
Natural enemies : an introduction to biological control / Ann E. Hajek (Cornell University), Jørgen Eilenberg (University of Copenhagen)

Hajek, Ann E., author


Integrated disease management of wheat and barley / edited by Professor Richard Oliver, Curtin University, Australia


Rewilding / edited by Nathalie Pettorelli (Institute of Zoology, London), Sarah M. Durant (Institute of Zoology, London), Johan T. du Toit (Utah State University)


Engineering salinity solutions : 1st National Salinity Engineering Conference 2004 conference proceedings : 9-12 November 2004, Burswood International Resort, Perth, Western Australia / Engineers Australia; edited by Shawan Dogramaci, Alex Waterhouse

National Salinity Engineering Conference (1st : 2004 : Perth, W.A.)


Invertebrates in aquaculture, 19, 20 & 21 May 1989 : venue, University of Queensland

Refresher Course for Veterinarians (117th : 1989 : University of Queensland)


Trai recommends restructuring of BARC India with an aim to improve credibility, transparency

Industry experts call Trai recommendations impractical and driven by vested interests.


Prakash Javadekar assures broadcasters of regulatory stability

The minister told office bearers of the Indian Broadcasting Foundation (IBF) on Friday that he will consult with the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) on changes in the tariff order and its recommendations on the rating agency BARC India.


[ASAP] Exploring the Relationship between Effective Mass, Transient Photoconductivity, and Photocatalytic Activity of Sr<sub><italic toggle="yes">x</italic></sub>Pb<sub>1–<italic toggle="yes">x</i

Chemistry of Materials
DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.9b05366


[ASAP] Additives: Their Influence on the Humidity- and Pressure-Induced Crystallization of Amorphous CaCO<sub>3</sub>

Chemistry of Materials
DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.0c00975


[ASAP] Complex Investigation of Water Impact on Li-Ion Conductivity of Li<sub>1.3</sub>Al<sub>0.3</sub>Ti<sub>1.7</sub>(PO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3</sub>—Electrochemical, Chemical, Structural, and Morp

Chemistry of Materials
DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.9b04419


[ASAP] Nanoscale Metal Phosphide Phase Segregation to Bi/P Core/Shell Structure. Reactivity as a Source of Elemental Phosphorus

Chemistry of Materials
DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.0c00478


[ASAP] Processable Composites with Extreme Material Capacities: Toward Designer High Internal Phase Emulsions and Foams<xref rid="notes-100" ref-type="statement">†</xref>

Chemistry of Materials
DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.9b04952


[ASAP] Hydrothermal Stability of High-Surface-Area a-Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> and Its Use as a Support for Hydrothermally Stable Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis Catalysts

Chemistry of Materials
DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.0c01587


[ASAP] Oxide Ion and Proton Conductivity in Highly Oxygen-Deficient Cubic Perovskite SrSc<sub>0.3</sub>Zn<sub>0.2</sub>Ga<sub>0.5</sub>O<sub>2.4</sub>

Chemistry of Materials
DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.0c01378


Space stations: the art, science, and reality of working in space / Dr. Gary Kitmacher, Ron Miller, Robert Pearlman ; foreword, Nicole Stott

Hayden Library - TL797.K5745 2018


High Velocity Microparticles in Space: Influence Mechanisms and Mitigating Effects of Electromagnetic Irradiation / Anatoly Belous, Vitali Saladukha and Siarhei Shvedau

Online Resource


The Blitz companion: aerial warfare, civilians and the city since 1911 / Mark Clapson

Online Resource


Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space: 26 Feb - 1 Mar 2018, Palace Station Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, NV, USA. Program and full summaries / organized for the American Nuclear Society by the Aerospace Nuclear Science and Technology Division, the

Hayden Library - TL1102.N8 N48 2018


Returning People to the Moon After Apollo: Will It Be Another Fifty Years? / Pat Norris

Online Resource


Industrial system engineering for drones: a guide with best practices for designing / Neeraj Kumar Singh, Porselvan Muthukrishnan, Satyanarayana Sanpini

Online Resource


Aviation System Risks and Safety Kuklev E.A., Shapkin V.S., Filippov V.L., Shatrakov Y.G

Online Resource


Stability and control of conventional and unconventional aerospace vehicle configurations: a generic approach from subsonic to hypersonic speeds / Bernd Chudoba

Online Resource


Using GIS for collaborative land use compatibility planning near airports / Arora Engineers, Inc

Barker Library - TL725.3.P5 U854 2019


The growing threat to Air Force mission-critical electronics: lethality at risk: unclassified summary / Steven Darbes and Joan Fuller, editors ; Committee on a Strategy for Acquiring Secure and Reliable Electronic Components for Air Force Weapon Systems,

Online Resource


The New Frontiers of Space: Economic Implications, Security Issues and Evolving Scenarios / Stefania Paladini

Online Resource


Reinventing the propeller: aeronautical specialty and the triumph of the modern airplane / Jeremy R. Kinney, Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum

Hayden Library - TL705.K56 2017


Airport incident reporting practices / Stephen M. Quilty, SMQ Airport Services, Abingdon, VA

Barker Library - TL725.3.M2 Q85 2019


Heroes of the space age: incredible stories of the famous and forgotten men and women who took humanity to the stars / Rod Pyle

Hayden Library - TL789.85.A1 P945 2019


Re-platforming the airline business: to meet travelers' total mobility needs / Nawal K. Taneja

Dewey Library - HE9780.T3638 2019


A century of flight at Paton Field: the story of Kent State University's airport and flight education / William D. Schloman and Barbara F. Schloman

Hayden Library - TL726.4.S76 S35 2019


Stress Challenges and Immunity in Space: From Mechanisms to Monitoring and Preventive Strategies / edited by Alexander Choukèr

Online Resource


Global Aeronautical Distress and Safety Systems (GADSS: theory and applications / Stojče Dimov Ilčev

Online Resource


Revolving funds for sustainability projects at airports / Adam Klauber, Craig Schiller, Joey Cathcart [and 6 others]

Barker Library - TL725.3.P5 K53 2019


Accessory to war: the unspoken alliance between astrophysics and the military / Neil deGrasse Tyson and Avis Lang

Hayden Library - UG1523.T97 2018


Guidebook for developing a comprehensive renewable resources strategy / Shawn Shaw, Courtney Ferraro, Tyler Orcutt, Geoff Morrison and Mia Stephens

Barker Library - TL725.3.M2 S53 2019


Fourth IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems 2018: proceedings of the 4th International Academy of Astronautics Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems (DyCoSS) held May 21 - 23, 2018, National University of Defense Technolog

Barker Library - TL787.A244 v.165


How airports plan for changing aircraft capacity: the effects of upgauging / Denis Verdier, Marie Guittard

Barker Library - TL725.3.P5.V47 2019


Guidelines for collecting, applying, and maintaining pavement condition data at airports / David Peshkin, Peter-Paul F. Dzwilewski, Kyle M. Potvin, Katherine Gauthier, Monty Wade, Eric Risner, Ryan Robinson, Chris Snyder, Marianne Cardwell, Kieran Feigha

Barker Library - TL725.3.P35 P474 2019


Innovative solutions to facilitate accessibility for airport travelers with disabilities / Laurel Van Horn [and 7 others]

Online Resource


Promoting aviation career education in high schools and community colleges / C. Daniel Prather, DPrather Aviation Solutions, LLC, Riverside, CA and California Baptist University, Riverside, CA

Online Resource


Guidebook on effective land use compatibility planning strategies for general aviation airports / Maranda V. Thompson, Kenneth A. Brody, Lisa Harmon, Stephanie A.D. Ward, Diana E. Fainberg, Mihir Shah

Barker Library - TL725.3.P5 T465 2019


Flexible engineering toward green aircraft: CAE tools for sustainable mobility / Marco Evangelos Biancolini, Ubaldo Cella, editors

Online Resource


For humanity or for the Umma?: aid and Islam in transnational Muslim NGOs / Marie Juul Petersen

Rotch Library - HD60.5.I74 P48 2015


Islamic populism in Indonesia and the Middle East / Vedi R. Hadiz (Asia Institute, University of Melbourne ; Asia Research Centre, Murdoch University)

Rotch Library - BP173.7.H336 2016


Saving lives and staying alive: humanitarian security in the age of risk management / Michaël Neuman, Fabrice Weissman (editors)

Rotch Library - JZ4841.S29 2016


Yok Olmadan: Doğa ve Sürdürülebilirlik Üzerine Bir Sergi = Till it's gone: an exhibition on nature and sustainablility / Çelenk Bafra, Paolo Colombo, exhibition curators

Rotch Library - N6496.3.T9 K335 2016


A history of the modern Middle East: rulers, rebels, and rogues / Betty S. Anderson

Rotch Library - DS62.4.A63 2016


Land, people and power: an anthropological study of emerging mega city of New Town, Rajarhat / Kakali Chakrabarty, Krishna Mandal, Janak Kumari Srivastava, Sudhansu Gangopadhyay, Asok Kumar Mukhopadhyay, Sumitabha Chakrabarty, Rapti Pan, K. M. Sinha Roy

Rotch Library - GN635.I4 C43 2015


The subversive utopia: Louis Kahn & the question of the national Jewish style in Jerusalem / Yasir Sakr

Rotch Library - NA737.K32 S25 2015


Searching for community: Melbourne to Delhi / edited by Supriya Singh [and three others]

Rotch Library - HN930.7.A8 M45 2011