
Species Distribution and Comparison between EUCAST and Gradient Concentration Strips Methods for Antifungal Susceptibility Testing of 112 Aspergillus Section Nigri Isolates [Susceptibility]

Aspergillus niger, the third species responsible for invasive aspergillosis has been considered as a homogeneous species until DNA-based identification uncovered many cryptic species. These species have been recently reclassified into the Aspergillus section Nigri. However little is yet known among the section Nigri about the species distribution and the antifungal susceptibility pattern of each cryptic species. A total of 112 clinical isolates collected from 5 teaching hospitals in France and phenotypically identified as A. niger were analyzed. Identification to the species level was carried out by nucleotide sequence analysis. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations (MICs) of itraconazole, voriconazole, posaconazole, isavuconazole and amphotericin B were determined by both the EUCAST and gradient concentration strips methods. Aspergillus tubingensis (n=51, 45.5%) and A. welwitschiae (n=50, 44.6%) were the most common species while A. niger accounted for only 6.3% (n=7). The MICs of azoles drugs were higher for A. tubingensis than for A. welwitschiae. The MIC of amphotericin B was 2 mg/L or less for all isolates. Importantly, MICs determined by EUCAST showed no correlation with those determined by gradient concentration strips methods, these latter being lower than the former (Spearman's rank correlation tests ranging - depending on the antifungal agent - from 0.01 to 0.25; p>0.4). In conclusion, A. niger should be considered as a minority species in the section Nigri. The differences in MICs between species for different azoles underline the importance of accurate identification. Significant divergences in the determination of MIC between EUCAST and gradient concentration strips methods require further investigation.


Impact of vanA-positive Enterococcus faecium exhibiting diverse susceptibility phenotypes to glycopeptides on 30-day mortality of patients with a bloodstream infection [Epidemiology and Surveillance]

Introduction: This study was performed to evaluate the impacts of vanA-positivity of Enterococcus faecium (EFM) exhibiting diverse susceptibility phenotypes to glycopeptides on clinical outcomes in patients with a bloodstream infection (BSI) through a prospective, multicenter, observational study.

Methods: A total of 509 patients with an EFM BSI from eight sentinel hospitals in South Korea during a two-year period were enrolled in this study. Risk factors of the hosts and causative EFM isolates were assessed to determine associations with the 30-day mortality of EFM BSI patients via multivariable logistic regression analyses.

Results: The vanA gene was detected in 35.2% (179/509) of EFM isolates; 131 EFM isolates exhibited typical VanA phenotypes (group vanA-VanA), while the remaining 48 EFM isolates exhibited atypical phenotypes (group vanA-Atypical), including VanD (n = 43) and vancomycin-variable phenotypes (n = 5). A multivariable logistic regression indicated that vanA-positivity of causative pathogens was independently associated with the increased 30-day mortality rate in the patients with an EFM BSI; however, there was no significant difference in the survival rates between the patients of the vanA-VanA and vanA-Atypical groups (log-rank test, P = 0.904).

Conclusions: A high 30-day mortality rate was observed in patients with vanA-positive EFM BSIs, and vanA-positivity of causative EFM was an independent risk factor for early mortality irrespective of the susceptibility phenotypes to glycopeptides; thus, intensified antimicrobial stewardship is needed to improve clinical outcome of patients with vanA-positive EFM BSI.


Comparative Genomic Analysis of Third Generation Cephalosporin-Resistant Escherichia coli Harboring blaCMY-2-Positive IncI1 group, IncB/O/K/Z, and IncC Plasmids Isolated from Healthy Broilers in Japan. [Epidemiology and Surveillance]

The off-label use of third generation cephalosporin (3GC) during in ovo vaccination or vaccination of newly hatched chicks, was a common practice worldwide. CMY-2-producing Escherichia coli have been disseminated among broiler production. The objectives of this study were to determine the epidemiological linkage of blaCMY-2-positive plasmids among broilers both within and outside Japan because grandparent stock and parent stock were imported in Japan. We examined the whole genome sequences of 132 3GC-resistant E. coli isolates collected from healthy broilers during 2002-2014. The predominant 3GC-resistance gene was blaCMY-2, which was detected in the plasmids of 87 (65.9%) isolates. The main plasmid replicon types were IncI1-I (n=21; 24.1%), IncI (n=12; 13.8%), IncB/O/K/Z (n=28; 32.2%), and IncC (n=22; 25.3%). Those plasmids were subjected to gene clustering and network analyses and plasmid multi-locus sequence typing (pMLST). The chromosomal DNA of isolates was subjected to MLST and single nucleotide variant (SNV)-based phylogenetic analysis.

MLST and SNV-based phylogenetic analysis revealed high diversity of E. coli isolates. ST429 harboring blaCMY-2-positive IncB/O/K/Z was closely related to isolates from broiler in Germany harboring blaCMY-2-positive IncB/O/K/Z. pST55-IncI and pST12-IncI1-I and pST3-IncC were prevalent in western Japan. pST12-IncI1-I and pST3-IncC were closely related to those detected in E. coli isolates from chicken in American continent, whereas 26 IncB/O/K/Z were related to those in Europe. These data will be useful to reveal the whole picture of transmission of CMY-2-producing bacteria in and out of Japan.


Comparative plasma pharmacokinetics of ceftriaxone and ertapenem between normoalbuminemia, hypoalbuminemia and with albumin replacement in a sheep model. [Pharmacology]


Optimal concentrations of unbound antimicrobials are essential for maximum microbiological effect. Although hypoalbuminemia and albumin fluid resuscitation are common in critical care, the effects of different albumin concentrations on the unbound concentrations of highly protein-bound antimicrobials are not known. The aim of this study was to compare effects of different albumin states on total and unbound concentrations of ertapenem and ceftriaxone using an ovine model.



Prospective, three phase intervention observational study.


Healthy Merino sheep.


Eight sheep were subject to three experimental phases; normoalbuminemia, hypoalbuminemia using plasmapheresis and albumin replacement using a 25% albumin solution. In each phase, ceftriaxone 40 mg/kg and ertapenem 15 mg/kg were given intravenously. Blood samples were collected at pre-defined intervals and analyzed using an ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method. Pharmacokinetic parameters such as area under the curve (AUC0-24), plasma clearance (CL) and apparent volume of distribution in the terminal phase (Vd) were estimated and compared between the phases.


The protein and albumin concentrations were significantly different between phases. Hypoalbuminemia resulted in a significantly lower AUC0-24 and higher CL of total and unbound concentrations of ceftriaxone compared to the other phases. Whereas albumin replacement led to higher AUC0-24 and lower CL compared to other phases for both drugs. The Vd for total drug concentrations for both drugs were significantly lower with albumin replacement.


For highly protein-bound drugs such as ceftriaxone and ertapenem, both hypoalbuminemia and albumin replacement may affect unbound drug exposure.


The Cost of Avast's Free Antivirus: Companies Can Spy on Your Clicks

Avast is harvesting users' browser histories on the pretext that the data has been 'de-identified,' thus protecting your privacy. But the data, which is being sold to third parties, can be linked back to people's real identities, exposing every click and search they've made.


Predicting School-Aged Cognitive Impairment in Children Born Very Preterm


Children born very preterm (VPT) are at high risk of cognitive impairment that impacts their educational and social opportunities. This study examined the predictive accuracy of assessments at 2, 4, 6, and 9 years in identifying preterm children with cognitive impairment by 12 years.


We prospectively studied a regional cohort of 103 children born VPT (≤32 weeks’ gestation) and 109 children born term from birth to corrected age 12 years. Cognitive functioning was assessed by using age-appropriate, standardized measures: Bayley Scales of Infant Development, Second Edition (age 2); Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (ages 4 and 6); and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fourth Edition (ages 9 and 12).


By 12 years, children born VPT were more likely to have severe (odds ratio 3.9; 95% confidence interval 1.1–13.5) or any (odds ratio 3.2; 95% confidence interval 1.8–5.6) cognitive impairment compared with children born term. Adopting a severe cognitive impairment criterion at age 2 under-identified 44% of children born VPT with later severe impairment, whereas a more inclusive earlier criterion identified all severely affected children at 12 years. Prediction improved with age, with any delay at age 6 having the highest sensitivity (85%) and positive predictive value (66%) relative to earlier age assessments. Inclusion of family-social circumstances further improved diagnostic accuracy.


Cognitive risk prediction improves with age, with assessments at 6 years offering optimal diagnostic accuracy. Intervention for children with early mild delay may be beneficial, especially for those raised in socially disadvantaged family contexts.


Campaign Monitor

Campaign Monitor is a satisfactory marketing tool, especially with email marketing features and analytics, but it trails the competition in areas like direct online support.


Tech Company Wins Ed. Dept Award to Create Accessible Books

Benetech, a Palo Alto, Calif. based software company, is embarking on is third 5-year award with the U.S. Department of Education to create books for students with print disabilities.


Technology Has No Impact on Teaching and Learning

If we truly want educational technology to take root in schools and finally live up to the promise we've been expecting for more than a decade, schools need to develop a cadre of well-trained tech instructional coaches.


Amazon Music Unlimited vs. Spotify: How Do They Compare?

The big difference between Spotify and Amazon Music Unlimited is Amazon offers an affordable tier of service available on just one Echo device. Here's how else they differ.


Video showcases Penn State Berks’ impact on community

Watch Penn State Berks’ new video titled “One Community Impacting Many,” which showcases the depth and breadth of the college’s positive effects on the surrounding region.


Brother ADS-1250W Wireless Compact Color Desktop Scanner

The Brother ADS-1250W is a fast and accurate, no-nonsense portable document scanner for the small-business traveler.


Key to care: nurses innovate care, shape policy, impact lives

Nurses act as caregiver, adviser, confidante, educator, advocate – often all at once – and for multiple patients. Nurses also shape policies at the national level as representatives of professional organizations. During National Nurses Week, we’re celebrating the important role nurses play, now and every day of the year.


House Democrats ask 5 companies to return coronavirus aid

House Democrats are demanding that companies return federal dollars that they say were intended for smaller businesses


Biden to scale up campaign as anxiety grows ahead of general election

Former Vice President Joe Biden has approved a series of new hires that will significantly expand his campaign ahead of the general election fight with President Trump.


COVID-19 online roundtable to examine disease’s impact on international affairs

The Coronavirus and International Affairs Roundtable, taking place 9:30 a.m. Friday, April 17, via Zoom, will bring together experts in law and international affairs from Asia, Europe, the Middle East, North America, and the Caribbean to discuss the broader impact of COVID-19.


Virtual speaker series in May to focus on impact of COVID-19

The Penn State Law, Policy and Engineering initiative is hosting a virtual speaker series — titled, “Technology, Policy and Law during COVID-19” — that will consist of six sessions throughout the month of May.


Which IoT Companies Do People Most Mistrust? (Hint: Facebook)

The Internet of Things promises synergy between devices, but convenience comes at a cost: security. Users are (rightfully) wary to trust major tech companies with their information. A Google Survey poll found 48 percent of respondents distrust Facebook's involvement in IoT.


Holyrood Committee launches inquiry into equality and human rights impact of Covid-19

The detrimental impact of Covid-19 and the lockdown measures imposed on people across Scotland is to be investigated by MSPs.


Impact of Coronavirus outbreak on children and young people to be examined

The impact the Coronavirus outbreak has had on children and young people is to be explored by Holyrood’s Education and Skills Committee as it announces its work in response to the current public health crisis.


Parliament Committee to hear from leading microbiologist on the impact of COVID-19

A Scottish Parliament Committee will take evidence from a leading microbiologist, Professor Hugh Pennington, as it begins its scrutiny of the Government’s response to COVID-19.


Impact of Covid-19 on care homes to be investigated by Health and Sport Committee

Impact of Covid-19 on care homes to be investigated by Health and Sport Committee


Can a New Alliance Help VPN Companies Prove Themselves Trustworthy?

After recent confidence-eroding breaches, VPN providers are banding together to form a "trust initiative." This is the industry's much-needed chance to prove it's a safe guardian of customers' sensitive information, explains security expert Max Eddy.


Math Curriculum Company Drops Defamation Suit Against N.C. Parent

Mathematics Vision Project has dismissed the lawsuit after the surprising move the company made this summer to take legal action against one of its most vocal parent critics.


Unemployment & Slowdown: COVID-19's Impact on Divorce and Dads

Source: - Thursday, April 30, 2020


China reacts to Trump comparing virus to Pearl Harbor, 9/11 attacks

Source: - Thursday, May 07, 2020


Impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on the Criminal Justice System

Penn State researchers provide informed commentary on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the criminal justice system (CJS), focusing on its efforts to contain the spread of the virus through the three core components of the CJS — courts, corrections, and policing – as well as opportunities going forward. To read more, visit the "Insights from Experts" website — a partnership of Penn State's Social Science Research Institute and the Center for Health Care and Policy Research.


UEFA launches #PlayAnywhere campaign

A freestyle world champion stars in an incredible keepy-up video across Europe to launch UEFA's #PlayAnywhere campaign, which also features eight top women's players and 13 unique locations.


Meet Rita Ora with UEFA's 'What is Strong?' campaign

Rita Ora is offering fans an opportunity to meet her as part of UEFA's newest women's football initiative.


Famous faces back new Together #WePlayStrong TV campaign

Europe's most famous footballing families are supporting a new TV campaign by UEFA which calls on dads to encourage their daughters to play football.


The impact of education

OM brings starter schools to families in poor rural areas, benefiting both pupils and teachers in Bangladesh.

mpa | Kaap Agri holds onto cash as it braces for virus impact

The Covid-19 lockdown only had a marginal effect on the results of Kaap Agri for the interim period until the end of March 2020, the group announced on Thursday. But it opted not to pay a dividend, in the interests of managing cash flow.

mpa | Horse racing company Phumelela files for business rescue

The company has also suspended its shares from the JSE, but maintains that there is still a "reasonable prospect" of rescuing the business.


Giving your maps more visual impact!

There are many ways to add more "visual impact" to your maps. Some techniques grab the users' attention, but often don't add anything useful to the message the map is trying to convey (such as 3D tricks, or flashy/gratuitous images and infographics). I encourage you to design maps that have [...]

The post Giving your maps more visual impact! appeared first on Graphically Speaking.


International Comparisons

Several countries that consistently outperform the U.S. on the Program for International Student Assessment also have more equitable education systems, but American schools are making progress on that front.


International Comparisons

Across the 34 countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, education gives a strong return on investment for students in the workplace—unless you are a teacher.


Weather Risk Management Club stays connected, examines pandemic impacts remotely

The Weather Risk Management Club has continued meeting via Zoom during the remote learning period, carrying on their work examining the impacts of severe weather events on the economy.


Mitigating the Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic Response on At-Risk Children

mpa | Futile to compare different sectors

A perceived lack of liquidity can make creditors uneasy.

mpa | Assessing a company’s future potential

The Sustainable Growth table offers it a most intriguing set of rankings to mull.


Engage Parents by Acting With Empathy

Learning how to listen and act with empathy is radically different from assuming traditional roles of teachers as experts, John M. Holland writes.


Data Breach – 95,000 Delawareans Impacted

June 26, 2019 DOVER, DE – The Delaware Department of Insurance recently received notice of a data security breach suffered by Dominion National, an insurer and administrator of dental and vision benefits. On April 24, 2019, through its investigation of an internal alert, Dominion National discovered that servers containing enrollment data, demographic details, and personal […]


Department of Insurance Recovers Nearly $700,000 in Fines through Company Compliance Exams

Investigations result in discovery and correction of issues impacting consumers The Delaware Department of Insurance’s Market Conduct Examinations resulted in the receipt of nearly $700,000 in fines during 2019 from more than a dozen companies found to violate the Insurance Code or other related regulations. The fines are contributed to the General Fund, providing funding […]


Companies Save Over $4 Million From Reduced Workers’ Compensation Rates

Workplace Safety Program saves $7.6 million for participants The Delaware Department of Insurance has analyzed new filings from the state’s top writers of workers’ compensation insurance after announcing the third consecutive year of decreased rates in November. The top writers represent nearly 10,000 companies that hold policies within the state. Policyholders of these companies will […]


Two High-Tech Companies Taking Their Businesses to the Next Level in Delaware with Help from the Division of Small Business, Development & Tourism

A company working to make NASA spacesuits stronger and safer and another providing data to millions of drivers to help them avoid traffic jams are both growing in Delaware. Assistance from the state Division of Small Business, Development & Tourism is helping STF Technologies and TrafficCast take their businesses to the next level. “Growth in […]


New marketing campaign highlights opportunities in downtown Dover for small business owners

Dover is unlocking the potential of its historic downtown with a new marketing campaign highlighting opportunities for small business owners ready to take their business dreams to the next level. State and local officials led by Gov. John Carney; Linda Parkowski, acting director of the Delaware Division of Small Business and Dover Mayor Robin Christiansen […]


Governor Carney, Division of Small Business Award EDGE Grants to 10 Delaware Companies

Deadline for Spring 2020 EDGE Grants is February 28, 2020 WILMINGTON, Del. – A bio-based materials company, a maker of wearable medical sensors, and a bakery-café were among the 10 Delaware small businesses recognized Thursday as awardees of the second round of EDGE Grants from the state Division of Small Business. Governor John Carney, Secretary […]


It’s exciting to be part of one of the fastest-growing companies: Madhav Sheth, CEO, Realme India

As tough taskmasters, challenges have a way of helping us expand the horizons of what we believe to be possible, and put our creativity to the best use while navigating around a tense situation.


Lasting impact: Indian brands should harness power ephemeral stories

WeChat also jumped on the bandwagon recently. Its story feature, Time Capsule, allows users to upload short, time-bound videos that appear on a user’s homepage with additional features such as music, location, emojis, etc.


Why are homegrown tea companies foraying into quick-service restaurants?

Indian tea brands want a piece of this steaming hot business.