact that as on the date of passing of the aforesaid order of detention, the detenu was already in custody; b) that the detenu has not been provided the material forming basis of the detention order, to make an effective representation against his detention order; Full Article
ani Cr No.-91/202 vs Anil Singh on 8 May, 2020 By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 00:00:00 +0530 1.2 Notice to the respondent was dispensed with, as the respondent had not yet been summoned by the Trial Court. 2 A perusal of the impugned order reveals that the Ld. Trial Court declined to take cognizance of the complaint primarily for the reason that the complainant despite availing several opportunities had not filed the ECS mandate. Further the account statement filed did not bear any stamp and was not even signed. Therefore, noticing that several opportunities have already been afforded to the complainant, the complaint was dismissed. 3 Sh.Anish Bhola, counsel for the petitioner has assailed the CR No.-91/2020 Page No.-1 of 4 impugned Order on the ground that the Ld. MM committed a grave error in observing that the ECS mandate was not on record. It is pointed out that the petitioner/ complainant along with the complaint had placed on record a ' Debit Authorization Form issued by the customer" i.e. the respondent to the petitioner bank. It is argued that the Debit Authorization Form is akin to ECS mandate. . To link the Debit Authorization Form with the loan agreement involved, an account statement was placed on record. The petitioner/complainant had also placed on record along with the complaint a memorandum issued by the bank, intimating return of the mandate on account of insufficiency of funds. Sh.Bhola has, further, argued that the offence as envisaged u/sec.-25 of the Payments & Settlement Systems Act (hereinafter referred to as 'the PSS Act') was completed, when the respondent, who had taken a loan and had issued authorization to debit the amount each month from his account failed to maintain sufficient balance in his account, thereby, resulting in failure of debit of amount. It is, therefore, argued that the Ld. MM committed a grave error in dismissing the complaint as both the documents constituting the offence were on record. Full Article
ani M/S Anjani Broadband Pvt. Ltd vs M/S Lucky Airnet Pvt. Ltd on 8 May, 2020 By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 00:00:00 +0530 2. The case of the plaintiff as disclosed from the plaint is that the plaintiff is engaged in the business of providing internet services under licence from Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications & Information Technology. The defendants approached the plaintiff for taking internet services and after negotiations the plaintiff agreed to provide services to a defendant and thereafter the plaintiff and the defendant signed customer application form (CAF) on 04.04.2015. The plaintiff provided the internet services to a defendant No. 1 company on monthly basis and after providing the services, the plaintiff raised bill of Rs.27,54193/ and out of the said amount the defendants paid a sum of Rs. 22,08,000/ and the balance sum of Rs. 5,46,193/ is outstanding and due against the defendants which defendants failed to pay despite demands from the plaintiff. Full Article
ani Salai Sathagamani vs The Deputy Superintendent Of ... on 24 March, 2020 By Published On :: Tue, 24 Mar 2020 00:00:00 +0530 2. With the above directions, this Criminal Original Petition is closed. 24.03.2020 Index : Yes/No Internet : Yes/No SML To 1.The Principal Sessions Judge -cum- PCR Court, Pudukkottai. 2.The Deputy Superintendent of Police, Pudukkottai, Pudukkottai District. 2/4 CRL.O.P.(MD)No.5135 of 2020 3.The Sub-Inspector of Police, Vellanoor Police Station, Pudukkottai District. Full Article
ani South Korea prez says surge no reason to panic By Published On :: Sun, 10 May 2020 10:32:55 +0530 South Korea's president is urging citizens not to lower their guard down, but said there's no reason to be panicked amid worries about a new surge in the coronavirus outbreak in the country. President Moon Jae-in made the comments in a speech Sunday as his health authorities detected a slew of new cases linked to nightclubs in Seoul's Itaewon district in recent days. Earlier, South Korea's caseload had been waning for weeks, prompting authorities to relax their social distancing rules. The infection cluster which recently occurred in entertainment facilities," Moon said, "has raised awareness that, even during the stabilisation phase, similar situations can arise again anytime, anywhere in an enclosed, crowded space. Moon added that, We must never lower our guard regarding epidemic prevention. But he also said there's no reason to stand still out of fear. Moon says South Korea has the right quarantine and medical systems combined with experience to respond quickly to any unexpected .. Full Article
ani HC asks Maha not to stop vehicles ferrying pets, sick animals By Published On :: Sun, 10 May 2020 09:58:53 +0530 The Bombay High Court has directed the Maharashtra government to issue a clear directive to the state police to ensure ambulances or other vehicles ferrying pets and sick animals to and from veterinary clinics are not stopped during the lockdown. Justice S C Gupte in an order on Friday said the police administration must not obstruct or stop such vehicles. He also directed the state to clarify its stand on permitting residents across the state take their dogs out for a walk during the coronavirus-enforced lockdown period. The court was hearing a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by a Pune resident seeking permission to take her pet dogs outside for their daily walks. The PIL, filed through advocate Harshwardhan Bhende, claimed several police stations under the jurisdiction of Pune Police had issued "arbitrary directions" to housing societies to stop residents from taking their dogs outside for walks. Advocate Bhende also told the high court that several ambulances and Full Article
ani Sanitisation drive by NDMC on Flag Staff road By Published On :: Sun, 10 May 2020 11:40:54 +0530 Municipal leaders, including mayor of the BJP-ruled North Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC), on Sunday took part in a sanitisation drive outside Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's residence on Flagstaff Road here. The sanitisation exercise is part of the NDMC's campaign to prevent spread of COVID-19, said Jai Prakash, chairman of the standing committee of NDMC. "We have been sanitising the whole municipal area with mechanical and manual spray of sanitisers. So, we are here on Flagstaff road which comes under the NDMC's jurisdiction," Jai Prakash said. The municipal corporation has deployed nearly 40 large truck mounted power sprays and around 40 smaller mechanical sprays, to cover roads, residential areas, markets and other public places under the NDMC, he said. Full Article
ani Zoa Morani donates blood plasma to help COVID-19 patients By Published On :: Sun, 10 May 2020 12:10:57 +0530 Nearly a month after recovering from the coronavirus, actor Zoa Morani says she has donated her blood plasma to do her bit in helping the patients currently suffering from the novel virus. The actor, who was quarantined and kept under medication in April, also urged those who have recovered from COVID-19 to donate their plasma. "Donated my blood today for the Plasma therapy trials at Nair hospital. It was fascinating! Always a silver lining I suppose. The team there was so enthusiastic and careful. There was a general physician on standby just incase of emergency and the equipment brand new and safe (sic)," Zoa wrote on Instagram on Saturday. She thanked the doctors for taking care of her and hoped patients benefit from the donation. "All #Covid19 recovered people can be a part of this trial, to help others covid patients recover! I hope this works #IndiaFightsCorona. They even gave me a certificate and Rs 500. Wont lie, I felt super cool today (sic)," she added. Zoa, along with her .. Full Article
ani Vanishing people, vanishing livelihoods By Published On :: Tue, 01 Jul 2003 00:00:00 +0000 Nomadic communities make up about 7 percent of India's population, but policy makers have largely ignored them, says Bahar Dutt. Full Article
ani Lucknow’s new landmark Sheroes upholds the indomitable spirit of humanity By Published On :: Wed, 16 Mar 2016 09:48:03 +0000 Manjari Singh reports on the opening of the Lucknow branch of Sheroes Hangout, a café run and managed by acid attack survivors under the guidance of the humanitarian organisation “Stop Acid Attacks” Full Article
ani Companies continue exploitation of children By Published On :: Mon, 01 Nov 2004 00:00:00 +0000 A new report on finds agribusiness corporations from India and abroad are reneging on their promises to stop employing children in Andhra Pradesh. Gomati Jagadeesan reports. Full Article
ani Sex trade thrives in conflict-ridden Manipur By Published On :: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 00:00:00 +0000 Acute poverty linked to armed conflict and displacement is a major reason for the growing number of commercial sex workers in Manipur. Drug abuse too is common, further impacting those turning to the world's oldest profession. Thingnam Anjulika Samom reports. Full Article
ani Sania's sisters By Published On :: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 00:00:00 +0000 Sania is the star today, but there are many more waiting on the horizon, expecting to be noticed and determined to excel. Sania has forced the media, and the country, to sit up and take note. Sania and her "sisters" will not be stopped, says Kalpana Sharma. Full Article
ani Disturbed in Manipur By Published On :: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 00:00:00 +0000 In the run-up to the elections, only the dominant voices from "mainland" India will be heard. But we need to listen to what those living at the margins of this country are saying, writes Kalpana Sharma. Full Article
ani Magnus Carlsen, Nations Cup organisers in war of words By Published On :: Sun, 10 May 2020 10:25:11 IST The absence of World No. 1 Magnus Carlsen took many by surprise. To clear the air, website promoters released a statement but ended up hurting none other than Carlsen. Full Article
ani Knocking at Shani temple's door? There are many more that are shut By Published On :: Sun, 31 Jan 2016 00:00:31 IST Progressive Maharashtra is dotted with temples and dargahs that keep women out Full Article
ani List Of Insurance Companies That Will Accept eKYC For Purchases By Published On :: Sat, 25 Apr 2020 09:48:06 +0530 In light of the COVID-19 lockdown situation, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) issued a notification on Friday allowing some insurance companies to provide the Aadhaar-based authentication to complete KYC procedure to provide insurance services. "To facilitate Full Article
ani Tablighi Jamaat member recalls tests, treatment & biryani from friends By Published On :: Sun, 10 May 2020 04:57:00 IST Full Article
ani Residents panic as migrant labourer returns from Bagalkot By Published On :: Sun, 10 May 2020 04:59:00 IST Full Article
ani Jamiat to Approach SC for Bail or Parole to Eligible Prisoners in View of Covid-19: Maulana Arshad Madani By Published On :: Sat, 9 May 2020 10:12:43 +0530 The health department has directed that social distancing is the only effective way to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, but it is impossible to do so in prisons as they have more prisoners than their prescribed capacity, he said in a statement. Full Article
ani HC Says Vehicles Ferrying Pets, Sick Animals Should Not Be Stopped Amid Lockdown in Maharashtra By Published On :: Sun, 10 May 2020 11:14:20 +0530 Justice S C Gupte in an order on Friday said the police administration must not obstruct or stop such vehicles. Full Article
ani Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way: Sania Mirza Posts Adorable Photo with Son Izhaan By Published On :: Sat, 9 May 2020 08:42:50 +0530 Sania Mirza took to social media to post a picture with her son Izhaan. Full Article
ani Zoa Morani Donates Blood For Covid-19 Plasmatherapy, Says "It Felt Super Cool" By Published On :: Sun, 10 May 2020 09:01:40 +0530 Actress Zoa Morani, who along with sister Shaza and father, film producer Karim Morani recovered from Covid-19 in April donated her blood for plasmatherapy. Full Article
ani Donald Trump nominates Indian-American Manisha Singh as OECD envoy By Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2020 14:53:09 +0530 Beijing, May 06: US President Donald Trump has nominated senior Indian-American diplomat Manisha Singh as his envoy to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Currently Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs at the State Department, Singh Full Article