
Product lifecycle management and the industry of the future: 14th IFIP WG 5.1 International Conference, PLM 2017, Seville, Spain, July 10-12, 2017, Revised selected papers / José Ríos, Alain Bernard, Abdelaziz Bouras, Sebti Foufou (eds.)

Online Resource


El mall: the spatial and class politics of shopping malls in Latin America / Arlene Dávila

Rotch Library - HF5430.6.L29 D38 2016


Street democracy: vendors, violence, and public space in late twentieth-century Mexico / Sandra C. Mendiola García

Dewey Library - HF5459.M58 M45 2017


Retail isn't dead: innovative strategies for brick and mortar retail success / Matthias Spanke

Online Resource


[ASAP] Efficient Low-Cost All-Flexible Microcavity Semitransparent Polymer Solar Cells Enabled by Polymer Flexible One-Dimensional Photonic Crystals

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c03508


[ASAP] Exploring the Parameter Space of <italic toggle="yes">p</italic>-Cresyl Sulfate Adsorption in Metal–Organic Frameworks

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c04203


[ASAP] Frequency-Domain and Spatial-Domain Reconfigurable Metasurface

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c02467


[ASAP] Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions in Hybrid Aqueous/Nonaqueous Electrolytes Enable Low-Cost and Long-Lifespan Sodium-Ion Storage

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c03423


High-Quality, High-Volume Spay and Neuter and Other Shelter Surgeries


This comprehensive reference provides veterinarians with everything they need to know about performing surgeries such as spaying and neutering in busy animal shelters. It includes surgical and anesthetic techniques, perioperative procedures, reproductive medicine, and program management regarding dogs, cats, rabbits, and other small mammals. 

With more than 550 full-color images, High-Quality, High-Volume Spay and Neuter and Other Shelter Surgeries 



Phase separation in pore-spanning membranes induced by differences in surface adhesion

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020, 22,9308-9315
DOI: 10.1039/D0CP00335B, Paper
Open Access
Jeremias Sibold, Vera E. Tewaag, Thomas Vagedes, Ingo Mey, Claudia Steinem
A porous scaffold providing different adhesion energies alters the behaviour of coexisting phases in lipid membranes considerably.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


[ASAP] Exploration of the Structural Space in 4(3<italic toggle="yes">H</italic>)-Quinazolinone Antibacterials

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.0c00153


Spacing elements

So let’s say we have a “bar” with some items inside. Like a header or footer. Let’s also say we want those items to be spaced evenly, meaning they have the same gap everywhere. Shouldn’t be a big problem. Let’s take a look:

1. Margin

We can’t just add margin: 2rem to the elements since there is no margin collapsing on the horizontal axis. And it also doesn’t work when using Flexbox. Leaving a double sized gap in between. Wishing there is something like margin: 2rem collapse; where you can enable/disable it optionally.

See the Pen Spacing elements (no collapsing) by simurai (@simurai) on CodePen.

2. Pseudo classes

Using margin: 2rem 0 2rem 2rem and then a pseudo class like :last-child { margin-right: 2rem } to add the extra margin works as long as you don’t need to hide that element with display: none. Maybe a rare case, but I’ve been running into this issue once in a while. Would be cool if there is something like :last-displayed that would ignore elements that have display:none.

See the Pen Spacing elements (pseudo) by simurai (@simurai) on CodePen.

3. Margin + padding (best)

The easiest way I think, is to add margins to all elements (like in the first example), but then also add the same value as padding to the parent element. Like this:

.Header {
  padding: 1rem;
.Header-item {
  margin: 1rem;

That way all elements are evenly spaced and you still can use display:none without having to worry about breaking it. A little flaw is that you have to keep the 2 values in sync, but if you’re using a preprocessor, it can just be a single variable. Or maybe you could use REM’s to control it with font-size from the :root.

See the Pen Spacing elements by simurai (@simurai) on CodePen.


There are more ways but I’m not aware of a simple one that also let’s you use display: none. Let me know otherwise.


A couple more options:

Hmmm.. gotta try some. I kinda like the 3rd one. Keeps it independent from the parent and is not “too” complicated.


The matter of photography in the Americas / Natalia Brizuela and Jodi Roberts ; with contributions by Lisa Blackmore, Amy Sara Carroll, Marianela D'Aprile, María Fernanda Domínguez, Heloisa Espada, Rachel Price, Diana Ruiz, Tatiane Santa Ro

Rotch Library - TR184.B75 2018


Altered views: Voluspa Jarpa / curated by Agustín Pérez Rubio

Rotch Library - N6488.I8 V433 2019 C5


Padiglione Indonesiano all Biennale di Venezia 2019 / team artistico, Syagini Ratna Wulan, Handiwirman Saputra, artisti ; Asmudjo J. Irianto, Yacobus Ari Respati, curatore

Rotch Library - N6488.I8 V433 2019 I5


The moon: from inner worlds to outer space / edited by Lærke Rydal Jørgensen and Marie Laurberg ; translations, Glen Garner, James Manley, Jane Rowley

Barker Library - NX650.M6 M663 2018


New approaches to spatial planning and design: planning, design, applications / Murat Özyavuz

Rotch Library - NK1520.O99 2019


The child poet / Homero Aridjis ; translated from the Spanish by Chloe Aridjis

Hayden Library - PQ7297.A8365 Z46 2016


Nine coins: Nueve monedas / by Carlos Pintado ; translated from Spanish by Hilary Vaughn Dobel ; with an introduction by Richard Blanco

Hayden Library - PQ7392.P58 N564 2015


Cognitive approaches to early modern Spanish literature / edited by Isabel Jaén and Julien Jacques Simon

Hayden Library - PQ6022.C64 2016


Absolute solitude: selected prose poems / Dulce María Loynaz ; translated from the Spanish by James O'Connor

Hayden Library - PQ7389.L78 A2 2016


Night prayers / Santiago Gamboa ; translated from the Spanish by Howard Curtis

Hayden Library - PQ8180.17.A395 P5413 2016


Jacob the mutant / by Mario Bellatin ; translated from the Spanish by Jacob Steinberg

Hayden Library - PQ7298.12.E4 J3313 2015


The clouds / Juan José Saer ; translated from the Spanish by Hilary Vaughn Dobel

Hayden Library - PQ7797.S22435 N813 2016


Sidewalks / Valeria Luiselli ; translated from the Spanish by Christina MacSweeney

Hayden Library - PQ7298.422.U37 P3613 2014


They were coming for him / Berta Vias Mahou ; translated from the Spanish by Cecilia Ross

Hayden Library - PQ6672.I23 V4613 2016


The year 200 / Agustín de Rojas ; translated from the Spanish by Nick Caistor and Hebe Powell

Hayden Library - PQ7390.R649 A5613 2016


Before / Carmen Boullosa ; translated from the Spanish by Peter Bush ; introduction by Phillip Lopate

Hayden Library - PQ7298.12.O76 A5813 2016


On the edge / Rafael Chirbes ; translated from the Spanish by Margaret Jull Costa ; afterword by Valerie Miles

Hayden Library - PQ6653.H6 E5313 2013


The large glass / by Mario Bellatin ; translated from the Spanish by David Shook

Hayden Library - PQ7298.12.E4 G7313 2016


The gringo champion / Aura Xilonen ; translated from the Spanish by Andrea Rosenberg

Hayden Library - PQ7298.434.I46 C3613 2017


Heretics / Leonardo Padura ; translated from the Spanish by Anna Kushner

Hayden Library - PQ7390.P32 H4713 2017


Les Poètes latino-américains et la guerre d'Espagne.

Online Resource


Le métissage culturel en Espagne / études réunies par J.-R. Aymes et S. Salaün

Online Resource


Les spectacles en espagne: 1875-1936 / Serge Salaün

Online Resource


Divorce is in the air: a novel / Gonzalo Torné ; translated from the Spanish by Megan McDowell

Hayden Library - PQ6720.O764 D5813 2016


The subsidiary / Matias Celedon ; translated from the Spanish by Samuel Rutter

Hayden Library - PQ8098.413.E45 F5513 2016


Incomparable empires: modernism and the translation of Spanish and American literature / Gayle Rogers

Hayden Library - PQ6073.M6 R636 2016


Nietzsche on his balcony: a novel / Carlos Fuentes ; translated from the Mexican Spanish by Ethan Shaskan Bumas and Alejandro Branger

Hayden Library - PQ7217.F793 F4313 2016


The great Latin American novel / Carlos Fuentes ; translated from the Spanish by Brendan Riley

Hayden Library - PQ7082.N7 F78513 2016


Exemplary novels / Miguel de Cervantes ; translated from the Spanish by Edith Grossman ; edited by Roberto González Echevarría

Hayden Library - PQ6329.A6 G76 2016


Albina and the dog-men: a fantastical novel / Alejandro Jodorowsky ; translated from the Spanish by Alfred MacAdam ; with illustrations by François Boucq

Hayden Library - PQ7298.2.O3 A6513 2016


33 revolutions / Canek Sánchez Guevara ; translated from the Spanish by Howard Curtis

Hayden Library - PQ7392.S285 A1513 2016


To begin at the beginning / Javier Marías ; translated from the Spanish by Margaret Jull Costa ; images: Wifredo Lam

Hayden Library - PQ6663.A7218 Z46 2016


Sky below: selected works / Raúl Zurita ; translated from the Spanish and with an introduction by Anna Deeny Morales

Hayden Library - PQ8098.36.U75 S59 2016


Vampire in love and other stories / Enrique Vila-Matas ; translated from the Spanish by Margaret Jull Costa

Hayden Library - PQ6672.I37 A2 2016


Multiple choice / Alejandro Zambra ; translated from the Spanish by Megan McDowell

Hayden Library - PQ8098.36.A43 F3313 2016


Bodies of summer / Martín Felipe Castagnet ; translated from the Spanish by Frances Riddle

Hayden Library - PQ7798.413.A84 C8413 2017


Thus were their faces: stories / Silvina Ocampo ; translated from the Spanish by Daniel Balderston ; introduction by Helen Oyeyemi ; preface by Jorge Luis Borges

Hayden Library - PQ7797.O293 A2 2015b


Postnational perspectives on contemporary Hispanic literature / edited by Heike Scharm and Natalia Matta Jara

Hayden Library - PQ7081.S318 2017