
Open Enrollment Has Drained One District. It's Looking to Dissolve

Wisconsin’s Palmyra-Eagle district has lost more than half its students in the last decade, sparking a fiscal crisis. A special board is deciding whether the district should be allowed to dissolve.


Briefly Stated: Stories You May Have Missed

A special state panel in Wisconsin has rejected a financially strapped district's request to dissolve.


Verdict Looms on Whether Insolvent Wisconsin District Can Dissolve

Palmyra-Eagle, a mostly rural school district in Southeast Wisconsin, lost more than half its students to surrounding districts and then taxpayers voted to dissolve the district.


Why Don't Struggling K-12 Districts Just Dissolve?

Emotions remain raw as educators and residents in a rural Wisconsin district dig for solutions after being denied the option of dissolving.


Panel Rejects Wisconsin District's Request to Dissolve

Members of the special state panel felt the Palmyra-Eagle district needs more time to explore options to stay alive, though many residents, including the local school board, believe the district faces a fiscal cliff.


New Jersey Education Commissioner Resigns

With David Hespe's resignation, announced Friday, New Jersey has had five education commissioners in the last seven years.


Elementary School Tackles Tough Issues Through New Curriculum

Seek Academy in Newark, N.J., has added a social justice class for students in kindergarten through 4th grades to help them make sense of some of the most controversial issues of the day, including the "take the knee" debate.


Utah Ruling Highlights Sticky Issue of Partisan School Board Elections

In Florida, Indiana, Kansas, North Carolina, Tennessee and Utah, Republicans are arguing that candidates for local and state school boards should run on party tickets.


R.I. Education Commissioner Diagnosed with Brain Tumor

From guest blogger Kimberly Shannon Rhode Island Education Commissioner Deborah Gist has been diagnosed with a brain tumor and will undergo surgery in September, according to the Associated Press. She is expected to have a full recovery, but will be working a limited schedule until her operation. Af


Federal Judge Dismisses Most Claims in Connecticut School Choice Lawsuit

A federal judge dismissed most claims in a lawsuit challenging Connecticut's restrictions on magnet schools, charter schools, and school choice programs, saying there is no fundamental right to equal education opportunity under the U.S. Constitution.


Briefly Stated: Stories You May Have Missed

Education Week catches you up on the week gone by with a thoughtful look at recent news in K-12 education.


Kansas, Missouri renew Border War with 4-game football set

Kansas and Missouri are resuming their bitter Border War in football after the former Big 12 rivals agreed to a four-game series in which each school will play two home games beginning in September 2025. The fourth-longest rivalry in college football dates to 1891, but it has been on hiatus since Missouri departed for the Southeastern Conference. The schools recently announced a six-game series in men's basketball beginning with the upcoming season that includes two games on each campus and two in Kansas City, Missouri.


Child Protection Systems Royal Commission progress report September 2019 : safe and well, supporting families, protecting children / Department for Child Protection.


Applications for advice and directions : what can Section 69 of the Administration & Probate Act do for you? / presented by Melissa Yule, Adelta Legal..


Tax issues upon disposal of the legal practice / Raoul Stevenson CA, CTA & Grantley Stevens FCA, CTA, Nexia Edwards Marshall.


Administration issues for winding up the legal practice / presented by Sean Burton CA & Simone Ong CA, CTA, Nexia Edwards Marshall.


Forensic Biology and DNA: A brief intro to the basics and the issues.


The Right to Representation Before the Fair Work Commission.


Emerging Risk Issues for Practice Managers.


Forum 2019 : 3C Lessons for practitioners from 5 years as Commissioner : slides / presented by Greg May, Legal Profession Conduct Commissioner.


Forum 2019 : 5C Competition and consumer law in the digital age / slides presented by Thyme Burdon and Johanna Croser, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.


Ethics and 269W : a case study / Greg Mead SC, Legal Services Commission.


Important Issues about SMSFs for Family Lawyers - Slides - S Wild.


Economic regulation of airports / Productivity Commission.


Mental health : Productivity Commission draft report. Volume 1 / Australian Government Productivity Commission.


Mental health : Productivity Commission draft report. Volume 2 / Australian Government Productivity Commission.


National transport regulatory reform : Productivity Commission draft report / Australian Government Productivity Commission.

The Productivity Commission is to investigate the long-run economic impacts of transport regulatory reforms agreed by COAG in 2008-09 relating to heavy vehicle safety and productivity, rail safety and maritime safety and to make recommendations for further reforms towards a more integrated national market for transport services.


Troubling ambiguity : governance in SA Health / a report by The Hon. Bruce Lander QC, Independent Commissioner Against Corruption.

"... The report has been prepared for the purpose of highlighting several areas of concern I have about governance arrangements in SA Health that contribute to risks of corruption, misconduct and maladministration...." -- page 4.


Report on review of detriment : Aboriginal land claims recommended for grant but not yet finalised / the Hon John Mansfield AM QC, Aboriginal Land Commissioner.


Skills and workforce development agreement / Australian Government Productivity Commission.

The National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development (NASWD) was agreed by the Australian, State and Territory governments in 2009 and updated in 2012. The NASWD sets out goals for skills attainment by Australians through the vocational education and training (VET) system and commitments to reforms to ensure that the system is accessible, produces high quality services and operates efficiently. This study will assess progress made by governments against the NASWD, and whether the agreement is still an effective long-term framework for government policy and cooperation.


Vulnerable private renters : evidence and options / Australian Government Productivity Commission.


What matters to Aboriginal children and young people, their families and communities : South Australia's Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People inaugural report December 2019 / [April Lawrie].


The birdman's wife / Melissa Ashley.

Gould, Elizabeth, 1804-1841 -- Fiction.


101 marvellous movies you may have missed / David Stratton.

Motion pictures -- Reviews.


Talking sideways : stories and conversations from Finniss Springs / Reg Dodd and Malcolm McKinnon.

Dodd, Reg, 1940-


Too much lip / Melissa Lucashenko.

Aboriginal Australians -- Fiction.


Fake : a startling true story of love in a world of liars, cheats, narcissists, fantasists and phonies / Stephanie Wood.

Wood, Stephanie -- Relations with men.


On the end of privacy : dissolving boundaries in a screen-centric world / Richard E. Miller.

Clementi, Tyler.


The missing pages : the modern life of a medieval manuscript from genocide to justice / Heghnar Zeitlian Watenpaugh.

Tʻoros Ṛoslin, active 13th century.


Growing up Aboriginal in Australia / edited by Anita Heiss.

Aboriginal Australians -- Australia.


Des maladies simulées et des moyens de les reconnaître / par Edmond Boisseau.

Paris : Bailliere, 1870.


Des médications hypothermique et hyperthermique, et des moyens thérapeutiques qui les remplissent. De la pharmacothermogenèse, ou Théories de l'action des médicaments sur la température animale / par P.F. da Costa.

Lisbonne : Impr. de l'Académie royale des sciences, 1881.


Des rétrécissements du canal de l'urèthre / par Édouard de Smet.

Bruxelles : H. Manceux, 1880.


Des vésanies, ou maladies mentales / par J.-R. Jacquelin-Dubuisson.

Paris : chez l'auteur, 1816.


Die accessorischen Geschlechtsdrusen der Wirbeltiere, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des Menschen / von Rudolf Disselhorst.

Wiesbaden : J.F. Bergmann, 1897.


Die Anatomie des Menschen : in Rücksicht auf die Bedürfnisse der praktischen Heilkunde / bearbeitet von Hubert Luschka.

Tubingen : H. Laupp, 1862-1869.


Die Arbeiten der Puerperalfieber-Commission der Gesellschaft für Geburtshülfe und Gynäkologie in Berlin.

Stuttgart : F. Enke, 1878.


Die Blasenbandwürmer und ihre Entwicklung : zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kentniss der Cysticercusleber / von Rud Leuckart.

Giessen : J. Ricker, 1856.


Die Blennorrhöe der Sexualorgane und ihre Complicationen : nach dem neuesten wissenschaftlichen Standpuncte und zahlreichen eigenen Studien und Untersuchungen / dargestellt von Ernest Finger.

Leipzig : F. Deuticke, 1893.


Die Cholera Asiatica, deren, Ursachen, Behandlung und Verhütung auf Grund der während der 1866 er Epidemie in der Seidau bei Budissin gemachten Erfahrungen / monographisch dargestellt von Carl Julius Büttner.

Leipzig : Duncker & Humblot, 1868.