
Why You Should Bid on Your Competitor’s Branded Terms

Bidding on branded terms is an essential PPC strategy. Understand how your company can improve performance by bidding on your competitor’s branded terms.

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Coachella 2023: Lineup stars, partner brands, influencers and fashion vibes on social media

Festival season kicked off as revelers from around the globe flocked to the small town of Indio, California for The Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival 2023.


Brasil, México e Argentina lideram na adoção da TV Conectada

Nos últimos tempos, a América Latina experimentou um rápido crescimento no uso de CTV, graças à ampla variedade de conteúdo e à expansão das plataformas de streaming de vídeo. Embora na América Latina o consumo tenha crescido consideravelmente, atingindo mais de 150 milhões de espectadores, o equivalente a 41% da população digital latino-americana, quando olhamos para os cortes de consumo por país, identificamos grandes lacunas na região, que representam oportunidades de crescimento em cada país.



Fr. Stephen speaks of the power of remembrance—both the remembrance of wrongs done to us and the remembrance of God. He speaks of how it is that the remembrance of God alone establishes us in the Truth.


Cultures of Remembrance

Fr. Stephen speaks of the Church as a culture of remembrance—not of a dead past—but of death trampling down death.


A Priest's Thoughts on Depression, Anxiety, the Soul, Your Body, and Your Brain

Fr. Stephen Freeman speaks from his own experience about depression, anxiety, and a 40-year battle with panic attacks. He sets these within the wisdom of the tradition and offers a way of understanding as well as some helpful ways of moving forward.


My Right Brain

The Triumph of Orthodoxy is also a triumph of the wholeness of God.


Stepping into Sabbath with Abraham Heschel

A quick touchstone to welcome the Sabbath from Abraham Joshua Heschel's book The Sabbath. Heschel was one of the 20th century's great Jewish theologians and his work continues to resonate with people of faith today.


Remembrance of Death

Frederica calls us to the practice of "remembrance of death" as a way to help us realign our priorities and resist sin.


How Your Brain Works

After a long hiatus, Christian returns to discuss neurobiology and some of its implications for how we live our lives as Christians.


In Remembrance of Fr John Guy Winfrey

Fr Joseph preaches at St Katherine/Burleson, Texas on the transference of the Feast of Saints Peter & Paul, and the Sunday before the 40th Day of Fr John Winfrey's passing. May his memory be eternal -- and may you and yours be granted long life!


Abraham's Worship

There are so many images of Christ, the Trinity, and our worship as Orthodox Christians in the Old Testament but perhaps none so powerful as the story of Abraham.


In Everlasting Remembrance Shall the Righteous Be

Fr. John shares from Psalm 111.


It Ain't Bragging If You Can Back It Up

Fr. John Whiteford preaches about the healing of the blind man from John 9:1-7.


God's Covenant With Abraham

Fr. John Whiteford preaches from Genesis 15.


Simple Daily Activities May Make Your Brain Four Years Younger

  • Brain & Behavior


A Fall Too Far? Spiritual Survival Between Our Two Brains: the Faithful and the Sinner

There is no fall too deep for Christ's love for us. Never lose hope, my brothers and my sisters.


Embracing the Impossible through Lent

This video is part of a Lenten Retreat at St Seraphim's Cathedral in Santa Rosa, California. As we prepare to enter Great Lent, we might ponder on the impossible height to which we are being called—to be perfect with the Father’s perfection—an impossibility that becomes possible in Christ, as we open up to His presence. This paradox and the tension it creates in us keep our spiritual life safe from being reduced to empty piety and religiosity.


Oct 29 - Holy Father Abramius And His Niece Mary


Oct 29 - Holy Father Abramius And His Niece Mary, Of Mesopotamia


Our Holy Father Abramius and His Niece Mary of Mesopotamia


Our Holy Father Abramius and His Niece Mary of Mesopotamia


Our Holy Father Abramius and His Niece Mary of Mesopotamia


Saint Theophanes the Hymnographer (the Branded) (847)

He was born in Arabia to wealthy Christian parents. He and his brother Theodore (December 27) became monks in the monastery of St Sabbas the Sanctified. During the iconoclast persecutions, they were sent by Patriarch Thomas of Jerusalem to the Emperor Leo the Armenian, to defend the veneration of icons. The Emperor had the two brothers tortured and imprisoned; then, as a final insult, he had a condemnation branded (or, by another account, tattooed) on their faces in twelve lines of iambic verse. When the iconoclast persecution ended, Theophanes was freed and was soon made a bishop. In all, he suffered for the holy icons for twenty-five years. Both he and his brother Theodore composed many Canons and hymns, which are still used in the Church's services. He reposed in peace.


Saint Theophanes the Hymnographer (the Branded) (847)

He was born in Arabia to wealthy Christian parents. He and his brother Theodore (December 27) became monks in the monastery of St Sabbas the Sanctified. During the iconoclast persecutions, they were sent by Patriarch Thomas of Jerusalem to the Emperor Leo the Armenian, to defend the veneration of icons. The Emperor had the two brothers tortured and imprisoned; then, as a final insult, he had a condemnation branded (or, by another account, tattooed) on their faces in twelve lines of iambic verse. When the iconoclast persecution ended, Theophanes was freed and was soon made a bishop. In all, he suffered for the holy icons for twenty-five years. Both he and his brother Theodore composed many Canons and hymns, which are still used in the Church's services. He reposed in peace.


Children of Abraham or Religious Consumers? (Sermon Dec. 4, 2016)

Discussing the references to being children of Abraham in both the epistle and Gospel for the day, Fr. Andrew contrasts that image with the modern consumerist approach to religion common in American society.


The Equal of Martyrdom: Fr. Nicola Yanney, Holy Man of Nebraska

In this special documentary, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick goes on pilgrimage to encounter Fr. Nicola Yanney, an early 20th century Orthodox missionary in America and the first priest ordained by St. Raphael of Brooklyn, whose missionary territory included most of the Great Plains. Join Fr. Andrew as he explores the life of this holy man through interviews, research and prayer in Kearney, Nebraska, asking the question: Is Fr. Nicola a saint? Included with this documentary are 9 bonus tracks of extra interviews and other material that was not included in the main documentary.


St Columba and the Water of Artbranan (June 9, 2019)

On the feast of St. Columba of Iona, Fr. Andrew shares a scene from his life in which a pagan's baptism changes a piece of the world. He also shares another incident from the saint's life in which he uses his prophetic gift to help two men into the Kingdom of Heaven.


Parish Life (Part 1): Embracing Your Parish—with Michelle Ibrahim

Tasya interviews Michelle Ibrahim, a grad student in theology who recently became the youth director in the same parish where she was raised. Michelle and Tasya talk about the importance of embracing your parish-even when you're a young adult. They discuss the importance of developing strong relationships in the Church, getting involved in the various ministries offered in the Church, but most importantly, maintaining a spiritual life.


Embracing Change

Fr. Nicholas and Dr. Roxanne Louh discuss embracing change as we enter into this summer season.


The Vine and the Branches

"The branches are unique but all attached to the one Vine who gives them life."


A “No Brainer” in Syria

Fr. Joseph was part of a delegation that traveled to Syria, September 13-18, 2011, on a fact-finding mission, especially regarding the three million Christians in that country. This episode of the Orthodixie podcast includes the one question he asked Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, as well as other observations.


Training the Whole Mind—Gut, Brain, and Heart

In this episode Fr. Anthony offers ancient advice for understanding and loving others, even those with whom we are (or seem to be) at war. He concludes that until we have done the hard work of training our minds, the words that come out of our mouths are full of vanity and not to be trusted.


Tenth Anniversary Remembrances: Things That Helped Me

In this episode, Fr. Anthony thinks back over the his first ten years as a priest, focusing on the roles perseverance, good role models/mentors, and a healthy marriage have had in redeeming his time as a "baby priest."


Music (and Memories) with Dn. Michael Abrahamson

In this episode, Fr. Anthony talks with his long-time friend and evangelical co-conspirator about strolling across the Holy Island of Iona, memories and/of music, and the joy of being in Christ. Enjoy the show!


Three Ideal Types of Parish Music Programs (w/Dn. Michael Abrahamson)

In this episode, Fr. Anthony talks with Dn. Michael about three ideal types of parish music; choir, kliros, and congregational. They discuss their attributes, what is required to sustain them, and the way each brings glory to God in its own way. Enjoy the show!


Episode 141: Cobra Kai

“Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.” Steve and Christian watched the Netflix series, "Cobra Kai." The guys discuss just regret, trauma, nostalgia, and more. We're also shining a light on the Family Promise, a national non-profit that changes the lives of families experiencing homelessness. Learn more on their website:


Mindfully Embracing Christ's Peace in This Most Challenging Holy Week

Our calling this week is to enter into the profound contrast between the ways of the world as we know them and the life of our crucified and risen Lord. Especially today, it is easy to focus on what is going wrong, on what we have lost already or may lose in the future.


Embracing the Humility to Accept that “By the Grace of God I Am What I Am”

In response to Christ’s statement about how hard it is for rich people to enter the Kingdom of God, the disciples were amazed and asked, “Who then can be saved?” The Lord responded, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” That is true not only for the wealthy, but for us all.


The Freedom to Embrace our Fulfillment as Persons in God's Image and Likeness

As we prepare to receive the Lord in faith at Christmas, we must use our freedom to follow St. Paul’s instruction in today’s epistle reading: “Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: fornication, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.”


Embracing or Rejecting Christ's Mercy in How We Treat our Neighbors

There is simply no way around the truth that how we relate to other people reveals whether we participate in the life our Lord. What we do and refuse to do for neighbors who need our time, attention, and generosity in any form, we do or refuse to do for Him.


Embracing the Therapeutic Mercy of Christ Through Repentance and Humility

To rise up, take up our beds, and walk home requires obedience to Christ’s commands, but not a legalistic obedience in the sense of following a code for its own sake. Instead, this obedience is like following the guidance of a physician or therapist who makes clear to us what we must do in order to regain health and function for our bodies.


Sunday of Zacchaeus: Sons of Abraham, the Son of Man, and a Wee Little Man

The story of the “little man” Zacchaeus (Luke 19:10) is illuminated as we consider a psalm concerning the “sons of Abraham” (1 Chronicles 16:7-14) and the vision of the victorious “Son of Man” (Dan. 7:12-14; 17-18) who came to rescue those who were lost. 1 Timothy 4:8-15 then encourages the entire Christian community (not simply those who are leaders) to grow in godliness, representing the Lord to those who are around us.


Welcoming the Christ Child: The Hospitality of Abraham and Jacob & Esau

Welcoming the Christ Child: Family Readings for the Nativity Lent, "The Hospitality of Abraham and Jacob & Esau," by Elissa Bjeletich, illustrated by Jelena Jeftic (Sebastian Press, 2017).


Abraham / Saint Innocent

65. Book 1: "Abraham" from The Bible for Young People by Zoe Kanavas translated by Rev. Spencer T. Kezios (Narthex Press, 2005) (7.19 mins) Book 2: Saint Innocent of Alaska, Apostle and Missionary by Sarah Elizabeth Cowie (Conciliar Press, 2005) (begins at 8:04, duration 15.03 mins)


Brave Like a Saint 1 & 2

Brave Like a Saint by Iakovina, Chapters 1 and 2 (Light & Life Publishing, 1992).


Brave Like a Saint 3 & 4

Brave Like a Saint by Iakovina, Chapters 3 and 4 (Light & Life Publishing,(1992).


Brave Like a Saint 5 & 6

Brave Like a Saint by Iakovina, Chapters 5 and 6 (Light & Life Publishing, 1992).


Brave Like a Saint 7 & 8

Brave Like a Saint by Iakovina, Chapters 7 and 8 (Light & Life Publishing,(1992).