
**** Authorised Third Country Operators - European Union Aviation Safety Agency (rank 17)

australia qantas airways limited qantas airways limited casa.aoc.0001 aus-0004 australia revesco aviation pty ltd revesco aviation pty ltd casa.aoc.0043 aus-0008 australia skytraders pty ltd n/a casa.taaoc.0182 aus-0015 azerbaijan "asg business aviation" llc n/a aoc-002 aze-0003 azerbaijan national air carrier: "azerbaijan airlines"


***** List Operator - Eurocontrol (rank 7)

The information available via this page is to support aircraft operators and their State Authorities ensure that RVSM monitoring targets are being achieved. For further information on the context of the information please visit the EURRMA homepage . Measurement period from 01 Jan 2021 to 01 Jan 2023 Last update: 08 Jan 2023


***** Third Country Operator Certificates | Civil Aviation Authority (rank 6)

 Third Country Operators (UK- Part TCO) Requirement Regulation 452/2014 requires all Third Country Operators to hold a 'UK -Part-TCO', from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) prior to undertaking any commercial flight to, from or within the United Kingdom and associated areas.


Niclas Dürbrook: Die unbefristeten Bus-Streiks sind in der Verantwortung der Landesregierung


Serpil Midyatli: Die Günther-Regierung trägt bei der A20 eine besondere Verantwortung


Reihenfolge der Beratung der 27. Tagung


Revisiting 8 years later.

If history is going to rhyme, then I’m going to remember the prior verses. One of them was which I signed as a matter of conscience 8 years ago. I am still in strong agreement with the aims of that pledge I signed. And it is my duty to spread the word to my...


New Spring Silver: It’s Imperative

Video: Spring Silver – “It’s Imperative”

From Don’t You Think It’s Strange?, out now.

I don’t know anything about this artist but I somehow stumbled across this song and it’s too great to keep it to myself. Their little bandcamp bio says they’re from Silver Spring, Maryland and that the album was “written, performed, produced, and mixed by K Nkanza.” Well alright. What more do you need to know? They also offer thanks “to Mom for letting me record at her house.” It’s nice to see kids be grateful to their parents!

I see you all
Etched in the vertical tiles of an office building
I see you all
Trapped in the virtual squares of an application.

Sounds like somebody’s sick of zoom meetings!

Spring Silver: web, bandcamp, amazon, apple, spotify, wiki.

Read more at Glorious Noise...


Inclined Bed Therapy: Tilt your bed for healthful sleep

Inclined Bed Therapy or IBT is the brain child of Andrew Fletcher, who discovered in the 1990's that gravity actually helps to drive circulation of the sap in trees. From there, it was a short step to ask whether this was also true for animals and humans. This posed the question "why on Earth do people sleep flat?" So Andrew suggested that people slightly raise the head end of their bed and see if any changes in their health are noticeable. This is one of the numerous anecdotes ... stories of personal success people have reported after raising the head end of their bed by just five or six inches. "Over two years ago I sat in the armchair reading a small advert which asked people to raise their bed by six inches at the head and to reply and tell what benefits had been noted. (No explanation was given) At the time I could not move my neck to my left or right side and it ached continuously. I was unable to sleep at night as i could not get comfortable. I was only able to turn by gently easing myself. It took about three to four turns. Getting out of bed was a major obstacle. I needed help to dress and undress. I spent most of my nights in the chair with the result that I was always tired and had no energy. My problem is osteoporosis of the upper and lower spine. I had tried hormone replacement therapy and wasted a small fortune with bone specialists and osteopaths. I was resigned to living my days out as best I could, having been told that there was nothing more that could be done for me. I expected nothing but had nothing to lose, so Harry raised the bed by six inches. We did not take it very seriously but were happy to try anything. On the fourth night I had the first full nights sleep since I don't remember when. By the end of the week I was sleeping naturally and turning over with ease. My dressing was a problem no longer, each day it became easier. I was able to turn my head without pain, right or left, to see the clock without getting up from my chair. There have been many other benefits too. I have worn glasses from the age of seven years and I am now sixty eight years. Last year was the first time I was told that there was a small improvement. My hair appears thicker, my hair brush needs cleaning less often. Harry had a large suppurating scar since he was six years old. He has had to continually dress it all of his life. But now it has healed up. His ear which constantly gave him trouble with a discharge has now cleared up completely. We both feel that the clock has been put back for us!" Ruby, 2nd April 1998 Other such stories can be found on the Inclined Bed Therapy website and on the facebook page with the same name...


Chromotherapy in Cancer

In 2007, I posted two articles on this site suggesting that cancer had something to do with the energy mechanism of the human body. I am coming back to this through a comment on one of those articles by Viorel Bungau, a family medical doctor in Romania. The two previous articles are: Cancer and ATP: The Photon Energy Pathway Could cancer be a functional deviation of the cellular energy production mechanism that is open to correction by relatively simple means instead of a genetic mutation that is passed down through cell division? Heinrich Kremer, MD, says that this is indeed the case. His hypothesis of a photon-mediated cellular energy pathway may turn out to substantially add to our understanding of what cancer is, and why such natural substances as curcumin may be effective cancer fighting agents. Cancer: The ATP-Photon Hypothesis Could cancer be a result of the functional degradation of a cellular photon absorption pathway that is basic to the production of ATP, the cellular energy molecule? And could tumor cells merely be executing an age-old survival program they retained from the time of unicellular existence? An interesting new hypothesis of cancer causation spells out why some cells all of a sudden start dividing to form tumors, and how that urge to sustained growth could likely be 'switched off. Chromotherapy: The healing power of colors (image found here) Here (with some minor edits) is what Dr Bungau originally posted as a comment on the second article... CHROMOTHERAPY IN CANCER Dear Professor, Medical practitioner, I am passionate about cancer research. After years of study, we came to a hypothesis to be verified experimentally in collaboration with a field center. After many attempts (direct approach), no one has agreed to do this experiment. Please help make this research proposal possible. If proven true, it would change the medical approach to diagnosis and treatment of cancer and beyond. Yours sincerely, Dr.Viorel Bungau...


The Holy Spirit Pt6: The Work Of The Holy Spirit, Part 1: Conviction and Regeneration

Part 6 of our series on 'The Holy Spirit' begins our look at 'The Work Of The Holy Spirit'. The Holy Spirit is the critical prime mover in the work of redemption. He established salvation for us but now He is also the One who applies salvation to us. In the next two studies, we will see how the Holy Spirit personally works in our lives to conform us to the image of Jesus. This episode will look at the Spirit's work of 'Conviction and Regeneration'. Why not share this message, which is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • Religion & Spirituality


Helping Others To Freedom Pt1: Foundations And Considerations

Join us for 'Helping Others To Freedom', a series based on David Legge's book, 'Breaking Through Barriers to Blessing'. We will explore how we can be set free from bondages of Satan and healed from wounds of the heart. This study is for people who need set free themselves, or for those who want to be used to help others into freedom. In this introductory episode, David lays down some biblical foundations and considers how freedom ministry is something the church is commissioned by Jesus to engage in today. This message is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • Religion & Spirituality


Helping Others To Freedom Pt7: Generational Iniquity And Curse

In Part 7 of our 'Helping Others To Freedom' series, we come to the issue of 'Generational Iniquity and Curse'. Can the sins of our ancestors affect us today? Is this concept biblical? In this session, we consider what scripture teaches about the matter of generational iniquity and curse and how the death of Jesus Christ on the cross sets us free from these influences. This study is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • Religion & Spirituality


Helping Others To Freedom Pt9: Practicalities And Mysteries Of Healing And Deliverance

In Session 9 of 'Helping Others To Freedom', David addresses many practical questions that often arise around healing and deliverance, also considering some of the mysterious matters that can confuse people. This episode on 'Practicalities And Mysteries Of Healing And Deliverance' should be extremely useful for anyone engaging in prayer ministry. This session is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • Religion & Spirituality


Helping Others To Freedom Pt10: Revival And Deliverance - The Bigger Picture

In the concluding session of 'Helping Others To Freedom', we look at how the principles of personal healing and deliverance apply to whole regions, and are essentially the same principles that can prepare a region for revival awakening. This is 'Revival And Deliverance - The Bigger Picture' - God sets individuals free in order to heal and deliver the world. This session is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • Religion & Spirituality


Atender a Familias Vulnerables y Recuperar Servicios Esenciales: Prioridades en Mira Tras la DANA

La alcaldesa de Mira, Miriam Lava, ha tomado cartas en el asunto tras la devastación causada por la reciente DANA que afectó gravemente a su municipio. En un esfuerzo por mitigar el impacto sufrido por las familias vulnerables, muchas de ellas de nacionalidad rumana, Lava ha firmado un Protocolo de Colaboración en Emergencia con la […]

Artículo publicado en : Atender a Familias Vulnerables y Recuperar Servicios Esenciales: Prioridades en Mira Tras la DANA


Transformación Gastronómica: Antiguo Convento de Las Terreras en Ciudad Real Recibe 1,5 Millones en Inversión

El emblemático convento de la Inmaculada Concepción de Ciudad Real, conocido como el convento de las Terreras, se prepara para una transformación significativa que lo convertirá en un centro de interpretación dedicado a la gastronomía manchega. Esta ambiciosa iniciativa, que busca revitalizar el patrimonio cultural de la ciudad, cuenta con una inversión de 1,5 millones […]

Artículo publicado en : Transformación Gastronómica: Antiguo Convento de Las Terreras en Ciudad Real Recibe 1,5 Millones en Inversión


Ferrari remplacerait PPDA sur TF1 : "des gages donnés à Nicolas Sarkozy" ?

Canal+ a confirmé le départ de sa journaliste vedette. Cette dernière aurait été contactée par TF1 pour remplacer Patrick Poivre d'Arvor à la présentation du journal de 20h. Des commentateurs voient dans ce changement des "gages donnés" à Nicolas Sarkozy...


La visite au Br�sil de Xi Jinping renforcera davantage les liens culturels et les �changes entre les peuples

Les personnes de tous horizons engag�es en faveur de l'amiti� sino-br�silienne au Br�sil se r�jouissent de la visite du pr�sident Xi Jinping dans le pays et restent pr�tes � contribuer davantage � l'approfondissement de l'amiti� entre le Br�sil et...


Recursive WITH, part II: Hierarchical queries


In my last post, I looked at using recursive WITH to implement simple recursive algorithms in SQL. One very common use of recursion is to traverse hierarchical data. I recently wrote a series of posts on hierarchical data, using Oracle’s CONNECT BY syntax and a fun example. In this post, I’ll be revisiting the same data using recursive WITH.

There are dozens of examples of hierarchical data, from the EMP table to the Windows Registry to binary trees, but I went with something more fun: the skeleton from the old song “Dem Dry Bones”.

Toe bone connected to the foot bone
Foot bone connected to the heel bone
Heel bone connected to the ankle bone
Ankle bone connected to the shin bone
Shin bone connected to the knee bone
Knee bone connected to the thigh bone
Thigh bone connected to the hip bone
Hip bone connected to the back bone
Back bone connected to the shoulder bone
Shoulder bone connected to the neck bone
Neck bone connected to the head bone

Since every bone has only one ancestor, and there is a root bone with no ancestor, this is hierarchical data and we can stick it in a table and query it.

SELECT * FROM skeleton;
BONE                                     CONNECTED_TO_THE
---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
shoulder                                 neck
back                                     shoulder
hip                                      back
thigh                                    hip
knee                                     thigh
leg                                      knee
foot                                     heel
neck                                     head
toe                                      foot
arm                                      shoulder
wrist                                    arm
ankle                                    leg
heel                                     ankle
finger                                   wrist
a rib                                    back
b rib                                    back
c rib                                    back

You can see that I added some ribs and an arm to make the skeleton more complete!

Using Oracle’s CONNECT BY syntax:

SQL> col bone FOR a10
SQL> col connected_to_the FOR a9
SQL> col level FOR 99
SQL> col bone_tree FOR a27
SQL> col path FOR a65
SELECT bone, connected_to_the, level, 
lpad(' ',2*level, ' ') || bone AS bone_tree , 
ltrim(sys_connect_by_path(bone,'>'),'>') AS path
FROM skeleton
START WITH connected_to_the IS NULL
CONNECT BY prior bone=connected_to_the 
ORDER siblings BY 1

---------- --------- ----- --------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
head                     1   head                      head
neck       head          2     neck                    head>neck
shoulder   neck          3       shoulder              head>neck>shoulder
arm        shoulder      4         arm                 head>neck>shoulder>arm
wrist      arm           5           wrist             head>neck>shoulder>arm>wrist
finger     wrist         6             finger          head>neck>shoulder>arm>wrist>finger
back       shoulder      4         back                head>neck>shoulder>back
a rib      back          5           a rib             head>neck>shoulder>back>a rib
b rib      back          5           b rib             head>neck>shoulder>back>b rib
c rib      back          5           c rib             head>neck>shoulder>back>c rib
hip        back          5           hip               head>neck>shoulder>back>hip
thigh      hip           6             thigh           head>neck>shoulder>back>hip>thigh
knee       thigh         7               knee          head>neck>shoulder>back>hip>thigh>knee
leg        knee          8                 leg         head>neck>shoulder>back>hip>thigh>knee>leg
ankle      leg           9                   ankle     head>neck>shoulder>back>hip>thigh>knee>leg>ankle
heel       ankle        10                     heel    head>neck>shoulder>back>hip>thigh>knee>leg>ankle>heel
foot       heel         11                       foot  head>neck>shoulder>back>hip>thigh>knee>leg>ankle>heel>foot
toe        foot         12                         toe head>neck>shoulder>back>hip>thigh>knee>leg>ankle>heel>foot>toe

The above CONNECT BY query uses the LEVEL pseudocolumn and the SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH function. With recursive WITH, there’s no need for these built-ins because these values fall naturally out of the recursion.

Let’s start with the basic hierarchical query rewritten in recursive WITH.
The hierarchical relationship in our table is:
Parent(row.bone) = row.connected_to_the

WITH skellarchy (bone, parent) AS
 ( SELECT bone, connected_to_the FROM skeleton 
   WHERE bone = 'head'                         -- Start with the root
   SELECT s.bone, s.connected_to_the 
   FROM skeleton s, skellarchy r
   WHERE r.bone = s.connected_to_the           -- Parent(row.bone) = row.connected_to_the
SELECT * FROM skellarchy;

---------- ----------------------------------------
neck       head
shoulder   neck
back       shoulder
arm        shoulder
hip        back
wrist      arm
a rib      back
b rib      back
c rib      back
thigh      hip
finger     wrist
knee       thigh
leg        knee
ankle      leg
heel       ankle
foot       heel
toe        foot

Because we built up the SKELLARCHY table recursively, it’s easy to make an equivalent to the LEVEL pseudocolumn; it falls right out of the recursion:

WITH skellarchy (bone, parent, the_level) AS
 ( SELECT bone, connected_to_the, 0 FROM skeleton 
   WHERE bone = 'head'                         
   SELECT s.bone, s.connected_to_the , r.the_level + 1
   FROM skeleton s, skellarchy r
   WHERE r.bone = s.connected_to_the           
SELECT * FROM skellarchy;

---------- ---------- ----------
head                           0
neck       head                1
shoulder   neck                2
back       shoulder            3
arm        shoulder            3
hip        back                4
wrist      arm                 4
a rib      back                4
b rib      back                4
c rib      back                4
thigh      hip                 5
finger     wrist               5
knee       thigh               6
leg        knee                7
ankle      leg                 8
heel       ankle               9
foot       heel               10
toe        foot               11

and it’s also easy to build up a path from root to the current node like the “SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH” function does for CONNECT BY queries:

WITH skellarchy (bone, parent, the_level, the_path) AS
 ( SELECT bone, connected_to_the, 0, CAST(bone AS varchar2(4000)) FROM skeleton 
   WHERE bone = 'head'                         
   SELECT s.bone, s.connected_to_the , r.the_level + 1, r.the_path || '->' || s.bone
   FROM skeleton s, skellarchy r
   WHERE r.bone = s.connected_to_the           
SELECT * FROM skellarchy;

---------- ---------- --------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
head                          0 head
neck       head               1 head->neck
shoulder   neck               2 head->neck->shoulder
back       shoulder           3 head->neck->shoulder->back
arm        shoulder           3 head->neck->shoulder->arm
hip        back               4 head->neck->shoulder->back->hip
wrist      arm                4 head->neck->shoulder->arm->wrist
a rib      back               4 head->neck->shoulder->back->a rib
b rib      back               4 head->neck->shoulder->back->b rib
c rib      back               4 head->neck->shoulder->back->c rib
thigh      hip                5 head->neck->shoulder->back->hip->thigh
finger     wrist              5 head->neck->shoulder->arm->wrist->finger
knee       thigh              6 head->neck->shoulder->back->hip->thigh->knee
leg        knee               7 head->neck->shoulder->back->hip->thigh->knee->leg
ankle      leg                8 head->neck->shoulder->back->hip->thigh->knee->leg->ankle
heel       ankle              9 head->neck->shoulder->back->hip->thigh->knee->leg->ankle->heel
foot       heel              10 head->neck->shoulder->back->hip->thigh->knee->leg->ankle->heel->foot
toe        foot              11 head->neck->shoulder->back->hip->thigh->knee->leg->ankle->heel->foot->toe

and we can use our generated the_level column to make a nice display just as we used the level pseudocolumn with CONNECT BY:

WITH skellarchy (bone, parent, the_level) AS
 ( SELECT bone, connected_to_the, 0  FROM skeleton 
   WHERE bone = 'head'                         
   SELECT s.bone, s.connected_to_the , r.the_level + 1
   FROM skeleton s, skellarchy r
   WHERE r.bone = s.connected_to_the           
SELECT lpad(' ',2*the_level, ' ') || bone AS bone_tree FROM skellarchy;

        a rib
        b rib
        c rib

Now, the bones are coming out in a bit of a funny order for a skeleton. Instead of this:

        a rib
        b rib
        c rib

I want to see this:

        a rib
        b rib
        c rib

The rows are coming out in BREADTH FIRST ordering – meaning all siblings of ‘shoulder’ are printed before any children of ‘shoulder’. But I want to see them in DEPTH FIRST: going from shoulder to finger before we start on the backbone.

WITH skellarchy (bone, parent, the_level) AS
 ( SELECT bone, connected_to_the, 0  FROM skeleton 
   WHERE bone = 'head'                         
   SELECT s.bone, s.connected_to_the , r.the_level + 1
   FROM skeleton s, skellarchy r
   WHERE r.bone = s.connected_to_the           
SELECT lpad(' ',2*the_level, ' ') || bone AS bone_tree FROM skellarchy
ORDER BY bone_order;

        a rib
        b rib
        c rib

And now the result looks more like a proper skeleton.

Now on to cycles. A cycle is a loop in the hierarchical data: a row is its own ancestor. To put a cycle in the example data, I made the skeleton bend over and connect the head to the toe:

UPDATE skeleton SET connected_to_the='toe' WHERE bone='head';

And now if we try to run the query:

ERROR at line 2:
ORA-32044: cycle detected while executing recursive WITH query

With the CONNECT BY syntax, we can use CONNECT BY NOCYCLE to run a query even when cycles exist, and the pseudocolumn CONNECT_BY_IS_CYCLE to help detect cycles. For recursive WITH, Oracle provides a CYCLE clause, which is a bit more powerful as it allows us to name the column which is cycling.

WITH skellarchy (bone, parent, the_level) AS
 ( SELECT bone, connected_to_the, 0  FROM skeleton 
   WHERE bone = 'head'                         
   SELECT s.bone, s.connected_to_the , r.the_level + 1
   FROM skeleton s, skellarchy r
   WHERE r.bone = s.connected_to_the           
CYCLE bone SET is_a_cycle TO 'Y' DEFAULT 'N'
SELECT lpad(' ',2*the_level, ' ') || bone AS bone_tree, is_a_cycle FROM skellarchy
--where is_a_cycle='N'
ORDER BY bone_order;

BONE_TREE                                                    I
------------------------------------------------------------ -
head                                                         N
  neck                                                       N
    shoulder                                                 N
      arm                                                    N
        wrist                                                N
          finger                                             N
      back                                                   N
        a rib                                                N
        b rib                                                N
        c rib                                                N
        hip                                                  N
          thigh                                              N
            knee                                             N
              leg                                            N
                ankle                                        N
                  heel                                       N
                    foot                                     N
                      toe                                    N
                        head                                 Y

The query runs until the first cycle is detected, then stops.

The CONNECT BY syntax does provide a nice pseudocolumn, CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF, which is 1 when a row has no further children, 0 otherwise. In my next post, I’ll look at emulating this pseudocolumn with recursive WITH.

Republished with permission. Original URL:


U.S. Can't Ban Media Coverage of New Orleans

CNN Wins the Right to Cover the Search for Bodies of Katrina Victims:

On the one hand we're fed up with government trying to sanitise the carnage. They do this not for our benefit but to minimize public outrage.

In explaining the ban, Ebbert said (the city's homeland security director), "we don't think that's proper" to let members of the media view the bodies.

But on the other hand the media want to cover it because they know that drama and horror sells.

"In an e-mail to CNN staff, CNN News Group President Jim Walton said the network filed the the lawsuit to "prohibit any agency from restricting its ability to fully and fairly cover" the hurricane victim recovery process."

And the political left want to exploit it for the "Perfect Political Storm".

Unfortunately that is the world that we live in. The public are but pawns in this political game. Either way the dead and the suffering lose.


TV-Moderator Hegseth soll Trumps Verteidigungsminister werden

Tag für Tag werden neue Namen der künftigen Trump-Regierung bekannt: Für Aufsehen sorgt jetzt, dass der rechte TV-Moderator Pete Hegseth das Verteidigungsministerium übernehmen soll. Auch Tech-Milliardär Musk bekommt einen Posten.


U.S. Federal Rating: Standard & Poor Lowers Lowers Rating of the U.S. Government from AAA to AA+

Earlier today, Standard & Poor's rating agency lowered the long-term rating of the U.S. government and federal agencies from AAA to AA+. With regard to this action, the federal banking agencies are providing the following guidance to banks, savings associations, credit unions, and bank and savings and loan holding companies (collectively, banking organizations. U.S. Federal Rating: Standard & Poor Lowers Lowers Rating of the U.S. Government from AAA to AA+


Correction: U.S. Federal Rating: Standard & Poor Lowers Rating of the U.S. Government from AAA to AA+

Earlier today, Standard & Poor's rating agency lowered the long-term rating of the U.S. government and federal agencies from AAA to AA+. With regard to this action, the federal banking agencies are providing the following guidance to banks, savings associations, credit unions, and bank and savings and loan holding companies (collectively, banking organizations. U.S. Federal Rating: Standard & Poor Lowers Lowers Rating of the U.S. Government from AAA to AA+ 


Schematic for Backup Camera?

Hello, Looking to find Schematic for the Backup camera so try to fix. Anyone? Thx

  • 4th Gen Ram -Non Drivetrain- 2010 and Up


Video: Chris Sloan's "UHF" camera prop

On the TTM YouTube Channel: my onscreen bit about the camera supplied by Chris Sloan to the RSUTV "UHF" telethon last Saturday.


TNP - Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy

Provides background on hydrogen peroxide therapy and includes guidelines on various forms of administering hydrogen peroxide therapy. Also discusses the controversy on ingesting hydrogen peroxide.


TNP - Oxygen Therapy

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Bowling Therapy Ash Grey T-Shirt

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Bowling Ash Grey T-Shirt - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's bowling. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about life is to head to the bowling alley and knockdown some pins. There's just something about rolling a bowling ball down the lane, hearing the crash of the pins as they plow into each other to release tension and stress.


Bowling Therapy Baseball Jersey

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Bowling Baseball Jersey - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's bowling. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about life is to head to the bowling alley and knockdown some pins. There's just something about rolling a bowling ball down the lane, hearing the crash of the pins as they plow into each other to release tension and stress.


Bowling Therapy BBQ Apron

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Bowling BBQ Apron - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's bowling. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about life is to head to the bowling alley and knockdown some pins. There's just something about rolling a bowling ball down the lane, hearing the crash of the pins as they plow into each other to release tension and stress.


Bowling Therapy Beer Stein

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Bowling Beer Stein - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's bowling. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about life is to head to the bowling alley and knockdown some pins. There's just something about rolling a bowling ball down the lane, hearing the crash of the pins as they plow into each other to release tension and stress.


Bowling Therapy Button

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Bowling Button - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's bowling. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about life is to head to the bowling alley and knockdown some pins. There's just something about rolling a bowling ball down the lane, hearing the crash of the pins as they plow into each other to release tension and stress.


Bowling Therapy Calendar Print

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Bowling Calendar Print - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's bowling. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about life is to head to the bowling alley and knockdown some pins. There's just something about rolling a bowling ball down the lane, hearing the crash of the pins as they plow into each other to release tension and stress.


Bowling Therapy Coffee Cup

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Bowling Coffee Mug - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's bowling. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about life is to head to the bowling alley and knockdown some pins. There's just something about rolling a bowling ball down the lane, hearing the crash of the pins as they plow into each other to release tension and stress.


Bowling Therapy Dog T-Shirt

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Bowling Dog T-Shirt - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's bowling. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about life is to head to the bowling alley and knockdown some pins. There's just something about rolling a bowling ball down the lane, hearing the crash of the pins as they plow into each other to release tension and stress.


Bowling Therapy Fitted T-Shirt

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Bowling Fitted T-Shirt - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's bowling. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about life is to head to the bowling alley and knockdown some pins. There's just something about rolling a bowling ball down the lane, hearing the crash of the pins as they plow into each other to release tension and stress.


Bowling Therapy Golf Shirt

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Bowling Golf Shirt - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's bowling. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about life is to head to the bowling alley and knockdown some pins. There's just something about rolling a bowling ball down the lane, hearing the crash of the pins as they plow into each other to release tension and stress.


Bowling Therapy Hooded Sweatshirt

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Bowling Hooded Sweatshirt - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's bowling. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about life is to head to the bowling alley and knockdown some pins. There's just something about rolling a bowling ball down the lane, hearing the crash of the pins as they plow into each other to release tension and stress.


Bowling Therapy Journal

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Bowling Journal - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's bowling. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about life is to head to the bowling alley and knockdown some pins. There's just something about rolling a bowling ball down the lane, hearing the crash of the pins as they plow into each other to release tension and stress.


Bowling Therapy Jr. Baby Doll T-Shirt

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Bowling Jr. Baby Doll T-Shirt - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's bowling. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about life is to head to the bowling alley and knockdown some pins. There's just something about rolling a bowling ball down the lane, hearing the crash of the pins as they plow into each other to release tension and stress.


Bowling Therapy Jr. Hoodie

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Bowling Jr. Hoodie - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's bowling. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about life is to head to the bowling alley and knockdown some pins. There's just something about rolling a bowling ball down the lane, hearing the crash of the pins as they plow into each other to release tension and stress.


Bowling Therapy Jr. Raglan

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Bowling Jr. Raglan - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's bowling. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about life is to head to the bowling alley and knockdown some pins. There's just something about rolling a bowling ball down the lane, hearing the crash of the pins as they plow into each other to release tension and stress.


Bowling Therapy Jr. Spaghetti Tank

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Bowling Jr. Spaghetti Tank - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's bowling. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about life is to head to the bowling alley and knockdown some pins. There's just something about rolling a bowling ball down the lane, hearing the crash of the pins as they plow into each other to release tension and stress.


Bowling Therapy Large Coffee Mug

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Bowling Large Coffee Cup - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's bowling. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about life is to head to the bowling alley and knockdown some pins. There's just something about rolling a bowling ball down the lane, hearing the crash of the pins as they plow into each other to release tension and stress.


Bowling Therapy Long Sleeve T-Shirt

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Bowling Long Sleeve T-Shirt - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's bowling. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about life is to head to the bowling alley and knockdown some pins. There's just something about rolling a bowling ball down the lane, hearing the crash of the pins as they plow into each other to release tension and stress.


Bowling Therapy Magnet

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Bowling Magnet - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's bowling. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about life is to head to the bowling alley and knockdown some pins. There's just something about rolling a bowling ball down the lane, hearing the crash of the pins as they plow into each other to release tension and stress.


Bowling Therapy Men's Sleeveless Tee

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Bowling Men's Sleeveless Tee - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's bowling. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about life is to head to the bowling alley and knockdown some pins. There's just something about rolling a bowling ball down the lane, hearing the crash of the pins as they plow into each other to release tension and stress.


Bowling Therapy Messenger Bag

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Bowling Messenger Bag - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's bowling. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about life is to head to the bowling alley and knockdown some pins. There's just something about rolling a bowling ball down the lane, hearing the crash of the pins as they plow into each other to release tension and stress.


Bowling Therapy Mousepad

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Bowling Mousepad - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's bowling. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about life is to head to the bowling alley and knockdown some pins. There's just something about rolling a bowling ball down the lane, hearing the crash of the pins as they plow into each other to release tension and stress.