
Mes del Patrimonio Cultural


Sistema de Conocimiento Ancestral de los cuatro pueblos indígenas de la Sierra Nevada de Colombia fue reconocido como patrimonio cultural in


La Ruta del Barniz, la estrategia con la que se busca fortalecer la técnica del patrimonio cultural de Pasto


Colombiana en Tel Aviv: Testimonio del ambiente ante las amenazas de Irán en Israel

En 6AM Hoy por Hoy, María Elena Aristizábal, una colombiana residente en Tel Aviv, Israel, ofrece su perspectiva sobre el ambiente tenso que se vive en el país debido a las amenazas y ataques por parte de Irán.


Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2023: Sheku Kanneh-Mason and Monica Heisey

Today on Q with Tom Power: cellist Sheku Kanneh-Mason and writer Monica Heisey


NFL Will Play Black National Anthem In Pregame Ceremonies Games This Season

The league is embracing a social justice narrative.


Video Testimonial/Vince Delmonte

Here in this video I talk about where I was and where I am now with my fitness progress. I give a lot of credit to Vince Delmonte pertaining to my fitness achievements and where I am in my personal/ business life.  On this site you will find a lot of my own articles and Vince's articles pertaining to building muscle. You can reach me on my Facebook fan page here

Vince Delmonte is the real deal and cares about his followers progress and muscle building goals. His philosophy is, "If you can Live Large inside of the gym, You can Live Large outside of the gym.


Rituals and Ceremonies -- Cleansing a space.

Do you have all of your SUPPLIES?

In most Pagan traditions it is very important to purify or cleanse a space prior to beginning any sort of ritual. Although there are a different ways of doing this, how you do it will depend on the tradition you follow as well as what you feel comfortable with.

Usually, when ritually purifying an area, most do it deosil and spiraling inwards to the center. There are times when moving in a widdershins direction is appropriate, most notably for Banishing Ritual.

These methods are some examples of common ways to cleanse a space for ritual.


Smudging uses smoke, which will carry negative energy away from the area. Traditionally White Sage is used, however, other dried herbs can be added, such as Cilantro, Cedar, Lavender and Mugwort. The herbs are bound with string into a bundle, which is commonly referred to as a “stick”.

When lighting the bundle, try to make it flame for a moment if possible, then blow the flame out. This will leave you with a smoldering, smoking herb bundle. Once you have achieved the smoldering bundle stage it is time to smudge the house.

Now you don’t take the bundle and rub it on the walls and other things in the room, which would make a mess and probably ruin a few things and maybe even start a nice fire. What you do is this. Hold the smoldering bundle in one hand or in a heatproof object, like a shell. With either a fan or your free hand you waft the smoke to the edges of the room, making sure to get it into the corners.

When you have finished smudging you can either snuff out the smoldering end of the bundle by setting it into some sand or by crushing the end. An alternative method is to douse it under a bit of water, making sure to let it dry completely before attempting to use it again.

By long tradition, the broom is associated with cleaning and purification. The broom can be either a special one used solely for ritual cleansing or even your household broom. Use a broom or besom going around the edges of the space, with your intent being to sweep negativity away as you go. Here's a good idea. Start and finish near a door--that way, negative energy is swept outside, rather quite literally.

Asperging is the sprinkling with a liquid in order to effect spiritual and magical cleansing. Most people will associate Asperging with the Catholic Church, however the practice is also widely used by pagans for cleansing prior to rituals.

It can be accomplished in many ways. The simplest of these is to have a premixed liquid of your choice and bundle of fresh herbs that you can dip into the water. Then you take the herbs, dip them in the liquid and with a quick flick you throw the liquid off the herb and into area or onto the object to be cleansed. You don’t want or need to have a lot of liquid being thrown though. Just small droplets are perfect. Herbs that are prefect to use are Sage, Lavender, Vervain, Hyssop, Pine, Rue and Rosemary.

Another option that can be used quite effectively to cleanse a space is the use of incense. This can be either in cone form, stick, or powder and charcoal. The incense should be for working with cleaning, purification and even protection if you want to add that bit into the cleansing.

During your cleansing and purification of your space you can also include a little chant to augment the process. There are many to be found on the Internet as well as in books. You might even have one in mind already, in that case write it down so you will remember it for the next time you want to cleanse a room.

In addition to the above, I also ensure that the space is physically cleaned as well. I try to use a non-toxic homemade cleanser to do this. How you physically clean is of course up to you.

I would be remiss if I didn’t do a shameless plug for our online store where we carry many items that are perfect for what I have just talked about. Stop by Grove of the Ancients Pagan Marketplace today and order cleansing supplies.

Blessed Be!

View the original article here


Liftsync Dual Monitor Arm review

REVIEW – I’ve had my two Dell monitors for a while, but I’ve yet to find a monitor arm that fits the weight of my 32″ curved screen. I tried my heavy duty work arms, yet no matter how tight I made it, it would slide down and rest on the desk. The LiftSync Dual […]


Pre-order Samsung Odyssey Neo G9 57” Gaming Monitor, Get $500 Samsung Credit

Pre-orders between September 18 and October 1 will receive a gift of $500 Samsung instant credit.


LA man wearing GPS ankle monitor is accused of a robbery string. Officials can't track him



Definition: (adjective) Conveying an admonition or a warning.
Synonyms: admonitory, cautionary, exemplary, warning.
Usage: She shot him a monitory glance and he quickly changed the subject to one less controversial.


London's new lord mayor: 'It's not just ceremonial'

Alastair King is the 696th person to be appointed as the lord mayor of the City of London.


We Dodged A Demonic Political Bullet

Take a good look at the people melting down on social media because their team didn't win an election. That's what it looks likes when your politics becomes your faith.

The post We Dodged A Demonic Political Bullet appeared first on Clash Daily.


Parallel Reaction Monitoring for High Resolution and High Mass Accuracy Quantitative, Targeted Proteomics

Amelia C. Peterson
Nov 1, 2012; 11:1475-1488
Technological Innovation and Resources


Quantitative Mass Spectrometric Multiple Reaction Monitoring Assays for Major Plasma Proteins

Leigh Anderson
Apr 1, 2006; 5:573-588


Building trust in trade deals – is human rights monitoring the answer?

Building trust in trade deals – is human rights monitoring the answer? 27 May 2021 — 4:00PM TO 5:15PM Anonymous (not verified) 14 May 2021 Online

Exploring the arguments in favour of more robust human rights monitoring systems and why effective monitoring mechanisms have proved so difficult to get up and running.

Please click on the below link to confirm your participation and receive your individual joining details from Zoom for this event. You will receive a confirmation email from Zoom, which contains the option to add the event to your calendar if you so wish.

The recent signing of the EU-China Investment Agreement has reignited arguments about trade and human rights. While many trade agreements envisage human rights monitoring in some shape or form, the monitoring systems that have emerged so far are not especially coherent, systematic or impactful. 

Are the human rights commitments in trade agreements more than just window-dressing?  If so, what kind of monitoring is needed to ensure they are lived up to? 

At this panel event, which marks the launch of a new Chatham House research paper, participants explore the arguments in favour of more robust human rights monitoring systems and why effective monitoring mechanisms have proved so difficult to get up and running in this context. 

  • What factors are presently holding governments back, and where is innovation and investment most needed?
  • What are the political, economic and structural conditions for fair and effective human rights monitoring of trade agreements? 
  • Is human rights monitoring best done unilaterally – or should more effort be put into developing joint approaches? 
  • What role might human rights monitoring have to play in governments’ strategies to ‘build back better’ from the COVID-19 pandemic?


Monitoring of trade deals needs a risk-based approach

Monitoring of trade deals needs a risk-based approach Expert comment NCapeling 24 May 2021

On human rights issues, trading partners must do more than trust to luck.

The recent row within the UK government about the treatment of agricultural products in a proposed new trade deal with Australia provides a reminder that changes to trading arrangements can have social and environmental costs, as well as benefits.

Although the UK government clearly feels political pressure to demonstrate its ‘Global Britain’ credentials with some speedily concluded new deals, rushing ahead without a full understanding of the social, environmental, and human rights implications risks storing up problems for later. In the meantime, calls for better evaluation and monitoring of trade agreements against sustainability-related commitments and goals – ideally with statutory backing – will only get stronger.

EU experiences with these kinds of processes are instructive. For more than 20 years the Directorate General for Trade of the European Commission (DG Trade) has been commissioning sustainability impact assessments (SIAs) from independent consultants in support of trade negotiations, and since 2012 these assessments have explicitly encompassed human rights impacts as a core part of the analysis.

The Commission should be transparent about how it plans to respond to the EU-Mercosur SIA recommendations regarding flanking measures and follow up

These processes have since been augmented with a programme of periodic ‘ex post’ evaluations of trade agreements to ‘analyse the observed economic, social, human rights, and environmental impacts’ of live trade deals and to make recommendations about any mitigation action which may be needed.

For credibility and objectivity, the Commission outsources much of its sustainability assessment and ex post evaluation activities to independent consultants, who are encouraged to innovate and tailor their approaches subject to broad methodological parameters laid down by the Commission. Over time, experiences with specific assessment and monitoring assignments have enabled external SIA practitioners – and the Commission itself – to progressively strengthen these processes and underlying methodologies.

Yet despite the improvements there remains legitimate questions about whether the human rights aspects of these SIA processes – and subsequent evaluations – are having real policy impact. The difficulty of predicting human rights impacts of trade agreements in advance – as the COVID-19 crisis amply demonstrates – suggests a need for realism about the extent to which a ‘one off’ process, often carried out at a time when there is only ‘agreement in principle’ as to future trading terms, can produce a robust roadmap for heading off future human rights-related risks.

Human rights impact assessments have a potentially valuable role to play in laying down the substantive and structural foundations for future human rights monitoring as part of a broader, iterative, human rights risk management strategy. But the fragmented manner in which many trade agreements approach human rights issues, and the fact that outcomes are the product of negotiation rather than necessarily design, make it difficult to turn this vision into reality.

Controversies surrounding the SIA process for the EU-Mercosur agreement illustrate why striving for more coherence in the identification and subsequent management of human rights-related risks is important. In June 2019, the Commission decided to wrap up negotiations with the South America Mercosur bloc, even though the SIA process for the proposed agreement was still incomplete and the interim and final SIA reports yet to be delivered. Frustrated NGOs made their feelings clear in the form of a formal complaint – and a slap on the wrist from the EU Ombudsman duly followed.

While there may be opportunities for EU institutions to follow up the recommendations through unilateral ex post evaluation processes, current legal, policy, and institutional arrangements provide few guarantees this will take place

However, when it eventually appeared in December 2020, the final SIA report for the EU-Mercosur deal did include a number of interesting recommendations for responding to specific areas of human rights-related risk identified through the pre-signing assessment process – such as flanking measures designed to address issues pertaining to health, equality, and protection of indigenous peoples, and stressing the need for ‘continuous monitoring’.

Hopefully these recommendations will be proactively followed up, but there are reasons not to be overly optimistic about that. To the extent that these recommendations might have required, or benefitted from, some tweaks to the terms of the trade agreement itself, it was clearly too late. And while there may be opportunities for EU institutions to follow up the recommendations through unilateral ex post evaluation processes, current legal, policy, and institutional arrangements provide few guarantees this will take place.

The credibility of the EU SIA programme has clearly taken a knock because of the problems with the EU-Mercosur process, and stakeholders could be forgiven for questioning whether expending time and effort on engaging in these processes is actually worthwhile. As a first step towards rectifying this, the Commission should be transparent about how it plans to respond to the EU-Mercosur SIA recommendations regarding flanking measures and follow up – ideally consulting with stakeholders about the various human rights monitoring options available.

Looking further ahead, the Commission should be urging SIA practitioners to deal more expansively with the options for follow up human rights monitoring in future SIA reports, setting out recommendations not just on the need for ongoing monitoring of human rights-related issues but on the detail of how this might be done, and how progress towards human rights-related goals could be tracked. And creativity should be encouraged because, as detailed in a newly-published Chatham House research paper, there may be more opportunities for human rights monitoring than first appear.

The SIA process could also provide a forum for exploring complementary measures needed to make future monitoring efforts as effective as possible – jointly and unilaterally; politically, structurally, and resources-wise; both within the framework of the trading relationship and extraneously. The credibility of the process – and hence stakeholder trust – would be further enhanced by commitments from the Commission to be more transparent in future about how different human rights monitoring recommendations laid out in SIAs have been taken into account in subsequent negotiations, in the supervisory arrangements developed for specific trading relationships, and in the implementation of EU trade policy more generally.


Sand: Monitoring and management for a sustainable future

Sand: Monitoring and management for a sustainable future 2 March 2021 — 1:00PM TO 2:00PM Anonymous (not verified) 18 February 2021 Online

In partnership with the Global Sand Observatory Initiative, this event outlines the sand challenge, what actions are currently underway to address it, and what else needs to be done.

Please complete your registration on Zoom:

After water, sand is the raw material that the world consumes in the greatest quantity. It is no exaggeration to say that fine sand and coarser materials – the medium-to-coarse-grained pebbles, gravel and rock fragments used in construction – are the building blocks of the modern world.

When bound with cement, sand becomes concrete; when mixed with bitumen, it becomes asphalt; and when heated, it becomes glass. Without sand, we would have no highways, high-rises or high-speed trains. Yet sand – which is used here as shorthand for sand, gravel and crushed rock together – is a resource that is both abundant and finite.

In global terms, it is abundant, especially when compared with many other raw materials, albeit often not available close to where it is needed. It is finite in that the rate at which we are using it far exceeds the natural rate at which it is being replenished by the weathering of rocks by wind and water.

Industrialization, population growth and urbanization have fuelled explosive growth in the demand for sand. Precise data on sand extraction are hard to come by and the lack of data compounds the challenge of managing the resource sustainably.

However, the UN estimates that overall extraction could be in the region of 40 billion tonnes per year, driven primarily by construction sector demand. That equates to 18 kilograms of sand each day for every person on the planet and signals how strategically important these resources are for future sustainable development. Post-COVID-19 recovery investment in infrastructure, digital technologies, tourism and other economic activities are dependent on sand resources.

Current efforts to improve the management of sand resources at local, national and global levels are uneven. This is partly due to unique geological features and geography, but also differences in local manifestations of the ‘sand challenge’, national and regional demand for sand resources, as well as capacities to enforce or implement best practice assessment procedures, extractive practices, environmental management and restoration requirements.

We must put stronger conditions in place for a rapid, just and scaled transition to sustainable sand management. But where to focus our efforts for the greatest positive impact?


Clearer Role for Business Regulators Needed in Monitoring Trade Agreements

6 July 2020

Dr Jennifer Ann Zerk

Associate Fellow, International Law Programme
As the economic recovery from coronavirus is worked through, careful steps are needed to ensure actions to enforce human rights commitments in trade agreements do not worsen human rights impacts.


Garment workers hold stickers bearing US$177 during a demonstration to demand an increase of their minimum salary in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images.

Trade policy is a blunt instrument for realizing human rights. Although many trade agreements now include commitments on human rights-related issues - particularly labour rights - not everyone agrees that linking trade to compliance with human rights norms is appropriate, let alone effective.

Sceptics point out that such provisions may become an excuse for interference or ‘disguised protectionism’ and admittedly anyone would be hard-pressed to identify many concrete improvements which can be directly attributed to social and human rights clauses in trade agreements.

This lack of discernible impact has a lot to do with weak monitoring and enforcement. A more fundamental problem is the tendency of trading partners to gloss over – both in the way that commitments are framed and in subsequent monitoring efforts – significant implementation gaps between the standards states sign up to, and the reality.

Working from ‘baseline’ international standards and treating each state’s human rights treaty ratification record as an indicator of compliance does offer objective verifiability. But it also means underlying economic, structural, cultural, social, and other problems, often go unidentified and unaddressed in the trading relationship.

Regulatory failings of trading partners

Those with sufficient leverage can use dispute resolution or enforcement proceedings to signal displeasure at the regulatory failings of their trading partners, as recently shown by the European Commission (EC) in relation to labour violations by trading partners – against South Korea under the 2011 EU-South Korea Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and Cambodia under the EU’s Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP) scheme.

These actions do show a more proactive and rigorous EU approach to monitoring and enforcement and have been largely welcomed – especially by trade unions – as a necessary political response to persistent failings by the states to address violations of fundamental labour rights. However, claiming any major victories on behalf of the workers who produce the goods being traded seems premature.

The ‘implementation gaps’ - between human rights commitments made in a state-to-state context and the reality of the human rights situation on the ground - mean there may be cases where enforcement action under a trading arrangement, such as the removal of trade preferences, may actually make things worse. Some local unions have expressed concern that the EU action against Cambodia may be detrimental to vulnerable migrant women factory workers, especially in the context of a worsening economic situation due to the pandemic.

Making stakeholder voices heard

There are routes through which people with first-hand knowledge of human rights-related problems arising from trading relationships – such as labour rights abuses in global supply chains – can make their voices heard. Unions have used consultative bodies set up under trade agreements to highlight labour abuses in trading partner countries - this helped to shift the Commission’s strategy towards South Korea.

But the rather vague and open-ended mandates of these consultative bodies, and their reliance on cash-strapped civil society organisations to do much of the heavy lifting, means they are not a solid basis for systematic follow-up of human rights problems.

And yet, every country is likely to have a number of agencies with interests and expertise in these issues. Beyond labour inspectorates, this could include environmental regulators, licensing bodies, ombudsmen, national healthcare bodies, special-purpose commissions, ‘responsible business’ oversight and certification bodies, local government authorities and national human rights institutions.

At present these groups are barely mentioned in trade agreements with monitoring frameworks for human rights. And if they do feature, there tends to be little in the agreement terms to guarantee their participation.

To seriously address implementation gaps, there needs to be much greater and more systematic use of these domestic regulatory bodies in human rights monitoring and enforcement activities. These bodies are potentially vital sources of information and analysis about the many different social, economic, environmental and human rights consequences of trade, and can also contribute to designing and delivering ‘flanking measures’ needed to assist with the mitigation of human rights-related risks or adverse impacts which have been detected.

Looking further ahead, monitoring practitioners may find - as those involved in the EU GSP+ scheme have already noticed - that close and visible engagement with domestic regulatory bodies helps strengthen a regulator in getting clearer political support and better resources. It can also help with greater ‘buy-in’ to human rights reform agendas, creating conditions for a positive legacy in the form of more confident, committed, and capable domestic regulatory bodies.

Paying more attention to synergies that exist between the work of domestic regulatory bodies and the principles and objectives which cause states to seek human rights commitments from their trading partners is a vital contribution to the concept of ‘building back better’ from the present crisis.

The goal should be to move from the present system – which veers between largely ineffective consultative arrangements and adversarial, often high stakes, dispute resolution – to more cooperative and collaborative systems which draw more proactively from the knowledge and expertise of domestic regulatory bodies, not only in the identification and monitoring of risks, but also in the delivery of jointly agreed strategies to address them.

This article is part of the Chatham House Global Trade Policy Forum, promoting research and policy recommendations on the future of global trade.


Harmonized procedures lead to comparable quantification of total oxylipins across laboratories [Research Articles]

Oxylipins are potent lipid mediators involved in a variety of physiological processes. Their profiling has the potential to provide a wealth of information regarding human health and disease and is a promising technology for translation into clinical applications. However, results generated by independent groups are rarely comparable, which increases the need for the implementation of internationally agreed upon protocols. We performed an interlaboratory comparison for the MS-based quantitative analysis of total oxylipins. Five independent laboratories assessed the technical variability and comparability of 133 oxylipins using a harmonized and standardized protocol, common biological materials (i.e., seven quality control plasmas), standard calibration series, and analytical methods. The quantitative analysis was based on a standard calibration series with isotopically labeled internal standards. Using the standardized protocol, the technical variance was within ±15% for 73% of oxylipins; however, most epoxy fatty acids were identified as critical analytes due to high variabilities in concentrations. The comparability of concentrations determined by the laboratories was examined using consensus value estimates and unsupervised/supervised multivariate analysis (i.e., principal component analysis and partial least squares discriminant analysis). Interlaboratory variability was limited and did not interfere with our ability to distinguish the different plasmas. Moreover, all laboratories were able to identify similar differences between plasmas. In summary, we show that by using a standardized protocol for sample preparation, low technical variability can be achieved. Harmonization of all oxylipin extraction and analysis steps led to reliable, reproducible, and comparable oxylipin concentrations in independent laboratories, allowing the generation of biologically meaningful oxylipin patterns.


Molecular Profiling of Innate Immune Response Mechanisms in Ventilator-associated Pneumonia [Research]

Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a common hospital-acquired infection, leading to high morbidity and mortality. Currently, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) is used in hospitals for VAP diagnosis and guiding treatment options. Although BAL collection procedures are invasive, alternatives such as endotracheal aspirates (ETA) may be of diagnostic value, however, their use has not been thoroughly explored. Longitudinal ETA and BAL were collected from 16 intubated patients up to 15 days, of which 11 developed VAP. We conducted a comprehensive LC–MS/MS based proteome and metabolome characterization of longitudinal ETA and BAL to detect host and pathogen responses to VAP infection. We discovered a diverse ETA proteome of the upper airways reflective of a rich and dynamic host-microbe interface. Prior to VAP diagnosis by microbial cultures from BAL, patient ETA presented characteristic signatures of reactive oxygen species and neutrophil degranulation, indicative of neutrophil mediated pathogen processing as a key host response to the VAP infection. Along with an increase in amino acids, this is suggestive of extracellular membrane degradation resulting from proteolytic activity of neutrophil proteases. The metaproteome approach successfully allowed simultaneous detection of pathogen peptides in patients' ETA, which may have potential use in diagnosis. Our findings suggest that ETA may facilitate early mechanistic insights into host-pathogen interactions associated with VAP infection and therefore provide its diagnosis and treatment.


Quantitative profiling of protein tyrosine kinases in human cancer cell lines by multiplexed parallel reaction monitoring assays [Technology]

Protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) play key roles in cellular signal transduction, cell cycle regulation, cell division, and cell differentiation. Dysregulation of PTK-activated pathways, often by receptor overexpression, gene amplification, or genetic mutation, is a causal factor underlying numerous cancers. In this study, we have developed a parallel reaction monitoring (PRM)-based assay for quantitative profiling of 83 PTKs. The assay detects 308 proteotypic peptides from 54 receptor tyrosine kinases and 29 nonreceptor tyrosine kinases in a single run. Quantitative comparisons were based on the labeled reference peptide method. We implemented the assay in four cell models: 1) a comparison of proliferating versus epidermal growth factor (EGF)-stimulated A431 cells, 2) a comparison of SW480Null (mutant APC) and SW480APC (APC restored) colon tumor cell lines, and 3) a comparison of 10 colorectal cancer cell lines with different genomic abnormalities, and 4) lung cancer cell lines with either susceptibility (11-18) or acquired resistance (11-18R) to the epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor erlotinib. We observed distinct PTK expression changes that were induced by stimuli, genomic features or drug resistance, which were consistent with previous reports. However, most of the measured expression differences were novel observations. For example, acquired resistance to erlotinib in the 11-18 cell model was associated not only with previously reported upregulation of MET, but also with upregulation of FLK2 and downregulation of LYN and PTK7. Immunoblot analyses and shotgun proteomics data were highly consistent with PRM data. Multiplexed PRM assays provide a targeted, systems-level profiling approach to evaluate cancer-related proteotypes and adaptations. Data are available through Proteome eXchange Accession PXD002706.


Manny? Harper? Klentak satisfied but monitoring

General Manager Matt Klentak discussed the Phillies' offseason in a press conference on Thursday in Clearwater, Fla. The Phillies remain in contact with the agents for Bryce Harper and Manny Machado. The belief is that the front office still prefers Machado over Harper because of Machado's combination of offense and defense.


NICE recommends implantable monitor to identify atrial fibrillation after stroke


FDA approves first over-the-counter blood glucose monitor for diabetes


NC audit questions monitoring of virus funds for education


Differential Encoding of Two-Tone Harmonics in the Male and Female Mouse Auditory Cortex

Harmonics are an integral part of music, speech, and vocalizations of animals. Since the rest of the auditory environment is primarily made up of nonharmonic sounds, the auditory system needs to perceptually separate the above two kinds of sounds. In mice, harmonics, generally with two-tone components (two-tone harmonic complexes, TTHCs), form an important component of vocal communication. Communication by pups during isolation from the mother and by adult males during courtship elicits typical behaviors in female mice—dams and adult courting females, respectively. Our study shows that the processing of TTHC is specialized in mice providing neural basis for perceptual differences between tones and TTHCs and also nonharmonic sounds. Investigation of responses in the primary auditory cortex (Au1) from in vivo extracellular recordings and two-photon Ca2+ imaging of excitatory and inhibitory neurons to TTHCs exhibit enhancement, suppression, or no-effect with respect to tones. Irrespective of neuron type, harmonic enhancement is maximized, and suppression is minimized when the fundamental frequencies (F0) match the neuron's best fundamental frequency (BF0). Sex-specific processing of TTHC is evident from differences in the distributions of neurons’ best frequency (BF) and best fundamental frequency (BF0) in single units, differences in harmonic suppressed cases re-BF0, independent of neuron types, and from pairwise noise correlations among excitatory and parvalbumin inhibitory interneurons. Furthermore, TTHCs elicit a higher response compared with two-tone nonharmonics in females, but not in males. Thus, our study shows specialized neural processing of TTHCs over tones and nonharmonics, highlighting local network specialization among different neuronal types.


Sloth Bear Cub Plays a Harmonica

Sloth bear cub Remi plays harmonica as part of an animal enrichment program at the Smithsonian National Zoo. The activity encourages the same behavior sloth bears in the wild use to suck insects out of their nests


Veterans honoured at Remembrance Day ceremonies across Quebec

  • News/Canada/Montreal


Remembrance Day ceremonies held throughout B.C.

A number of ceremonies were held in B.C. on Monday as veterans and communities gathered to commemorate Remembrance Day.

  • News/Canada/British Columbia


Swearing-in ceremonies at B.C. Legislature kick off start of new political season

Two newly elected members of British Columbia's Green Party will officially take their seats in the legislature following the first of three swearing-in ceremonies since last month's provincial election. 

  • News/Canada/British Columbia


Testimonies from OM Pakistan’s School of Missions

Three young people passionate about serving God in their local communities benefit from OM Pakistan’s year-long study and practical outreach programme.


In photos: Penn State celebrates graduates at ceremonies across Pennsylvania

Penn State campuses across Pennsylvania were sites of celebration and recognition May 3-5 as the University awarded more than 14,000 degrees during 2024 spring commencement ceremonies held statewide. Revisit the excitement of commencement with this gallery of photos from Penn State's Commonwealth Campuses.


Gigabyte 27-Inch Gaming Monitor With QHD Resolution, 180Hz Refresh Rate Launched in India

Gigabyte M27QA ICE monitor has been launched in India. It joins the Taiwanese manufacturer’s extensive lineup of gaming monitors and boasts features such as a 27-inch panel with QHD resolution, a refresh rate of 180Hz, and AMD FreeSync technology for improved visuals. Gigabyte says its monitor carries support for OSD Sidekick software which enables users to tweak various display settings and allows for further customisation through the keyboard and mouse.


Adani Power Takes Up Green Ammonia Combustion Pilot Project At Mundra Plant

As the world leaders converge in the UAE for the COP28 this week to chalk out strategies for climate mitigation, Adani Power announced it has taken up a green ammonia combustion pilot project at its Mundra plant.


6 Signs You Are Exactly Like Monica Geller In The Kitchen

If you love the show 'Friends' and adore your kitchen, dearest reader, you might be the real-life Monica Geller!


Memorial Day Ceremonial Events

The Office of Veterans Services and the Delaware Commission of Veterans Affairs have scheduled two events in observance of Memorial Day. As in previous years, OVS and the Commission will host ceremonies on separate days. The first will take place on Saturday, May 28, 2022, at the Delaware Veterans Memorial Day Cemetery in Bear. The […]

  • Department of State
  • Office of Veterans Services
  • Delaware Commission of Veterans Affairs
  • Memorial Day
  • Veterans


Memorial Day Ceremonial Events

The Office of Veterans Services (OVS) and the Delaware Commission of Veterans Affairs (DCVA) have scheduled two events in observance of Memorial Day. As in previous years, OVS and DCVA will host ceremonies on separate days. The first will take place on Saturday, May 27, 2023, at the Delaware Veterans Memorial Ceremony in Bear, Delaware. […]

  • Department of State
  • Office of Veterans Services
  • Delaware Commission of Veterans Affairs
  • Delaware Department of State
  • Memorial Day


High Court Upholds Privacy, Declines Admission Of Illegally Recorded Phone Conversation As Evidence In Matrimonial Dispute


DPH Announces Prescription Monitoring Program Data Updates to My Healthy Community Dashboard

The Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH), in collaboration with the Delaware Division of Professional Regulation (DPR), announces important updates to the Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder section of the My Healthy Community (MHC) Dashboard.  These updates are located within this section’s Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) tab and present trends in prescription drug dispensing in Delaware. The […]


BenQ MOBIUZ EX270QM 240 Hz 27-inch Gaming Monitor Review

Read the in depth Review of BenQ MOBIUZ EX270QM 240 Hz 27-inch Gaming Monitor Audio Video. Know detailed info about BenQ MOBIUZ EX270QM 240 Hz 27-inch Gaming Monitor configuration, design and performance quality along with pros & cons, Digit rating, verdict based on user opinions/feedback.


All Real-Money Based Online Games In India Can Be Regulated, Monitored & Governed By Govt

A new statement by the government and three sources have revealed that the proposal to regulate only the games of skill has been overruled. According to a government document and three sources, India’s proposed regulation of internet gambling would cover all real-money games after the prime minister’s office rejected a proposal to merely regulate games […]


Smart baby monitor Nanit closes $14M Series B investment

Smart baby monitor company Nanit raised a $14M Series B round led by Jerusalem Venture Partners (JVP). Other investors that participated include existing investors Upfront Ventures, RRE Ventures, Vulcan Capital and Vaal Investment Partners. The latest investment brings total equity funding of Nanit to $30M.

Nanit Camera

Nanit announced it will use the funding proceeds to expand its team of computer vision and machine learning engineers and grow its sales in Europe and Canada.

Nanit’s baby monitor helps new parents oversee nursery conditions as it has built-in temperature and humidity sensors. The camera lets parents remotely monitor baby’s crib whereas sound and motion are detected via smart sensors.

Nanit's mobile app

The monitor’s insights can be accessed via an accompanying mobile app. Nanit charges $10 per month for its premium package.

The key use cases of Nanit’s baby monitoring technology include sleep insights, behavioral analysis, expert guidance, and nightly video summaries. The company currently sells its smart monitors via its website.


Harmonic Balance (HB) Large-Signal S-Parameter (LSSP) simulation

Dear all,


I'm trying to do a Harmonic Balance (HB) Large-Signal S-Parameter (LSSP) simulation to figure out the input impedance of a nonlinear circuit.

Through this simulation, what I want to know is the large-signal S11 only (not S12, S21 and S22).

So, I have simulated with only single port (PORT0) at input, but LSSP simulation is terminated and output log shows following text.

" Analysis `hb' was terminated prematurely due to an error "

The LSSP simulation does not proceed without second port.

Should I use floating second port (which is not necessary for my circuit) to succeed the LSSP simulation?

Does the LSSP simulation really need two ports?

Below figure is my HB LSSP simulation setup.

Additionally, Periodic S-Parameter (PSP) simulation using HB is succeeded with only single port.

What is the difference between PSP and LSSP simulations?