
LXer: HiFiBerry DAC8x and Amp4 Pro for High-Quality Multi-Channel and Stereo Sound

Published at LXer: The HiFiBerry DAC8x and HiFiBerry Amp4 Pro are two significant upgrades for enhancing audio capabilities on the Raspberry Pi 5. These devices expand the audio options for users...

  • Syndicated Linux News


LXer: GParted Live 1.6.0-10: Enhanced Stability and Updated Features

Published at LXer: GParted Live's latest release removes cpufrequtils, adds pm-utils, and updates the Linux kernel to v6.10.11. Read More... (

  • Syndicated Linux News


LXer: Raspberry Pi Launches $70 AI Camera with 12MP Sensor and Broad Compatibility

Published at LXer: Raspberry Pi has launched a new low-cost AI Camera, bringing powerful AI capabilities to all Raspberry Pi models. Unlike the AI Kit, which is limited to the Raspberry Pi 5, the...

  • Syndicated Linux News


LXer: RISC-V-Based KVM Solution in PCIe Form Factor with Low/High Profile Compatibility

Published at LXer: The NanoKVM-PCIe is a recent solution from Sipeed, designed to simplify remote management of ATX PC cases and 2U servers. Built on the RISC-V architecture, it offers low power...

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Ratonnade dans Sanlitun

Vendredi soir la flicaille du quartier Sanlitun accompagnée des mini barbouzes de 16 ans a lancé une opération commando dans ce quartier très animé les soirs de week-end. Pour ceux qui se rappellent, je vous avais présenté mes amis les What’s up men dans...


Realitätsscheuklappen in der heilen Welt

Und wieder hat Deutschland sein neues "Littleton". Wie an dem aus Michael Moores Film "Bowling for Columbine" bekannten Ort, an dem zwölf Schüler ihr Leben verloren, stürmte Sebastian B. am 20. November 2006 seine ehemalige Schule in Emsdetten. Bewaffnet mit vier Gewehren und drei Rohrbomben schoss er um sich. Rund 30 Menschen wurden verletzt, drei davon schwer. Der 18-jährige Amokläufer tötete sich noch im Schulgebäude selbst. Ein Kommentar über die Hintergründe.


Austin Affordability: The High Cost of Living Apart

In an increasingly “unaffordable” Austin, it occurs to me that many of us could live way cheaper if we could just get along and live in extended family groups or roommate groups. I’ll use my own family as an example to explore this CRAZY idea for curing Austin’s affordability problem. Sylvia and I live in a home in SW Austin with a $3,000/mo mortgage. Our utilities average $250/mo for everything, plus yard care of $80 per month, and of course repairs and maintenance as needed. We intentionally downsized to this home from Westlake, because we want to live more “affordably” and we no longer needed to live in Westlake Eanes ISD after our girls graduated high school. My mom, in her 70’s, lives three blocks away in a home I purchased as investment (but for her to live in). I charge her $1,200/mo rent (market rent would be $2,000, my payment/cost ... Read more

  • Austin Real Estate
  • Living in Austin


The Banality of Evil

A scholarly bibliophile aptly describes my existence for the past few decades. This author's mind, however, keeps reverting back to my military years as time and experience create wisdom. They were, citing Charles Dickens, "the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way." The Vietnam War was consuming this nation and its soul as well. Pain, agony, frustration and confusion permeated those fighting in Vietnam, but was aptly superseded by survival. Nobody wanted to die, but death was all around us. As Seymour Hirsch, eminent scholar and journalist notes: "they (the government) were operating in a democracy, guided by a Constitution and among a citizenry who held their leaders to a reasonable standard of morality and integrity." Yet, the government, as the Pentagon Papers later revealed, had been deceiving constituents for years.

Richard Nixon had, as a private citizen, dispatched Anna Chennault to South Vietnam in 1968 to inform President Thieu if he would disrupt the Paris Peace Talks a better deal from future President Nixon would be offered. These actions can be described as treason since private citizens are not allowed to conduct foreign policy, but Nixon had been this way his whole life. Meanwhile, people were dying in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Nixon, of course, was elected promising a secret plan to end the conflict, but in reality desperately wanted to win the war. 21,000 more Americans would lose their lives in Vietnam and even more Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laotians. As the eminent folk singer, Pete Seeger, sung, "I was knee deep in the Big Muddy" myself. Everyone knew the war was lost, but survival was the key phrase. GIs, for the most part, did their jobs; some refused; some drugged it out, but everyone wanted to get home. Little did we realize Nixon was beginning the war back in the world. When I was home, I wanted to be back in Nam; while in Nam, I wanted to be home. The USA had changed and no one wanted to believe returning Veterans' about the war.

The Veterans Administration didn't know how to deal with our heads and gave psychotropic drugs out like candy. The military diagnosed many with "personality disorders" to deprive them of deserved compensation and thousands committed suicide to stop the pain. Vietnam Vets marched on the White House to toss medals on the lawn and Nixon retaliated by denying any treatment for what was later called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. His desire was to organize VietVets into a organization supporting his foreign policy, but public demonstrations by the returnees caused an irrational Nixon to deny any validity for known specific war problems. Many simply dropped out; headed to the mountains, deserts, and foreign countries to somehow find peace...they became known as "tripwire Vets" and avoided as much social contact as possible. Others sought to lead a "normal" life, but found marriages and jobs in trouble due to their war experiences. Three out four marriages failed and jobs came and went in an endless cycle. No one seemed to care least of all the Veterans Administration. The VA sunk into a bureaucratic nightmare demoralizing those employees who cared and driving Vets away. Politicians were appointed to VA leadership positions and made inane statements which, unfortunately, were supported by the traditional veterans organizations. Many Vietnam Vets knew the rules in Nam, but were confused by this bureaucratic war at home. Many dedicated VietVets persevered, obtained their degrees and attempted to affect change, but the cards were stacked against them. Nixon wanted to win the war, not spend millions to help those "bums," as he called us, with their specific problems. Thus the Vietnam Veteran who gave everything in a war few understood and the government knew was unwinnable tried to survive at home in an atmosphere of moral confusion, nightmares, open discrimination and stereotyped as a "time bomb."

I married, wanted to lead a "normal" life, divorced, went to Idaho, lived in the mountains, returned to Boise later, and held it together long enough to get my degree. VietVets gravitated towards each other and our own support groups were created to survive. Ironically, the FBI kept an eye on us since J. Edgar Hoover believed we were "communists" for surviving. There was a feeling among us dying in Vietnam and being regarded as a "hero" was preferable to being home. The domestic conflict was that bad, but somehow our little group managed to look out for each other long enough for all to survive.

More later.....


Ahhh, The Sweet Smell of Manure Politics

Ahhhh, that stench in the air!! It’s more than O’Reilly’s arrogance; Hannity’s smugness, Limbaugh’s fantasy flights, and Palin’s illusory patriotism, transparent family values and open displays of real greed. The sweet smell of dastardly politics pervades TeaPublican offices nationwide carried along by equivocation and historical revision.

The public had much humor from the antics of 5-draft deferments, multi-bankrupt and thrice divorced Donald “Brain Cells Went South” Trump and of course, Sarah “American History Is A Slam Dunk” Palin’s version of Paul Revere and the US-North Korea alliance which even our own government wasn’t aware of. Americans chuckle at these gaffes, but something more odious lurks beneath the humor. Palin groupies immediately flooded Wikipedia’s Paul Revere posting and attempted to change the page. Granted, Wikipedia is not completely accurate since postings can be made by anyone, but Palinnatics did this to prove the resigned Governor right. Wikipedia immediately locked down the Revere posting until more sanity reigned.

Historical revision is a key feature of TeaPublicans who shape their own reality to force feed Americans. Then neo-conservative talking heads, primarily Fox Network and of course, Limbaugh, extol the virtues of the “real” history as proclaimed by their favorite politician. A knowledge vacuum occurs which the right wing quickly moves into with pseudo-statements and many Americans accept since they know no better.

Limbaugh, for example, was recently confronted with a knowledgeable person on current economics. The Rushter stammered, stuttered and lost focus when confronted with actual facts. He quickly regained composure, cut off the caller off and ranted for a few minutes. This appears to be a typical TeaPublican tactic when actual truth rears its ugly head. Its a sad reality, but no worse than Gov. Rick Perry, of Texas fame, using his influence to pressure public education to adapt a revised history for students. Features will include praising Sen. Joe McCarthy and omitting Thomas Jefferson completely-this appears to be the TeaPublican way!!

The recent Anthony Weiner episode posed another interesting dilemma. TeaPublicans immediately called for his head while conveniently forgetting TeaPublican Sen.. David Vitter's, a family values guy, escapade of consorting with prostitutes wearing a diaper. Vitter still holds office and what Weiner did was with consenting adults. O’Reilly, of course, leads the pack while diverting away from his own sexual harassment suit filed by a Fox Factor producer for some very nasty acts by O'Lielly. O’Reilly claims he was being shook down, but became strangely silent when tapes recorded by the producer suddenly appeared validating her claims. O'Reilly paid an estimated $15 million to settle the case. You can read the entire filed suit, juicy and saucy, complete O'Reilly hypocrisy, at

Moral of this writing is very clear: all public figures need to be fact checked immediately. TeaPublicans love to falsify data, use fear tactics and extol the illusory virtues of their ideology which change daily. Why do this is a question you ask…..remember, according to “I know my American history” Palin, Paul Revere was warning the British and was an example of Second Amendment rights. Problem is, it was 1775, the revolution hadn’t begun, the Constitution was non-existent and the future USA was still a British colony. Another statement aptly describes the TeaPublican Party: "the Republican party rides to political victory on the four horsemen of CALUMNY, FEAR, IGNORANCE and SMEAR!"

Santyana, famed historian, once said “those who condemn the past are doomed to repeat it. TeaPublicans need to be aware of this and the subsequent backlash as a resulting factor. Just ask Glenn Beck and Ann Coulter....fearmongers whose popularity has waned. The American people have finally had enough!

UPDATE:  O'Reilly is now implicated in another sleazy matter.  He and spouse separated a few weeks leaving Billo to himself.  She started dated a detective near their Long Island home infuriating the effluvial O'Rielly.  Allegedly, Bill contacted the Chief of Police offering to donate substantial money if the Chief would fire the detective.  It has been weeks since the investigation began.....typical Bill-impulsive, money talks attitude....


No Reality For Stars and Near-Stars

       America, listen to this fact:  Joe and Teresa Giudice are convicted felons! True, since both were convicted in federal court after admitting they bilked $5 million by submitting phony documents to obtain construction and bank loans; concealed assets, lied to bankruptcy officials and failed to file a 2004 tax return. Both were ordered to pay restitution: Joe, $414,000 and Teresa,  $200,000.  She is currently serving a 15 month sentence and Joe will report for a 41 month term in federal prison when she is released on parole.  Exact charges for both were bankruptcy and mail frauds; and conspiracy to commit wire fraud.  This crime doesn't make sense since Teresa had a net worth of $11 million, but it doesn't end there!

     Joe recently appeared in Passaic County Court for driver license fraud. Apparently, he borrowed his brother's identification papers and sought a new one to replaced his suspended one for driving while intoxicated. The judge described Giudice's driving record as "mind boggling" since it contained thirty-nine (39) suspensions!  

       Giudice had accepted a plea agreement, but attempted several ploys to even downsize that.  He was hesitant to accept the deal, convinced of his innocence, but relented after a hurried conference with his attorney. Giudice was sentenced to license revocation of two years and a $10,000 fine.  His attorney attempted to argue Joe was destitute, but the judge reminded them Joe had recently been paid $75,000 for a tabloid interview.  Giudice was also sentenced to 18 months in jail, but this will run concurrently with federal incarceration. Both never seem to accept reality nor the harm their children are experiencing.  Joe was heard bragging about a return to Real Housewives of New Jersey for a "lot of money."  Yup, he has learned his lesson.

       I recently cancelled a subscription to a tabloid magazine for several reasons, but the most prominent was the Guidice Family brandished prominently in several issues in an apparent attempt to evoke sympathy. Yet, Mr. and Mrs. Guidice created their own angst through acts resulting in prison and great sadness for their children.  These kids deserve some publicity to illustrate harm done by their parents' greed, avarice and self-sanctification.  Joe and Teresa deserve no positive publicity since he will probably be deported to Italy after prison release.  Their actions will undoubtedly result in a family breakup with Joe's forced Italy return courtesy of fraud and lying. Teresa is claiming she is so innocent and it was all Joe's fault; disregard her lying to bankruptcy officials; those pesky Teresa Guidice signatures on the bilking documents; and, oh, concealed assets.  

      This particular magazine and others post continuous articles which tend to influence others it's all right to commit felonies-just look at all the money the Guidices are going to make afterwards. No felony stigma for Teresa since Bravo Network, allegedly, wants Teresa back for season 7 of RHONJ. Don't get me wrong; I believe everyone deserves a second chance for redemption and regain societal position.  Yet some magazines, net sites and possibly Bravo Network seem to think redemption isn't necessary nor paying for crimes against society. Both need to experience humility, pay their restitution, endure prison and chastise themselves for the impact upon their children; and the institutions bilked-not to receive positive publicity treating them as innocents. 

     Change focus to the Kardashians whose claim to fame emanated from Kim's sex tape.  Never mind many celebrities who spend years of blood, sweat and tears to gain the public eye; just put forth a sex tape and take it for all its worth! The only one who has earned legitimate adulation is Bruce Jenner for his Olympic feats.  Other family members have used a scripted reality show, sex, failed marriages, good spin and of course, MONEY to gain entry into the wide, wide world of celebrities.  Spin, public relations, drama; all combine to bring them into your home while the resulting influence is for little people to emulate their actions: and voila, SUCCESS-NOT.  Its all make believe for a gullible public.

       A side note-Martha Stewart was also convicted of a felony and served time in prison.  She is almost regarded as never being there; it just didn't happen since Stewart possessed MONEY and hired good PR people.

All this is sad, but true, but the new moniker is :
Felonies go away if you have the MONEY!: AT LEAST IN THE PUBLIC EYE!! (But they remain in NCIS!)


Crafting a User-Friendly Shopify Store for Elderly and Users with Disabilities

In the bustling world of e-commerce, inclusivity is not just a trend but a necessity. As the digital landscape evolves, it's imperative to ensure that online stores are accessible to all users, including the elderly and those requiring disability aids. Let’s we'll delve into actionable tips to make your Shopify e-commerce store user-friendly for these […]

The post Crafting a User-Friendly Shopify Store for Elderly and Users with Disabilities appeared first on MonstersPost.

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Politically Correct Handbaskets

.Understanding spiritual truth that sometimes appears contradictory from a material viewpoint.


L15A in Classic Mini Feasibility

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May 19 2009 Radio Station History Australia - 2LT Lithgow - Macquarie's Central Western Network Station

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RAF Little Staughton in 1945

Royal Air Force Station Little Staughton or more simply RAF Little Staughton is a former Royal Air Force station located 1.7 miles (2.7 km) south of Great Staughton, Cambridgeshire and 4.2 miles (6.8 km) west of St Neots, Cambridgeshire, England.

Royal Air Force Station Little Staughton or more simply RAF Little Staughton is a former Royal Air Force station located 1.7 miles (2.7 km) south of Great Staughton, Cambridgeshire and 4.2 miles (6.8 km) west of St Neots, Cambridgeshire, England.


military surplus

drove past this place recently lots of military stuff ,tanks,helos,jets


Sentimental Reunion, Local Reality

Rocana's recent experiences at ISKCON Portland temple.


Dog Tags Direct: Military Dog Tags

Now available for civilian use --- assuring your safety, security and peace of mind. Unusual Name Tags, Medical DogTag (EMS Alert), Custom Luggage Tag, Unique Key Tags, Team Wear, Case and Equipment Tags, Cool Pet Tags


Bespoke Liability for Contaminated Land

WSP Environmental are heralding a new scheme - bespoke liability for contaminated land...


Koreasat 6A Communications Satellite Successfully Launched

PRZOOM - Newswire (press release) - Tue, 12 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0500, Cannes Alpes-Maritimes France - The Koreasat 6A communications satellite was successfully launched yesterday by a SpaceX Falcon 9 from Cape Canaveral, Florida - /

  • Cable / Satellite / Broadband


Littelfuse Unveils High-Performance Ultra Junction X4-Class 200V Power MOSFETs for Enhanced Efficiency and Reliability

PRZOOM - Newswire (press release) - Tue, 12 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0500, Chicago IL United States - Delivers industry-leading low on-state resistance, enabling simplified design and enhanced performance in battery energy storage and power supply applications -

  • Electronics / Instrumentation / RFID


"Embracing the Metaverse: A Survey of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Practices at the United States’ Top One Hundred University Libraries"

The purpose of this study is to learn more about virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) practices at the United States’ top one hundred university libraries, as well as how they are engaging with the metaverse. We conducted qualitative and descriptive analysis on the websites of the top one hundred university libraries in the … Continue reading ""Embracing the Metaverse: A Survey of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Practices at the United States’ Top One Hundred University Libraries""


[$3 Discount] Get pro-quality videos in seconds by entering a single keyword

Everyone needs videos for business, but creating videos was a very tough, energy-draining, time-consuming, and costly process. That is, until you see GPTVideos for yourself—a software powered by GPT4 to create pro-quality videos for any business in seconds and in any language. Just enter a keyword, and GPTVideos will: 1. Give ideas and suggest topics […]

  • Audio/Video Marketing
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  • GPTVideos


Unlock Elite Expertise And Skyrocket Your Growth At a Fraction Of The Cost

Are you longing for a way to leap ahead of your competition and accelerate your business growth? Targeted A.I. Solutions is here to make that dream a reality and it won’t cost you an arm and a leg. Introducing Targeted A.I. Solutions: Your Business Growth Partner ———————————————————— Imagine having access to top-notch marketing and business […]


MSI MPG Z890 CARBON WIFI : Equipements et fonctionnalités au TOP

Nous vous proposons ce jour de découvrir dans le détail la carte mère MSI MPG Z890 CARBON WIFI. Une carte mère haut de gamme à destination des processeurs Intel Arrow Lake-S. Un modèle qui propose de très nombreux équipements et de très nombreuses fonctionnalités EZ pour vous faciliter la vie.En partenariat avec : Windows 10 Pro (13U+20AC) : Windows 11 Pro (19U+20AC) : […]

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La vie trop EASY avec MSI et les fonctionnalités EZ !!!

Nous vous proposons dans cette vidéo de découvrir toutes les fonctionnalités EZ de MSI, à comprendre par EASY, que la marque propose sur ses cartes mères, mais aussi ses différents produits, comme sur les boitiers, les watercoolings ou encore les alimentations.En partenariat avec : Windows 10 Pro (13U+20AC) : Windows 11 Pro (19U+20AC) : […]

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L'architecture Zen 6 d'AMD pourrait se faire attendre, mais une potentielle compatibilité AM5 se profile !

Ce jour, nous avons donc le droit à quelques potentielles nouvelles informations sur les futurs APU d'AMD, codename MEDUSA. Des APU que l'on pourrait retrouver dans les PS6 de SONY ainsi que dans la prochaine Xbox de Microsoft. Et MEDUSA devrait donc s'offrir les services d'une architecture ZEN 6, accompagné d'un iGPU en RDNA5, donc avec un puce NAVI 5x. Cet APU proposerait aussi un lien interconnect 2.5D afin de maximiser les échanges entre les différents composants présents sur le substrat. […]

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How to Write and Publish your own eBook... in as little as 7 Days

How to Write and Publish your own eBook... in as little as 7 Days: "�How to write and publish your own OUTRAGEOUSLY Profitable eBook in as little as 7 days � even if you can�t write, can�t type and failed high school English class!�"


Mar 24, Bright Letters and Polite Touches!

The bright letters and polite touches could help you write good & keep in polite touches with your readers, so they could take action while reading your bright letters & getting your polite touches.


Mar 25, Love and Romance to Keep that Balance of Compatibility in the Air.

Love and romance is about how to achieve love and romantic compatibility regardless to your age? Single, married, divorced or even aged! It doesn't matter since your heart is still beating.


Mar 28, Polite Touches in Your Letters Could give You More Better Life!

You could get in polite touches with others when you meet them. But, how could you express touches of politeness in your letters? Start from the right direction to express touches of politeness.


Great American Storage® Welcomes New Fort Myers Facility Manager Cynthia Heisler

Great American Storage, an experienced developer and manager of Class-A Self-Storage, RV/Boat, and Garage Suites facilities in the U.S., is pleased to announce the appointment of Cynthia Heisler as the new Property Manager for its Fort Myers self-storage facility, set to open in mid-December. With over 13 years of experience in the self-storage industry, Cynthia brings a wealth of knowledge and a passion for providing []


From Valencia, Spain, Emilio Modern Gypsy Unveils "Reborn" Music Video and Announces Global Performance Availability

Modern Spanish guitarist Emilio Modern Gypsy debuts his new music video, "Reborn," filmed in Tarragona, Spain, capturing his signature blend of flamenco fusion, modern and global rhythms. Now based in Valencia, Emilio is available for performances worldwide, bringing a renewed passion to his modern Spanish guitar. []


Sylvain & Shark ft Neuropolitan - The Exit EP

Sylvain & Shark ft Neuropolitan - The Exit EP


Exclusive Auction for Lititz Family Cupboard Restaurant Equipment – Ends Tonight at 8 PM ET

For over 20 years, the beloved Lititz Family Cupboard Restaurant has served the Lititz community with hearty Pennsylvania Dutch-style comfort food. Now, the restaurant is closing its doors and auctioning off its entire contents. The public auction is live now and will close tonight, Tuesday, November 12, starting at 8:00 PM ET. Bidders can participate right now, online through PCI Auctions. Originally opened as the Toll []


HafeziCapital Expands International Feasibility Study Services to MENA in Key Sectors: Farming, Ports, Education, Hospitals, Infrastructure, and Oil & Gas

HafeziCapital, a leading international consulting firm renowned for its expertise in structuring and conducting in-depth Feasibility Studies, proudly announces the expansion of its International Feasibility Study services to address critical sectors in the Middle East, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Africa. This strategic initiative is designed to provide a comprehensive analysis of project viability, enabling []


Nintendo DS Lite

It was my 28th birthday a little over a week ago. My little brother Garett got me a Nintendo DS Lite and New Super Mario Bros. It was a nice surprise. The DS Lite is a smaller version of the original DS with a brighter screen. It has 2 screens in a case that folds like a clamshell. The lower screen is a touch screen, which adds a whole new dimension to gaming. The DS has 2 speakers, with a surround mode that sounds pretty good. It has a built in microphone for voice commands, a headphone jack, and a AC adapter port. It has a rechargable battery that is supposed to last 15-18 hours on the dimmest screen brightness. When I turned on my DS for the first time, it had me go through some setup screens, like setting the time and date, choosing a profile name and color, and choosing some other preferences. After that it shows a default screen when it is turned on. The top screen has a clock and calendar, the bottom screen has buttons with different functions. There is a built in picto-chat program, which can be used to chat wirelessly with other DS's. I wish the DS came with more built in programs, such as a notepad, ebook reader, and a scheduler. It would also be nice to have some built in apps that use the Nintendo Wifi connection, like a web browser or instant messenger. New Super Mario Bros is a side-scrolling game that has elements from the 2D Mario games of the past. It has 8 worlds to explore. The world map is drawn in 3D, and is simular to the map style in Super Mario Bros 3 and Super Mario World. The levels are drawn in classic 2D style, with updated backgrounds. Mario and some elements use polygonal models to enable some effects, such as the giant Mario. The graphics are drawn in typical Nintendo style, with bright colors and cute characters. Every level has 3 coins you can collect, to open special paths with require spending 5 coins. If you miss some coins you can always replay a level to try to find them. There are red and green mushroom houses in many of the special paths. In the green houses you can get up to 10 extra lives by hitting a sequence of blocks. New Super Mario Bros. also has 18 minigames that are mostly played using the stylus. There are some creative uses of the stylus, such as using it to aim a slingshot, or draw trampolines. Dani has been playing these mini-games every day. There is also a 2 player mode, which I haven't used because I don't know anyone with a DS. Overall, my DS lite is a very fun toy. I look forward to getting some more games for it. I think I'll start with Mario Kart DS and Metroid Hunters. Brain Age also looks interesting. I hope Nintendo makes a full featured painting cartridge, and more educational games. I think the creative and educational potential of the DS has not been fully realized yet.


Feedblitz features

I got an email from Feedblitz saying that they are adding some new features to the free accounts. I have customized the appearance of the email with some graphics I had laying around. I'll try to make a more extensive email template later.


Vioxx Withdrawal and Drug Litigation

Paul HoodOn Sept. 30, 2004 Merck announced a worldwide withdrawal of Vioxx® (rofecoxib). Vioxx had previously been prescribed in the treatment of arthritis and pain. Worldwide sales of Vioxx in 2003 were an estimated $2.5Billion and the drug was marketed in more than 80 countries around the world. This is one of several recent pharmaceutical products to have been put in the spotlight by both the



20H45 Cinema Moliere at Pezenas
Hi everyone its Pecc Bonus Time again!
‘LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE' (VO/ST)is the winner of the Best supporting Actor + BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY Oscars 2007 and screens on Friday 16 Mars @20H45 for one Session Only!
Come and see for yourself if the movie equals the publicity hype and if the performance is better than the outstanding nominated performances in ‘the Departed' and 'Dreamgirls'.
Sarah (...)

- Pezenas English Language Cinema Club


Military Transition or Lifestyle Adjustment - Part 1

Recently I ran across a civilian gentleman that asked,"How can
military transitioning can be complicated for a person
leaving the military?" Basically, he wanted for me to
define the term military transition to where he could
relate and understand the process. "It's just changing jobs,
right?", he asked.

Before I began explaining the process, I made sure that
he realized that the transitioning process we were addressing
could apply to police officers, firemen, EMTs, and any other
job that has it's own lingo and culture.

In addition to the above occupations, a person who serves as
a teacher, a professor, a lawyer, an attorney, a public
official and every occupation you can think of goes through
some sort of transition once they no longer perform their
primary occupation.

We inevitably become like the people we work with and adopt
the thought process for that particular field. This thought
process then becomes a part of our lifestyle, identity,
vocabulary, and reasoning. The power of the thought process
and transformation of our identity in relation to our occupation
is underestimated. To put this theory to test, imagine taking a
30 day vacation and see how you feel by the 21st day. How
would your first day back to work feel? It takes 21 days
to acquire a habit.

Once we separate ourselves from that occupation, our identity
is tested. Once we leave or change occupations, we undergo a
self-discovery phase with our identities and experience an
identity transformation process. There are several events that
can kick off a self-discovery process within us (i.e. new job,
new location, new career field, marriage, divorce, etc).

A transition is just that, a transition. Ask any retiree
(civilian or military). Amazingly so, a person leaving the
military not only goes through a transition with an occupation,
they go through a lifestyle transition as well. Then if the
person relocates, there's a host of transitions occurring
simultaneously. All of these changes can cause sensory overload
if the person isn't prepared for the transition. (Hopefully this
analogy helps someone who hasn't served in the military understand
that military transitioning is a combination of transitions).

Over the past year, I'm really glad to see more supporting
websites and businesses online for military transitioning.
There was a need and the need for military transitioning
services will increase with our brothers and sisters returning
from war. Some say there isn't a war going on. If there is
blood being shed, that spells war to me and many others.

Food For Thought:

The lifesyle transition a military person experiences is the
transition of living within the civilian society. Our military
communities are very close knit. Imagine a base or post being a
little city with a population of approximately 2000 or less. A world
within a world, a microcosm in a macrocosm.

Transitions to Ponder:

1. Going from elementary school to junior high.
2. Going from junior high school to high school.
3. Going from high school to college.
4. Graduating from college and entering the work force.
5. Leaving home.
6. Going from single to married.
7. Going from childless to having children.
8. Watching children grow up.
9. Watching children leave home.
10. Going from a full nest to an empty nest.
11. Retirement, etc...
12. Leaving the earth plane as a living being.

Transitions are inevitable. That's living life.

Stay tuned for more on transitioning and it's affects. If
there is a topic you'd like incorporated within this subject,
please write to

Until Next Time,

Johnetta Matthews
Veterans In Motion

This article may be circulated as long as it includes:

This article was written by Johnetta Matthews, Military
Transition Coach,Veterans In Motion,
and .

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Military Emergency Relief Fund

We postponed posting our newsletter for the last couple of
weeks and began a research project.

*It will take time for the links to activate below. In the
meantime, please copy and paste urls in your browser.

Out of all of the information in the news, it saddens
many of us to see Emergency Relief Funds available to
help our National Guard and the word isn't getting out
to the guardsmen on a major scale. The program allows
for up to $2000 of emergency relief to military families
in need where a family member has served or who is serving
in Iraq. There are debatable restrictions that require
proof of 30% loss of income. Check your state to see if
there has been any changes. Please see
the below article for details:

Read Article

The most successful fund is the Illinois Military Family
Relief Fund. Please read the below article and spread it around.

See Site

Within the above news article, there is mention of the Chaplains'
Relief Fund. New Hampshire National Guard has done a wonderful
job of spelling everything out. See below:

Search on Military Family Relief Fund

The Red Cross Military Link for all military members and

Red Cross Link

Johnetta Matthews
Veterans In Motion

Technorati Tags:


Great Military Transition Tool

Yesterday I was walking through a bookstore and
ran across a rare find. The book was on the
Sedona Method. For years I had heard of the
Sedona Method seminars and this was the first
time I ran across a book on the subject.

After reading the first 100 pages, I'm sure this
will help a lot of us that have transitioned or still
transitioning out of the military.

We suppress many of our feelings when we serve
in the Armed Forces. The mission comes first.
Over a period of time, we have many feelings that
are so suppressed, that we may appear as walking
time bombs. This analogy also goes for the
average person who has never served in the military.

Take a look at the below book and it's description.
See whether or not if this can be ammo in your toolbox
for military transitioning. I give this book a
"10" on a scale of 1 to 10.

Johnetta Matthews
Veterans In Motion

Technorati Tags:


Military Transition Ideas - Our Archives

Check Our Monthly Archive Links

If you're new to our military transition blog, be sure to check our
monthly archive links. For some strange reason, our individual
archives aren't updating, yet our monthly archives are loaded
with ideas.

This blog has been around for way over a year and many of the
Career Fair links are still good. Take time and click through our
Monthly Archives for Military Transition Ideas and
Career Fairs/Job Fairs.

Continual Reminder for Copies of Records:

Be sure to request copies of all military personnel records,
medical records, and dental records prior to your T.A.P.S.
Briefings. Your military evaluations hold the keys to writing
your civilian resume and you may be entitled to some sort
of medical disability.

The only way to determine if you're entitled to a military
disability is to have your medical records screened by
Veterans Affairs. Some bases, posts, or stations will ensure
that you bring a copy of your medical and dental records
to your T.A.P.S. briefings for an initial review. Seriously consider
having all records reviewed prior to leaving the military. This
will speed up your disablity claim.

For more information, contact your Military Transition Office
on your base/post. Read through our monthly archives for
additional information as well.

Johnetta Matthews
Military Transition Coach
Veterans In Motion


Military Transition Tips Announcement

A Military Transition can be very challenging.
What's more challenging is finding information
on so many broad subjects.

Veterans In Motion is currently working on a
large project to assist with your military
transition. This project will be unveiled
in the next coming days.

After the project is complete, it will continue
to be built upon to give you valuable military
transition tips.

Visit often, we will be announcing the project
once it's online.

Have a great week and stay tuned for details.

Johnetta Matthews
Military Transition Coach
Veterans In Motion


Military Transition Tips - Online Entrepreneurial Recommendation

Hi Veterans and Soon to be Veterans,

Many of us seek ways to earn an income online. With the Iraqi
situation, many of our uniformed comrades may be unable to
work due to disabilities and many military members may want
to venture at an on or off line business.

Just recently, I reviewed an online service and was totally amazed
at the customer service and the quality of the product. Many of us
have to take a crash course on how internet marketers make their
incomes online.

Well, after sinking many dollars in various projects, I've found a winner.
The below web site is my number one recommendation for a person that
wants to start researching ways to earn an income online.

Number One Recommendation:

Click Here to Explore An Interesting and Powerful Way to Earn an Income Online.

Best Wishes With Your Military Transition.

Johnetta Matthews
Military Transition Coach
Veterans In Motion

Stay tuned for our upcoming project.


Military Transition Article Web Site

We're still tightening up things with our new project. Our new project offers a way for people leaving the military, military families, and veterans to find articles on key topics they need. In other words, it's real hard to find quick information and tips on certain topics. You'll find yourself drowning in the internet to research certain topics to help you military transition. On our article directory, you're able to search a topic and find articles related to the topic you're searching. Articles are being added daily so be sure to visit the site frequently.

What we did was come up with an article directory where experts share their expertise and before going to their respective web site, you'll able to get valuable, key information about your topic. Please read press release below. Companies and services are encouraged to submit articles of substance for our uniformed comrades and place a link for free in our directory.

Long Beach, CA (PRWEB) April 2, 2006 -- An independent military transition coach has implemented a military transition tips article web site for people leaving the military and their families.

"Finding information to transition out of the military was very frustrating," explained Johnetta Matthews, an independent military transition coach. "For some reason, I felt very lost and didn't have a place where I could conduct thorough research on various military transitional topics. As time approaches for a person to look at their front gate through their rear view mirror for the last time, information is needed immediately. There had to be a solution to this dilemna." Thus, Military Transition Tips was born.

Companies and business owners can submit articles to our article web site to show expertise in their respective field. A military transition tips article web site was needed for experts to convey vital information on civilian topics and for people to be able to search and find them.

Military, military families, and veterans could use information on a compact article directory on the following topics:

1. Employment Tips
2. Self employment options
3. Investing Tips
4. Housing and Real Estate Tips
5. Military and Veteran Discounts
6. Military Loans
7. Military Placement/Staffing Agencies
8. Career Fair Strategies and Locations
9. Transitioning to Working from Home
10. Online Colleges' Tips
11. Colleges and Universities Tips
12. Trade Schools' Tips
13. Military Transition Tips for military, veterans, and their families
14. Pertinent clubs and associations
15. Insurance Tips
16. Civilian Health Care Tips
17. Life/Military Transition Coaching
18. Relocation Tips
19. Financial Tips
20. PTSD Information
21. Disabled Veterans Information

All information is searchable so veterans and people the military would be able to search on term of interest. Related keywords throughout articles are the keys to being located.

A successful civilian lifestyle depends on having diverse information on various topics and tips. Our men and women in uniform deserve to have an information portal that provides information from experts that would be of value to their military transition.

All chamber of commerce throughout the nation are highly encouraged to submit short articles on employment options, recreation, major industries, housing, and information regarding education in their respective city. It would be highly recommended to submit a url to the chamber of commerce city page. This information would gravely assist a military person on deciding where to live upon separation or retirement.

New site is located at and experts are welcomed to submit articles that link back to thier respective web sites.

"Key thing to remember, a military person leaving the military experiences many different transitions simultaneously. It's not just about leaving the military, it's about learning how to adjust to civilian life", commented Johnetta Matthews, "Timely information is the key to their success".

Johnetta Matthews served in the military for nearly 22 years and has dedicated her life to helping people transition from the military. For more information visit and .


The largest frustration with leaving the military is lack of timely information. Johnetta Matthews, military transition coach, served the military for nearly 22 years and has launched a military transition tips article web site where people leaving the military can research a wide variety of information and businesses can submit their articles free to our men and women in uniform with a reciprocal link.


Why Submit an Article to Military Transition Tips Article Directory?

As many of you may know, we've started an article directory
at Military Transition Tips. The previous post shows our
published press release requesting articles to be read
by people transitioning out of the military and for
military veterans.

There are so many benefits to submitting artictle to
an article directory. Submitting an article to an
article directory allows for the author to have
free viral advertising. The key is to submit
your articles to as many article directories that
you possibly can. (Key point to upcoming military and
veteran business owners).

Most article directories are not niche specific such
as ours. When you submit articles to our article directory,
it's specifically for people leaving the military or who are
experiencing a military transition.

If you have a business (even if you're a military
person or veteran) you'll benefit tremendously by
submitting articles to our directory.

Many of the benefits are listed in the below article.
Keep in mind, articles submitted to our Military
Transition Tips Directory are subject to be
posted on this blog. Please keep this in mind.
We will advertise free for you if the article can
relate to a military person, veteran, or their

The below article is one of the many articles in our
Military Transition Tips Article Directory. See the below
article, Benefits Of Article Marketing for article marketing:

Benefits Of Article Marketing

In the real world, advertising is synonymous with more
expenses for the business enterprise. TV spots, print ads,
promotional campaigns… companies will have to spend just
to get their business message to as many people as possible.
Thankfully, online ventures are not beholden to such a rule.
The World Wide Web provides so many channels wherein
marketing campaigns can be launched without having to type
in your credit card details. Amazing, isn’t it?

This is the reason why Internet marketing has blossomed to
what it is today. It is very accessible to many people, as steep
financial investments are more of the exceptions rather than
the general rule. Indeed, there are many avenues on the
Internet that would allow a business with an online presence
to advertise its offerings.

One of these amazing avenues, and quite possibly, the most
cost-efficient and powerful of them all, is article marketing.

By its very label alone, you would immediately get the idea
that it has something to do with writing articles. This is correct.
You see, by writing articles about the subject matter relevant
to our business, and by distributing the same to the many
channels in the World Wide Web, we will be able to reach so
many people and each of them would regard us as experts
in the field.

Still confused as to how article marketing works? Here is a
step-by-step guide that would teach you the ins and outs of
this fantastic marketing strategy:

Write a premium, highly informative 300 to 1,200 word
article about the subject of your business. If your business,
for example, is concerned with dog care, you could write an
article about proper dog grooming.

Include a resource box at the end of your article. Your
resource box is a concise summary of who you are, what
you’re about, and could also have a link to your website.

Submit your article to the many article directories that
can be found on the web.

Every time a person gets to read your article as displayed
in the article directories, the link to your website would be
exposed and there is a higher likelihood of gaining more
unique visitors for your web pages. These article directories
are seen by millions of people each and every day, as they
are easily indexed by the search engines.

The philosophy behind article marketing is a tactic popularly
referred to as back linking. Since getting indexed in the search
engines is quite a difficult chore, and often, the results would
take months before they could bear fruit, a lot of Internet
marketers have resorted to back links to get a piece of the
search engine pie.

Back links are links to your website which you manage to
display in other sites that have a high Page Rank (PR) in
the search engines. It’s almost tantamount to piggybacking
your way to instant online prominence.

There are so many benefits that can be derived from article
marketing. Do consider the following:

If you could write your own article, it’s a free marketing vehicle.

If you can’t write your own article, or if you simply don’t have
the time to prepare a piece, you could always hire a ghostwriter
to write one for you. The going rate for a standard 500 word
article is 3 to 10 dollars.

Including your link in the resource box would make it visible to
the many people who would get to read your article. This could
potentially equate to an equal amount of new traffic for your site.

There is always a chance that your article would get picked up
by an electronic newsletter, called an eZine, and this would expose
your link to new audiences which could also result in new traffic for
your web pages.

There is also a chance that your article would get picked up by a
printed publication, and the readership of the same would get to
know the products or services which your business offers.

By writing a highly informative piece, you’ll be able to brand
yourself as an expert in the field in the eyes of your readers.
They’ll get to trust you with their needs, whenever they would
arise. This is pre-selling at its finest!

With all that is going for article marketing, there should be no
questions as to why it is heralded as one of the most potent
marketing strategies today. Try it out and elevate your advertising
campaign to the next level, all without spending a single cent at that.

About the author:
By David Zohar

David Zohar is the owner of
which is is a free directory of articles from expert authors
on a wide range of topics. We invite authors to submit
original articles to our growing database.

Military Transition Tips Contents


Johnetta Matthews
Military Transition Coach
Veterans In Motion
Military Transition Tips Article Directory


Military Transition Tips Announcement - New Categories

Military Transition Tips Article Directory

Veterans in Motion has added several categories to the Military
Transition Tips Article Directory. We're also moving a great
deal of the articles to the appropriate categories. Thanks
for your patience in this area.

Be sure to use the search feature on Military Transition Tips
Article Directory. This will allow for you to find your
articles quickly until we're able to scan through the previously
submitted articles.

There are two categories you may want to read if you're experiencing
a military to civilian job search. The below links will assist with
resumes, career fairs, job interviews, and more. Articles will
be added to the below categories daily. Visit often.

New Military Transition Tips Categories:

Job Interview and Resume Tips

Employment & Career Fair Tips

Job Search Announcement:

Upcoming Career Fairs (Courtesy of Military Connection)

Review our articles on Military Transition Tips and let us know
if there is a topic that's not covered on the directory that you'd
like to see. Best wishes with your military transition and may
Veterans in Motion be a valuable tool for your military to civilian

Johnetta Matthews
Veterans In Motion
Military Transition Tips


Military to Civilian Career and Job Fairs - Military Transition Tips

Hi Everyone,

Just want to remind everyone that this is the time to seek
military to civilian job and career fairs. This is a high peak
time to seek your civilian employment.

There are several agencies online to assist you with your
job search. It's understood that it's difficult going from
military to civilian.

Our Military Transition Article Directory will like to aid
with your search. See the below link for upcoming
career and job fairs. Our military transition tips site
also has great tips for career fairs. See below.

Military to Civilian Career and Job Fairs:

Job Search Etiquette Article:

The above articles are available for reprint.

For Military Transition Coaching be sure to drop a line
at .

Johnetta Matthews
Veterans In Motion

Shorten Your Military Transition Timeline