
The English physician enlarged with three hundred and sixty-nine medicines, made of English herbs, ... / by Nich. Culpepper.

London : printed for P. M'Queen, J. Laikington [sic], J. Mathews; Wilson and Spence, York; J. Binns, Leeds; Jo. Clarke and Co. Manchester [and 1 in Gainsborough, 1 in Leith], M.DCC.LXXXVIII [1788]


Engravings of the arteries; illustrating the second volume of the Anatomy of the human body, and serving as an introduction to the Surgery of the arteries / by Charles Bell.

London : And T. Cadell, and W. Davies, 1806.


An enquiry into the source from whence the symptoms of the scurvy and of putrid fevers, arise : and into the seat which those affections occupy in the animal oeconomy; with a view of ascertaining a more just idea of putrid diseases than has generally been

London : printed for J. Dodsley, 1782.


Entgegnung auf die Erwiderung des Herrn Prof. Leuckart in Giessen : in Betreff der Frage uber die Nematodenentwicklung / von Elias Mecznikow.

Gottingen : A. Rente, 1866.


Entwickelungsgeschichte der Natter (Coluber Natrix) / von Heinrich Rathke.

Koenigsberg : Gebrüder Bornträger, 1839.


Entwicklungsgeschichte des Gehirns : nach Untersuchungen an höheren Wirbelthieren und dem Menschen / dargestellt von Victor v. Mihalkovics.

Leipzig : W. Engelmann, 1877.


Entwicklungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen / von Fr. Vejdovský.

Prag : J. Otto, 1888-1892.


Enzyklopadisches Handbuch der Heilpadagogik / herausgegeben von A. Dannemann, H. Schober, E. Schulze.

Halle a. S. : C. Marhold, 1911.


Enzyklopädisches Handbuch der Schulhygiene / unter Mitarbeit von F.W. Büsing, Hermann Krollick [and others] ; herausgegeben von R. Wehmer.

Wien : A. Pichlers Witwe, 1904.


Epidemic ophthalmia, its symptoms, diagnosis, and management : with papers upon allied subjects / by Sydney Stephenson.

Edinburgh : Young J. Pentland, 1895.


Epidemiology, or, The remote cause of epidemic diseases in the animal and in the vegetable creation ... Part 1 / by John Parkin.

London : J. & A. Churchill, 1873.


Epidemische Erkrankungen an akutem Exanthem mit typhösem Charakter in der Garnison Cosel / von Dr. Schulte.

Berlin : A. Hirschwald, 1893.


Epitome of the laws affecting health now in force in this country / compiled for the use of the general public by J.V. Vesey Fitzgerald.

London : Waterlow Bros. & Layton, 1885.


Erasmus Darwin / by Ernst Krause ; translated from the German by W.S. Dallas ; with a preliminary notice by Charles Darwin.

London : J. Murray, 1879.


Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiete der Hals- und Nasen-Krankheiten nach den Ergebnissen des ambulatoriums / von Docent Dr O. Chiari.

Leipzig : Toeplitz & Deuticke, 1887.


Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiete der Nasen- und Rachenkrankheiten / von Heinrich Walb.

Bonn : Cohen, 1888.


Erfahrungen und Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiethe der Krankheiten des weiblichen Geschlechtes. Nebst Grundzügen einer Methodenlehre der Geburtshülfe / Franz Carl Nagele.

Mannheim : T. Loeffler, 1812.


Ergebnisse der Sanitäts-Statistik des K. K. Heeres in den Jahren 1883-1887 / von Paul Myrdacz.

Wien : Holder, 1889.


Ergebnisse von 240 operierten Lupusfällen nebst Bemerkungen zur modernen Lupusbehandlung / von Ludwig Spitzer und Alfred Jungmann.

Wien : SafÏar, 1905.


Erkenntniß und Behandlung der Frauenkrankheiten im allgemeinen : 4 Vorträge, in d. Gynäkolog. Klinik zu Kiel im Sommer-Semester 1885 / gehalten von Carl Conrad Theodor Litzmann.

Berlin : Hirschwald, 1886.


Ernährung des gesunden und kranken Menschen : Handbuch der Diätetik für Arzte, Verwaltungsbeamte und Vorsteher von Heil- und Pflege-Anstalten.

Wien : Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1895.


Ernestus Godofredus Baldinger ... disputationem inauguralem ... Ioan. Conr. Stockar à Neuforn ... de usu cantharidum interno ... habendam annunciat. Praemittitur: historia mercurii et mercurialium medica, et nunc quidem eius pars III.

Goettingae : Litteris Ioann. Christ. Dieterich, Acad. Typogr, [1781]


Eruptions of the face, head, and hands : with the latest improvements in the treatment of diseases of the skin / by T.H. Burgess.

London : H. Renshaw, 1849.


Essai analytique sur la non-identité des virus gonorrhoïque et syphilitique : ouvrage couronné le 3 juillet 1810, par la Société de Médecine de Besancon, sur la question suívante: Déterminer par des expériences

Toulon : chez l'auteur, 1812.


Essai statistique sur la mortalite du Canton de Geneve, pendant l'anne 1838, consideree tant en general que sous le rapport nosologique / par Marc d' Espine.

Londres : Paris, 1840.


Essai sur les dyspepsies : digestion artificielle des substances féculentes / par C.L. Coutaret.

Paris : Masson, 1870.


A Florida City Forever Changed

The scene at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and the surrounding area after the shootings shifted from chaos and panic to grief, anger, and calls for swift and aggressive action to prevent other school attacks.


S.D. and Idaho Differ on Climate Change

South Dakota lawmakers have rejected a bill that would have allowed science teachers to discuss strengths and weaknesses of evolutionary and climate change theories.


Teachers Shortchanged On Bonuses in Idaho

Idaho lawmakers were upset to learn that nearly $17 million dedicated to giving teachers in leadership positions and assistants bonuses hasn't been distributed.


Tackling Teacher Recruitment and Retention Challenges in Idaho

Representatives from school districts, state education agencies, and institutions of higher education in Idaho convene to discuss teacher recruitment and retention.


This State Just Became the First to Restrict Transgender Student Athletes' Participation

Idaho became the first state in the country to prohibit transgender girls from participating in girls' school sports after Gov. Brad Little, a Republican, signed the "Fairness in Women's Sports Act" into law Tuesday.


Groups seek injunction to stop Idaho transgender sports ban


The Anaiwan Language Revival Program

Over a period of 18 months, we worked with a reference group of nine language custodians from across NSW and the ACT to


What Teachers Can Learn from Iowa's Efforts to Engage Teen Caucusgoers

A new generation of Iowans are preparing to caucus for the first time. Here's how their teachers are preparing them, and what it says about civics education in 2020.


Largest Iowa school district could extend distance learning


Minnesota Court Again Rejects Challenge to Teacher Tenure

The Minnesota court of appeals has again rejected a lawsuit alleging that teacher tenure and seniority rights in public schools saddle students of color with ineffective teachers and therefore violate those students' right to an adequate education.


Minnesota bans large-scale high school graduation ceremonies


W.Va. Partnership Supports Grandparents in Raising School-Age Children

Nearly 45 percent of children in rural McDowell County, West Virginia do not live with their parents and many are being raised by grandparents.


Energy-Dependent States Debate Last-Minute Budget Deals

Several states that are heavily dependent on oil revenue had to face the choice of raising taxes, closing tax loop holes or making major cuts to state agencies in order to fill major budget deficits.


Mississippi's New Solution for the Teacher Shortage

The Mississippi education department will be the first to operate a teacher residency program, which aims to increase retention and diversity in the profession.


Schools Lean on Staff Who Speak Students' Language to Keep English-Learners Connected

The rocky shift to remote learning has exacerbated inequities for the nation's 5 million English-learners. An army of multilingual liaisons work round the clock to plug widening gaps.


Alaska Governor, a Career Educator, Proposes a Slash and Burn K-12 Budget

Gov. Mike Dunleavy, who spent his career as a teacher, principal and superintendent of a rural Alaska district wants to now cut more than a third of the state's K-12 spending.


Alaska Gov., a Career Educator, Proposes Slash and Burn K-12 Budget

Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy, a Republican who was elected partly because of his experience as a public school educator, proposed a budget this year that would slash more than a quarter of the state's $1.6 billion education budget.


On the Snowy Tundra, Alaska Students Bridge Differences and Eat Moose Snout

An Alaskan high school exchange program works to promote understanding between the state's urban centers and its remote Native Villages and communities.


A Perennial Challenge in Rural Alaska: Getting and Keeping Teachers

Recruiters already are offering bonuses, free housing, and airfare to entice teachers to their remote districts—and the competition is about to get worse.


An Alaskan Village's Long Wait for a New School

Rural schools everywhere struggle to maintain adequate buildings, but the quest for a new school has been especially long and fraught for this remote Old Believer village.


Judge orders state to pay attorney fees in education dispute


Cinderella seated by the fire, attended by a white cat. Mezzotint by S.W. Reynolds the younger, 1837, after S.W. Reynolds.

London : Published by Wm. Hayward, 1837.


A rich man and a woman who has visited him for tea gossip about an impoverished gentleman's daughter who is present in his house as a governess: the visitor looks at the governess with a supercilious expression. Engraving by R. Hatfield, 1842, after R

London (No. 4, Hanover Street) : Published ... for the proprietor by T.G. March ; [London] (Threadneedle Street) : Sold also by F. G. Moon ; [London] (Strand) : [Sold also by] Ackermann & Co., April 10, 1842 ([London?] : Printed by R. Lloyd)


King Henri IV after his assassination is taken up to Olympus and received by the gods; France awards the regency to his widow Marie de' Medici. Engraving by G. Duchange, 1708, after J.M. Nattier after Sir P.P. Rubens.

Se vend à Paris (rue St. Jacques au dessus de la rue des Mathurins) : chez le S.r Duchange graveur ordinaire du Roy. Avec privilege du Roy, [1708?]