
Effectiveness and Net Cost of Reminder/Recall for Adolescent Immunizations

Rates of coverage for recommended vaccinations in adolescents are substantially lower than Healthy People 2010 goals. Reminder/recall is an evidence-based strategy that is proven to increase immunization rates in both adults and young children.

This study shows that reminder/recall is effective in increasing adolescent immunization rates. Practices may also benefit financially from conducting reminder/recall in this age group if they are able to generate additional well visits and keep supply costs low. (Read the full article)


Randomized Trial of Sumatriptan and Naproxen Sodium Combination in Adolescent Migraine

Treatment of adolescent migraine remains a significant unmet medical need. In adults, the combination of sumatriptan and naproxen sodium has demonstrated superior efficacy, with similar tolerability, to its components in the acute treatment of migraine.

This study constitutes the first large-scale, placebo-controlled evidence for the acute relief of adolescent migraine pain and associated symptoms with an oral medication. (Read the full article)


Prevalence of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Among US Adolescents, 1999-2008

Overweight and obese children have a higher prevalence of several cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors. There is growing evidence demonstrating that CVD risk factors present during childhood persist into adulthood.

US adolescents had no significant change in prehypertension/hypertension and borderline-high/ high low-density lipoprotein cholesterol prevalence from 1999–2000 to 2007–2008; however, prediabetes/diabetes increased by 14%. (Read the full article)


Secular Trends in BMI and Blood Pressure Among Children and Adolescents: The Bogalusa Heart Study

Although obesity is correlated with levels of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, there is little evidence if the increases in obesity over the last 40 years have resulted in increased blood pressure levels.

Despite increases in obesity in Bogalusa, Louisiana between 1974 and 1993, there was no increase in systolic or diastolic blood pressure levels. It should not be assumed that trends in high blood pressure have paralleled those for obesity. (Read the full article)


Self-Reported Adolescent Health Status of Extremely Low Birth Weight Children Born 1992-1995

Previous cohorts of extremely low birth weight adolescents have assessed their health status similar to that of normal birth weight controls.

Extremely low birth weight adolescents born in the 1990s assess their health similar to controls but report less risk taking. Extremely low and normal birth weight children rate their health to be poorer at 8 than at 14 years. (Read the full article)


Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors and Health-Related Quality of Life in Adolescents

There are limited cross-sectional data from observational studies of adolescents showing that regular participation in physical activity is associated with a higher quality of life status, whereas time spent in screen-based entertainment is associated with a poorer quality of life.

Adolescents who were physically active (particularly engaging in outdoor activity) over a 5-year period had higher quality of life than their less active peers. Conversely, high levels of screen-based entertainment over 5 years negatively affected quality of life status. (Read the full article)


Trends in Candida Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections Among NICUs, 1999-2009

Emphasis on preventing central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs) in US health care facilities and prophylactic antifungal medication use in neonates may impact incidence of Candida spp. CLABSIs. However, data on trends in incidence of neonatal Candida spp. CLABSIs are lacking.

Data from a large sample of US NICUs was analyzed to assess trends in incidence over time. This analysis provides a description of the epidemiology of Candida spp. CLABSIs in a national health care-associated infections surveillance system. (Read the full article)


Vitamin B6 Vitamer Concentrations in Cerebrospinal Fluid Differ Between Preterm and Term Newborn Infants

There is no literature on the concentrations of vitamin B6 vitamers in cerebrospinal fluid of preterm and term newborn infants. This knowledge, however, is highly important, because vitamin B6 plays a pivotal role in brain development and functioning.

In cerebrospinal fluid of newborn infants, B6 vitamer concentrations are strongly dependent on postmenstrual age, indicating that vitamin B6 homeostasis in brain differs between preterm and term newborns. This has implications for the evaluation of epilepsy and vitamin B6 deficiency. (Read the full article)


Two-Year Follow-Up of an Adolescent Behavioral Weight Control Intervention

Comprehensive lifestyle interventions for adolescent weight management, including diet, physical activity, and behavioral intervention, have been found to demonstrate modest, short-term success. However, very little is known about the long-term effectiveness of adolescent behavioral weight management trials.

This randomized controlled trial demonstrates that two 16-week group-based behavioral weight loss programs, when combined with either aerobic exercise or peer-based adventure therapy, produced sustained improvements in BMI among overweight/obese adolescents through 24 months. (Read the full article)


Child and Adolescent Abuse in Relation to Obesity in Adulthood: The Black Women's Health Study

Childhood abuse has been associated with obesity risk in adulthood. Little is known regarding the impact of abuse severity on risk, potential mechanisms are poorly understood, and few studies have been conducted among minority populations.

Severity of child/teenager physical and sexual abuse is associated with increased risk for adult obesity and/or central adiposity in adulthood. These are the first such findings in a large cohort of US black women. (Read the full article)


Family Experiences and Pediatric Health Services Use Associated With Family-Centered Rounds

Family-centered rounds (FCR) show promise for higher patient care satisfaction. Many previous studies are limited by small sample size and observational or pre-post designs, and health care service outcomes have not been previously examined.

Our study uses an FCR assessment tool and a comparison group of non-FCR patients. We found that FCR are associated with improved family experiences, with no additional burden to health care service use. (Read the full article)


Adolescent Dating Violence: A National Assessment of School Counselors' Perceptions and Practices

Adolescent dating violence has been studied from the perpetrators' and survivors' perspectives. The risk and protective factors have been explored, and the strength of the association of these factors with adolescent dating violence has been adequately described.

This study assessed the perceptions and practices of school counselors on adolescent dating violence. Knowing school personnel’s practices and perceptions may help researchers and practitioners gain insights into possible ways to alleviate the problem of dating violence in adolescents. (Read the full article)


Influence of Motion Picture Rating on Adolescent Response to Movie Smoking

The US Surgeon General has determined that the relationship between movie smoking exposure (MSE) and youth smoking is causal; however, it is not known whether movie rating influences how adolescents respond.

The response to PG-13–rated MSE was indistinguishable from R-rated MSE. An R rating for smoking could reduce smoking onset in the United States by 18% (by eliminating PG-13 MSE), an effect similar to making all parents maximally authoritative in their parenting. (Read the full article)


Influence of Sports, Physical Education, and Active Commuting to School on Adolescent Weight Status

Among adolescents, weight status has been inversely associated with sports participation but not active commuting or physical education. Studies of each form of physical activity have not included adequate adjustments for other physical activities, previous body weight, or diet quality.

Estimates indicate overweight/obesity and obesity prevalence would decrease by 11% and 26%, respectively, if adolescents played on at least 2 sports teams per year; obesity prevalence would decrease by 22% if adolescents walked/biked to school 4–5 days per week. (Read the full article)


The Impact of Macromastia on Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Study

Macromastia is associated with severe physical and emotional symptoms and negatively impacts health-related quality of life in adult women. Reduction mammaplasty is the most effective treatment for adults. Little is known regarding the impact of macromastia during adolescence.

Adolescents with macromastia have impaired health-related quality of life, lower self-esteem, more breast-related symptoms, and are at higher risk for disordered eating in comparison with their peers. These negative health outcomes have implications for early intervention in this patient population. (Read the full article)


Misclassification of Newborns Due to Systematic Error in Plotting Birth Weight Percentile Values

Percentile charts for birth weight are used to assess the somatic development of neonates (small, appropriate, or large for gestational age).

A systematic error was identified in the majority of birth weight percentile charts. As a consequence, small for gestational age rates are overestimated and large for gestational age rates are underestimated; ~5% of neonates are misclassified. (Read the full article)


Culturally Tailored, Family-Centered, Behavioral Obesity Intervention for Latino-American Preschool-aged Children

Childhood obesity is already prevalent by preschool age, particularly among Latinos. Parents have tremendous influence on factors that contribute to childhood obesity (eg, diet, physical activity); thus, family plays a crucial role in pediatric obesity prevention.

This randomized controlled trial examined the effect of a behavioral intervention involving Latino-American parent–preschool-aged child dyads. The intervention resulted in reductions in absolute BMI across the 3-month study period, with patterns suggesting the largest effect for obese children. (Read the full article)


Prospective Multicenter Study of Children With Bronchiolitis Requiring Mechanical Ventilation

Bronchiolitis is one of the most common infectious respiratory conditions of early childhood, and most children have a mild clinical course. Unfortunately, the small subgroup of children requiring continuous positive airway pressure and/or intubation remains ill-defined.

In children with bronchiolitis, we found several demographic, historical, and clinical factors that predicted the need for mechanical respiratory support including in utero smoke exposure. We also found a novel subgroup of children with bronchiolitis who have a rapid respiratory decline. (Read the full article)


An Evaluation of Mother-Centered Anticipatory Guidance to Reduce Obesogenic Infant Feeding Behaviors

Childhood obesity occurs in 20% of children before they enter kindergarten. Treatment is difficult, making prevention desirable, but little is known about effective methods using anticipatory guidance to prevent obesity in pediatric primary care.

This study provides a comparison of 2 approaches versus usual care using anticipatory guidance to improve infant feeding during the first year of life, and demonstrates positive specific feeding behavior differences at 1 year in the intervention groups. (Read the full article)


Weight Status Among Adolescents in States That Govern Competitive Food Nutrition Content

Policies that govern nutrition standards of foods and beverages sold outside of federal meal programs ("competitive foods") have been associated with adolescent weight status in a small number of cross-sectional studies and pre-post analyses in individual states.

This longitudinal analysis of 6300 students in 40 states provides evidence that state competitive food laws are associated with lower within-student BMI change if laws contain strong language with specific standards and are consistent across grade levels. (Read the full article)


Randomized Controlled Trial of an Immunization Recall Intervention for Adolescents

Immunization recall systems have been found effective in increasing immunization rates in younger children and adults; however, there have been only a few studies in adolescents and they have produced mixed results.

In this randomized controlled trial, immunization rates were significantly higher 4 weeks after a recall intervention in which both the adolescent’s parents and the adolescent were contacted, but this effect did not persist 1 year after the intervention. (Read the full article)


Gender and Crime Victimization Modify Neighborhood Effects on Adolescent Mental Health

Adolescents living in lower-poverty neighborhoods have better mental health than youth in high-poverty contexts, but it is unclear if associations are causal. Furthermore, it is unknown why some youth benefit more than others from moving to more advantaged neighborhoods.

Using an experimental study that randomly assigned families to receive vouchers to move to lower-poverty neighborhoods, we found that recent violent crime victimization adversely modified the mental health effects of moving to better neighborhoods. (Read the full article)


Views of Adolescents and Parents on Pediatric Research Without the Potential for Clinical Benefit

Critics argue that pediatric research without the potential for clinical benefit treats children as mere means to benefit others. Yet, there are no data to assess whether adolescents who participate in research, or their parents, agree with this view.

Respondents felt that by participating in research the adolescents were making important contributions to help others, and the adolescents felt proud to be doing so. These findings support the view that nonbeneficial pediatric research involves a type of charitable activity. (Read the full article)


Sexually Explicit Cell Phone Messaging Associated With Sexual Risk Among Adolescents

Sending and receiving sexually explicit picture and text messages via cell phone (ie, "sexting") among adolescents is publicized as a societal and public health concern, yet it is unknown whether sexting is associated with physical sexual activity or sexual risk behavior.

This study is the first to examine sexting among a probability sample of adolescents and found that sexting is associated with sexual activity, sexual risk behavior, and knowing other person(s) who have sent a sext. (Read the full article)


Sodium Intake and Blood Pressure Among US Children and Adolescents

High blood pressure in childhood predisposes people to hypertension in adulthood and is associated with early development of cardiovascular disease and risk for premature death. High sodium intake and overweight/obesity are recognized as risk factors for hypertension in children.

These results show that usual sodium intake was positively associated with systolic blood pressure and risk for pre-high blood pressure and high blood pressure among US children. The data indicate a synergistic interaction between sodium intake and weight status on risk for high blood pressure. (Read the full article)


Allowing Adolescents and Young Adults to Plan Their End-of-Life Care

Discussing end-of-life (EoL) care with adolescents and young adults (AYAs) is difficult. Often, such conversations are delayed or avoided, but AYAs contemplate EoL issues and want to make decisions about their care. Few established resources exist to help this process.

Results support the use of a developmentally appropriate document that allows AYAs an opportunity to share their choices about EoL care and how they would like to be remembered in the future. (Read the full article)


Health-Related Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Medical advances have prolonged life for children and adolescents with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), the most common inherited pediatric neuromuscular disorder. Children with this progressive disease surviving to adulthood still face significant threats to their quality of life.

Self-reported psychosocial quality of life was impaired in a significant number (57%) of boys with DMD, unrelated to their need for mobility aids. Concordance between the perceptions of parents and their sons related to psychosocial functioning was fair to poor. (Read the full article)


Expected Body Weight in Adolescents: Comparison Between Weight-for-Stature and BMI Methods

In adolescents with eating disorders, percent expected body weight (EBW) is used for diagnosis and to make clinical decisions. The assumption is that the weight-for-stature (WFS) and BMI methods of determining EBW are equivalent, but that may not be true.

This study demonstrates that EBWWFS is ~3.5% higher than EBWBMI. Differences are most pronounced at extremes of height. Compared with the EBWWFS method, sensitivity of EBWBMI to detect those <75% EBW is low. (Read the full article)


Muscle-enhancing Behaviors Among Adolescent Girls and Boys

Emphasis on muscularity has increased in recent decades. Identifying adolescent populations at risk for unhealthy muscle-enhancing behaviors is of considerable importance, yet recent research in the United States is limited in terms of sample diversity and behaviors of interest.

Muscle-enhancing behaviors were common for both boys and girls, and rates were higher than reported previously. Adolescents in high school, of Asian background, in overweight/obese BMI categories, and involved in sports reported significantly greater use than other youth. (Read the full article)


Predictors of Persistence After a Positive Depression Screen Among Adolescents

Adolescents have high placebo response rates in depression treatment trials. Screening for depression will likely detect youth with a broad range of symptom severity, including some who would benefit from watchful waiting but might not require active treatment.

The strongest predictors of symptom persistence are depressive symptom severity at presentation and continued symptoms on repeat screening 6 weeks later. These results provide important information for the development of postscreening management protocols in the primary care setting. (Read the full article)


Pediatric and Adolescent Tuberculosis in the United States, 2008-2010

Foreign-born children and adolescents in the United States experience higher tuberculosis (TB) morbidity rates than US-born children and adolescents. Pediatric risk assessment should account for country of birth, contact with a known TB case, or travel to TB-endemic countries.

Our study reports national data on parental/guardian countries of origin and international residence of pediatric patients with TB. Two-thirds of US-born children with TB have international family connections, and many have lived in countries with increased risk for TB acquisition. (Read the full article)


Trends and Socioeconomic Correlates of Adolescent Physical Fighting in 30 Countries

Adolescent physical fighting is an important public health concern with known social origins. However, existing international studies of adolescent fighting provide little evidence about its prevalence, trends over time, or possible socioeconomic determinants.

We studied frequent physical fighting among 494 874 adolescents in 30 countries over an 8-year period. Physical fighting declined in most countries. National measures of absolute wealth but not socioeconomic inequalities related to risk of frequent physical fighting. (Read the full article)


Adolescent ADHD and Adult Physical and Mental Health, Work Performance, and Financial Stress

There are a few longitudinal studies that suggest that attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adolescence is associated with later psychiatric disorders, substance use disorders, and impaired work performance.

Adolescent ADHD is associated with a variety of internal and external stresses in adulthood. Consequently, it is essential to focus intervention efforts on adolescents with ADHD to prevent or alleviate adult difficulties in functioning. (Read the full article)


Part C Early Intervention for Infants and Toddlers: Percentage Eligible Versus Served

Part C early intervention serves ~2.8% of US children who are younger than 3 years old; however, there is evidence that substantial numbers of infants and toddlers with developmental delays receive no early intervention services.

Broad eligibility criteria can classify children who have no delays or minimal delays as candidates for Part C services. Despite this, no jurisdiction provides Part C services to all children who have substantial delays. (Read the full article)


Validation of a Migraine Interview for Children and Adolescents

Childhood headache is a common medical condition and can negatively impact a child’s social and academic life in several ways. Early and accurate diagnoses of headache syndromes, including migraine, are essential to appropriate treatment and outcome for affected youth.

The Diagnostic Interview of Headache Syndromes–Child Version is a new tool for the assessment of pediatric migraine that can enhance the standardization of collection of diagnostic criteria in both clinical and community settings, leading to better recognition and treatment of this condition. (Read the full article)


A Model to Determine the Likely Age of an Adolescent's First Drink of Alcohol

First drink before age 15 greatly increases the likelihood for later alcohol abuse or dependence. Separate investigations have linked many variables to alcohol initiation, but few have attempted to identify the optimal combination of predictors for age of alcohol initiation.

This article supports the screening questions selected in the joint National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the American Academy of Pediatrics initiative to identify and initiate intervention in youth at risk for early use of alcohol. (Read the full article)


Physician Advice to Adolescents About Drinking and Other Health Behaviors

Evidence regarding effectively screening and counseling adolescents about unhealthy alcohol use is accumulating. Young adults aged 18 to 24, those most at risk for excess alcohol consumption, are often not asked or counseled by physicians about unhealthy alcohol use.

In 2010 among US 10th graders (age 16), 36% drank, 28% binged, and 23% were drunk in the past month; although 82% saw a doctor, 54% were asked about drinking but only 17% were advised to reduce or stop drinking. (Read the full article)


US Prevalence and Trends in Tobacco Smoke Exposure Among Children and Adolescents With Asthma

Among youth with asthma, tobacco smoke exposure causes increased asthma morbidity. Little is known about changes over time in tobacco smoke exposure among youth with asthma in a national sample.

Our analysis reveals a decrease in environmental tobacco smoke exposure among children and adolescents with current asthma in the United States from 1988–1994 to 2005–2010, but a majority of youth with asthma remain exposed to environmental tobacco smoke. (Read the full article)


School Environment and Adolescent Depressive Symptoms: A Multilevel Longitudinal Study

Research indicates that adolescents who perceive their school to have a positive socioeducational environment are at reduced risk of developing depressive symptoms. However, there is limited evidence that school environments can influence adolescent emotional health independently from individual perceptions.

This multilevel longitudinal study shows that better school socioeducational environments, as assessed at the school level, reduce the prospective risk of depressive symptoms in adolescents. This association is shown to be independent from confounders and stronger in girls than boys. (Read the full article)


Sedentary Behavior and Physical Activity in Youth With Recent Onset of Type 2 Diabetes

The rise in type 2 diabetes in youth is a major public health concern thought to be partially due to decreasing activity levels and increasing obesity. The role of sedentary time as a possible contributor also needs to be examined.

Measured objectively, obese youth, with or without type 2 diabetes, spend little time in moderate to vigorous physical activity. Those with type 2 diabetes, however, were significantly more sedentary than their obese counterparts, identifying an important area for future intervention efforts. (Read the full article)


Childhood and Adolescent Television Viewing and Antisocial Behavior in Early Adulthood

Many studies have identified an association between television viewing and antisocial behavior, although very few have been able to demonstrate a cause-and-effect sequence. The issue of whether excessive television viewing contributes to antisocial behavior remains controversial.

Excessive television viewing during childhood and adolescence was associated with objective and subjective measures of antisocial behavior in adulthood. These associations were not explained by preexisting antisocial tendencies or other potential confounders. Excessive television appears to have long-term psychosocial consequences. (Read the full article)


Cardiometabolic Risk Factors Among US Adolescents and Young Adults and Risk of Early Mortality

The presence of elevated cardiometabolic risk factors, such as obesity, high glucose or lipid levels, and smoking, in adolescents has been shown to be associated with earlier onset of chronic conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease.

Obesity, smoking, and elevated glucose increases the risk of dying before the age of 55 years. This is the first study to focus on risk factors and mortality among adolescents and young adults in a nationally representative US sample. (Read the full article)


Triglyceride to HDL-C Ratio and Increased Arterial Stiffness in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults

The triglyceride to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio (TG/HDL-C) estimates atherogenic small, dense low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and predicts arterial stiffness and hard cardiovascular events in adults. Whether TG/HDL-C predicts intermediate noninvasive end points (arterial stiffness) in youth is not known.

This study is the first to document stiffer vessels in youth with higher cardiovascular risk factor–adjusted TG/HDL-C, with the effect especially strong in obese subjects. Evaluating TG/HDL-C may be helpful in identifying young subjects at risk for obesity-related atherosclerosis. (Read the full article)


Development of Heart and Respiratory Rate Percentile Curves for Hospitalized Children

Accurately identifying ill hospitalized children with vital signs concerning for clinical deterioration is fundamental to inpatient pediatrics. Normal vital sign ranges for healthy children are useful for outpatient practice but have limited application to detecting deterioration in the hospital setting.

Percentile curves for heart and respiratory rate in hospitalized children were developed and validated. The distributions differed from existing reference ranges and early warning scores. They may be useful to identify vital signs deviating from ranges expected among hospitalized children. (Read the full article)


Reasons for Not Vaccinating Adolescents: National Immunization Survey of Teens, 2008-2010

The reasons why teens are not immunized are related to parental lack of knowledge and the need for provider recommendations.

The reasons for vaccine refusal for human papillomavirus vaccine differ from other teen vaccines, and concerns about its safety are increasing over time. (Read the full article)


Heliox Therapy in Bronchiolitis: Phase III Multicenter Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial

Bronchiolitis, a leading cause of infant hospitalization, has few proven treatments. A few small studies have reported the beneficial effects of a mixture of 21% oxygen + 79% helium (Heliox). The 2010 Cochrane Review concluded that additional large randomized controlled trials were needed to determine the therapeutic role of Heliox in bronchiolitis.

The Bronchiolitis Randomized Controlled Trial Emergency-Assisted Therapy with Heliox—An Evaluation (BREATHE) trial is the largest multicenter randomized controlled trial to date to investigate the efficacy of Heliox in acute bronchiolitis. The delivery method for Heliox therapy was found to be crucial to its efficacy. (Read the full article)


Sexual Initiation, Contraceptive Use, and Pregnancy Among Young Adolescents

Among adolescents younger than 15, 18% have had sex and 16 000 pregnancies occur annually; among those aged 15 to 17, 30% have had sex and 252 000 get pregnant. Information on the youngest adolescents has not been previously published.

Sexual activity and pregnancy are rare among 10-, 11-, and 12-year-olds, and sex is more likely to be nonconsensual. This arguably represents a different public health issue than sex among older teens, who have a greater need for contraception. (Read the full article)


Characteristics of Screen Media Use Associated With Higher BMI in Young Adolescents

Rates of screen media use have risen in parallel with rates of obesity among young people. Identifying the specific characteristics of media use that are associated with obesity can help elucidate the explanatory processes and inform effective interventions.

This study examines the associations between BMI and characteristics of media use including the type of device, duration of use, and attention to the medium. The more that participants paid primary attention to television, the higher their BMI. (Read the full article)


Kidney Function and Tobacco Smoke Exposure in US Adolescents

Active smoking and secondhand smoke are associated with chronic kidney disease in adults. No data are available for children.

Secondhand smoke and active smoking were associated with decreased estimated glomerular filtration rate in US adolescents. These findings support that tobacco smoke effects on kidney function begin in childhood. (Read the full article)


Sleep Duration and Adolescent Obesity

Short sleep may be an adolescent obesity risk factor, but most evidence is from cross-sectional studies. Three longitudinal studies have investigated the association between sleep duration and adolescent obesity, finding mixed results.

Shorter sleep was associated with increases in BMI from age 14 to 18, especially at the upper tail of the BMI distribution. Increasing daily sleep to 10 hours per day could help to prevent adolescent obesity. (Read the full article)