
Cellectis' (CLLS) CEO André Choulika on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


ANI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (ANIP) CEO Arthur Przybyl on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


Xencor, Inc. (XNCR) CEO Bassil Dahiyat on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


Insulet Corporation (PODD) CEO Shacey Petrovic on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


LHC Group, Inc. (LHCG) CEO Keith Myers on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


Galapagos NV (GLPG) CEO Onno van de Stolpe on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


Benefytt Technologies, Inc. (BFYT) CEO Gavin Southwell on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


Jounce Therapeutics, Inc. (JNCE) CEO Rich Murray on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


Avanos Medical, Inc. (AVNS) CEO Joe Woody on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


Prestige Brands Holdings (PBH) CEO Ron Lombardi on Q4 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


Tivity Health, Inc. (TVTY) CEO Bob Greczyn on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


Veracyte, Inc. (VCYT) CEO Bonnie Anderson on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


Catalent, Inc. (CTLT) CEO John Chiminski on Q3 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


Pfenex's (PFNX) CEO Eef Schimmelpennink on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


AudioCodes Ltd. (AUDC) CEO Shabtai Adlersberg on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


Silicom Ltd. (SILC) CEO Yeshayahu Orbach on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


Ceragon Networks Ltd. (CRNT) CEO Ira Palti on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


Compugen Ltd. (CGEN) CEO Anat Cohen-Dayag on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


Perion Network Ltd. (PERI) CEO Doron Gerstel on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


InMode Ltd. (INMD) CEO Moshe Mizrahy On Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


On Track Innovations Ltd. (OTIVF) CEO Yehuda Holtzman on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. (SEDG) CEO Zvi Lando on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Limited (TEVA) CEO Kare Schultz on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


Radware Ltd. (RDWR) CEO Roy Zisapel on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


Samsung Pay Sees Its Transaction Volume Surpass 10 Tril. Won in 2 Years

Samsung Electronics said on August 20 that its Samsung Pay service has surpassed the 10-trillion-won milestone in payment volume within two years since launch. Introduced in August 2015, Samsung Pay exceeded the 1-trillion-won level in August last year. Since that time on, the service volume quadrupled for one year's time. An official with Samsung Electronics said, "The volume of out online transactions has taken off since last year, accounting for 30 percent of the total online transactions....


Angola: COVID - 19 - La transmission locale atteint un stade compliqu�

Luanda -Avec l'annonce de sept nouveaux cas, la transmission locale atteint un stade compliqu�, a admis vendredi � Luanda, le secr�taire d'�tat � la Sant� publique, Franco Mufinda. ......


Disclosure of Beneficial Owners of Counterparties in Corporate Transactions

The Rules Governing the Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Listing Rules”) impose certain disclosure obligations on listed issuers when they engage in different types of corporate transactions. However, it has be...


The Property Sector Transformation Code: Estate agent’s take note

The Property Sector needs to be aware of the Property Sector Transformation Charter Code (“the Property Charter”) as Section 20(1) of the Property Practitioners Bill (“the PPB”) states that: “The Property Sector Transfo...


Successful judicial review challenge against Council’s home to school transport policy which was held to be indirectly discriminatory

In R (on the application of Diocese of Menevia and others) v Swansea City and County Council1 (“the Council”), the Administrative Court was required to consider whether a change in policy made by the Council in respect of school transpor...


Rail Technology: The Transport Select Committee makes recommendations for the delivery of the Digital Railway programme

What is the Digital Railway programme? The Digital Railway programme is a Network Rail led initiative to modernise train command, control and signalling systems used on the British railway network with the aim of substantially improving the capabili...


Alstom Transport UK Limited v London Underground Limited: Automatic suspension lifted

On 27 June 2017, the court ordered the lifting of the automatic suspension in the case of Alstom Transport UK Limited v London Underground Limited [2017] EWHC 1521 (TCC). The resulting judgment includes some interesting comments on the correct test ...


Transport for the North to become a statutory body

Background As part of the Government’s commitment to the “Northern Powerhouse” agenda, legislation to turn Transport for the North (“TfN”) into a statutory sub-national transport body with legal powers and duties has be...


Highways England starts its market and supply chain engagement for two major transport projects under the new PF2 approach

Highways England are moving forward with the A303 Stonehenge project (A303) and the Lower Thames crossing (LTC) and will be starting their market and supply chain engagement in March 2018. These projects are two of the largest in Highway England's R...


Coronavirus – Department of Transport Regulations – South Africa

A notice was published in the government gazette on 30 March 2020, in terms of which the minister of transport (the “Minister”) has, in terms of section 18(7) of the National Road Traffic Act (No. 93 of 1996), extended the licensing and ...


A transparent process: Irish DPC issues new guidance on data sharing in the public sector

The Data Protection Commission (“DPC”) issued guidance on data sharing in the public sector. The DPC noted its support for developing more efficient and customer-centric public services and sought to clarify the public sector obligations...


MiFID II and MiFIR - Italian transposition

On 28 July 2017 the Legislative Decree transposing Directive 2014/65/EU on markets in financial instruments (MiFID II) and Regulation (EU) 600/2014 (MiFIR) in Italy (the “Decree”) has been finally approved.The Decree amends and integrate...


Sterling LIBOR Transition: Focus on Term SONIA

New LIBOR transition publications On 16 January 2020, the Bank of England, Financial Conduct Authority and Working Group on Sterling Risk-Free Reference Rates published a set of documents outlining priorities and milestones for sterling LIBOR transi...


Energy Transition Club

Eversheds Sutherland Clean Energy and Sustainability Group is delighted to tell you that we have created the Energy Transition Club (ETC), which will operate globally and will bring together key participants focused on delivering the transition to ...


Amendments to the UK Gas Transmission Charging Regime

Ofgem:Amendments to Gas Transmission Charging regime-minded to decision and draft impact assessment (published on 23 December 2019) The Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem), the regulator for downstream natural gas markets, has published a ...


Nomura Holdings' (NMR) Management on Q4 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


Athene Holding's (ATH) CEO Jim Belardi on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


Horace Mann Educators Corporation (HMN) CEO Marita Zuraitis on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


Triple-S Management Corporation (GTS) CEO Bobby Garcia on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


Everest Re Group, Ltd. (RE) CEO Juan Andrade on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


Ventas, Inc. (VTR) CEO Debra Cafaro on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


Artis Real Estate Investment Trust (ARESF) CEO Armin Martens on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


Banco do Brasil SA (BDORY) on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


NMI Holdings, Inc. (NMIH) CEO Claudia Merkle on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


Greenlight Capital Re, Ltd. (GLRE) CEO Simon Burton on Q1 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript


General Finance Corporation (GFN) CEO Jody Miller on Q3 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript