
Church and State - Part 5

Fr. Tom discusses how the Orthodox Church fared in Russia before the revolution.


Church and State - Part 6

Fr. Tom looks at the Church in the 20th century, especially in Communist countries.


Church and State - Part 7

Fr. Hopko outlines how the Church fared in the 20th century in lands that were not traditionally Orthodox.


Church and State - Part 8

Fr. Thomas concludes his series by reflecting on what it means to be a Christian in America today.


The Greatest Born of Woman - St. John the Baptist - Part 1

With the Feast Day of the Beheading of St. John approaching (August 29), Fr. Thomas examines the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptizer, John.


Crossroad- Orthodox Youth Take the Challenge - Part 2

Fr. Tom speaks with two students and a leader in the Crossroad program.


The Greatest Born of Woman - St. John the Baptist - Part 2

In commemoration of the Feast of his beheading, Fr. Tom continues his discussion of the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptizer, John.


The Wrath of God - Part 2

Fr. Thomas continues to get listener feedback on his teaching on God's wrath. In this follow-up lesson, he explores further how the Scriptures and the Fathers express this difficult concept as compared to the hellenistic and platonic views sometimes expressed through history.


Darwin and Christianity - Part 1

What is the relationship between the concepts of natural selection and Christian theology? Fr. Tom begins a series of reflections on Charles Darwin and what he has learned in his research may surprise you!


Darwin and Christianity - Part 4

In part 4 of Fr. Tom Hopko's talks on the Darwinian revolution, he looks at what Charles Darwin may have experienced in terms of Christianity in his day.


Darwin and Christianity - Part 5

In the 5th part of his series on Charles Darwin, Fr. Thomas talks about the relationship of this Darwinian Revolution and natural science in general to the issue of Orthodox Christian theology.


Great and Holy Week - Part 2

Fr. Thomas continues his examination of Passion Week with Jesus' teachings on the final judgment.


Darwin and Christianity - Part 6

In his continuing series on Charles Darwin, Fr. Thomas reflects on the Darwinian revolution and Christian theology having to do with the Bible. How do the Scriptures relate to the scientific world in which we live especially following the 19th century?


Darwin and Christianity - Part 7: The Genesis Account (part 1)

In his continuing series on Charles Darwin and Christianity, Fr. Tom begins a reflection on the creation story as told in Genesis.


Darwin and Christianity - Part 8: The Genesis Account (part 2)

Fr. Tom Hopko continues his series on Darwin with his 2nd reflection on the creation story in Genesis.


Darwin and Christianity - Part 9: The Genesis Account (part 3)

Part 3 of the teachings from Genesis as a section in the larger series on Darwin and Christianity.


Darwin and Christianity - Part 10: The Genesis Account (part 4)

Part 4 of the teachings from Genesis as a section in the larger series on Darwin and Christianity.


Darwin and Christianity - Part 11: Death

In this episode on the Darwinian Revolution and the relationship between natural science and Christian theology, Fr. Thomas Hopko reflects on the issue of death.


Darwin and Christianity - Part 12: The Soul

How do you describe the distinction between human beings and animals? Is it the soul or is it something else altogether?


Darwin and Christianity - Part 13: God and Creation

Fr. Tom continues his series on Darwin and Christianity with some musings on God and Creation.


Darwin and Christianity - Part 14: Meditation on Miracles

What are some of the misunderstandings and misgivings about miracles, and how does that relate to natural science and Christian theology?


Darwin and Christianity - Part 15: Nature and Super-nature

As Fr. Tom gets close to the end of his series on Darwin and Christianity, he reflects on the terms and concepts of nature and super-nature.


Darwin and Christianity - Part 16: Faith and Knowledge, Reason and Revelation

This is the next-to-last episode in the Darwin series.


Darwin and Christianity - Part 17: The Final Chapter

In this final installment in his Darwin and Christianity series, Fr. Tom Hopko compares the task and method of natural science with the task and method of Christian theology.


Bishops - Part 1: Prophetic, Priestly, and Pastoral

Fr. Tom begins a series of talks on the role of bishops in the Church and their relationships to each other, to the priests, the deacons, and to us. He begins by identifying what is common to all of us in creation. Please also listen to a special encouragement at the very beginning of today's episode.


Bishops - Part 2: The New Testament and Early Church Model

In the second in his series on bishops, Fr. Tom reflects on the New Testament and early Church formulations of the offices and functions of clergy.


Bishops - Part 3: The Post Apostolic Model

Fr. Thomas looks at the writings of three of the earliest Church Fathers to see the structure of the Church in the second and third centuries.


Sex, Lies, and the Old Testament - Part 1

Fr. Tom received a number of emails about his talks on reading the Bible and the various translations. Several listeners asked about the scandalous nature of the Old Testament with stories of murder, slaughter, multiple wives, concubines, etc. So today, Fr. Tom begins a short series of talks to deal with this subject.


Sex, Lies, and the Old Testament - Part 2

What are we to make of the moral behavior of many of the heroes of the Old Testament like David, Solomon, Abraham, Lot, and others? Fr. Tom helps us deal with these figures in the proper way and according to God's ultimate plan.


Bishops - Part 4: In the Age of Constantine

In his ongoing series on bishops, Fr. Thomas explores the fourth century under the Emperor Constantine.


Bishops - Part 5: The Canons

Fr. Tom looks at the fourth century canons concerning bishops and clergy.


Bishops - Part 6: The Other Canons

Fr. Tom talks about the other canons of the fourth century in addition to the Council of Nicaea.


Bishops - Part 7: Martyrs, Monks, and Holy Bishops

In this next episode of the series on Bishops, Fr. Tom reflects on 4th century Bishops, Monks, Martyrs, and Saints.


Bishops - Part 8: 5th Century Controversies

The 5th century brought much controversy, schism, and anathemas but the Church survived. Some of these divisions exist even today.


Bishops - Part 9: The Canons of the 3rd Ecumenical Council

In Part 9 of his series on Bishops, Fr. Thomas looks at the canons of the 3rd Ecumenical Council.


Bishops - Part 10: The Canons of the 4th Ecumenical Council

In Part 10 of his series on Bishops, Fr. Thomas looks at the canons of the 4th Ecumenical Council.


Bishops - Part 11: Three 6th Century Figures of Great Influence

In the 6th Century, three individuals played a huge role in forming and influencing the ecclesiastical structure of the Church. They were the Emperor Justinian, Pope Gregory the Great of Rome, and Dionysius the Areopagite. Fr. Tom deals with the first 2 here and the third in the next episode.


Bishops - Part 12: Dionysius the Areopagite

In his continuing series on Bishops, Fr. Tom takes up where he left off in the last episode by concentrating on the influence of the writings attributed to but not actually from Dionysius the Areopagite.


Bishops - Part 13: St. Maximus and the 7th Century

To what lengths will a true saint go to defend pure doctrine? Fr. Tom tells the incredible story of St. Maximus and St. Martin.


Bishops - Part 14: The Council in Trullo

Fr. Tom begins looking at the 102 Canons of the "Quinisext" or 5th and 6th Ecumenical Councils sometimes referred to as the Council in Trullo. Maximus the Confessor is affirmed and many Patriarchs and Popes are anathematized.


Bishops - Part 15: The Council in Trullo (continued)

Fr. Tom continues looking at the 102 Canons of the "Quinisext" or 5th and 6th Ecumenical Councils sometimes referred to as the Council in Trullo. Today he talks about the laws concerning relationships with the Jews and the marital relationships of clergy.


Bishops - Part 16: The Council in Trullo (continued)

As Fr. Tom continues talking about the canons found in the Council of Trullo, he looks today at those canons that speak about issues like the selling of sacraments, clergy behavior, and the settlement of controversies.


Bishops - Part 17: The Council in Trullo (continued)

What are the canons about clergy marriage? What should the clergy wear out on the street? Why is water mixed with wine in the Eucharist? These and other issues are addressed in this episode with Fr. Thomas Hopko.


Bishops - Part 18: The Council in Trullo (continued)

The canons under discussion today by Fr. Tom deal with the rank and place of hierarchical sees and how that is affecting the structure of the Church today.


Bishops - Part 19: The Council in Trullo (continued)

As Fr. Tom continues his reflections on this historic council, he today speaks about monasticism, baptism, and marriage.


Bishops - Part 20: The Council in Trullo (continued)

Some interesting canons are discussed in today's program including a canon against feigning insanity!


Bishops - Part 21: The Council in Trullo (continued)

As Fr. Tom continues his look at the so called Quintisext councils, the issues of church attendance and mixed marriages are among the topics addressed.


Bishops - Part 22: The Council in Trullo (continued)

What is the Orthodox teaching about remarriage after adultery? What about re-baptism of one brought into the Church? Fr. Tom talks about this and more in today's episode.


Bishops - Part 23: The Council in Trullo (conclusion)

In this final episode on the so called Council in Trullo or the 5th and 6th Ecumenical Councils, Fr. Tom completes his commentary on the 102 canons. This includes the issue of not kneeling in church on Sunday, how to bring in Christians from other denominations, the creation and consumption of pornography, and more.


Bishops - Part 24: 8th Century Iconoclasm

An intense and violent period in Church history surrounded the veneration of icons. Learn about those who gave their lives for the preservation of this important physical demonstration of the Incarnation as well as those Bishops who sided with with the iconoclasts and were later identified as heretics.