
Study on the UV FEL single-shot damage threshold of an Au thin film

The damage threshold of an Au-coated flat mirror, one of the reflective optics installed on the FEL-2 beamline of the Dalian Coherent Light Source, China, upon far-UV free-electron laser irradiation is evaluated. The surface of the coating is characterized by profilometer and optical microscope. A theoretical approach of the phenomenon is also presented, by application of conventional single-pulse damage threshold calculations, a one-dimensional thermal diffusion model, as well as finite-element analysis with ANSYS.


A versatile sample-delivery system for X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of in-flight aerosols and free nanoparticles at MAX IV Laboratory

Aerosol science is of utmost importance for both climate and public health research, and in recent years X-ray techniques have proven effective tools for aerosol-particle characterization. To date, such methods have often involved the study of particles collected onto a substrate, but a high photon flux may cause radiation damage to such deposited particles and volatile components can potentially react with the surrounding environment after sampling. These and many other factors make studies on collected aerosol particles challenging. Therefore, a new aerosol sample-delivery system dedicated to X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies of aerosol particles and gas molecules in-flight has been developed at the MAX IV Laboratory. The aerosol particles are brought from atmospheric pressure to vacuum in a continuous flow, ensuring that the sample is constantly renewed, thus avoiding radiation damage, and allowing measurements on the true unsupported aerosol. At the same time, available gas molecules can be used for energy calibration and to study gas-particle partitioning. The design features of the aerosol sample-delivery system and important information on the operation procedures are described in detail here. Furthermore, to demonstrate the experimental range of the aerosol sample-delivery system, results from aerosol particles of different shape, size and composition are presented, including inorganic atmospheric aerosols, secondary organic aerosols and engineered nanoparticles.


Comparing single-shot damage thresholds of boron carbide and silicon at the European XFEL

Xray free-electron lasers (XFELs) enable experiments that would have been impractical or impossible at conventional X-ray laser facilities. Indeed, more XFEL facilities are being built and planned, with their aim to deliver larger pulse energies and higher peak brilliance. While seeking to increase the pulse power, it is quintessential to consider the maximum pulse fluence that a grazing-incidence FEL mirror can withstand. To address this issue, several studies were conducted on grazing-incidence damage by soft X-ray FEL pulses at the European XFEL facility. Boron carbide (B4C) coatings on polished silicon substrate were investigated using 1 keV photon energy, similar to the X-ray mirrors currently installed at the soft X-ray beamlines (SASE3). The purpose of this study is to compare the damage threshold of B4C and Si to determine the advantages, tolerance and limits of using B4C coatings.


Crystal structure of the cytotoxic macrocyclic trichothecene Isororidin A

The highly cytotoxic macrocyclic trichothecene Isororidin A (C29H40O9) was isolated from the fungus Myrothesium verrucaria endophytic on the wild medicinal plant `Datura' (Datura stramonium L.) and was characterized by one- (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) NMR spectroscopy. The three-dimensional structure of Isororidin A has been confirmed by X-ray crystallography at 0.81 Å resolution from crystals grown in the ortho­rhom­bic space group P212121, with one mol­ecule per asymmetric unit. Isororidin A is the epimer of previously described (by X-ray crystallography) Roridin A at position C-13' of the macrocyclic ring.


Methods in mol­ecular photocrystallography

Over the last three decades, the technology that makes it possible to follow chemical processes in the solid state in real time has grown enormously. These studies have important implications for the design of new functional materials for applications in optoelectronics and sensors. Light–matter inter­actions are of particular importance, and photocrystallography has proved to be an important tool for studying these inter­actions. In this technique, the three-dimensional structures of light-activated mol­ecules, in their excited states, are determined using single-crystal X-ray crystallography. With advances in the design of high-power lasers, pulsed LEDs and time-gated X-ray detectors, the increased availability of synchrotron facilities, and most recently, the development of XFELs, it is now possible to determine the structures of mol­ecules with lifetimes ranging from minutes down to picoseconds, within a single crystal, using the photocrystallographic technique. This review discusses the procedures for conducting successful photocrystallographic studies and outlines the different methodologies that have been developed to study structures with specific lifetime ranges. The com­plexity of the methods required increases considerably as the lifetime of the excited state shortens. The discussion is supported by examples of successful photocrystallographic studies across a range of timescales and emphasises the importance of the use of com­plementary analytical techniques in order to understand the solid-state processes fully.


Photocrystallography – common or exclusive?



Mononuclear binding and catalytic activity of europium(III) and gadolinium(III) at the active site of the model metalloenzyme phosphotriesterase

Lanthanide ions have ideal chemical properties for catalysis, such as hard Lewis acidity, fast ligand-exchange kinetics, high coordination-number preferences and low geometric requirements for coordination. As a result, many small-molecule lanthanide catalysts have been described in the literature. Yet, despite the ability of enzymes to catalyse highly stereoselective reactions under gentle conditions, very few lanthanoenzymes have been investigated. In this work, the mononuclear binding of europium(III) and gadolinium(III) to the active site of a mutant of the model enzyme phosphotriesterase are described using X-ray crystallography at 1.78 and 1.61 Å resolution, respectively. It is also shown that despite coordinating a single non-natural metal cation, the PTE-R18 mutant is still able to maintain esterase activity.


A snapshot love story: what serial crystallography has done and will do for us

Serial crystallography, born from groundbreaking experiments at the Linac Coherent Light Source in 2009, has evolved into a pivotal technique in structural biology. Initially pioneered at X-ray free-electron laser facilities, it has now expanded to synchrotron-radiation facilities globally, with dedicated experimental stations enhancing its accessibility. This review gives an overview of current developments in serial crystallography, emphasizing recent results in time-resolved crystallography, and discussing challenges and shortcomings.


Photoinduced bidirectional mesophase transition in vesicles containing azo­benzene amphiphiles

The functionality and efficiency of proteins within a biological membrane are highly dependent on both the membrane lipid composition and the physiochemical properties of the solution. Lipid mesophases are directly influenced by changes in temperature, pH, water content or due to individual properties of single lipids such as photoswitchability. In this work, we were able to induce light- and temperature-driven mesophase transitions in a model membrane system containing a mixture of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylcholine phospho­lipids and azo­benzene amphiphiles. We observed reversible and reproducible transitions between the lamellar and Pn3m cubic phase after illuminating the sample for 5 min with light of 365 and 455 nm wavelengths, respectively, to switch between the cis and trans states of the azo­benzene N=N double bond. These light-controlled mesophase transitions were found for mixed complexes with up to 20% content of the photosensitive molecule and at temperatures below the gel-to-liquid crystalline phase transition temperature of 33°C. Our results demonstrate the potential to design bespoke model systems to study the response of membrane lipids and proteins upon changes in mesophase without altering the environment and thus provide a possible basis for drug delivery systems.


Capturing the blue-light activated state of the Phot-LOV1 domain from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii using time-resolved serial synchrotron crystallography

Light–oxygen–voltage (LOV) domains are small photosensory flavoprotein modules that allow the conversion of external stimuli (sunlight) into intra­cellular signals responsible for various cell behaviors (e.g. phototropism and chloro­plast relocation). This ability relies on the light-induced formation of a covalent thio­ether adduct between a flavin chromophore and a reactive cysteine from the protein environment, which triggers a cascade of structural changes that result in the activation of a serine/threonine (Ser/Thr) kinase. Recent developments in time-resolved crystallography may allow the activation cascade of the LOV domain to be observed in real time, which has been elusive. In this study, we report a robust protocol for the production and stable delivery of microcrystals of the LOV domain of phototropin Phot-1 from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (CrPhotLOV1) with a high-viscosity injector for time-resolved serial synchrotron crystallography (TR-SSX). The detailed process covers all aspects, from sample optimization to data collection, which may serve as a guide for soluble protein preparation for TR-SSX. In addition, we show that the crystals obtained preserve the photoreactivity using infrared spectroscopy. Furthermore, the results of the TR-SSX experiment provide high-resolution insights into structural alterations of CrPhotLOV1 from Δt = 2.5 ms up to Δt = 95 ms post-photoactivation, including resolving the geometry of the thio­ether adduct and the C-terminal region implicated in the signal transduction process.


Structure–property relationship of a complex photoluminescent arylacetylide-gold(I) compound. I: a pressure-induced phase transformation caught in the act

A pressure-induced triclinic-to-monoclinic phase transition has been caught `in the act' over a wider series of high-pressure synchrotron diffraction experiments conducted on a large, photoluminescent organo-gold(I) compound. Here, we describe the mechanism of this single-crystal-to-single-crystal phase transition, the onset of which occurs at ∼0.6 GPa, and we report a high-quality structure of the new monoclinic phase, refined using aspherical atomic scattering factors. Our case illustrates how conducting a fast series of diffraction experiments, enabled by modern equipment at synchrotron facilities, can lead to overestimation of the actual pressure of a phase transition due to slow transformation kinetics.


Crystal structure of a bacterial photoactivated adenylate cyclase determined by serial femtosecond and serial synchrotron crystallography

OaPAC is a recently discovered blue-light-using flavin adenosine dinucleotide (BLUF) photoactivated adenylate cyclase from the cyanobacterium Oscillatoria acuminata that uses adenosine triphosphate and translates the light signal into the production of cyclic adenosine monophosphate. Here, we report crystal structures of the enzyme in the absence of its natural substrate determined from room-temperature serial crystallography data collected at both an X-ray free-electron laser and a synchrotron, and we compare these structures with cryo-macromolecular crystallography structures obtained at a synchrotron by us and others. These results reveal slight differences in the structure of the enzyme due to data collection at different temperatures and X-ray sources. We further investigate the effect of the Y6W mutation in the BLUF domain, a mutation which results in a rearrangement of the hydrogen-bond network around the flavin and a notable rotation of the side chain of the critical Gln48 residue. These studies pave the way for picosecond–millisecond time-resolved serial crystallography experiments at X-ray free-electron lasers and synchrotrons in order to determine the early structural intermediates and correlate them with the well studied pico­second–millisecond spectroscopic intermediates.


Synthesis, crystal structure and photophysical properties of a dinuclear MnII complex with 6-(di­ethyl­amino)-4-phenyl-2-(pyridin-2-yl)quinoline

A new quinoline derivative, namely, 6-(di­ethyl­amino)-4-phenyl-2-(pyridin-2-yl)quinoline, C24H23N3 (QP), and its MnII complex aqua-1κO-di-μ-chlorido-1:2κ4Cl:Cl-di­chlorido-1κCl,2κCl-bis­[6-(di­ethyl­amino)-4-phenyl-2-(pyridin-2-yl)quinoline]-1κ2N1,N2;2κ2N1,N2-dimanganese(II), [Mn2Cl4(C24H23N3)2(H2O)] (MnQP), were synthesized. Their compositions have been determined with ESI-MS, IR, and 1H NMR spectroscopy. The crystal-structure determination of MnQP revealed a dinuclear complex with a central four-membered Mn2Cl2 ring. Both MnII atoms bind to an additional Cl atom and to two N atoms of the QP ligand. One MnII atom expands its coordination sphere with an extra water mol­ecule, resulting in a distorted octa­hedral shape. The second MnII atom shows a distorted trigonal–bipyramidal shape. The UV–vis absorption and emission spectra of the examined compounds were studied. Furthermore, when investigating the aggregation-induced emission (AIE) properties, it was found that the fluorescent color changes from blue to green and eventually becomes yellow as the fraction of water in the THF/water mixture increases from 0% to 99%. In particular, these color and intensity changes are most pronounced at a water fraction of 60%. The crystal structure contains disordered solvent mol­ecules, which could not be modeled. The SQUEEZE procedure [Spek (2015). Acta Cryst. C71, 9–18] was used to obtain information on the type and qu­antity of solvent mol­ecules, which resulted in 44 electrons in a void volume of 274 Å3, corresponding to approximately 1.7 mol­ecules of ethanol in the unit cell. These ethanol mol­ecules are not considered in the given chemical formula and other crystal data.


Crystal structures and photophysical properties of mono- and dinuclear ZnII complexes flanked by tri­ethyl­ammonium

Two new zinc(II) complexes, tri­ethyl­ammonium di­chlorido­[2-(4-nitro­phen­yl)-4-phenyl­quinolin-8-olato]zinc(II), (C6H16N){Zn(C21H13N2O3)Cl2] (ZnOQ), and bis­(tri­ethyl­ammonium) {2,2'-[1,4-phenyl­enebis(nitrilo­methyl­idyne)]diphenolato}bis­[di­chlorido­zinc(II)], (C6H16N)2[Zn2(C20H14N2O2)Cl4] (ZnBS), were synthesized and their structures were determined using ESI–MS spectrometry, 1H NMR spectroscopy, and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The results showed that the ligands 2-(4-nitro­phen­yl)-4-phenyl­quinolin-8-ol (HOQ) and N,N'-bis­(2-hy­droxy­benzyl­idene)benzene-1,4-di­amine (H2BS) were deprotonated by tri­ethyl-amine, forming the counter-ion Et3NH+, which inter­acts via an N—H⋯O hydrogen bond with the ligand. The ZnII atoms have a distorted trigonal–pyramidal (ZnOQ) and distorted tetra­hedral (ZnBS) geometries with a coord­ination number of four, coordinating with the ligands via N and O atoms. The N atoms coordinating with ZnII correspond to the heterocyclic nitro­gen for the HOQ ligand, while for the H2BS ligand, it is the nitro­gen of the imine (CH=N). The crystal packing of ZnOQ is characterized by C—H⋯π inter­actions, while that of ZnBS by C—H⋯Cl inter­actions. The emission spectra showed that ZnBS complex exhibits green fluorescence in the solid state with a small band-gap energy, and the ZnOQ complex does exhibit non-fluorescence.


Hard X-ray single-shot spectrometer of PAL-XFEL

A hard X-ray single-shot spectrometer comprising thin, bent Si crystals has been developed for the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory X-ray Free-Electron Laser (XFEL), for detailed analysis of ultrafast 4.5–17 keV XFEL pulses with a high spectral resolution. This instrument facilitates shot-to-shot spectral structure monitoring and optimization of the operating conditions of the XFEL owing to its ability to provide comprehensive data on the spectral properties and fluctuations of self-amplified spontaneous emission, monochromatic and seeded XFEL modes.


Five-analyzer Johann spectrometer for hard X-ray photon-in/photon-out spectroscopy at the Inner Shell Spectroscopy beamline at NSLS-II: design, alignment and data acquisition

Here, a recently commissioned five-analyzer Johann spectrometer at the Inner Shell Spectroscopy beamline (8-ID) at the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II) is presented. Designed for hard X-ray photon-in/photon-out spectroscopy, the spectrometer achieves a resolution in the 0.5–2 eV range, depending on the element and/or emission line, providing detailed insights into the local electronic and geometric structure of materials. It serves a diverse user community, including fields such as physical, chemical, biological, environmental and materials sciences. This article details the mechanical design, alignment procedures and data-acquisition scheme of the spectrometer, with a particular focus on the continuous asynchronous data-acquisition approach that significantly enhances experimental efficiency.


Development of hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy in liquid cells using optimized microfabricated silicon nitride membranes

We present first hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES) results of aqueous salt solutions and dispersions of gold nanoparticles in liquid cells equipped with specially designed microfabricated thin silicon nitride membranes, with thickness in the 15–25 nm range, mounted in a high-vacuum-compatible environment. The experiments have been performed at the HAXPES endstation of the GALAXIES beamline at the SOLEIL synchrotron radiation facility. The low-stress membranes are fabricated from 100 mm silicon wafers using standard lithography techniques. Platinum alignment marks are added to the chips hosting the membranes to facilitate the positioning of the X-ray beam on the membrane by detecting the corresponding photoemission lines. Two types of liquid cells have been used, a static one built on an Omicron-type sample holder with the liquid confined in the cell container, and a circulating liquid cell, in which the liquid can flow in order to mitigate the effects due to beam damage. We demonstrate that the membranes are mechanically robust and able to withstand 1 bar pressure difference between the liquid inside the cell and vacuum, and the intense synchrotron radiation beam during data acquisition. This opens up new opportunities for spectroscopic studies of liquids.


Foreword to the special virtual issue dedicated to the proceedings of the PhotonMEADOW2023 Joint Workshop


Hot Vax Summer? How Sex And Relationships In America Are Changing With Vaccines Widely Available

In this photo taken on February 10, 2020 a 'love kit' is seen on the bed in a room at the Dragonfly hotel in Mumbai.; Credit: PUNIT PARANJPE/AFP via Getty Images


A new survey shows that in the era of widespread vaccine availability, American couples are more satisfied in their relationships -- and some are even getting more experimental than they have been.

Led by Indiana University Kinsey Institute researcher Justin Lehmiller in collaboration with the website Lovehoney, which describes itself as “global sexual happiness experts,” the report looked at responses from 2,000 U.S. adults age 18-45, including an oversample of 200 who identified as LGBTQ, and among the major findings of the survey were that more than half (51 percent) of respondents said their sexual interests had changed during the pandemic, and many of those said they’d started trying things they hadn’t before. It also found that 44 percent of people surveyed said they were communicating better with their partner, and among singles surveyed 52 percent say they’re less interested in casual sex and more than a third of them said they weren’t interested in having sex on the first date.

Today on AirTalk, we’ll talk with Professor Lehmiller about the survey, its findings and how the pandemic impacted Americans’ views on relationships and sex.


Justin Lehmiller, social psychologist and research fellow at Indiana University’s Kinsey Institute who conducted the “Summer of Love” survey; author of “Tell Me What You Want: The Science of Sexual Desire and How It Can Help You Improve Your Sex Life” (Hachette Go, July 2020); host of the “Sex and Psychology” podcast; he tweets @JustinLehmiller

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at


Congratulations to Genevieve Kent for Winning this Issue's Photo Contest!

USGS Western Fisheries Research Center (WFRC) biological science technician, Genevieve Kent, is the winner of this issue’s photo contest. 


Photo and Video Chronology — Getting webcams back online at Mauna Loa summit

Mauna Loa summit webcams have been down for several months due to wind damage at the radio telemetry site. On November 7, 2024, HVO staff visited the site and performed a partial fix that brought the webcams back online.


An update of the Catawba County Child Data Snapshot has been released.

The information was developed and compiled by the Children's Agenda Planning Committee, appointed by the Catawba County Board of Commissioners. The committee's vision is to ensure a safe community where all children are engaged, enriched and equipped to reach their full potential.


HotPage: Story of a signed, vulnerable, ad-injecting driver

A study of a sophisticated Chinese browser injector that leaves more doors open!


ESET Research Podcast: HotPage

ESET researchers discuss HotPage, a recently discovered adware armed with a highest-privilege, yet vulnerable, Microsoft-signed driver


Telekopye transitions to targeting tourists via hotel booking scam

ESET Research shares new findings about Telekopye, a scam toolkit used to defraud people on online marketplaces, and newly on accommodation booking platforms


MCmatlab: A Monte Carlo simulation for photon transport in 3D voxel space

Today, I am inviting Temo, who is from the academic discipline marketing team, and he looks after the physics discipline. He will share his Pick from the field of optics.This week's Pick is MCmatlab... read more >>


Tapping the unused potential of photosynthesis

Scientists from the University of Southampton have reengineered the fundamental process of photosynthesis to power useful chemical reactions that could be used to produce biofuels, pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals.

read more

  • Physics & Chemistry


Club's Crisps, Mike's Hot Honey debut sweet-heat snack

Club Crisps flavored with Mike's Hot Honey bring the heat for a next-level snacking experience, available for a limited time starting this month.


Bell Flavors and Fragrances offers a glimpse into hot snack and bakery trends

Food trends for 2024 focus on adventurous eating, sustainable snacking, and more. 


What’s hot in flavors and colors? Online event offers a taste

The webinar, led by a Circana expert, shared emerging trends in snack and bakery.


Snak Club debuts Hot Ones spicy snack mixes

The trio of mixes comes out of a collaboration with the YouTube interview show.


California Pizza Kitchen, Mike's Hot Honey drop 'swicy' new pizza

The collab breaks new ground in pizza category with Nashville-style chicken and Mike’s Hot Honey – Extra Hot.


Lou Malnati's, Mike's Hot Honey announce collab

Consumers can enjoy Lou’s signature deep dish, thin crust, and wings topped with Mike's Hot Honey, available in-store and for nationwide shipping through Tastes of Chicago.


Old El Paso Takis Fuego-inspired Hot Chili Pepper and Lime-Flavored Stand 'N Stuff Taco Shells

Old El Paso is taking the flavor intensity up a notch this fall with its new Takis Fuego-inspired Hot Chili Pepper and Lime-Flavored Stand 'N Stuff Taco Shells.


Snapshots from a pandemic

Since identifying the novel coronavirus and COVID-19 in Wuhan, China in late December 2019 until press time for our April issue of SF&WB at the end of March, the virus is known to have infected over 750,000 people, tragically causing over 36,200 deaths.


Utz reveals new Mike's Hot Honey Extra Hot chips

Available now through September, the chips' fiery flavor builds off the original Utz Mike’s Hot Honey chips but with three times the heat.


Snyder's of Hanover debuts LTO Hot Honey Flavored Pretzel Pieces

The Hot Honey Flavored Pretzel Pieces combine sweet honey and spicy chili heat with a salty pretzel base.


Hot Pockets celebrates return of BBQ Recipe Beef

Made famous for its tangy and sweet BBQ sauce flavor, premium beef, and savory crust, Hot Pockets BBQ Recipe Beef is back by popular demand.


Pure Protein launches Hot 'N Spicy Cheesy Crackers

Pure Protein’s Hot ‘N Spicy Cheesy Crackers are only 130 calories and include 10 g of protein and 1 g of sugar per serving. 


Flamin' Hot revamps packaging, establishes brand of its own

Frito-Lay's Flamin’ Hot portfolio, encompassing 25 unique products, is coming together as an official brand and stepping out with a fierce new look.  


Dr. Norm’s debuts limited-edition Fiery Hot Crunch Bar

The limited-edition edible is Dr. Norm’s take on one of America’s most popular snacking obsessions.


Chips Ahoy returns Hot Cocoa flavor to shelf after 8 years

Chips Ahoy! is bringing back a flavor for the first time in 8+ years: Chips Ahoy! Hot Cocoa.


Whisps Hot & Spicy Cheese Crisps

Whisps Snacks, the company that's on a mission to put real cheese back in snacking, has announced its latest chip-inspired flavor: Hot & Spicy Cheese Crisps.


Diamond of California, Nature Nate’s Honey collaborate on new Hot Honey Snack Walnuts

The snack nuts feature California-grown walnuts coated in the sweet heat of spicy honey.


Hot flavors and cool colors: what do consumers crave in bakery and snacks?

In SF&WB’s latest webinar, a Circana market expert dives into current and emerging trends.


Kellogg uses hot trends and insights to create new products

From flavors to popular culture, what’s hot and cool are what drives new products from the Battle Creek, Mich.-based company.


Hot Stuff

As consumer demand for baked goods and snack foods changes and grows, so do bakers’ and snack producers’ equipment needs and wants. Baking
systems manufacturers are listening to their customers and introducing new or redesigned machinery that fits the bill.


Versatile fryers deliver hot products, cool savings

New fryers and oils enable bakers and snack producers to create more and better-for-you versions of the fried dough products and snacks consumers can’t live without.


AutoHot under sink crossover system

The new under sink crossover product combines the efficiency of an on-demand system, with the ease of installation of more conventional, timer-based pumps. 


IAPMO publishes Installation Standard for Residential Solar Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Systems

The 2021 USHGC is scheduled to be published in early 2021.