
Elements of surgery / by Robert Liston.

London : printed for Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1840.


Elements of the comparative anatomy of vertebrates / adapted from the German of Robert Wiedersheim by W. Newton Parker.

London : Macmillan, 1897.


Elements of the comparative anatomy of vertebrates / adapted from the German of Robert Wiedersheim by W. Newton Parker ; with additions by the author and translator.

London : Macmillan, 1886.


Essai statistique sur la mortalite du Canton de Geneve, pendant l'anne 1838, consideree tant en general que sous le rapport nosologique / par Marc d' Espine.

Londres : Paris, 1840.


Essai sur la semeiologie du pouls en clinique chirurgicale / par Francois Bertonnier.

Paris : G. Steinheil, 1895.


Essai sur l'appendiculite et la péritonite appendiculaire / par Émile Maurin.

Paris : G. Steinheil, 1890.


Weaving, ceramic manufactures, clothing and coiffure displayed through personifications as industrial arts applied to peace. Process print after C. Brown after F. Leighton.


A young poor Irish woman, sadly mending fishing nets or textiles outside a stone cottage, is approached by a young man; inside the cottage, a woman is spinning. Engraving after F.W. Topham.


Fruit on a dish and a tureen, with elaborate vessels, rugs, and a bas-relief of grape-pickers. Colour line block by Leighton Brothers after G. Lance.

[London?] : [Illustrated London News?], [between 1850 and 1870?]


List of ten drawings in the collection of S.Z. Langton photographed by James Mudd. Letterpress.

[Manchester] : [James Mudd], [between 1800 and 1899]


Will o' the wisp: a sprite on horseback riding through fog at night holding a flare. Mezzotint by W. Giller after D.T. Egerton.

[London], [1827?]


A young woman and a young man in the reign of King Charles II having a quarrel: they prepare to surrender each other's portrait miniature. Engraving by C. Heath, 1824, after G.S. Newton.

London (6 Seymour Place, Euston Square) : Charles Heath ; [London] (Poultry) : Robert Jennings, May 15 1827 ([London] : Printed by McQueen)


The skeleton of a horse: right side view. Line engraving with etching by A. Bell, ca. 1790.

[Edinburgh], [between 1788 and 1797]


A nakhan or diplomatic officer of the Burmese court, seated, wearing robes. Coloured etching by J.H. Newton, 1828.

London (Old Bond Street) : published by John Warren ; [London] (Ave Maria Lane) : G & W.B. Whittaker, [between 1800 and 1899]


Fifth report of the Committee on the treatment and utilization of sewage : reappointed at Brighton, 1872.

London : [Published not identified], 1874.


Report upon the Scott Moncrieff system for the bacteriological purification of sewage / by Alexander C. Houston.

[London] : Waterlow Bros. & Layton, Limited, [1893]


The storming of the Bastille, 1789. Ink drawing by R.B. Bate after H. Singleton.


Brian Whiston, Michigan State Schools Chief, Dies at 56

Brian Whiston, who was hired in 2015, set ambitious goals for the state and helped create its accountability plan under the Every Student Succeeds Act.


How to watch Tom Wilson's best games with the Washington Capitals

How to tune in to Tom Wilson's best games on Sunday.


Young men and drugs : a nationwide survey / by John A. O'Donnell, Harwin L. Voss, Richard R. Clayton, Gerald T. Slatin, Robin G. W. Room.

Rockville, Maryland : National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1976.


Drug treatment in New York City and Washington, D.C. : followup studies.

Rockville, Maryland : National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1978.


The incidence of driving under the influence of drugs, 1985 : an update of the state of knowledge / [Richard P. Compton and Theodore E. Anderson].

Springfield, Virginia : National Technical Information Service, 1985.


Policy and guidelines for the provision of needle and syringe exchange services to young people / Tom Aldridge and Andrew Preston.

[Dorchester] : Dorset Community NHS Trust, 1997.


Evaluation of the 'progress' pilot projects "from recovery into work" / by Stephen Burniston, Jo Cutter, Neil Shaw, Michael Dodd.

York : York Consulting, 2001.


Herbert Compton diaries, 17 May – 29 July 1973


Texas women's basketball coach Karen Aston dismissed

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) -- Texas dismissed women's basketball coach Karen Aston on Friday, ending an eight-year stint that included four straight trips to the NCAA Tournament Sweet 16 from 2015-2018.


Gamecocks’ Boston wins Leslie Award as nation’s best center

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) -- South Carolina freshman Aliyah Boston has won the Lisa Leslie Award given to the top center in women’s college basketball.


Kentucky women add guards Massengill, Benton as transfers

LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) -- Sophomore guards Jazmine Massengill and Robyn Benton transferred to Kentucky from Southeastern Conference rivals Wednesday.


Bill Walton joins Pac-12 Perspective to talk about Bike for Humanity

Pac-12 Networks' Yogi Roth and Ashley Adamson talk with Hall of Fame player and Pac-12 Networks talent Bill Walton during Thursday's Pac-12 Perspective podcast.


Oregon State's Aleah Goodman, Maddie Washington reflect on earning 2020 Pac-12 Sportsmanship Award

The Pac-12 Student-Athlete Advisory Committee voted to award the Oregon State women’s basketball team with the Pac-12 Sportsmanship Award for the 2019-20 season, honoring their character and sportsmanship before a rivalry game against Oregon in Jan. 2020 -- the day Kobe Bryant, his daughter, Gigi, and seven others passed away in a helicopter crash in Southern California. In the above video, Aleah Goodman and Madison Washington share how the teams came together as one in a circle of prayer before the game.


The limiting behavior of isotonic and convex regression estimators when the model is misspecified

Eunji Lim.

Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 2053--2097.

We study the asymptotic behavior of the least squares estimators when the model is possibly misspecified. We consider the setting where we wish to estimate an unknown function $f_{*}:(0,1)^{d} ightarrow mathbb{R}$ from observations $(X,Y),(X_{1},Y_{1}),cdots ,(X_{n},Y_{n})$; our estimator $hat{g}_{n}$ is the minimizer of $sum _{i=1}^{n}(Y_{i}-g(X_{i}))^{2}/n$ over $gin mathcal{G}$ for some set of functions $mathcal{G}$. We provide sufficient conditions on the metric entropy of $mathcal{G}$, under which $hat{g}_{n}$ converges to $g_{*}$ as $n ightarrow infty $, where $g_{*}$ is the minimizer of $|g-f_{*}| riangleq mathbb{E}(g(X)-f_{*}(X))^{2}$ over $gin mathcal{G}$. As corollaries of our theorem, we establish $|hat{g}_{n}-g_{*}| ightarrow 0$ as $n ightarrow infty $ when $mathcal{G}$ is the set of monotone functions or the set of convex functions. We also make a connection between the convergence rate of $|hat{g}_{n}-g_{*}|$ and the metric entropy of $mathcal{G}$. As special cases of our finding, we compute the convergence rate of $|hat{g}_{n}-g_{*}|^{2}$ when $mathcal{G}$ is the set of bounded monotone functions or the set of bounded convex functions.


Monotone least squares and isotonic quantiles

Alexandre Mösching, Lutz Dümbgen.

Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 24--49.

We consider bivariate observations $(X_{1},Y_{1}),ldots,(X_{n},Y_{n})$ such that, conditional on the $X_{i}$, the $Y_{i}$ are independent random variables. Precisely, the conditional distribution function of $Y_{i}$ equals $F_{X_{i}}$, where $(F_{x})_{x}$ is an unknown family of distribution functions. Under the sole assumption that $xmapsto F_{x}$ is isotonic with respect to stochastic order, one can estimate $(F_{x})_{x}$ in two ways: (i) For any fixed $y$ one estimates the antitonic function $xmapsto F_{x}(y)$ via nonparametric monotone least squares, replacing the responses $Y_{i}$ with the indicators $1_{[Y_{i}le y]}$. (ii) For any fixed $eta in (0,1)$ one estimates the isotonic quantile function $xmapsto F_{x}^{-1}(eta)$ via a nonparametric version of regression quantiles. We show that these two approaches are closely related, with (i) being more flexible than (ii). Then, under mild regularity conditions, we establish rates of convergence for the resulting estimators $hat{F}_{x}(y)$ and $hat{F}_{x}^{-1}(eta)$, uniformly over $(x,y)$ and $(x,eta)$ in certain rectangles as well as uniformly in $y$ or $eta$ for a fixed $x$.


Estimating piecewise monotone signals

Kentaro Minami.

Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 1508--1576.

We study the problem of estimating piecewise monotone vectors. This problem can be seen as a generalization of the isotonic regression that allows a small number of order-violating changepoints. We focus mainly on the performance of the nearly-isotonic regression proposed by Tibshirani et al. (2011). We derive risk bounds for the nearly-isotonic regression estimators that are adaptive to piecewise monotone signals. The estimator achieves a near minimax convergence rate over certain classes of piecewise monotone signals under a weak assumption. Furthermore, we present an algorithm that can be applied to the nearly-isotonic type estimators on general weighted graphs. The simulation results suggest that the nearly-isotonic regression performs as well as the ideal estimator that knows the true positions of changepoints.


The bias of isotonic regression

Ran Dai, Hyebin Song, Rina Foygel Barber, Garvesh Raskutti.

Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 801--834.

We study the bias of the isotonic regression estimator. While there is extensive work characterizing the mean squared error of the isotonic regression estimator, relatively little is known about the bias. In this paper, we provide a sharp characterization, proving that the bias scales as $O(n^{-eta /3})$ up to log factors, where $1leq eta leq 2$ is the exponent corresponding to Hölder smoothness of the underlying mean. Importantly, this result only requires a strictly monotone mean and that the noise distribution has subexponential tails, without relying on symmetric noise or other restrictive assumptions.


A primer on the characterization of the exchangeable Marshall–Olkin copula via monotone sequences

Natalia Shenkman.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 34, Number 1, 127--135.

While derivations of the characterization of the $d$-variate exchangeable Marshall–Olkin copula via $d$-monotone sequences relying on basic knowledge in probability theory exist in the literature, they contain a myriad of unnecessary relatively complicated computations. We revisit this issue and provide proofs where all undesired artefacts are removed, thereby exposing the simplicity of the characterization. In particular, we give an insightful analytical derivation of the monotonicity conditions based on the monotonicity properties of the survival probabilities.


A note on monotonicity of spatial epidemic models

Achillefs Tzioufas.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 33, Number 3, 674--684.

The epidemic process on a graph is considered for which infectious contacts occur at rate which depends on whether a susceptible is infected for the first time or not. We show that the Vasershtein coupling extends if and only if secondary infections occur at rate which is greater than that of initial ones. Nonetheless we show that, with respect to the probability of occurrence of an infinite epidemic, the said proviso may be dropped regarding the totally asymmetric process in one dimension, thus settling in the affirmative this special case of the conjecture for arbitrary graphs due to [ Ann. Appl. Probab. 13 (2003) 669–690].


Stochastic monotonicity from an Eulerian viewpoint

Davide Gabrielli, Ida Germana Minelli.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 33, Number 3, 558--585.

Stochastic monotonicity is a well-known partial order relation between probability measures defined on the same partially ordered set. Strassen theorem establishes equivalence between stochastic monotonicity and the existence of a coupling compatible with respect to the partial order. We consider the case of a countable set and introduce the class of finitely decomposable flows on a directed acyclic graph associated to the partial order. We show that a probability measure stochastically dominates another probability measure if and only if there exists a finitely decomposable flow having divergence given by the difference of the two measures. We illustrate the result with some examples.


Additive monotone regression in high and lower dimensions

Solveig Engebretsen, Ingrid K. Glad.

Source: Statistics Surveys, Volume 13, 1--51.

In numerous problems where the aim is to estimate the effect of a predictor variable on a response, one can assume a monotone relationship. For example, dose-effect models in medicine are of this type. In a multiple regression setting, additive monotone regression models assume that each predictor has a monotone effect on the response. In this paper, we present an overview and comparison of very recent frequentist methods for fitting additive monotone regression models. Three of the methods we present can be used both in the high dimensional setting, where the number of parameters $p$ exceeds the number of observations $n$, and in the classical multiple setting where $1<pleq n$. However, many of the most recent methods only apply to the classical setting. The methods are compared through simulation experiments in terms of efficiency, prediction error and variable selection properties in both settings, and they are applied to the Boston housing data. We conclude with some recommendations on when the various methods perform best.


Sequential Aggregation of Probabilistic Forecasts -- Applicaton to Wind Speed Ensemble Forecasts. (arXiv:2005.03540v1 [stat.AP])

In the field of numerical weather prediction (NWP), the probabilistic distribution of the future state of the atmosphere is sampled with Monte-Carlo-like simulations, called ensembles. These ensembles have deficiencies (such as conditional biases) that can be corrected thanks to statistical post-processing methods. Several ensembles exist and may be corrected with different statistiscal methods. A further step is to combine these raw or post-processed ensembles. The theory of prediction with expert advice allows us to build combination algorithms with theoretical guarantees on the forecast performance. This article adapts this theory to the case of probabilistic forecasts issued as step-wise cumulative distribution functions (CDF). The theory is applied to wind speed forecasting, by combining several raw or post-processed ensembles, considered as CDFs. The second goal of this study is to explore the use of two forecast performance criteria: the Continous ranked probability score (CRPS) and the Jolliffe-Primo test. Comparing the results obtained with both criteria leads to reconsidering the usual way to build skillful probabilistic forecasts, based on the minimization of the CRPS. Minimizing the CRPS does not necessarily produce reliable forecasts according to the Jolliffe-Primo test. The Jolliffe-Primo test generally selects reliable forecasts, but could lead to issuing suboptimal forecasts in terms of CRPS. It is proposed to use both criterion to achieve reliable and skillful probabilistic forecasts.


The Washington manual internship survival guide



Cotton production and uses : agronomy, crop protection, and postharvest technologies



Jamboree Begins Construction on Capstone Development to Change...

In a public-private partnership to develop housing, resident services and hope for 102 working families in Haster Orangewood community, Jamboree Housing Corporation and the City of Anaheim announce...

(PRWeb April 27, 2020)

Read the full story at


Isotonic regression in general dimensions

Qiyang Han, Tengyao Wang, Sabyasachi Chatterjee, Richard J. Samworth.

Source: The Annals of Statistics, Volume 47, Number 5, 2440--2471.

We study the least squares regression function estimator over the class of real-valued functions on $[0,1]^{d}$ that are increasing in each coordinate. For uniformly bounded signals and with a fixed, cubic lattice design, we establish that the estimator achieves the minimax rate of order $n^{-min{2/(d+2),1/d}}$ in the empirical $L_{2}$ loss, up to polylogarithmic factors. Further, we prove a sharp oracle inequality, which reveals in particular that when the true regression function is piecewise constant on $k$ hyperrectangles, the least squares estimator enjoys a faster, adaptive rate of convergence of $(k/n)^{min(1,2/d)}$, again up to polylogarithmic factors. Previous results are confined to the case $dleq2$. Finally, we establish corresponding bounds (which are new even in the case $d=2$) in the more challenging random design setting. There are two surprising features of these results: first, they demonstrate that it is possible for a global empirical risk minimisation procedure to be rate optimal up to polylogarithmic factors even when the corresponding entropy integral for the function class diverges rapidly; second, they indicate that the adaptation rate for shape-constrained estimators can be strictly worse than the parametric rate.


Stratonovich type integration with respect to fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter less than &#36;1/2&#36;

Jorge A. León.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 3, 2436--2462.

Let $B^{H}$ be a fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter $Hin (0,1/2)$ and $p:mathbb{R} ightarrow mathbb{R}$ a polynomial function. The main purpose of this paper is to introduce a Stratonovich type stochastic integral with respect to $B^{H}$, whose domain includes the process $p(B^{H})$. That is, an integral that allows us to integrate $p(B^{H})$ with respect to $B^{H}$, which does not happen with the symmetric integral given by Russo and Vallois ( Probab. Theory Related Fields 97 (1993) 403–421) in general. Towards this end, we combine the approaches utilized by León and Nualart ( Stochastic Process. Appl. 115 (2005) 481–492), and Russo and Vallois ( Probab. Theory Related Fields 97 (1993) 403–421), whose aims are to extend the domain of the divergence operator for Gaussian processes and to define some stochastic integrals, respectively. Then, we study the relation between this Stratonovich integral and the extension of the divergence operator (see León and Nualart ( Stochastic Process. Appl. 115 (2005) 481–492)), an Itô formula and the existence of a unique solution of some Stratonovich stochastic differential equations. These last results have been analyzed by Alòs, León and Nualart ( Taiwanese J. Math. 5 (2001) 609–632), where the Hurst paramert $H$ belongs to the interval $(1/4,1/2)$.


Stratonovich stochastic differential equation with irregular coefficients: Girsanov’s example revisited

Ilya Pavlyukevich, Georgiy Shevchenko.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 2, 1381--1409.

In this paper, we study the Stratonovich stochastic differential equation $mathrm{d}X=|X|^{alpha }circ mathrm{d}B$, $alpha in (-1,1)$, which has been introduced by Cherstvy et al. ( New J. Phys. 15 (2013) 083039) in the context of analysis of anomalous diffusions in heterogeneous media. We determine its weak and strong solutions, which are homogeneous strong Markov processes spending zero time at $0$: for $alpha in (0,1)$, these solutions have the form egin{equation*}X_{t}^{ heta }=((1-alpha)B_{t}^{ heta })^{1/(1-alpha )},end{equation*} where $B^{ heta }$ is the $ heta $-skew Brownian motion driven by $B$ and starting at $frac{1}{1-alpha }(X_{0})^{1-alpha }$, $ heta in [-1,1]$, and $(x)^{gamma }=|x|^{gamma }operatorname{sign}x$; for $alpha in (-1,0]$, only the case $ heta =0$ is possible. The central part of the paper consists in the proof of the existence of a quadratic covariation $[f(B^{ heta }),B]$ for a locally square integrable function $f$ and is based on the time-reversion technique for Markovian diffusions.


The Yangya Hicks : tales from the Hicks family of Yangya near Gladstone, South Australia, written from the 12th of May 1998 / by Joyce Coralie Hale (nee Hicks) (28.12.1923-17.12.2003).

Hicks (Family)


The story of Thomas & Ann Stone family : including Helping Hobart's Orphans, the King's Orphan School for Boys 1831-1836 / Alexander E.H. Stone.

King's Orphan Schools (New Town, Tas.)


Item 02: William Hilton Saunders WWI diary, 1 January 1917 - 24 October 1917


Item 04: William Hilton Saunders WWI diary, 18 February 1919 - 8 July 1919


Item 03: William Hilton Saunders WWI diary, 1 January 1918 - 31 December 1918