
IOM Report Details Strategy for Monitoring Safety of Childhood Immunization Schedule

A review of the available evidence underscores the safety of the federal childhood immunization schedule, says a new report from the Institute of Medicine.


New Report Calls for NSF to Develop Strategic Plan Specifying Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences Research Priorities

The social, behavioral, and economic (SBE) sciences make significant contributions to the National Science Foundation’s mission to advance health, prosperity and welfare, national defense, and progress in science, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


New Report Recommends Construction of Four New Polar Icebreakers of the Same Design as the Lowest-Cost Strategy for Protecting U.S. Interests in Arctic and Antarctic

The U.S. lacks icebreaking capability in the Arctic and Antarctic and should build four polar icebreakers with heavy icebreaking capability to help minimize the life-cycle costs of icebreaker acquisition and operations, says a new congressionally mandated letter report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


New Report Presents National Strategy to Reduce Opioid Epidemic

Years of sustained and coordinated efforts will be required to contain and reverse the harmful societal effects of the prescription and illicit opioid epidemics, which are intertwined and getting worse, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


New Report Lays Out Strategy to Evaluate Evidence of Adverse Human Health Effects From Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals at Low Doses

A new report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine proposes a strategy that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should use to evaluate the evidence of adverse human health effects from low doses of exposure to chemicals that can disrupt the endocrine system.


NASA Should Continue its Large Strategic Missions to Maintain United States’ Global Leadership in Space

NASA’s large strategic missions like the Hubble Space Telescope, the Curiosity rover on Mars, and the Terra Earth observation satellite are essential to maintaining the United States’ global leadership in space exploration and should continue to be a primary component of a balanced space science program that includes large, medium, and smaller missions, says a new report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


NASA Should Develop U.S. Strategy for International Space Station Beyond 2024

Although NASA has made progress toward the overall space exploration science priorities recommended in a 2011 decadal survey by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the space agency should raise the priority of scientific research that addresses the risks and unknowns of human space exploration.


National Academies’ Climate Communications Initiative Releases Strategic Plan

The National Academies established the Climate Communications Initiative (CCI) last year to enable their extensive work on climate science, impacts, and response options to inform decision-makers and the public more effectively.


To Ensure High-Quality Patient Care, the Health Care System Must Address Clinician Burnout Tied to Work and Learning Environments, Administrative Requirements

Between one-third and one-half of U.S. clinicians experience burnout and addressing the epidemic requires systemic changes by health care organizations, educational institutions, and all levels of government, says a new report from the National Academy of Medicine.


DOD Biological Threat Reduction Program Should Be Part of a New Interagency Mechanism to Coordinate Efforts to Prevent Biological Threats, Including Natural Disease Outbreaks - Report Offers Five-Year Strategy for BTRP

Over the next five years, the U.S. Department of Defense’s Biological Threat Reduction Program (BTRP) should encourage and be among co-leaders in the federal government’s development of an enduring interagency mechanism to address an array of biological threats – including natural disease outbreaks, accidental releases, and intentional attacks -- to deployed U.S. forces and to the nation itself, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine


Promising Strategies for Encouraging COVID-19 Protective Behaviors, Including Mask Wearing and Physical Distancing, Identified in New Guidance

A new rapid expert consultation from the Societal Experts Action Network identifies promising strategies to make the adoption of protective behaviors against COVID-19, such as wearing a mask or regularly washing your hands, more likely.


New Guidance Says Decision-Makers Can Offer Incentives and Partner with Trusted Sources, Among Other Strategies, to Encourage Cooperation in COVID-19 Contact Tracing

A new rapid expert consultation from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Societal Experts Action Network says strategies such as giving advance notice, partnering with trusted sources, and offering incentives can encourage individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 to respond to health department contact tracing and share information about people they may have exposed to the virus.


Academies Study Will Examine COVID-19 in Correctional Facilities and Strategies for Decarceration

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine started work on a new study last month that will provide advice to policymakers, corrections officials, and public health officials on best practices for mitigating the spread of COVID-19 in correctional facilities through large-scale release and decarceration efforts.


Critical to Scientific Discovery and Innovation, Biological Collections Need Strategy, Action Center, and Increased Investment

The sustainability of the nation’s biological collections is under threat, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Advantages and Trade-offs of COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests, National Testing Strategies Examined in New Rapid Response to Government

A new rapid expert consultation from a standing committee of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine examines four topics related to the use and interpretation of COVID-19 diagnostic tests.


National Academies Launch New COVID-19 Strategic Science Initiative

To help decision-makers navigate through this ongoing crisis and take actions toward a strong and sustained recovery, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine have launched a new strategic science initiative to provide rapid, scenario-based analyses aimed at protecting critical societal functions, avoiding worst outcomes, and building upon potential opportunities.


More Strategic Approach Needed for Coast Guard to Exploit Advancements in Unmanned Systems Technology

As unmanned systems (UxS) continue to develop and be used by military services and federal agencies, the U.S. Coast Guard should proceed more aggressively and deliberately in taking advantage of UxS advancements, says a new congressionally mandated report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


National Academies Offer Guidance on Student Behavior and COVID-19 Testing for College Administrators Ahead of 2021 Spring Semester

Two new rapid expert consultations from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine offer lessons learned from the 2020 fall semester regarding COVID-19 testing and guidance on student behavior, as college administrators plan for the 2021 spring semester.


Incoming Administration Names Academy Members to Key Posts

President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris announced their nomination of several members of the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and National Academy of Medicine to serve in key science positions.


Strategies to Allocate Scarce COVID-19 Monoclonal Antibody Treatments to Eligible Patients Examined in New Rapid Response to Government

Despite a scarce supply, a substantial amount of COVID-19 monoclonal antibody (mAb) treatment courses remain unused, says a new rapid expert consultation from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


New Rapid Expert Consultation Offers Strategies for Navigating Disaster Response, Evacuation, and Sheltering Complicated by COVID-19

A new rapid expert consultation from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine identifies strategies for emergency planners and decision-makers to consider as they update their disaster plans for evacuation, sheltering, and mass care amid COVID-19.


Nobel Prize Summit ‘Our Planet, Our Future’ To Be Held April 26-28 - Registration Now Open

The first Nobel Prize Summit “Our Planet, Our Future” will bring together Nobel Prize laureates and other esteemed leaders in the sciences, policy, business, the youth movement, and the arts to explore actions that can be achieved this decade to put the world on a path to a more sustainable, more prosperous future for all.


New Strategic Council for Research Excellence, Integrity, and Trust Established by National Academy of Sciences to Support the Health of the Research Enterprise

The National Academy of Sciences has established a new Strategic Council for Research Excellence, Integrity, and Trust, which will convene stakeholders across the research enterprise to develop ways to promote high-quality research practices and to address challenges to research ethics and integrity.


National Academies Release New Videos and Illustrated Stories to Help Kids and Teens Manage Mental Health and Emotions During COVID-19

Social distancing, disrupted routines, and a lost sense of security and safety have made some kids and teens vulnerable to stress, anxiety, and depression during the pandemic. A new set of tools from the National Academies helps kids and adults build skills to cope with stress.


Combating Antimicrobial Resistance Globally Requires Maintaining Safety of Available Antibiotics and a Robust Pipeline - Animal and Environmental Health Strategies Also Needed

Safe, effective antimicrobial medicines are essential to modern medical procedures and pandemic preparedness. A new National Academies report recommends a range of policy, regulatory, and financial actions to tackle antimicrobial resistance, spanning human, animal, and environmental health.


U.S. Should Create National Strategy by End of 2022 to Reduce Its Increasing Contribution to Global Ocean Plastic Waste, Says New Report

The United States should create a national strategy by end of 2022 to reduce its outsized and increasing contribution to plastic waste in the world’s oceans.


NAS and NAM Presidents, Other Experts Urge Biden Administration to Reinstate Presidential Bioethics Commission

A presidential commission on bioethics has not been appointed since 2017. The Biden administration should reinstate a presidential bioethics advisory commission to help inform policy decisions that have bioethical implications, urge the NAS and NAM presidents and other experts.


NCES Should Make Strategic Changes to Meet 21st-Century Education Data Needs — New Report

The National Center for Education Statistics should make strategic changes to meet new education data needs by investing in a culture of innovation, new types of data, and expanded data access services, says the final report in a series written for the Institute of Education Sciences.


Report Identifies Priority Planetary Science Missions, Planetary Defense Efforts, and Strategic Investments for the Next Decade

A new decadal survey presents a comprehensive plan for the fields of planetary science and astrobiology, identifying priority missions, planetary defense efforts, strategic technology and infrastructure investments, and ways to support the profession.


Strategic Commitment, Long-Term Investments Needed by Defense Department to Expand Research Capacity at HBCUs and Other Minority Institutions, New Report Says

A new report examines how the U.S. Department of Defense can increase the capacity of historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and other minority institutions to conduct defense and national security research.


Registration Now Open -- May 24-26 Nobel Prize Summit on Misinformation and Trust in Science

Registration is now open for the Nobel Prize Summit “Truth, Trust and Hope,” a global conversation on how to stop misinformation from eroding public trust in science. Hosted by NAS and the Nobel Foundation, the summit takes place May 24-26 in Washington, D.C., and virtually.


National Nuclear Security Administration Cannot Continue With ‘Business as Usual’ in the Shifting Supercomputing Landscape, Says New Report

The National Nuclear Security Administration needs to fundamentally rethink the strategy for its next generation of high-performance computing and cannot continue with ‘business as usual’ through shifting technical and geopolitical landscapes. Advanced computing capabilities help the NNSA ensure that the U.S. maintains a safe, secure, and reliable nuclear stockpile.


Cyber insurance as part of the cyber threat mitigation strategy

Why organizations of every size and industry should explore their cyber insurance options as a crucial component of their risk mitigation strategies


Black Hat USA 2024: How cyber insurance is shaping cybersecurity strategies

Cyber insurance is not only a safety net, but it can also be a catalyst for advancing security practices and standards


Leveraging data in your AI strategy: Gopichand Katragadda, Myelin Foundry

As organizations harness the power of data, they can unlock new possibilities and drive transformative initiatives. Katragadda's insights make it abundantly clear that data is the cornerstone of any AI strategy.


ETCIO Data Strategy Summit ‘24: Keynote speakers on finding the right fit with AI

Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Former Union Minister of Electronics and IT, and Raghu Krishnananda, Chief Product and Technology Officer at Myntra, highlighted the trends and case studies impacting consumers and enterprises alike.


'Materials that compute' advances as Pitt engineers demonstrate pattern recognition

PITTSBURGH (September 2, 2016) ... The potential to develop "materials that compute" has taken another leap at the University of Pittsburgh's Swanson School of Engineering, where researchers for the first time have demonstrated that the material can be designed to recognize simple patterns. This responsive, hybrid material, powered by its own chemical reactions, could one day be integrated into clothing and used to monitor the human body, or developed as a skin for "squishy" robots.

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  • Physics & Chemistry


A strange thing happened in the stratosphere

This disruption to the wind pattern - called the "quasi-biennial oscillation" - did not have any immediate impact on weather or climate as we experience it on Earth's surface. But it does raise interesting questions for the NASA scientists who observed it: If a pattern holds for six decades and then suddenly changes, what caused that to happen? Will it happen again? What effects might it have?

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  • Earth & Climate


OU study demonstrates seasonality of bird migration in response to environmental cues

A University of Oklahoma study demonstrates for the first time that remote sensing data from weather surveillance radar and on-the-ground data from the eBird citizen science database both yield robust indices of migration timing, also known as migration phenology. These indices can now be used to address the critical gap in our knowledge regarding the cues that migrants use for fine tuning their migration timing in response to climate.

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  • Earth & Climate


Enroute GCC: How Amadeus India is leading the shift to high strategic projects

With 40% of Amadeus’ product development happening in India, Sreejith A. R, Head of Creation Platform and Shared Services- APAC, details the factors that work for GCC, and the role of AI in making GCCs more efficient.


Strategies for large enterprises to scale conversational AI across multiple touchpoints

For large enterprises, Conversational AI isn't just another digital tool; it's becoming a strategic imperative. Consider this: a typical Fortune 500 company handles over 50 million customer interactions annually across various channels – from social media and websites to mobile apps and contact centers.


AI skilling: Intersection of leadership vision and operational strategy

AI is a strategic tool that can provide a competitive edge and foster R&D and innovation through the specific use of the technology. But is it increasingly becoming a mere marketing spiel? Do companies and key stakeholders understand the power of AI and its implied use cases for their domain or business? If yes, who should push AI implementation and skilling objectives in an organization?


Our data strategy is the fallout of our business strategy: V Ganapathy, Holcim

V Ganapathy, VP, & Head- Global Advanced Analytics CoE, Holcim lays bare the building blocks of his data strategy, the AI-capabilities he is building across the group, and data-led vision for operational efficiency, profitability, and sustainability.


How Flipkart leverages data analytics to create e-commerce strategies

In an interview with ETCIO, Ravi Vijayaraghavan, SVP & Chief Data & Analytics Officer, Flipkart shares how the homegrown e-commerce giant leverages data science to drive customer experience and seller profitability.


New formulation strategies for bakery snacks

Bakery snacks saw a relatively flat year per IRI, Chicago, with 0.16 percent growth to $3.4 billion. Grupo Bimbo far outperformed the category average, though, with growth of 14.48 percent to $249.4 million.


Strategies for growing U.S. bread sales

David DelGhingaro, president, Brolite Products, provides some fresh perspective on how to breathe new life into the bread category.


Distribution strategies for snack and bakery companies

Direct store delivery, third-party logistics often popular with snack manufacturers.


SIERA.AI reveals new strategic relationship with UniCarriers Americas to expand its revolutionary technologies

SIERA.AI and UniCarriers Americas are pleased to announce that they have entered into a strategic relationship to combine SIERA.AI’s innovative safety and autonomy technologies with UniCarriers’ expertise as a leading manufacturer and distributor of material handling equipment.  


Distribution strategies to preserve product quality

As history has proven in the baking industry, sometimes distribution can make or break a company. Through the years, direct-store delivery (DSD) routes have grown increasingly complex, as the market for drivers has become exponentially more competitive. Meanwhile, complete transparency and tracking of actionable data for analyzing productivity are increasingly standard industry features.


Bell Flavors & Fragrances announces new roles, strategic promotions at its Northbrook location

Bell Flavors & Fragrances recently announced one new role and several promotions at its headquarters in Northbrook, IL.