
Kate Middleton, Prince William make sweet change to their social media accounts

The profile photo on the Kensington Royal Twitter and Instagram pages was changed to an image of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their children


Miley Cyrus was shunned by Disney after sudden shift in public image

Miley Cyrus shot to fame courtesy of Disney’s Hannah Montana


India's lavish weddings go online in lockdown

NEW DELHI: Under lockdown and far apart, Sushen Dang and Keerti Narang went online to say their marriage vows -- and pulled off a spectacular Indian wedding complete with thousands of guests and raucous Bollywood dancing.In a country famous for lavish weddings that last for days, the young couple...


India's lavish weddings go online amid lockdown

NEW DELHI: Under lockdown and far apart, Sushen Dang and Keerti Narang went online to say their marriage vows — and pulled off a spectacular Indian wedding complete with thousands of guests and raucous Bollywood dancing.In a country famous for lavish weddings that last for days, the young...


India's lavish weddings go online in virus lockdown

NEW DELHI: Under lockdown and far apart, Sushen Dang and Keerti Narang went online to say their marriage vows – and pulled off a spectacular Indian wedding complete with thousands of guests and raucous Bollywood dancing.In a country famous for lavish weddings that last for days, the young...


Taking ownership: Better data is needed on women’s assets in Asia -- by Kaushal Joshi, Mildred Addawe, Arturo Martinez

Collecting sex-disaggregated data on asset ownership is an important step in achieving gender equality and empowerment of women and girls in Asia and the Pacific.


Hungry for solutions -- by Akmal Siddiq, Md. Abul Basher

Despite decreases in hunger due to economic growth, millions in Asia remain malnourished and without direct action the situation could get worse.


We need to get 'climate-smart' to enhance food security in Asia -- by Akmal Siddiq, Md. Abul Basher

Climate-smart and resource-saving farming technologies could be one way to address hunger in Asia.


Finding the right balance in food production -- by Akmal Siddiq, Md. Abul Basher

The transmission channels of perishables like fruits and vegetables from producers to consumers in developing countries need a revamp to provide benefits to all involved.


Staying healthy and happy in Bhutan -- by Sungsup Ra, Rajesh Poddar, Sonalini Khetrapal

Bhutan is using an innovative financing system to ensure its citizens have access to quality affordable health care.


Leveling the playing field: Can digital technologies address inequity in cities? -- by Bambang Susantono

Throughout Asia and the world, digital solutions are being found for urban problems. Policymakers and city leaders should ensure that the poor do not get left behind in this digital transformation of cities.


In the Pacific, urgent action is the key to addressing COVID-19 -- by Emma Veve

Pacific nations, led by the smallest and least well-off, moved decisively to restrict travel from a fast-growing list of COVID-19 affected countries.


COVID-19 highlights the need for safe, nutritious, and affordable food -- by Akmal Siddiq

Hunger and malnutrition were an increasing problem worldwide before the pandemic. Restrictions imposed to curb disease spread have disrupted local and international food supply chains, making the problem even more urgent.


COVID-19 подчеркивает необходимость безопасной, питательной и доступной еды -- by Akmal Siddiq

До начала пандемии голод и неправильное питание становились все более серьезной проблемой во всем мире. Ограничения, введенные для обуздания распространения болезни, разрушили местные и международные цепочки поставок продовольствия, что делает проблему еще более актуальной.


Samsung Chief Apologizes for Succession Fiddle

Samsung chief Lee Jae-yong apologized on Wednesday for a massive fiddle that allowed him to take over leadership of the publicly traded conglomerate from his ailing father.Without offering to surrender his own position, Lee promised to end the hereditary transfer of leadership at some point in the f...


Microchip Announces Industry’s First Space-Qualified COTS-Based Radiation-Tolerant Ethernet Transceiver and Embedded Microcontroller

Microchip Announces Industry’s First Space-Qualified COTS-Based Radiation-Tolerant Ethernet Transceiver and Embedded Microcontroller


Next-Generation Miniaturized Rubidium Atomic Clock Improves Performance and adds Features without Increasing Size

Next-Generation Miniaturized Rubidium Atomic Clock Improves Performance and adds Features without Increasing Size


Enabling Cloud Connectivity to All MCUs and MPUs, Microchip Launches a Range of Embedded IoT Solutions for Rapid Prototyping

Enabling Cloud Connectivity to All MCUs and MPUs, Microchip Launches a Range of Embedded IoT Solutions for Rapid Prototyping


What are Bidding-Related Complaints?

This video explains Bidding Related Complaints, when they can occur in the procurement cycle, and why it is important for borrowers to address them in a timely manner.


SST and UMC Announce Qualification of Embedded SuperFlash® Technology on 40 nm CMOS Process

SST and UMC Announce Qualification of Embedded SuperFlash® Technology on 40 nm CMOS Process


SST and SK hynix system ic Partner to Expand Availability of Embedded SuperFlash Technology

SST and SK hynix system ic Partner to Expand Availability of Embedded SuperFlash Technology


SST Announces Automotive Grade 1 Qualification of Embedded SuperFlash® Memory on UMC’s 55 nm Platform

SST Announces Automotive Grade 1 Qualification of Embedded SuperFlash® Memory on UMC’s 55 nm Platform


Enhancing System Architecture Implementation for AI Applications, Microchip Delivers its Analog Embedded SuperFlash® Technology

Enhancing System Architecture Implementation for AI Applications, Microchip Delivers its Analog Embedded SuperFlash® Technology


Addressing Gaps in HIV Prevention in the Greater Mekong Subregion

ADB's $5 million HIV/AIDS prevention project for the Greater Mekong Subregion helped the Lao PDR and Viet Nam reach high risk and vulnerable people in border region economic corridors.


MEC152x Keyboard and Embedded Controller for Notebook PC

MEC152x Keyboard and Embedded Controller for Notebook PC


Community Vegetable Farming for Livelihood Improvement - Additional Financing

Approved project 50278-002 in Mongolia.


Social Protection Support Project (Second Additional Financing)

Approved project 43407-017 in Philippines.


Fifth Health Sector Development Project (Emergency Assistance Loan for Additional Financing)

Approved project 45009-003 in Mongolia.


Loan No. 3255-NEP: Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project - Additional Financing [KUKL//DNI/W/02/21 B]


HARMAN Adds a Whole New Dimension to its Experience Store in Munich

With the opening of its Luxury Audio Studio, HARMAN is building on the success of its Experience Store in Munich and creating a whole new dimension of experiential excellence. Dedicated to the Art of Listening, the new Luxury Studio celebrates and...


The paradoxes of Zen Buddhism could help us grasp fundamental physics

If you're struggling to understand the mysteries of quantum physics and relativity, you need all the help you can get – even borrowing Buddhist mysticism, shows a new book


Baffling maths riddle that looks like a pile of worms almost solved

The Collatz conjecture is simple to state but has baffled mathematicians for 80 years. But a man dubbed the 'Mozart of maths' has now almost proved it


Physicists see new hints of a fifth force of nature hidden in helium

A 2016 experiment pointed towards the existence of an undiscovered force of nature. Now researchers say they've seen a second sign


Lincoln Motor Company Adds Premium Sound of Revel Audio Systems to Its Luxury Vehicles

DEARBORN, MI – The Lincoln Motor Company announced an exclusive 10-year collaboration with Revel® that will add the premium loudspeaker brand to Lincoln vehicles. The pairing will make Lincoln the only automotive brand to offer Revel audio systems.


The odd history of the mulberry tree's ties to silk, music and money

Mulberry, a book celebrating the marvellous tree, goes beyond its ancient links to silk production to explore its role in everything from the oldest banknotes to modern drugs


Zombieland: The vast world of hidden microbes miles beneath your feet

No matter how deep we dig, life has always found a way to survive. The remarkable story of these impossible microbes can teach us about how life evolved


The hidden cities revealed by lasers

Through the jungle, airborne lasers have spotted ruins of long-lost ancient civilisations in Asia. Archaeologist Damian Evans reveals all.


Huge hidden canyon under Greenland ice sheet may have flowing water

A valley longer than the Grand Canyon hidden beneath the Greenland ice sheet may carry running water. How quickly it flows may affect how the ice melts


Aerial photographs reveal odd and beautiful glimpses of our planet

Corners of unexpected planetary beauty are revealed in these stunning images on display in The Elevated Eye at Forest Lawn Museum, California


Tories and Labour 'peddling fantasies', says Blair

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair argued that the two major UK parties, Conservative and Labour, are 'peddling fantasies' ahead of the upcoming election.


Deep and crisp and living: How snow sustains amazing hidden life

Snow may look pristine but even the freshly fallen variety is teeming with microscopic life. This vast and mysterious ecosystem could have a big impact on Earth


I help people who are addicted to the internet wean themselves off

Can you really be addicted to your smartphone? Daria Kuss has shown that it is only a problem for a small number of people - and she knows how to help


Middle Ear Infection (Otitis Media)

Title: Middle Ear Infection (Otitis Media)
Category: Diseases and Conditions
Created: 12/31/1997 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 10/22/2019 12:00:00 AM


Feather Bedding Caused Man's Serious Respiratory Condition

Title: Feather Bedding Caused Man's Serious Respiratory Condition
Category: Health News
Created: 11/19/2019 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 11/19/2019 12:00:00 AM


DDoS attacks in Q1 2020

Since the beginning of 2020, due to the COVID-2019 pandemic, life has shifted almost entirely to the Web. This is reflected in the goals of recent DDoS attacks, with the most targeted resources in Q1 being websites of medical organizations, delivery services, and gaming and educational platforms.


New Drug Fails to Improve Odds for Heart Failure Patients

Title: New Drug Fails to Improve Odds for Heart Failure Patients
Category: Health News
Created: 5/2/2007 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 5/2/2007 12:00:00 AM


1 in 4 Toddlers Improperly Vaccinated

Title: 1 in 4 Toddlers Improperly Vaccinated
Category: Health News
Created: 4/30/2008 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 4/30/2008 12:00:00 AM


One Sigmoidoscopy Boosts Colon Cancer Survival Odds

Title: One Sigmoidoscopy Boosts Colon Cancer Survival Odds
Category: Health News
Created: 4/27/2010 8:10:00 PM
Last Editorial Review: 4/28/2010 12:00:00 AM


Adding Surgery to Meds May Improve Life With Parkinson's

Title: Adding Surgery to Meds May Improve Life With Parkinson's
Category: Health News
Created: 4/29/2010 8:10:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 4/29/2010 12:00:00 AM


Heart Test Spots Sudden Death Risk in Young Athletes

Title: Heart Test Spots Sudden Death Risk in Young Athletes
Category: Health News
Created: 4/27/2012 2:05:00 PM
Last Editorial Review: 4/30/2012 12:00:00 AM