
Joseph S. Nye: U.S. and China Need a More Cooperative Security Stance

Joseph S. Nye: U.S. and China Need a More Cooperative Security Stance


Getting Smart on Pandemics: Intelligence in the Wake of COVID-19

This episode of Horns of a Dilemma touches on whether the failure to properly anticipate and warn about the novel coronavirus constitutes an intelligence failure, what changes might be required in the intelligence community in the wake of the pandemic, and what type of investigation or inquiry might be appropriate in order to learn lessons and incorporate changes for both the intelligence community and the whole of government moving forward.


To Pressure Iran, Pompeo Turns to the Deal Trump Renounced

The secretary of state is preparing an argument that the U.S. remains a participant in the Obama-era nuclear deal, with the goal of extending an arms embargo or destroying the accord.


Breaking the Ice: How France and the UK Could Reshape a Credible European Defense and Renew the Transatlantic Partnership

History is replete with irony, but rarely more poignantly than in the summer of 2016 when, on 23 June, the UK voted to leave the European Union and the next day, 24 June, the EU published its Global Strategy document asserting its ambition of “strategic autonomy.” Whither Franco-British defense cooperation in such chaotic circumstances? This paper attempts to provide the outline of an answer to that question.


Cutoff point estimation for serum vitamin D concentrations to predict cardiometabolic risk in Brazilian children


Relationship between markers of malnutrition and clinical outcomes in older adults with cancer: systematic review, narrative synthesis and meta-analysis


Comments on “The role of appetite-related hormones, adaptive thermogenesis, perceived hunger and stress in long-term weight-loss maintenance: a mixed-methods study”


A Financial Sanctions Dilemma

Over the last two decades, there has been a dramatic increase in the popularity of financial sanctions as an instrument of US foreign policy to address security threats ranging from weapons of mass destruction (WMD) proliferation and terrorism to human rights violations and transnational crime. Washington’s policymakers have prized these tools for their ability to rapidly apply pressure against foreign targets with few perceived repercussions against American business interests. The problem, however, is that Washington is ignoring a growing tension between financial sanctions designed to support economic statecraft (with non-financial goals) and those designed to protect the international financial system. Confusing the two sends mixed signals to adversaries as well as allies and undermines US credibility and commitment to upholding international banking rules and norms. If Washington cannot reconcile these competing processes, it is unlikely that future administrations will enjoy the same foreign policy levers, leaving the United States at a significant disadvantage.


After Social Distancing, a Strange Purgatory Awaits

Life right now feels very odd. And it will feel odd for months—and even years—to come.


Getting Smart on Pandemics: Intelligence in the Wake of COVID-19

This episode of Horns of a Dilemma touches on whether the failure to properly anticipate and warn about the novel coronavirus constitutes an intelligence failure, what changes might be required in the intelligence community in the wake of the pandemic, and what type of investigation or inquiry might be appropriate in order to learn lessons and incorporate changes for both the intelligence community and the whole of government moving forward.


Factoring Pandemic Risks into Financial Modelling

Today’s economic crisis leaves us with an unsettling and perplexing regret. Why weren’t financial portfolios already adjusted for risks that stem from health events such as pandemics? After all, financial portfolios are adjusted for liquidity risks, market risks, credit risks, and even operational and political risks.


After Social Distancing, a Strange Purgatory Awaits

Life right now feels very odd. And it will feel odd for months—and even years—to come.


Getting Smart on Pandemics: Intelligence in the Wake of COVID-19

This episode of Horns of a Dilemma touches on whether the failure to properly anticipate and warn about the novel coronavirus constitutes an intelligence failure, what changes might be required in the intelligence community in the wake of the pandemic, and what type of investigation or inquiry might be appropriate in order to learn lessons and incorporate changes for both the intelligence community and the whole of government moving forward.


Author Correction: Comprehensive molecular characterization of mitochondrial genomes in human cancers


Author Correction: <i>Cdkn1a</i> deletion improves stem cell function and lifespan of mice with dysfunctional telomeres without accelerating cancer formation


Enhancer–promoter interactions and transcription


ZBP1 (DAI/DLM-1) promotes osteogenic differentiation while inhibiting adipogenic differentiation in mesenchymal stem cells through a positive feedback loop of Wnt/β-catenin signaling


Correction: Humanized bone facilitates prostate cancer metastasis and recapitulates therapeutic effects of Zoledronic acid in vivo


uPAR antibody (huATN-658) and Zometa reduce breast cancer growth and skeletal lesions


Ionomycin ameliorates hypophosphatasia via rescuing alkaline phosphatase deficiency-mediated L-type Ca<sup>2+</sup> channel internalization in mesenchymal stem cells


Accesibilidad informacional y diversidad funcional en el contexto universitario: el caso de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Cuevas-Cerveró, Aurora and Razquín-Zazpe, Pedro and Parra-Valero, Pablo and Barrios-Martínez, Cristina and Gómez-Hernández, José-Antonio . Accesibilidad informacional y diversidad funcional en el contexto universitario: el caso de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid., 2020 In: Competencia en Información y Políticas para Educación Superior: Estudos Hispano-Brasileiros. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, pp. 132-146. [Book chapter]


El aspecto social de la biblioteca pública y la inclusión social de las minorías

Saurin-Parra, Julia . El aspecto social de la biblioteca pública y la inclusión social de las minorías., 2019 In: El libro y la lectura en recintos penitenciarios. Gráfica Nacional, pp. 73-81. [Book chapter]


El libro y la lectura en los recintos penitenciarios de la región de Valparaíso

Sequeiros, Paula and Silveira, Fabrício José Nascimento da and Rivera Donoso, Miguel and Armingol Jaime, Karla and Díaz Rubio, Sara and Sáez Alarcón, Daniela and Muñoz Muño, Alexia and Saurin Parra, Julia and Cosgrove, Kimberly and Parra, Pablo and Barbosa, Andreza Gonçalves and Piñeiros, Gabriela . El libro y la lectura en los recintos penitenciarios de la región de Valparaíso., 2019 Universidad de Playa Ancha. [Book]


Cosas de mujeres: lectura y penitenciaría

Sequeiros, Paula . Cosas de mujeres: lectura y penitenciaría., 2019 In: Las prácticas de lectura en los recintos penitenciarios de la región de Valparaíso. Universidad de Playa Ancha, pp. 91-101. [Book chapter]


Leer, escribir y aprender con Internet. La función educativa de las bibliotecas y las tecnologías participativas de la web social

Gómez-Hernández, José-Antonio . Leer, escribir y aprender con Internet. La función educativa de las bibliotecas y las tecnologías participativas de la web social., 2008 In: Infodiversidad. La biblioteca como centro multicultural. Universidad de Guadalajara, pp. 55-74. [Book chapter]


The COVID-19 Distance Learning: Insight from Ukrainian students

Nenko, Yuliia and Кybalna, Nelia and Snisarenko, Yana The COVID-19 Distance Learning: Insight from Ukrainian students. Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo, 2020, vol. 5, pp. 1-19. [Journal article (Paginated)]


Educar para la transparencia y una ciudadanía informada: diseño, aplicación y evaluación del programa IRIS para alumnado de Bachillerato de la Región de Murcia (España)

Campillo-Meseguer, María-José and Galiano-Martínez, Antonio and Gómez-Hernández, José-Antonio and Hidalgo-Pérez, Antonio and López Aniorte, María-del-Carmen and Martínez-Navarro, Emilio and Molina-Molina, José and Mayor-Balsas, José-Manuel and Ros-Media, José Luis and Oliva-Palazón, Elena and Reverte-Martínez, Francisco-Manuel and Baeza-Hernández, María-José . Educar para la transparencia y una ciudadanía informada: diseño, aplicación y evaluación del programa IRIS para alumnado de Bachillerato de la Región de Murcia (España)., 2020 In: Competencias en Información y Políticas para Educación Superior: Estudios Hispano-Brasileños, volumen 1. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, pp. 123-138. [Book chapter]


Impact of Covid-19 on the media system. Communicative and democratic consequences of news consumption during the outbreak // Impacto del Covid-19 en el sistema de medios. Consecuencias comunicativas y democráticas del consumo de noticias durante el

Casero-Ripollés, Andreu Impact of Covid-19 on the media system. Communicative and democratic consequences of news consumption during the outbreak // Impacto del Covid-19 en el sistema de medios. Consecuencias comunicativas y democráticas del consumo de noticias durante el brote. El profesional de la información, 2020, vol. 29, n. 2. [Journal article (Unpaginated)]


Noticias sobre Covid-19 y 2019-nCoV en medios de comunicación de España: el papel de los medios digitales en tiempos de confinamiento // News on Covid-19 and 2019-nCoV in Spanish media: The role of digital media in times of confinement

Lázaro-Rodríguez, Pedro and Herrera-Viedma, Enrique Noticias sobre Covid-19 y 2019-nCoV en medios de comunicación de España: el papel de los medios digitales en tiempos de confinamiento // News on Covid-19 and 2019-nCoV in Spanish media: The role of digital media in times of confinement. El profesional de la información, 2020, vol. 29, n. 3. [Journal article (Unpaginated)]


Covid-19 tweeting in English: Gender differences

Thelwall, Mike and Thelwall, Saheeda Covid-19 tweeting in English: Gender differences. El profesional de la información, 2020, vol. 29, n. 3. [Journal article (Unpaginated)]


Factoring Pandemic Risks into Financial Modelling

Today’s economic crisis leaves us with an unsettling and perplexing regret. Why weren’t financial portfolios already adjusted for risks that stem from health events such as pandemics? After all, financial portfolios are adjusted for liquidity risks, market risks, credit risks, and even operational and political risks.


Genome-wide association study of semen volume, sperm concentration, testis size, and plasma inhibin B levels


Intronic variant in <i>IQGAP3</i> associated with hereditary neuropathy with proximal lower dominancy, urinary disturbance, and paroxysmal dry cough


Correction: Importance of gastric cancer for the diagnosis and surveillance of Japanese Lynch syndrome patients


Analyses of breakpoint junctions of complex genomic rearrangements comprising multiple consecutive microdeletions by nanopore sequencing


Accumulating Evidence Using Crowdsourcing and Machine Learning: A Living Bibliography about Existential Risk and Global Catastrophic Risk

The study of existential risk — the risk of human extinction or the collapse of human civilization — has only recently emerged as an integrated field of research, and yet an overwhelming volume of relevant research has already been published. To provide an evidence base for policy and risk analysis, this research should be systematically reviewed. In a systematic review, one of many time-consuming tasks is to read the titles and abstracts of research publications, to see if they meet the inclusion criteria. The authors show how this task can be shared between multiple people (using crowdsourcing) and partially automated (using machine learning), as methods of handling an overwhelming volume of research.


Living with Uncertainty: Modeling China's Nuclear Survivability

A simplified nuclear exchange model demonstrates that China’s ability to launch a successful nuclear retaliatory strike in response to an adversary’s nuclear first strike has been and remains far from assured. This study suggests that China’s criterion for effective nuclear deterrence is very low.


Dental caries experience, care index and restorative index in children with learning disabilities and children without learning disabilities: a systematic review and meta-analysis


How do we decide? Knowledge? Experience? Research?


Evidence-Based Dentistry


How Clean is the U.S. Steel Industry? An International Benchmarking of Energy and CO2 Intensities

In this report, the authors conduct a benchmarking analysis for energy and CO2 emissions intensity of the steel industry among the largest steel-producing countries.


Geopolitical and Market Implications of Renewable Hydrogen: New Dependencies in a Low-Carbon Energy World

To accelerate the global transition to a low-carbon economy, all energy systems and sectors must be actively decarbonized. While hydrogen has been a staple in the energy and chemical industries for decades, renewable hydrogen is drawing increased attention today as a versatile and sustainable energy carrier with the potential to play an important piece in the carbon-free energy puzzle. Countries around the world are piloting new projects and policies, yet adopting hydrogen at scale will require innovating along the value chains; scaling technologies while significantly reducing costs; deploying enabling infrastructure; and defining appropriate national and international policies and market structures.

What are the general principles of how renewable hydrogen may reshape the structure of global energy markets? What are the likely geopolitical consequences such changes would cause? A deeper understanding of these nascent dynamics will allow policy makers and corporate investors to better navigate the challenges and maximize the opportunities that decarbonization will bring, without falling into the inefficient behaviors of the past.


Factoring Pandemic Risks into Financial Modelling

Today’s economic crisis leaves us with an unsettling and perplexing regret. Why weren’t financial portfolios already adjusted for risks that stem from health events such as pandemics? After all, financial portfolios are adjusted for liquidity risks, market risks, credit risks, and even operational and political risks.


To Pressure Iran, Pompeo Turns to the Deal Trump Renounced

The secretary of state is preparing an argument that the U.S. remains a participant in the Obama-era nuclear deal, with the goal of extending an arms embargo or destroying the accord.


Bilio-enteric flow and plasma concentrations of bile acids after gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy


Nonnutritive sweetener consumption during pregnancy, adiposity, and adipocyte differentiation in offspring: evidence from humans, mice, and cells


Active travelling to school is not associated with increased total daily physical activity levels, or reduced obesity and cardiovascular/pulmonary health parameters in 10–12-year olds: a cross-sectional cohort study


Factoring Pandemic Risks into Financial Modelling

Today’s economic crisis leaves us with an unsettling and perplexing regret. Why weren’t financial portfolios already adjusted for risks that stem from health events such as pandemics? After all, financial portfolios are adjusted for liquidity risks, market risks, credit risks, and even operational and political risks.


To Pressure Iran, Pompeo Turns to the Deal Trump Renounced

The secretary of state is preparing an argument that the U.S. remains a participant in the Obama-era nuclear deal, with the goal of extending an arms embargo or destroying the accord.


To Pressure Iran, Pompeo Turns to the Deal Trump Renounced

The secretary of state is preparing an argument that the U.S. remains a participant in the Obama-era nuclear deal, with the goal of extending an arms embargo or destroying the accord.