
Royal commission hears aged care residents served re-used, cold meals in 'race to the bottom'

Celebrity chef Maggie Beer says nothing can forgive the abysmal standard of meals given to some aged care residents as the royal commission into the sector hears people were served meals from trolleys near maggot-infested rubbish bins.


Aged care royal commission hears of grandfather sick of sitting in his own faeces

The standard of care provided to an elderly man, often found in soiled pants, at a regional Queensland aged care facility was so appalling even his own granddaughter was too distressed to visit, the royal commission into aged care hears.


Search for missing family from boat in Torres Strait called off following large-scale operation

Police call off the search for five people missing in the Torres Strait since Wednesday after they set off by boat from Badu Island to Dauan Island, prompting a large-scale operation.

  • ABC Far North
  • farnorth
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  • Community and Society:Missing Person:All
  • Disasters and Accidents:Accidents:All
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  • Australia:All:All
  • Australia:QLD:All
  • Australia:QLD:Cairns 4870
  • Australia:QLD:Thursday Island 4875
  • Torres Strait Islands:All:All


Chroming will 'dissolve the brain like melting plastic', experts warn amid resurgence

Health professionals who say they have seen an increase in the number of "very young children" under the influence of solvents and inhalants warn the consequences of their actions are irreversible.


Two bodies found at Far North Queensland waterfall believed to be missing Townsville couple

The woman, 32, and man, 24, were reported missing in the Cairns area yesterday after they both failed to show up for work.


Gold Coast aged care facility Earle Haven to be referred to royal commission

People still living at a Gold Coast nursing home that was partially evacuated last Thursday are told the facility will be referred to the aged care royal commission, a move backed by operator HelpStreet.


Aged care royal commission told staff were threatened during evacuation of Earle Haven nursing home

Arthur Miller faced a demand for almost $4 million for breach of contract the day before his Gold Coast retirement village Earle Haven was abruptly shut, prompting the evacuation of 68 elderly residents, the aged care royal commission is told.


State Crime detective stood down after drugs go missing from evidence room

A State Crime Detective Senior Constable is stood down after police discover a dangerous drug, believed to be cocaine, has been stolen from an evidence room.


Bushfire in Gold Coast hinterland could have been act of arson, Police Commissioner says

A large bushfire that has claimed 11 properties in the Gold Coast hinterland as well as historic Binna Burra Lodge could have been deliberately lit, Queensland's Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll says.


Body found under Gold Coast bridge thought to be missing 'bikie' Shane Ross

Police believe a body found in a Gold Coast park is that of missing man Shane Ross, with detectives saying the death is suspicious and possibly related to the death of another man on Friday night.


Merlin the missing dog brings North Burnett community together after owner dies in car crash

Dog trackers, rangers, farmers and emergency services personnel band together in the search for Merlin, whose "best mate" and owner was killed in a car crash in rural Queensland last week. Searchers say the dog has been spotted a number of times in recent days.


Merlin the missing dog emerges from the bush a fortnight after owner's death

More than a fortnight after running away into the bush when owner Simon Hannan was killed in a car crash, Merlin the kelpie cross turns up alive and well.


Queensland must rapidly ditch coal-fired power to meet Australia's emission targets, report finds

A leading science institute finds Queensland must move more quickly towards renewable energy and away from coal-fired power by 2030 to meet its share of the nation's emissions reduction targets.




The woman behind the smiles: Tricia Fortier's mission to fund the Clown Doctors

Tricia Fortier remembers two things about the time her granddaughter Marlei was in hospital: worrying and smiling. Now she's made it her mission to bring more laughs to her local hospital.


Woy Woy bowling club property deal referred to Independent Commission Against Corruption

The sale of government land on the New South Wales central coast waterfront for the bargain price of $38,000 has locals up in arms and prompted Greens MP David Shoebridge to refer the matter to the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

  • ABC Radio Central Coast
  • centralcoast
  • Community and Society:Urban Development and Planning:All
  • Government and Politics:All:All
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  • Crime and Justice:All:All
  • Law
  • Crime and Justice:Corruption:All
  • Australia:NSW:All
  • Australia:NSW:Gosford 2250
  • Australia:NSW:Woy Woy 2256


Rod Bower, the billboard priest from Gosford, to run for Senate on asylum seeker, climate issues

Best known for his provocative signs, Father Rod Bower from the NSW Central Coast announces plans to run for the Senate as an independent candidate.


Parking fines issued by the hundreds on residential streets by NSW Police forces backflip

Residents on the NSW Central Coast say common sense has prevailed after police withdrew hundreds of $263 fines on residents parking outside their own homes.

  • ABC Radio Central Coast
  • centralcoast
  • Community and Society:All:All
  • Government and Politics:Local Government:All
  • Law
  • Crime and Justice:Police:All
  • Australia:NSW:Umina Beach 2257
  • Australia:NSW:Woy Woy 2256


Missing Illawarra man Gary Pearce confirmed dead

Extensive DNA testing has confirmed a body found in a burnt-out car in NSW's south-west is that of missing Illawarra man, Gary Pearce.


Miss Dish And The Volcano

When Mount St. Helens reopened to climbers after its historic eruption, a woman in a red chiffon dress and pillbox hat changed the face of Northwest mountaineering forever.


Olivia Munn Says Bryan Singer Went Missing for a ‘Thyroid Issue’ While Shooting ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ (EXCLUSIVE)

For a long time, Olivia Munn didn’t fully grasp a question that she got asked all the time in interviews: Journalists would want to know about the difference between being a man and woman in Hollywood. “I got it for years before it clicked with me one day when I answered it,” Munn said. “I […]


Watch Issa Rae Play a Gun-Wielding Stripper Opposite Danny Trejo in D Smoke’s ‘Lights On’ Visual (EXCLUSIVE)

D Smoke first wowed the music world when he won the inaugural season of "Rhythm + Flow," Netflix's hip-hop  competition show with Cardi B, Chance the Rapper and T.I. as judges. Impressing both the panel and viewers at home with meaningful, uplifting verses, the Inglewood, Calif. native, whose real name is Daniel Farris, dropped his […]


Five issues to avoid for accessible presentations. Learn how to duck them with these techniques

Five common accessibility presentation problems — the frustrating five — can thwart your attempts to enlighten your listeners. Rest easy. This article identifies these troublesome issues, then details the techniques you can use to avoid the issues, whether you are using IBM® Symphony® or Microsoft® PowerPoint®.


USWNT's equal pay case dismissed, judge rules in favor of U.S. Soccer


Report: Trump tells sports commissioners NFL season should start on time


Estate of Petter v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue

(United States Ninth Circuit) - In a dispute involving the scope of Treasury Regulation section 25.2522(c)-3(b)(1) and arising from the transfer of membership units in an LLC partly as a gift and partly by sale to two trusts with simultaneous gifts of LLC units to two charitable foundations under a reallocation clause, judgment of the trial court is affirmed where Section 25.2522(c)-3(b)(1), upon trigger of the reallocation clause, does not bar a charitable deduction equal to the value of the additional units the foundations will receive.


Ralphs Grocery Co. v. Missionary Church of the Disciples of Jesus Christ

(California Court of Appeal) - In a trespass suit brought by a grocery store against a church soliciting donations in front of the store, summary judgment in favor of the store is affirmed, where: 1) the church's solicitation was not protected by In re Lane (1969) 71 Cal.2d 872, because there was no relation between the church's expressive activities and the store's location; and 2) the church did not contend or present evidence to establish that the store or the sidewalk in front was a public forum within the meaning of Robins v. Pruneyard Shopping Center (1979) 23 Cal.3d 899.


The Real Truth About Abortion v. Federal Election Commission

(United States Fourth Circuit) - In an action by a Virginia non-profit corporation organized under section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code to provide "accurate and truthful information about the public policy positions of Senator Barack Obama," contending that it was "chilled" from posting information about then-Senator Obama because of the vagueness of a Commission regulation, 11 C.F.R. section 100.22(b), and a Commission policy, published at 72 Fed. Reg. 5595 (Feb. 7, 2007), relating to whether plaintiff has to make disclosures or is a "political committee" (PAC), the District Court's judgment is affirmed where: 1) neither the regulation nor policy are unconstitutionally broad and vague in violation of the First and Fifth Amendments; and 2) it correctly applied the "exacting scrutiny" standard applicable to disclosure provisions.


Cannan Taiwanese Christian Church v. All World Mission Ministries

(California Court of Appeal) - In an unlawful detainer action between two non-profit religious organizations, trial court's order compelling defendant's pastor, who was not a party to the action, to sign the written settlement agreement in his individual capacity, is reversed and remanded where: 1) the parties' oral settlement agreement did not require the pastor to release any personal claims against the plaintiff or sign a written agreement purportedly conforming to the oral settlement in his individual capacity; and 2) the trial court lacked jurisdiction over the pastor.

  • Contracts
  • Dispute Resolution & Arbitration
  • Property Law & Real Estate
  • Tax-exempt Organizations


George v. Commissioner of IRS

(United States First Circuit) - In an appeal of a tax court decision affirming a determination by the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that he owed $3.790 million in income taxes and penalties on $5.65 million in bank deposits petitioner made and interest earned from 1995 to 2002, the tax court determination is affirmed over petitioner's contentions that these deposits were not his taxable personal income but the program income of a social welfare organization that had tax-exempt status pursuant to section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. section 501(c), where an organization distinct from petitioner did not exist during the applicable tax years.


Express Oil Change, L.L.C. v. Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors

(United States Fifth Circuit) - Held that the First Amendment's commercial speech protections entitled a company to operate automotive service centers under the name "Tire Engineers," even though a state board that licenses engineers objected to the use of the profession's occupational title. Reversed and rendered summary judgment in favor of the company, in this declaratory judgment action.


Mission Product Holdings, Inc. v. Tempnology, LLC

(United States Supreme Court) - Held that a bankrupt company's rejection of a trademark licensing agreement did not deprive its licensee of the rights to use the trademark. The U.S. Supreme Court interpreted Section 365 of the Bankruptcy Code, which enables a debtor to reject any executory contract, meaning a contract that neither party has finished performing. Justice Kagan delivered the opinion of the 8-1 Court.


Mission Product Holdings, Inc. v. Tempnology, LLC

(United States Supreme Court) - Held that a bankrupt company's rejection of a trademark licensing agreement did not deprive its licensee of the rights to use the trademark. The U.S. Supreme Court interpreted Section 365 of the Bankruptcy Code, which enables a debtor to reject any executory contract, meaning a contract that neither party has finished performing. Justice Kagan delivered the opinion of the 8-1 Court.


Flowers v. Mississippi

(United States Supreme Court) - Addressed whether the State of Mississippi's peremptory strike of a particular black prospective juror was motivated by discriminatory intent. Justice Kavanaugh, who delivered the opinion of the 7-2 Court, explicitly stated that the decision broke no new legal ground but rather simply reinforced the Batson decision, in this case involving a man's sixth murder trial (the other five had ended in hung juries or else been reversed on appeal).

  • Criminal Law & Procedure



RT @mrbromwich: I have been in and around DOJ since 1983. I have never seen a case dropped after someone has pled guilty and the underlying facts demonstrate beyond any shadow of a doubt he is guilty. This is simply a pardon by another name. A black day in DOJ history.


Winners of Tickets to Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries Costume Exhibition

You’re in luck if you love Miss Phryne Fisher, TV’s elegant lady detective.



(WV Supreme Court of Appeals) - No. 18-0408


Mission Product Holdings, Inc. v. Tempnology, LLC

(United States Supreme Court) - Held that a bankrupt company's rejection of a trademark licensing agreement did not deprive its licensee of the rights to use the trademark. The U.S. Supreme Court interpreted Section 365 of the Bankruptcy Code, which enables a debtor to reject any executory contract, meaning a contract that neither party has finished performing. Justice Kagan delivered the opinion of the 8-1 Court.


Argos dismiss Chamblin, hire Stampeders' Dinwiddie as new HC


CFL commissioner: 'Our most likely scenario is no season'


Aerobics ace Carissa Uno reaches new heights in Las Vegas

WHAT happens in Vegas typically stays in Vegas, but Carissa Uno will take everything she learned at a gymnastics tournament in Sin City to inspire her to greater heights.


In re Lisse

(United States Seventh Circuit) - Upheld an attorney's suspension from the practice of law in the Western District of Wisconsin for "serial dilatory, vexatious and unprofessional litigation practices." Also affirmed an order requiring her and her client to pay monetary sanctions in this bankruptcy litigation.


Attorney's Process & Investigation Servs., Inc. v. Sac & Fox Tribe of the Miss. in Iowa

(United States Eighth Circuit) - In an action by a company which provides security and consulting services to casino operators, seeking a declaratory judgment that an Indian tribal court lacked jurisdiction and an order compelling arbitration, summary judgment for defendant is affirmed in part where the tribal courts could exercise adjudicatory jurisdiction over the tribe's claims against plaintiff for trespass to land, trespass to chattels, and conversion of tribal trade secrets. However, the judgment is reversed in part where the tribal court did not have jurisdiction under the second Montana exception over the tribe's claim for conversion of tribal funds.


Slone v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue

(United States Ninth Circuit) - Held that shareholders were liable for taxes on proceeds from the sale of a close corporation. The Internal Revenue Service sued the shareholders, claiming they violated Arizona's Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act by engaging in a complex series of stock and asset transactions that resulted in creating a debtor company unable to pay the tax bill. Agreeing with the IRS's position, the Ninth Circuit reversed a decision of the Tax Court and remanded with instructions to enter judgment in favor of the IRS.


Griggs v. Chickasaw County, Mississippi

(United States Fifth Circuit) - Affirmed. The trial court's determination that the County Board of Supervisors' elimination of a longtime county Solid Waste Enforcement Officer's position was retaliation was upheld. The employee was running for sheriff as an Independent and the Board preferred Democrats.


Southern Hens, Inc. v. Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission

(United States Fifth Circuit) - Petition denied. A company's petition for review of an administrative law judge's finding of violations and imposition of a monetary penalty against a poultry processing plant following a worker injury was upheld.


Harville v. City of Houston, Mississippi

(United States Fifth Circuit) - Affirmed. The court affirmed the dismissal of a suit claiming race discrimination and retaliation under Title VII in the firing of a deputy clerk of a city that was part of a group of layoffs intended to offset a budget shortfall. The plaintiff failed to present a genuine issue of material fact that her race was the motivating factor in her termination or that there was a causal connection between an EEOC complaint and the termination.