
2 Hamilton men charged with 1st-degree murder in Brampton teen's death on New Year's Eve

Two additional men have been charged with first-degree murder in the death of a 17-year-old Brampton boy shot and killed on New Year's Eve.

  • News/Canada/Toronto


Flurries, rain showers possible for Hamilton Friday and tomorrow.

Flurries or rain showers are in the forecast for Hamilton on Friday, Environment Canada says.

  • News/Canada/Hamilton


Hamilton couple face drug trafficking charges after search warrant executed on their home

A search warrant executed by Hamilton police vice and drugs officers at an address in the city’s east end has resulted in the arrest of a couple and multiple charges, police said in a Friday release.

  • News/Canada/Hamilton


Normal life is slowly returning in Hamilton, city says now it's up to the public

Normal life is slowly resuming as the city of Hamilton begins to relax tight measures set in place because of COVID-19. Mayor Fred Eisenberger said now it's up to the public to help the city move in the right direction by continuing to stay two metres apart from each other and be cautious.

  • News/Canada/Hamilton


The Malagasy church takes up the baton

The vision of OM Madagascar is to partner with the Malagasy Church in every ministry. This vision is being realised in Manakara.


Developments in Washington

By Maureen Ferguson

One can be forgiven for thinking all of Washington, D.C., has been consumed by impeachment frenzy these past weeks. Look closer, though, and you’ll see that while Trump administration lawyers have been tied down by the Senate trial, other administration officials have been engaged in a flurry of policy making. These new policies have gone largely unnoticed, but they are of crucial – and positive – importance to all people of faith.   


The last weeks alone have witnessed sweeping developments on prayer in public schools, discrimination against religious organizations, mandatory abortion coverage in health insurance plans, and government funding of programs encouraging childbirth over abortion. Additionally, the president himself attended the March for Life, and Vice President Pence held a significant meeting with Pope Francis.


On school prayer, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos issued guidance clarifying that students do not compromise their right to pray because they attend a public school or university. The DeVos directive also ensures that religious student groups remain on equal footing with secular student groups. This is a critical response to the recent trend of universities’ disallowing any and all religious expression or association at public institutions of higher education. As DeVos stated, "Too many misinterpret a separation of church and state as an invitation for government to separate people from their faith."


Public colleges and universities won’t be able to get away with this any longer, thanks to the Trump Administration. The DeVos directive reaffirms the First Amendment right of students to express religious beliefs in their schoolwork as well as to gather to pray at appropriate times. This sends a strong message to school bureaucrats inclined to ban students from praying before high school football games or to defund Christian student groups at public universities.


The administration also issued far-reaching rules stating that religious and non-religious charities must be treated equally in the federal grant process. Team Trump has leveled the playing field. Religious charities will now be free to compete for federal grants to serve their fellow Americans. Not only is this a huge win for religious freedom, but it’s also a huge win for the poor and vulnerable. Because, as we know, Catholic and other religious charities are highly regarded as among best in the field of adoption and foster care, caring for victims of human trafficking, providing for the elderly and the poor, and working with refugees and other vulnerable immigrant populations. Nine federal agencies participated in this rule making. The new rule applies across the entire federal government, removing discriminatory regulatory burdens that push religious entities out of the public square – and out of public service. In short, our nation’s social safety net just got stronger.


Another significant announcement is that the administration will vigorously enforce the Weldon Amendment, a longstanding law protecting conscience rights. California has been flagrantly violating this law by forcing all health insurance plans in the state, including Catholic health plans, to cover and pay for elective abortions. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops called the policy “abhorrent, unjust and illegal… [a] supreme injustice.” The bishops welcomed the Trump administration’s action as “extraordinarily good news for the right to life, conscientious objection, religious freedom, and the rule of law.”


Moreover, the Department of Health and Human Services just came down squarely in support of state healthcare programs that recognize the sanctity of life. Texas had decided years ago that its Medicaid program would support pregnant women and their unborn children, but not abortion-promoting groups like Planned Parenthood. The Obama administration went after Texas but the Trump Administration just granted the necessary waiver supporting Texas’ pro-life policy.


That’s all policy, but it’s worth noting again what President Trump and Vice President Pence have been doing themselves. Trump addressed the March for Life rally in person, something no other president has done. Ever. The vice president also spoke to the pro-life March via video from St. Peter’s square at the Vatican, where Pence also had an hour-long private meeting with Pope Francis. The pope and vice president reportedly had a very warm meeting in which they agreed that the cause of life is the “most pressing moral issue of our time.” They also shared their commitment to persecuted Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East. Pence talked of how proud he is that the United States has partnered with the Knight of Columbus to help rebuild Christian communities once decimated by ISIS in the Nineveh plain.


So while the media obsesses over Bolton bombshells and the McConnell vs. Schumer showdown, hardworking policy makers across the administration, empowered by the president to act, have made a significant difference in the lives of people of faith – and the children of God they serve.

  • CNA Columns: Guest Columnist


The precious stone

Former Logos Hope port volunteer Swens Wong discovers God’s creativity in his cake-baking business and uses his creations, and story, to bring God glory.


Stuart Waiton: Anti-racist witch hunts help nobody

ALASTAIR Stewart’s “resignation” is a good example of how anti-racism has moved from the streets into the boardroom. Anyone involved in anti-racist campaigns in the 1980s will remember the left wing nature of many of these campaigns.


Harrington WE, Mato S, Burroughs L, Carpenter PA, Gershon A, Schmid DS, Englund JA. Vaccine Oka Varicella Meningitis in Two Adolescents. Pediatrics. 2019;144(6):e20191522


What it feels like ... to work as creative director for Johnstons of Elgin

Alan Scott, creative director at Johnstons of Elgin


Buju Banton calls new single with John Legend 'special'

LOS ANGELES (AP) — It's been over a decade since reggae king Buju Banton and R&B star John Legend collaborated on a song, and the Grammy winners have reunited for a new track.Banton and Legend released the easy-going love song Memories on yesterday. It is the first single from Banton's upcoming album Upside Down, his first studio project since 2010's Before the Dawn.


800 Degrees, Clarkston, and Baffo, Argyle Street, Glasgow. Ron Mackenna's home delivery reviews

MY mother was known for her pizza but they were never round, not when we were growing up anyway. She would pull them from the ancient coal-fired cast iron range in the living room on long blackened oblong trays, the dough she had spent the day making puffed and undulating but always thin and super chewy.


Liam Johnston accepts the new reality for tour pros stuck at home

What do professional golfers do in this coronavirus-induced hiatus?


Coronavirus: Dumbarton police station temporarily closed after staff member showed symptoms

Dumbarton police station has temporarily closed after a member of staff showed symptoms of Covid-19.


Issue of the Day: Rolling Stones are back with a coronavirus song

The Rolling Stones have released their first new song in eight years. Unlike everything else they've done in the last three decades, it's bang up to date. It even references the coronavirus crisis.


Michael Casserly, Longstanding Urban Schools Advocate, to Pass the Baton

Michael Casserly, who has led the Council of the Great City Schools since 1992, will step down next year and become an adviser to the group.


Football manager Billy Reid follows Vinnie Jones, Eric Cantona and David Beckham as he stars in movie

FOOTBALLERS are performers, we all know that. But can they tackle a film script? Can they find the head space to turn out a tricky line on a crowded set? And what of football managers? Can they take to acting? We’ve long believed them to have the ego of an oligarch and to make the demands of a dictator. Does any of this suggest those born to kick balls around a park can turn their hand to thespianism?


Federal ELL Official Leaves for Job With Rosetta Stone

José Viana led the office of English-language acquisition since April 2017. The Education Department has not announced a successor.


Houston District Settles Lawsuit With Teachers' Union Over Value-Added Scores

The Houston school district has settled a federal lawsuit brought by the teacher's union over the school system's controversial teacher evaluation system, which involved a secret algorithm.


Hypertonic Saline and Acute Wheezing in Preschool Children

Most acute wheezing episodes in preschool children are associated with rhinovirus, which decreases extracellular adenosine triphosphate levels, leading to airway surface liquid dehydration and submucosal edema, which cause failure of mucus clearance. These children respond poorly to available treatments.

Hypertonic saline inhalation, a pro–airway surface liquid hydration therapy, significantly decreases both length of stay by 33% (1 day) and the absolute risk of hospitalization by 30% in preschool children presenting with acute wheezing episode to the emergency department. (Read the full article)


Serotonin Transporter Role in Identifying Similarities Between SIDS and Idiopathic ALTE

Literature about polymorphic expression of an apparent life-threatening event (ALTE), particularly that concerning discrimination between ALTE with evident cause and idiopathic ALTE, is scarce. Relationships between SIDS and ALTEs have been supposed but data are still controversial and no genetic data are available.

Genetic analysis (5HTT and MAOA) on ALTEs and idiopathic ALTEs discriminated the 2 syndromes and found a link between the idiopathic form and SIDS. Consequently, we hypothesized that the 2 latter syndromes could be different phenotype expressions of a common genetic base. (Read the full article)


Cerebral Palsy and Neonatal Death in Term Singletons Born Small for Gestational Age

Children born small for gestational age (SGA) have increased risk of perinatal morbidity and mortality, neonatal death, and cerebral palsy (CP). Causes of SGA, such as congenital malformations, intrauterine infections, and preeclampsia, are also risk factors for the same outcomes.

In 90% of singletons born SGA, CP is apparently of prenatal origin. Low proportions of intrapartum events leading to CP could not be fully explained by a higher neonatal mortality rate in SGA than in non-SGA children. (Read the full article)


Association of Procalcitonin With Acute Pyelonephritis and Renal Scars in Pediatric UTI

Prompt, high-quality diagnosis of acute pyelonephritis and later identification of children with scarring are important to prevent future complications. Examination by dimercaptosuccinic acid scan is the current clinical gold standard but is not routinely performed.

Procalcitonin demonstrated a more robust predictive ability, compared with C-reactive protein or white blood cell count, to selectively identify both children who had acute pyelonephritis during the early stage of urinary tract infections, as well as those with late scarring. (Read the full article)


Long-term Follow-up and Outcome of Phenylketonuria Patients on Sapropterin: A Retrospective Study

Pharmacologic treatment with sapropterin dihydrochloride (6R-tetrahydrobiopterin; BH4) has been an effective option for some phenylketonuria patients since its approval by the US Food and Drug Administration in 2007 and the European Medicines Agency in 2008.

This retrospective multicenter study revealed the long-term effects of sapropterin on metabolic control, dietary tolerance, and the outcome of BH4-responsive phenylketonuria patients harboring specific phenotypes and genotypes. It also confirmed that the minor adverse events disappeared by lowering the dose. (Read the full article)


Child Exposure to Parental Violence and Psychological Distress Associated With Delayed Milestones

It has previously been shown that exposure to intimate partner violence and/or parental depression or anxiety may increase a child’s risk for specific adverse health outcomes.

By using a large pediatric primary care sample, this study examined associations of child exposure to intimate partner violence and parental psychological distress with developmental milestone attainment by analyzing their combined and separate effects while adjusting for other family factors. (Read the full article)


7% Hypertonic Saline in Acute Bronchiolitis: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Hypertonic saline (3% and 5%), has been shown to improve clinical severity scores and reduce inpatient length of stay, and was associated with a trend toward lower admission rate in acute bronchiolitis.

We are not aware of any previous data using 7% hypertonic saline in bronchiolitis. Our results suggest that 7% saline does not lower clinical severity of illness, admission rate, or length of stay, when compared with normal saline. (Read the full article)


Variation in Quality of Tonsillectomy Perioperative Care and Revisit Rates in Children's Hospitals

Tonsillectomy is one of the most commonly performed surgeries in children and is one of the most cumulatively expensive conditions in pediatric hospital care. Little is known about how the quality of tonsillectomy care varies across hospitals.

In a large cohort of low-risk children undergoing same-day tonsillectomy, there was substantial variation in quality measures of process, dexamethasone and antibiotic use, and outcome, revisits to the hospital within the first 30 days after surgery. (Read the full article)


Diagnostic and Prognostic Value of Procalcitonin and C-Reactive Protein in Malnourished Children

Biomarkers such as C-reactive protein (CRP) and procalcitonin are elevated in children with severe bacterial infections. Children with severe malnutrition are at increased risk of bacterial infections and early markers for the diagnosis of infection in these children are needed.

Despite elevated values in severely malnourished children with invasive bacterial infection or infectious diarrhea, CRP and procalcitonin have limited diagnostic value. CRP could predict death in these children with a good negative predictive value. (Read the full article)


Adjustment Among Area Youth After the Boston Marathon Bombing and Subsequent Manhunt

Research in the aftermath of large-scale terrorist attacks shows that exposed children experience numerous negative psychological sequelae, including increased emotional difficulties, posttraumatic stress, and significant attack-related life disruptions.

Most research on terrorism-exposed youth examines large-scale terrorism. Limited work examines reactions to terrorism of the scope of the marathon attack, and the extraordinary manhunt and shelter-in-place warning was an unprecedented experience. Understanding adjustment after these events is critical. (Read the full article)


Atopic Dermatitis, Melatonin, and Sleep Disturbance

Sleep disturbance affects 47% to 60% of children with atopic dermatitis and is a leading cause of impaired quality of life for the patients and their family.

Sleep disturbance in children with atopic dermatitis can be predicted by a Scoring Atopic Dermatitis index of ≥48.7, and lower nocturnal melatonin secretion might play a role in the pathophysiology. (Read the full article)


Growth After Adenotonsillectomy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea: An RCT

Growth failure has been frequently reported in children who have obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) owing to adenotonsillar hypertrophy. Adenotonsillectomy (AT) has been reported to accelerate weight gain in children who have OSAS in nonrandomized uncontrolled studies.

This randomized controlled trial of AT for pediatric OSAS demonstrated significantly greater weight increases 7 months after AT in all weight categories. AT normalizes weight in children who have failure to thrive, but increases risk for obesity in overweight children. (Read the full article)


Impact of a Pertussis Epidemic on Infant Vaccination in Washington State

It is thought that vaccination coverage increases during and immediately after an infectious disease epidemic; however, little evidence exists to support this phenomenon.

The 2011 to 2012 pertussis epidemic did not significantly change the proportion of infants in Washington State who were up to date for pertussis-containing vaccines. This finding may challenge conventional wisdom that vaccine acceptance uniformly increases when risk of disease is high. (Read the full article)


Use of and Regional Variation in Initial CT Imaging for Kidney Stones

Professional organizations recommend ultrasound as the initial diagnostic imaging modality for children with suspected nephrolithiasis. Computed tomography utilization for children with nephrolithiasis treated at freestanding children’s hospitals is common and varies substantially by hospital.

The high prevalence and regional variability of CT as the first imaging study for children with nephrolithiasis who presented to emergency departments, outpatient clinics, and hospitals throughout the United States indicate that current imaging practices deviate substantially from guidelines. (Read the full article)


Quality of Life and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Symptoms After Pediatric Adenotonsillectomy

Pediatric obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) has been associated with decreased health-related quality of life (QoL). Observational studies suggest that adenotonsillectomy for pediatric OSAS improves QoL, but these studies did not use a randomized study design or a control group of children with OSAS managed nonsurgically.

A prospective, randomized controlled study of adenotonsillectomy for pediatric OSAS showed significantly greater QoL and symptom improvements in children undergoing adenotonsillectomy than in the nonsurgical control arm. The extent of improvement was not appreciably influenced by baseline OSAS severity or obesity. (Read the full article)


Morphine or Ibuprofen for Post-Tonsillectomy Analgesia: A Randomized Trial

Sleep apnea is a common condition in childhood, mainly managed by tonsillectomy. Codeine was recently contraindicated for pain management after surgery. Controversy exists regarding the safety and effectiveness of alternative medications, morphine, and ibuprofen.

Our findings suggest that ibuprofen does not increase tonsillar bleeding and in combination with acetaminophen is effective for pain management after tonsillectomy. Furthermore, standard morphine doses increased postoperative respiratory events and were not safe in all children. (Read the full article)


Tdap Vaccine Effectiveness in Adolescents During the 2012 Washington State Pertussis Epidemic

Although waning immunity with the childhood pertussis vaccination series has been reported, there are limited data on duration of protection of the adolescent pertussis vaccine (Tdap), especially among those who have received only acellular vaccines.

This study reports that protection from Tdap wanes substantially 2 to 4 years after vaccination among adolescents who received all acellular vaccines during childhood. This waning protection is likely contributing to the increase in adolescent pertussis. (Read the full article)


Association of National Guidelines With Tonsillectomy Perioperative Care and Outcomes

Tonsillectomy guidelines make evidence-based recommendations for the perioperative use of dexamethasone, no routine use of antibiotics, and discharge education of families and for surgeons to monitor bleeding complication rates. The impact of the guidelines on processes and outcomes is unknown.

The guidelines were associated with improvement in perioperative care processes but no improvement in outcomes. Perioperative dexamethasone use increased slightly, and antibiotic use decreased substantially. Bleeding rates were stable, but revisit rates for complications increased because of revisits for pain. (Read the full article)


Outcome of Patients Initiating Chronic Peritoneal Dialysis During the First Year of Life

Historically, children with end-stage renal disease who initiated chronic dialysis during the first year of life were far less likely to survive or successfully receive a kidney transplant compared with those who initiated chronic dialysis at older ages.

In recent years, survival has improved markedly among children who initiate chronic peritoneal dialysis at <1 year of age. Among those infants who initiate dialysis after the neonatal period and later undergo kidney transplantation, graft survival has improved as well. (Read the full article)


Status update on Abington, Brandywine and Great Valley campuses

With Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf’s March 25 “Stay at Home” order, Penn State is updating the status of its Abington, Brandywine and Great Valley campuses.


The Boston Public Schools Innovation Incubator

Boston Public Schools is turning innovative ideas into action through a new professional development network.


Hacking the Boston Public Schools' Innovation Incubator

The planning team of the district's Innovation Incubator applied the same hacking mindset taught in the professional-development program to improve the program itself.


Rock 'n' roll pioneer Little Richard dies at age 87: Rolling Stone

Source: - Saturday, May 09, 2020
Little Richard, the self-proclaimed "architect of rock 'n' roll" who built his ground-breaking sound with a boiling blend of boogie-woogie, rhythm and blues and gospel, died on Saturday at the age of 87, Rolling Stone magazine reported.

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A histone methyltransferase inhibitor can reverse epigenetically acquired drug resistance in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum [Mechanisms of Resistance]

Malaria parasites invade and replicate within red blood cells (RBCs), extensively modifying their structure and gaining access to the extracellular environment by placing the plasmodial surface anion channel (PSAC) into the RBC membrane. Expression of members of the cytoadherence linked antigen gene 3 (clag3) family is required for PSAC activity, a process that is regulated epigenetically. PSAC is a well-established route of uptake for large, hydrophilic antimalarial compounds and parasites can acquire resistance by silencing clag3 gene expression, thereby reducing drug uptake. We found that exposure to sub-IC50 concentrations of the histone methyltransferase inhibitor chaetocin caused substantial changes in both clag3 gene expression and RBC permeability, reversing acquired resistance to the antimalarial compound blasticidin S that is transported through PSAC. Chaetocin treatment also altered progression of parasites through their replicative cycle, presumably by changing their ability to modify chromatin appropriately to enable DNA replication. These results indicate that targeting histone modifiers could represent a novel tool for reversing epigenetically acquired drug resistance in P. falciparum.


Performance of the Modified Boston and Philadelphia Criteria for Invasive Bacterial Infections


The ability of the decades-old Boston and Philadelphia criteria to accurately identify infants at low risk for serious bacterial infections has not been recently reevaluated.


We assembled a multicenter cohort of infants 29 to 60 days of age who had cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and blood cultures obtained. We report the performance of the modified Boston criteria (peripheral white blood cell count [WBC] ≥20 000 cells per mm3, CSF WBC ≥10 cells per mm3, and urinalysis with >10 WBC per high-power field or positive urine dip result) and modified Philadelphia criteria (peripheral WBC ≥15 000 cells per mm3, CSF WBC ≥8 cells per mm3, positive CSF Gram-stain result, and urinalysis with >10 WBC per high-power field or positive urine dip result) for the identification of invasive bacterial infections (IBIs). We defined IBI as bacterial meningitis (growth of pathogenic bacteria from CSF culture) or bacteremia (growth from blood culture).


We applied the modified Boston criteria to 8344 infants and the modified Philadelphia criteria to 8131 infants. The modified Boston criteria identified 133 of the 212 infants with IBI (sensitivity 62.7% [95% confidence interval (CI) 55.9% to 69.3%] and specificity 59.2% [95% CI 58.1% to 60.2%]), and the modified Philadelphia criteria identified 157 of the 219 infants with IBI (sensitivity 71.7% [95% CI 65.2% to 77.6%] and specificity 46.1% [95% CI 45.0% to 47.2%]). The modified Boston and Philadelphia criteria misclassified 17 of 53 (32.1%) and 13 of 56 (23.3%) infants with bacterial meningitis, respectively.


The modified Boston and Philadelphia criteria misclassified a substantial number of infants 29 to 60 days old with IBI, including those with bacterial meningitis.


Efficacy of Melatonin in Children With Postconcussive Symptoms: A Randomized Clinical Trial


Approximately 25% of children with concussion have persistent postconcussive symptoms (PPCS) with resultant significant impacts on quality of life. Melatonin has significant neuroprotective properties, and promising preclinical data suggest its potential to improve outcomes after traumatic brain injury. We hypothesized that treatment with melatonin would result in a greater decrease in PPCS symptoms when compared with a placebo.


We conducted a randomized, double-blind trial of 3 or 10 mg of melatonin compared with a placebo (NCT01874847). We included youth (ages 8–18 years) with PPCS at 4 to 6 weeks after mild traumatic brain injury. Those with significant medical or psychiatric histories or a previous concussion within the last 3 months were excluded. The primary outcome was change in the total youth self-reported Post-Concussion Symptom Inventory score measured after 28 days of treatment. Secondary outcomes included change in health-related quality of life, cognition, and sleep.


Ninety-nine children (mean age: 13.8 years; SD = 2.6 years; 58% girls) were randomly assigned. Symptoms improved over time with a median Post-Concussion Symptom Inventory change score of –21 (95% confidence interval [CI]: –16 to –27). There was no significant effect of melatonin when compared with a placebo in the intention-to-treat analysis (3 mg melatonin, –2 [95% CI: –13 to 6]; 10 mg melatonin, 4 [95% CI: –7 to 14]). No significant group differences in secondary outcomes were observed. Side effects were mild and similar to the placebo.


Children with PPCS had significant impairment in their quality of life. Seventy-eight percent demonstrated significant recovery between 1 and 3 months postinjury. This clinical trial does not support the use of melatonin for the treatment of pediatric PPCS.


New Penn State Hazleton scholarship supports students in STEM

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