trans A Knowledge Transfer Perspective on Front/Back-Office Structure and New Service Development Performance: An Empirical Study of Retail Banking in China By Published On :: 2022-01-07 Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the mechanism of the front/back-office structure affecting new service development (NSD) performance and examine the role of knowledge transfer in the relationship between front/back-office structure and NSD. Background: The separation of front and back-office has become the prevailing trend of the organizational transformation of modern service enterprises in the digital era. Yet, the influence of front and back-office separation dealing with new service development has not been widely researched. Methodology: Building on the internal social capital perspective, a multivariate regression analysis was conducted to investigate the impact of front/back-office structure on the NSD performance through knowledge transfer as an intermediate variable. The data was collected through a survey questionnaire from 198 project-level officers in the commercial banking industry of China. Contribution: This study advances the understanding of front/back-office structure’s influence mechanism on new service development activity. It reveals that knowledge transfer plays a critical role in bridging the impact of front and back-office separation to NSD performance under the trend of digitalization of service organizations. Findings: This study verified the positive effects of front/back-office social capital on NSD performance. Moreover, knowledge transfer predicted the variation in NSD performance and fully mediated the effect of front/back-office social capital on NSD performance. Recommendations for Practitioners: Service organizations should optimize knowledge transfer by promoting the social capital between front and back-office to overcome the negative effect organizational separation brings to NSD. Service and other organizations could explore developing an internal social network management platform, by which the internal social network could be visualized and dynamically managed. Recommendation for Researchers: The introduction of information and communications technology not only divides the organization into front and back-office, but also reduces the face-to-face customer contact. The impacts of new forms of customer contact to new service development and knowledge transfer between customer and service organizations call for further research. Along with the digital servitization, some manufacturing organizations also separate front and back-offices. The current model can be applied and assessed further in manufacturing and other service sectors. Impact on Society: The conclusion of this study guides us to pay attention to the construction of social capital inside organizations with front/back-office structure and implicates introducing and developing sociotechnical theory in front/back-office issue undergoing technological revolution. Future Research: As this study is based on the retail banking industry, similar studies are called upon in other service sectors to identify differences and draw more general conclusions. In addition, as the front and back-offices are being replaced increasingly by information technology such as artificial intelligence (AI), it is necessary to advance the research on front/back-office research with a new theoretical perspective, such as sociotechnical theory. Full Article
trans Transition to a Competitive Consultant Selection Method: A Case Study of a Public Agency in Israel By Published On :: 2021-12-22 Aim/Purpose: This paper reports a case study of organizational transition from a non-competitive selection method to a novel bidding method for the selection of consultants in the Architectural and Engineering (A/E) industry. Background: Public procurement agencies are increasingly relying on external consultants for the design of construction projects. Consultant selection can be based on either competitive bidding, or quality-based criteria, or some combination between these two approaches. Methodology: Different sources of information were reviewed: internal documents, and quantitative data from the enterprise software platform (ERP). In addition, informal and unstructured interviews were conducted with relevant officials. Contribution: As there are mixed opinions in the scientific literature regarding the use of competitive bidding for the selection of consultants in the A/E industry, this paper contributes a detailed review of a transition to a competitive selection method and provides a financial and qualitative comparison between the two methods. In addition, the method implemented is novel, as it delegates most of the responsibility of hiring and managing consultants to one main contractor. Findings: While the new selection method was intended to reduce bureaucratic overload, it has unexpectedly also succeeded to reduce costs as well. Recommendations for Practitioners: It may be more efficient and profitable to adopt the selection method described in this study. Recommendation for Researchers: Similar methods can be applied to other industries successfully. Impact on Society: Our method was applied in a public organization and resulted in a better outcome, both financial and managerial. Adopting this approach can benefit public budgets. Future Research: The selection, data storage, and analysis methods are interrelated components. Future analysis of these components can help better shape the consultant selection process. Full Article
trans The Effect of Perceived Support on Repatriate Knowledge Transfer in MNCs: The Mediating Role of Repatriate Adjustment By Published On :: 2022-05-26 Aim/Purpose: The present study examines the effect of perceived organisational and co-worker support on the adjustment of repatriates and its impact on their intention to transfer knowledge in multinational companies (MNCs). It also examines the relationship between perceived organisational support, co-worker support, and knowledge transfer through the mediating role of repatriate adjustment. Background: The ability of acquiring and utilising international knowledge is one of the core competitive advantages of MNCs. This knowledge is transferred by MNCs across their subsidiaries efficiently through repatriates, which will result in superior performance when compared to their local competitors. But in MNCs the expatriation process has been given more emphasis than the repatriation process; therefore, there is limited knowledge about repatriation knowledge transfer. Practically, the knowledge transferred by repatriates is not managed properly by the MNCs. Methodology: The proposed model was supported by Uncertainty Reduction Theory, Organisational Socialisation Theory, Organisational Support Theory, and Socialisation Resource Theory. The data were gathered from 246 repatriates working in Indian MNCs in the manufacturing and information technology sectors who had been on an international assignment for at least one year. The data obtained were analysed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS 21 software. Contribution: The present study expands prior research on repatriate knowledge transfer by empirically investigating the mediating role of repatriate adjustment between perceived support and repatriate knowledge transfer in MNCs. The present study also highlights that organisational and co-worker support during repatriation is beneficial for repatriate knowledge transfer. It is important that MNCs initiate support practices during repatriation to motivate repatriates to transfer international knowledge. Findings: The results revealed that both perceived organisational and co-worker support had a significant role in predicting repatriate adjustment in MNCs. Furthermore, the results also revealed that perceived organisational and co-worker support increases repatriate knowledge transfer through repatriate adjustment in MNCs. Recommendations for Practitioners: This study indicates the role of management in motivating repatriates to transfer their knowledge to the organisation. The management of MNCs develop HR policies and strategies leading to high perceived organisational support, co-worker support, and repatriate adjustment. They need to pay particular attention to the factors that affect the repatriates’ intention to share knowledge with others in the organisation. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers can use the validated measurement instrument which could be essential for the advancement of future empirical research on repatriate knowledge transfer. Impact on Society: The present study will assist MNCs in managing their repatriates during the repatriation process by developing an appropriate repatriation support system. This will help the repatriates to better adjust to their repatriation process which will motivate them to transfer the acquired knowledge. Future Research: Future research can adopt a longitudinal style to test the different levels of the adjustment process which will help in better understanding the repatriate adjustment process. Additionally, this model can be tested with the repatriates of other countries and in diverse cultures to confirm its external validity. Furthermore, future research can be done with the repatriates who go on an international assignment through their own initiative (self-initiated expatriates). Full Article
trans NOTICE OF RETRACTION: The Influence of Ethical and Transformational Leadership on Employee Creativity in Malaysia's Private Higher Education Institutions: The Mediating Role of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour By Published On :: 2022-01-06 Aim/Purpose: ************************************************************************ After its investigation, the Research Ethics, Integrity, and Governance team at RMIT University found that the primary author of this paper breached the Australian Code and/or RMIT Policy and requested that the article be retracted. ************************************************************************** This paper aimed to examine the influence of ethical and transformational leadership on employee creativity in Malaysia’s private higher education institutions (PHEIs) and the mediating role of organizational citizenship behavior. Background: To ensure their survival and success in today’s market, organizations need people who are creative and driven. Previous studies have demonstrated the importance of ethical leadership in fostering employee innovation and good corporate responsibility. Research on ethical leadership and transformational leadership, in particular, has played a significant role in elucidating the role of leadership in relation to organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). In this study, we have focused on ethical and transformational leadership as an antecedent for enhancing employee creativity. Despite an increase in leadership research, little is known about the underlying mechanisms that link ethical leadership and transformational leadership to OCB. Because it sheds light on factors other than ethical leadership and transformational leadership that influence employees’ extra-role activity, this research is relevant theoretically. OCB may have a mediating function between ethical leadership and transformational leadership style and employee creativity because it is associated with the greatest outcomes, but empirical research has yet to prove this. So, one of the study’s goals is to add to the hypotheses about how ethical leadership style and transformational leadership affect employee creativity by using an important mediating variable – OCB. Methodology: This study adopted a quantitative approach based on a cross-sectional survey and descriptive design to gather the data in a specific period. A convenient sampling approach was used to gauge 275 employees from Malaysia’s PHEIs. To test the hypotheses and obtain a conclusion, the acquired data was analyzed using the partial least square technique (PLS-SEM). Contribution: The study contributes to leadership literature by advancing OCB as a mediating factor that accounts for the link between ethical and transformational leadership and employee creativity in the higher education sector. Findings: According to the research, OCB has a substantial influence on the creativity of employees. Furthermore, ethical leadership boosted OCB and boosted employee creativity, according to the research. OCB and employee creativity have both been demonstrated to benefit greatly from transformational leadership. Further research revealed that OCB is a mediating factor in the link between leadership styles and creative thinking among employees. Recommendations for Practitioners: Higher education institutions should focus on developing leaders who value transparency and self-awareness in their interactions with followers and who demonstrate an inner moral perspective in addition to balanced information processing to ensure positive outcomes at the individual and organizational levels. Higher education institutions should place a priority on hiring leaders that exhibit ethical and transformational traits to raise awareness of these leadership styles among employees. Recommendation for Researchers: The new study also adds significantly to the body of knowledge by examining the relationship between ethical and transformational leadership and the creativity of the workforce. It aimed to identify the relationship between transformational leadership style and individual creativity in higher education by examining the mediating influence of OCB. Impact on Society: Higher education institutions should devise strategies for developing ethical and transformative leaders who will assist boost OCB and creativity within their workforce. Students and faculty in higher education can benefit from these leadership methods by learning to think in more diverse ways and by developing thought processes that lead to a larger pool of innovative ideas and solutions. As a consequence, employees who show creative behavior may be effectively managed by leaders who utilize ethical and transformational leadership styles and motivate them to show OCB that allow them to solve creative problems creatively. Future Research: A mixed-methods approach should be used in future research, and this should be done in public institutions in developing and developed nations to put the findings to use and generalize them even further. Future research will be able to examine other mediators to learn more about how and why ethical and transformational leadership styles affect PHEI employees’ creativity. Full Article
trans Determinants of Knowledge Transfer for Information Technology Project Managers: A Systematic Literature Review By Published On :: 2023-12-26 Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the key determinants hindering Knowledge Transfer (KT) practices for Information Technology Project Managers (ITPMs) Background: The failure rate of IT projects remains unacceptably high worldwide, and KT between project managers and team members has been recognized as a significant issue affecting project success. Therefore, this study tries to identify the determinants of KT within the context of IT projects for ITPMs. Methodology: A systematic review of the literature (SLR) was employed in the investigation. The SLR found 28 primary studies on KT for ITPMs that were published in Scopus and Web of Science databases between 2010 and 2023. Contribution: Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) was used to build a theoretical framework where the determinants were categorized into Personal factors, Environmental (Project organizational) factors, and other factors, such as Technological factors influencing ITPMs (Behavioral factors), to implement in KT practices. Findings: The review identified 11 key determinants categorized into three broad categories: Personal factors (i.e., motivation, absorptive capability, trust, time urgency), Project Organizational factors (i.e., team structure, leadership style, reward system, organizational culture, communication), and Technological factors (i.e., project task collaboration tool and IT infrastructure and support) that influence implementing KT for ITPMs Recommendations for Practitioners: The proposed framework in this paper can be used by project managers as a guide to adopt KT practices within their project organization. Recommendation for Researchers: The review showed that some determinants, such as Technological factors, have not been adequately explored in the existing KT model in the IT projects context and can be integrated with other relevant theories to understand how a project manager’s knowledge can be transferred and retained in the organization using technology in future research. Impact on Society: This study emphasizes the role of individual actions and project organizational and technological matters in shaping the efficacy of KT within project organizations. It offers insight that could steer business owners or executives within project organizations to closely observe the behavior of project managers, thereby securing successful project outcomes. Future Research: The determinant list provided in this paper is acquired from extensive SLR and, therefore, further research should aim to expand and deepen the investigation by validating these determinants from experts in the field of IT and project management. Future studies can also add other external technological determinants to provide a more comprehensive KT implementation framework. Similarly, this research does not include determinants identified directly from the industry, as it relies solely on determinants found in the existing literature. Although a comprehensive attempt has been made to encompass all relevant papers, there remains a potential for overlooking some research in this process. Full Article
trans Modeling the Predictors of M-Payments Adoption for Indian Rural Transformation By Published On :: 2024-10-09 Aim/Purpose: The last decade has witnessed a tremendous progression in mobile penetration across the world and, most importantly, in developing countries like India. This research aims to investigate and analyze the factors influencing the adoption of mobile payments (M-payments) in the Indian rural population. This, in turn, would bring about positive changes in the lives of people in these countries. Background: A conceptual framework was worked upon using UTAUT as a foundation, which included constructs, namely, facilitating conditions, social influences, performance expectancy, and effort expectancy. The model was further extended by incorporating the awareness construct of m-payments to make it more comprehensive and to understand behavioral intentions and usage behavior for m-payments in rural India. Methodology: A questionnaire-based study was conducted to collect primary data from 410 respondents residing in rural areas in the state of Punjab. Convenience sampling was conducted to collect the data. Structural equation modeling was used to conduct statistical analysis, including exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Contribution: A new conceptual model for M-payments adoption in rural India was developed based on the study’s findings. Using the findings of the study, marketers, policymakers, and academicians can gain insight into the factors that motivate the rural population to use M-payments. Findings: The study has found that M-payment Awareness (AW) is the strongest factor within the proposed model for deeper diffusion of M-payments in rural areas in the state of Punjab. Performance expectancy (PE), effort expectancy (EE), social influences (SI), and facilitating conditions (FC) are also positively and significantly related to behavioral intentions for using M-payments among the Indian rural population in the state of Punjab. Recommendations for Practitioners: M-payments are emerging as a new mode of transactions among the Indian masses. The government needs to play a pivotal role in advocating the benefits linked with the usage of M-payments by planning financial literacy and awareness campaigns, promoting transparency and accountability of the intermediaries, and reducing transaction costs of using M-payments. Mobile manufacturing companies should come up with devices that are easy to use and incorporate multilanguage mobile applications, especially for rural areas, as India is a multi-lingual country. A robust regulatory framework will not only shape consumer trust but also prevent privacy breaches. Recommendation for Researchers: It is recommended that a comparative study among different M-payment platforms be conducted by exploring constructs such as usefulness and ease of use. However, the vulnerability of data leakage may result in insecurity and skepticism about its adoption. Impact on Society: India’s rural areas have immense potential for adoption of M-payments. Appropriate policies, awareness drives, and necessary infrastructure will boost faster and smoother adoption of M-payments in rural India to thrive in the digital economy. Future Research: The adapted model can be further tested with moderating factors like age, gender, occupation, and education to understand better the complexities of M-payments, especially in rural areas of India. Additionally, cross-sectional studies could be conducted to evaluate the behavioral intentions of different sections of society. Full Article
trans Commercial air transport in Africa: changing structure and development of country pairs By Published On :: 2024-04-30T23:20:50-05:00 This study investigates cross-border commercial air passenger traffic in Africa, focusing on the development of the 15 busiest country pairs during the period 1989 to 2015. It explores dimensions not previously studied by using ICAO's 'Traffic by Flight Stage' (TFS) and data from the CEPII Gravity Dataset. The spatial results show on an uneven geographical distribution of country pairs with the centre of gravity to South, East and North-East Africa, with one long-distance corridor between Egypt and South Africa. Countries in North and West Africa have rather few linkages, except for Egypt. Central African countries are not represented among the 15 country pairs. Although the number of passengers and the rank among the countries have shifted, South Africa and Egypt stand out, as having most country pair connections. Factors such as changing economic, diplomatic and political relations have had an influence on changing country pair connections throughout the period. A number of variables were selected to investigate how they correlated with Africa's commercial passenger traffic. Of the seven variables selected, five did show on a correlation and two did partly so. In that view, Africa's air traffic follows rather typical patterns. Full Article
trans Learning Objects: Using Language Structures to Understand the Transition from Affordance Systems to Intelligent Systems By Published On :: Full Article
trans Applying a System Development Approach to Translate Educational Requirements into E-Learning By Published On :: Full Article
trans The Informing Science Institute: The Informing System of a Transdiscipline By Published On :: Full Article
trans A Bibliometric Study of Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdis-cipline By Published On :: Full Article
trans Disciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity in the Study of Knowledge By Published On :: Full Article
trans Informing Systems as the Transformers of Information Wave into Virtual Civilization and Their Ethics Question By Published On :: 2015-06-05 The purpose of this investigation is to define the central contents and issues of the impact of informing systems on the rise and development of Virtual Civilization. The methodology is based on an interdisciplinary big-picture view of the Virtual Civilization’s elements of development and their interdependency. Among the findings are: Virtual Civilization has infrastructural characteristics, a world-wide unlimited, socially constructed work and leisure space in cyberspace, and it can last centuries/millennia - as long as informing systems are operational. Practical implications: The mission of Virtual Civilization is to control the public policy of real civilizations in order to secure the common good in real societies. Social implication: The quest for the common good by virtual society may limit or even replace representative democracy by direct democracy which, while positively solving some problems, may eventually trigger permanent political chaos in real civilizations. Originality: This investigation, by providing an interdisciplinary and civilizational approach at the big-picture level defined the ethics question of the role of informing systems in the development of Virtual Civilization. Full Article
trans Business Analytics as a Tool to Transforming Information into an Informing System: The Case of the On-Line Course Registration System By Published On :: 2017-06-18 Aim/Purpose: Sharing ideas generated in a Business Intelligence (BI) Applications class to upgrade an Information System in to an Informing System. Background: Course Registration is the essential university’s business process in a university that follows a liberal-arts education model. Almost all categories of users are involved, including students, individual faculties and departments, and administration. A typical Information System, designed to support this process, allows departments to schedule selected courses for a particular time slot and location, and allows students to choose courses to study for the semester. Methodology: The course project is to design a BI application. Domain knowledge is essential for such projects and course registration was the natural choice for this class. The assignment includes (1) identifying the categories of stakeholders; (2) identifying the information needs of different categories; (3) identifying available information sources; (4) identifying how is possible to acquire the additional data; and (5) designing the Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) process and interface scenarios in a way to inform clients. Contribution: Contributions are in two directions: (1) pedagogy - involving students in such a project motivates creativity, also enforcing students to think in cost-benefit framework may lead to creation of really effective and efficient solutions; (2) practice - implementation of some of the ideas could be with low cost, but with high impact. Findings: Exploring BI techniques may increase the informing value of existing Information Systems. Recommendations for Practitioners: Careful analysis of information needs and the way information is used, combined with deep domain knowledge and understanding the value provided by Data Mining techniques, is the way to initiate a process of transforming an Retrieval Information System to better inform clients. Recommendation for Researchers : Combining pedagogy with practice allows one to overcome routine thinking and may lead to effective solutions. This needs further structuring and research on outcomes. Impact on Society Transforming Information towards Informing Systems has a significant impact by allowing users to make rational data driven decisions in an efficient way. Future Research: The future of this project is implementation of developed ideas and assessment of the results. Impact on Society : Transforming Information towards Informing Systems has a significant impact by allowing users to make rational data driven decisions in an efficient way. Future Research: The future of this project is implementation of developed ideas and assessment of the results. Full Article
trans Defining the Dialogue between Sciences: A View on Transdisciplinary Perspective in the Human Sciences By Published On :: 2018-09-23 Aim/Purpose: The authors argue that interdisciplinarity, together with the more recent concept of transdisciplinarity, can be seen as a coherent attempt not so much to reassemble the fragmented structure into a whole, as to create a fruitful collaboration and integration among different disciplines that takes into account their specificity. Background: At the threshold of the Modern Age, a series of paradigm shifts in Western thought caused its fragmentation into a variety of academic subdisciplines. Such diversification can be considered the result of epistemological shifts and changes in the division of intellectual labor. Contribution: Which semantic horizons can this new approach open, and on which theoretical foundations could a dialogue between disciplines be produced? The growing importance of this problem is evidenced by the emergence, during the last decades, of philosophical reflections on the interactions among different research fields. The paper aims to contribute to the contemporary discussion of the need to overcome boundaries between disciplines. Consequently, it has both a methodological and theoretical impact, since all branches of knowledge aspiring to go beyond their traditional theoretical boundaries would benefit from a coherent theoretical perspective which tries to reconceptualize the transfer of knowledge from one field to another. Findings: The possibility of transdisciplinarity in modern science finds its theoretical premise in M. Foucault’s seminal work on the organization of knowledge, The Order of Things, which hinted at the existence of gaps in the grid of knowledge, leading, as a result, to the possibility of creating transdisciplinary connections. Future Research: The authors’ critical discussion of transdisciplinarity aims to revive the French epistemological tradition that in the last decades has often been rejected by researchers as not being rigorous nor analytical. This choice is motivated by the belief that, despite such evident defects, at its bottom lies a genuine theoretical intention that does not take for granted the possibility of transcending the usual division of intellectual work. In addition, the authors offer a brief account of the Russian conception of transdisciplinarity, relatively little studied in the West, which is presumed to integrate and solve the difficulties of other similar models. Full Article
trans Collaborative Transdisciplinary Research In A Small Institution: Challenges And Opportunities By Published On :: 2018-07-02 Aim/Purpose: In this paper, we discuss how a Transdisciplinary (TD) and a Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) initiative was conceptualized, developed, implemented, and sustained at a small academic institution with limited research infrastructure, emphasizing the role of capacity building. Background: Most examples of the implementation of TD research come from large-scale initiatives in research-intensive institutions or centers with multiple resources to establish collaborations among experts from different disciplines. However less is known about the implementation of TD and CBPR initiatives in small academic settings. Methodology: This paper includes a discussion of the challenges and lessons learned of this process in a teaching-intensive Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI), which included a research component as part of the institutional priorities when it transitioned to a 4-year college in 2001. Contribution: We hope that our experience helps other researchers in similar institutions to engage in this type of research. Findings: In this case, a collaborative TD and CBPR initiative was successfully implemented despite limited resources for capacity building and research infrastructure, as well as diversity among researchers and community members. Recommendation for Researchers: To sustain institutional collaborative capacity in this type of institution, authors recommend continuous capacity building efforts and the development of modules and/or courses to provide formal TD training for junior faculty while encouraging researchers to interact and collaborate. In addition, the importance of the role of the community liaison is highlighted. Impact on Society: Successful TD and CBPR initiatives may have a positive impact on the reduction or elimination of health disparities which involve complex phenomena that requires a broad view from different perspectives. Future Research: Even though capacity building can facilitate the implementation of TD and CBPR, many challenges arise as an inherent result of community engagement and the integration of different disciplines. Thus, the need of continuous reflection to acknowledge them becomes critical for advancing TD and CBPR efforts. Full Article
trans Communicating Transdisciplinary Characteristics In Global Regulatory Affairs: An Example From Health Professions Education By Published On :: 2018-07-02 Aim/Purpose: This paper describes the regulatory affairs discipline as a useful case in the study of both inter- and transdisciplinary science and dynamics related to communication across multiple boundaries. We will 1) outline the process that led to the development of transnational competencies for regulatory affairs graduate education, 2) discuss how the process highlights the transdisciplinary character of regulatory affairs, 3) provide implications for how to communicate the influence of this characterization to future healthcare professionals, and 4) draw conclusions regarding how our lessons-learned might inform other programs of study. Background: In the past few decades, the regulatory affairs profession has become more internationalized. This prompted the need for new competencies grounded in the transnational and cross-disciplinary contexts in which these professionals are required to operate. Methodology: A convenience sample of experienced regulatory affairs professionals from multiple disciplines contributed to the development of transnational competencies for a master’s program in regulatory affairs using a transdisciplinary framework. Contribution: An applied exemplar in which to understand how transdisciplinary characteristics can be communicated and applied in higher education. Recommendations for Practitioners: This paper recommends how competencies developed from a regulatory affairs program can serve as exemplars for other applied transdisciplinary higher education programs. Impact on Society: This framework provides a seldom-used reflective approach to regulatory affairs education that utilizes cross-disciplinary theory to inform competence-based formation of professionals. Full Article
trans A Social Machine for Transdisciplinary Research By Published On :: 2018-07-02 Aim/Purpose: This paper introduces a Social Machine for collaborative sensemaking that the developers have configured to the requirements and challenges of transdisciplinary literature reviews. Background: Social Machines represent a promising model for unifying machines and social processes for a wide range of purposes. A development team led by the author is creating a Social Machine for activities that require users to combine pieces of information from multiple online sources and file types for various purposes. Methodology: The development team has applied emergent design processes, usability testing, and formative evaluation in the execution of the product road map. Contribution: A major challenge of the digital information age is how to tap into large volumes of online information and the collective intelligence of diverse groups to generate new knowledge, solve difficult problems, and drive innovation. A Transdisciplinary Social Machine (TDSM) enables new forms of interactions between humans, machines, and online content that have the potential to (a) improve outcomes of sensemaking activities that involve large collections of online documents and diverse groups and (b) make machines more capable of assisting humans in their sensemaking efforts. Findings: Preliminary findings suggest that TDSM promotes learning and the generation of new knowledge. Recommendations for Practitioners: TDSM has the potential to improve outcomes of literature reviews and similar activities that require distilling information from diverse online sources. Recommendation for Researchers: TDSM is an instrument for investigating sensemaking, an environment for studying various forms of human and machine interactions, and a subject for further evaluation. Impact on Society: In complex areas such as sustainability and healthcare research, TDSM has the potential to make decision-making more transparent and evidence-based, facilitate the production of new knowledge, and promote innovation. In education, TDSM has the potential to prepare students for the 21st century information economy. Future Research: Research is required to measure the effects of TDSM on cross-disciplinary communication, human and machine learning, and the outcomes of transdisciplinary research projects. The developers are planning a multiple case study using design-based research methodology to investigate these topics. Full Article
trans Complexity Leadership Theory and the Leaders of Transdisciplinary Science By Published On :: 2018-07-02 Aim/Purpose: Given that leadership has been shown to play a key role in knowledge-producing organizations, leaders of transdisciplinary science have received surprisingly little empirical attention. This study addresses the research gap by examining leadership in the context of a new transdisciplinary research organization. Background: Drawing on complexity leadership theory—a framework developed for identifying behaviors that facilitate creativity, learning, and adaptability in complex adaptive systems—this study examines leadership roles and practices that affect the generation of adaptive dynamics in transdisciplinary science. Methodology: The study is based on a longitudinal, qualitative in-depth case study on a newly formed transdisciplinary research center and its leadership team. The data includes ethnographic observations from leadership meetings and interviews with leaders. Contribution: This unique empirical case contributes to the study of transdisciplinary science by shedding light on the actions of academic leaders as they try to support transdisciplinary conversation, learning, and collaboration in a new center. Findings: The analysis shows that the leaders relied on both enabling and administrative leadership practices in a way that made them the focal point of transdisciplinary knowledge integration and thus jeopardized the creation of adaptive dynamics throughout the organization. Recommendations for Practitioners: The study highlights the importance of having knowledge brokers and hybrid scholars in strategic positions at different levels of the transdisciplinary research organization already in its early stages. Recommendation for Researchers: Longitudinal qualitative case studies that rely on different types of data provide rich information on how new leadership conceptualizations are implemented in organizations and the complex ways in which they relate to knowledge creation processes and outcomes. Impact on Society: Transdisciplinary science has the potential to find cures to complex diseases. Understanding leadership in transdisciplinary science can help in maintaining transdisciplinary research activities in the long run and thus make it more impactful. Future Research: The use of leadership roles and practices will be examined at different developmental stages in the transdisciplinary research process. Full Article
trans Dialogue and the Creation of Transformative Social Change: The Case of Social Enterprises By Published On :: 2018-07-02 Aim/Purpose: To understand the process of social change creation in social entrepreneurial ventures (SEVs), specifically emphasizing the role and nature of the communicative process in social change creation. Background: Drawing on data from seven SEVs from India and the US and employing a grounded theory methodology, this research scrutinizes the social change process and uncovers the role and characteristics of dialogue in this process. Methodology: Qualitative data was collected from seven social entrepreneurial organizations over a period of eight months from July 2011 to February 2012. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a wide range of members within these social entrepreneurial organizations (n=27) with additional informal interviews with field workers and volunteers. Data from the semi-structured interviews and notes from observations were integrated with analyses of archival resources. Contribution: There is little scholarship about the process of social change creation and the necessary conditions to promote social change over time. Understanding the process of social change creation and the individual, interpersonal, and organizational conditions that facilitate the process is central to design of effective trans-sector TD problem solving ventures. This paper focuses on the process of social change creation in social entrepreneurial settings, specifically emphasizing the role and nature of the communicative process in social change creation. Findings: The reflections and experiences of the members of SEVs revealed that social entrepreneurship is a collective endeavor and this collective character is essential to its success. Collective organization and synergy, deep intra-organizational communication, and a conducive organizational context are critical for the creation of collective wisdom and knowledge networks for long-term collaborative community capacity building. Dialogue emerged as a central category linking the other categories to explain the process of social change creation. Organic organizational structure enables knowledge creation and integration through the process of organizational learning through deep and continuous social interaction, or dialogue. Recommendations for Practitioners: This research elucidated the key characteristics of the organizational context required to support the creation of social change. It also identified the critical role and characteristics of the communicative process required to generate structural knowledge and collective wisdom at the organizational level. Recommendation for Researchers: For individual and organizational learning, trans-sector transdisciplinary organizations require an appropriate organizational context. Key elements of such an organizational context include (1) understanding the ecology of the social problem; (2) organic organizational structure; (3) continuous and deep social interaction among all levels of the organization; (4) employee and community autonomy and empowerment; and (5) attention to subtle environmental changes in the system. These elements in combination lead to the creation of collective wisdom. Collective wisdom then feeds back into the conception, planning, and action stages of the iterative cycle of organizational knowledge creation to create positive social change. Impact on Society: Same as above Future Research: Future research model theoretically and study empirically the ecology of social entrepreneurship and trans-sector TD problem solving more broadly. For example, the ways in the personal attributes of social entrepreneurs (e.g., their leadership style, networking abilities) combine with circumstances at organizational, institutional, and international levels to influence the effectiveness of their efforts to promote positive social change within local and global communities. Second, the grounded theoretical framework developed here should be further refined and elaborated through the identification of additional key contextual factors that affect SEVs’ capacity to promote positive social change and to achieve sustainability in different socio-environmental contexts. There is also a need to translate the findings from this research to facilitate the creation of more inclusive problem solving contexts and practices. Full Article
trans Transdisciplinary Knowledge Producing Teams: Toward a Complex Systems Perspective By Published On :: 2018-07-02 Aim/Purpose: Transdisciplinarity is considered as a framework for understanding knowledge producing teams (KPTs). Features of transdisciplinary knowledge producing teams (TDKPTs) are provided using a complex adaptive systems (CAS) lens. TDKPT features are defined and linked to complexity theory to show how team participants might develop skills that more truly express complex adaptive conditions. Background: TDKPTs are groups of stakeholder participants tasked with producing knowledge across disciplinary, sectoral, and ecological boundaries. TDKPTs reflect components of complex adaptive systems (CAS) and exemplify how CAS behave and function. Methodology: The paper accesses literature from the Science-of-Team-Science (SciTS), complexity theory, and systems theory to construct a typology of the features of TDKPTs. Contribution: This paper provides a list of features developed from a diverse body of literature useful for considering complexity within TDKPTs. Findings: The paper proposes a series of features of transdisciplinary knowledge producing teams. In addition, the authors identify important skill building aspects needed for TDKPTs to be successful. Recommendations for Practitioners: The paper provides a framework by which team functioning can be considered and enhanced within TDKPTs. Recommendation for Researchers: The paper suggests categorical features of transdisciplinary teams for research on the collaborative processes and outcomes of TD teams. Future Research: Knowledge producing team members need to engage in theoretical, episte-mological, and methodological reflections to elucidate the dynamic nature of TD knowledge producing teams. Understanding how conflict, dissonance, and reciprocal interdependencies contribute to knowledge generation are key areas of future research and inquiry. Full Article
trans Transdisciplinary Communication: Introduction to the Special Issue By Published On :: 2018-07-02 Aim/Purpose: This is an introductory paper for the Special Series on transdisciplinary communication. It summarizes the various articles in the special series and raises questions for future investigation. Full Article
trans International Standard of Transdisciplinary Education and Transdisciplinary Competence By Published On :: 2019-12-22 Aim/Purpose: The year 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of the first official definition of the term “transdisciplinarity.” This paper focuses on a critical analysis of the development of modern transdisciplinarity since its inception. Background: The article presents two main directions for the development of transdisciplinarity. It also shows its identification features, strengths, and weaknesses, as well as the significant role transdisciplinarity plays in science and education. Methodology: The methodology employed in this article is a content analysis of resolutions of international forums as well as articles on transdisciplinarity published from 1970 to 2019. Contribution: For one reason or the other, several of these authors did not quote the opinions of the original authors of transdisciplinarity. The subsequent use of those articles by other authors thus posed some ambiguities about the place and role of transdisciplinarity in science and education. The advent of e-databases has made it possible to access the original forum articles. This further made it possible to refine the original content of the term “transdisciplinarity” and to trace its development without mixing it with vague opinions. Based on these findings, the perception of transdisciplinarity as a marginal trend in science and education could be eliminated. Findings: This paper shows how modern transdisciplinarity is developing into two main directions: transdisciplinarity in science as well as transdisciplinarity in education. These orientations have individual goals and objectives. The transdisciplinarity of scientific research helps to complete the transformation of the potential for interdisciplinary interaction and the integration of disciplines. Whereas, in education, transdisciplinarity (meta-discipline) is about developing an international standard for transdisciplinary education and also describing the content of transdisciplinary competence for students of diverse disciplines at all levels of higher education (bachelor’s, master’s and postgraduate studies). Recommendation for Researchers: Transdisciplinary research involves the interaction of people with disciplinary knowledge plus a degree of scientific outlook. Since disciplinary knowledge domains remain in their disciplinary boxes, it is, therefore, advisable to generalize disciplinary knowledge rather than force them to interact. This is the basis for proposing the systems transdisciplinary approach—which provides a methodology for unifying and generalizing disciplinary knowledge. Future Research: As the research shows, the organizers of modern international forums do not take into account the division of transdisciplinarity development trends. To increase the effectiveness and significance of such forums, it is necessary to return to the practice of organizing special international forums on the transdisciplinarity of science and that of education. Full Article
trans Challenges in Designing Curriculum for Trans-Disciplinary Education: On Cases of Designing Concentration on Informing Science and Master Program on Data Science By Published On :: 2019-04-19 Aim/Purpose: The growing complexity of the business environment and business processes as well as the Big Data phenomenon has an impact on every area of human activity nowadays. This new reality challenges the effectiveness of traditional narrowly oriented professional education. New areas of competences emerged as a synergy of multiple knowledge areas – transdisciplines. Informing Science and Data Science are just the first two such new areas we may identify as transdisciplines. Universities are facing the challenge to educate students for those new realities. Background: The purpose of the paper is to share the authors’ experience in designing curriculum for training bachelor students in Informing Science as a concentration within an Information Brokerage major, and a master program on Data Science. Methodology: Designing curriculum for transdisciplines requires diverse expertise obtained by both academia and industries and passed through several stages - identifying objectives, conceptualizing curriculum models, identifying content, and development pedagogical priorities. Contribution: Sharing our experience acquired in designing transdiscipline programs will contribute to a transition from a narrow professional education towards addressing 21st-century challenges. Findings: Analytical skills, combined with training in all categories of so-called “soft skills”, are essential in preparing students for a successful career in a transdiciplinary area of activities. Recommendations for Practitioners: Establishing a working environment encouraging not only sharing but close cooperation is essential nowadays. Recommendations for Researchers: There are two aspects of training professionals capable of succeeding in a transdisciplinary environment: encouraging mutual respect and developing out-of-box thinking. Impact on Society: The transition of higher education in a way to meet current challenges. Future Research The next steps in this research are to collect feedback regarding the professional careers of students graduating in these two programs and to adjust the curriculum accordingly. Full Article
trans The Informing Science Institute: The Informing Science of a Transdiscipline By Published On :: 2020-12-30 Aim/Purpose: The Informing Science Institute (ISI) is an informing system, designed using informing science principles, for the express purpose of informing researchers who study problems related to informing. This paper describes the ISI as an applied instance of an informing system and analyzes the channels, informers, and clients of the ISI. Background: This paper begins with a brief overview of the current activity of the ISI, as well as an introduction to informing science philosophy and an explanation of the need for a transdiscipline. The ISI is a non-profit organization that provides several informing channels, including 13 open-access, peer-reviewed journals, as well as conferences, books, and outreach activities. Methodology: Statistical analyses of the authors, institutions, and countries of origin were conducted for every ISI paper published between 1998 and December of 2019. Additionally, interviews were conducted with 5 current and former Editors-in-Chief of ISI journals. Contribution: This paper provides a current description and analysis of the ISI informing system’s channels, informers, and clients. Findings: The ISI has published over 4,100 articles by over 4,500 authors from over 600 universities. Statistical analyses of articles published in ISI journals demonstrated that the ISI is characterized in part by robust international participation, with significant participation by authors from countries that have been traditionally under-represented in academic publications. The ISI achieved these outcomes through the use of the philosophical principles and design guidelines for informing science. Full Article
trans What is Research Rigor? Lessons for a Transdiscipline By Published On :: 2020-05-05 Aim/Purpose: Use of the term “rigor” is ubiquitous in the research community. But do we actually know what it means, and how it applies to transdisciplinary research? Background: Too often, rigor is presumed to mean following an established research protocol scrupulously. Unfortunately, that frequently leads to research with little or no impact. Methodology: We identify a sample of 62 articles with “rigor” in the title and analyze their content in order to capture the range of perspectives on rigor. We then analyze how these findings might apply to informing science. Contribution: This paper offers an approach to defining rigor that is theory based and appropriate for transdisciplinary research. Findings: Rigor definitions tend to fall into one of two categories: criteria-based and compliance-based. Which is appropriate depends on the research context. Even more variation was found with respect to relevance, which is often used as a catch-all for research characteristics that aren’t associated with rigor. Recommendations for Practitioners: Recognize that when researchers are referring to rigor and relevance, they of-ten mean these to apply to other researchers rather than to practice. When funding research, it is important to understand who the rigor and relevance are directed towards. Recommendations for Researchers: When using the term “rigor”, think carefully about which meaning is intended and be transparent about that meaning in your writing. Impact on Society: A great deal of public money is invested in achieving research rigor. Society should be aware of what it is buying with that funding. Future Research: Developing a better understanding of research fitness and the factors that contribute to it. Full Article
trans The Translational Learning EcoSystem By Published On :: 2021-11-28 Aim/Purpose: In this paper we propose an ecosystem for translational learning that combines core learning principles with a multilevel construct that embraces the tenets of translational research, namely, teaming, translating, and implementing. The goal of the paper is to argue that knowledge of learning sciences is essential at the individual, team, and organizational levels in the translational science enterprise. Background: The two decades that we can now call the translational era of health and medicine have not been without challenges. Many inroads have been made in navigating how scientific teaming, translating knowledge across the health spectrum, and implementing change to our health systems, policies, and interventions can serve our changing global environment. These changes to the traditional health science enterprise require new ways of understanding knowledge, forging relationships, and managing this new tradition of science. Competency requirements that have become important to the enterprise are dependent on a deep understanding about how people learn as individuals, in teams, and within organizations and systems. Methodology: An individual, team, and organizational conceptual framework for learning in translational ecosystems is developed drawing on the learning science literature, a synthesis of 9 key learning principles and integrated with core competencies for translational science. Contribution: The translational learning ecosystem is a means by which to understand how translational science competencies can be reinforced by core learning principles as teaming, translating, and implementation intersect as part of the translational science enterprise. Findings: This paper connects learning science to tailored principles in a simplified way so that those working translational science with less knowledge of theories of learning and pedagogy may be able to access it in a clear and concise way. Recommendation for Researchers: This paper provides a framework for researchers who engage in the education of translational scientists as well as those who are charged with training new scientists in an emerging field critical to health and medicine. Future Research: The translational ecosystem described can serve to expand how teaching and learning impact scientific advances. In addition, it serves as a means in which to understand the impact of learning on micro, meso, and macro levels. Full Article
trans Transdisciplinarity: Marginal Direction or Global Approach of Contemporary Science? By Published On :: 2021-04-30 Aim/Purpose: The article is designed to contradict the existing opinion that “transdisciplinarity is a marginal direction of contemporary science.” Background: The difficulties of implementing transdisciplinarity into science and education are connected with the fact that its generally accepted definition, identification characteristics, and methodological features are still missing. In order to eliminate these disadvantages of transdisciplinarity, its prime cause and initial idea had to be detected. Then an attempt was made to analyze correspondence of the existing opinions about transdisciplinarity with the content of its prime cause and initial ideas. Methodology: The bibliometric content analysis of the literature reviews on the subject of transdisciplinary was used in order to determine correspondence of the opinions about transdisciplinarity with the meaning of its prime cause and initial ideas, as well as to generalize these opinions. This method allowed detecting and classifying opinions into 11 groups including 39 stereotypes of transdisciplinarity. For substantiation of transdisciplinary approaches consistency with the approaches of the contemporary science C.F. Gauss random variables normal distribution was used. The “Gauss curve” helped to show the place of transdisciplinary and systems transdisciplinary approaches in the structure of academic and systems approaches. The “Gauss curve” demonstrated the step-by-step broadening of the scientific worldview horizon due to sequential intensification of synthesis, integration, unification, and generalization of the disciplinary knowledge. Contribution: Based on rethinking the results from bibliometric content analysis of the literature reviews, the generalized definition of transdisciplinarity could be formulated, as well as the definition for the transdisciplinary and systems transdisciplinary approaches could be given. It was shown that transdisciplinarity is a natural stage for development of contemporary science and education, and the transdisciplinary approaches were capable to suggest the methods and tools to solve the complex and poorly structured problems of science and society. Findings: Many existing stereotypes of transdisciplinarity do not meet its prime cause and initial ideas. Such stereotypes do not have deep philosophic and theoretical substantiation, as well as not suggesting the transdisciplinary methods and tools. Thus, the authors of such stereotypes often claim them to be transdisciplinary or suggest perceiving them as transdisciplinarity. This circumstance contributed to the fact that many disciplinary scientists, practitioners, and initiators of higher education view transdisciplinarity as a marginal direction of contemporary science. Based on the generalized definition of transdisciplinarity, as well as its prime cause and initial ideas, we managed to show that transdisciplinarity is presented in contemporary science in the form of two different approaches: the transdisciplinary approach and the systems transdisciplinary approaches. The objective of the transdisciplinary approach is ensuring science development at the stage of synthesis and integration of disciplinary knowledge. The objective of the systems transdisciplinary approach is ensuring solving of modern society problems using unification and generalization of disciplinary knowledge. Recommendation for Researchers: The researchers should consider that within the limits of the transdisciplinary approach the disciplinary specialists are managed. Within the limits of the systems transdisciplinary approach the disciplinary knowledge is managed. Thus, the transdisciplinary approach is efficient for organization and research with participation of the scientists of complementary disciplines. An example for such research can be a team of researchers of medical disciplines and complimentary disciplines from chemistry, physics, and engineering. The systems transdisciplinary approach is efficient for organization and performance of research with participation of scientists of non-complementary disciplines, for example, economics, physics, meteorology, chemistry, ecology, geology, and sociology. Future Research: In terms of the main initial idea, transdisciplinarity is formed as a global approach. The global approach should have a traditional institutional form: it should be a science discipline (meta-discipline) and have carriers with the transdisciplinary worldview. Training for such carriers can be organized by the universities within the limits of the systems transdisciplinarity departments and Centers of Systems Transdisciplinary Retraining for Disciplinary Specialists. Thus, it is reasonable to initiate discussion for the idea to reform the disciplinary structure of the universities considering creation of such departments and centers. Full Article
trans Informing at the Crossroads of Design Science Research, Academic Entrepreneurship, and Digital Transformation: A Platform Ecosystem Roadmap By Published On :: 2022-04-13 Aim/Purpose: Developing Digital Platform Ecosystems (DPE) to transform conventional Knowledge Management Systems (KM/KMS) scenarios promises significant benefits for individuals, institutions, as well as emerging knowledge economies. Background: The academic entrepreneurship project presented is aiming for such a KMS-DPE configuration. Having consolidated this author’s own and external re-search findings, realization is currently commencing with a start-up in a business incubator. Methodology: Design science research applying mixed one-sample case study and illustrative scenario approach focusing on conceptual analysis and entrepreneurship. Contribution: Although (academic) entrepreneurship is a young research area with recently growing interest, publications focusing on this transitional stage between maturing research and projected commercial viability of digital technologies are rare. Findings: A roadmap looking beyond the immediate early-start-up perspective is out-lined by integrating recent development-stage-related DPE-research and by addressing stakeholders diverse informing needs essential for system realization. Recommendations for Practitioners and Researchers: As this transdisciplinary perspective combines KM, informing, design science, and entrepreneurial research spaces, it may assist other researchers and practitioners facing similar circumstances and/or start-up opportunities. Impact on Society: The article advances the understanding of how DPE communities may serve members with highly diverse skills and ambitions better to gainfully utilize the platform’s resources and generative potential in their personal and local settings. Future Research: As the entrepreneurial agenda will complement (not substitute) the academic research, research priorities have been highlighted aligned to three future stages. Full Article
trans Facilitating Scientific Events Guided by Complex Thinking: A Case Study of an Online Inter/Transdisciplinary Advanced Training School By Published On :: 2022-03-12 Aim/Purpose This paper aims to illustrate, through an exploratory ideographic case study, how a Complex Thinking framework can inform the design of scientific events and the facilitation of scientific Inter and Transdisciplinary groups towards positive emergent outcomes, both at the level of the functioning of the group and the collective complexity of their thinking. Moreover, it aims to show how the choice of facilitation strategies can contribute to positive emergent outcomes in the context of a fully online event, with its inherent constraints. Finally, this study aims to conduct an exploratory qualitative evaluation of the participants’ experiences during School, with a focus on the processes and how they relate to the aims of the School and the goals of the facilitation. Background Science needs to embrace modes of knowing capable of generating more complex (differentiated, integrated, recursively organized, emergent), ecologically fit, and creative responses, to meet the complexity of the world’s challenges. New formats and strategies are required that attend to the facilitation of Inter and Transdisciplinary scientific events and meetings, towards creative and complex outcomes. A Complex Thinking framework provides suggestions for the facilitation of Inter and Transdisciplinary meetings and events through targeting key properties which may lead to the emergence of complex and creative outcomes. Methodology We adopt an ideographic case study approach to illustrate how a complex systems approach, in particular a Complex Thinking framework, grounded in an enactive view of cognition, guided the design choices and the facilitation strategies of an online Inter and Transdisciplinary Advanced Training School (Winter School). We aim to illustrate how the facilitation strategies were selected and used to promote deep and creative interactions within the constraints of an online environment. We adopt an exploratory qualitative approach to investigate the participants’ reports of their experiences of the School, in light of the principles and goals that guided its design and facilitation. Contribution This paper opens a new area of theoretical and applied research, under the scope of a Complex Thinking framework, focused on the facilitation of Inter and Transdisciplinarity at scientific events, meetings, and discussions towards complex and creative outcomes. Findings The results of the exploratory qualitative analysis of the participants’ experiences regarding the event suggest a critical role of its methodology in fostering rich, deep, and constructive interactions, in leading to the emergence of a collective group experience, to the integration of ideas, and in facilitating transformative personal experiences, under the effects of the emergent group processes. It suggests that the strategies employed were successful, anticipating and overcoming the particular constraints of an online event. Recommendations for Practitioners This case study suggests that a Complex Thinking framework can fruitfully guide the design of facilitation strategies and activities for scientific events and meetings, activating a number of key relational processes that contribute to or boost the emergence of positive group experiences and the production and integration of novel ideas. Recommendations for Researchers This study calls for action-oriented and applied research focused on the developmental evaluation of innovations, regarding the facilitation of scientific creativity and integration, within the scope of a Complex Thinking approach. Impact on Society This paper calls for new modes of organization and formats of scientific activities, suggesting that Inter and Transdisciplinary events and meetings may benefit from intentional management and facilitation of interactions between participants to produce transformative impacts. It demonstrates the importance of the organizational principles used to plan and run events that engage multiple and various societal agents, from academics to practitioners and social activists, towards enhancing their richness and relevance to complex real-world challenges. Future Research This study highlights the need for process-focused systematic case study research using complex systems-informed designs to explore how and which facilitation strategies may promote which (interaction of) properties of Complex Thinking and associated processes and how, and under which conditions, these lead to more complex and creative outcomes. Full Article
trans Informing Science and International Relations: Transdisciplinarity of the Concepts Civilization, Ideology, and Geopolitics By Published On :: 2022-02-28 Aim/Purpose: The integration of knowledge through the transdisciplinary method with the three concepts civilization, ideology, and geopolitics (CIG) enables the analysis of international relations in a new perspective and the informing strategists of countries, organizations, analysts, clients, etc. These three concepts express the transdisciplinarity that offers a new theoretical explanation and the informing science approach. Background: The integration of knowledge using the three concepts for the analysis of international relations has found adequate explanations from 1890 until the withdrawal of the United States from Afghanistan. Therefore, the CIG model theoretically and practically finds support for more than a century, as argued in the paper. Methodology: The present paper uses a mixed theory based on transdisciplinary methodology and informing science. The literature was reviewed to find and build the theoretical basis and provide appropriate examples. The theory is also based on the model used by Francis Fukuyama in his books on building and dissolution of states (middle-range theory). Contribution: This paper enables the rethinking of the limitations of research on a theoretical and practical basis that is done in many scientific circles, not to eliminate others but to enrich science even more. Findings: In the paper, the main findings are the following: Integrating the three CIG concepts according to the transdisciplinary method offers a new perspective to explain international relations using the IS method; The integration of the three concepts is worthwhile after 1980, when the model of cabinet governments falls, Bismarck falls, and public opinion starts to emerge; It was after 1980 that theories of civilization and geopolitics began to emerge along with ideologies to apply in practice; These three concepts offer explanations based on a CIG zone and in the periphery of the CIG zone. In the CIG zone the security sphere is more stable and long-term, while in periphery the cooperation is temporary and not long termed; The paper shows that the Cold War period is divided into two periods; The paper also finds that CIG explains with examples the events that happened after the Cold War and until present days; The paper also shows, based on the strategies of the superpowers, how they are extending their influence based on the CIG concepts. The paper also shows new patterns of cooperation and clashes between the superpowers’ security zones, which also provide an explanatory perspective for the USA withdrawal from Afghanistan. (We do not talk in the paper about the Afghanistan issue and USA withdrawal). Recommendation for Researchers: Scientific attributes in the integration of knowledge give researchers a more open and comprehensive perspective to make more accurate and practical analyses of international relations. According to this model, other theories are enriched that use the transdisciplinary method, IS, and the CIG as a model for the integration of knowledge. Future Research: Researchers and practitioners of this CIG model can find answers such as “Why did the USA fail in Afghanistan and why was it successful in Kosovo?” as well as other questions about finding a solution for Iraq, cooperation with China, etc. Full Article
trans Covid-19: Systems Transdisciplinary Generalization, Technical and Technological Ideas, and Solutions By Published On :: 2022-01-10 Aim/Purpose: The Covid-19 pandemic has created many adverse effects. It overloads the healthcare system, causes deaths, and angers some at anti-covid restrictions. This study examines the feasibility of using technical and technological ideas to overcome these effects. The solution is based on new knowledge about the virus, its nature, formation, and activation in the environment. Background: The rapid spread of a new coronavirus infection is taking place against the background of a lack of time required to create new treatment scenarios for the disease, development, production, and vaccine safety research. In such a situation, it became necessary to gain this time for organizing and conducting events that could reduce the burden on the healthcare system. Methodology: The science that studies the morphology, physiology, genetics, ecology, and evolution of viruses is virology. The modern development of virology is moving towards a more accurate and comprehensive description of the mechanisms of interaction of viruses with the host organism. This contributed to the emergence of genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and immunomics. However, in virology, there is no particular discipline that sets itself three fundamental goals: to substantiate a single concept of the emergence of viruses; to study the natural mechanisms of formation of virus molecules in the environment; to describe the natural mechanisms of activation of certain viruses in the environment that cause viral pandemics. As a result, there are many articles among the published scientific articles on viruses dealing with the mechanisms of interaction of viruses with the host organism. However, there are no articles on the natural mechanisms of formation and activation of certain viruses in the environment. In the absence of such specialized articles, we were forced to use the method of systems transdisciplinary generalization of disciplinary knowledge to achieve our article’s purpose. Generalization created new knowledge about the nature of viruses, about the mechanisms of their formation and activation in the environment and cells of biological organisms. It is logical to assume that to synchronize the state of biological objects of all functional ensembles on the planet, it is necessary to create and activate appropriate “technological tools.” We have suggested and proved that RNA viruses play the role of such tools. Piezoelectricity activates viruses. It occurs during the compression and stretching of sedimentary rocks and bases of continental plates in different territories. Contribution: The systems transdisciplinary generalization of the knowledge of scientific disciplines made it possible to edit the concept of viruses, to eliminate stereotypes that arose due to the use of unsuccessful analogies. As a result of this generalization, it was possible to prove that viruses are not intracellular parasites. The virus is a “technological tool” of the planetary organizing component. This “tool” aims to correct the genetic programs of organisms of all functional ensembles (plants, animals, people), which will maintain the state of organisms and the parameters of their metabolism in changing environmental conditions. Findings: The viruses that triggered pandemics in the 20th century and early 21st century are RNA viruses. RNA molecules play the role of “technological tools” that the planetary organizing component uses to carry out short-term and long-term adjustments and constant support of the genetic programs of biological organisms. Therefore, in such a situation, it is advisable to talk not about the fight against the virus but only about eliminating the negative manifestations of the Covid-19 pandemic: reducing the number of people in need of emergency hospitalization, eliminating cases of the acute course of the disease and deaths. It is proposed to use certain technical and technological ideas and solutions to eliminate these negative manifestations. Recommendation for Researchers: This paper recommends that researchers use new interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches. They challenge assumptions and conclusions about the nature of viruses, and the mechanisms of their formation and activation in the environment can initiate. Such new research might describe the mechanisms that form and activate viruses in the environment and the body’s cells. They also might provide practical use of this knowledge to eliminate the multiple speculations and fears that arise against the background of reports of the likely appearance of more deadly viruses and viral infections. Future Research: The results of a systems transdisciplinary generalization of disciplinary knowledge about the nature and purpose of viruses are essential for expanding the horizon of the scientific worldview. Future fundamental research on the mechanisms of objective organizing constituents, a general description given in this article, will contribute to a deeper understanding of chemical and biological evolution mechanisms in which modern humanity is involved. In due time, such an understanding will allow a new look at the existing scenarios of the world socio-economic order, explore and describe new principles of sustainable development of society. Full Article
trans Transdisciplinary Issues of the United States Healthcare Delivery System By Published On :: 2024-09-20 Aim/Purpose: This paper applies informing science principles to analyze the evolution of United States (U.S.) healthcare delivery, exploring how policy shifts, technological advancements, and changing practices have transformed informing processes within this complex system. By examining healthcare delivery through a transdisciplinary lens, we aim to enhance the understanding of intricate informing environments and their dynamics. Background: The U.S. healthcare system epitomizes a complex, evolving transdisciplinary domain intersecting information systems, policy, economics, and public health. Recent transformations in stakeholder information flow necessitate an informing science perspective to comprehend these changes fully. Methodology: We synthesize literature on U.S. healthcare delivery changes, employing informing science frameworks such as Cohen’s “informing environment” concept to analyze the evolution of healthcare informing processes. Contribution: This study expands informing science theory by examining how changes in a complex transdisciplinary system impact information flow, decision-making, and stakeholder interactions. The results provide insights into challenges and opportunities within evolving informing environments. Findings: Our analysis reveals significant alterations in the U.S. healthcare informing landscape due to policy, regulatory, and technological changes. We identify key transformations in client-sender-delivery system relationships, shifts in information asymmetry, and the emergence of novel informing channels and barriers. Recommendation for Researchers: Future studies should develop informing science models capable of capturing the complexity and dynamism of healthcare delivery systems, particularly amidst rapid technological and policy changes. Future Research: Further investigation is needed into how emerging technologies reshape healthcare informing processes and their impact on care quality, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness. Full Article
trans Vision Transformer with Key-Select Routing Attention for Single Image Dehazing By Published On :: Lihan TONG,Weijia LI,Qingxia YANG,Liyuan CHEN,Peng CHEN, Vol.E107-D, No.11, pp.1472-1475We present Ksformer, utilizing Multi-scale Key-select Routing Attention (MKRA) for intelligent selection of key areas through multi-channel, multi-scale windows with a top-k operator, and Lightweight Frequency Processing Module (LFPM) to enhance high-frequency features, outperforming other dehazing methods in tests. Publication Date: 2024/11/01 Full Article
trans Relational changes during role transitions: The interplay of efficiency and cohesion By Published On :: Fri, 01 May 2015 15:34:42 +0000 This study looks at what happens to the collection of relationships (network) of service professionals during a role transition (promotion to a management role). Our setting is three professional service firms where we examine changes in relations of recently promoted service professionals (auditors, consultants, and lawyers). We take a comprehensive look at the drivers of two forms of network changes - tie loss and tie gain. Looking backward we examine the characteristics of the contact, the relationship, and social structure and identify which forces are at play in losing ties, revealing an overarching tendency for both cohesion and efficiency forces to play a role. Looking forward, we identify the effect of previous network structures that act as a "shadow of the past" and impact the quality of newly gained relations during the role transitions. Findings demonstrate that role transitions are not only influenced by a few key contacts but that the entire (extant) network of professional relationships shapes the way people reconfigure their workplace relations during a role transition. Full Article
trans The Transition from the Soviet Higher Education System to the European Higher Education Area: The Case of Estonia By Published On :: Tue, 16 Jun 2015 22:47:52 +0000 The interview questions deal with the means by which Estonia and other republics of the former Soviet Union managed to transform their educational systems and the impact of the Soviet heritage on this transformation. An interview was conducted with Professor Olav Aarna. In 1991 Professor Olav Aarna became the rector of TUT. From 2000 to 2003 he held the position of rector of the first private university in Estonia - Estonian Business School (EBS). From 2003 to 2007 Olav Aarna was member of the Estonian Parliament, serving also as Chairman of the Committee for Cultural Affairs responsible for education, research, culture and sports affairs. From 1998-2000 he was Vice Chairman of Estonian National Council for Research and Development. His experience in the field of educational legislation stems from his advisory position to the Minister of Education of Estonia from 1990 to1992. His competence in the field of the Bologna process results from the development of higher education legislation in Estonia (2002-...) and the development of a higher education quality assurance system for Estonia (2008-...). Olav Aarna has consulted third countries in the national qualifications framework (NQF) development as a European Training Foundation (ETF) expert. Full Article
trans PROBLEMATIZING FIT AND SURVIVAL: TRANSFORMING THE LAW OF REQUISITE VARIETY THROUGH COMPLEXITY MISALIGNMENT By Published On :: Mon, 27 Jul 2015 20:57:55 +0000 The law of requisite variety is widely employed in management theorizing, and is linked with core strategy themes such as contingency and fit. We reflect upon requisite variety as an archetypal borrowed concept. We contrast its premises with insights from institutional and commitment literatures, draw propositions that set boundaries to its applicability, and review the ramifications of what we term "complexity misalignment." In this way, we contradict foundational assumptions of the law, problematize adaptation- and survival-centric views of strategizing, and theorize the role of human agency in variously complex regimes. Full Article
trans Elderly man loses RM136,000 in online business transaction scam By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 10:06:36 GMT SIBU: An elderly man lost RM136,000 after being duped in an online business transaction scam, said Sibu District police chief ACP Zulkipli Suhaili.He said the victim, in his 60s and unemployed, fell victim when he clicked on a link on Facebook on Oct 9 and was taken to an e-commerce platform which used the WhatsApp application.“The victim was offered a business opportunity selling branded cosmetics items online exclusively, on the condition that he provides the capital first to enjoy the profits.“The victim agreed and was then told to download the ‘ask-oshop’ application for confirmation of sales and to increase the capital for the stock of sales items,“ he said in a statement today.He said that from Oct 13 till Nov 7, the victim made 32 cash transactions into 11 bank accounts on the instruction of the suspect, purportedly to increase the stock of sales items in the app.On Sunday (Nov 10), the suspect was told that the ‘ask-oshop’ app had been frozen and was instructed to make an additional payment of RM70,000.“Realising that he has been cheated, the victim lodged a police report at the Commercial Crime Investigation Division of the Sibu District Police Headquarters here yesterday,” he said, adding that the case is being investigated under Section 420 of the Penal Code for cheating. Full Article BERNAMA
trans What is Ivanka Trump's secret to her 'transformed' body? By Published On :: Mon, 04 Nov 2024 12:55:00 +0500 An undated image of Ivanka Trump. — Instagram/@ivankatrumpIvanka Trump, the eldest daughter of former United States president Donald Trump, is often seen flaunting her flawless looks and she recently recently opened up about her fitness journey.The 43-year-old... Full Article
trans wethepeople "CRS FC 20" BMX Bike - Trans Berry Blast | Freecoaster By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 00:00:00 GMT The wethepeople "CRS FC 20" BMX Bike - Trans Berry Blast | Freecoaster comes as FC Version with a freecoaster rear hub, which will give you a freewheel during fakie riding. The wethepeople "CRS FC 20" BMX Bike - Trans Berry Blast | Freecoaster is a very modern and well equipped entry level BMX complete bike which comes for 2021 with fully sealed front and rear hubs! It offers you a very solid and stable equipment with parts like the famous eclat "Bios" pivotal seat, eclat "Surge" pedals or SaltPlus "Geo XL" U-Brake which will have enough spacer for fat tires. Here you already get a frame with a 4130 CrMo downtube that offers more stability and which has a integrated headset (sealed bearing) and a Mid BB (sealed bearing) which is today's standard on modern BMX frames and which makes installation, adjustment and maintance easy. With its 20.25" top tube length the wethepeople "CRS FC 20" BMX Bike - Trans Berry Blast | Freecoaster is the ideal BMX bike for young starters of the BMX sport and offers you the opportunity to let you check skateparks and BMX Street.Wheel Size: 20" BMX Frame: 1020 HiTen, 4130 CrMo downtube, integrated headset, welded U-brake sockets, Mid-BB Top Tube (TT): 20.25" Chain Stay (CS): 12.75" Head Tube (HA): 75° Seattube (SA): 71.5° BB-High (BB): 11.75" Standover (SO): 8.4" BMX Fork: Salt "AM 20", 1020 HiTen, 1-1/8" Ahead with 4130 CrMo steerer tube, 26mm offset BMX Bar: Salt "CRS 20", 1020 HiTen, 2-piece Height: 8.8" Width: 29" Backsweep: 11° Upsweep: 2° Clamping Diameter: 22.2mm Grips: Salt "EX", rubber, 154mm, without flange Stem: Salt "PRO", topload, 50mm Offset Headset: Salt "PRO", integrated headset, sealed bearing Gyro: - Gyro compatible: Yes Brake Lever: Salt "AM", aluminum Brake (rear): SaltPlus "Geo XL" U-brake, aluminum Seat: wethepeople "CRS" Pivotal, mid-padded Seat Post: Salt "AM", Pivotal, aluminum, 25.4mm Seat Clamp: eclat "Pure", aluminum Pedals: eclat "Surge", plastic Chain: Salt "AM" Z1 type, Standard Sprocket: Salt "Gateway", steel, 25T Crank: Salt "Rookie", 4130 CrMo, 3-piece, 165mm, 8 spline 19mm spindle Bottom Bracket: Salt, Mid BB, 19mm, sealed bearing Hub (front): Salt "AM", aluminum, sealed bearing, 10mm (3/8") axle, 36H Hub (rear): Salt "PRO", freecoaster hub, sealed bearing, 14mm axle, 36H Driver: 9T Rim (front): Salt "Fraction", aluminum, straight single wall, 36H Rim (rear): Salt "Fraction", aluminum, straight single wall, 36H Tire (front): Salt "Tracer" BMX tire Width: 20" x 2.35" Tire (rear): Salt "Tracer" BMX tire Width: 20" x 2.35" Pegs: - 512.56 EURTaxfree excl. shipping Full Article
trans wethepeople "Reason FC" BMX Bike - Freecoaster | Matt Translucent Teal Raw Fade By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 00:00:00 GMT The wethepeople "Reason FC" BMX Bike - Freecoaster | Matt Translucent Teal Raw Fade has a freecoaster hub which will allow you to ride fakie without pedaling. The wethepeople "Reason FC" BMX Bike - Freecoaster | Matt Translucent Teal Raw Fade is a really great equipped mid-class BMX complete bike with a 20.75" long frame including 100% 4130 CrMo quality with integrated headset and seat clamp, a Mid BB and full removable brake hardware. A high rised 4-piece street style handlebar, fork and the 3-piece crank set are made from 100% 4130 CrMo and build up a stable quality basic. The wheel set includes fully sealed front hub and a SaltPlus "PRO" freecoaster incl. hubguards laced into a double walled rim at the rear. A fat pivotal seat and great quality components like wethepeople "Logic" Pedale, eclat "Talon" U-Brake or wethepeople "Paragon Guard" sprocket made from alloy and nylon guard let the wethepeople "Reason FC" BMX Bike - Freecoaster | Matt Translucent Teal Raw Fade become one of the best mid-class BMX bikes you can get. Note: The BMX bike comes with preassembled rear brake (U-Brake)Wheel Size: 20" BMX Frame: 100% 4130 CrMo, tappered top tube and chainstays, removable brakehardware, integrated seatclamp, Mid BB Top Tube (TT): 20.75" Chain Stay (CS): 12.75" Head Tube (HA): 76° Seattube (SA): 71° BB-High (BB): 11.75" Standover (SO): 9" BMX Fork: SaltPlus "Reason", 100% 4130 CrMo, 1-piece steerer tube, 15mm offset BMX Bar: SaltPlus "HQ", 100% 4130 CrMo, 4-piece Height: 9" Width: 29.5" Backsweep: 11° Upsweep: 3° Clamping Diameter: 22.2mm Grips: wethepeople "Perfect" Grips, flangeless Stem: Salt "Zion", topload, 50mm Offset Headset: Salt "PRO", integrated headset, sealed bearing Gyro: - Gyro compatible: Yes Brake Lever: Salt "AM", aluminum Brake (rear): eclat "Talon" U-brake, aluminum Seat: wethepeople "Reason" Pivotal, fat-padded Seat Post: Pivotal, aluminum, 200mm, 25.4mm Seat Clamp: Integrated Pedals: wethepeople "Logic", plastic Chain: Salt "AM" Z1 type, standard Sprocket: wethepeople "Paragon Guard", 6061-T6 aluminum with nylon guard, CNC, 25T Crank: Salt "Revo", 4130 CrMo, 3-piece, square profile, 160mm, 8 Spline 19mm Spindle Bottom Bracket: Salt, Mid BB, sealed bearing, 19mm Hub (front): Salt "PRO", aluminum, sealed bearing, 10mm (3/8") axle, including 2x SaltPlus "PRO" plastic hubguard, 36H Hub (rear): SaltPlus "PRO", Freecoaster, sealed bearing, 14mm axle, including 2x SaltPlus "PRO" plastic hubguard, 36H Driver: 9T RHD, sealed bearings Rim (front): Salt "Valon", aluminum, single wall, 36H Rim (rear): SaltPlus "Summit", aluminum, double wall, 36H Tire (front): wethepeople "Activate" BMX tire Width: 20" x 2.35" Tire (rear): wethepeople "Activate" BMX tire Width: 20" x 2.35" Pegs: 1 pair x Salt "AM" Peg 655.42 EURTaxfree excl. shipping Full Article
trans Teenager arrested in connection with cyberattack on London transport network By Published On :: Thu, 12 Sep 24 16:05:57 +0500 Transport for London said it was contacting around 5,000 customers whose bank account data may have been accessed Full Article World
trans Digital transformation in healthcare: The often forgotten human factor By Published On :: Sat, 23 Mar 24 09:17:26 +0500 While technology is key for digital transformation in healthcare, the human element is equally, if not more, important Full Article The Way I See It
trans Transactivist vs. Transwoman By Published On :: Wed, 14 Nov 2018 13:15:47 +0000 Full Article Jenndra Identitty
trans NGO offers transgender people foreign scholarships By Published On :: Sun, 28 Jun 20 10:51:06 +0500 Programme will allow selected persons to attend month-long training in host country Full Article Punjab
trans Trump ramps up transition moves with key appointments By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 04:26:35 +0500 US President-elect Donald Trump with his campaign manager Susie Wiles.— Reuters/file US President-elect Donald Trump named new members for his incoming administration on Monday, tapping loyalists for several key posts after signaling his desire to have his cabinet confirmed... Full Article
trans A Better Translation of the St. Michael Prayer, Is the God of Natural Law an Idol, On Keeping Up Appearances, and More Great Links! By Published On :: 2024-11-12T09:52:31-06:00 blog Full Article
trans San Jose State volleyball assistant coach exits after reportedly filing transgender complaint By Published On :: Sun, 03 Nov 2024 12:24:44 -0500 A San Jose State University women's volleyball assistant coach has left the team after reportedly filing a Title IX complaint about the squad's male-to-female transgender player. Full Article
trans Massive security walls and fences transform Washington streets ahead of Election Day By Published On :: Mon, 04 Nov 2024 17:48:07 -0500 Federal and local authorities ramped up security measures across downtown Washington, D.C. this weekend, with businesses installing protective barriers and federal buildings receiving additional fortification ahead of Tuesday's presidential election. Full Article