
U.S. Can't Ban Media Coverage of New Orleans

CNN Wins the Right to Cover the Search for Bodies of Katrina Victims:

On the one hand we're fed up with government trying to sanitise the carnage. They do this not for our benefit but to minimize public outrage.

In explaining the ban, Ebbert said (the city's homeland security director), "we don't think that's proper" to let members of the media view the bodies.

But on the other hand the media want to cover it because they know that drama and horror sells.

"In an e-mail to CNN staff, CNN News Group President Jim Walton said the network filed the the lawsuit to "prohibit any agency from restricting its ability to fully and fairly cover" the hurricane victim recovery process."

And the political left want to exploit it for the "Perfect Political Storm".

Unfortunately that is the world that we live in. The public are but pawns in this political game. Either way the dead and the suffering lose.


FeedBlitz eMail Subscription Service:

We've moved our newsletter email subscription service over to FeedBlitz. Don't worry, FeedBlitz made the migration process painless, so if you already have a subscription there's nothing more you have to do. You will still receive our newsletter every day.

So why would you want to subscribe to our email newsletter? And is it safe? Read the FeedBlitz faq to find the answer.

Why the switch from Bloglet? Well, for starters Bloglet hasn't worked most of this past year. Emails go unanswered and it looks like the owner's heart isn't into maintaining it any longer. We appreciate the service all these years but it's time to move on.

FeedBurner has also partnered with FeedBlitz, and if it's good enough for them then it's good enough for me. FeedBlitz offers superior service and features, so for us the move was a no brainer.


Blog Standards Revisited (again):

"If blogs are to be taken seriously, they should live up to the standards of accountability and reliability of the mainstream media that they so deplore."

Sajan Venniyoor takes some pot-shots at the blogosphere, and much of what he says is true, at least on a superficial level. But Sajan takes the idea too far, and what he doesn't understand is the blogosphere must be kept free of legal and bureaucratic encumbrances, no different than the fundamental right of freedom of speech itself.

Sajan sez ......"In June this year, the youth magazine JAM (Just Another Magazine) ran a rather unflattering story on the Indian Institute of Planning and Management (IIPM).

...it says much about the navel-gazing quality of the virtual world that few bloggers realize that blogging is a minority interest, and that even in the wired West, it’s only when they bring down a Dan Rather that their online crusades merit serious media or public attention.

If blogs are to be taken seriously as an alternative medium, they should measure up to the standards of accountability and reliability of the mainstream media that the bloggers so deplore. Not so long ago, a fairly popular blog took pot shots at that media behemoth and everybody’s favorite target, the Times of India. The blog’s readers were much amused; the Times less so. A legal notice was duly slapped on the blogger - a perfectly valid one in this case. Discretion prevailed over valour, and the blog closed down voluntarily. There was some outcry over the strong-arm tactics of the Times, but what is significant is that no attempt was made either to defend or substantiate the hostile comments made in the blog."

Writing on the 'net is no different than writing to the local newspaper editor. It's just that the technology gives blogging a much broader reach, and does not require the blessings of an editor to decide whether or not you get published.

It is the editor of public opinion that will decide if you are read. There is nothing more democratic than that. And that is a good thing because freedom of speech has never been so powerful, or so vulnerable.

That is why we see repressive regimes like China doing its darndest to plug the blogosphere. They understand its power. But in the free world discussions about imposing standards is absurb and as dangerous as the Nazi book burnings of pre-WW11.

I can see only two possible exceptions to this. The first would be those pundits who consider themselves professional blogger/journalists who want to be taken seriously. It goes without saying they should be aspiring to the same standards of mainstream media.

After all, if you are going to compete with the big boys and want be accepted on that level then you have to play the game according to the same rules.

Secondly, sites like the daily FISK that use satire humor, and clearly state in their faqs they should not be taken seriously and read for entertainment purposes only.

Otherwise, as for the rest of the joe (or josephine) bloggers out there the wired west has to be kept free. Not since the invention of the printing press has so much power been given to so many, and it must be protected at any cost.


■ Feliz Navidad!


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