
Sermon June 3, 2012 (Sunday of Pentecost)

On this Sunday of Pentecost, Fr. Andrew tells us that when we have a crisis of creativity, we should seek out the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.


Sermon June 17, 2012 (Second Sunday After Pentecost)

On this Second Sunday after Pentecost, Fr. Andrew reminds us that is is not how good you are that matters, but how repentant you are.


Sermon July 1, 2012 (Fourth Sunday after Pentecost)

On the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, Fr. Andrew explains what it means when Orthodox Christians say, "We are being saved."


Sermon July 29, 2012 (8th Sunday after Pentecost)

On this 8th Sunday after Pentecost, Fr. Andrew reminds us of the deep worth of the human person.


Sermon Aug. 12, 2012 (10th Sunday after Pentecost)

On this the 10th Sunday after Pentecost, Father Andrew tells us that St. Paul calls the Leaders of the Church "Fools for Christ's Sake."


Sermon Aug. 19, 2012 (11th Sunday after Pentecost)

On this the 11th Sunday after Pentecost, Fr. Andrew asks, how can we ask God for forgiveness and not receive it?


Sermon Aug. 26 (12th Sunday after Pentecost)

On this the 12th Sunday after Pentecost, Fr. Andrew tells the stories of two rich young men, stories with two very different outcomes.


Sermon Sept. 30, 2012 (17th Sunday after Pentecost)

On this 17th Sunday after Pentecost, Fr. Andrew speaks to us about what it means to be a Temple of the Holy God.


26th Sunday after Pentecost (Prophet Habakkuk)

On this Sunday remembering the Prophet Habakkuk, Fr. Andrew reminds us that only God is God.


Sermon Apr. 21, 2013 (The Springtime of Repentance: Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt)

On this Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt, Fr. Andrew discusses what it really means to Repent.


Christ has not left us!: Pentecost and the Incarnation (Sermon June 23, 2013)

On this Sunday of Pentecost we are reminded that with the coming of the Holy Spirit, we are assured that Christ has not left us.


The Pentecostal Fountain (Sermon June 8, 2014)

On this Sunday of Pentecost, Fr. Andrew discusses Jesus' prediction of the coming of the Holy Spirit as a fountain of living water that springs up within the believer.


Pentecost is the Re-Creation of Mankind (Sermon May 31, 2015)

On this Great Feast of Pentecost, Fr. Andrew discusses how the sending forth of the Spirit re-creates us, all mankind and the whole cosmos.


Spending Our Spiritual Currency (Sermon Feb. 7, 2016)

Discussing the Parable of the Talents, Fr. Andrew speaks on what it means for us to have spiritual currency and how we ought to spend it.


Where is the Power of Pentecost? (Sermon June 19, 2016)

On the great feast of Pentecost, Fr. Andrew asks why we do not see the unity and power in the Church that was seen in the time of the first Christians.


The Descent of God in Fire: Pentecost and the Exodus (Sermon June 4, 2017)

With the great feast of Pentecost, Fr. Andrew discusses it as a fulfillment of the Old Testament Exodus from Egypt.


Why Repent? What Kingdom? (Jan. 14, 2018)

After His baptism, the Lord Jesus begins His preaching: 'Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand,' and Fr. Andrew unpacks what that means for us. He also gives further comment and talks about his anticipation for going on a very special pilgrimage.


The Prodigal's Prayer and Repentance: A Single Movement (Feb. 4, 2018)

Reflecting on his recent pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain of Athos, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick connects some of the wisdom he heard there with the parable of the Prodigal Son and what that means for our own prayer and repentance.


Pentecost: Christ Has Not Left Us (May 27, 2018)

Far from being a substitution at Pentecost, swapping Christ with the Holy Spirit, the Spirit makes Christ present to us for ever. Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick meditates on this and related themes.


The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand, So How Do I Repent? (Jan. 13, 2019)

Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick unpacks the preaching of Christ and John the Forerunner—'Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand'—discussing what all of those terms really mean for everyday Christian life.


What Would Happen If God Just Showed Up? (Nov. 3, 2019)

Sometimes, we wish God would just show up so that He would remove all our doubts and we could believe in Him without question. But what are we really asking for? What would happen? Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick discusses this question in light of the Gospel of the Rich Man and Lazarus.


What Happens to Babies When They Die?

Join Andja and Fr. Brendan as they share their experiences with death and discuss what happens to unbaptized babies when they die.



Fr. Brendan and Caroline Mellekas discuss Pentecostalism and speaking in tongues.


Repentance: Loving the Person God Desires We Become

Fr. John Oliver discusses the true meaning of repentance, becoming the person that God desire us to become.


Hide the Hodag and Pass the Pentecost!

Say what? Listen to this whimsical story about book sales, fake creatures and the birth of The Church.


A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Phronema

The legend of Subdeacon Andrew and how to obtain an Orthodox mind.


Bill Black on the Effects of Dependency on Evangelizing Western Kenya

This conversation with Bill Black, OCMC Missionary to Kenya, was recorded during the International Orthodox Theological Association conference in Iasi, Romania (9-12 January 2019). Bill gave a talk on this subject at the conference and was gracious enough to take time away from the sessions to talk about it for the podcast. Enjoy the show!


The Role of Repentance in Pastoral Care

On the Sunday after Theophany (Ephesians 4:7-13; Matthew 4:12-17), Fr. Anthony offers a meditation on Christ's command to "repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand," focusing primarily on the fundamental role of repentance in discernment and pastoral care. Enjoy the show!


Fr. Gregory Jensen on Confession and the Cultivation of Repentance

Fr. Anthony talks with Fr. Gregory Jensen, PhD, about how NOT to elicit repentance during confession, some of the differences between confession, interrogation, and therapy, and why love and trust are foundational to the process of reconciliation. Enjoy the show!


St. John the Forerunner: Repent!

Elissa demonstrates how talking about St. John the Forerunner can be a great way to illustrate and understand the roles of the prophets and the saints all at once.


Heaven and Hell and Repentance (on the Bus)

Fr. Michael reflects on a recent public-transit pilgrimage.


Paradise is Open

Fr. Michael talks about the Orthodox Church understanding of Paradise and our encounter with Paradise.


The Feast of Mid-Pentecost

For all that Christ accomplished for our salvation at Pascha, it remains still for us to receive it. And for us to receive the resurrected Life, we have to thirst for it. All of the blessings and gifts and graces of heaven are ours through Christ, but God will not force them on us. God will only give us the heavenly gifts if we thirst for them.


Episode 11: Aliens and Independence Day

The guys watched “Independence Day: Resurgence.” Christian enjoyed it. Steve? Not so much. They discuss what worked in the movie, as well as what didn’t, and wildly speculate about the theological implications of alien life. Plus, they wrap up with their Top 5 favorite alien characters of all time.



Fr. Philip reminds us of the significance of Pentecost, the birthday of the Church.


Pentecost: The Birthday of the Church

Fr. Philip LeMasters explains the significance of the sending of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Church.


Pentecost: The Coming of the Holy Spirit

Fr. Philip LeMasters preaches on the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.


Preparation Requires Repentance

Theophany shows us that Jesus Christ is not merely a great religious teacher or moral example. He is truly God—a member of the Holy Trinity–and His salvation permeates His entire creation, including the water of the river Jordan. Through His and our baptism, we become participants in the holy mystery of our salvation.


Opening Our Eyes and Mouths to the Glory of God

The Feast of Christ’s Transfiguration calls each of us to nothing less than to be transfigured in holiness and shine brilliantly by grace with the light of heaven.


Preparing for Christ's Baptism by Repentance

Those who have put on Christ in baptism and who receive the Communion of His Body and Blood must become epiphanies of His fulfillment of the human person in God’s image and likeness. As we prepare to celebrate Theophany, let us gain the spiritual clarity to behold the glory of Christ’s baptism by straightening the crooked areas of our lives.


Repentance in Response to Great Mercy

Even as we recall the Three Hierarchs’ shining example of holiness, we remember today also someone whose life changed dramatically when he turned away from corruption in order to follow Christ. Luke’s gospel portrays the story of Zacchaeus in memorable and distinctive ways.


Holiness is Open to All Through our Great High Priest

Let us follow the example of the Canaanite woman in persistently and boldly offering even our deepest pains and greatest weaknesses to Christ for healing.


It is Time to Leave the Pig Pen and Return Home to the Father

The coming Lenten season calls us all to come to ourselves as we gain a clearer recognition of the ways in which we have refused to live as the beloved sons and daughters of our Father. By humbly reorienting our lives toward Him and away from slavery to our passions, we will find restoration, blessing, and joy. Now is the time to leave behind the filth and misery of the pig pen and to enter by grace into the joy of a heavenly banquet that none of us deserves.


Healing Comes Through Repentance, Not Through Seeking Earthly Glory

Like St. Mary of Egypt, we must take up the cross of doing whatever it takes to find healing for our souls in the Lord Who offered up Himself for the salvation of the world. That was the path to holiness for St. Mary of Egypt, and it must be our path in the remaining days of this blessed season of Lent.


Opening our Eyes and our Mouths to the Glory of God

As we prepare for the Dormition Fast and look forward to the feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord, we must recognize how much we remain like the blind and mute men in our gospel reading.


Embracing the Therapeutic Mercy of Christ Through Repentance and Humility

To rise up, take up our beds, and walk home requires obedience to Christ’s commands, but not a legalistic obedience in the sense of following a code for its own sake. Instead, this obedience is like following the guidance of a physician or therapist who makes clear to us what we must do in order to regain health and function for our bodies.


Repenting Like Zacchaeus

Zacchaeus provides a wonderful example of repentance because he spontaneously and freely united himself to Christ as he took practical steps beyond any measure of justice.


Seeing Heaven Opened as Living Icons of Christ

The disciplines of this season give us all countless opportunities to do precisely that as we prepare for nothing less than to “see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.”


We Must Open Our Eyes to the Light of Christ in Order to Prepare for Christmas

On the last couple of Sundays, our gospel readings have reminded us what not to do if we want to prepare to welcome Christ into our lives and world at His Nativity. The rich fool was so focused on money and possessions that he completely neglected the state of his soul. The rich young ruler walked away in sadness when it became clear that he loved his wealth more than God and neighbor. The weeks before Christmas are the most commercialized time of the year when we are all bombarded with messages that the good life is primarily about having a lot of money and being able to buy whatever we want. Since the Lord warned so clearly of the folly of giving our hearts to the false god of riches, it is sadly ironic that the celebration of His Nativity so often occurs in ways that contradict the blessedness of His Kingdom.


Homily for the Great Feast of Pentecost

On today’s great Feast of Pentecost, we celebrate the fulfillment of the deepest desires of those who bear the divine image and likeness to participate personally in the eternal life of God.