
Working with youth: A series of case studies

How are countries around the world helping youth stay in school, build skills and careers? What are they doing about youth unemployment? These case studies provide a starting point for those looking not only to learn about the problems facing youth today, but how to solve them.


Newsroom - OECD countries commit to action plan to tackle youth joblessness

30/05/2013 - OECD governments have committed to stepping up their efforts to tackle high youth unemployment and strengthen their education systems to better prepare young people for the world of work.


OECD report on vocational training in Austria calls for continued diversity and increased co-ordination

There are few OECD countries where vocational education and training (VET) is held in such high regard or takes so many forms as in Austria. Some 60 percent of young Austrians aged between 25 and 34 have completed a VET course below tertiary level (vocational school or technical college).


Education Indicators in Focus 14 - How is international student mobility shaping up?

Between 2000 and 2011, the number of international students has more than doubled. Today, almost 4.5 million tertiary students are enrolled outside their country of citizenship.


Competitions: the secret to developing and measuring skills? (Interview with David Hoey, Chief Executive Officer of WorldSkills International)

David Hoey, Chief Executive Officer of WorldSkills International spoke to us of the international skills extravaganza (WorldSkills Leipzig 2013) going on now, between 2-7 July.


More competition essential for future of mobile innovation, says OECD

OECD countries must ensure mobile markets remain open and competitive in order to sustain innovation and meet rising demand for data services, according to a new OECD report.


PISA in Focus No. 32 - Do students perform better in schools with orderly classrooms?

Most students enjoy orderly classrooms for their language-of-instruction lessons. Socio-economically disadvantaged students are less likely to enjoy orderly classrooms than advantaged students. Orderly classrooms – regardless of the school’s overall socio-economic profile – are related to better performance.


How are university students changing? | Education Indicators in Focus No. 15

This Education Indicators in Focus No. 15 sets out the changing needs of a more diverse generation of university students.


Global Education Leaders with Andreas Schleicher (OECD)

This is the fourth episode of Global Education Leaders, an initiative launched by Turkish educators. The discussion revolved around global education issues and OECD's focus on skills.


Informal Meeting of OECD Ministers of Education - Fostering Relevant Skills and Employability Through Education

The informal meeting of OECD Education Ministers will be held in Istanbul, Turkey on 2-3 October 2013. The theme of the meeting is “Fostering Skills and Employability through Education”.


OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría welcomes Brazil’s commitment to improving education and playing greater role in PISA Programme

OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría today welcomed Brazil’s further engagement with the Organisation’s world-leading global education assessment programme (PISA) during a signing ceremony in Brasilia with Brazil’s Minister for Education Aloízio Mercadante.


Résultats PISA 2012 : mathématiques, compréhension de l'écrit et sciences - la France

Faits marquants sur la performance de la France lors de l'enquête PISA 2012 sur les compétences des élèves en mathématiques, en compréhension de l'écrit et en sciences.


PISA 2012 mathematics, reading and science results - United States

Note summarising the performance of 15-year-old students in the United States in the PISA 2012 assessment of mathematics, reading and science


PISA 2012 mathematics, reading and science results - United Kingdom

Note summarising the performance of the United Kingdom in the PISA 2012 assessment of mathematics, reading and science.


PISA 2012 mathematics, reading and science results - Italy

Note summarising the performance of Italy in the PISA 2012 assessment of mathematics, reading and science.


International Summit on the Teaching Profession - 28 and 29 March 2014, Wellington New Zealand.

The three questions that this Summit will focus on are: How can high quality teachers and leaders be attracted into and retained in schools of the greatest need? What are the levers for achieving equity in increasingly devolved education systems? How are learning environments created that meet the needs of all children and young people?


Quality Apprenticeships for Giving Youth a Better Start in the Labour Market, G20-OECD-EC Conference

This conference on 9 April 2014 will provide an opportunity for a mutual sharing of good practice in fostering the better insertion of youth into the labour market through the development of quality apprenticeships. It would also seek to foster a greater commitment by countries to take action to introduce or strengthen apprenticeship initiatives and to take stock of the progress achieved.


Vulnerability of Social Institutions

This report examines the sustainability of social institutions and their ability to absorb and cope with short-term shocks and longer-term trends by providing risk sharing and expenditure smoothing, focusing on pension, health care and unemployment insurance schemes.


Launch of the OECD PISA financial literacy assessment of students

The results of the first international assessment of 15-year-old students’ financial literacy competencies were presented in Paris on 9 July 2014.


PISA 2012 Financial Literacy results - Australia

PISA 2012 financial literacy results focusing on the performance of Australia amongst 17 other countries and economies who participated in the assessment: Belgium (Flemish Community), Shanghai-China, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Israel, Italy, Latvia, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain and the United States.


PISA 2012 Financial Literacy Results - Italy (Italian)

PISA 2012 financial literacy results focusing on the performance of Australia amongst 17 other countries and economies who participated in the assessment: Australia, Belgium (Flemish Community), Shanghai-China, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Israel, Latvia, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain and the United States


PISA 2012 Financial Literacy Results - Italy (English)

PISA 2012 financial literacy results focusing on the performance of Italy amongst 17 other countries and economies who participated in the assessment: Australia, Belgium (Flemish Community), Shanghai-China, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Israel, Latvia, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain and the United States


PISA 2012 Financial Literacy results - Spain (Spanish)

PISA 2012 financial literacy results focusing on the performance of Spain amongst 17 other countries and economies who participated in the assessment: Australia, Belgium (Flemish Community), Shanghai-China, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Israel, Italy, Latvia, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, and the United States


PISA 2012 financial literacy results - France (english)

PISA 2012 financial literacy results focusing on the performance of France amongst 17 other countries and economies who participated in the assessment: Australia, Belgium (Flemish Community), Shanghai-China, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Israel, Italy, Latvia, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain and the United States


PISA 2012 Financial Literacy results - United States

PISA 2012 financial literacy results focusing on the performance of the United States among 17 other countries and economies who participated in the assessment: Australia, Belgium (Flemish Community), Shanghai-China, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Israel, Italy, Latvia, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, and Spain


PISA 2012 Financial Literacy results - Spain (English)

PISA 2012 financial literacy results focusing on the performance of Spain amongst 17 other countries and economies who participated in the assessment: Australia, Belgium (Flemish Community), Shanghai-China, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Israel, Italy, Latvia, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, and the United States


First OECD PISA financial literacy test finds many young people confused by money matters

Around one in seven students in the 13 OECD countries and economies that took part in the first OECD PISA international assessment of financial literacy are unable to make even simple decisions about everyday spending, and only one in ten can solve complex financial tasks.


PISA 2012 Financial Literacy results - New Zealand

PISA 2012 financial literacy results focusing on the performance of Spain amongst 17 other countries and economies who participated in the assessment: Australia, Belgium (Flemish Community), Shanghai-China, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Israel, Italy, Latvia, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, and the United States


Educational mobility starts to slow in industrialised world, says OECD

Access to education continues to expand worldwide but the socio-economic divisions between tertiary-educated adults and the rest of society are growing. Governments must do more to ensure that everyone has the same opportunity to a good education early in life, according to a new OECD report.


Infinite Connections: The Digital Divide

In 1973, Martin Cooper, a researcher at Motorola, made the first call from a handheld mobile phone prototype. This phone weighed 1.1 kg, took 10 hours to re-charge and was limited to 30 minutes of talking time. When it was commercialized in 1983, the phone cost approximately 7,000 USD.


Trends Spotlight #5: Infinite Connections: Education and new technologies

ICT has influenced almost all aspects of our lives and has changed the way we communicate, work and socialize. Education plays a key role in ensuring that everyone can reap the benefits of our technology-rich world, as well as help mitigate some of the risks.


OECD Education Today: Spread the wealth, reap the benefits

Quick: Who has more up-to-date textbooks: students in wealthier schools or students in poorer schools? Actually, it depends where you live. As this month’s PISA in Focus explains, not only are some countries better than others in allocating their educational resources more equitably across schools, but students in these countries generally perform better in mathematics.


PISA in Focus No. 44 - How is equity in resource allocation related to student performance?

How educational resources are allocated is just as important as the amount of resources available.


Critical Maths for Innovative Societies: The Role of Metacognitive Pedagogies

How can mathematics education foster the skills that are appropriate for innovative societies? Mathematics education is heavily emphasised worldwide, nevertheless it is still considered to be a stumbling block for many students.


Critical Maths for Innovative Societies: The Role of Metacognitive Pedagogies

How can mathematics education foster the skills that are appropriate for innovative societies? Mathematics education is heavily emphasised worldwide, nevertheless it is still considered to be a stumbling block for many students. This book is designed to assist practitioners, curriculum developers and policy makers alike in preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world.


Addressing inequities in the Slovak Republic through evaluation and assessment (OECD Education Today Blog)

OECD Education Today - Addressing inequities in the Slovak Republic through evaluation and assessment


School size: A literature review (OECD Education Today Blog)

How big should schools be? Is bigger better? Or do all the best things come in small packages? For education systems, the question of how school size influences quality and efficiency has long been an important issue.


PISA in Focus No. 45 - Do countries with high mean performance in PISA maintain their lead as students age?

Countries where 15-year-old students perform at high standards internationally tend to be the same countries where these young adults tend to perform well at the age of 26 to 28.


Does lifelong learning perpetuate inequalities in educational opportunities? (OECD Education Today Blog)

More than 40 years ago, the former French Prime Minister Edgar Faure and his team published one of the most influential educational works of the 20th century: “Learning to Be”, better known as the “Rapport Faure”, in which he mainstreamed the idea of lifelong learning.


Man with a mission (OECD Education Today Blog)

David Puttnam had a storied 30-year career as an independent film producer (The Mission, The Killing Fields, Local Hero, Chariots of Fire, Midnight Express, to cite just a few of his award-winning films) before he retired from film production to focus on public policy related to education, the environment, and the creative and communications industries.


Inequality hurts economic growth, finds OECD research

Reducing income inequality would boost economic growth, according to new OECD analysis. This work finds that countries with lower income inequality grow faster than those with higher inequality.


PISA in Focus No. 46 - Does homework perpetuate inequities in education?

While most 15-year-old students spend part of their after-school time doing homework, the amount of time they spend on it shrank between 2003 and 2012. Socio-economically advantaged students and students who attend socio-economically advantaged schools tend to spend more time doing homework.


The sustainability of the UK’s higher education system (OECD Education Today Blog)

Skills have become the currency of 21st century economies


Improving the school climate and opportunities to learn (OECD Education Today Blog)

Teachers can certainly face challenges in the classroom. In TALIS participating countries and economies, almost one in three teachers report having more than 10% of students with behavioural problems in their classes.


Teaching in Focus No. 9 - Improving School Climate and Students' Opportunities to Learn

Almost one in three teachers across countries participating in the 2013 Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) reports having more than 10% of potentially disruptive students with behaviour problems in their classes. Teachers with more than one in ten students with behaviour problems spend almost twice as much time keeping order in the classroom than their peers with less than 10% of such students in their class.


Who enjoys the opportunity to be better educated than their parents? (OECD Education Today Blog)

Over the past decades, education systems have expanded enormously. They provide opportunities for many more students than before to access and succeed in secondary and tertiary education.


Better Skills, Better Jobs, Better Lives: A Strategic Approach to Education and Skills Policies for the United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates is identified by PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) as one of the most rapidly improving education systems in the world. However its students still perform well below the levels expected in advanced economies.


Early gender gaps drive career choices and employment opportunities, says OECD

Education systems have made major strides to close gender gaps in student performance but girls and boys remain deeply divided in career choices, which are being made much earlier than commonly thought, according to a new OECD report.


Why aren’t more girls choosing maths and science at university? (OECD Education Today Blog)

Last Saturday, 14 April, Equal Pay Day reminded the world again of the large gap between men’s and women’s wages. Eradicating unjustifiable gender inequalities in earnings seems to be very hard to accomplish.


Indonesia should accelerate reforms and invest in human capital to ensure sustainable and inclusive growth

The Indonesian economy has enjoyed strong and stable growth over the past decade and a half, leading to impressive reductions in poverty and major improvements in living standards. But challenges remain to continue to converge towards higher-income countries, according to the latest OECD Economic Survey of Indonesia.