etho A simple method for sphingolipid analysis of tissues embedded in optimal cutting temperature compound By Published On :: 2020-04-27 Timothy D RohrbachApr 27, 2020; 0:jlr.D120000809v1-jlr.D120000809Methods Full Article
etho An LC/MS/MS method for analyzing the steroid metabolome with high accuracy and from small serum samples By Published On :: 2020-04-01 Teng-Fei YuanApr 1, 2020; 61:580-586Methods Full Article
etho Serum non-esterified fatty acids have utility as dietary biomarkers of fat intake from fish, fish oil and dairy in women [Methods] By Published On :: 2020-03-31T09:30:24-07:00 Nutritional studies rely on various biological specimens for fatty acid (FA) determination, yet it is unclear how levels of serum non-esterified FA (NEFAs) correlate with other circulating lipid pools. Here, we used a high throughput method (< 4 min/sample) based on multisegment injection-non-aqueous-capillary electrophoresis–mass spectrometry (MSI-NACE-MS) to investigate whether specific serum NEFAs have utility as biomarkers of dietary fat intake in women. We first identified circulating NEFAs correlated with long-term/habitual food intake among pregnant women with contrasting dietary patterns (n=50). Acute changes in serum NEFA trajectories were also studied in non-pregnant women (n=18) following high-dose (5 g/day) fish oil (FO) supplementation or isoenergetic sunflower oil placebo over 56 days. In the cross-sectional study, serum omega-3 (-3) FA correlated with self-reported total -3 daily intake, notably eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) as its NEFA (r=0.46; p=0.001), whereas pentadecanoic acid was associated with full-fat dairy intake (r=0.43; p=0.002), outcomes consistent with results from total FA serum hydrolysates. In the intervention cohort, serum -3 NEFAs increased 2.5-fold from baseline within 28 days following FO supplementation, and this increase was most pronounced for EPA (p=0.0004). Unlike for docosahexaenoic acid, circulating EPA as its NEFA also strongly correlated to EPA concentrations measured from erythrocyte phospholipid hydrolysates (r=0.66; p=4.6 x 10-10), and was better suited to detect dietary non-adherence. We conclude that MSI-NACE-MS offers a rapid method to quantify serum NEFAs and objectively monitor dietary fat intake in women that is complementary to diet records or food frequency questionnaires. Full Article
etho A Direct Fluorometric Activity Assay for Lipid Kinases and Phosphatases [Methods] By Published On :: 2020-04-27T13:30:26-07:00 Lipid kinases and phosphatases play key roles in cell signaling and regulation, and are implicated in many human diseases, and are hence thus attractive targets for drug development. Currently, no direct in vitro activity assay is available for these important enzymes, which hampers mechanistic studies as well as high-throughput screening of small molecule modulators. Here we report a highly sensitive and quantitative assay employing a ratiometric fluorescence sensor that directly and specifically monitors the real-time concentration change of a single lipid species. Due Because of to its modular design, the assay system can be applied to a wide variety of lipid kinases and phosphatases, including Class I phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) and phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN). When applied to PI3K, the assay provided the newdetailed mechanistic information about the product inhibition and substrate acyl acyl-chain selectivity of PI3K and allowed enabled rapid evaluation of its small molecule inhibitors. We also used this assay to quantitatively determine the substrate specificity of PTEN, providing new insight into its physiological functionThe assay also quantitatively determined the substrate specificity of PTEN, thereby providing new insight into its physiological function. In summary, we have developed a fluorescence-based real-time assay for PI3K and PTEN that we anticipate could be adapted to measure the activities of other lipid kinases and phosphatases with high sensitivity and accuracy. Full Article
etho A simple method for sphingolipid analysis of tissues embedded in optimal cutting temperature compound [Methods] By Published On :: 2020-04-27T14:30:22-07:00 Mass spectrometry (MS) assisted lipidomic tissue analysis is a valuable tool to assess sphingolipid metabolism dysfunction in disease. These analyses can reveal potential pharmacological targets or direct mechanistic studies to better understand the molecular underpinnings and influence of sphingolipid metabolism alterations on disease etiology. But procuring sufficient human tissues for adequately powered studies can be challenging. Therefore, biorepositories, which hold large collections of cryopreserved human tissues, are an ideal retrospective source of specimens. However, this resource has been vastly underutilized by lipid biologists, as the components of optimal cutting temperature compound (OCT) used in cryopreservation are incompatible with MS analyses. Here, we report results indicating that OCT also interferes with protein quantification assays, and that the presence of OCT impacts the quantification of extracted sphingolipids by LC–ESI–MS/MS. We developed and validated a simple and inexpensive method that removes OCT from OCT-embedded tissues. Our results indicate that removal of OCT from cryopreserved tissues does not significantly affect the accuracy of sphingolipid measurements with LC–ESI–MS/MS. We used the validated method to analyze sphingolipid alterations in tumors compared with normal adjacent uninvolved lung tissues from individuals with lung cancer, and to determine the long-term stability of sphingolipids in OCT-cryopreserved normal lung tissues. We show that lung cancer tumors have significantly altered sphingolipid profiles and that sphingolipids are stable for up to 16 years in OCT-cryopreserved normal lung tissues. This validated sphingolipidomic OCT-removal protocol should be a valuable addition to the lipid biologist’s toolbox. Full Article
etho Principles of electrospray ionization [Biophysical Methods] By Published On :: 2011-05-19T14:15:35-07:00 Electrospray ionization is today the most widely used ionization technique in chemical and bio-chemical analysis. Interfaced with a mass spectrometer it allows to investigate the molecular composition of liquid samples. With electrospray a large variety of chemical substances can be ionized. There is no limitation in mass which enables even the investigation of large non-covalent protein complexes. Its high ionization efficiency profoundly changed bio-molecular sciences because proteins can be identified and quantified on trace amounts in a high throughput fashion. This review article focusses mainly on the exploration of the underlying ionization mechanism. Some ionization characteristics are discussed which are related to this mechanism. Typical spectra of peptides, proteins and non-covalent complexes are shown and the quantitative character of spectra is highlighted. Finally the possibilities and limitations in measuring the association constant of bivalent non-covalent complexes are described. Full Article
etho DEqMS: a method for accurate variance estimation in differential protein expression analysis [Technological Innovation and Resources] By Published On :: 2020-03-23T12:35:18-07:00 Quantitative proteomics by mass spectrometry is widely used in biomarker research and basic biology research for investigation of phenotype level cellular events. Despite the wide application, the methodology for statistical analysis of differentially expressed proteins has not been unified. Various methods such as t-test, linear model and mixed effect models are used to define changes in proteomics experiments. However, none of these methods consider the specific structure of MS-data. Choices between methods, often originally developed for other types of data, are based on compromises between features such as statistical power, general applicability and user friendliness. Furthermore, whether to include proteins identified with one peptide in statistical analysis of differential protein expression varies between studies. Here we present DEqMS, a robust statistical method developed specifically for differential protein expression analysis in mass spectrometry data. In all datasets investigated there is a clear dependence of variance on the number of PSMs or peptides used for protein quantification. DEqMS takes this feature into account when assessing differential protein expression. This allows for a more accurate data-dependent estimation of protein variance and inclusion of single peptide identifications without increasing false discoveries. The method was tested in several datasets including E.coli proteome spike-in data, using both label-free and TMT-labelled quantification. In comparison to previous statistical methods used in quantitative proteomics, DEqMS showed consistently better accuracy in detecting altered protein levels compared to other statistical methods in both label-free and labelled quantitative proteomics data. DEqMS is available as an R package in Bioconductor. Full Article
etho Plasma membrane asymmetry of lipid organization: fluorescence lifetime microscopy and correlation spectroscopy analysis [Methods] By Published On :: 2020-02-01T00:05:23-08:00 A fundamental feature of the eukaryotic cell membrane is the asymmetric arrangement of lipids in its two leaflets. A cell invests significant energy to maintain this asymmetry and uses it to regulate important biological processes, such as apoptosis and vesiculation. The dynamic coupling of the inner or cytoplasmic and outer or exofacial leaflets is a challenging open question in membrane biology. Here, we combined fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) with imaging total internal reflection fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (ITIR-FCS) to differentiate the dynamics and organization of the two leaflets of live mammalian cells. We characterized the biophysical properties of fluorescent analogs of phosphatidylcholine, sphingomyelin, and phosphatidylserine in the plasma membrane of two mammalian cell lines (CHO-K1 and RBL-2H3). Because of their specific transverse membrane distribution, these probes allowed leaflet-specific investigation of the plasma membrane. We compared the results of the two methods having different temporal and spatial resolution. Fluorescence lifetimes of fluorescent lipid analogs were in ranges characteristic for the liquid ordered phase in the outer leaflet and for the liquid disordered phase in the inner leaflet. The observation of a more fluid inner leaflet was supported by free diffusion in the inner leaflet, with high average diffusion coefficients. The liquid ordered phase in the outer leaflet was accompanied by slower diffusion and diffusion with intermittent transient trapping. Our results show that the combination of FLIM and ITIR-FCS with specific fluorescent lipid analogs is a powerful tool for investigating lateral and transbilayer characteristics of plasma membrane in live cell lines. Full Article
etho Functional recombinant apolipoprotein A5 that is stable at high concentrations at physiological pH [Methods] By Published On :: 2020-02-01T00:05:23-08:00 APOA5 is a low-abundance exchangeable apolipoprotein that plays critical roles in human triglyceride (TG) metabolism. Indeed, aberrations in the plasma concentration or structure of APOA5 are linked to hypertriglyceridemia, hyperchylomicronemia, myocardial infarction risk, obesity, and coronary artery disease. While it has been successfully produced at low yield in bacteria, the resulting protein had limitations for structure-function studies due to its low solubility under physiological buffer conditions. We hypothesized that the yield and solubility of recombinant APOA5 could be increased by: i) engineering a fusion protein construct in a codon optimized expression vector, ii) optimizing an efficient refolding protocol, and iii) screening buffer systems at physiological pH. The result was a high-yield (25 mg/l) bacterial expression system that produces lipid-free APOA5 soluble at concentrations of up to 10 mg/ml at a pH of 7.8 in bicarbonate buffers. Physical characterization of lipid-free APOA5 indicated that it exists as an array of multimers in solution, and far UV circular dichroism analyses show differences in total α-helicity between acidic and neutral pH buffering conditions. The protein was functional in that it bound and emulsified multilamellar dimyristoyl-phosphatidylcholine vesicles and could inhibit postprandial plasma TG accumulation when injected into C57BL/6J mice orally gavaged with Intralipid. Full Article
etho Separation of postprandial lipoproteins: improved purification of chylomicrons using an ApoB100 immunoaffinity method [Methods] By Published On :: 2020-03-01T00:06:33-08:00 Elevated levels of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins (TRLs), both fasting and postprandial, are associated with increased risk for atherosclerosis. However, guidelines for treatment are defined solely by fasting lipid levels, even though postprandial lipids may be more informative. In the postprandial state, circulating lipids consist of dietary fat transported from the intestine in chylomicrons (CMs; containing ApoB48) and fat transported from the liver in VLDL (containing ApoB100). Research into the roles of endogenous versus dietary fat has been hindered because of the difficulty in separating these particles by ultracentrifugation. CM fractions have considerable contamination from VLDL (purity, 10%). To separate CMs from VLDL, we produced polyclonal antibodies against ApoB100 and generated immunoaffinity columns. TRLs isolated by ultracentrifugation of plasma were applied to these columns, and highly purified CMs were collected (purity, 90–94%). Overall eight healthy unmedicated adult volunteers (BMI, 27.2 ± 1.4 kg/m2; fasting triacylglycerol, 102.6 ± 19.5 mg/dl) participated in a feeding study, which contained an oral stable-isotope tracer (1-13C acetate). We then used this technique on plasma samples freshly collected during an 8 h human feeding study from a subset of four subjects. We analyzed fractionated lipoproteins by Western blot, isolated and derivatized triacylglycerols, and calculated fractional de novo lipogenesis. The results demonstrated effective separation of postprandial lipoproteins and substantially improved purity compared with ultracentrifugation protocols, using the immunoaffinity method. This method can be used to better delineate the role of dietary sugar and fat on postprandial lipids in cardiovascular risk and explore the potential role of CM remnants in atherosclerosis. Full Article
etho An LC/MS/MS method for analyzing the steroid metabolome with high accuracy and from small serum samples [Methods] By Published On :: 2020-04-01T00:05:29-07:00 Analyzing global steroid metabolism in humans can shed light on the etiologies of steroid-related diseases. However, existing methods require large amounts of serum and lack the evaluation of accuracy. Here, we developed an LC/MS/MS method for the simultaneous quantification of 12 steroid hormones: testosterone, pregnenolone, progesterone, androstenedione, corticosterone, 11-deoxycortisol, cortisol, 17-hydroxypregnenolone, 17-hydroxyprogesterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, estriol, and estradiol. Steroids and spiked internal standards in 100 μl serum were extracted by protein precipitation and liquid-liquid extraction. The organic phase was dried by evaporation, and isonicotinoyl chloride was added for steroid derivatization, followed by evaporation under nitrogen and redissolution in 50% methanol. Chromatographic separation was performed on a reverse-phase PFP column, and analytes were detected on a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer with ESI. The lower limits of quantification ranged from 0.005 ng/ml for estradiol to 1 ng/ml for cortisol. Apparent recoveries of steroids at high, medium, and low concentrations in quality control samples were between 86.4% and 115.0%. There were limited biases (–10.7% to 10.5%) between the measured values and the authentic values, indicating that the method has excellent reliability. An analysis of the steroid metabolome in pregnant women highlighted the applicability of the method in clinical serum samples. We conclude that the LC/MS/MS method reported here enables steroid metabolome analysis with high accuracy and reduced serum consumption, indicating that it may be a useful tool in both clinical and scientific laboratory research. Full Article
etho Lithium ion adduction enables UPLC-MS/MS-based analysis of multi-class 3-hydroxyl group-containing keto-steroids [Methods] By Published On :: 2020-04-01T00:05:29-07:00 Steroids that contain a 3-hydroxyl group (3-OH steroids) are widely distributed in nature. During analysis with ESI-MS, they easily become dehydrated while in the protonated form, resulting in the production of several precursor ions and leading to low sensitivity of detection. To address this analytical challenge, here, we developed a method for the quantitation of 3-OH steroids by LC-MS/MS coupled with post-column addition of lithium (Li) ions to the mobile phase. The Li ion has a high affinity for the keto group of steroids, stabilizing their structures during ionization and permitting detection of analytes exclusively as the lithiated form. This not only improved the intensities of the precursor ions, but also promoted the formation of typical lithiated fragment ions. This improvement made the quantitation by multiple reaction monitoring more sensitive and reliable, as evidenced by 1.53–188 times enhanced detection sensitivity of 13 steroids that contained at least one keto and two hydroxyl groups or one keto and one 5-olefinic double bond, among 16 different 3-OH steroids. We deployed our newly developed method for profiling steroids in mouse brain tissue and identified six steroids in one tissue sample. Among these, 16-hydroxyestrone, tetrahydrocorticosterone, and 17α-hydroxypregnenolone were detected for the first time in the mouse brain. In summary, the method described here enables the detection of lithiated steroids by LC-MS/MS, including three 3-OH steroids not previously reported in the mouse brain. We anticipate that this new method may allow the determination of 3-OH steroids in different brain regions. Full Article
etho Development of a sensitive and quantitative method for the identification of two major furan fatty acids in human plasma [Methods] By Published On :: 2020-04-01T00:05:29-07:00 This article focuses on the establishment of an accurate and sensitive quantitation method for the analysis of furan fatty acids. In particular, the sensitivity of GC/MS and UPLC/ESI/MS/MS was compared for the identification and quantification of furan fatty acids. Different methylation methods were tested with respect to GC/MS analysis. Special attention needs to be paid to the methylation of furan fatty acids, as acidic catalysts might lead to the degradation of the furan ring. GC/MS analysis in full-scan mode demonstrated that the limit of quantitation was 10 μM. UPLC/ESI/MS/MS in multiple reaction monitoring mode displayed a higher detection sensitivity than GC/MS. Moreover, the identification of furan fatty acids with charge-reversal derivatization was tested in the positive mode with two widely used pyridinium salts. Significant oxidation was unexpectedly observed using N-(4-aminomethylphenyl) pyridinium as a derivatization agent. The formed 3-acyl-oxymethyl-1-methylpyridinium iodide derivatized by 2-bromo-1-methylpyridinium iodide and 3-carbinol-1-methylpyridinium iodide improved the sensitivity more than 2,000-fold compared with nonderivatization in the negative mode by UPLC/ESI/MS/MS. This charge-reversal derivatization enabled the targeted quantitation of furan fatty acids in human plasma. Thus, it is anticipated that this protocol could greatly contribute to the clarification of pathological mechanisms related to furan fatty acids and their metabolites. Full Article
etho A novel NanoBiT-based assay monitors the interaction between lipoprotein lipase and GPIHBP1 in real time [Methods] By Published On :: 2020-04-01T00:05:29-07:00 The hydrolysis of triglycerides in triglyceride-rich lipoproteins by LPL is critical for the delivery of triglyceride-derived fatty acids to tissues, including heart, skeletal muscle, and adipose tissues. Physiologically active LPL is normally bound to the endothelial cell protein glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored high-density lipoprotein binding protein 1 (GPIHBP1), which transports LPL across endothelial cells, anchors LPL to the vascular wall, and stabilizes LPL activity. Disruption of LPL-GPIHBP1 binding significantly alters triglyceride metabolism and lipid partitioning. In this study, we modified the NanoLuc® Binary Technology split-luciferase system to develop a novel assay that monitors the binding of LPL to GPIHBP1 on endothelial cells in real time. We validated the specificity and sensitivity of the assay using endothelial lipase and a mutant version of LPL and found that this assay reliably and specifically detected the interaction between LPL and GPIHBP1. We then interrogated various endogenous and exogenous inhibitors of LPL-mediated lipolysis for their ability to disrupt the binding of LPL to GPIHBP1. We found that angiopoietin-like (ANGPTL)4 and ANGPTL3-ANGPTL8 complexes disrupted the interactions of LPL and GPIHBP1, whereas the exogenous LPL blockers we tested (tyloxapol, poloxamer-407, and tetrahydrolipstatin) did not. We also found that chylomicrons could dissociate LPL from GPIHBP1 and found evidence that this dissociation was mediated in part by the fatty acids produced by lipolysis. These results demonstrate the ability of this assay to monitor LPL-GPIHBP1 binding and to probe how various agents influence this important complex. Full Article
etho Genetic lineage tracing with multiple DNA recombinases: A user's guide for conducting more precise cell fate mapping studies [Methods and Resources] By Published On :: 2020-05-08T03:41:14-07:00 Site-specific recombinases, such as Cre, are a widely used tool for genetic lineage tracing in the fields of developmental biology, neural science, stem cell biology, and regenerative medicine. However, nonspecific cell labeling by some genetic Cre tools remains a technical limitation of this recombination system, which has resulted in data misinterpretation and led to many controversies in the scientific community. In the past decade, to enhance the specificity and precision of genetic targeting, researchers have used two or more orthogonal recombinases simultaneously for labeling cell lineages. Here, we review the history of cell-tracing strategies and then elaborate on the working principle and application of a recently developed dual genetic lineage-tracing approach for cell fate studies. We place an emphasis on discussing the technical strengths and caveats of different methods, with the goal to develop more specific and efficient tracing technologies for cell fate mapping. Our review also provides several examples for how to use different types of DNA recombinase–mediated lineage-tracing strategies to improve the resolution of the cell fate mapping in order to probe and explore cell fate–related biological phenomena in the life sciences. Full Article
etho Fertility awareness based methods for pregnancy prevention By Published On :: Sat, 13 Jul 2019 17:38:01 +0000 Fertility awareness based methods of contraception are increasingly being used for pregnancy prevention. In the US, the proportion of contraceptive users who choose such methods has grown from 1% in 2008 to approximately 3% in 2014. Relative to other methods of pregnancy prevention, however, substantial misinformation exists around fertility... Full Article
etho Method for the Isolation of Intact Islets of Langerhans from the Rat Pancreas By Published On :: 1967-01-01 Paul E LacyJan 1, 1967; 16:35-39Original Contribution Full Article
etho Methodology for Estimating Levels of Illegal Timber- and Paper-sector Imports: Estimates for China, France, Japan, the Netherlands, the UK, the US and Vietnam By Published On :: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 10:50:40 +0000 25 November 2014 This paper accompanies a series of assessments on China, France, Japan, the Netherlands, the UK, the US and Vietnam, providing details on how the estimates of the level of illegality of imports of wood-based products into those countries were derived. Alison Hoare Senior Research Fellow, Energy, Environment and Resources Programme LinkedIn 20141124IllegalLoggingMethodologyHoare.jpg Photo by Getty Images. This paper accompanies a series of Chatham House assessments on China, France, Japan, the Netherlands, the UK, the US and Vietnam and provides details on how the estimates of the level of illegality of imports of wood-based products into those countries were derived. The assessments are part of a research project that monitored levels of illegal logging and related trade in selected consumer, producer and processing countries in order to evaluate the effectiveness of efforts to tackle this problem.The paper describes the methodology for estimating the levels of wood-based products at high risk of illegality that are being imported into consumer and processing countries. The methodology was developed in order to provide quantitative estimates of the scale of such imports and to assess how they have changed over time. The figures adopted for the assessments are based on the best available evidence; but, given the challenges of quantifying levels of illegal logging and the limited information available for some countries, they should not be regarded as definitive. Rather, they indicate the likely levels of illegality and, perhaps more important, how they may have changed over time. Related documents Research Paper Appendix: Methodology for Estimating Levels of Illegal Timber- and Paper-sector Imports: Estimates for China, France, Japan, the Netherlands, the UK, the US and Vietnampdf | 185.45 KB Annexe au document de recherche: Méthodologie d’estimation des niveaux d’importation de produits bois et papier illégaux: Estimations concernant la Chine, les États-Unis, la France, le Japon, les Pays-Bas, le Royaume-Uni et le Viêt Nampdf | 210 KB Department/project Energy, Environment and Resources Programme, Improving Forest Governance and Tackling Illegal Logging and Deforestation Full Article
etho Knowledge sharing for the development of learning resources : theory, method, process and application for schools, communities and the workplace : a UNESCO-PNIEVE resource / by John E. Harrington, Professor Emeritis. By Published On :: The Knowledge Sharing for the Development of Learning Resources tutorial provides a professional step forward, a learning experience that leads to recognition that your leadership is well founded as well as ensuring that participants in the development of learning resources recognize they are contributing to an exceptional achievement. Full Article
etho Source Murray Model - method for determining permitted take in the Victorian Murray, Kiewa and Ovens SDL resource units. By Published On :: Full Article
etho Des methodes generales d'operation de la cataracte et en particulier de l'extraction lineaire composee / par Paul Hyades. By Published On :: Paris : J.-B. Baillière, 1870. Full Article
etho Descriptive Biochemie : mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der chemischen Arbeitsmethoden / von Sigmund Fränkel. By Published On :: Wiesbaden : J.F. Bergmann, 1907. Full Article
etho The detection of colour-blindness & imperfect eyesight by the methods of Dr. Snellen, Dr. Daae, and Prof. Holmgren : with a table of coloured Berlin wools and sheet of test-types / by Charles Roberts. By Published On :: London : D. Bogue, 1881. Full Article
etho Diagnostik der inneren Krankheiten auf Grund der heutigen Untersuchungs-methoden : ein Lehrbuch für Äerzte und Studirende / von Oswald Vierordt. By Published On :: Leipzig : F.C.W. Vogel, 1888. Full Article
etho Diagnostik der inneren Krankheiten auf Grund der heutigen Untersuchungs-methoden : ein Lehrbuch für Äerzte und Studirende / von Oswald Vierordt. By Published On :: Leipzig : F.C.W. Vogel, 1894. Full Article
etho Die Chromwasser-Behandlung der Syphilis : eine neue Methode / von Justus Edmund Güntz. By Published On :: Leipzig : Arnold, 1883. Full Article
etho Die Methoden der Bakterien--Forschung : Handbuch der gesammten Methoden der Mikrobiologie / von Ferdinand Hueppe. By Published On :: Wiesbaden : C.W. Kreidel, 1891. Full Article
etho Die Methoden der Fleischconservirung / von Dr. Plagge und Dr. Trapp. By Published On :: Berlin : A. Hirschwald, 1893. Full Article
etho Die Methoden der Milchuntersuchung : für Aerzte, Chemiker und Hygieniker / zusammengestellt von Paul Sommerfeld ; mit einem Vorwort von Adolf Baginsky. By Published On :: Berlin : A. Hirschwald, 1896. Full Article
etho Die Methodik der Stoffwechseluntersuchungen / von L. Mohr und H. Beuttenmüller. By Published On :: Wiesbaden : Bergmann, 1911. Full Article
etho Die methodische Intestinalpalpation mittels der topographischen Gleit- und Tiefenpalpation und ihre Ergebnisse / von Dr. Theodor Hausmann. By Published On :: Berlin : Karger, 1910. Full Article
etho Die Mikrotechnik der thierischen Morphologie :eine kritische Darstellung der mikroskopischen Untersuchungsmethoden / von Stefan Apáthy. By Published On :: Braunschweig : H. Bruhn, 1896-1901. Full Article
etho Die pathologisch-histologischen untersuchungsmethoden / von prof. dr. G. Schmorl. By Published On :: Leipzig : Vogel, 1905. Full Article
etho Die Therapie an den Wiener Kliniken : ein Verzeichniss der wichtigsten, an denselben gebräuchlichen Heilmethoden und Recepte / von Ernst Landesmann. By Published On :: Leipzig : F. Deuticke, 1891. Full Article
etho Die Verdauung als histologische Methode / von A. Ewald und W. Kuhne. By Published On :: [Germany] : [publisher not identified], 1876. Full Article
etho The different methods of lifting and carrying the sick and injured / by G.H. Darwin. By Published On :: Manchester : J. Heywood, 1888. Full Article
etho Diseases and remedies : a concise survey of the most modern methods of medicine / written expressly for the drug trade by physicians and pharmacists. By Published On :: London : Chemist and Druggist, 1898. Full Article
etho Diseases of the mouth, throat, and nose : including rhinoscopy and methods of local treatment / by Philip Schech ; translated by R.H. Blaikie. By Published On :: Edinburgh : Young J. Pentland, 1886. Full Article
etho Du traitement des maladies du coeur par la méthode des Drs Schott, de Nauheim / par le docteur Moeller, médecin praticien à Bruxelles, membre titulaire de l'Académie royale de médecine de Belgique, etc / par la methode des drs By Published On :: Bruxelles : A. Manceaux, 1893. Full Article
etho Eene methode ter bepaling van het draaipunt van het oog / door W. Koster. By Published On :: Amsterdam : J. Muller, 1896. Full Article
etho Eine neue Behandlungsmethode der Tuberkulose besonders der chirurgischen Tuberkulosen / von Max Schuller. By Published On :: Wiesbaden : J.F. Bergmann, 1891. Full Article
etho Eine neue methode der Asepsis : welche im Gegensatz zu den bisherigen Methoden eine absolute Keimfreiheit bei Operationen verburgt und Wasserdampf- sowie Wasser-Sterilisatoren entbehrlich macht / von Otto Jhle. By Published On :: Stuttgart : F. Enke, 1895. Full Article
etho Eine neue Methode zur Bestimmung der Schädelform von Menschen und Säugethieren / von Ch. Aeby. By Published On :: Braunschweig : G. Westermann, 1862. Full Article
etho Einfuhrung in das Studium der medicin : (medicinische Encyklopadie und Methodologie) / Vorlesungen gehalten an der Universitat zu Berlin von Jul. Pagel. By Published On :: Berlin : Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1899. Full Article
etho The elements of pathological histology : with special reference to practical methods / by Anton Weichselbaum ; translated by W.R. Dawson. By Published On :: London : Longmans, Green, 1895. Full Article
etho Erfahrungen und Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiethe der Krankheiten des weiblichen Geschlechtes. Nebst Grundzügen einer Methodenlehre der Geburtshülfe / Franz Carl Nagele. By Published On :: Mannheim : T. Loeffler, 1812. Full Article
etho Phaethon begs Apollo to let him drive the chariot of the sun. Engraving by W. Woollett, 1763, after R. Wilson. By Published On :: London (in Cheapside) : Published according to Act of Parliament, by J. Boydell engraver, Sept.r 3rd, 1763. Full Article
etho Neuroscience methods in drug abuse research / editors, Roger M. Brown, David P. Friedman, Yuth Nimit. By Published On :: Rockville, Maryland : National Institute of Drug Abuse, 1985. Full Article
etho A fast and consistent variable selection method for high-dimensional multivariate linear regression with a large number of explanatory variables By Published On :: Fri, 27 Mar 2020 22:00 EDT Ryoya Oda, Hirokazu Yanagihara. Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 1386--1412.Abstract: We put forward a variable selection method for selecting explanatory variables in a normality-assumed multivariate linear regression. It is cumbersome to calculate variable selection criteria for all subsets of explanatory variables when the number of explanatory variables is large. Therefore, we propose a fast and consistent variable selection method based on a generalized $C_{p}$ criterion. The consistency of the method is provided by a high-dimensional asymptotic framework such that the sample size and the sum of the dimensions of response vectors and explanatory vectors divided by the sample size tend to infinity and some positive constant which are less than one, respectively. Through numerical simulations, it is shown that the proposed method has a high probability of selecting the true subset of explanatory variables and is fast under a moderate sample size even when the number of dimensions is large. Full Article
etho Convergences of Regularized Algorithms and Stochastic Gradient Methods with Random Projections By Published On :: 2020 We study the least-squares regression problem over a Hilbert space, covering nonparametric regression over a reproducing kernel Hilbert space as a special case. We first investigate regularized algorithms adapted to a projection operator on a closed subspace of the Hilbert space. We prove convergence results with respect to variants of norms, under a capacity assumption on the hypothesis space and a regularity condition on the target function. As a result, we obtain optimal rates for regularized algorithms with randomized sketches, provided that the sketch dimension is proportional to the effective dimension up to a logarithmic factor. As a byproduct, we obtain similar results for Nystr"{o}m regularized algorithms. Our results provide optimal, distribution-dependent rates that do not have any saturation effect for sketched/Nystr"{o}m regularized algorithms, considering both the attainable and non-attainable cases, in the well-conditioned regimes. We then study stochastic gradient methods with projection over the subspace, allowing multi-pass over the data and minibatches, and we derive similar optimal statistical convergence results. Full Article