
Witness through troubled times : a history of the Orthodox Church of Georgia, 1811 to the present / with contributions by Zaza Abashidze [and four others] ; edited by Tamara Grdzelidze, Martin George & Lukas Vischer.

London : Bennett & Bloom, 2006.


The wisdom of Laotse / translated, edited, and with an introduction and notes by Lin Yutang.

London : Michael Joseph, 1958.


The politics of aesthetics : the distribution of the sensible / Jacques Rancière ; translated with an introduction by Gabriel Rockhill.

London ; New York : Continuum, 2006.


Critique du De mundo de Thomas White / Thomas Hobbes ; introduction, texte critique et notes par Jean Jacquot et Harold Whitmore Jones.

Paris : Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 1973.


Dissociating high concentration lithium salts in LLZTO-based high dielectric polymer electrolytes for low temperature Li metal batteries

Mater. Chem. Front., 2024, 8,3569-3576
DOI: 10.1039/D4QM00625A, Research Article
Jiajun Gong, Zhicheng Yao, Qimin Peng, Huizi Tang, Wenhao Han, Shimou Chen
A new composite electrolyte, combined with rigid fillers and high dielectric polymers, promotes the dissociation of lithium salts and the construction of multiple Li+ paths, improving Li metal batteries performances at room and low temperatures.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


The international power couple: London and migrant entrepreneurs

In partnership with Museum of London: London has long been a magnet for talent and investment, attracting the brightest minds from every corner of the globe. It is now Europe’s largest and most vibrant tech hub – but what is it about this drizzly grey metropolis that contributes to the astonishing success of migrant start-ups? In partnership with the Museum of London as part of their City Now City Future season, we look to Sadiq Khan, thriving migrant entrepreneurs, and global tech pioneers to understand what London’s got that nowhere else has – uncovering why being an outsider could be the key to disruptive innovations.


4 Entrepreneurs Give Their Smart Tips for Innovation | WIRED Brand Lab | BRANDED CONTENT

BRANDED CONTENT | Produced by WIRED Brand Lab and SELF for smartwater. Entrepreneurs Aminatou Sow, Joe Holder, Billie Whitehouse, and Jessica Nabongo share how innovation can have an impact on your success.


Why Captive Tigers Can’t Be Reintroduced to the Wild

Netflix's "Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness" has opened up the world's eyes to big cat ownership in America. Outside all the headlines-generating drama, the documentary casts some light onto the big cat black market. Dr. John Goodrich, Chief Scientist and Tiger Program Director for Panthera, the global wild cat conservation organization, sits down with WIRED to talk about these concerns. Can these captive animals ever be reintroduced into the wild?


Introducing WIRED UK

WIRED brings you the future as it happens - the people, the trends, the big ideas that will change our lives.


Former FBI Agent Breaks Down Body Language We Can't Control

Former FBI agent and body language expert Joe Navarro breaks down the unintentional non-verbals that are displayed by human beings around the globe. Joe explains how the limbic system functions and why we act the way we do in certain situations. Check out Joe's book "The Dictionary of Body Language" https://www.jnforensics.com/ Books By Joe Navarro: https://www.jnforensics.com/books Joe Navarro Body Language Academy: https://jnbodylanguageacademy.com


Paving the way for the next generation of women entrepreneurs | WIRED Smarter

The COVID-19 pandemic has been terrible for female entrepreneurs. Women are more likely to be furloughed and are 47 per cent more likely to have lost or quit their job. The International Monetary Fund has warned that Covid-19 threatens to roll back the last 30 years of economic gains for women. And it’s a similar outlook for women entrepreneurs. If nothing changes, we are facing dire consequences for our global economy. In this panel from WIRED Smarter 2020, multi-award winning author, Elizabeth Uviebinené, Michelle Kennedy, founder and CEO of Peanut, one of the fastest-growing apps and social networks for women and Cherie Blair, the Founder of The Cherie Blair Foundation for Women share what can be done to fix this for the next generation of women entrepreneurs. ABOUT WIRED SMARTER Curated by WIRED’s award-winning editorial team, WIRED Smarter gathers the disruptive minds across business, technology, retail, finance and politics to investigate how innovation, technological advances and world events are changing the way we interact with customers. CONNECT WITH WIRED Events: http://wired.uk/events Subscribe for Events Information: http://wired.uk/signup Web: http://bit.ly/VideoWired Twitter: http://bit.ly/TwitterWired Facebook: http://bit.ly/FacebookWired Instagram: http://bit.ly/InstagramWired Magazine: http://bit.ly/MagazineWired Newsletter: http://bit.ly/NewslettersWired


Cryptocurrency in a decentralised internet | WIRED Smarter

Ashley Tyson, spends her time aligning diverse teams, working on decentralized systems and supporting blockchain ecosystem initiatives like Ethereum Community Fund and ETHPrize. She is the Co-founder, Web3 Foundation and in this session from WIRED Smarter 2020, she shares a new way of thinking about the web exploring what a return to the original principles of the web looks like and how cryptocurrency can enable that. ABOUT WIRED SMARTER Curated by WIRED’s award-winning editorial team, WIRED Smarter gathers the disruptive minds across business, technology, retail, finance and politics to investigate how innovation, technological advances and world events are changing the way we interact with customers. CONNECT WITH WIRED Events: http://wired.uk/events Subscribe for Events Information: http://wired.uk/signup Web: http://bit.ly/VideoWired Twitter: http://bit.ly/TwitterWired Facebook: http://bit.ly/FacebookWired Instagram: http://bit.ly/InstagramWired Magazine: http://bit.ly/MagazineWired Newsletter: http://bit.ly/NewslettersWired


How Much Control Do We Give Robots? | The Future of Robotics | WIRED

What is a robot? Well, it doesn't always look like a human. In fact, different roboticists have different definitions. But most agree that a robot needs to be a physical machine that can sense the world around it, and make at least some decisions on its own. In the next few years, we're going to start seeing robots that make decisions entirely on their own - fully autonomous robots. Many fear that these kind of robots will breed dangerous results: can we trust a robot that makes all decisions for us? Or should humans and robots share the control?


How Mind-Controlled Bionic Arms Fuse To The Body

A game-changer in prosthetics has been introduced to the world, and for the first time, amputees are regaining sensation through an electrical signal from their prosthetic arm. Max Ortiz-Catalan, a professor of bionics, explains the process of implanting these mind-controlled bionic arms through direct skeletal attachment. The researcher takes us through every step of this groundbreaking advancement in bionic medicine, from surgically implanting electrodes to fitting the prosthesis and training for everyday use. Director: Lisandro Perez-Rey Editor: Jordan Calig Expert: Prof. Max Ortiz Catalan Line Producer: Joseph Buscemi Associate Producer: Kameryn Hamilton Production Manager: D. Eric Martinez Production Coordinator: Fernando Davila Post Production Supervisor: Alexa Deutsch Post Production Coordinator: Ian Bryant Supervising Editor: Doug Larsen Assistant Editor: Justin Symonds


Albumin nanocapsules and nanocrystals for efficient intracellular drug release

Nanoscale Horiz., 2024, 9,1978-1989
DOI: 10.1039/D4NH00161C, Communication
Open Access
  This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Sharafudheen Pottanam Chali, Jaana Westmeier, Franziska Krebs, Shuai Jiang, Friederike Pauline Neesen, Doğa Uncuer, Mario Schelhaas, Stephan Grabbe, Christian Becker, Katharina Landfester, Kerstin Steinbrink
The present study demonstrates that albumin-coated drug nanocrystals represent a highly efficacious novel approach for the controlled intracellular release of drugs with limited solubility in immune cells.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Intravital microscopic thermometry of rat mammary epithelium by fluorescent nanodiamond

Nanoscale Horiz., 2024, 9,1938-1947
DOI: 10.1039/D4NH00237G, Communication
Open Access
  This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Takahiro Hamoya, Kiichi Kaminaga, Ryuji Igarashi, Yukiko Nishimura, Hiromi Yanagihara, Takamitsu Morioka, Chihiro Suzuki, Hiroshi Abe, Takeshi Ohshima, Tatsuhiko Imaoka
This study reports an application of microscopic thermometry in a living rat using quantum sensing based on the fluorescent nanodiamond (FND) nitrogen-vacancy center, demonstrating the relevance of the technique in biomedical research using a mammal.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Polymer-confined synthesis of gram-scale high-entropy perovskite fluoride nanocubes for improved electrocatalytic reduction of nitrate to ammonia

Nanoscale Horiz., 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D4NH00341A, Communication
Open Access
Guohao Xue, Tianlu Wang, Hele Guo, Nan Zhang, Claire J. Carmalt, Johan Hofkens, Feili Lai, Tianxi Liu
A high-entropy perovskite fluoride with a well-defined nanocubic structure was successfully prepared via a polyvinylpyrrolidone-confined nucleation strategy, demonstrating excellent electrocatalytic activity for nitrate reduction.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Full-color peptide-based fluorescent nanomaterials assembled under the control of amino acid doping

Nanoscale Horiz., 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D4NH00400K, Communication
Yuhe Shen, Yulin Sun, Yaoyu Liang, Xiaojian Xu, Rongxin Su, Yuefei Wang, Wei Qi
Peptide-based biofluorescents are of great interest due to their controllability and biocompatibility, as well as their potential applications in biomedical imaging and biosensing.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Siddaramaiah slams central govt for injustice, says Karnataka deserves fair share of tax returns

“We are in a federal system and we’ve accepted that. The constitution is in effect today. But just because we’re in a federal system, the central government should not inflict injustice on Karnataka” said Karnataka CM


Marketing Mantras | Never Follow the Leader, Try and Disrupt the Market: Rajeev Juneja


R is for remote: The clash for control in the middle-class melodrama

The remote is one of the most symbolic objects for today’s generation of armchair activists, epitomising our yearning for change while exerting minimal physical effort to attain it.


Transcom thinks its CX centres are gold mines for brands

Travis Coates, COO of Swedish firm Transcom feels India’s talent and skill pool over time will make it another important hub for them


Improvements in low-level radionuclide measurement capability through use of the Apex Q sample introduction system combined with ICP-MS/MS

J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2024, 39,2929-2936
DOI: 10.1039/D4JA00216D, Paper
Ben Russell, Frankie Falksohn, Alexandre Tribolet, Hibaaq Mohamud, Olivia Pearson, Emma Braysher, Saskia Burke, Anu Bhaisare
Improvement in sensitivity and interface removal capability for radionuclide measurement using desolvating sample introduction combined with ICP-MS/MS.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Efficient preconcentration of ultra-trace rhenium from geological materials via induced adsorption for accurate isotope analysis

J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2024, 39,2748-2755
DOI: 10.1039/D4JA00295D, Paper
Yumeng Liu, Tianyu Chen, Tao Li, Weiqiang Li, Qingquan Hong, Jiubin Chen
Preconcentration via induced adsorption achieves the quantitative recovery of Re and facilitates Re isotope analysis.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Quality control for AYUSH drugs


Centre to give in-principle approval for AIIMS in Kozhikode: Union Minister

‘State government has to acquire land and hand it over to Centre’


Comprehensive Urban Primary Health Centre established in Bengaluru, opening to coincide with PM Narendra Modi’s birthday

Karnataka Government says that the comprehensive Urban Primary Health Centre (CUPHC) is the first of its kind in India, and is located at Palace Guttahalli, near Malleswaram


Explained | Why is the Centre promoting Medical Value Travel? A look at the billion-dollar industry & India’s growth

India aims to eliminate healthcare disparities across the globe via Medical Value Travel (MVT) under its G20 presidency this year. Here’s a look at India’s plan to become a medical tourism hub


Rohini Nilekani Centre for Brain and Mind launched at NCBS Bengaluru

The centre is an outcome of a ₹100 crore grant to NCBS and NIMHANS for long-term research, and to build capacity for both research and practice in the mental health field


Centrum Capital Ltd. - Disclosures under Reg. 31(1) and 31(2) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011


To fix social media, we need to introduce digital socialism

Breaking up Big Social Media sounds great, but how would this look in practice? A number of legal scholars and politicians have proposed reforming social networks by using antitrust law and regulations to create a more competitive marketplace. Leaving this task to market forces, however, is a bad idea that will not solve the central problem: proprietary control of the networks and the exploitation of user attention for profit.

A solution based on digital socialism is needed to transform social media into a global democratic commons. This would eradicate Big Social Media by placing ownership and control directly into the hands of the people.

Various scholars have put forward two main ideas to break up Big Social Media, neither of which can sufficiently accomplish their goals.

The first one seeks to dismantle past mergers and acquisitions. Facebook, for example, bought up Instagram and WhatsApp years ago, and is now seeking to integrate all three platforms into a seamless communications network.

The second idea proposes a solution to this problem: make social networks interoperate. Social media platforms would be forced to allow members of one network to interact with members of another. For example, a Facebook user would be able to post a comment under a YouTube video while logged into Facebook, and vice-versa. Users data would also be portable so they could move their profile to a different platform.


Machine learning for deconstructing contributions of atomic characterizations to achieve hybridization-determined electron transfer in a perovskite catalyst

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12,30722-30728
DOI: 10.1039/D4TA05018E, Paper
Jun Zhu, Mengdan Song, Qiling Qian, Yang Yue, Guangren Qian, Jia Zhang
Machine learning deconstructed the atomic contribution of a perovskite to catalytic toluene decomposition and found that wider hybridization resulted in smaller impedance, faster electron transfer speed, and enhanced catalytic activity.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Electrochemical synthesis of wormcast-like Pd-based polycrystalline high entropy aggregates for methanol water co-electrocatalysis

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12,30757-30767
DOI: 10.1039/D4TA06304J, Paper
Yaxing Liu, Wenhao Ding, Jiaxin Liu, Guizhe Zhao, Weiyin Li, Yaqing Liu
A wormcast-like nanostructure of PdFeCoNiCu-pHENs with enriched grain boundary defects was synthesized via electrodeposition. This work opens new possibilities for designing advanced nanomaterials aimed at efficient electrochemical energy conversion.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Sodium storage performance of a high entropy sulfide anode with reduced volume expansion

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12,30629-30641
DOI: 10.1039/D4TA05122J, Paper
Jianping Ma, Jinyi Guo, Weizheng Li, Xiaohan Yang, Chengde Huang
The introduction of a high-entropy structure into multi-metal sulfides has successfully mitigated volume expansion during the cycling process of sodium-ion batteries!
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Controlling CO2 flux in a CO2-permeable membrane with a H2O driving force

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12,30821-30830
DOI: 10.1039/D4TA05021E, Paper
Open Access
  This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Jacqueline A. Penn, Wenting Hu, Ian S. Metcalfe, Greg A. Mutch
A H2O driving force in the opposite direction to CO2 permeation exerts control over CO2 flux in a molten-salt membrane fabricated using hydroxides.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Synergetic Effects from a High-Entropy NASICON-type Cathode for Advanced Sodium-Ion Batteries

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4TA06950A, Paper
Shouyue Wang, Taiding Xu, Huitao Leng, Shengyu Liang, Wei Zhang, Yuheng Jin, Jingxia Qiu, Sheng Li
Na3V2(PO4)3 (NVP) is recognized as one of the most promising NASICON-type cathodes for sodium-ion storage. Enhancing electronic conductivity and further ensuring long-term structural stability when activating the high-voltage V⁴⁺/V⁵⁺ redox...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Giants GM Joe Schoen: Daniel Jones' future playing time won't be contract-related decision

GM Joe Schoen said that the injury guarantee in Daniel Jones' contract will not influence the Giants' decision about whether they bench their starting quarterback.


Report: Lenoir, 49ers agree to five-year, $92M contract extension

Cornerback Deommodore Lenoir and the San Francisco 49ers reportedly have agreed to a five-year contract extension worth $92 million.


Source: Lenoir, 49ers agree to five-year contract extension

Cornerback Deommodore Lenoir and the San Francisco 49ers have agreed to a five-year contract extension, a source told NBC Sports Bay Area's Matt Maiocco.


The Top 19 Sex Chat Websites & Grownup Chatrooms 18+ Free Entry

The website instantly advertises its male and female porn stars, its most popular strippers, and categories like male, feminine, trans, or couples. For one, 321 SexChat has tons of distinctive rooms for you to join, whether you would possibly be into furries, nymphs, saunas, or whatever else. Stay Cams/chat Critiques The primary cause that ladies […]


Tips on how to Effectively Control a Project

Effective project management is known as a critical element of successful assignments. It calls for the ability to deal with project scope, schedule, budget and resources. This is certainly achieved through proper planning, understanding and articulating all task requirements and analyzing the impact of changes on the general project end result. Effective interaction is also […]


Centre Approves 12 Textile Research Projects Worth Rs 13.3 Crore

The National Technical Textiles Mission is a flagship scheme of Ministry of Textiles focused on developing the research and development capabilities of the local industry, especially in the areas of high-performance fibre development.  


Zeenat’s Mantras, women in advertising and the Awe Economy

Day two of advertising festival Goafest, saw Zeenat Aman share how she adapted to the mobile screen, the industry debating gender stereotyping in ads and more


‘Tap South India’ is PVR INOX mantra for growth

South contributes 35 per cent to the PVR INOX box office, says Executive Director Sanjeev Kumar Bijli


Gen Z redefines workplace norms: Flexibility and fairness take centre stage

Generation Z is reshaping the workplace with their demand for flexibility, fair treatment, and meaningful work


Coldplay fans left high and dry as tech snags spark controversy, resale concern

After BookMyShow anounced that shows were sold out, tickets, originally priced between ₹2,500 and ₹35,000, were being offered for ₹55,000 to ₹1,89,000 on platforms like Viagogo


'Laapataa Ladies' picked as India's entry for Oscars 2025

The Hindi film, a light-hearted satire on patriarchy, was chosen from a list of 29 films, including Bollywood hit "Animal", Malayalam National Award winner "Aattam" and Cannes winner "All We Imagine As Light"


Rajinikanth’s Vettaiyan sparks controversy over Tamil title in Telugu release

Lyca Productions says a suitable Telugu title is not available; seeks cooperation


YouTube expands shopping in India with Flipkart, Myntra partnership 

YouTube Shopping affiliate programme allows creators to earn by recommending products, across videos, shorts and live streams


World economy: Out of control

As fears of inflation recede, the prospect of a medium-term slowdown in the global economy looms

  • C P Chandrasekhar & Jayati Ghosh