
The kingdom of this world / Alejo Carpentier ; translated from the Spanish by Pablo Medina

Hayden Library - PQ7389.C263 R413 2017


Poet in Spain / Federico García Lorca ; new translations by Sarah Arvio

Hayden Library - PQ6613.A763 A2 2017


Map drawn by a spy / Guillermo Cabrera Infante ; translated from the Spanish by Mark Fried

Hayden Library - PQ7389.C233 M3713 2017


The neighborhood: a novel / Mario Vargas Llosa ; translated from the Spanish by Edith Grossman

Hayden Library - PQ8498.32.A65 C49513 2018


The magician of Vienna / Sergio Pitol ; translated from the Spanish by George Henson

Hayden Library - PQ7298.26.I8 Z48 2017


The theater of revisions in the Hispanic Caribbean / Katherine Ford

Hayden Library - PQ6115.F66 2017


Fog: a novel / Miguel de Unamuno ; translated from the Spanish by Elena Barcia ; introduction by Alberto Manguel

Hayden Library - PQ6639.N3 N513 2017


The golden cockerel & other writings / Juan Rulfo ; translated from the Spanish, with an introduction and additional materials, by Douglas J. Weatherford

Hayden Library - PQ7297.R89 A2 2017


The Iliac crest / Cristina Rivera Garza ; translated from the Spanish by Sarah Booker ; afterword by Elena Poniatowska

Hayden Library - PQ7298.28.I8982 C7413 2017


Diapositivas: Transparencies / Laura Ruiz Montes ; traducción al inglés: Margaret Randall

Hayden Library - PQ7390.R84 A2 2017


Poetas del exilio español: una antología / edición de James Valender y Gabriel Rojo Leyva

Online Resource


Imperial lyric: new poetry and new subjects in early modern Spain / Leah Middlebrook

Online Resource


Discurso de la novela española contemporanea / Max Aub

Online Resource


Disabled bodies in early modern Spanish literature: prostitutes, aging women and saints / Encarnación Juárez-Almendros

Online Resource


The shape of the ruins: a novel / Juan Gabriel Vasquez ; translated from the Spanish by Anne McLean

Hayden Library - PQ8180.32.A797 F6713 2018


Mouthful of birds: stories / Samanta Schweblin ; translated from the Spanish by Megan McDowell

Hayden Library - PQ7798.29.C5388 A2 2019


Science on stage in early modern Spain / edited by Enrique García Santo-Tomás

Hayden Library - PQ6105.S35 2018


Homeland / Fernando Aramburu ; translated from the Spanish by Alfred MacAdam

Dewey Library - PQ6651.R26 P3813 2019


Berta Isla / Javier Marías ; translated from the Spanish by Margaret Jull Costa

Dewey Library - PQ6663.A7218 B4713 2019


Using Transparency to Create Accountability When School Buildings Are Closed and Tests Are Cancelled

Schools across the country have closed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and states have cancelled their spring assessments. These cancellations mark the first interruption of the annual testing cycle since the No Child Left Behind Act passed nearly 20 years ago.


Evaluation of multilingual and multi-modal information retrieval [electronic resource] : 7th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2006, Alicante, Spain, September 20-22, 2006 : revised selected papers / Carol Peters [and others] (eds.)

Berlin ; New York : Springer, 2007


Bargaining over the bomb: the successes and failures of nuclear negotiations / William Spaniel

Dewey Library - JZ5675.S686 2019


Handbook of space security: policies, applications and programs / Kai-Uwe Schrogl, editor in chief

Online Resource


Performing place in French and Italian queer documentary film: space and Proust's lieu factice / Oliver Brett

Hayden Library - PN1995.9.H55 B74 2018


Spaghetti westerns: a viewer's guide / Aliza S. Wong

Hayden Library - PN1995.9.W4 W66 2019


Hollywood goes Latin: Spanish-language cinema in Los Angeles / Edited by María Elena de las Carreras and Jan-Christopher Horak

Hayden Library - PN1995.9.H47 H65 2019


Where histories reside: India as filmed space / Priya Jaikumar

Dewey Library - PN1993.5.I8 J29 2019


Understanding Kubrick's 2001, a space odyssey: representation and interpretation / edited by James Fenwick

Hayden Library - PN1997.A22 U53 2018


Space in Romanian and Hungarian cinema / Anna Batori

Hayden Library - PN1995.9.S4 B37 2018


The encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish films / edited by Salvador Jimenez Murguía and Alex Pinar

Hayden Library - PN1993.5.S7 E539 2018


El cine de la crisis: respuestas cinematográficas a la crisis económica española en el siglo XXI / María José Hellín García, Helena Talaya Manso (eds.)

Barker Library - PN1993.5.S7 C56 2018


The supernatural sublime: the wondrous ineffability of the everyday in films from Mexico and Spain / Raúl Rodríguez-Hernández and Claudia Schaefer

Hayden Library - PN1995.9.S8 R57 2019


Transpacific attachments: sex work, media networks, and affective histories of Chineseness / Lily Wong

Hayden Library - PN1995.9.P76 W66 2018


The year we fell from space / Amy Sarig King

King, A. S. (Amy Sarig), 1970- author


Reducing Disparities: An Equity-Focused Research Agenda to Improve Children’s Well-Being

Research reveals that the earliest years of life are a critical period of human development. Early relationships and experiences have a strong influence on brain development and future health and well-being. Young children’s foundational relationships and experiences take place in the context of families and communities. Yet, low-income families—especially families of color and rural families—often do not have access to the basic necessities and resources for fostering the nurturing experiences and stimulating environments that young children need to thrive. Furthermore, policy and program silos can impede cross-functional solutions and service delivery, which are designed to holistically address the needs of children and families.


Surfactant-free synthesis of ultralong silver nanowires for endurable transparent conducting electrodes

Chem. Commun., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0CC01915A, Communication
Sian-Hong Tseng, Lian-Ming Lyu, Kai-Yuan Hsiao, Wan-Hua Ho, Ming-Yen Lu
The present study employed the surfactant-free growth of ultralong (~50 μm) silver nanowires (AgNWs) with high aspect ratio (up to 500) by galvanic replacement. AgNW conducting film were fabricated as...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Designing here/now : a global selection of objects, concepts and spaces for the future / edited by by Allan Chochinov and Eric Ludlum


Type spaces : typography in three-dimensional spaces


Big data analytics with Spark : a practitioner's guide to using Spark for large-scale data processing, machine learning, and graph analytics, and high-velocity data stream processing / Mohammed Guller

Guller, Mohammed, author


Enter culture, exit arts?: the transformation of cultural hierarchies in European newspaper culture sections, 1960--2010 / Semi Purhonen [and 5 others]

Online Resource


Society as an interaction space: a systemic approach / Hanna Lehtimäki, Petri Uusikylä, Anssi Smedlund, editors

Online Resource


Gerontechnology: second International Workshop, IWoG 2019, Cáceres, Spain, September 4-5, 2019, Revised Selected Papers / José García-Alonso, César Fonseca (eds.)

Online Resource


Archaeologies of slavery and freedom in the Caribbean: exploring the spaces in between / edited by Lynsey A. Bates, John M. Chenoweth, and James A. Delle

Hayden Library - HT1071.A73 2018


Contesting cyberspace in China: online expression and authoritarian resilience / Rongbin Han

Dewey Library - HN740.Z9 I567434 2018


Progressive new world: how settler colonialism and transpacific exchange shaped American reform / Marilyn Lake

Dewey Library - HT1523.L285 2019


Buying gay: how physique entrepreneurs sparked a movement / David K. Johnson

Hayden Library - HQ76.3.U5 J583 2019


Active learning a coarse-grained neural network model for bulk water from sparse training data

Mol. Syst. Des. Eng., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C9ME00184K, Communication
Troy D. Loeffler, Tarak K. Patra, Henry Chan, Subramanian K. R. S. Sankaranarayanan
Active learning scheme to train neural network potentials for molecular simulations.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Novel phthalocyanine-based micelles/PNIPAM composite hydrogels: spatial/temporal-controlled drug release triggered by NIR laser irradiation

New J. Chem., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0NJ01882A, Letter
Tao Jia, Lu Li, Enna Ha, Zheng Qu, Lei Shi, Tiedong Sun, Shengnan Tan, Wancheng Zhao
Near-infrared (NIR) light-responsive hydrogels hold significant potential for biomedical application, especially in remote-controlled release of anticancer drugs. Herein we report a novel NIR light responsive composite hydrogel system that undergoes...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Celebrating Muriel Spark

A volume of her essays and a collection in her honor.


Japanese tourism : spaces, places and structures / Carolin Funck and Malcolm Cooper

Funck, Carolin